Breath of Life

All In

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000648A

00:00 (Breath of Life Theme Music)
00:05 Sermon #B648 - All In
00:20 Pastor Byrd: Romans Chapter 12 and we're going to verse number one, one verse, one verse.
00:26 Alright.The word of God says, "I beseech you, therefore, brethren," by the mercies of whom?
00:33 [Congregation: God].
00:34 That you present your body as a living, what everybody.
00:36 Holy and acceptable unto whom which is your reasonable what everybody.
00:41 Father, we thank you. God, we praise you. We lift you up, we magnify your name.
00:45 For the next couple of moments, Lord, I pray that you would illuminate our minds,
00:48 give us receptive hearts. As God, we seek to hear a word from you.
00:51 We read this text. We recited this text many times,
00:54 but make this text come alive today.
00:55 We pray in the name of Jesus, let everyone say "Amen." Amen.
01:00 You may be seated as you're being seated.
01:01 Now, when Paul says in the New Testament, present your bodies a living sacrifice.
01:06 He says this against the backdrop of the Old Testament sacrificial system.
01:10 You'll remember that in the Old Testament, the priests would come,
01:14 put an animal on the altar and the offering,
01:17 whether it was a sheep, a lamb, or a goat, it would be slain.
01:22 The offering would be dead. In the Old Testament, priests would offer dead sacrifices,
01:28 not living sacrifices. Are you hearing what I'm saying?
01:32 Because Jesus had not come yet.
01:34 They were offering dead sacrifices that foreshadowed the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
01:41 Jesus Christ who was to come had not come yet.
01:45 But who wants to come and die paying the penalty for our sins?
01:49 But in the 21st century, we are not to offer dead sacrifices.
01:57 That system is gone. It was dismissed when Jesus died on the cross
02:05 and the temple veil was rent in two with the sacrifice of Jesus,
02:11 the Lamb of God, which taken away the sins of the world.
02:16 The Old Testament sacrificial system, the sacrificial system of dead animals has gone away.
02:25 God doesn't want anything dead now. God wants something alive.
02:33 So, in the New Testament, there's a new kind of sacrifice.
02:38 It's not an animal, but it's you and me.
02:43 God is calling us to place ourselves on the altar as an offering to him,
02:53 but not as a dead offering, but rather as a living sacrifice.
02:59 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
03:01 So, a woman asked her Pastor one day, she said, "What does it mean to be a living sacrifice?"
03:09 So, her Pastor held up a blank sheet of paper
03:13 and he said, a living sacrifice means that you just sign your name at the bottom of the sheets,
03:21 but you let God fill in what he wants. That's a living sacrifice.
03:27 That's what it means to be all in. Everybody say all in.
03:32 Too many people think that God is always going to do what they want, when they want,
03:36 where they want, and how they want,
03:38 and when God doesn't perform in the way they think God ought to perform, they feel cheated.
03:42 That God isn't good enough. That God is not in loving God.
03:47 He's not a good God, that he's in a prayer-answering burden, bearing God,
03:51 but God is not a vending machine. God is God.
03:54 God doesn't have to do another thing for us.
03:59 And I'm learning in my life that sometimes you have to let go of the life you pictured in order
04:05 to have the life that God has planned.
04:09 But let's get back to the text quickly.
04:11 The text begins with the word, therefore,
04:13 everybody say, "therefore." Paul says," I beseech you, therefore."
04:17 Now, anytime you see the word therefore in the Bible,
04:20 you should always ask what it's there for.
04:24 Somebody go get that in a minute. And so when we come to Romans Chapter 12
04:29 and Paul begins with the word, therefore, Paul is making a shift from doctrine to practice.
04:35 He's saying, you've got the theory, now get some application.
04:39 You got the book sense, now get some common sense.
04:43 He establishes doctrine in the first part of Romans
04:45 but then moves to application in the second half of Romans.
04:49 Paul is saying, based on everything that I've said earlier in this book,
04:54 this is what you now need to put into practice.
04:58 Because theology must always have a practical application. You all hear what I'm saying.
05:03 And so, therefore, in Romans 12 is a therefore of surrender.
05:09 Paul is saying that even though we have sinned, even though we have messed up,
05:15 even though we are guilty and deserve to die,
05:18 we have been declared righteous through Jesus Christ.
05:22 And so based upon the entire argument of Chapters 1 through 11,
05:26 we should surrender our lives to him fully in Romans Chapter 12.
05:31 In other words, Paul is saying, based it all God has done,
05:36 I urge you, brothers, even though Paul could've used to command here,
05:40 he begins and uses a word and makes an appeal with the word beseech,
05:44 and he refers to the people he's speaking to as brothers,
05:46 pointing to his affection for them as members of God's family,
05:50 which means Paul's begging believers, not unbelievers. I wish I had a witness in his place.
05:55 I beseech you, therefore, brother and I beseech you, therefore, brothers,
06:00 by the mercies of God.
06:02 Now, I wanted to skip this part, but I have to do this part right now.
06:05 He says the mercies of God.
06:08 Now notice Paul does not say in light of God's grace,
06:15 I beseech you brethren by the grace of God. Paul doesn't say that.
06:20 Paul says I beseech you brethren by the mercies of God.
06:23 Why does Paul talk about mercy and not grace? Well, don't understand.
06:28 You have to understand the difference between grace and mercy.
06:33 Grace and mercy are not the same. Grace is when we get what we don't deserve.
06:42 But mercy is keeping us from what we do deserve. Let me say that again.
06:49 God's grace is getting what we don't deserve.
06:53 God's mercy keeps us from getting what we deserve. Somebody still not getting this?
07:01 I'm seeing that you're looking at me. Let me try this way.
07:04 It's like the man, I told this story before.
07:06 It's like the man who stormed into a photo studio complaining
07:10 about the quality of his photographs. He slammed his fist on the counter
07:15 and he said to the photographer, "Man, these pictures don't do my looks justice."
07:22 The photographer said, "Sir, with a face like yours, you don't want justice, you want mercy."
07:29 Do I have a witness in his face? So, be careful about asking for justice
07:35 because you just might get it.
07:37 And we're just like the man if we received what we deserved, we ended up in hell,
07:45 but it's because hallelujah, of God's mercies, that we are not consumed the mercies of God.
07:55 That's what Jeremiah said are new every morning. Do I have a witness in his place?
08:02 Thank God for mercy. [Congregati on: Amen]
08:04 Mercy woke me up this morning. [Congregation: Amen]
08:07 Mercy started me on my way. Mercy put food on my table and clothing on my back.
08:14 Mercy kept my heart beating while I was sleeping through the night.
08:19 Mercy kept you from getting in a car wreck on your way to church.
08:23 Mercy! We're living in an age where people don't, they think they don't need mercy,
08:30 but somebody knows you wouldn't be here right now if it weren't for the mercy of God.
08:34 Somebody ought to thank God for God's mercy
08:37 and what I love about Paul is Paul does not reduce God to one mercy.
08:43 He says mercies, plural, morning by morning, new mercies.
08:50 I see people like to preach that God is a God of a second chance.
08:55 No, God is not a God of a second chance.
08:57 God has given you chance after chance after chance after chance.
09:02 Oh --- yall don't feel like it today.
09:05 Some of you all on the balcony looking at us like we crazy.
09:07 Let me bowl down your alley. Some of you all are in school right now because of God's mercies.
09:14 Bad grades. Preach Pastor Byrd, I'm doing the best I can. Money low, but God's mercy.
09:26 You're living in mercy. You're going to school in mercy.
09:31 Somebody you're driving in mercy. Your apartment is mercy.
09:36 Your house is mercy. Your marriage is mercy. Nothing but the mercy of God.
09:42 Somebody should be in jail right now.
09:45 You should have had a nervous breakdown right now, but God gave you mercy.
09:51 He gave you life. He gave you health.
09:54 He gave you straight, so don't sit there and act like you all cute.
09:58 You can't worry about what other folks say about you.
10:00 You're just praising God for God's mercy. I will bless the Lord at all times.
10:06 And His praise shall continually be in my mouth.
10:10 Praise God for his mercy. Praise him.
10:20 Just ought to be glad you're not in the hospital somewhere.
10:23 That needles aren't hanging out of your arms.
10:26 I beseech you, therefore, brothers,
10:29 by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living words,
10:36 but a living sacrifice sounds like an oxymoron
10:42 because how can you offer your body a living sacrifice? Aren't sacrifices dead?
10:52 How can a sacrifice be living? To sacrifice means to slaughter.
11:00 The compund term, living sacrifice is somewhat a contradiction in terms.
11:08 Animals that were sacrificed were always killed first, then they were burned,
11:14 and then they would either cook, they were cooked and eaten.
11:17 So, because animal sacrifices were killed, they weren't living sacrifices.
11:23 So, then what does Paul mean when he says living sacrifice?
11:30 Living implies life, not death.
11:34 So, to help us understand what Paul is trying to say,
11:37 there are two living sacrifices that are recorded in the Bible.
11:41 And these two examples give us a clue as to what Paul was trying to say.
11:46 The first example was Isaac. Everybody say, Isaac. The second example is Jesus.
11:51 Everybody says, Jesus. Alright, quickly, I'm gonna say these two things
11:54 and I'm gonna sit down. Let's talk about Isaac first.
11:58 You will remember that Abraham, Isaac's father, was told to take his only son, Isaac,
12:06 and offer him up as a sacrifice on Mount Moriah.
12:10 You remember that? Now, remember, when Isaiah, Isaac rather, was offered up to be a sacrifice,
12:17 Isaac wasn't a little boy. He was not a little kid.
12:23 Understand? Abraham and Sarah had Isaac at an old age,
12:29 which means then Isaac was old enough and strong enough to take Abraham out.
12:35 You all hear what I'm saying? But because Isaac became obedient unto death
12:41 because he had to be a type or a foreshadow of Christ,
12:46 not somebody who was taken against their will, but somebody who would be obedient unto death.
12:52 Y'all ain't getting this. Somebody who was all in and what becomes a living sacrifice.
13:00 So, here comes Isaac, climbing up the altar of sacrifice,
13:06 and he says to his father, "Daddy, I see the knife.
13:10 Daddy, I see the woods, but Daddy, where is the sacrifice?"
13:16 Because remember, he didn't know that he was going to be the sacrifice.
13:21 Abraham says, "Son, don't worry. God will provide."
13:26 And there Isaac is, laid up on the altar as his old father begins to strap down his son.
13:35 A living sacrifice. Isaac is tied to something that's killing him.
13:45 So, that's what it means to be a living sacrifice.
13:47 That if you walk with God, if you're all in with God, sooner than later,
13:53 sometime in your life,the will of God will tie you to something that's killing you.
14:01 What am I talking about? Somebody is tied to a child who won't obey.
14:09 And you're loving a child who won't love you back.
14:14 You can't separate yourself from your child regardless of how bad your child is
14:19 because you're tied to it and say whatever you want.
14:23 But if it weren't for your child, you wouldn't pray like you pray.
14:28 You wouldn't fast like you fast.
14:31 And so maybe, God is using that disobedient child to make you a living sacrifice.
14:42 Somebody else is in a marriage. That was supposed to be a match made in heaven,
14:49 but it seems like a nightmare on Elm Street.
14:53 And every day you go home, you're going home to be a living sacrifice.
15:01 You're on your way home and you're driving and you drive as slow as you can
15:06 because you know when you get to that house, you're about to be a living sacrifice.
15:10 Don't say Amen too loud because the sacrifice may be sitting next to you.
15:13 Come on, say, "Amen." [Congregation: Amen]
15:15 Isaac was put on the altar.
15:17 He was tied to something that was killing him,
15:21 but he was willing to die in obedience to God's will.
15:24 But God, just in the nick of time, stopped Abraham from killing him
15:30 and sent a ram to take his place. He's Jehovah-Jireh.
15:35 The Lord will provide, but Isaac died just the same.
15:43 He died to self, yielded himself to God's will.
15:48 So, when he stepped off of the altar, Isaac was a living sacrifice.
15:55 He became an offering of one's life, even unto death yet he was still living.
16:04 And this is what Paul is talking about when he's talking about living sacrifice.
16:07 He means the full commitment of somebody's life to God, even if it means death.
16:14 I gotta hurry up. I gotta throw this in. It's not popular to talk about sacrifice anymore.
16:21 People just want to talk about success.
16:24 But I'm here to tell somebody, young people, listen to me good.
16:26 Pastor Byrd 47 years old, I sat where you sit.
16:30 You can't have success without sacrifice.
16:35 You got to sacrifice.
16:38 The second living sacrifice was Jesus, but Jesus was the perfect living sacrifice
16:47 because Jesus actually died as a sacrifice in obedience to his father's will.
16:54 Jesus did what his father told him to do.
16:56 Jesus became the perfect lamb, the perfect sacrifice for our sins.
16:59 Jesus died that we might live. Jesus shed his blood so our sins could be forgiven.
17:05 In the Old Testament sanctuary, a live animal, remember, it was brought to the priest
17:10 and the sin barrow would lay his hands on the animal's head,
17:13 the sin offering to symbolically say, "This animal takes my place." The animal was then killed.
17:22 Blood was spilled because remember,
17:25 there could be no forgiveness of sin without the shedding of what everybody.
17:30 But Jesus. When he went to Calvary, he took our place. [Congegation: Clapping]
17:37 His blood was spilled. Our sins were forgiven.


Revised 2019-10-10