Breath of Life

When God Says No

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000652A

00:04 Sermon #B652-When God Says No
00:20 Dr. Byrd: Let's get right in the Word today, what do you say everybody?
00:24 If you will take your Bibles and go with me to the book of Romans,
00:29 and we're going to go to one chapter and one verse, Romans Chapter 8, Verse number 28.
00:39 And without even turning, we should know this text, Romans Chapter 8, Verse number 28.
00:49 Romans Chapter 8, Verse number 28. If you haven't, let me hear you say Amen.
00:54 The Word of God says and we know that all things work together for what everybody--
01:03 come on, talk to me, work together for what everybody? [Congregants: For good.]
01:06 For good, to them, that love the Lord and are the called according to His purpose.
01:16 Let's say it again, all things work together for what everybody?
01:19 Good to them who love the Lord and are the called according to His purpose.
01:29 My subject because we can preach this text in many different ways,
01:33 but my subject today is entitled When God Says No.
01:40 Father bless us now, as we go into your word.
01:45 Forgive me of my sins, hide us behind your cross.
01:48 When the appeal time comes, move by your power and sprinkle out your grace.
01:52 Speak this Word to your people this day. In Jesus name, let everyone say, Amen, and Amen.
02:02 One of the things that we have preached, proclaim, declared and testified over
02:11 and over again, is that God will hear and answer prayer. Earlier in our worship experience,
02:20 I share with you again that God will answer prayer. We quote, ask, and it shall be given.
02:32 Seek, and ye shall find. Knock, and the door shall be open until you.
02:40 We recite and this is the confidence we have when approaching God that whatever we ask,
02:47 we know, we have. We quote Second Chronicles 7:14,
02:52 "If my people, who are called by my name, would humble themselves and pray
02:58 and seek my face, turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven,
03:06 And I will hear heal their land." With great enthusiasm,
03:12 we quote and recite great euphemisms about prayer.
03:17 We say, "With much prayer--" There's much what everybody?
03:21 We say little prayer and little what? No prayer and no power.
03:26 We often tell each other, "You gotta push. You've got to pray until something happens."
03:33 We used to sing a song called Jesus on the Mainline.
03:37 Tell him what you want, call him up and tell him what you want.
03:42 Now, back in the day, the young people don't know anything about this.
03:44 We used to make collect calls. And so in this song whoever the person said call collects,
03:51 he'll accept tell him what you want. Does anybody know what I'm talking about?
03:56 We get excited. when we talk about prayer. We testify I serve a prayer answering God.
04:03 I serve a problem-solving God. I serve a heart-fixing God. I serve a pain-relieving God.
04:12 I serve a way making God. I serve a cancer-killing God. I serve a job giving God.
04:21 I serve a marriage saving God, we get excited about prayer.
04:25 Do I have a witness in this place? [Congregation: Yeah]
04:28 We read the Bible and reminded of the prayers that people prayed,
04:31 and God said, "Yes." Yes, to Daniel in the lion's den.
04:37 Yes,to three hebrew boys in the fiery furnace. Yes, to the woman with the issue of blood.
04:43 Yes to the crippled man at the pool of Bethesda. Yes, to Jairus and his daughter.
04:48 Yes, to the blind man in John Chapter 9, in our own lives.
04:54 We have seen God say, "Yes." to our prayer requests for healing.
04:59 Our prayer pleas for employment, our prayer petitions for the restoration of a marriage,
05:05 the birth of a child, money to get in school, help to pass a test.
05:11 And when God says, "Yes." we jump. We shout, we clap our hands.
05:20 We say Amen because we serve a prayer-answering God. Do I have a witness in this place?
05:27 [Congregants: Yes]
05:29 But what do we do when God says, "No."? What do we do when we pray in the name of Jesus?
05:39 Pray in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost and God says, "No."
05:46 What do we do when we touch and agree with other believers,
05:53 and we bind Satan in the name of Jesus, but God says, "No."?
06:00 What do we do when we have fasted and prayed? Been anointed with oil?
06:06 Have laid on of hands, but yet God says, "No."
06:13 What do we do when we pray for healing from cancer, changed our diet,
06:19 eat now the right things, exercise, believe, expected, but God says, "No."?
06:27 We studied for the test. We didn't study on the Sabbath.
06:33 We practice problems, went over examples. We prayed for an A, but God didn't answer.
06:43 And then why are some people healed and some people aren't?
06:47 I mean, as a pastor, I must admit I have prayed for some people.
06:51 And God said, "Yes," but then I say, I pray the same prayer for other people
06:55 and God said, "No."
06:58 Can I get real? As a pastor, It gets tough sometimes.
07:04 It gets painful to visit church members who truly love the Lord.
07:11 And I see them suffering and they are unable to do anything about their condition.
07:18 I pray for their healing. I even tell people,
07:21 "If you don't believe in the healing power of God, I need you to clear out the room
07:24 because we don't need distracting spirits in this room." I pray for their healing.
07:30 They pray for their healing, but God stills says, "No."
07:36 But then I'm baffled because I'll pray for somebody elsewhere it's gonna take a miracle
07:42 for them to survive, but then God says, "Yes." Why are some people healed
07:49 and others who are just as deserving, not healed?
07:55 But then, as a Seventh Day Adventist Christian, I was taught not to question God,
08:00 because we hear it all the time. God knows what's best. God doesn't make mistakes.
08:07 God is sovereign. So don't you question God.
08:11 But yet if we're real today and we pull off the cover, if we're honest with ourselves,
08:16 we do question God. And before I give them a text, let me help somebody out right now.
08:22 Somebody's gonna get mad with me with a statement, but I'm gonna say it anyhow.
08:25 It's all right to question God. Now, that's making somebody uncomfortable.
08:32 But it's okay to question God. It's okay because God knows everything,
08:36 and God knows our questions before we even asked them.
08:40 Not asking does not mean that they're not there.
08:43 It only means that we're in denial and we're hiding them, pretending they're not there,
08:47 but they are there. God knows they're there and it is okay friends of mine to ask why?
08:55 It's okay to question God because there's a difference
08:58 between questioning God and doubting God.
09:00 When we doubt, we're saying, "I'm not sure I believe."
09:06 When we question, we're saying, "I believe, I just don't understand."
09:12 Doubt says, "I'm not sure if you're a real or true."
09:17 Question say, "I know you're real and true.
09:21 I just don't understand why you do what you do."
09:25 Another reason why it's okay to question God is because God can handle our questions.
09:30 If God can handle our sins, God can handle our questions.
09:34 If God can handle our disobedience, God can handle our questions.
09:39 If God can handle our broken promises, then God can handle our questions.
09:44 If God can handle our mess, then God can handle our questions.
09:50 If God can handle everything we're not and still love us in spite of us,
09:56 then surely God can handle our questions.
10:00 Can I be honest with you all today? Faith is not faith unless it has some questions.
10:06 Faith is not getting everything you pray for every time.
10:10 It doesn't take faith to believe in God.
10:13 If God does everything we want God to do when we want God to do it
10:17 and the way we want God to do it. Faith means we have some questions.
10:22 But faith means believing with questions.
10:26 Faith means that when God says, "Yes" we believe, and when God says, "No" we still believe.
10:33 And when we don't know what God is saying, we still believe.
10:37 Faith means believing when we understand and believing when we don't understand.
10:43 Faith means believing in the bright daylight and believing in the darkness midnight.
10:49 Faith means believing when the sun is shining in the sky,
10:53 but it also is believing in the midst of the storm.
10:56 Faith is believing when the water is clear and sparkling,
11:00 but it's also believing when the water is muddy and murky.
11:03 Faith is Job declaring though he slay me, yet well, I trust in him.
11:09 Faith is Habakkuk saying,"though the fig tree doesn't blossom, and no fruit is on the vines."
11:15 Yet but I still rejoice in the Lord. I will exalt in the God of my salvation.
11:21 Faith is Jesus saying in the garden of Getsemani, "Nevertheless not my will,
11:26 but thy will be done." Faith is Jesus hanging on the cross, even though he questions God,
11:33 "My God, why has thou forsaken me?" Faith means we have questions,
11:41 but faith also means believing with questions.
11:44 So somebody wants to know, "Pastor Byrd, how do you keep your faith in God?
11:50 When God says no, and your questions are not answered?"
11:55 Well, I'm gonna tell you like the old folks used to tell me, you just have to trust God.
12:01 Now I believe the Paul wrote these letters to the New Testament Church in the
12:06 that he did for a reason. I believe there's a reason why Paul's journey was in Rome
12:13 before Corinth. I believe there's a reason Romans comes before Corinthians.
12:18 I believe there's a reason Paul writes Romans 8:28 before he wrote Second Corinthians 12.
12:25 Because I believe he had to say something in Romans 8
12:27 before he said something in First Corinthians-- in Second Corinthians 12.
12:31 Now in Romans 8, he says, and we know that all things work together for what everybody?
12:36 Good. To them who love the Lord and are the called according to His what? Purpose.
12:41 But I want you to take your Bibles quickly, I'm almost done.
12:43 Take your Bibles quickly and go to Second Corinthians.
12:46 Go to second Corinthians and I want you to go to Chapter 12.
12:49 Second Corinthians, Chapter 12, and I want you to go to verse number 7.
12:52 I do believe there is a reason Romans 8 comes in for Second Corinthians 12.
12:56 Quickly go to Romans-- go to Second Corinthians Chapter 12, and go to Verse number 7.
13:02 II Corinthians 12 verse 7, if you have it let me hear you say Amen.
13:05 All right, the Word says, Paul, unless I should be exalted above measure,
13:11 to the abundance of the revelations there was given to me a thorn in the flesh,
13:16 the messenger of Satan to buffet me, less I should be exalted above measure.
13:21 For this thing, I be sought the Lord thrice.
13:25 In other words, Paul said, "I prayed three times, for God to remove this thorn,
13:31 that it might depart from me." But look what he says, God said.
13:34 And he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for thee,"
13:39 for my strength is made perfect in weakness.
13:44 Most gladly, therefore what I rather glory in my infirmities, hallelujah,
13:49 that the power of Jesus Christ may rest upon me.
13:53 Therefore, Paul says, "I take pleasure in infirmities I could preach that all right there.
13:59 I take pleasure in infirmities. I take pleasure in reproaches.
14:05 I take pleasure in the necessities
14:07 in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake for when I am weak."
14:14 Then I am what, everybody? [Congregation: inaudible]
14:16 Now, in Second Corinthians 12 quickly,
14:18 Paul begins this chapter by talking about a spiritual
14:20 experience when he was shown heaven in vision.
14:23 He didn't know whether the experience was in body or out of body,
14:26 but envision he has an experience. Paul says that to keep him from becoming conceited,
14:33 to keep him from getting the big head, a thorn in the flesh,
14:41 a messenger from Satan was set to torment him. Now, Paul took this thorn, Haleluya.
14:51 He took it to God in prayer not once, not twice, but three times.
14:58 Paul prayed, Paul pleaded, Paul petition, Paul agonized with God,
15:03 "God, take this thorn from me." But three times, God said, "No"
15:11 God says "No". When Paul and Silas are in jail, they prayed,
15:15 and they sang so powerfully that the earth shook, the prison doors flew open,
15:22 their chains fell off. But yet when Paul asked God, "God, remove this thorn."
15:29 God says, "No," God said no to Paul's prayer requests,
15:34 and instead he says, "My grace is sufficient."
15:40 Why would God tell Paul "No" and then turn around and talk about grace?
15:48 I believe that God is reminding Paul,
15:51 that he should be more concerned with his spiritual health than his physical well being.
15:58 While is God focused on spiritual power during physical pain,
16:01 how is spiritual power perfected in weakness?
16:05 The answer to this question gives us a better insight as to why
16:09 God said "No" to remove the thorn in the first place? Think about it.
16:14 When do we pray the most? Do we pray more when we're happy, and things are going our way,
16:25 and the sun is shining and we have no worries?
16:28 I mean, we get blessed with money, blessed with a house, blessed with car,
16:32 and we just pray and pray and pray and not, "No, no. "
16:35 Or do we pray more when we're suffering? When we've got major problems,
16:41 when we've got questions and we need answers, and we don't know what to do?
16:44 And God is telling Paul, and God is telling us today that when we are weakened
16:50 by this life, that's when we're strongest. Because that's when we rely on the Lord.
16:59 I would never know that he is a provider if I've never been broke.
17:05 I would never know He's a healer unless I've been sick.
17:10 When we're going through the trouble that's when we pray more,
17:15 that's when we depend on God more. So, God says,
17:18 "No, Paul, I'm not gonna remove that thorn because it's when you're in your pain,
17:25 when you're going through it. that's when you learn to best depend on me."
17:31 How many testimonies Have you heard people tell of a time in which their time lives were
17:37 going great, and they just decided to pray more, and everything just got better?
17:43 I haven't heard many testimonies like that.
17:45 But I heard countless testimonies of people whose lives were in a mess
17:51 and they decided to turn to Lord, to depend on the Lord, to rely on the Lord.
17:58 And when they turn to the Lord, everything in their life began to change.
18:04 And I believe I've got a witness in this place that knows when you surrender to the Lord,
18:10 things change, won't God do it? If God not able, don't get it twisted.
18:17 It doesn't mean that they were miraculously healed or completely freed of their situations,
18:22 but they knew that God now was in control, and they began to depend on him.
18:27 And so sometimes, God says no to our prayers, no to removing the thorns in our lives,
18:32 because he knows what's best for us and all things work together for good.
18:38 But I want to share something else before I set down.
18:40 Remember now, Paul prays, God says "No". God instead says, "My grace is sufficient."
18:52 Why grace? The Lord could have said, "My love is sufficient."
18:59 He could have said, "My peace is sufficient." He could have said, "My will is sufficient."
19:08 But why does God say, "My grace is sufficient."? Well, you got to remember what grace is.
19:16 Grace is the unmerited goodness of God.
19:19 Grace is what God does for us without our asking, y'all don't hear what I'm saying?
19:24 You see, we ask for blessings. We ask for forgiveness. We asked for peace.
19:30 We asked for a car, we asked for a house.
19:32 We ask for mate but Grace is what God gives us without asking, because God is good.
19:40 When God says, "No" God is saying, "I'll give you what you need without you asking for it.
19:47 So instead of giving you what you want, I'm going to give you what you need."
19:52 God doesn't give us what we want when we ask, God gives us what we need.
19:57 And so to say yes, sometimes would bring us harm we don't foresee.
20:03 Because God's getting you ready better, ready for something better,
20:06 and we know that all things work together for good.
20:11 But not only that, sometimes we get discouraged in prayer by thinking God has said
20:15 "No" when in fact, God has said nothing at all.
20:18 I have learned, my friends, that delay is not denial. Wait, is an answer.
20:26 God often delays his answer to us to teach us patience and build our faith.
20:30 I've learned that sometimes God says "Yes", sometimes God says "No",
20:36 sometimes God says "Slow", and sometimes God says, "You need to grow."
20:41 But we know that all things work together for good.
20:46 And because God knows what's best, and he knows what's best for our good,
20:50 even when you don't know what to ask, and even when you're not ready for the answer,
20:54 God's grace is sufficient. God will take care of you.
21:03 So I preach this sermon not just for your ears, but for my ears too.
21:08 I preach the sermon not just for you to do you today, but as your pastor,
21:13 I'm preaching to myself today. I wonder,
21:16 "Why Lord in the past month we've had all these deaths at the Oakwood University church?"
21:23 And sometimes it can begin to weigh you down. And I have to now preach to myself.
21:30 And I have to tell myself, that God says sometimes it's not "Yes",
21:34 but sometimes it's "No", but he says, "My grace is sufficient."
21:41 We don't know why our loved one has died, but we know God is going to take care of us.
21:47 We don't know why we lost our job, but God is going to take care of us.
21:52 We don't know why our marriage relationship fell apart, but God is gonna take care of us.
21:59 We don't know what's gonna happen to our children, but we know God's gonna take care of us.
22:04 We don't know why God won't heal us, but we know God's gonna take care of us.
22:09 We don't know where the money is gonna come from to pay our bills,
22:12 but we do know God's gonna take care of us.
22:16 We don't know why God says "No", but we know God's gonna take care of us.
22:21 We don't know what the future holds, but we do know who holds the future
22:27 and we know God is gonna take care of us.
22:32 And we know that all things work together for good to them who love the Lord
22:43 and the call according to His purpose. I once was young, but now I'm old.
22:52 But I've never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread.
23:02 If God before us, who can be against us?
23:08 And we know that all things work together for good to them who love the Lord
23:14 and are called according to His purposes, fret not thyself because of evildoers,
23:20 neither be that envious of the workers of iniquity
23:23 because God will cut them down like the grass,
23:25 and we know that all things work together for good to them who love the Lord.
23:30 So when God says "No", I will trust Him. [background music]
23:37 When God says "Slow", I'll trust Him.
23:43 When God says, "Buddy bird, you got to grow.", I'll trust Him. So in your life,
23:57 you might have to question Him, but you still have got to trust Him.
24:06 You may not understand, but You gotta trust Him.
24:13 The old folk were right, God is too wise to make mistakes. God is too right to be wrong.
24:26 Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, just to take him at his word,
24:35 I don't know what tomorrow might be, but I trust Him.
24:42 Thank you very much for tuning in to this week's Breath of Life broadcast.
24:47 We hope and pray that you've been blessed by Dr. Byrd's inspirational message.
24:51 If you would like to hear this sermon in its entirety,
24:54 please feel free to visit us at
25:00 Or, call us at (256) 929-646
25:06 [end]
25:12 [Congregation: Applause]
25:20 Dr. Byrd: Our Miami revival was a special treat.
25:23 Truly the Holy Spirit was in the place, as over hundred individuals were baptized.
25:30 One of these persons who was baptised, was an old classmate of mine; René Castillo.
25:36 I hadn't seen René in over thirty years, but when the appeal was made for baptism,
25:42 René surrendered his life to the Lord, and was baptized.
25:46 René: Every word that man said, man it's just-
25:51 Every time he opened his mouth I would have an epiphany.
25:56 Everytime he said something, I already knew it but I had buried it.
26:03 That it was like - almost like relearning it and I'm like, I know that.
26:07 I know that. I know that.
26:10 He did say something, and it's been going over and over in my head.
26:17 He says-- Lord I hide your word in my heart, so that I don't sin against you.
26:27 [Sobbing]
26:35 I feel grateful because I brought one of my sons--
26:44 for two days and he actually enjoyed it. I didn't want to push it on him you know?
26:50 It is my responsiblity, according to word of God, to be the leader--
26:55 the spiritual leader of my household; and I have not done that.
27:02 Dr. Byrd: I am so grateful, that René had the opportunity
27:06 to renew his relationship with the Lord.
27:08 René's story makes us mindful,
27:11 that the work of evangelism restores and strengthens individuals and families!
27:18 To help Breath of Life continue its mission,
27:21 of spreading this wonderful gospel of Jesus Christ.
27:24 Please share a gift with us today.
27:27 Make your tax deductible gift payable to Breath of Life by mail,
27:30 at Breath of Life PO BOX 5960, Huntsville, AL 35814
27:36 Give us all call the number is 256.929.6460
27:42 Or you can visit us online at
27:49 [The End]


Revised 2019-11-28