Breath of Life

Test Time

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000649A

00:00 (Breath of Life Theme Music)
00:04 Sermon #B649 - Test Time
00:22 Dr. Byrd: The Word of God says in the Book of Daniel, Daniel 1:1,
00:27 if you would go there quickly with me,Daniel 1:1, Daniel 1:1.
00:38 The Word of God says, "In the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judah
00:43 came Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon unto Jerusalem, and besieged it.
00:48 And the Lord gave Jehoiakim king of Judah into his hand,
00:51 with part of the vessels of the house of God;
00:53 which he carried into the land of Shinar to the house of his God
00:56 and he brought the vessels into the treasure house of his God.
01:00 And the king spake unto Ashpenaz the master of his eunuchs,
01:05 that he should bring certain of the children of Israel, and of the king's seed, and of the princes;
01:09 Children in whom was no blemish, but well-favored and skillful in all wisdom,
01:12 and cunning in knowledge, and understanding science,
01:15 and such as had the ability in them to stand in the king's palace,
01:19 and whom they might teach the learning and the tongue of the Chaldeans.
01:24 And the king appointed them a daily provision of the king's meat,
01:27 and of the wine which he drank; so nourishing them three years,
01:31 that at the end thereof they might stand before the king.
01:34 Now among these were of the children of Judah, Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah:
01:40 Unto whom the prince of the eunuchs gave names; for he gave unto Daniel the name of Belteshazzar;
01:45 and to Hananiah of Shadrach; and to Mishael of Meshach; and to Azariah of Abednego."
01:51 Verse eight, "But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile
01:55 himself with the portion of the king's meat, nor with the wine which he drank:
02:00 therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself."
02:07 Today, we just want to challenge you on the subject in harmony with our green plate day,
02:12 test time, test time.
02:14 God, right now, we have sung; we have prayed; we have listened to the importance of healthful living.
02:20 Now, we need a word from You. Speak, Lord, for Your servants here and forgive us of our sins.
02:25 And, God, You do what You do with the appeal time.
02:27 We give You praise, honor, and glory for what You're going to do through Your Word, in Jesus' name.
02:32 Let everyone say Amen.
02:33 [Congregation: Amen]
02:35 And Amen. Turn into your neighbors and say, "Neighbor, it's test time." Come on.
02:38 Say it like you mean it. Say, "Test time." All right. Quickly.
02:42 The Book of Daniel is full of miracles, visions, and prophecies.
02:46 We know this book very well; Daniel in the lion's den, the three Hebrew boys in the fiery furnace,
02:52 the 2,300-day prophecy, the 70-weeks prophecy. We know all of these.
02:57 But before all of that, the Book of Daniel begins with a 10-day experiment.
03:04 Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, captures the city of Jerusalem.
03:08 And then takes many of Jerusalem's people back to Babylon.
03:13 Now, included in this captivity were some of the best and brightest young men of Jerusalem.
03:20 These young men didn't have any physical defects. They were handsome.
03:22 They were smart, well-informed, quick to understand, and qualified to serve in the king's palace.
03:28 Now, some scholars believe the plan was to prepare these young men for
03:34 priestly roles excelling the arts of divination, astrology, and magic.
03:39 Other scholars thought they would be groomed for offices and positions of political nature.
03:44 But whatever the reason, the idea, the modus operandi, was to capture some promising young men,
03:51 indoctrinate their hearts
03:53 and minds in order that they might become fully Babylonianized within a three-year period.
04:00 Their thought was, "Give us these young men for three years.
04:07 And we will make them Babylonians for life."
04:11 That shouldn't be strange to us, because we often hear many Christian denominations
04:15 and religions say, "Give me a child for a certain period of time in their life.
04:21 And I'll make them a Catholic. I'll make them a Baptist. I'll make them a Muslim.
04:25 I'll make them an Adventist for their life."
04:28 That's why going to Oakwood is so important
04:31 because the foundation that you get here will remain with you for the rest of your life.
04:36 Do you I have a witness in this place?
04:37 [Congregation: Yes]
04:39 Now, you need to understand these young men did not have a say in the process.
04:44 They did not choose to go to Babylon. They were forced to go to Babylon.
04:50 I don't want to turn this into a black history sermon.
04:52 And I know we just have sung We Shall Overcome.
04:55 But I get concerned when I hear people say, "People chose to be in slavery." Nobody chose to be a slave.
05:08 People were forced to be slaves. I hope somebody's watching.
05:12 Do I have a witness to this place? The Hebrew young men were castrated and forced into slavery.
05:20 The Hebrew young women were forced to gratify the immoral sexual desires of their captors.
05:26 Their choice was to obey or die. Those who chose to obey were treated well, receiving food
05:35 and wine from the king's table which is very similar to slavery in the 17th, 18th,
05:40 and 19th century right here in America. If you obey, if you didn't rise up, you were treated better.
05:47 You didn't have to work as hard in the fields. You can work in the house.
05:51 You are a house slave and not a field slave. Are you hearing what I'm saying?
05:56 If you were a woman and you complied with the sexual deviants of your slave owner,
06:01 you were looked out after. If you were a man and you did what you were told
06:06 and you didn't speak up against rape, incest, and inhumane treatment, you were tolerated.
06:13 So then don't think it's strange that the majority of the Hebrew young men agreed to
06:16 obey their Babylonian capturers knowing that there was a three-year probationary period.
06:22 And because they wanted to stay alive, they succumbed to the notion that this, too, shall pass.
06:30 But in every period of every age, I'm so glad that there are still some people who will stand up.
06:41 I am so glad there are still some people who will stand for their rights.
06:46 There are some people who will still not bow down to the unrighteous
06:50 foolish edicts of an unrighteous king.
06:53 There are still some people out there who will not go along to get along.
06:58 There are still some people who will speak truth to power.
07:03 The Babylonians had invaded Jerusalem. Jerusalem had been overwhelmed. The land was conquered.
07:10 The devastation was terrible. Israel no longer controlled its own destiny.
07:15 The Babylonians took Hebrew youth back to Babylon.
07:18 The youth were made eunuchs without ever having the hope of having children on their own.
07:22 And they would spend the remainder of their lives serving a pagan king.
07:29 Now, let me remind you that the Babylonian army didn't capture Jerusalem
07:34 because they had better generals. The Babylonian army didn't succeed in this invasion
07:40 because they had better weapons.
07:42 Nebuchadnezzar's forces did not win these battles because they were in better uniforms.
07:48 Jerusalem was defeated according to Daniel 1:1, because the Bible says,
07:53 "The Lord gave Jehoiakim into Nebuchadnezzar's hand." I don't think you all got that.
08:01 The Lord gave Jehoiakim into Nebuchadnezzar's hand.
08:07 In other words, God delivered the Hebrews into the hands of the Babylonians.
08:15 Somebody's saying, "Well, why would God do that?" Because God is God.
08:19 And God can do whatever God wants to do.
08:22 And because God knows what God is doing, we have to learn to trust God.
08:26 Because God's ways are not our ways. God's thoughts are not our thoughts.
08:31 God, I believe, allowed Jerusalem's capture because it was according to God's plan.
08:36 It was all according to His plan for Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach,
08:41 and Abednego to end up in the king's courts,
08:44 so God could get the glory and more people would know about the Almighty God.
08:51 So Nebuchadnezzar captures Israel, retains the most intelligent,
08:56 the most talented Hebrews to serve him in his court. Everybody else was to go work in the field.
09:01 But Daniel and his three friends - Shadrach, Meshach,
09:03 and Abednego were included in the group of royal favorites.
09:07 Living in the king's court meant they had to eat the king's meat.
09:11 Now, while there is no record in Scripture of what the king's meat was, we do know this.
09:20 It wasn't Griller's, Super Link's, Fri-Chick, ready burger, the impossible burger, tofu, or
09:33 that good veggie meat the young people love so much in the Oakwood Cafeteria. Amen?
09:38 [Congregation: Amen]
09:40 [Congregation: Laughing]
09:45 But it was something else. So Daniel, the Bible says, stands up and purposes in his heart,
09:53 in verse number eight, that he would not defile himself with the king's meat
09:58 nor with the wine the king drink. Now, to purpose something means to establish
10:03 or fix something so firm that it becomes unmovable and unshakable.
10:09 Another word for this is conviction. Everybody say conviction.
10:10 [Congregation: Conviction]
10:13 Convictions are truths that we are so sure of
10:17 and so convinced about that nothing can make us move from our convictions.
10:21 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
10:22 Convictions are what you need to live as a Christian in an ungodly world.
10:27 Convictions give you the ability to stand and keeping on when everyone around you has fallen away,
10:35 and you are the last one standing.
10:38 In the name of Jesus, if you want to be a person that God can use for His glory,
10:45 I am a witness that you got to have some convictions.
10:48 A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything. You got to have some convictions.
10:56 I've learned everybody's not going to understand you. Everybody may not like you.
11:02 But you can't be popular and prophetic at the same time. You got to have some convictions.
11:08 And let me tell you this.
11:10 These convictions, they have to be your convictions, not somebody else's convictions.
11:15 Ellen White says, "We are not to be mere reflectors of other men's thoughts."
11:18 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
11:19 So Daniel, the text says,
11:22 under conviction asks for a meeting-- asks for a meeting to meet with one of the king's men,
11:31 so he can tell the king's man what's he's not going to do. Now, this was risky.
11:39 Daniel and his friends could have expelled from the royal academy,
11:41 or worse, yet, they could have been killed. But I'm so glad Daniel knew who his Father was.
11:46 I'm so glad that Daniel knew that God had his back. Are you hearing what I'm saying, everybody?
11:51 So what does Daniel do? We know the story. Daniel proposes an experiment.
11:55 We all know what that experiment is. We're at Oakwood.
11:57 We're at an educational institution, and experiments are performed every day.
12:01 But just in case you don't know,
12:02 an experiment is a scientific procedure undertaken to make a discovery, test a hypothesis,
12:06 or demonstrate a known fact. Experiments can be unethical and inhumane.
12:13 What am I talking about? You all remember the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment.
12:19 Unethical. Inhumane. But then an experiment can be as simple as mixing baking soda, vinegar;
12:28 and put some glitter in it; and you create a sparkly volcano.
12:32 But this experiment was different. This experiment dealt with food.
12:37 Daniel says, "Let us only eat pulse," which was a diet of beans, lentils, edible seed like grain,
12:47 "and let's drink water only. No meat. No drink. No wine. Just beans and lentils and water for 10 days.
12:58 And let's see who fares better physically: those who eat the king's meat
13:02 and drink the king's wine, or the four of us who eat beans, lentils, and drink water?"
13:09 So the story says that for 10 days, Daniel and his friends would only eat lentils, beans, grains
13:14 or the edible seeds of certain plants,
13:15 drink water while all the other servants would eat the king's meat.
13:21 The Bible says, and this is the key, verse 15,
13:25 "At the end of the 10 days, Daniel and his friends," the Bible says, "their countenances,"
13:30 their what, everybody-- [Congregation: Countenances]
13:32 "appeared fairer and fatter in flesh than those who ate the king's meat."
13:41 Now, let me be clear. My reason for sharing this today to you is not to make you become a vegetarian
13:48 or vegan. I can't make you do anything.
13:52 That's a decision that you have to make between you and the Lord. Do I have a witness in this place?
13:57 But studies do show that a vegetarian diet is, typically, lower in saturated fat,
14:03 higher in fiber, complex carbohydrates, and mild Vitamin C
14:07 and E. Vegetarians, the test studies say, also have lower cholesterol, a lower risk of obesity,
14:13 hypertension, and of developing diabetes or cardiovascular diseases.
14:17 The benefits of being a vegan are that a vegan diet is richer in certain nutrients.
14:21 It can help you lose excess weight. [Congregation: Laughing]
14:23 Dr. Byrd: It lowers blood sugar levels, improves kidney function, protects against certain cancers,
14:30 is linked to lower risk of heart disease, and can reduce pain from arthritis.
14:35 Now, that's what the study showed. And we know this is true.
14:41 Because I was telling Ms. Elise that many people live in the Huntsville, Alabama area
14:47 and also in area in Loma Linda, California that are in our Adventist communities.
14:53 And these communities have been labeled as blue zones
14:56 because the people live longer in these communities because of their diets.
15:01 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
15:03 We have health professionals today that can speak with greater authority
15:08 and expertise on the benefits of a green plate diet.
15:12 But I'm just a lowly preacher trying to lose some weight.
15:15 And I want to come from a spiritual perspective.
15:19 When I read Daniel 1, I want to be sure that I point out that there is a clear connection
15:26 between what we eat and our countenances. That what we eat impacts our countenance.
15:35 The text says in Daniel 1:15, "At the end of the ten days, Daniel and his friends,
15:42 their countenances appeared fairer and fatter in flesh than those who ate the king's meat."
15:47 Daniel's body was healthy, and his body was fair.
15:52 But friends of mine, this is my holy hypothesis.
15:55 I just don't believe it was Daniel's physical body that appeared healthier.
16:01 But it was also his mind.
16:04 It was also his spirit that were kept clean
16:08 by his decision to eat only that food which he felt was clean.
16:12 Daniel went on to use his spiritual clarity to interpret dreams, stand for truth and righteousness,
16:19 inspire several conquering kings to respect his God.
16:22 When I read the word - and I read about Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach,
16:26 and Abednego in Daniel 1 - it makes me think about what in my own diet could be hampering
16:33 or compromising my spiritual and physical well-being. Are you hearing what I'm saying?
16:40 [Congregation: Amen]
16:41 We are what we eat. If you eat garbage, you'll be garbage.
16:50 Too many people are on a "see food" diet where when they see it, they eat it. What's that?
17:00 I don't know what it is. But it's good. But all that is grease.
17:02 But it sure tastes good. Ellen White says in Council on Health, life is a gift from God.
17:07 Our bodies have been given to us to use in God's service.
17:09 And a misuse of the body shortens the time period that God designed shall be used for His service.
17:16 When the young men were found to be better and healthier
17:18 and better nourished after 10 days than their counterparts,
17:21 the Bible teaches that they knew God was providing for them.
17:24 And this knowledge would help them maintain their devotion to God in later tests.
17:29 What am I talking about? Because Daniel passed the food test in Daniel 1,
17:36 he was able to pass the prayer test-- [Congregation: Applause]
17:40 -- in Daniel 6 when he was thrown in the lion's den. Are you hearing what I'm saying?
17:45 If you can't handle the test Satan throws your way now,
17:48 how are you going to handle the bigger tests of life that are going to come later?
17:51 I'm almost done. But the text says a few more points. But I just want to share, two.
17:55 Number one, Daniel and his friends trusted God. They trusted God working through their diet.
18:01 And they trusted and believed that God would reward them for their obedience.
18:05 Listen to be good, their obedience. And God did. God honored their obedience.
18:11 And after 10 days, they were healthier and stronger than all the others in the royal academy.
18:16 So for the rest of the three-year course, they were allowed to continue eating this simple diet.
18:20 And by the end of those three years,
18:22 they were head and shoulders above all the rest in the royal kingdom in wisdom and judgment.
18:25 They became the king's most trusted advisers and counselors.
18:28 Now, listen to be good. Don't get it twisted. Don't misquote Pastor Byrd.
18:32 Some people are good for that.
18:34 [Congregation: Laughing]
18:39 This is not me. That we should adapt or take on a similar diet only if we want to become stronger
18:48 and smarter than everyone else. I know a lot of unintelligent vegans and vegetarians.
18:58 Are you hearing what I'm saying? Don't get it twisted.
19:02 The outcome of the young men was entirely God's doing
19:06 and was not limited to making a healthier choice.
19:10 But it had everything to do with making a Godlier choice, a choice to obey God.
19:19 My parents taught me to obey is better than to sacrifice, that a hard head made a soft bottom.
19:29 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
19:30 [Congregation: Yes]
19:32 I praise God that Daniel's request was granted But what if it hadn't been?
19:42 What if his request had not been granted? What if the king's man, Melzar,
19:47 thought that they were just being too picky, too difficult? And he said, "I'm sorry.
19:52 But listen. This is what has been prepared.
19:55 This is what's on your table. And this is what you're going to eat.
20:00 Just eat this food like everybody else, and hush."
20:07 What do you think the four Hebrews would have done? I don't know about you.
20:12 But I believe that their trust in and obedience to God was so strong;
20:17 that if they had starved to death, they would have done it rather to be giving in to their hunger
20:24 and thirst and compromise their convictions. That's obedience.
20:32 If we can have that kind of obedience to withstand that kind of test,
20:34 what are we going to do when the world is on fire?
20:38 Second lesson then I'm going to sit down. Favor.
20:43 Notice now that it was God who put Daniel in favor with Nebuchadnezzar's official.
20:49 I could preach a whole sermon on this. If you read the text,
20:53 Daniel did not speak directly to Nebuchadnezzar's man. But he spoke to Nebuchadnezzar's men's man.
21:03 Are you with me, everybody? It wasn't the associate under Daniel.
21:10 It was the associate under the associate. God orchestrated it that Daniel would speak to him.
21:20 Verse nine, "Now God brought Daniel into favor and tender love with the prince of the eunuchs.
21:29 " Daniel was known for his wisdom. But God used that wisdom on the official's heart.
21:32 That's favor. And favor is not fair. Stop hating on somebody else's favor.
21:44 Realize that what God has for me, it is for me.
21:52 And if you're being hated on, don't worry about your haters.
21:58 God will make your haters your elevators.
22:02 [Congregation: Applause]
22:04 The Bible says, specifically, that God will make your enemies your footstool.
22:11 What can we learn from this? You got to have enemies in order to step on somebody.
22:18 So praise God for your enemies,
22:21 because if you don't have enemies, you wouldn't have anybody to step on?
22:24 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
22:25 [Congregation: Amen]
22:27 Dr. Byrd: I'm learning how to just laugh at myself. And I look at my enemies.
22:32 And I look at them, and I say, "Footstool [laughter]."
22:35 I look over there and say, "Footstool."
22:38 And I'm smiling at how you're doing it under my breath, "Footstool [laughter]."
22:42 Keep doing what you're doing:
22:45 And God will honor you when you honor Him. It's test time.
22:54 The world is in a mess. It's test time. The world is coming to an end. It's test time.
23:06 Jesus is soon to come. It's test time. What you eat is what's eating you. It's test time.
23:16 Are you going to obey? Or are you going to sacrifice? It's test time. Favor is from the Lord.
23:27 It's test time. This is not a Math test, not an English test, not a Biology test, not a History test,
23:37 not a Greek test. But it's time church to get ready for God's test.
23:43 We've got wildfires, whistleblowing, impeachment talks. But it's test time.
23:50 But I want to encourage somebody today. Don't be anxious for the test.
23:55 Don't be scared for the test. Don't worry about the test. You don't get an A on the test.
24:03 You're going to pass the test because Jesus already wrote the grade at Calvary.
24:10 At Calvary, He died for our sins. We just got to live through this test.
24:15 So nevertheless, it's only a test. You got to hold on.
24:23 Praise God that the four Hebrews ate how they did. But don't forget the message of this text.
24:42 Obedience. You got to obey.
24:48 I don't care how you try to rationalize the Word of God
24:50 and make the Word of God suit your purposes and preferences.
24:54 The Word of God is the Word of God. You got to obey. And God will give you favor.
25:05 It's test time. But you got to be willing to stand for the right.
25:15 You got to be willing to stand if nobody else around you is standing.
25:31 Thank you very much for tuning in to this week's Breath of Life broadcast.
25:35 We hope and pray that you've been blessed by Dr. Byrd's inspirational message.
25:40 If you would like to hear this sermon in its entirety,
25:42 please feel free to visit us at
25:48 Or, call us at (256) 929-6460
25:56 [End]
26:00 [MUSIC]
26:06 Congregation: [Applause]
26:15 We still haven't come down from the mountaintop
26:17 as we recently concluded our fall revival in our Nation's Capital, Washington, DC.
26:23 Each night the Word of God was preached and at the close of our time in DC,
26:29 we were blessed to witness 53 people surrendered their lives to the Lord through baptism.
26:36 “I Love being a father, nothing makes me happier.
26:40 Like, waking up seeing my daughters, and I just know that I had to---
26:45 I had to bring my family here. Dr. Byrd he baptised me and her together.
26:53 You know? So that meant alot to me, and I'm glad we are young and we really want this.
27:01 For our children and for ourselves.”
27:04 “Man! Dr, Byrd has been an inspiration to me because he knows the Bible inside out.
27:12 His words, his continuous flow. He gives me inspiration in the things that I do, to know that--
27:20 You know? I'm on the right path. I'm just not there yet but I know I'll get there though."
27:28 “I just been getting feed more and more and more
27:32 Just learning more and more about the Bible.
27:35 Learning how to live, learning how to eat right.
27:40 You know? Oh Lord.
27:42 It's just-- It's just--
27:45 It's just so awesome.”
27:47 We are excited to see God continue to transform lives with the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
27:53 We are mindful however that we can't do this work without your help.
27:58 Each and every contribution helps us to keep sharing God's Word.
28:02 Please make your tax deductible gift payable to Breath of Life by mail,
28:07 at Breath of Life PO BOX 5960, Huntsville, AL 35814
28:15 Give us all call the number is 256.929.6460
28:22 Or you can visit us online at
28:27 [end]


Revised 2019-11-01