Series Code: BOL
Program Code: BOL000615A
00:10 SERMON B615 "KNOW GOD'S PURPOSE FOR YOUR LIFE" 00:19 PB: First Samuel chapter 1, verse number 1. 00:26 "There was a certain man from Ramathaim, a Zuphite 00:31 from the hill country of Ephraim, whose name was 00:35 Elkanah son of Jeroham, the son of Elihu, 00:39 the son of Tohu, the son of Zuph, an Ephraimite." 00:43 Read, Pastor Byrd. I'm doing the best I can. 00:46 [Aud. reaction] PB: "He had two wives; one was 00:53 called Hannah and the other Peninnah. Peninnah had 00:57 children, but Hannah had none. Year after year 01:02 this man went up from his town to worship and 01:04 sacrifice to the Lord Almighty at Shiloh, 01:06 where Hophni and Phinehas, the two sons of Eli, 01:08 were priests of the Lord. Whenever the day came 01:12 for Elkanah to sacrifice, he would give portions 01:15 of the meat to his wife Peninnah and to all her 01:16 sons and daughters. But to Hannah he gave a double 01:20 portion because he loved her, and the Lord had closed 01:24 [or shut up] her womb. Because the Lord had closed 01:26 [or shut up] Hannah's womb, her rival [Peninnah] 01:31 kept provoking her in order to irritate her. 01:35 This went on year after year. Whenever Hannah 01:38 went up to the house of the Lord, her rival 01:40 provoked her till she wept and would not eat. 01:43 Her husband Elkanah would say to her, ‘Hannah, 01:46 why are you weeping? Why don't you eat? Why are 01:48 you downhearted? Don't I mean more to you 01:50 than ten sons?' Once when they had finished eating 01:52 and drinking in Shiloh, Hannah stood up. Now Eli 01:55 the priest was sitting on his chair by the doorpost 01:57 of the Lord's house. In her deep anguish Hannah 02:01 prayed to the Lord, weeping bitterly. And she made 02:05 a vow, saying, ‘Lord Almighty, if you will only 02:09 look on your servant's misery and remember me, 02:13 and not forget your servant but give her a son, 02:17 then I will give him to the Lord for all the 02:20 days of his life, and no razor will ever be used 02:23 on his head.' “As she kept on praying to the Lord, 02:27 Eli observed her mouth. Hannah was praying in her heart, 02:30 and her lips were moving but her voice was not heard. 02:34 Eli thought she was drunk and said to her, 02:36 ‘How long are you going to stay drunk? 02:38 Put away your wine.' Not so, my lord,' 02:40 Hannah replied, I am a woman who is deeply troubled. 02:43 I have not been drinking wine or beer; 02:45 I was pouring out my soul to the Lord.' 02:49 Sometime, when you pour out your soul to 02:51 the Lord, people don't know what you're doing, 02:52 but that's all right. God knows. ‘Do not take 02:56 your servant for a wicked woman; I have been 02:59 praying here out of my great anguish and grief.' 03:01 Eli answered, ‘Go in peace, and may the 03:03 God of Israel grant you what you have asked of him.' 03:05 She said, ‘May your servant find favor in your eyes.' 03:08 Then she went her way and ate something, 03:10 and her face was no longer downcast." 03:12 Verse 19: "Early the next morning they arose 03:14 and worshiped before the Lord and then went back 03:15 to their home at Ramah. Elkanah made love to his 03:18 wife Hannah, and the Lord remembered her. 03:20 So in the course of time Hannah became pregnant 03:23 and gave birth to a son. She named him Samuel, 03:27 saying, ‘Because I asked the Lord for him.'” 03:33 Know God's purpose for your life. Lord, bless 03:39 us now. Let the words of my mouth and the meditations 03:41 of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight. Speak, Lord, 03:44 because You're my strength and You are our Redeemer. Amen. 03:49 Let me begin by saying to our freshman students, 03:53 to our church members, visitors, and those watching 03:55 by television and the Internet, Know who you are. 03:58 But more than knowing who you are, know Whose you are. 04:05 Do I have a witness in this place? 04:07 You are who you are. You are who God called you to be. 04:13 You are not Jim, John, Paul, Brother James or Brother Smith. 04:20 You are not Sally, Sue, or Jane, or Sister Brown or 04:23 Sister Johnson. You are you. You are who God called 04:32 you to be. You are not called to be anything else. 04:35 You are not called to be any thing else. You are called 04:38 to be what God has called you to be because you're special. 04:42 You are fearfully--the Bible says--and wonderfully made. 04:45 You're a King's kid. You're a child of the Most High God. 04:49 Your Father is CEO of the universe. Besides Him there 04:54 is none other. He's God, and you belong to Him. 04:59 He created you, and you are not an accident. 05:02 God has a plan for you, God has a purpose for 05:05 your life, And the two most important days of 05:07 your life were the day you were born and the 05:09 day you found out why. Even though God has a 05:13 purpose for all of our lives, there are many 05:16 people who wonder throughout their entire life, 05:18 not knowing their purpose. And I'm not just 05:21 talking about young people, either. We've got 05:23 young people and we've got older people who 05:26 don't know their purpose. We've got some people 05:29 who are 20 and we've got some people who are 50, 05:31 who still don't know their purpose. Yes, 05:34 they've achieved a measure of success and 05:36 experienced accomplishments, got an education, 05:38 you have a nice car, you have a nice house, 05:41 you have done a good job, have a great job, 05:43 but you still ask yourself the question: 05:46 Have I done the thing that God created me to do? 05:49 But in the name of Jesus, I declare to everybody 05:54 in this place: God has a plan for your life. 06:00 And everything happens according to His sovereign plan. 06:05 His plan was in place before the foundation of the world. 06:08 His plan was in place before your mama and daddy 06:11 got together. You might have thought that your 06:14 parents just happened to stumble upon each other, 06:17 but God orchestrated when they met, where they met, 06:22 and how they met. So then it's not by happenstance 06:27 that you're here today. To the new Oakwood student, 06:30 the freshman, the transfer student, it's all 06:33 according to God's purpose and His plan. 06:36 And so because it's all about God's plan, 06:39 there's no devil in hell that can stop God's 06:43 plan and purpose for your life. Remember, 06:48 a Red Sea couldn't stop God. A fiery furnace 06:53 couldn't stop God. A lions' den could not stop God. 06:57 Herod's decree to kill all the baby boys in 07:03 the land could not stop God. God is sovereign. 07:05 God can do what He wants, when He wants, 07:07 where He wants, how He wants, and He doesn't 07:08 have to ask us for permission to do what He wants. 07:10 God is God. God has a plan and purpose for your life. 07:14 Now, I've learned over the 24 years of pastoring 07:18 that many people aspire to what they see up front. 07:23 So there are some students that are gonna come 07:25 to Oakwood, and you're gonna aspire to what you 07:28 see up front. But when people do that, 07:31 we have people operating outside of God's 07:33 purpose because they want to do what they 07:35 see rather than what God sees. Everybody wants 07:41 to do something that is important. They do it 07:45 because they think if they do something that 07:47 is important, that will make them important. 07:49 But take it from one who knows: 07:52 All that glitters is not gold. [Aud. reaction] 07:56 PB: What you might see may not be what is. 08:00 What you may see as financially prosperous 08:04 may be a robbing-Peter-to-pay-Pa ul, 08:07 living-month-to-month, waiting-on-the-15th- 08:09 and-the-30th of every month, burdened-with-debt 08:12 individual who's praying for a financial 08:15 breakthrough. What you may see, when you see 08:18 Dr. Pollard, you may see a prestigious position, 08:21 a president, but it might be a perpetual 08:23 position of heartache, headache, and grief. 08:27 You can have more titles than space to put them. 08:31 More degrees than a thermometer. More letters 08:35 behind your name than the alphabet, but if it's 08:39 not what God has for you, you will be nothing 08:42 more but sounding brass and tinkling cymbal. 08:46 Speaking of operating outside of God's purpose, 08:50 have you ever worked on a jigsaw puzzle and 08:53 there was a puzzle piece that you were trying 08:55 to cram in--not the puzzle, but it didn't fit 08:58 because you were trying to cram it in because 09:01 you were tired of looking for the right spot 09:04 in the puzzle. Anybody know what I'm talking about? 09:06 And so, because the puzzle was getting on 09:08 your nerves, you said enough is enough. 09:12 I'm tired of this puzzle, and so you said, 09:15 I'ma take my fist and I'ma hammer the pieces 09:18 in this puzzle the way I want to. Anybody 09:21 know what I'm talking about? And while it 09:24 may have been hammered in, the pieces would 09:27 keep popping out of the puzzle, because the 09:31 puzzle piece was not designed to fit in that spot. 09:36 Are you hearing what I'm saying? 09:38 That's what happens to somebody in their life. 09:41 They've popped out of something that they were 09:44 never supposed to be in, in the first place. 09:47 [Aud. reaction] PB: Somebody's hand pushed 09:49 them into something that they were never meant 09:52 to be in, and so they're now hurt and they're 09:54 now upset, and as the old saying goes, "hurt 09:57 people hurt people." [Aud. reaction] 10:01 PB: But know who you are. Know who God 10:04 created you to be. Know God's purpose for 10:08 your life. And so I like this text, because 10:11 a lot of people try to use this text with 10:12 Hannah for many different reasons, 10:14 but it's from this text that we can 10:16 learn something about purpose. In this text, 10:19 we've got two women. How many women, everybody? 10:21 Aud.: Two. PB: Two women. We've got 10:23 Peninnah and Hannah. Peninnah and whom, everybody? 10:25 Aud.: Hannah. PB: They are married, two women, 10:29 to one man. Elkanah. Now, don't get it twisted. 10:34 Polygamy was practiced back in the day, 10:36 but it's not supposed to be practiced today. 10:38 The Bible says, "Be the husband of one wife." 10:42 When God created Eve, God took one rib out of 10:47 the side of Adam. Which means, you're not supposed 10:50 to be going around with a slab. One means one. 10:54 Do I have a witness in this place? 10:55 But Elkanah has two ribs, Hannah and Peninnah. 11:02 And there's a problem between the two, 11:04 because you can't have two cooks in the kitchen. 11:08 But it's not the existence of Peninnah that's 11:11 bothering Hannah, but it's rather the blessings 11:14 of Peninnah that are bothering Hannah, 11:17 because Peninnah was blessing Elkanah with 11:19 children and Hannah wasn't. Hannah didn't 11:23 have the blessing because the Bible says, 11:25 "The Lord." Everybody say "The Lord." 11:28 Aud.: The Lord. PB: Come on, say "The Lord." 11:29 Aud.: The Lord. PB: The Lord shut up, 11:32 or closed, her womb. Not the devil, not Satan, 11:38 not a doctor, not a nurse. It was not a 11:43 medical defect. It was not a birth defect, 11:47 but the Bible says "The Lord shut up her womb." 11:52 Somebody's gonna get this in a minute. God, 11:55 in His divine purpose, has created a restriction 11:59 on Hannah's life. This is not the devil's doing, 12:04 this is the Lord's doing. "The Lord has 12:07 shut up her womb." So let me ask you this 12:12 morning: What do you do when the One you're 12:13 praying to has hurt you? What do you do 12:20 when the One to whom you seek a solution 12:23 has created the problem in the first place? 12:27 What do you do when the One you serve is 12:30 in conflict with the one who's serving Him? 12:33 [Aud. reaction] But then not only that. 12:35 Let's compound the situation. Elkanah, 12:38 Hannah's husband, can't understand why she's 12:40 so depressed. He says, "Why are you angry? 12:43 Why are you unhappy?" I mean, he's a wealthy man. 12:46 The Bible says that he's given her everything. 12:49 She has wanted nothing. She has a nice house, 12:51 has nice furniture, a nice donkey to ride, 12:54 nice clothes, nice shoes. But what Elkanah didn't 12:58 realize was, purpose cannot be bought. 13:00 Somebody knows--I believe I've got a witness 13:03 in this place--that purpose will make you leave 13:05 a job that pays more and take a job that pays less. 13:09 Purpose will make you go to a smaller college 13:11 that costs more, because it's not about your 13:13 earthly home, it's all about your eternal home. 13:16 Some things can't be bought. Some things are 13:20 better than money. And so it's from this 13:22 narrative of Hannah's life that we all can 13:25 learn some lessons about purpose. 13:28 So lesson number one, from the story: I've learned, 13:30 purpose does not start with fulfillment. 13:34 Purpose starts with pain. Not with money, 13:39 not with a job, not with a fine wife or a 13:43 wonderful husband, but purpose starts with pain. 13:47 The Lord shut up her womb to make sure she hurt 13:52 bad enough to be used by Him. God says, 13:56 "I'm gonna make you broken in all the right places." 13:58 "I'm gonna make sure that you're so uncomfortable 14:00 that you will see My face." "I'm gonna create enough 14:03 tension in your life so you will look up from whence 14:05 cometh your help." No battle, no blessing. No pain, 14:09 no gain. No valley, no victory! To everybody in 14:14 this place under the sound of my voice, especially 14:15 the freshmen, be careful of wishing you were somebody 14:18 else or something else. In my years, I have never 14:23 known anybody who was unbelievably powerful who was 14:26 not equally painful. People always want your power. 14:30 "I want to be Pastor Byrd." "I want to be 14:32 speaker-director of Breath of Life." 14:33 "I want to be the pastor of the 14:34 Oakwood University Church." They always want 14:35 your power but they never ask for your pain. 14:38 And if you're not willing to carry my cross, 14:40 you can't wear my crown, because my crown is 14:42 created by the intensity of my cross. 14:46 God, what have You called me to be? God, 14:51 what is it that YO have for my life? 14:53 Not Pastor William's life; 14:55 not Pastor Goodridge's life; 14:55 not Dr. Pollard's life, but God, 14:56 what do You have for my life? 14:59 What have You called me for? 15:01 Some people---you know, the political people- 15:04 -They say, Pastor Byrd, you've been here 15:07 six and a half years. GC is coming in 2020, 15:10 Pastor Josiah. What is it that you want? 15:13 I had somebody ask me that this week. 15:15 What and where do you ultimately want to land? 15:19 Where do you want to go? And so, 15:23 I'll tell you what I told them: 15:24 I just want to be the best Carleton Byrd 15:29 that God would have me to be, because what 15:33 God has for me, it is for me! So if that 15:39 means being at Oakwood, I'm good. 15:41 If that means being with Breath of Life, 15:44 I'm good. But what God has for me, 15:48 because I don't wanna be what I'm not. 15:52 I wanna be what God would have me to be 15:54 but I understand that purpose begins with pain. 15:56 You crawl before you walk. Some of you will 15:59 make an F before you make an A. 16:01 You may lose an election at Oakwood before you 16:04 win an election. You may break up with him before 16:07 you meet Mr. Right. Purpose begins with pain, 16:10 and when you know your purpose it will make you 16:12 a target. When you know God's purpose for your life, 16:16 you will become a marked man, you will become a 16:17 marked woman, because somebody will be mad that 16:20 your purpose is not their purpose. 16:22 Can I tell my testimony? Understand, 16:24 the greatest moments of your life can sometimes 16:27 be the greatest moments of envy and jealousy 16:29 in somebody's else's life. Dogs bark at moving cars, 16:32 they don't bark at parked cars. The old saying says, 16:35 "The brighter the light, the more you attract bugs." 16:37 Whenever you're doing something for the Lord or 16:40 fulfilling God's purpose for your life, there will 16:42 always be an element that envies what you have 16:44 and wishes they had what you have, and they will 16:47 plot against you and undermine your efforts, 16:48 because people shoot at the deer they see 16:50 not the one in the bushes. [Aud. reaction] 16:54 PB: But this element is a part of the process. 16:57 Keep your eyes on Jesus, and know your purpose. 17:01 I'd rather be blessed of God than be blessed 17:05 of people, because I always know God's got my back. 17:10 [Aud. reaction] PB: Which leads me to number two. 17:13 Lesson number two: Sometimes God will allow 17:14 people in your life to provoke you. Listen to me: 17:22 Sometimes God will send people and allow people 17:25 in your life to provoke you so you will learn 17:28 how to depend on Him. Think about it. God allowed 17:33 Peninnah in Hannah's house. God opens up her womb. 17:39 God allows, in His permissive will--not express, 17:43 but permissive will--for Peninnah to have baby after 17:46 baby after baby. And this provokes Hannah. It gets 17:51 on Hannah's nerves, because if we're truthful today, 17:54 there's nothing that gets on your nerves more 17:57 than seeing somebody else do what you've always 18:01 wanted to do. In fact, in this day and age of social media, 18:04 where everyone's lives are on display, comparison 18:07 can make you crazy. Comparison will make you depressed 18:10 and dissatisfied with your own life because the less 18:12 fulfilled you are with your own life, the more likely 18:14 you are to become distracted and discontented by what 18:17 you see somebody else doing or having. 18:20 Tell the truth, shame the devil: let's get real today. 18:22 It gets on your nerves when you see other people 18:26 stepping into what you were created to do, because 18:30 you say "What's wrong with me?" I mean, look at 18:34 the story, you all. Hannah says, I'm a woman just 18:37 like Peninnah is. We've been with the same man, 18:41 so it can't be him. It must be me. So now, 18:49 Hannah has this woman in her house who taunts her, 18:54 provokes her, and says "I can have it but you can't." 18:59 Now, it's one thing to deal with Peninnah when 19:03 she's out of sight and out of mind, 19:05 but how do you handle Peninnah when Peninnah's 19:07 sitting up in your house? How do you handle 19:11 Peninnah when she's in the same office that 19:13 you're in? How do you handle Peninnah when 19:15 she's sitting down a pew from you? How do you 19:18 handle Peninnah when Peninnah's in your class 19:20 or Peninnah's on your dorm wing? People who 19:23 have negative energy, people who have what 19:26 you want, and if we're real today, 19:27 it gets on your everlasting nerves when 19:30 you see other people blessed and you're not. 19:33 They're married, and you're still single. 19:37 They live in a five-bedroom house and you're 19:39 in a one-bedroom apartment. They have their 19:42 2018 Benz, but you're driving the 19:44 1990 Volkswagen bug with no air, no heat, 19:48 no radio and no power anything. They got 19:50 the job and you didn't. They got the church 19:55 and you didn't. They got the speaking 19:58 appointment and you didn't. They got the 20:00 scholarship and you didn't. They got the 20:02 fellowship and you didn't. They made the 20:04 A and you didn't. And the Lord will use 20:06 Peninnahs in your life to provoke you. 20:10 But I've learned, sometimes God blesses people 20:13 around you to make you pray. God will bless 20:17 people around you to make you fast. I wish 20:19 I had a church in this place today. 20:21 Sometimes God will put people in your 20:24 life to provoke you. Why? He's trying to save you. 20:28 [Aud. reaction] PB: I need you to understand 20:30 this today because there's somebody in this place, 20:33 young or old, and you're mad at God. You're bitter; 20:34 you're angry; you're mad. Because you ask, 20:35 why does it seem like everybody else's program 20:38 is working but mine? Why does it seem like 20:40 their career is taking off but not mine? 20:42 Why is everybody getting the blessing, 20:43 and I'm not? But maybe just maybe, 20:44 God is trying to get you to a place of 20:46 total dependence upon Him, where your 20:48 money can't buy you out, your degree can't 20:51 think you out, your charisma can't charge 20:53 you out, and your family can't bail you out, 20:56 so when you do come out you'll know it was nobody, 21:00 it wasn't your family, it wasn't your finances, 21:06 it wasn't your connections, it wasn't your friends, 21:08 but it was nobody but Jesus who brought you out. 21:13 [Aud. reaction] PB: Let me tell you, 21:15 sometimes God will make you fall straight on 21:17 your back, so you can look up to the hills 21:19 from whence cometh your help. "I will life up 21:22 mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my 21:23 help. My help cometh from the" what, everybody? 21:25 Aud.: Lord. PB: "Who made heaven and" what, 21:27 everybody? Earth. Sometimes God will allow 21:29 people to provoke you so you can depend on Him. 21:32 Number three: When you want to get in God's 21:35 purpose for your life, I have learned sometimes 21:39 in my life that sometimes God will hold you back 21:45 to shoot you forward. You see, getting your purpose 21:48 is not easy. You gotta fight for it. And sometimes, 21:53 God will hold you back to shoot you forward, to 21:58 propel you into your destiny. I wish I had a witness 22:00 in this place. Somebody's not getting this. Let me 22:02 illustrate it this way: When I was growing up as 22:04 a kid, we weren't able to go to the car wash every 22:08 week like we go now. My brother, my sister and I, 22:14 we were the Byrd Car Wash. Somebody knows what I'm 22:19 talking about. See, young people today, you got 22:22 it too good. We gonna take the car to the car wash- 22:24 -no. We WERE the car wash. But I learned something 22:30 about the Byrd Car Wash that I didn't get paid for. 22:35 I learned at the Byrd Car Wash that if you want a 22:41 water hose to shoot further, if you want a water 22:48 hose to shoot further--somebody knows where I'm going- 22:50 -you have to squeeze the hose, because the more 22:57 you squeeze the hose, the further the water will shoot. 23:04 Are you hearing what I'm saying? Somebody's gonna get 23:05 this in a minute. It's just the same with a bow 23:08 and arrow. The more you pull the bow back, 23:11 the further the arrow will shoot. Are you hearing 23:14 what I'm saying? And sometimes, when God wants to 23:18 shoot you forward, God will sometimes hold you back. 23:22 People get mad when they get a demotion. People get 23:26 mad when they're passed over for a promotion. 23:29 In my profession, if I'm transparent, people 23:31 get mad when they get moved to a smaller church. 23:36 Maybe God has shut 23:37 up your womb. Maybe God has closed your womb, 23:40 because if your womb were open, you wouldn't 23:42 be able to handle it. You'd walk around with 23:45 your head so big, your nose so stuck up in 23:48 the air that if it rained, you'd drown. 23:51 Your chest so stuck out that you couldn't 23:53 get through the door. So what will God do? 23:55 God will make you wait 25 years, like He did 23:59 Abraham for the fulfilling of the divine Covenant, 24:02 so you will fully surrender to Him. Sometimes, 24:05 God will make you work seven years, then another 24:08 seven years like He did Jacob, so you will fully 24:11 surrender to Him. Sometimes, God will leave you 24:13 in the wilderness for 40 years, like He did the 24:16 children of Israel, so you will learn how to 24:18 depend on Him. God will leave you in a city, 24:22 leave you in a community, leave you on a job, 24:26 leave you in a school. He'll hold you back so 24:29 in His own time, at the right time, 24:34 He'll shoot you forward. Are you hearing what I'm saying? 24:36 [Aud. reaction] PB: Lesson number four. 24:40 Final lesson. If you want to get in your purpose. 24:43 If you want to know who you are, you've got to seek 24:47 the Lord. Now, in the narrative, Hannah stops 24:53 debating with Elkanah. Hannah stops letting Peninnah 24:59 get under her skin. She gets up and says uh, 25:04 "Elkanah, what I need you don't have. 25:09 What I want you can't provide. What it takes, 25:15 you can't afford. But I'm going to the temple. 25:21 I'm going to the church. I'm seeking the Lord. 25:28 Forgetting those things which are behind, 25:31 I'm reaching to those things which are before me. 25:35 I press toward the mark of the high calling of 25:39 God in Jesus Christ." Hannah goes to the temple. 25:45 She walks in that nice, clean, quiet sedate service, 25:49 with one thing on her mind. She's seeking the Lord. 25:53 And sometimes when you're seeking the Lord, 25:56 you don't care how you look, you don't 25:59 care how you act, you don't care what people 26:02 think about ya, but you're seeking the - 26:05 -anybody know what I'm talking about? 26:07 [Aud. reaction] PB: You've come to the alter, 26:09 and you say, "I don't care what anybody thinks. 26:14 I need my blessing." She comes down the altar, 26:19 she passes the priests, the pastors, the elders, 26:23 because to step in your purpose sometimes you've 26:26 got to step past some people. I wish I had a 26:28 witness in this place. Eli thinks she's drunk. 26:33 But she doesn't care. She says, "Man, I'm not drunk. 26:38 Religion doesn't hold her back. 26:41 Tradition does not hold her back. Ritual does not 26:46 hold her back. But she makes a vow to the Lord. 26:50 "Give me a son and I will give him to You for 26:55 the rest of his life." The Bible says that God 27:00 opened up her womb. God blesses Hannah with a child, 27:07 Samuel, and then He blesses her with five more children. 27:12 I just heard somebody say "won't He do it?" 27:16 Ha. You see, my friends, you don't understand 27:20 why Sister O'Quinn shouts like she shouts. 27:23 You don't understand why Marva shouts like she shouts. 27:27 But they don't care that you look at them funny. 27:30 They don't care that they might get on your nerves. 27:33 They don't care that they're clapping their hands. 27:36 They've been through hell and high water, 27:39 and they're running out of time! And I don't know 27:42 who I'm speaking to right now, but if you're gonna 27:45 get in your purpose, it begins with pain. 27:49 It begins with pain. God will send somebody 27:53 to provoke you. God will hold you back to shoot you forward. 27:59 [Aud. reaction] PB: But you've got to seek the Lord. 28:08 "Thank you very much for tuning into this 28:10 week's Breath of Life Broadcast. 28:12 We hope and pray that you have been blessed 28:14 by Dr. Byrd's inspirational message. 28:17 If you would like to hear this sermon in 28:19 its entirety, please feel free to visit us at 28:21 or call us at 256.929.6460. 28:31 [END] |
Revised 2018-08-21