Breath of Life

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000617A

00:04 Breath of Life Ministries Presents:
00:10 Sermon #B617 - Why Church?
00:20 PB: Matthew 16:18, one verse. Jesus himself speaking,
00:28 Matthew 16:18. The Word says,
00:30 "And I say unto thee that thou art Peter.
00:34 " Everybody say "Peter." Aud.: Peter.
00:36 PB: "and upon this rock I will build my"--what?
00:39 Aud.: Church. PB: "And the gates of"--what?
00:41 Aud.: Hell. PB: "Shall not prevail against it.
00:45 " All right, so last week was why God?
00:49 This week is Why church? Father, bless us.
00:57 Speak to Your people, young and young at heart,
01:02 speak to them today.
01:04 We be careful to give You the praise, the honor,
01:05 and the glory. Thank You, God, for this opportunity.
01:08 May there become activity by the power of Your Holy Spirit.
01:11 It's in the name of Jesus we pray, begging that, Lord, at
01:14 appeal time You will do Your work. In Jesus' name. Amen.
01:21 All right, quickly, remember. We're living in a post-Christian.
01:24 Everybody say "post-Christian." Aud.: Post-Christian.
01:26 PB: Come on, say it like you mean it. Say "post-Christian."
01:28 Aud.: Post Christian. PB: We're living in a Post-Christian society.
01:31 Remember that, now. Which means, we're living in a world
01:35 where the influence of Christianity is declining by the minute.
01:39 Post-Christian means we're living in a world where people say
01:43 there are no moral absolutes. No ethical givens, no outright truth.
01:51 Remember, post-Christian means your truth is your truth,
01:54 my truth is my truth. But even with that,
01:58 last week we established that there is a God.
02:04 [Aud. reaction] PB: Creation proves it.
02:06 Nature proves it, and the life of Jesus proves it.
02:12 The text we used was "In the"--what? "Beginning.
02:15 "In the what, everybody? Aud.: Beginning.
02:17 PB: "God created the heavens and the"--what?
02:19 Aud.: Earth. PB: Now, that's what Genesis 1:1 says,
02:22 but remember, Genesis 1:26 says "And God said,
02:26 "Let us make man. In our own image, after our likeness."
02:30 "Then we go to the New Testament, and John 1:1 says,
02:34 "In the beginning was the Word." The Word was with Whom"?
02:38 Aud.: God. PB: "And the Word was Whom"?
02:40 Aud.: God. PB: Then verse 14 says that "the Word became flesh.
02:45 "So we study that yes, there is a God.
02:49 For those that want to refute that, my response is,
02:52 only God could create food out of thin air with two fish
02:58 and five loaves of bread. Only God could walk on water.
03:03 Only God could turn water into wedding punch.
03:06 Only God could command a raging storm to stop.
03:11 Only God could command demons to be hurled into the sea.
03:17 [Aud. reaction] PB: There is a God because there's nothing
03:21 that makes sense in the universe without Him.
03:25 There is a God because He has revealed Himself
03:28 in the person of Jesus Christ.
03:30 There is a God because Jesus lived, Jesus died,
03:36 and Jesus rose again. Buddha didn't do that.
03:41 Confucius didn't do that. Muhammad didn't do that.
03:47 Scientists can't explain that. Atheists can't explain that.
03:52 Agnostics can't explain that. There is a God.
03:58 How do you explain something out of nothing?
04:01 How do you explain a worldwide flood?
04:04 How do you explain that a donkey could talk?
04:07 That an axe head could float? That the sun could stand still?
04:11 How do you explain how a Red Sea can become a dry highway?
04:16 How do three men stand in a fiery furnace and not get burned?
04:20 How does a man lay down his life and then take it up again?
04:24 There is a God.
04:28 So we know there is a God but the question now asks,
04:31 why church? Why go to church? I hear people say all the time,
04:38 I believe in God but why do I have to go to church?
04:40 After all, church is not a safe place anymore.
04:45 Kids have been messed up for the rest of their lives
04:47 because a priest, somebody they trusted,
04:50 somebody they thought was safe, molested them.
04:53 Why church? All they want is your money.
04:57 We thought we were through with Restoration 40, part 1.
05:00 Now we've got Restoration 40, part 2. Why church?
05:04 It's too long. They sing. They sing. And they still sing.
05:13 Why church? All they do is preach damnation and hell and judge ya.
05:19 Why church? It's filled with hypocrites.
05:24 Why church? They only care about numbers.
05:29 Why church? The people are fake. Why church?
05:37 Today I don't know if you have your heads under a rock,
05:40 or if you're in never never-land,
05:42 but we're at a critical juncture
05:43 in our world on the importance of going to church.
05:46 And while most statistics say that 40 percent of Americans
05:49 attend church regularly, the posters at Huffington Post say
05:53 that's not true. In fact, Huffington Post says that
05:56 less than 20 percent of Americans regularly attend church.
06:00 In fact, the only American--
06:03 average American only comes to church
06:06 three times in his life. Number one, when he is born,
06:12 he comes to be dedicated at church.
06:14 Number two, when he is married,
06:16 he walks down the aisle of the church.
06:19 Number three, when he dies, he is
06:22 in a casket in front of the church.
06:25 So then people come to church three times in their lives,
06:28 when they're hatched, matched, and dispatched.
06:31 [Aud. reaction] PB: But why church?
06:37 This question is particularly being asked a lot
06:40 by our young people. By Millennials. They say,
06:43 I can find my own way to God. I don't need the church.
06:46 Why church? I can watch it on the Internet.
06:50 I can watch it on my phone. I can watch it on television.
06:53 After all, Pastor Byrd is Breath of Life. That's TV,
06:55 so I can watch it on TV. Why church?
06:58 I don't feel like dressing up.
07:01 Why church? I don't feel like being hollered at.
07:05 Why church? I'm sleepy, I'm tired, it's raining.
07:08 I can stay in the dorm, in my apartment, in my house.
07:11 Why church? It's not relevant. Why church?
07:17 Church, we're living in a different world today.
07:19 People are different now.
07:20 People are tired of centralized structures.
07:23 People are tired of revelation without relevance.
07:25 People are tired of religion without relationship.
07:27 People are tired of plastic, fake, phony, lifeless,
07:30 flat, comatose ministry. [Aud. reaction]
07:33 PB: People are tired of coming to church
07:35 and getting beat up in the pulpit,
07:37 to get beat up about what you have on;
07:40 to get beat up about what you're not doing.
07:43 People are tired of fighting. People won't fight you anymore.
07:48 Nobody wants to be in a church at war.
07:50 They fight all week on their jobs.
07:53 They're not coming to church for war,
07:55 so they vote with their feet.
07:58 People are tired of seeing emphasis placed
08:00 on policy over the needs of people.
08:03 People are tired of being able to come to church
08:04 where they can share their burdens and problems,
08:06 but they can't do it simply because they're afraid of
08:08 what other folk might say about them after they come clean.
08:13 People are getting tired of judgmental, legalistic,
08:17 finger-pointing, fault-finding, holier-than-thou attitudes.
08:20 People are tired of folk putting on
08:22 an outside show for an unfriendly world.
08:25 It's like the familiar story of the woman
08:27 who was pulled over by the police.
08:30 A man was being tailgated
08:32 by a stressed-out woman on a busy street.
08:34 Suddenly they're traveling on the street
08:36 and the light turns yellow,
08:37 and just in front of him, he does the right thing.
08:39 He stops at the light, even though he could have probably
08:42 beaten the light if he had placed his pedal to the metal
08:46 and accelerated through the intersection.
08:47 Somebody knows what I'm talking about.
08:48 Come on, say amen. But the tailgating woman who's behind him
08:53 is furious because he stopped.
08:55 So she honks her horn. She screams in frustration
08:59 because she missed her chance to get through the intersection
09:02 and all the while she drops her cell phone
09:04 and her makeup at the same time.
09:07 So, while the lady is in mid-rant,
09:09 calling him everything but a child of God,
09:11 she hears a tap on the window. She looks up in her window,
09:17 in the face of a very serious police officer.
09:20 The officer orders her to exit the car with her hands up.
09:23 He takes her to the police station where she is searched,
09:26 fingerprinted, photographed, and placed in a holding cell.
09:30 The woman is more furious.
09:32 She now shouts some four-letter words,
09:35 words you all don't know.
09:36 Come on, say amen. Aud.: Amen.
09:37 PB: She gives the officer a few choice words.
09:39 After a couple of hours,
09:41 another policeman approaches the woman
09:44 and he opens her cell door.
09:46 She's escorted back to the booking desk where the
09:48 original arresting officer was waiting with her personal items.
09:52 He says, "Ma'am, I'm sorry for that mistake. But you see,
09:57 I pulled up behind you. And I pulled up behind your car
10:02 while you were blowing your horn,
10:05 flipping off the guy in front of you,
10:09 cussing like a sailor, and as I looked at your car,
10:13 I looked at your back bumper,
10:15 and your bumper had a sticker that said,
10:18 "What would Jesus do?" [Aud. reaction]
10:21 PB: I then saw the "Follow me to church" bumper sticker.
10:26 I saw the chrome-plated Christian fish emblem on the trunk.
10:29 So naturally, I just assumed you had stolen the car.
10:34 [Aud. reaction] PB: People are tired of folk who
10:42 say one thing but do another. [Aud. reaction]
10:47 PB: People want a real, authentic, genuine experience in Jesus,
10:54 with real, authentic, genuine followers of Jesus.
10:59 Do I have a witness in this place? [Aud. reaction]
11:01 PB: And so, the cry of why church is getting louder and louder.
11:08 Why church is becoming more popular and popular.
11:14 But in the name of Jesus, the Lord told me to tell somebody
11:20 that the church is still the apple of God's eye.
11:25 [Aud. reaction] PB: Ellen White, I still believe in her,
11:29 says that it is still God's appointed agency for
11:32 the salvation of men, women, boys, and girls.
11:35 And so in these perilous days in which we live,
11:39 where atheism, agnosticism, postmodernism,
11:43 and even racism are increasing by the minute,
11:47 I must stand in this pulpit. I must preach today
11:53 and give you five reasons for why church.
11:58 It may not be popular, but you can't be popular
12:01 and prophetic at the same time.
12:04 And so this is for the young and the old.
12:08 Why church, Pastor Byrd? Number one, God started the church.
12:16 [Aud. reaction] PB: Matthew 16:18, understand, we just read it.
12:18 Jesus said, "I say unto thee, thou art Peter,
12:21 and upon this rock I will build my church.
12:23 And the gates of"--what, everybody? Aud.: Hell.
12:25 PB: Hell. "Shall not prevail against it." Now, don't miss this,
12:27 because a lot of people read this text
12:29 and they take this text out of its context.
12:32 Now understand, Catholics will use
12:35 this text as the foundation for their church.
12:38 I am not hating on Catholics,
12:40 because I don't have to minimize somebody else to maximize myself.
12:44 I'm speaking to the institution of the Roman Catholic church.
12:48 It sees itself as the extension of the New Testament church.
12:53 So you have New Testament church
12:54 then you have Roman Catholic church.
12:57 Why? Because they believe Peter was their first pope.
13:02 They believe Peter was their first pope based on this text,
13:05 Matthew 16:18. "And I say unto thee, That thou art Peter,
13:08 and upon this rock I will build my church;
13:10 and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
13:12 "So, they believe Peter is the first pope. Petros, Peter.
13:18 Rock. But they got it wrong.
13:21 Jesus is not saying in the text that Peter,
13:25 Petros, is the rock on which the church was founded.
13:29 But Jesus is saying that the church is built on Him.
13:35 The Rock, Christ Jesus. That's why we sing that hymn,
13:40 "On Christ the solid rock, I stand.
13:43 All other ground is sinking sand.
13:45 "And so, what Jesus is saying in the text is,
13:48 I establish the church on Myself. The Living Rock.
13:53 The church was not built upon human wisdom,
13:56 not on sinful human beings.
13:59 The church was not built on mortal flesh,
14:01 but the church was built on the Rock, Jesus,
14:03 and because the church has been built on the Rock,
14:06 Christ Jesus, the church has stood the test of time.
14:10 God's church--let me tell somebody--was here before you were born,
14:14 and God's church, unless Jesus comes in your lifetime,
14:18 is gonna be here when you die. In other words,
14:22 the church was here before you got here,
14:24 and the church is gonna be here after you leave here.
14:27 [Aud. reaction]
14:28 PB: We got some folk that say they can't make it without me.
14:32 The church won't make it without me. It will die without me.
14:34 Don't be a legend in your own mind.
14:38 The cemetery is full of folk who thought
14:41 the church wouldn't make it without them.
14:43 This is God's church! God started His church,
14:48 and God's truth still moves on.
14:51 The church is ecclesia, God's called out.
14:54 God's not gonna let what He's started, what He's called out, to fail.
15:00 Number two. Why church? Because God said so.
15:06 Aud.: That's right. PB: And if God said it, that settles it.
15:13 Adam and Eve. God, why can't we eat of the fruit
15:16 of all the trees that re in the Garden? Because I said so.
15:21 Why do we have to bring a lamb, a sheep, a goat, without blemish,
15:26 to be an offering? Why can't we bring fruits, nuts, grains,
15:29 and vegetables? Because I said so.
15:32 Noah: Why must we build an ark? Because I said so.
15:36 Why must--Moses says--
15:38 I stretch my rod across the Red Sea? Because I said so.
15:42 Why--Gideon says--
15:43 do I have to reduce my army to 300 men? Because I said so.
15:47 Why can't--Samson--I cut my hair? 'Cause I said so.
15:52 Why do I have to keep the Sabbath? 'Cause I said so.
15:56 Why do I have to return tithe and offering? 'Cause I said so.
16:01 Why do I have to go to Oakwood? [Aud. reaction]
16:06 PB: Because I said so. But let me bowl down somebody else's lane.
16:10 Why do I have to work at Oakwood? Because I said so.
16:19 Why do I have to go to church? Because I said so.
16:25 Hebrews 10:25 is clear. "Let us not forsake the assembling
16:30 of ourselves together, as the manner of some is;
16:32 but exhorting one another: and so much the more,
16:35 as ye see the day of Jesus coming fast approaching.
16:37 "In other words, God is saying, you gotta go to church.
16:39 And you gotta go to church even that much more
16:41 as I'm getting ready to come.
16:44 Now, God is sovereign. God can do what He wants,
16:48 when He wants, where He wants, how He wants,
16:52 and He doesn't have to ask you or me for
16:54 permission to do it if He wants.
16:56 He's God. If God told you do something, you gotta do it.
17:00 Quit asking all the questions why, just do it.
17:03 God told you to obey Him. Do it.
17:05 God told you to go to church. Do it.
17:07 And God is not a God who says do as I say and not as I do.
17:12 [Aud. reaction]
17:15 PB: God told us to go to church because God went to church Himself.
17:21 [Aud. reaction] PB: If you look at Luke chapter 4, verse 16,
17:24 the Bible says that it was Jesus' custom on the Sabbath day
17:28 to go into the church, to go into the synagogue,
17:31 and read the Scriptures.
17:33 Are you hearing what I'm saying? [Aud. reaction]
17:34 PB: Now lest you think that this is just a ploy
17:36 to get people to come to church, let me be clear.
17:39 Because I don't anyone to misunderstand me today.
17:42 You don't have to go to church to be a Christian.
17:47 'Cause there's a whole lot of folk that come to church
17:49 but they ain't Christians.
17:49 I wish I had time. [Aud. reaction]
17:53 PB: But you do have to go to church to be obedient to God.
17:58 Are you hearing what I'm saying, everybody?
18:00 [Aud. reaction] PB: One day in seven, God has,
18:02 has set God's standard for His people to assemble,
18:05 so going to church is not just a good suggestion.
18:08 It's God's will for His people.
18:10 God didn't call us to gather and worship to burden us,
18:12 but He called us to worship Him to bless us.
18:15 We should count it a joy to be blessed by God, in God's church.
18:20 Look at it now, beginning of the semester, everybody in church.
18:23 Wait until we get down to October and November.
18:25 [Aud. reaction] PB: And what troubles me is,
18:28 think about all of the underground churches in other countries
18:31 who only wish they could go to church and worship like we do.
18:34 [Aud. reaction]
18:36 PB: There's a story about a man who was explaining how his church,
18:38 in his church, the people had to sing hymns--
18:41 he was in China--no louder than a whisper
18:43 because they were scared they'd be discovered;
18:46 because if they were discovered, it would mean physical abuse.
18:49 Their children and possessions would be seized
18:51 and they would be in prison.
18:52 But even in the face of all this fear, they still gathered together.
18:57 How much more should we, who have the pleasure, the privilege,
19:03 of worshiping and meeting openly, in a palatial church,
19:09 cushioned pews, nice Taj Mahal restrooms, air condition,
19:18 the Aeolians, video screens, microphones, pipe organ,
19:28 Hammond organ, grand piano, keyboards, the preaching of the Word.
19:32 How much more should we come to church? Why church? Because God said so.
19:42 Number three. I'm almost done. Why church?
19:47 Worshiping God together is powerful. [Aud. reaction]
19:53 PB: Now look at verse 25 again, Hebrews chapter 10.
19:55 It says not only should we worship together,
19:56 but we should exhort one another. That we ought to encourage one another.
20:01 There is something powerful, something powerful about
20:05 gathering together with other believers to worship. Jesus said,
20:09 wherever there are two or three gathered in My name,
20:13 I will be in the midst. And let the records show,
20:16 I may have 2, 3,000 now, but my ministry started
20:19 --you all know my story--with 2 members.
20:22 But wherever there are two or three gathered, God was in the midst.
20:25 Hallelujah! As humans, we were created to be relational beings.
20:29 God never meant for a man to be alone.
20:31 In the Garden, God, when He created Adam,
20:33 He said it is not good that man should be alone,
20:36 so He created Eve. We're relational. That's why we talk.
20:43 We're relational. That's why we smile. We're relational.
20:49 That's why we hug, that's why we cry. We're relational beings.
20:53 All of us long for community and connection with others.
20:56 The Internet is convenient, but the Internet doesn't take
21:00 the place of coming into God's house.
21:03 [Aud. reaction] PB: Television is nice, please watch me.
21:09 But it doesn't take the place of coming together
21:12 and feeling the power of the Holy Ghost that's in the room.
21:17 Podcasts are wonderful additions to our spiritual lives,
21:20 but they don't take the place of coming together
21:22 in consistent Christian community through the church.
21:25 We grow more together than we do alone. I listen to people,
21:32 'cause people tell me all kinda stuff. Okay?
21:36 Pastor Byrd, we need to have two services.
21:40 One service for the young people and one service for the adults.
21:46 And I always say, no. I say no. and they say, well, why?
21:51 I say if it gets to the point where we go to two services,
21:54 we're gonna have two identical services.
21:56 Why? Because there is something that the young people
21:59 glean from the older people, when we're all together.
22:04 And there is something that the older people glean from
22:07 the younger people when we're all together.
22:10 We grow more together than we do alone.
22:15 The church does not mean a single individual lone ranger Christian,
22:19 just coming for Christian duties and never gathering together
22:21 to worship with other believers. The church is community.
22:25 It's worshiping with others, praying with others, hurting with others,
22:28 serving others, being involved in the lives of others,
22:31 and this is biblical and historical
22:33 because the first followers of Jesus did this.
22:36 They would get together to worship God. Together.
22:41 Paul's letters were sent to all those New Testament communities
22:44 that gathered in cities so they could read
22:47 the letters in worship together.
22:50 Church means getting together with other believers,
22:54 worshiping God together, reading Scriptures together,
22:59 encouraging one another, together.
23:02 Somebody's still not getting this. Let me try it this way.
23:05 Proverbs 27:17 says, "Iron sharpens"--what? Aud.: Iron.
23:09 PB: Iron. "So a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friends.
23:13 "Somebody knows that when iron rubs against iron,
23:18 not only does it become sharper, but when iron rubs against iron,
23:23 there are also, it causes sparks. Y'all don't hear what I'm saying.
23:29 When iron is rubbed together, something ignites. Something flickers.
23:36 When iron is rubbed with iron, a fire is started.
23:41 Oh, I wish I had a witness in this place.
23:44 [Aud. reaction] PB: When I hear the Aeolians sing,
23:47 it ignites something within me.
23:51 When I hear a testimony, it causes sparks to fly in my soul.
23:57 When I hear Sister Marva or Sister Dorothy, my church ladies,
24:02 when I hear them shouting in church, I get fired up.
24:06 When I hear John Stoddard playing that organ, and we sing Marching to Zion,
24:11 something is triggered in my spirit. Iron sharpens iron.
24:19 Finally, number five. Why church? Church is preparation place for paradise.
24:28 Church is preparation for what we gonna do when we get to heaven.
24:34 Y'all don't hear what I'm saying. [Aud. reaction]
24:35 In Isaiah 66, the Bible says "It shall come from past,
24:40 from one moon to another moon, from one Sabbath to another Sabbath,
24:44 shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the Lord.
24:49 "When we get to heaven, we're gonna worship and we're gonna praise God.
24:59 I'm gonna praise God like I've lost my mind.
25:04 When I get to heaven, I'm not gonna be worried about who else is there.
25:08 Some people, they get to heaven,
25:09 they thought they would be there won't be there,
25:11 and those you thought would be there won't and wouldn't will,
25:15 but I'm here to let you know, when I get to heaven,
25:18 I'm just gonna be happy that I'm there.
25:20 Do I have a witness in this place?
25:22 Let me tell you--I'm about to sit down--but I love to preach.
25:25 I love church. I love hymns, I love anthems,
25:29 I love gospel, I love it all.
25:31 I love to sing. Y'all see me, they put a camera on me,
25:34 just as demonstrative in praise and worship,
25:36 I'm just as demonstrative on a hymn.
25:39 When we were singing today, Marching to Zion, my soul got happy.
25:44 I love church. I love to say amen. I love to shout.
25:50 But I've learned, we gotta learn how to shout at the right time.
25:56 It's good to have your prayers answered and have the things
26:00 that make your life pleasing and comfortable. That's good.
26:04 But shouting time is when we talk about eternity.
26:09 Do I have a witness in this place?
26:11 [Aud. reaction] PB: Shoes on your feet, crazy socks on your legs,
26:19 a roof over your head, money in your pocket. That's good.
26:25 We need them, and they're great.
26:27 But these are just common things in life.
26:30 So don't let these things get you too excited.
26:35 But when you hear about eternity,
26:38 that through Jesus Christ you're gonna live with Him forever.
26:42 That we're gonna have church all day long, all night long,
26:49 that's time to shout! No more sickness, no more pain.
26:55 That's shouting time! No more cancer, no more high blood pressure.
27:00 That's shouting time! No more death, no more dying, no more disease.
27:05 That's shouting time! No more house note. No more car note.
27:10 That's shouting time! Mansion with your name on it.
27:14 That's shouting time! Sit at the welcome table.
27:17 That's shouting time!
27:19 Feast on milk and honey. That's shouting time!
27:23 Sing that never gets tired. That's shouting time!
27:27 Put on my long white robe. That's shouting time!
27:31 Eat grits with Jesus. That's shouting time!
27:34 Eat rice and peas with Jesus! [music]
27:43 >: Thank you very much for tuning in to
27:45 this week's Breath of Life broadcast.
27:47 We hope and pray that you've been blessed
27:49 by Dr. Byrd's inspirational message.
27:52 If you would like to hear this sermon in its entirety,
27:54 please feel free to visit us at
28:00 Or, call us at (256) 929-6460.
28:06 [END]


Revised 2018-10-25