Breath of Life

There Is Power in the Name

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000638S

00:01 (Breath of Life Theme Music)
00:06 Sermon #B638 - There is Power in the Name
00:20 Pastor Byrd:Acts chapter 3 verse number one if you have it let me you say, Amen. [Congregation: Amen.]
00:25 The word says now Peter and whom everybody went up together into the temple at the hour of what?
00:30 [Congregation: Pray.]
00:32 Being the what hour? And a certain man lame from his mother's womb was carried whom they laid daily
00:39 at the gate of the temple which is called what everybody? [Congregation: Beautiful.]
00:42 To ask alms of them that enter into the temple. Who seen, Peter and John about to go into the temple
00:48 and he asked in what? [Congregation: Alms.]
00:50 Alms and Peter fastened his eyes upon him with John said, “Look on us,”
00:56 and he gave heed unto them expecting to receive something of them.
01:00 Then Peter said, “Silver and gold have I none,” but such as I have to give I thee in the name of Jesus.
01:08 In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and what everybody and he took him by the right hand
01:13 and he lifted him up and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength,
01:18 and he leaping up, stood and walked and entered with him them into the temple walking,
01:24 leaping and praising God and all the people saw him walking and praising God
01:28 and they knew that it was he, which sat for alms at the beautiful gate of the temple,
01:34 and they were filled with wonder and amazement at that which had happened unto him.
01:41 Now, I want you to have a struggle with what to call this sermon,
01:43 I even asked Pastor Goodridge to help me, I thought about calling it dancing in the church.
01:48 But then I figured some of you would take that DVD and you'd send it everywhere
01:51 and look he's saying dance in the church, so we'll just go with dance, there's power everybody says power.
01:57 [Congregation: Power.]
01:58 In the name. [Congregation: In the name.] All right you may be seated, very good.
02:00 All right so now you feel good you feel comfortable there's power. [Congregation: In the name.]
02:04 In the name, all right quickly two of the disciples Peter and John.
02:08 Peter and whom everybody. [Congregation: John.]
02:10 Are on their way to the temple for a three o'clock prayer meeting at the church.
02:15 This wasn't abnormal or strange for them but it was normal for them
02:20 because biblical history suggests that devout Jews and Gentiles went to the temple
02:26 to observe three times of prayer every day at 9AM, at 3PM,
02:34 and at 6PM so then this wasn't strange for Peter and John they went to church for prayer meeting
02:42 because they knew that with much prayer there's much what everybody. [Congregation: No.]
02:46 Now, Peter and John were prayer partners and every Christian ought to have a prayer partner
02:53 because there's power in prayer, and there's power when you pray with somebody in prayer.
03:01 Jesus even said that in Matthew 18 when he said that if just two of you,
03:05 so touch and agree it shall be done for wherever there are two or three gathered in my name
03:13 I should be in the midst but in this text,
03:16 Peter and John are on their way to the temple for their usual time of afternoon prayer
03:21 but just as they get to the temple, they get to the gate which is called beautiful,
03:27 everybody say beautiful. [Congregation: Beautiful.]
03:29 They meet a man who's laying from his birth and the man's begging for money.
03:34 Now notice it's important to note that the man's not inside the temple
03:41 but the man's outside the temple begging at the gate. Let me say it again
03:47 because somebody missed that. The man is not inside the temple,
03:52 but the man is outside the temple begging for some money. Now, every day he's at the gate he's begging.
04:03 In order to live he has to beg, in order to survive he has to beg, in order to eat he has to beg.
04:10 He can't work, there are no social service institutions, there is no Social Security,
04:18 there is no public assistance, this man has to beg
04:23 but if the truth be told even though we have social service institutions today,
04:28 even though we have the united way, even though we have the salvation army,
04:34 even though we have Adventist community services,
04:37 even though we have Social Security there are still some people in the 21st century
04:44 who live in the United States the most industrialized nation in the world and they still have to beg.
04:52 In fact nearly one-half of the world's population three billion people
04:58 live on less than 2$ and 50 cents per day,
05:04 and of these three billion people, 1.3 billion live less or less than the dollar and 25 cents per day,
05:15 and there are some people that think that given all of our government,
05:18 and non-government assistance to help the poor that we shouldn't be seeing beggars on the streets.
05:25 But I need you to understand that sometimes it's hard for people to get on their feet
05:30 because we do live in a society where the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.
05:38 In case you didn't know not all beggars are con artists, not all beggars are on drugs or alcohol,
05:49 not all beggars are mentally disabled there are some beggars who have genuinely had a hard life,
05:58 they've had a tough life. Now you may sit there and act like you don't know what I'm talking about
06:03 but if you don't believe me, miss your check one month, and see what happens to you.
06:09 Do I have a witness in this place? [Congregation: Yes.]
06:11 I tell folks don't look down on another folk because somebody knows your one check away.
06:17 One pay period away from foreclosure, from bankruptcy, from homelessness,
06:23 do I have a witness in this place? [Congregation: Yes.]
06:25 Somebody knows if it had not been for the Lord on my side where would I be,
06:31 but then there's a flipside to this. There are some people who don't want to do better for themselves.
06:38 They like to talk about what they don't have instead of using what they do have.
06:42 They'd rather wallow in the pits of discouragement despair and discomfort by indulging in pity parties.
06:49 Some people don't want the responsibility of what goes along with being healed,
06:53 being sick gives them an excuse to lie on their backs, and wait until somebody else does something for them.
07:00 The fact is that there are many people who will go through extraordinary lengths
07:04 to avoid doing something in their lives.
07:06 They live in the twilight zone right zone of thinking that doing nothing will get them something.
07:14 For them nothing is right neither right no wrong, nothing is neither good nor bad,
07:18 nothing neither helps or hinders, nothing is sorrow no joy, nothing neither laughs no cries,
07:23 nothing comes or goes, nothing is nothing
07:26 because it is nothing and nothing will be nothing but nothing for there is nothing to be but nothing.
07:31 So because they do nothing they're in the same place where they've always been.
07:35 [Congregation: Oh yes. That's right.]
07:36 Their minds are stagnant, they have no new ideas.
07:42 Innovation is dead and buried, creative thoughts don't stand a chance.
07:49 Thinking outside the box never crosses their minds they think that things will never change,
07:58 so they do the same thing they've always done and that was this lame beggar.
08:04 The lame man sat at the same place begging for the same money every day.
08:12 Every morning the lame man waited for somebody to carry him to the gates,
08:17 every evening the lame man waited for somebody to carry him back home,
08:21 and then between the morning and the evening he begged. But you know I'm a businessman
08:27 and I want to say at least we ought to give this beggar some credit
08:31 because at least he was a wise beggar, at least he was a businessman beggar.
08:38 Why? He picked the most profitable spot in Jerusalem to beg. Each day he said at the gate of the church,
08:46 outside the church to have the best chance possible to receive money from those entering the temple,
08:54 after all, my friends if there were people who should have been concerned
08:57 about the needs of other people it should have been those going to church,
09:01 after all, folk can't go into church and pray and ignore the cries of those at the gates,
09:10 so the man waits at the gate of the church but not only that he's a wise business beggar
09:16 because people coming to this temple to this gate, we're probably people of means
09:21 because the Bible says that the gate was called beautiful
09:25 which means it was decorated with Corinthian bronze,
09:29 and when the sun rose the sun cast its glorious glow upon the gate. [Congregation: Yes.]
09:35 But let's expand this concept of begging because it's not just those outside the temple who are begging,
09:42 but it's also those inside the temple who are begging. What am I talking about I'm so glad you asked.
09:48 You see a beggar is defined as one who comes to get something but gives nothing.
09:55 Let me say that again, a beggar is somebody who comes to get something but never give something.
10:03 [Congregation: All right.]
10:05 There are a lot of people who come inside the church and they want something but they give nothing.
10:14 They want something out of worship, but they don't want to give anything in worship.
10:21 They want somebody to pray for them, but they don't want to pray for somebody else.
10:27 They want a good hymn but they don't want to sing the hymn, they want a good sermon
10:34 but they don't want to encourage the preacher during the sermon,
10:37 they're always ready to receive but they're never ready to give.
10:43 Peter and John walk up to the gate, the blind beggar--
10:48 the lame beggar rather start screaming, “Alms, alms, alms,” which meant money, money, money.
10:59 The Bible says that Peter looks at it and he says look at us.
11:06 Now this is important, why is this important
11:09 because it's in harmony with those actions of Jesus when the average Jesus went to heal somebody.
11:14 Remembers Jesus never walked up to somebody and simply touched them
11:17 and healed them without first directing their attention to himself.
11:21 Jesus always captivated the attention of the individuals he wanted to heal
11:26 and directed them to focus their eyes upon him,
11:29 and the reason he did this is because it stirred a sense of expectation.
11:34 It quickens the individuals faith. This is what is happening right here in Acts 3,
11:40 the man thought that he was going to get some money from Peter and John,
11:45 but his faith was quickened by Peter's words,
11:49 look at us which means in order to receive anything from God you've got to first expect something from God.
11:58 And that's why when I come to church I'm looking for a miracle.
12:02 I'm expecting the impossible because without faith it is impossible to please the Lord.
12:09 Now there are some of us, who've been going to church for years
12:14 but your lives are no different from when you first started going to church
12:18 because you've never given your attention to God help me Holy Ghost.
12:22 You've never expected to receive anything when you came to church.
12:26 You come down to the altar for prayer but you really are not expecting God to do something on your behalf.
12:31 Where do you come to church, when you get in a church service you turn your mind off.
12:37 You start thinking about other stuff, you take a mental vacation.
12:42 You're looking at your phone, you're on social media.
12:46 You're thinking about what you're going to eat after you get out of church,
12:49 but life changing truth that comes from the word it misses you,
12:54 it passes you right on by and you can sit in here for years and never be changed.
13:01 There are some young people who've been raised in the church. Some of them grew up right with me,
13:08 but they show no evidence that God is at work in their lives,
13:11 and that's because they've never heard those words from Jesus, look at me and pay attention,
13:18 this is why Jesus always said to the people who told me preached. He that hath an ear let him hear.
13:25 But as soon as the beggar is told by Jesus to look at Him.
13:30 Peter has the man's attention, and the man expects to receive something,
13:38 Peter responds to the man's one begging plea with two responses.
13:46 First, Peter admits his financial bankruptcy.
13:51 He admits his financial bankruptcy in the material realm and so he says,
13:57 “Silver and gold have I none,” in other words what he's trying to say is we don't have what you want
14:06 but we do have what you need, because there's a difference between our needs and our wants
14:12 I wish I had a church in this place. We want a lot of things but we only need some things.
14:18 What are you talking about? Well, we want a Bentley but we really only need a Ford.
14:25 We want some steak, Swiss steak. [laughter]
14:30 But we only need some salad. We want a hamburger but the impossible burger is really what we need.
14:41 Wants satisfy a desire but needs satisfy a necessity.
14:48 Peter said we don't have anything in the material but I do have something in the spiritual.
14:55 If you're looking for money, if you're looking for silver and gold,
15:01 I have none but I've got something better. Peter said in the name of Jesus of Nazareth,
15:11 rise up and walk and friends of mine it's at that miraculous moments,
15:17 as this man is looking at Peter and John as he hears these words at the mention of the name of Jesus
15:25 something miraculous begins to happen, strength comes flowing into his ankles.
15:31 Peter senses it he takes him by the hand. The Bible says the right hand and he lives him up.
15:38 The man rises up, the man begins to leap,
15:42 and shout and jump around trying out this newfound strength in his legs which he'd never known.
15:49 But as I'm reading this story you all, I asked myself the question.
15:54 Why didn't Jesus heal the man when Jesus was on planet Earth himself?
16:03 After all, the man had been lame from his birth. [Congregation: Mercy.]
16:09 Which means he had to be around when Jesus was on this Earth,
16:14 because remember Pentecost happens only 50 days after Jesus resurrection,
16:21 Acts chapter 3 which we're reading from comes after Acts chapter 2 when Pentecost took a place,
16:28 so the man then had to be alive when Jesus was on this Earth. But Jesus is a on time God.
16:36 [Congregation: Praise God.]
16:38 Our timing it's not his time, somebody knows he may not come when you want Him,
16:45 but he's always right on time feel like preaching now, and one of the reasons in my eisegesis,
16:53 not exegesis, I see Jesus that I believe Jesus didn't heal the man when he was on this Earth,
17:00 it's because Jesus wanted to show us that there's power in the name of Jesus not in the person of Jesus
17:16 but there's power in the name of Jesus.
17:22 It was the name of Jesus that lost the power of God to work in this man's body,
17:29 strengthening his ankles in his feet. It was not the person of Jesus because Jesus had died.
17:38 Jesus had been buried, Jesus had risen, Jesus had ascended back to heaven,
17:45 Jesus was not physically there, but the healing took place. [Congregation: Whoa.]
17:55 Because of the name. Somebody's still not getting this. [Congregation: Whoa. [applause]
18:02 You see back in the day it was believed that the name of a person carried both the power
18:12 and the authority of that person. So then if a king sent a messenger in his name,
18:19 that messenger represented the same power and the same authority as that king.
18:27 You understand what I'm saying. In other words, if Pastor Williams sends Pastor Goodrich in his name.
18:34 Pastor Goodridge represents all the power,
18:37 and all the authority has wrapped up in the name of Pastor Williams.
18:42 You know all not hearing what I'm saying,
18:44 back in the day it was believed that the name of a person carried both the power
18:51 and the authority of that person, that's why when I tell Christyn and go get Caileigh
18:57 and tell Caileigh to be quiet.
18:59 Caileigh understands she's not listening to Christyn but she's listening to her daddy
19:04 because Christyn is speaking in the name of Carlton Byrd and she's carrying all the power
19:11 and the authority of my name and when the name of Jesus is spoken. [Congregation: Yes.]
19:20 When somebody speaks in the name of Jesus the same power,
19:27 the same authority of Jesus is now in that person, the same power over heaven and earth is in that person,
19:38 the same power over demons is in that person.
19:43 So in the name of Jesus, I have power over demons.
19:49 In the name of Jesus, I have the power to tread over serpents.
19:54 In the name of Jesus, I have the power to tell sickness to flee.
19:59 I have power to tell cancer to go in remission. I have the power to rebuke bankruptcy and foreclosure.
20:07 In the name of Jesus, students you have power to declare an A over a F.
20:16 There's power when we preach in the name of Jesus. There's power when we pray in the name of Jesus.
20:24 There's power when we witness in the name of Jesus. There's power when you serve in the name of Jesus.
20:32 There's power when you touch in the name of Jesus. There's power when you work in the name of Jesus,
20:40 there's power when you worship in the name of Jesus, all hail the power of Jesus' name.
20:47 Let angels' prostrate fall at the name of Jesus. Every knee shall bow, every tongue must confess,
20:55 there is no other name under heaven whereby we can be safe but the name of Jesus.
21:03 Peter told the man to get up, to rise up, to walk in the name of Jesus.
21:14 I'm almost done but I got one more point, got two more points.
21:17 How many more points everybody? Two. All right.
21:22 Before Jesus, think about it you all because I got Oakwood got to come with something
21:27 because you all have read the Bible. So you got to come with something think about it.
21:32 Before Jesus told the man to rise and walk, the man had everything he needed to walk.
21:44 He had feet, he had ankles, he had legs, he had knees, he had hips, he had tendons, he had muscles,
21:57 and he had bones. The man had all the basic equipment that God gives to every one of us
22:04 but the man still couldn't walk. But when Peter told him to rise up and walk in the name of Jesus,
22:19 when the power of the name of Jesus was released in him, his feet got to moving, his ankles got to shifting,
22:31 his knees got to bending, his hips got to moving his legs got to walking.
22:39 Peter didn't lay hands on the man. Peter didn't touch the man, Peter didn't anoint the man,
22:48 but in the name of Jesus, the man walked. Some of us are just like the lame man.
22:59 Some of our churches are like the lame man. Some of our ministries are like the lame man.
23:07 Some of our schools are like the lame man. We have everything we need to live for Jesus.
23:17 We have everything we need to grow God's work. We panels, we have organs, we have speakers,
23:27 we have screams, we have podiums, we have buses, we have internets, we have websites, we have preachers,
23:37 we have teachers, we have choirs, we have the intellect, we have the structure, we have supports,
23:45 we have skills, we have talent, we have gifts, we have money, we have resources, we have buildings,
23:53 we have members, we have everything we need. [Congregation: Amen.]
23:58 But the reason some of our churches aren't growing. The reason,
24:05 some of our institutions aren't growing is because we don't have the power.
24:12 But in the name of Jesus give us power, power to walk right, power to talk right, power to act right,
24:28 power in our churches, power in our ministries, power in our schools, power in our preaching,
24:36 power in our teaching, power in our singing in the name of Jesus gives us power.
24:47 But I got one more thing to teach.
24:52 and just like Peter the church needs to offer healing to people whether they believe or not
24:55 because if you live the life of Christ before them by beholding they will become change.
25:03 But like Peter, we've got to help people up. I'm almost done but I'm a throw this in,
25:11 I've got a problem with folk who make it to the Upper East Side. [Congregation: Yes.]
25:17 Who forget about the rough side, from whence they come from?
25:23 I've got a problem folk when I hear them say, I've got mine now you get yours.
25:30 I get bothered when I hear folks say you've got to pull your own self, by your own bootstraps.
25:39 Let it be clear today I stand on the shoulders of somebody else
25:47 and it's my job to help pull somebody else up so they can stand on my shoulders.
25:56 Peter took the lame man by his right hand and he lifted him up and when the man was healed,
26:07 the man couldn't stop leaping, he couldn't stop jumping, he couldn't stop shouting,
26:15 he couldn't stop dancing, he couldn't stop praising,
26:19 because somebody cared enough to reach out say him in the name of Jesus and his life was changed.
26:32 The man was walking, the man was leaping, the man was jumping, the man was dancing,
26:39 the man was praising God, and just like the man. When God does something for us,
26:48 we shouldn't keep it to ourselves but we ought to tell somebody, we ought to show some sign,
26:59 lift your hand, wave your hand, clap your hand, stomp your foot, say Amen, nod your head, smile,
27:13 but tell somebody what God has done for you
27:18 because when he's done something for me I can't keep it to myself but I've got to tell somebody,
27:26 because when I think of the goodness of Jesus and all he's done for me, my soul cries out.
27:33 Hallelujah, thank God for saving me. Who cares what side of town you're from, say something.
27:42 Who cares how many letters you have behind your name, say something.
27:47 Who cares you have a big house or not, say something.
27:51 Who cares if folks look out you're funny, say something.
27:55 Who cares if folks talked about you, say something. If God been your bridge over troubled waters.
28:03 If God woke you up this morning, If God healed you from cancer, If God healed you from that disease
28:10 if God helped you pass that class, if God paid your tuition, say something.
28:17 Let them redeemed, of the Lord say so, there's power in the name of Jesus.
28:26 There's salvation in the name of Jesus, there's healing. [Congregation: Applause.]
28:34 In the name of Jesus, we have everything we need.
28:49 Thank you very much for tuning in to this week's Breath of Life broadcast.
28:53 We hope and pray that you've been blessed by Dr. Byrd's inspirational message.
28:58 If you would like to hear this sermon in its entirety,
29:00 please feel free to visit us at
29:06 Or, call us at (256) 929-646
29:12 [end]


Revised 2020-01-15