Breath of Life

We All Need to Be Adventurers & Pathfinders

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000646A

00:00 (Breath of Life Theme Music)
00:06 Sermon #B646 - We All Need to Be Adventrures and Pathfinders
00:21 Pastor Byrd: Matthew 18 verse number one, the Word of God says, "At the same time,
00:27 came the disciples unto Jesus saying, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?”
00:32 Jesus called a little child unto them, and set him in the midst of them and
00:37 he said, “Verily I say unto you, except ye be converted.” Everybody say, converted,
00:45 and become as little children, ye should not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
00:49 Whosoever therefore shall humble themself as this little child,
00:52 the same as great in the kingdom of heaven,
00:54 and whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me,
00:57 but whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me,
01:02 it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck,
01:07 and that he would drown in the depth of the sea."
01:13 Today, my simple challenge is we all need to be adventurers and pathfinders. Bless us now, Lord.
01:22 Speak for your servants here and forgive us of our sins. In the name of Jesus, I pray this for
01:28 and I ask these things, let everyone say, amen and amen. We all need to be adventurers and pathfinders.
01:36 All right. So Matthew 18 begins by picking up where Matthew 17 left off.
01:41 At the end of Matthew 17, if you read it when you go home, Peter is asked by the tax collectors,
01:47 whether or not Jesus pays taxes. They knew Jesus had not paid His taxes,
01:53 but because they were trying to discredit Jesus or catch Jesus in some type of wrongdoing
01:59 by any means necessary, they asked Peter, who was with Jesus, "Did Jesus pay taxes?"
02:07 Now, I like Peter. I know he had a big mouth but I like Peter.
02:11 Peter was the type of disciple I wish that I had around me
02:15 because Peter was what I call, "Ride or die for Jesus." Peter will cut off somebody's ear for Jesus.
02:23 Are you hearing what I'm saying? Peter was ride or die. I like Peter. Yes, he talked a lot,
02:27 but I liked him. So, Peter is going to cover up for Jesus by lying,
02:32 and so Peter says, "Yes. He pay his taxes."
02:36 When they get into the house, Jesus says, "Look, Peter, you don't have to lie for me.
02:41 Do you think the tax collectors collect taxes from their own children or from others?"
02:47 Peter responds, "From others." Jesus then says, "Then, their children are exempt.
02:53 They don't have to pay taxes." But Jesus says, "So we don't offend anybody. Go to the lake,
03:00 throw out your fishing rod, take the first fish you catch, open its mouth
03:06 and in the mouth of the fish, you will find a coin." Everybody say, coin.
03:10 “Take the coin out of the fish's mouth. Give it to the tax collectors
03:14 and it will be enough to cover my taxes and your taxes."
03:17 Now, to understand what's going on, the law said that everybody was supposed to pay temple taxes,
03:23 but the temple tax collectors were making poor people pay taxes,
03:28 but they weren't collecting taxes from their own children.
03:32 They exempted the children who were relatively well-off from paying taxes.
03:36 They same privileged children would grow up and show favoritism to their own children,
03:44 so it was a continuous cycle, and consider their children to be greater than the children of the Israelites.
03:51 So then, in light of Matthew 17, Matthew 18 begins, and the disciples come to Jesus
03:58 and asked Jesus, “Who is greater in the kingdom of God?” They knew Jesus came in the first place,
04:06 but they wanted to know after Jesus, who was next.
04:10 They had not really heard what Jesus had said to Peter,
04:12 so they were thinking just like the tax collectors. They were interested in worldly privilege.
04:19 They wanted Jesus' positions in the kingdom. They wanted to be know, who would be next?
04:26 These should not be strange to us because it was the disciples who would think this way,
04:30 because you will remember in the last supper, they wanted to know again,
04:34 who would be greatest in God's kingdom. Jesus rebuked them and you will remember,
04:39 He gave them the principle of washing one another's feet.
04:42 Let me comment here. I don't care if I'm first or last in God's kingdom.
04:49 I just want to be in God's kingdom. Do I have a witness in this place?
04:53 In Matthew 18, after the disciples asked Jesus who will be the greatest in His kingdom.
04:57 Jesus then, the Bible says, “Finds a child in the midst.”
05:01 Jesus tells the disciples that they must go back
05:05 and become like a child in order to inherit the kingdom of God.
05:09 Here Jesus says something similar to what he was saying to Brother Nicodemus in John chapter three.
05:14 When he told Nicodemus that in order to inherit to the kingdom of God, he had to be born again.
05:19 He had to be born what everybody. But Nicodemus with all his smarts,
05:24 with all his intellectual brilliance and philosophical depth, was confused.
05:30 How could he be born again? How could he become like a child? How could he be born again?
05:39 He didn't understand how it could happen. He said, "Jesus, how can a man be born when he is old?
05:46 How can he take his old matured self all the way back to a one celled embryo implanted in his mother's uterus?
05:55 How?" He said, "Can I go back?" Nicodemus said, “Yes Lord, I want to be born again.
06:01 Yes, Lord, I want to be new. But Lord, how can I go back?"
06:06 Jesus said, "You don't know what I'm talking about. I'm not talking about going backward.
06:10 I'm talking about going forward. I'm not trying to decrease you. I'm trying to increase you.
06:14 I'm not trying to reduce you. I'm trying to raise you. I'm not trying to subtract from you,
06:19 but I'm trying to add to you. You've got to become like a child. You've got to become like a baby.
06:25 You must be born again."
06:27 What Nicodemus didn't understand was that there was a double meaning to the Greek word Jesus used here in John chapter three,
06:33 when talking about being born again. The Greek word was Anothen.
06:37 Everybody say, Anothen. Come on. Say it like you mean it.
06:39 Say Anothen, which means being born a second time and being born from above. [Congregation: Yes]
06:49 But don't get it twisted, don't misunderstand Jesus.
06:52 Jesus wasn't saying only children will go to heaven.
06:55 What He was saying is we must become like children in order to go to heaven.
06:59 You all don't hear what I'm saying. We must become childlike. Now, you all know I'm young.
07:06 I didn't hear any amens. Let me try with DP. You all know I'm young.[Congregation: Amen]
07:13 That's why I love them. They know when to say amen. Let me try it for the church.
07:19 You all know I am young. [Congregation: Amen]
07:23 But I'm not as young as I used to be. I'm closer to 50 than I am to 40.
07:29 Are you hearing what I'm saying? My wife and I have a daughter, not a child,
07:34 but a daughter in college now. We have a junior in high school now.
07:39 Five years ago, we thought we were through but it still works, Hallelujah, somebody.
07:44 The Lord blessed us with a beautiful baby who's now five, now in kindergarten.
07:50 She is the joy of my life, the joy of my wife's life, the joy of our older two daughter's lives.
07:59 She's not a young adult. She's not a teenager, but she's a child.
08:04 Praise God for this wonderful child, Karissa, who has taught me so many things,
08:10 and reminded me of so many things. When Jesus talks about being like a child, being born again,
08:18 being childlike to enter into heaven. Through my child, through Karissa, she preaches to me.
08:25 I'm reminded through our life of what it means to be childlike.
08:30 I'm reminded number one that you've got to be humble. [Congregation: Amen]
08:33 A child is humble. Jesus said in verse four, "Therefore,
08:37 whosoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."
08:42 The disciples needed this lesson and so do we today. Humility, I'm preaching to myself now,
08:49 is something we have to work at. Being humble is not easy. Humility is not given to us.
08:56 We've got to work at it. Humility doesn't mean you think less of yourself.
09:01 Humility means you think of yourself less. [Congregation: Applause]
09:04 Somebody going to get that later. The Bible says, "Pride goeth before destruction.
09:10 A haughty spirit before a fall." It was pride that changed angels into devils,
09:17 but it's humility that makes men as angels. I want to throw this in. So often we talk about prayer.
09:23 We read Second Chronicles 7:14, "If my people who are called by my name would humble themselves
09:28 and pray,” and we stop that, we stop there. We love to talk about praying, but God says,
09:34 “We not need not just pray,” but God says, “We need to humble ourselves.”
09:39 Many times, the reason God does not answer our prayers in the way we ask is not
09:45 because we're not praying, but because we're not humbling ourselves.
09:51 When we pray, humble yourselves therefore to the mighty hand of God
09:53 and He will exalt you in due time. Isn't it interesting that the Omnipotent, Omniscient
09:58 and Omnipresent Jesus didn't act all high and mighty, that the Holy One wasn't holier than thou,
10:04 that the one who knew it all didn't act like I know it all,
10:07 that the one who made the stars didn't keep his head in them? Humble yourself because if you don't,
10:11 God has a way of humbling you.
10:14 Number two I learned from Karissa, if you're going to be childlike, you got to learn how to forgive.
10:20 A child is forgiving. A child has a forgiving nature.
10:23 A child can't get upset with another child very long. That's why children,
10:28 when they get into it with each other, I've learned to back up out of it.
10:31 Someone get involved in children's stuff, leave it alone, let them work it out
10:34 because we'll get all upset. But then five minutes later, they have forgotten about it
10:38 and they've gone back to playing with one another. Children know how to forgive
10:43 and forget and move on. If we can't learn to forgive each other,
10:46 how do we expect God forgive us? I wish I had time.
10:49 Number three I've learned from Karissa, don't worry about tomorrow. Now notice,
10:56 I didn't say don't think about tomorrow. I said, “Don't worry about tomorrow.”
11:02 Why worry about tomorrow when tomorrow is not even here yet? At this moment, we are in the here
11:10 and the now. No matter what your past looks like, no matter how scary the future might seem.
11:18 If you choose to stop worrying and really focus on what is,
11:21 you will realize that your worries were in vain.
11:25 Yes. Think about tomorrow. Plan for tomorrow. Prepare for tomorrow. Practice for tomorrow,
11:34 but don't worry about tomorrow. God's got you. He's the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last,
11:44 the beginning and the end. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow,
11:49 so he's got tomorrow so don't worry about tomorrow. Jesus said in Matthew 6:34,
11:54 "Take no thought for tomorrow, for tomorrow shall take thought for the things of itself."
11:59 A child doesn't worry about tomorrow. Karissa could care less what's going on tomorrow.
12:04 Don't you worry about tomorrow?
12:07 But then number four I learned from children. In the words of Bobby McFerrin, "Don't worry, be happy."
12:17 A child is happy. We're talking about entering into the kingdom of God. You got to be like a child,
12:23 which means you got to be happy.
12:25 Be humble. Be forgiving. Don't worry. Be happy. That's why we all need to be adventurers
12:41 and pathfinders. Be obedient. Be pure. Be true. Be kind. Be respectful. Be sensitive. Be helpful.
12:52 Be cheerful. Be thoughtful. Be reverent. A pathfinder is to keep the morning what? Do my honest what?
12:59 Care for my what? Keep a level what? Be courteous and oh? Walk softly in the what?
13:06 Go on-- keep a song in my what? Go on God's what? [Congregation: Amen]
13:12 We all need to be like adventurers and pathfinders because except we become as little children,
13:21 we will not enter the kingdom of heaven. I'm almost done, but I got to finish the text. I'm almost done.
13:25 Jesus says in verse number six, "If anyone causes one of these little ones,
13:30 those who believe in me to stumble. It would be better for them to have a large millstone
13:34 around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea." I love this.
13:41 If you mess with my children, Jesus says, "If you cause any of my children to lose their faith in me,
13:48 it would be better for you to have a rock tied to your neck, and you to be thrown in the sea."
13:55 Oh, I love me some Jesus right here. Jesus is not playing in the texts.
14:00 For those that think Jesus was docile and soft and submissive, you better think again.
14:06 The same Jesus that threw money changers out of the church is the same Jesus who says,
14:13 "If you mess with my children, you're going to be thrown into the sea with a rock tied to your neck."
14:20 [Congregation: Amen]
14:22 I like that. [Congregation: Preach]
14:24 Jesus was merciful, but Jesus was also militants. Are you hearing what I am saying?
14:33 I said Jesus was merciful, but Jesus was also militants. That's why I fret not myself
14:43 because of evildoers. God will cut them down like the grass. He will make my enemies my footstool.
14:50 Hallelujah, somebody. [Congregat ion: Amen]
14:53 Jesus says, "Don't cause my children to stumble. Don't cause my children to fall,
14:58 and that's all my children." Black children, white children, male children, female children,
15:07 young children, old children, new member children, season member children, college student children,
15:15 season church members children. We are all God's children. Beware of false preachers.
15:22 Beware of false teachers. It would be better to go to heaven, he says, “Keep reading the text.”
15:28 With one hand or one foot than to go to hell with both hands and both feet."
15:32 [Congregation: Amen]
15:34 He says, "It would be better to go to heaven with one eye than to go to hell with two eyes."
15:38 Jesus warns those who trouble God's church. He warns those who keep up mess in God's church.
15:44 He warns those who keep up discord in God's church. He says,
15:48 "False teachers will find their eternal future in hell whether it's wailing and gnashing of teeth."
15:53 He says, "So don't mess with my children, but rather invest in my children."
16:01 Because when you invest in something, you're preparing for the future.
16:07 Any financier will tell you, "Don't invest in stocks one day so that you will have a
16:12 return the very next day. But you invest in stocks today because you're preparing for the future.”
16:20 You all don't hear what I'm saying. Anybody know Warren Buffett? Do you know Warren Buffett?
16:25 I know of Warren Buffett
16:27 but I'm trying to get to know Warren Buffett so he can pay off that Family Life Center.
16:30 You all don't hear what I'm saying.
16:31 Warren Buffet knows something about money. He said,
16:36 "If you aren't thinking about owning a stock for 10 years,
16:41 don't even think about owning it for 10 minutes." He said,
16:44 "Because somebody is sitting in the shade today because somebody planted a tree a long time ago."
16:53 Adults, don't forget where you came from. [Congregation: Amen]
16:57 Many of the adults who are sitting right here today are Christians because a church invested in them,
17:08 when they were children.
17:10 Let me tell you something. We're all going to die. We all are terminally ill.
17:14 We just have different times. If we don't invest in children at Oakwood, this church is going to die,
17:22 too. So you have to invest in children, but investing in children comes with a cost.
17:34 According to, the average cost of raising a child to the age of 18 in the
17:40 United States is $233,610, which is roughly $13,000 a year which is a little over $1,000 per child per
17:50 month. That's over a quarter, almost a quarter of a--
17:54 that's over a quarter of a million dollars per child.
17:58 When a church commits to being a kid-friendly church, that comes with a cost as well.
18:05 But the good news is, we must become like little children. When we invest in children,
18:12 it also comes with a return.
18:16 The first practical return is that if we invest in children, the church will continue to survive.
18:22 But more than that, when we invest in children, we are investing in their eternities.
18:28 When we invest in children, we're investing in the kingdom.
18:35 We'll invest in houses that will get eaten by termites,
18:40 burned or blown away in a tornado or a hurricane. We'll invest in cars that will rust, break down,
18:50 and get crushed for scrap and metal. We'll invest in clothes that go out of style, get too small
19:00 or too big.
19:02 I won't need to take my house with me to heaven
19:06 because I've got a mansion with my name written all on it waiting for me.
19:13 I won't need to take my car with me to heaven because I'm going to take up wings
19:19 and fly from my mansion to your mansion. I won't need any clothes in heaven
19:26 because God already has a long white robe of righteousness waiting for me.
19:32 The things I spend my time and money here on Earth won't mean a thing in heaven.
19:38 But oh, when we invest in our children, it will count for eternity.
19:46 I'm almost done, told you I won't going to be long,
19:48 but somebody is not getting this so let me throw it in this and I'm going to sit down.
19:51 When you invest your money, you all know I'm a financier, I'm a business person.
19:56 When you invest your money, you're engaging in a certain amount of risk. Everybody say, risk.
20:04 Listen to me good. Risk means that your investments actual return maybe different than expected.
20:12 Risk includes the possibility of losing some or all of your original investment,
20:19 which means there's a correlative relationship between risk and return.
20:25 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
20:26 But the greater, the amount of risk that you take, the greater the potential return.
20:33 The reason for that is, investors need to be compensated for taking on additional risk.
20:41 You all don't hear what I'm saying. For example, any investor knows that a United States' T-bond
20:48 or treasury bond is considered one of the safest, risk-free investments an investor can make,
20:56 but when it's compared to a corporate bond, it provides a lower rate of return.
21:02 But a corporate bond, though riskier, provides a higher rate of return or payoff.
21:09 The reason for this is that a corporation is much more likely to go bankrupt
21:14 than the United States government. Are you hearing what I'm saying? So when you invest your money,
21:20 the investor or the bank is going to ask you, "Do you want low risk, moderate risk, or high risks?"
21:29 I'm here to let somebody know that when you become as a child, there's no risk in following Jesus.
21:38 There's no risk in being a disciple of Christ. There's only return. There's only reward.
21:45 The risk for you today is, are you willing to risk everything for the Lord? Somebody asked me one day,
21:53 "Why does it take everything to serve the Lord?" It takes your everything to serve the Lord
21:58 because it took Jesus everything to save us. It took His hands. It took His head. It took His heart.
22:06 It took His divinity.
22:07 Go with me to Heaven's divinity room over 6,000 years ago before the foundation of the world.
22:13 The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost had a conversation in Heaven.
22:18 God knew that there would come a time when men would sin. God knew men would mess up.
22:23 So God asked God. [Congregation: Whining]
22:29 What if, they don't accept our sacrifice? What if, they don't accept our gifts?
22:37 What if, they don't accept our blood?" It's a risk. So low risk said, "Let's kill them
22:49 and let's start over." Moderate risk said, "Let's save the good ones and kill the bad ones."
22:58 But high risk said, "Jesus would have to go to Calvary and save everybody."
23:08 Jesus went to Calvary to save a wretched like you and me. They hung Him high.
23:17 They stretched Him wide. He hung His hand. For me, He died. But that's not how the story ends.
23:25 In three days, he rose again. High risk gives high return.
23:32 Are you willing to risk everything for the Lord? Are you willing to become childlike?
23:41 [Congregation: Yes]
23:43 In order to inherit the kingdom of God, are you willing to be born [music plays] again?
23:59 Because if you are, you got to become childlike. If you are, you got to become an adventurer,
24:13 you got to become a pathfinder.
24:16 [singing] Jesus went, to Calvary, to save a wretch,
24:31 like you and me.
24:35 [singing] Jesus went to Calvary.
24:40 to save a wretch--
24:43 Like you--
24:44 [singing] You and me, that's love.
24:57 Thank you very much for tuning in to this week's Breath of Life broadcast.
25:01 We hope and pray that you've been blessed by Dr. Byrd's inspirational message.
25:06 If you would like to hear this sermon in its entirety,
25:08 please feel free to visit us at
25:14 Or, call us at (256) 929-646
25:22 [END]
25:26 [Music]
25:36 Our Breath of Life revival held in Kingston, Jamaica
25:39 was marked by standing room only attendance in the sanctuary of the Andrews Church;
25:45 But not just inside the church but outside the church, overflow seating to accommodate the crowd.
25:53 In fact, when the appeal was made on the culminating day of the revival
25:58 hundreds of individuals responded to God's call; making decisions to follow Jesus Christ.
26:04 We were also pleased to meet another minister of the gospel, Pastor Carl Brown,
26:09 who heard about Breath of Life and our ministry
26:11 and came to hear the word of God for himself.
26:15 Dr. Byrd has been really a dynamic, powerful, enthusiastic, might I say “Holy Ghost filled” preacher.
26:23 Who has really changed my perspective of seventh day adventist preachers.
26:29 Cause-- For the most part I think Dr. Byrd has been so different.
26:34 He has really gotten my interest and-- that word today was on point, it was just amazing.
26:41 Again, my perspective on the seventh day churches is changing; I must tell you.
26:48 Because even the atmosphere today,
26:51 that's not something I'd anticipated. I never knew it was like this.
26:56 It's been very amazing and I must express my sincere gratitude and appreciation for Dr. Byrd,
27:05 to come into Jamaica and allowing the Lord to use him in such a mighty way; He along with his team.
27:12 It's been refreshing, It's been a revival and I really appreciate him.
27:18 And I say Dr. Byrd, continue to allow the Holy Ghost to use you.
27:22 You are a force to reckon with, in this time and season. God bless you sir.
27:28 I am so blessed that Breath of Life is afforded the opportunity
27:33 to break down misunderstandings and misinterpretations about God's people.
27:39 In addition to connecting with Pastor Brown,
27:41 we were given the tremendous invitation by the president of the East Jamaica Conference,
27:47 to return to this wonder island country and share in an additional revival in the very near future.
27:54 But reality my friends is simply this, we cannot do this without you.
27:59 To help Breath of Life continue its mission of spreading this wonderful gospel of Jesus Christ.
28:05 Please share a gift with us today. Make your tax deductible gift payable to Breath of Life by mail,
28:11 at Breath of Life PO BOX 5960, Huntsville, AL 35814
28:17 Give us all call the number is 256.929.6460
28:23 Or you can visit us online at
28:37 Breath of Life Television Ministries is coming to the DMV.
28:41 Our Fall Revival be held at the Dupont Park Church,
28:43 3985 Massachusetts Ave SE, Washington, DC 20019.
28:47 We begin Saturday evening October 5th at 7 P.M.
28:51 and continue through Saturday October 19th.
28:54 We'll have special musical guest including
28:56 Lady Tramaine Hawkins, Jonathan Nelson and Maurette Brown-Clarke.
28:59 For more information the number is 256.929.6460,
29:03 or visit us online at


Revised 2019-09-23