(Breath of Life Theme Music) 00:00:01.23\00:00:06.84 Sermon #B702 - A New Creation 00:00:06.87\00:00:20.65 Dr. Byrd: And we ask that you now, if you would take your Bibles and go with me to the 00:00:20.68\00:00:26.62 book of 2 Corinthians. Just one text, one verse today. 2 Corinthians 5:17. 2 Corinthians 00:00:26.65\00:00:38.13 5:17, the Apostle Paul is speaking. The word of God says in 2 Corinthians 5:17, 00:00:38.17\00:00:48.61 "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; 00:00:48.64\00:00:54.62 behold, all things are become new." Let me say that one more time. The Apostle Paul says, 00:00:54.65\00:01:03.29 "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; 00:01:03.32\00:01:11.73 behold, all things are become new." Our sermon title for today is simply, A New Creation. A New 00:01:11.77\00:01:16.94 Creation. Father, in the name of Jesus, through the intercession of the Holy Ghost, you are 00:01:16.97\00:01:21.38 already here. And so we ask that you would just tabernacle with us right now in this sanctuary. 00:01:21.41\00:01:26.82 Tabernacle with us over the internet airwaves and the television airwaves right now. 00:01:26.85\00:01:31.89 Fill us with your spirit, anoint us with your grace. Give us something we need today, Lord. 00:01:31.92\00:01:38.16 We need it. We need it. Speak through me to speak to your people and God after this 00:01:38.19\00:01:45.23 service, after we would have spent this time today together with you, we will be able to say 00:01:45.27\00:01:51.57 it was good for the time well spent. Now, forgive us of our sins, hide me behind your cross. 00:01:51.61\00:02:00.15 We give you praise. We give you honor. We give you glory. Speak a word. Say a word. It's in 00:02:00.18\00:02:05.62 Jesus' name we pray, asking that at the appeal time, that by the power of your holy spirit, oh 00:02:05.65\00:02:13.03 God, that you would move and men, women, boys, and girls would surrender and give their 00:02:13.06\00:02:28.74 lives to you. It's in Jesus' name we pray. Amen. A new creation. A new creation. It's 00:02:28.78\00:02:39.15 the new year. 2020 is over and we're now in 2021 and whenever we get to a new year, we always 00:02:39.19\00:02:50.03 tend to look back at the old year to evaluate our successes and our failures. Now it's hard 00:02:50.07\00:02:59.77 - not hard, I should say to look back at 2020 and conclude that 2020 was a rough year and by the 00:02:59.81\00:03:06.92 looks of what is already transpired in the first 15 days of 2021, things are not getting 00:03:06.95\00:03:18.66 better. I wish I had a witness in this place. But when we look back at last year, we look to 00:03:18.69\00:03:29.24 see what lessons we learn so we can do better this year. And because people are trying to do 00:03:29.27\00:03:37.91 better, many people make New Year's resolutions to either break bad habits or to adopt new 00:03:37.95\00:03:44.72 and better habits. Now, most times these resolutions are not about becoming a new person, but 00:03:44.75\00:03:51.79 they're about making some changes in our lives to become a better person. But today, I'm 00:03:51.83\00:04:05.54 not interested in talking about changes in our lives to become a better person like New Year's 00:04:05.57\00:04:09.24 resolutions to lose weight, eat healthier, write a book, watch less television, get out of 00:04:09.28\00:04:19.15 debt, or travel more. But today I want to talk to you about the complete transformations of our 00:04:19.19\00:04:28.23 lives to become a new person. So I'm talking not about just a better person, but I'm talking 00:04:28.26\00:04:37.61 about becoming a new person. I'm talking about complete restoration, not simply a 00:04:37.64\00:04:45.31 makeover but a complete do-over. You see, I want to make this clear. You're not going to make 00:04:45.35\00:04:56.32 it in this year with last year's mentality. We're living in a new normal and I'm not just talking 00:04:56.36\00:05:03.40 about the Coronavirus, racial unrest, or political chaos. But today I'm talking about the fact 00:05:03.43\00:05:15.81 that the spirit of God is being withdrawn from this earth and God's spirit will not always 00:05:15.84\00:05:23.95 strive with man. Today, I'm talking about the fact that Jesus Christ is soon to come. So 00:05:23.99\00:05:37.77 let me say this to everybody on the front end, anything that does not glorify God in your 00:05:37.80\00:05:44.94 life in 2021, you need to cut it off. Mess - cut it off, drama - cut it off, confusion - cut it 00:05:44.97\00:05:51.01 off, gossip - cut it off. There may be even some people in your family that you need to cut off. 00:05:51.05\00:05:59.75 Stop letting them make you feel bad because you're being blessed. I've got a beautiful 00:05:59.79\00:06:05.96 wife. We have three beautiful daughters, a wonderful church, a wonderful ministry and I'm not 00:06:05.99\00:06:13.10 apologizing anymore for how God is blessing me. I'm obedient to God's word and with obedience 00:06:13.13\00:06:18.64 comes blessings and I made up in my mind that regardless of what people might say, regardless of 00:06:18.67\00:06:24.71 what people might do, I'm not going to let them make me feel bad because I'm trying to live 00:06:24.75\00:06:31.92 right. Folks have spent all their money on foolishness and nonsense, yet you tithed and 00:06:31.95\00:06:37.03 returned offering, and the Lord has blessed you but they think you ought to give them all of 00:06:37.06\00:06:46.90 yours. No, you need to cut them off. Are you hearing what I'm saying? There are some friends 00:06:46.94\00:06:56.28 dragging you down with all their mess and their confusion and drama cut them off, ignore their 00:06:56.31\00:07:01.92 calls, unfriend them on Facebook, don't respond to their emails or their texts. When you 00:07:01.95\00:07:07.06 see them coming, go the other way. I do believe that caller ID is God-ordained. I'm not 00:07:07.09\00:07:11.66 answering that because there's nothing good coming out of that. God's not in that. What it took 00:07:11.69\00:07:18.33 five seconds to get in your spirit could take five years to get out. Are you hearing what 00:07:18.37\00:07:27.94 I'm saying? Cut them off. You can do bad by yourself. You're just not trying to be a better 00:07:27.98\00:07:36.18 person in 2021, but you're trying to be a new person. Paul says, "If any man be in Christ, 00:07:36.22\00:07:43.53 he is a new creature: old things are passed away, all things become new," but what exactly 00:07:43.56\00:07:51.60 does it mean to be new? Does it mean just I'm going to get taller, I'm going to get 00:07:51.63\00:07:58.37 smarter, or I'm going to get shorter? Does it mean that I am going to get a new name and I've 00:07:58.41\00:08:04.38 got to get a new driver's license? Does it mean I've got to get a new family or a new 00:08:04.41\00:08:10.49 job? What is Paul talking about when he talks about a new creature? So I've got three 00:08:10.52\00:08:16.62 points Imma making, Imma sit down. Number one, a new creation means a new person. I said a new 00:08:16.66\00:08:22.40 creation means a new person. When we say creation, we're talking about something created 00:08:22.43\00:08:27.44 by God and you need to know that God will still be God even if God didn't create. I wish I had 00:08:27.47\00:08:32.97 a witness in this place. But God out of his godliness decided he was going to create the heavens 00:08:33.01\00:08:39.31 and the earth. The Bible is clear in Genesis 1:1-2, "In the beginning, God created the 00:08:39.35\00:08:47.76 heavens and the Earth and the Earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face 00:08:47.79\00:08:53.06 of the deep and the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters," understand what 00:08:53.09\00:08:58.60 happened my friends. God moved over this muddy mess, steps into gross darkness with nothing to 00:08:58.63\00:09:04.91 help him but the power of his mouth and he said, "Let there be light." Notice God commanded 00:09:04.94\00:09:12.65 light. He didn't create light necessarily. He commanded light. Are you hearing what I'm saying? 00:09:12.68\00:09:20.76 He didn't take two sticks and rub them together and try to make a fire to make light. He 00:09:20.79\00:09:26.13 didn't go through any human manufacturing of his light through the capturing of 00:09:26.16\00:09:31.27 electricity. No, God commanded light by the authority of his mouth. God created this world 00:09:31.30\00:09:36.77 out of nothing. There is no matter, no energy, no reality, no time, no being, there is no 00:09:36.81\00:09:44.85 person, no place, no thing that God did not create. If God didn't create it, it doesn't 00:09:44.88\00:09:54.49 exist. Nothing that exists is independent of God's sovereign will and creative action. And 00:09:54.52\00:10:00.96 because God created the world out of nothing, only God is supreme. Because God created the 00:10:01.00\00:10:08.27 world out of nothing the world which once was nothingness is not to be feared or worshipped 00:10:08.30\00:10:17.51 but it's to be examined, understood, enjoyed, developed, utilized, and enhanced. We don't 00:10:17.55\00:10:26.69 have to worship the sun, the moon, the stars, the earth, the sky, the sea because the Bible 00:10:26.72\00:10:35.20 teaches us all these things are exactly that - things created by God. We don't have to check the 00:10:35.23\00:10:40.74 horoscope, we don't have to check astrology, Dear Abby, or palm reading Agnes to know our 00:10:40.77\00:10:46.91 origin or destiny. Everything that has happened is happening and will happen has been fixed 00:10:46.94\00:10:52.08 and arranged by God's own power, God's own sovereignty, God's authority, creativity, and love. 00:10:52.11\00:11:02.76 The Bible does not explicitly describe for us a state or a condition of absolute 00:11:02.79\00:11:05.13 nothingness. So nothingness is very hard to understand. Nothingness is very difficult to 00:11:05.16\00:11:16.24 conceptualize. You can only conceptualize something that can be defined and named and 00:11:16.27\00:11:26.48 described as discrete knowable and communicable. If it's conceivable, it's something and 00:11:26.51\00:11:36.79 if it's somethingness, it can't be nothingness but yet God created something out of 00:11:36.83\00:11:43.23 nothing, out of nothing, out of chaos, out of confusion, out of darkness, out of a muddy mess. 00:11:43.26\00:11:49.34 God made something. On day one, light. On day two, the firmament. On day three, 00:11:49.37\00:11:57.48 vegetation. On day four, the sun, the moon, and the stars. On day five, fish and fowl. On day 00:11:57.51\00:12:03.55 six, mammal and man. God created creation. God created us but yet the text says, "If any man be in 00:12:03.59\00:12:08.52 Christ, he's a new creature." But what does Paul mean when he says a new creature? To 00:12:08.56\00:12:13.86 understand the context of what Paul is saying in 2 Corinthians 5, we got to understand what 00:12:13.90\00:12:20.97 Paul was saying in 2 Corinthians 4. Because in 2 Corinthians 4:6 Paul says, "For God who 00:12:21.00\00:12:28.11 commanded the light to shine out of darkness has shined in our hearts to give the light of the 00:12:28.14\00:12:36.79 knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." What is the apostle trying to tell us 00:12:36.82\00:12:41.52 today? What is he really trying to say? Notice that in this verse 2 Corinthians 4:6, that 00:12:41.56\00:12:48.46 he's connecting the god of Genesis 1 to the god of the Gospel. He's connecting the work 00:12:48.50\00:12:55.47 of the creator God to the work of the saving God just as creation came into existence by 00:12:55.50\00:13:04.41 the powerful word of God, a new creation has come through the powerful word that God speaks 00:13:04.45\00:13:12.72 through the gospel. That's why I said that a new creation means a new person because when God 00:13:12.75\00:13:19.06 creates you over again, he doesn't just wipe off the dirt and put some new clothes on you. 00:13:19.09\00:13:25.57 He completely changes you from the inside out making you into a brand-new person and the agent 00:13:25.60\00:13:34.41 for this change is Jesus Christ. But not only are you a new person in Jesus, but Jesus is 00:13:34.44\00:13:44.12 also the one for whom you now live. What am I talking about? When Jesus died for you, Jesus 00:13:44.15\00:13:54.36 did so to accomplish a management change in your heart where you don't live for 00:13:54.40\00:14:03.84 yourself anymore but Christ lives in you. I wish I had somebody who knew who I was 00:14:03.87\00:14:11.35 talking about. 2 Corinthians 5:15, two verses before verse 17 says, "And he died for all that 00:14:11.38\00:14:17.85 they which should live, should not henceforth live unto themselves but unto him which 00:14:17.89\00:14:24.76 died for them and rose again." In other words, my friends, when Jesus died on the cross, we died 00:14:24.79\00:14:29.60 with him. Let me say that one more time. If you don't believe me read Romans 6, but when Jesus 00:14:29.63\00:14:35.27 died on the cross, we died with him because as one has died for all, all have died, and when it 00:14:35.30\00:14:37.37 comes to the new or the newness of life, this new isn't solely about you. It's not about you 00:14:37.41\00:14:43.48 because you see, many people want newness, they want a second chance, and they want a fresh 00:14:43.51\00:14:49.22 start. They want, if you will, a do-over but don't get 2 Corinthians 5:17 mixed up, don't 00:14:49.25\00:14:54.99 twist it because they think newness means they can have a new life where they're still 00:14:55.02\00:15:03.63 living for themselves. So they do what they want with their time, they read what they want, 00:15:03.67\00:15:09.87 they watch what they want, they listen to what they want, their money goes where they want, the 00:15:09.90\00:15:17.28 words that come out of their mouth are what they want, who they spend time with is what and 00:15:17.31\00:15:24.69 who they want, how they dress and all that might be new in terms of how they used to live. 00:15:24.72\00:15:34.30 But the newness of this new creation that Paul is talking about is not any of these things 00:15:34.30\00:15:42.44 because your life can be new and all these things, but you can still be living for yourself. 00:15:42.47\00:15:51.85 But there's a difference between continuing to sin and continuing to live in sin. No one reaches 00:15:51.88\00:16:00.89 sinful-- sinless, excuse me. No one reaches sinless perfection in this life, but the redeemed 00:16:00.92\00:16:05.79 Christian is sanctified every day. That sanctification, God's imparted righteousness, where 00:16:05.83\00:16:11.60 day by day I grow into what God would have me to be. So I may not be what I should be but I 00:16:11.63\00:16:19.77 praise God I'm not what I used to be and I sin now less and I hate sin more each time I fail 00:16:19.81\00:16:26.55 and the difference now is that the new creation is no longer a slave to sin, but we are now 00:16:26.58\00:16:31.89 free from sin and it has no longer any power over us. So I'm freed from sin, I'm born again. 00:16:31.92\00:16:35.76 Thank God for his blood. But number two, a new creation means a new perspective. So number 00:16:35.79\00:16:40.70 one, it means a new person but number two, it means a new perspective. Now, when Paul 00:16:40.73\00:16:46.90 talks about a new creature, he's also talking about a new perspective. He's also talking 00:16:46.94\00:16:54.01 about seeing things in a different way. He's talking about seeing things through new 00:16:54.04\00:17:02.55 eyes. We no longer see things from a fleshly or a worldly perspective. When the world sees 00:17:02.58\00:17:14.10 the sour, we see the sweet. When the world sees the ugly, we see the pretty. When the world sees 00:17:14.13\00:17:19.93 the glass half-empty, we see the glass half-full. When the world holds their heads down, we lift 00:17:19.97\00:17:27.71 up our eyes to the hills from whence cometh our help. Our help comes from the Lord. When the 00:17:27.74\00:17:35.65 Lord says we have no hope, we say my hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and 00:17:35.68\00:17:45.69 righteousness. When the world cries all night, we say weeping may endure for a night, but joy 00:17:45.73\00:17:58.71 comes in the morning time. Why? Old things have passed away. All things have become new. We've 00:17:58.74\00:18:08.82 got a different perspective. We've got a different outlet. We see through different eyes. The 00:18:08.85\00:18:15.69 old is that part of our old nature - pride, love of self, love of sin, reliance on works - 00:18:15.72\00:18:21.66 I wish I had time. Our former opinions, habits, and passions and what we love when we are a 00:18:21.70\00:18:27.37 new creature, it has passed away, especially the supreme love of self and with it, 00:18:27.40\00:18:35.24 self-righteousness, self-promotion, and self-justification. The new 00:18:35.28\00:18:41.35 creature looks outwardly toward Christ instead of inwardly towards self. The old things 00:18:41.38\00:18:50.83 have died. They have been replaced with new things. Lies are replaced with love. Envy is 00:18:50.86\00:19:00.44 replaced with encouragement. Jealousy is replaced with joy. Pride is replaced with peace. 00:19:00.47\00:19:07.04 Fear is replaced with faith. Gossip is replaced with goodness. Hate is replaced with 00:19:07.08\00:19:13.65 happiness. Trouble is replaced by testimonies. We see the world differently. The Bible even 00:19:13.68\00:19:18.75 seems to be a new book and although we might have read the Bible over and over again 00:19:18.79\00:19:26.70 before, there is a beauty and a relevance about which we never saw before when we now read the 00:19:26.73\00:19:33.80 word of God. The whole face of nature seems to be changed to us and we seem to be in a new 00:19:33.84\00:19:43.14 world. The heavens, the earth are filled with new wonders and all things seem now to speak 00:19:43.18\00:19:49.12 forth the praise of God. We have now new feelings towards people, a new kind of love toward family 00:19:49.15\00:19:55.56 and friends, a new compassion never before felt for enemies, and a new love for mankind. The 00:19:55.59\00:20:02.73 things we once loved, we now detest. The sin we once held onto we now desire to put away. 00:20:02.76\00:20:09.27 We've got a new perspective on life. If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, old things 00:20:09.30\00:20:16.78 are passed away, all things become new. But there's one more thing. A new creation means a 00:20:16.81\00:20:23.92 new purpose. A new creation means a new person, a new creation means a new 00:20:23.95\00:20:29.02 perspective, and a new creation means a new purpose. You see, we're in you're in Christ, your 00:20:29.06\00:20:34.40 purpose changes. Help me, Holy Ghost. You understand that your purpose is to live for Christ 00:20:34.46\00:20:41.40 and share Christ with others. You understand now why you were created - to glorify God, edify 00:20:41.44\00:20:45.87 his people, and horrify the devil. You're not your own, oh, I feel my help coming. You're 00:20:45.91\00:20:50.18 not your own. You've been bought with a price. You're on a mission for Christ and nothing 00:20:50.21\00:20:54.15 can stop you from that mission in spite of what people say, in spite of what people do, in 00:20:54.18\00:20:57.09 spite of the odds being stacked against you. When you're in Christ, there is just something 00:20:57.12\00:21:03.46 within you that makes you want to go on. It's that thing that gives you passion in life. It's 00:21:03.49\00:21:10.07 that thing that keeps you up late at night. You want to share his love. You want to share his 00:21:10.10\00:21:17.31 gospel. And I don't care if people call me crazy. I'm doing what God told me to do. If I got 00:21:17.34\00:21:23.75 to walk by myself, if I've got to stay on course by myself, I'm doing what God told me to do. 00:21:23.78\00:21:32.12 I'm going to be like Nehemiah. I'm doing a good work and I can't come down off the wall. 00:21:32.15\00:21:38.26 I'm going to be like Jacob if I've got to wrestle with God, I'll wrestle but I'm not going 00:21:38.29\00:21:43.00 to let go till He blesses me. I'm going to be like David and though we've had death a lot the 00:21:43.03\00:21:47.47 past two weeks, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. 00:21:47.50\00:21:52.11 I'm gonna be like Paul forgetting those things which are behind me. I'm reaching to 00:21:52.14\00:21:54.94 those things which are before me, press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling 00:21:54.98\00:22:02.68 with you a new creature in Christ. You know God's purpose for your life and you're not 00:22:02.72\00:22:09.49 trying to be something that God has not called you to be because what God has for me, it is for 00:22:09.52\00:22:14.36 me. Make sure you know God's purpose for your life. Make sure you know God's calling on your 00:22:14.40\00:22:20.07 life. There's nothing worse than investing twenty years into nothingness, ten years into an 00:22:20.10\00:22:26.84 illusion, five years of my life is too long to spend some time doing something I was not 00:22:26.88\00:22:31.91 created to do. And when you're a new creature and you know your purpose, it will make you a 00:22:31.95\00:22:40.26 target because the brighter the light is, the more you attract bugs. I wish I had a witness in 00:22:40.29\00:22:46.09 this place. Whenever you're doing something for the Lord and you're fulfilling God's purpose 00:22:46.13\00:22:53.64 for your life, there will always be an element that envies what you have and they will plot 00:22:53.67\00:23:00.58 against you and undermine your efforts and reputation at every turn. That element is a part of 00:23:00.61\00:23:05.38 the process, but I dare you - keep your eyes on Jesus. Keep your eyes on Jesus and know your 00:23:05.41\00:23:07.05 purpose. I told you before, growing up in my home, we used to have what we call the Byrd 00:23:07.08\00:23:09.98 Carwash. As a kid, we had the Byrd Carwash. We didn't go to these drive-in car washes we see 00:23:10.02\00:23:17.03 today and pay all this money to get our car washed. But back in the day, my brother, my sister, 00:23:17.06\00:23:21.53 and I, we were the Byrd Carwash. Does anybody know what I'm talking about? And at the Byrd 00:23:21.56\00:23:28.07 Carwash, we didn't get paid, in fact, we didn't even get a tip. My daddy said, "Wash the car," 00:23:28.10\00:23:32.84 and we wash the car, but there is something I learned at the Byrd Carwash. I learn that if 00:23:32.87\00:23:40.02 you want the water to shoot further, you have to squeeze and bend that water hose. Y'all 00:23:40.05\00:23:47.02 don't hear what I'm saying. And the more you squeeze and bend that water hose, the further the 00:23:47.06\00:23:53.83 water is going to shoot because it's the restriction, it's the restraint, it's the constraints, 00:23:53.86\00:24:00.40 it's the pain that creates the pressure for the propelling of your destiny and you will never 00:24:00.44\00:24:08.51 discover your purpose, you will never understand your calling until you understand the core of 00:24:08.54\00:24:16.99 your pain. You've got to go through some pain. You can't have a testimony without a test. 00:24:17.02\00:24:24.69 If your New Year's resolution is to be a new person and to grow deeper in the Lord and to grow 00:24:24.73\00:24:26.76 and build your faith and have a closer relationship with the Lord, I'm here to tell you, I'm 00:24:26.80\00:24:29.53 not a meteorologist, but I'm here to tell you pain is in your forecast. No pain, no gain. No 00:24:29.56\00:24:41.38 battle, no blessing. But the good news is the greater the battle, the greater the 00:24:41.41\00:24:47.52 blessing. Y'all don't hear what I'm saying. And there's no sound more pleasing in God's ears than 00:24:47.55\00:24:55.49 the sound of people who've been delivered, people who've been through tests, people who've 00:24:55.52\00:25:01.43 been through trials, people who've been through tribulation, but you made it over. You don't 00:25:01.46\00:25:09.14 need a praise team leader to tell you to give God praise. You don't need the preacher to stand 00:25:09.17\00:25:14.71 here and tell you to give God glory, but when God has kept you, when God has provided for 00:25:14.74\00:25:20.68 you, when God has helped you raise those children, when God has opened doors men have shut, 00:25:20.72\00:25:25.82 when God has made a way when it looked like there was no way, nobody has to stand up here and 00:25:25.85\00:25:30.16 tell you to give God praise. The sound that you raised in the site and presence of God is a 00:25:30.19\00:25:34.66 sound of deliverance because you know it was nobody but Jesus. Let me tell you something. Let 00:25:34.73\00:25:40.94 me tell you something. I'm almost done, but I'm gonna tell you something. Whenever healing 00:25:40.97\00:25:45.74 takes place, scars are left behind. And some of us have scars from 2020 but don't cry 00:25:45.77\00:25:52.08 about your scars because your scars are just a sign that you've been healed. Hallelujah, 00:25:52.11\00:26:02.32 somebody. I need some worshippers who are watching right now who've been wounded by 00:26:02.36\00:26:14.04 pain, suffered because you tried to serve the Lord with your whole hearts. Giving God the 00:26:14.07\00:26:27.82 best in your service, but yet you've been lied on. You've been talked about, you've been 00:26:27.85\00:26:41.50 criticized not because you've done anything wrong, but just because you try to serve Jesus. 00:26:41.53\00:26:55.31 People have criticized how you praise Jesus. They mocked and they laugh at you because you 00:26:55.34\00:27:04.05 make so much noise watching this service on the internet and you and your house saying, "Preach, 00:27:04.09\00:27:18.13 Pastor. Sing, Praise Team. Go ahead, Pastor Rafael." And folks are looking at you and they 00:27:18.17\00:27:28.68 don't understand what's going on. They don't know there's a story behind your Hallelujah. 00:27:28.71\00:27:32.95 They don't know that there's a history behind your, "Thank you, Jesus." They don't know there's 00:27:32.98\00:27:37.55 a reason for your, "Praise the Lord." You've got so much to thank God for. God has heard 00:27:37.59\00:27:40.06 your prayers. God is even giving you somethings you didn't ask for. And I've learned that in 00:27:40.09\00:27:45.93 order for God to heal you, you got to sometimes go through some pain. So, Lord, if you have to 00:27:45.96\00:27:58.87 hurt me to help me, if you have to bruise me to bless me, if you've got to knock me down to 00:27:58.91\00:28:04.81 raise me up, if you got to take me out to bring me back in, do what you have to do. Because if 00:28:04.85\00:28:15.52 any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, old things are passed away, all things become 00:28:15.56\00:28:26.53 new. And a new creation means a new person. A new creation means a new perspective. A new 00:28:26.57\00:28:37.95 creation means a new purpose. I don't know about you but I want to be a new person. I don't just 00:28:37.98\00:28:47.82 want to be a better person, I want to be a new person. And I want to be a new person with a 00:28:47.86\00:29:02.90