Breath of Life

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000900A

00:00 [Music trumpets - orchestra]
00:02 From the Oakwood University Seventh-day Adventist Church in Huntsville,
00:06 Alabama, welcome to “The Rising,” an Easter celebration from
00:10 Breath of Life Ministries, with Dr. Carlton P. Byrd,
00:13 and featuring Grammy award winner CeCe Winans,
00:16 violinist Jaime Jorge, and internationally renowned
00:19 Aeolians Concert Choir
00:23 [Choir Song]
00:24 Crown Him with many crowns, the Lamb upon His throne.
00:33 Hark! How the heavenly anthem drowns all music but its own.
00:44 Awake, my soul, and sing of Him who died for thee,
00:54 And hail Him as thy matchless King through all eternity.
01:04 [Trumpets] [Choir]
01:09 Crown Him the Lord of love, behold His hands and side,
01:18 Those wounds, yet visible above, in beauty glorified.
01:29 All hail, Redeemer, hail! For Thou has died for me;
01:40 Thy praise and glory shall not fail throughout eternity.
01:54 Crown Him, crown Him, crown Him Lord of love.
02:05 Crown Him, crown Him, crown Him the Lord, crown Him Lord of love.
02:21 Crown Him the Lord of love, who over all doth reign,
03:37 [applause]
03:43 Carlton Byrd: Hello, I'm Dr. Carlton Byrd,
03:45 the speaker-director for Breath of Life television ministries.
03:48 And I'd like to welcome you to “The Rising.”
03:52 This is our Easter production special that we
03:56 seek to share with you. Today we're going to
03:59 remind you that Jesus was born, Jesus lived,
04:05 Jesus died, Jesus rose, Jesus ascended.
04:12 But the good news is, Jesus is coming back.
04:16 [applause]
04:22 Join me now as we bow our heads in prayer.
04:25 Our Father in Heaven, Lord, today we thank
04:28 you for the gift of your son, Jesus.
04:31 As we worship you today, as we celebrate you today,
04:35 we invite your Holy Spirit to tabernacle and be
04:39 with us. Bless every singer, every speaker,
04:42 and bless this preacher. In Jesus' name, Amen.
04:47 [Music Song Orchestra]
04:58 I was just a child, I could feel the Savior leading
05:06 I was drawn to what I could not understand
05:14 For the cause of Christ, I have spent my days believing
05:21 That what He'd have me be, is who I am
05:28 As I've come to see the deeper side of me
05:35 I realize His grace is what I'll need
05:42 When sin demanded justice for my soul
05:48 Mercy said no
05:52 I'm not gonna let you go
05:56 I'm not gonna let you slip away
05:59 You don't have to be afraid
06:03 Mercy said no
06:06 Sin will never ever take control
06:10 Life and death stood face to face
06:16 Darkness tried to steal my heart away
06:22 But thank You, Jesus, Mercy said no
06:29 [speaks] Anybody glad for mercy?
06:32 [applause]
06:34 God so loved the world, that He sent His son to save us
06:41 From the cross He built a bridge to set us free
06:48 Oh, but deep within our hearts, there is still
06:53 a war that rages And makes a sacrifice so hard to see
07:01 As midnight fell on crucifixion day
07:09 The light of hope seemed oh so far away
07:17 As evil tried to stop redemption's flow
07:23 Mercy said no
07:27 I'm not gonna let you go
07:30 I'm not gonna let you slip away
07:34 You don't have to be afraid
07:38 Mercy said no
07:41 Sin will never ever take control
07:45 Life and death stood face to face
07:50 Darkness tried to steal my heart away
07:56 But thank You, Jesus, Mercy said no
08:04 And now when heaven looks at me
08:08 It's through the blood of Jesus
08:12 Reminding me of one day long ago, long ago
08:26 Keeps reminding me.
08:30 Mercy said no
08:35 I'm not gonna let you go
08:39 I'm not gonna let you slip away
08:43 You don't have to be afraid
08:47 Mercy said no
08:50 Sin will never ever take control
08:54 Life and death stood face to face
08:59 Darkness tried to steal my heart away
09:10 Thank You, Jesus, Mercy said no
09:22 So glad for mercy, so glad for mercy, mercy said no.
09:37 [applause]
09:43 I remember it well. A clear night, breezy but nice.
09:54 I enjoy working in the cool of the evening. Pruning,
09:58 raking, caring for the garden, making it a place
10:02 where people love to come, to think, to talk, to pray.
10:07 I'm quite sure they did not see me. There were about
10:11 a dozen of them. They may have been arguing about something.
10:15 I'm not sure what. Four of them walked deeper into the garden,
10:19 and then one─I will never forget him─turned and said
10:24 something quietly, and walked off, alone.
10:28 There was a sadness about him, I guess you'd say.
10:33 He was a strong man, I could tell by his stride,
10:37 but it looked like he was carrying a great burden,
10:40 something very heavy. Like I walk when I have a great
10:44 bundle of olive branches on my back. My first thought
10:48 was to ask if he needed help, but I could tell he
10:52 wanted to be alone. So keeping quiet and out of sight,
10:55 I followed at a distance until he came to one of my
10:59 favorite spots. It's a little clearing where I eat
11:03 my lunch and tell my children stories. And there he
11:06 gently knelt down and began to pray. I learned later
11:11 that this was the man we had heard so much about,
11:14 the man who they say healed the sick and even raised
11:17 someone from the dead. His name was Jesus. Jesus of Nazareth.
11:30 Carlton Byrd: You could describe the final week of our
11:33 Savior as an exasperating roller coaster. Because at the
11:38 beginning of the week the people shouted Hosanna when they
11:44 saw Jesus make his triumphal entry into Jerusalem. But by
11:48 the end of the week the same people who had shouted Hosanna
11:52 were the same people who were now shouting, “Crucify him!”
11:56 in Pilate's judgment hall. That's why you can't put your
12:01 trust in people. Because folk will be with you one minute
12:06 and then against you the next. Do I have a witness in this place?
12:09 Some people are like the wind. You don't know which way
12:12 they're going to blow next. That's why I agree with
12:14 the Psalmist when he says, “Some trust in chariots.
12:18 Some trust in horses. But I shall remember the
12:21 name of our God.” On Sunday the crowds cheer Jesus as
12:27 he triumphantly entered Jerusalem. Everybody was talking
12:30 about Jesus. Everybody was thinking about Jesus.
12:33 Everybody was singing his praises. Everybody wants to
12:36 be near him, they wanted to hear him, they wanted to
12:38 touch him, they wanted to see him, but these same people
12:41 who were waving palm branches a little earlier are
12:45 now shouting, “Crucify him.” On Thursday,
12:49 Jesus has one final meal with his disciples.
12:53 He has one last time to prepare his followers
12:57 for what was coming. How Judas would betray him,
13:00 how Peter would deny him three times,
13:03 how he knew he was going to be crucified.
13:06 After the last supper, he goes to the garden.
13:10 He goes to the Garden of Gethsemane.
13:13 He takes just three disciples with him: Peter,
13:17 James, John. Nothing wrong with Bartholomew.
13:22 Nothing wrong with Matthew. Nothing wrong with Andrew.
13:26 But everybody needs a Peter, James and John.
13:31 Do I have a witness in this place?
13:34 [applause]
13:35 Jesus enters the Garden of Gethsemane.
13:36 Gethsemane means olive press. Olives had to
13:39 be pressed. Olives had to be crushed.
13:42 Jesus had the weight of the world pressed
13:44 down on him, crushing him until he bled from
13:48 every pore. His tears were caused by the
13:51 separation from the Father that he would soon
13:53 experience at the cross. His suffering is so
13:57 intense that he's sweating great drops of blood.
14:01 He appeals to his three disciples: Look, just pray.
14:04 But they fall asleep. Not once, but twice.
14:09 But my Jesus keeps on praying. Jesus prays the
14:14 same thing three times. Father, if it be possible,
14:19 let this cup pass from me. Nevertheless, not my will,
14:24 but thy will be done. Why does Jesus pray for a cup,
14:30 God to take a cup from him? What is this cup?
14:36 The Bible says in Isaiah, chapter 51, verse 17,
14:39 it defines the cup by saying, “Awake, awake, rise up,
14:41 O Jerusalem, you who have drunk from the hand of the
14:44 Lord the cup of his wrath.” Jeremiah 25, verses 15 and 16,
14:49 continues with the same thing: “This is what the Lord,
14:51 the God of Israel, said to me: Take from my hands this cup,
14:54 filled with the wine of my wrath.” But I can hear the
14:58 second angel of Revelation 14 saying, “Babylon is fallen,
15:02 is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations
15:06 drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.”
15:08 I hear the third angel of Revelation say, “If any man
15:11 worship the beast, his image, receive his mark in his
15:15 forehead or his hand, the same shall drink of the wine
15:17 of the wrath of God.” We all know you drink from a cup.
15:23 And the cup Jesus was asked to be spared of was the
15:28 cup of God's wrath. The reason Jesus came to earth,
15:32 the reason he took on the form of man, the reason
15:37 he preached, he talked, he healed for three years,
15:40 was to come to this very point of his existence.
15:43 Jesus was born to die. Jesus came to be our substitute.
15:51 Jesus came to pay the price for our sins. Jesus came
15:58 to drink the cup of God's wrath so we wouldn't have
16:02 to taste it for ourselves. That's why he was born.
16:05 That's why he came. That's why he died on the cross.
16:10 So Jesus prayed, “Father, let this cup pass from me.”
16:15 But you know what? His prayer didn't change the outcome.
16:21 He still endured trials, the insults, the beatings,
16:24 the nails, and ultimately the wrath of God upon the
16:27 sin of all mankind. The great evangelist Billy Graham said,
16:31 “Prayer is not about using God. Prayer is more often
16:36 about getting us in a position where God can use us.”
16:42 [applause]
16:44 So Jesus prayed, “Nevertheless, not my will but thy
16:52 will be done.”
16:56 [music violin “The Old Rugged Cross”]
17:13 [music violin “The Old Rugged Cross”]
17:29 [music violin “The Old Rugged Cross”]
17:46 [music violin “The Old Rugged Cross”]
18:03 [music violin “The Old Rugged Cross”]
18:21 [music violin “The Old Rugged Cross”]
18:39 [music violin “The Old Rugged Cross”]
18:58 [music violin “The Old Rugged Cross”]
19:17 [music violin “The Old Rugged Cross”]
19:45 [applause]
19:54 The first thing I noticed as I ran through
19:59 the streets is a few scattered palm branches
20:02 left over from his entrance a few days earlier.
20:05 What a strange turn of events, being lauded by
20:09 crowds who would do anything just to be near him,
20:13 and now this. I've been to Calvary once before,
20:18 seen a man hanging on a cross, cursing, dying,
20:23 as the crowd cheers. That stays with you forever.
20:27 And I told myself I would never go back there again.
20:30 But when I heard who they were crucifying,
20:34 I had to go. See, just by watching him the garden,
20:38 I felt like I actually knew him somehow.
20:42 When I arrived I was struck by how strangely
20:45 hushed everyone was. Then I realized it was
20:50 because they wanted to hear every word he was saying.
20:53 As I made my way through the crowd, I saw him
20:57 weakly look up and say, “Father, forgive them,
21:02 they don't know what they do.” How could this be?
21:09 How could he, with close to his last breath,
21:12 ask forgiveness for those who are killing him?
21:15 But then, as he looked out into the faces of
21:20 the onlookers, his eyes met mine just for a moment,
21:25 and I realized it wasn't just for the soldiers
21:29 he was asking forgiveness. It was me. It was all of us.
21:35 I fell to my knees and I wept. And that's where
21:41 I stayed until I heard him whisper his very last words.
22:00 Carlton Byrd: In Latin it's called Calvary.
22:03 In the Hebrew it's called Golgotha. The place of
22:10 the skull. Geographically, Golgotha is not a
22:14 very high hill. But spiritually speaking,
22:18 it's the highest hill in the world. For it
22:23 was on this hill that God's justice was affected
22:28 by God's grace. God's law was linked with God's love.
22:34 Man's sin intersected with God's sovereignty,
22:39 and Jesus crushed Satan's head. It was on Friday
22:45 that my Jesus carried our sins, carried our shame,
22:50 carried our salvation up Golgotha's hill.
22:55 But you can imagine the weight, the load,
22:59 the responsibility as Jesus made his way toward Calvary.
23:04 Jesus could have called ten thousand angels.
23:08 He could have called and told his Father, Father,
23:11 I can't do this. He could have beamed himself
23:14 back up into heavenly orbit, but these weren't
23:17 options for Jesus on that day.
23:19 He was there to complete the Father's plan
23:22 of redemption. He was there to make the gospel
23:23 of grace a reality. He was there to unlock
23:25 the door of salvation, kick it wide open,
23:28 so that all those who could come to Jesus
23:31 could come and be saved. Think about it,
23:34 friends of mine. If Jesus didn't go to Golgotha,
23:37 how then would the purpose of God be realized?
23:41 If Jesus had not gone to Golgotha, how then could
23:45 the prophetic announcement of his coming into
23:47 the world to die for our sins be fulfilled? If
23:50 Jesus had not gone to Golgotha, how then would
23:54 we have the opportunity for salvation and eternal
23:57 life? I surmise Jesus had to go to Golgotha.
24:02 Jesus had to go to Calvary. Before the world
24:06 was formed, God had an amazing plan in place.
24:11 Before the sun, the moon, the stars, before
24:14 the planets were formed, before God made man
24:18 in his image, before there was light in the universe,
24:21 before your mama and daddy got together,
24:23 God had determined to send his son to die for you.
24:27 In the beginning was the word, and the word
24:31 was with God, and the word was God.
24:35 And the word became flesh. Revelation 13,
24:39 Jesus __ before the foundation of the world,
24:41 God already had a plan of salvation in place
24:45 which means Jesus had to go to Calvary.
24:48 And in going to Calvary, Jesus had to die
24:52 the most inhumane, cruel death possible.
24:55 It wasn't lethal injection. He didn't stand
25:00 before a firing squad. His death wasn't quick
25:04 or easy. But his death was on a public highway.
25:09 His death was on a hill. His death was by crucifixion.
25:15 Death by crucifixion included dizziness, thirst,
25:19 starvation, traumatic fever, sleeplessness, pain,
25:23 torment, the horror of anticipation,
25:25 the mortification of wounds until the sufferer
25:27 was relieved by unconsciousness.
25:30 But this is what my Jesus suffered to save you.
25:34 This is what my Jesus suffered to save me.
25:40 He was mocked, he was ridiculed, he was even
25:44 dared to come down off the cross if he were
25:48 really God. But Jesus simply said, "Father,
25:51 forgive them, for they know not what they do.”
25:56 I must admit, if happened to me, I probably
25:59 would have come down from the cross and
26:00 killed everybody. [laughter]
26:03 But thank God, thank God, thank God he
26:09 didn't come down. But friends, it wasn't
26:12 that he couldn't come down. But praise God,
26:15 he wouldn't come down. So what then kept
26:20 Jesus on the cross? It wasn't the nails;
26:24 he created the material they were made of.
26:27 It wasn't the soldiers; he spoke one word
26:29 in the Garden of Gethsemane when they came
26:31 to arrest him, and they fell down dead.
26:33 So what kept Jesus on the cross? Love.
26:40 [applause]
26:41 Greater love hath no man than this,
26:45 who will lay down his life for a friend.
26:49 And so today, and for the rest of my life,
26:54 I'll say thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus.
26:58 Thank you, Jesus. Thank you for Golgotha,
27:03 thank you for Calvary, thank you for your
27:06 spent blood, thank you for your blood and
27:09 your body broken for me, washed and washed
27:11 away my sins. Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
27:15 And if you don't thank him, if you don't
27:19 praise him, I'll thank him, I'll praise him by myself.
27:25 I will bless the Lord at all times, and his
27:29 praise shall continually be in my mouth,
27:32 my soul shall make boast of the Lord.
27:35 The humble shall hear thereof and be glad.
27:37 O magnify the Lord with me, and let us
27:44 exalt his name together.
27:51 [Music - Song]
28:04 Here we are again
28:15 That old familiar place
28:22 Where the wind will blow
28:30 No one ever knows the time or space
28:38 Don't cry for me
28:44 Don't shed a tear
28:49 Times I shared with you will always be
28:54 And when I'm gone, still carry on
29:09 Don't cry for me
29:25 No one is the blame,
29:33 No, my death was meant to be
29:41 Don't carry guilt or shame
29:49 The reason why I came soon you'll see
29:56 Don't cry for me
30:01 Don't shed a tear
30:06 The time I shared with you will always be
30:13 And when I'm gone, still carry on
30:25 Don't cry for me
30:30 Don't cry when life is not the joy it should be
30:41 With life comes pain
30:49 Soon time will end this course appointed
30:58 Then you will be rewarded
31:02 And all the world will see
31:05 Don't cry for me
31:12 Don't shed a tear
31:16 You see, the time I shared with you will always be
31:24 And when I'm gone
31:28 Life still carries on
31:34 Don't cry, don't cry for me
31:40 We'll always be
31:44 Don't cry for me
31:59 Don't cry, don't cry for me
32:18 [applause]
32:23 It was still daytime when he died,
32:26 even though the sky was strangely dark.
32:29 They, they pushed a spear into his side
32:33 to see if there would be any life left in him.
32:35 I witnessed the men who gently took his
32:39 body off the cross─no easy task, since Jesus
32:43 had been nailed to it, hands and feet.
32:46 I watched the women as they wept.
32:48 I watched the men as they carried the
32:51 body and ceremonially cleaned it and wrapped
32:55 it in fine linen cloth. These men, they did
32:58 their work with quiet reverence, and spoke
33:01 very little. In the setting sun I watched
33:05 as they placed the body in a tomb, the tomb
33:08 of a wealthy man, hewn from pure rock.
33:11 I watched as several men slowly rolled a
33:15 heavy stone across the entrance, closing it up.
33:18 I waited until nightfall, until all the men had
33:22 departed, leaving the women to stand watch alone.
33:25 I did not sleep that night, or the next. I could
33:31 not stop thinking about the look Jesus gave me
33:35 right before he died, the look that told me he,
33:38 he cared for me. The look that told me he loved me.
33:44 Even a poor gardener like me. Returning the next day,
33:50 I found that soldiers had sealed the tomb and guards
33:52 had been placed to secure it. I heard that Pilate
33:56 was afraid the disciples would try to steal the
33:58 body of Jesus. But that would be impossible now.
34:01 Later that day, I returned, bringing my family
34:04 with me, to tell them my story. I told them I believed
34:09 something very important had happened, something
34:12 that would change the world. I could not sleep
34:17 that night as well, but at first light I was
34:20 on the path back to the tomb, the tomb where Jesus lay.
34:26 [Music song]
34:29 Away, rolled the stone away
34:30 You know that he rolled the stone away
34:33 Away, rolled the stone away
34:36 Away, rolled the stone away
34:40 Away, rolled the stone away
34:44 Well, you know that he rolled the stone away
34:53 Rolled the stone away
34:55 Rolled the stone away
34:58 Well, you know that he rolled the stone away
35:05 My Lord
35:14 [violin]
35:33 [violin]
35:44 [violin]
36:01 [violin]
36:06 Tremble, tremble, tremble
36:10 [violin]
36:15 [violin]
36:18 [violin]
36:20 My Lord
36:24 [applause]
36:28 Carlton Byrd: He died on Friday.
36:32 His body was taken down from the cross
36:34 on Friday. He lay resting in the grave
36:38 on the Sabbath day according to the
36:40 commandment. Which means even in death
36:42 he was obedient to his law. Do I have
36:45 a witness in this place? But my Bible
36:46 tells me that early on Sunday morning,
36:48 early on the first day of the week,
36:50 he got up with all power in his hands,
36:53 power over death, power over hell,
36:56 power over the grave, power over Satan,
37:01 power over sin, power over trouble,
37:04 power over trial, power over tribulation,
37:09 power over cancer, power over arthritis,
37:13 power over diabetes, power over cataracts,
37:16 power over trouble and toothache and heartache
37:20 and backache. Power! He got up with power
37:27 over the devil. The prophecy of Genesis 3:15
37:31 has now been fulfilled. Satan would bruise
37:34 Jesus' heel, but Jesus would crush Satan's head.
37:38 Oh, let me tell you something right now.
37:41 The war there between Satan and us lies not
37:46 in the struggle to win, but rather in strife
37:49 to avoid defeat. We think we must fight in
37:54 order to win. No, no, no. No Christian is able
37:57 to fight and win. We fight because we've already won.
38:01 [applause]
38:03 Satan is a defeated foe. Satan, I said,
38:07 is a defeated foe. He was defeated at the cross.
38:11 Satan did all he could at the cross.
38:14 But he was defeated and put to shame by the Lord.
38:17 Satan's attacks on us can never can be greater
38:21 than his attacks on Jesus at the cross.
38:23 And I just stopped by to tell you that the same
38:27 power that raised Jesus from the dead after he
38:32 was crucified is the same power that defeated
38:36 Satan at the cross. And it's the same power that
38:40 you and I have to defeat Satan today.
38:42 You possess power and authority over the
38:47 kingdom of darkness right now. You've got
38:51 power to defeat demons right now. You've
38:55 got power to tread over serpents right now.
38:58 Satan was defeated 2,000 years ago. His defeat
39:04 is not pending. His defeat is not future.
39:06 His defeat has already happened.
39:09 So you don't fight for victory.
39:14 You fight from victory. Victory is mine,
39:19 victory is mine, victory is today, is mine.
39:24 Let me try it this way. Has anyone ever
39:27 seen a snake die? Go out there, chop up
39:33 that snake, shoot that snake.
39:36 Snake is as dead as it can be.
39:40 But that old tail is still moving.
39:42 Just wiggling, giving the image that
39:48 it's still alive. But that snake is as
39:52 dead as it can be. And so the Lord told
39:55 Satan on Calvary, you may have bruised my heel,
40:00 but I crushed your head. And all you
40:04 got now is the wiggling.
40:07 [Applause]
40:08 That's all that's left. The wiggling.
40:12 When we walk out of here, everybody just
40:13 do a wiggle. Satan, you can't fight. Satan,
40:18 you can't strike. Satan, you can't kill.
40:22 All you doing is wiggling.
40:26 [Applause]
40:28 Jesus died on Friday, Jesus laid in the grave,
40:35 according to the ____. But on the third appointed day,
40:40 Jesus got up, and because he lives, I live.
40:50 Because he got up, one day the dead in Christ
40:55 gonna get up, because I serve a risen Savior.
40:58 He's in the world today. I know that he is living,
41:03 whatever men may say. I see his hand of mercy,
41:05 I hear his voice of cheer. And just in time,
41:09 I say just in time, just in the nick of time
41:14 when I need him, he's always near.
41:17 Jesus lives within my heart.
41:23 [Applause]
41:32 For over a month I worked my garden, planting seeds,
41:36 trimming the trees, tilling the soil,
41:39 looking after the poppies, the crown daisies,
41:41 the geraniums. But I kept my ear to the ground
41:45 for any reports about Jesus, and there were many.
41:49 He and his eleven friends went around healing
41:53 the sick, teaching them about the kingdom,
41:55 planting seeds of hope in their hearts.
41:59 [Choir in background]
42:01 One day not long ago I was working,
42:03 and I saw him coming up the path from
42:07 Jerusalem with his friends, coming back
42:10 to the place where I first saw him,
42:12 back to my garden. I stopped what I was doing,
42:16 and I followed him from a distance,
42:18 through Bethany and up the Mount of Olives.
42:21 All the while he spoke to them as if it was
42:24 time for him to go away. I heard him,
42:27 I heard him tell them to go back to Jerusalem,
42:30 wait for someone, someone he called the Holy Spirit.
42:33 At the time, I didn't understand much about
42:36 such things. Then something unbelievable happened.
42:43 As he spoke, he began to rise. I mean, his feet,
42:48 they actually left the ground, and he rose
42:52 straight into the sky, right before our eyes.
42:56 I stood there almost unable to breathe,
43:00 like his friends. He rose behind a bright cloud,
43:04 disappearing from my sight, and that was the
43:09 last time I saw Jesus.
43:12 [Applause]
43:22 Carlton Byrd
43:23 This time of year is a very special time
43:25 of year, especially for the Christian.
43:28 You see, friends, it's not about the Easter eggs,
43:32 it's not about Easter candy, it's not about
43:37 Easter bunnies or Easter festivities.
43:40 This is the blood wash, sanctified.
43:44 Jesus' love, Holy Ghost intoxicated
43:48 celebration for God's people.
43:51 This is our opportunity to celebrate
43:54 the tremendous, the awesome, the miraculous
43:57 resurrecting power of God that he displayed
44:01 when the stone was rolled away. Jesus died,
44:05 got up, rose from the grave, went back
44:11 to Heaven, and is now sitting at the
44:15 right hand of the Father.
44:17 And so it was at the Mount of Olives,
44:19 that they saw Jesus like a spaceship zoom
44:23 back to heaven. The Acts 1 account says,
44:26 “And when he had spoken these things,
44:29 while they beheld, he was taken up;
44:32 and a cloud received him out of their sight.
44:35 And while they looked steadfastly toward
44:37 heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood
44:42 by them in white apparel; Which also said,
44:45 Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up?
44:50 This same Jesus”─I could preach a whole sermon
44:55 right there─“This same Jesus, which is taken up
45:00 from you into heaven, shall so come in like
45:02 manner as ye have seen him go.” Jesus was born,
45:07 Jesus lived, Jesus died, Jesus rose,
45:14 Jesus ascended. But Jesus is coming back.
45:21 So, if you don't like to praise him here,
45:26 if you don't like to worship him here,
45:30 I don't know what you're gonna do when
45:32 we get up there. Because when we all
45:35 get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing
45:40 that's gonna be. When we all see Jesus,
45:45 I'm gonna sing, I'm gonna shout,
45:48 I'm gonna stomp my foot the victory.
45:52 No more crying, no more dying,
45:55 no more sickness, no more pain,
45:58 no more house notes, no more car notes,
46:02 no more wheelchair, no more walking cane,
46:06 no more dialysis. Christ returneth,
46:13 hallelujah, hallelujah, amen.
46:19 Somebody ought to give him glory
46:21 in this place. Somebody ought to
46:24 give him praise in this place.
46:26 [Applause]
46:27 Has God been good to anybody in this place?
46:29 Has God blessed anybody in this place?
46:31 Go on and praise him. I said,
46:34 go on and praise him. Go on and praise him.
46:38 Praise ye the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary.
46:42 Praise him in the firmament of his power.
46:45 Praise him for his mighty acts.
46:47 Praise him according to his excellent greatness.
46:49 Praise him with the sound of the trumpet.
46:52 Praise him with the psaltery and harp.
46:54 Praise him with the timbrel and dance.
46:56 Praise him with stringed instruments and organs.
46:58 Praise him with the loud cymbals.
47:01 Praise him with the high-sounding cymbals.
47:03 Let every thing, let every thing,
47:09 let every thing that hath breath praise ye the Lord.
47:17 [Applause]
47:24 He's coming back again. Glory hallelujah.
47:35 Bless his name, lift him up. Praise God,
47:42 he's coming back again.
47:45 May the Lord bless you, is my prayer.
47:54 [applause]
48:09 [Music Orchestra Harp Song]
48:41 Last night I lay sleeping there came a dream so fair
48:49 I stood in old Jerusalem, beside the temple there
48:57 I heard the children sing and ever as they sang
49:05 Methought the voice of angels, from Heaven in answer rang
49:14 Methought the voice of angels, from Heaven in answer rang
49:30 Jerusalem, Jerusalem
49:38 Lift up your gates and sing
49:45 Hosanna in the highest
49:51 Hosanna to your King
50:13 And then me thought my dream was changed, the streets no longer rang
50:21 Hushed were the glad Hosannas, my little children sang
50:29 The sun grew dark with mystery, the morn was cold and chill
50:38 As the shadow of the cross arose, upon a lonely hill
50:45 As the shadow of the cross arose, upon a lonely hill
51:03 Jerusalem, Jerusalem
51:11 Lift up your gates and sing
51:18 Hosanna in the highest
51:25 Hosanna to your King
51:50 And once again the scene was changed, new earth there seemed to be
52:01 I saw the Holy City beside the tideless sea
52:15 The light of God was on its streets, the gates were open wide
52:22 And all who would might enter and no one was denied
52:37 No need of moon or stars by night or sun to shine by day
52:52 It was the new Jerusalem that would not pass away
53:07 It was the new Jerusalem that would not pass away
53:25 Jerusalem, Jerusalem
53:45 Lift up your gates and sing
53:55 Hosanna in the highest
54:06 Hosanna to your King
54:19 [Piano/Orchestra]
54:30 Jerusalem, Jerusalem
54:38 Sing for the night is o'er
54:45 Hosanna in the highest
54:52 Hosanna for evermore
54:58 [Orchestra]
55:14 Jerusalem, Jerusalem
55:22 Sing for the night is o'er
55:29 Hosanna in the highest
55:36 Hosanna for evermore
55:44 Hosanna in the highest
55:58 Hosanna for evermore
56:15 Jerusalem, Jerusalem
56:26 Sing for the night is o'er
56:34 Hosanna in the highest
56:43 Hosanna for evermore
56:51 Hosanna in the highest
57:02 Hosanna for evermore
57:11 Jerusalem, Jerusalem,
57:37 [Applause]
57:43 [Orchestra]
58:00 END


Revised 2018-03-30