Breath of Life

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000612A

00:06 SERMON 612 "One Voice, One Heart and One God"
00:21 PB: Second Chronicles 7:14. "If my people which are called by my
00:29 name shall humble themselves and do"--what, everybody? Pray.
00:34 PB: Seek my face. Turn from their wicked ways.
00:38 Then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sins,
00:44 and I will heal their land." Father, right now,
00:49 thank You for change. Thank You that You changed us.
00:53 Thank You that You arrange and You re-arrange us,
00:58 that we can be the people we are today. And so, Lord God,
01:02 this day as we emphasize the power of prayer, we do it
01:07 with one voice. One heart. And to one God. Breathe now in
01:16 the aisles of the Oakwood Church, over the airways.
01:20 May Your anointing fall today and may we be able to say
01:24 it was good to have been here in this house. Change somebody today.
01:29 God, change 'em today, I pray. And we be careful to give You the praise,
01:36 the honor and the glory. In the name of Jesus,
01:39 begging for forgiveness of sin. Let everyone say amen. Aud.: Amen.
01:46 PB: And amen. One voice, one heart, and one God. Everybody say "one voice."
01:54 Aud.: One voice. PB: "One heart." Aud.: One heart. PB: And "One God."
02:01 Aud.: One God. PB: Today it's very important that you
02:05 understand the importance of prayer. We can preach;
02:09 we can sing; we can testify, but nothing takes the place of prayer.
02:19 [Aud. reaction] PB: One of my favorite writers said
02:21 "Prayer is the opening of your heart to God as your friend."
02:25 "Prayer is the place where pride is abandoned, hope is lifted,
02:31 and supplication is made." "Prayer is the place of admitting
02:36 your need, adopting humility, and claiming dependence upon God."
02:42 Everybody up in here needs prayer. I don't care if you're white
02:49 or black, rich or poor, young or old, male or female,
02:57 Adventist or Baptist, Catholic or Protestant, Christian or Jew,
03:05 Democrat or Republican, church member or community resident,
03:09 everybody up in here needs prayer. [Aud. reaction]
03:13 PB: And if you don't know how to pray, you'd better
03:18 learn how to pray, because the world we're living in
03:22 is a mess. And the only thing that's gonna help us get
03:27 through stressed relationships, wayward children,
03:32 backstabbing friends, trifling employees, oppressive employers,
03:40 gossiping coworkers, nagging illnesses, foreclosed homes,
03:47 immigration harassment, border separation, Russian collusion,
03:54 fake news, alternative facts, and racist subjugation is some
04:00 downright, knee-falling, prostrate-bowing, crying-to-the-Lord
04:06 in prayer, because as the old folks used to say, "If we ever
04:10 needed the Lord before, we sure do need Him now. And so
04:16 God says in the text, "If my people, which are called by
04:21 my name, would humble themselves and"--do what, everybody?
04:25 Aud.: Pray. PB: Pray, and seek my face, and turn from
04:27 their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and forgive
04:28 their sin and heal their land." Now, quickly, in the context
04:32 surrounding this text, speaking to Solomon after the completion
04:36 of the temple, God says, I have heard your prayer. I have
04:39 chosen this temple as the place where I want you to sacrifice
04:44 to me. And He says, "If my people, who are called by my name,
04:48 I they will just humble themselves and pray, I will hear their
04:50 prayers made in this place." So God wants His people,
04:54 God wants those who have been called by Him, God wants
04:58 us to pray. He wants to hear the prayers of His people,
05:03 not just individually but He wants to hear them collectively.
05:07 But we need to pray with one voice, one heart to one God.
05:14 So these three points I'll make then I'll sit down,
05:17 number one: pray with one voice. Pray with what, everybody?
05:20 Aud.: One voice. PB: Now part of the challenge that
05:22 we face today is the fact that there are many different
05:25 voices speaking. Liberals are speaking; conservatives are
05:30 speaking; politicians are speaking; pundits are speaking;
05:35 the common people are speaking; black people are speaking;
05:39 white people are speaking; yellow people are speaking;
05:41 red people are speaking; Baby-Boomers are speaking;
05:44 Generation Xs are speaking; Millennials are speaking;
05:47 everybody is speaking, and when everybody is speaking
05:49 and you're speaking at the same time, you've got confusion.
05:53 You don't believe me, let's remember the tower of Babel.
05:56 Babel, Babel, tomato, tomato. The children of Israel were
05:59 trying to reach heaven. They were trying to build a tower
06:01 to reach heaven, but that wasn't the will of God.
06:02 And if it's not in God's will, God's not gonna let it happen.
06:05 Are you hearing what I'm saying, everybody? They're trying
06:07 to build a tower to reach heaven, but God confounds them by
06:10 language. Everybody speaks a different language, and there
06:12 is confusion. There is what, everybody? Aud.: Confusion.
06:14 PB: But God is calling us today to speak with one voice.
06:17 The Bible is complete with examples of miracles happening
06:20 when the people of God come together and are of one accord
06:23 and are speaking with one voice. I like the Book of Acts,
06:26 because it gives us three examples. Quickly, example number one,
06:30 Acts chapter 2. The Bible says that on the day of Pentecost,
06:33 when all the people were of one accord, in one place, there
06:36 came a sound from heaven like a mighty rushing wind,
06:38 and the Spirit of God was made manifest and 3,000 people
06:42 were baptized in one day. EWxample number two, Acts chapter 16.
06:46 The Bible says Paul and Silas were in a Philippian jail at night.
06:50 It was only two of them, but the Word says wherever there are two
06:53 or three gathered in My name, I shall be in the midst.
06:57 Paul and Silas touched and agreed in that jail cell.
07:00 God delivered them. They had one voice.
07:03 Example number three. Acts chapter 12. Peter is in his jail
07:07 cell also at night. Soldiers are to his left; soldiers are to
07:11 his right. Soldiers are at the door. There's another door outside
07:14 the jail cell and another door outside of that cell, and soldiers
07:18 are by it. Soldiers are all around him. And the Bible says,
07:21 "Sixteen in all." The Bible says that the church was back
07:27 at Mary's house. [Aud. reaction] PB: And they were praying
07:31 for him. The Bible says they were touching. They were agreeing.
07:36 The Bible says a light shined in the prison cell. Now clearly,
07:40 if it's dark in the prison cell, if God shines a light,
07:44 everybody should see a light. But the Bible says nobody
07:47 saw the light but Peter; which means, when God comes
07:51 to deliver you, it's all about you. Are you hearing what I'm saying?
07:54 [Aud. reaction] PB: The Bible says the chains fell off.
07:57 Surely, if they didn't see the light, they would have heard
07:58 the chains, but the Bible says they didn't even hear the
08:01 chains either. God delivered Peter from the prison cell,
08:04 off the prison property. One voice. The church that prays
08:09 together stays together. The church gathered to pray for one
08:13 of their own. They had come together as a family to seek
08:16 God's help for a brother that was in need. Their prayers had power.
08:19 Why? Because they were in agreement, and they united in one voice
08:24 in their walk with God. That's why--some of you may take offense
08:27 with it--but I'm clear when I say this. That's why everybody
08:30 can't pray for me. [Aud. reaction] PB: Because if we don't
08:34 pray together, we've got to touch and agree for the same thing.
08:38 Are you hearing what I'm saying? That's why, when I go to the
08:41 hospital, I visit people. If there are people in the hospital
08:43 room that don't believe that God has the power to raise people
08:46 up off their bed of affliction, you need to get up outta that
08:50 room when I'm in there, 'cause we don't need conflicting spirits.
08:53 It may be a crisis facing the entire church or a crisis facing one
08:59 individual, but because we're admonished to bear one another's burdens,
09:02 what confronts one should confront all. [Aud. reaction]
09:06 PB: But you know what? Our differences often hinder our prayers.
09:09 We want to see people saved; we want to see people rescued;
09:12 we want to see people delivered; we want to see strongholds pulled down;
09:16 we want to see chains broken; we want to see our children come back
09:19 to the Lord. We want the power of God on this church, on this community,
09:22 on all of our churches like it was on the Day of Pentecost. We pray,
09:26 we pray, we pray, but one of the reasons we do not see the power of
09:29 God manifested in our midst is because we have allowed petty
09:33 differences to divide us. Aud. reaction]
09:36 PB: We sweat the small stuff. We major in minors. We engage
09:41 in the paralysis of analysis. We project erroneous thoughts,
09:46 flawed notions, inaccurate perceptions on other people that
09:49 just aren't true. Catholics are controlling. Methodists are mean.
09:57 Pentecostals are Holy Rollers. Baptists think they're better.
10:02 And Adventists have attitudes. [Aud. reaction]
10:07 PB: But when the people of God come together,
10:11 and when the people of God are in one accord,
10:15 when we touch and agree, when we call out to God
10:20 with one voice, the sick will be healed. The dead
10:25 will be raised. The lame will walk, the dumb will talk,
10:30 the blind will see. Habits will be broken. Children will
10:35 come back to the Lord. Jobs will be found. Children
10:39 separated from their parents at borders will be united.
10:43 Cancer will be killed. High blood pressure made low,
10:47 and hearts fixed. Great things happen when God's people
10:51 speak with one--what? Voice. Aud.: Voice.
10:54 PB: Now, let me be clear. We have differences that
10:58 divide us, but I believe we have more commonalities that
11:02 unite us. And the reality is, in this world, in Huntsville,
11:06 in this community, there's enough dope, there's enough meth,
11:12 enough crack, enough murder, enough theft, enough rape,
11:18 racism, poverty, illiteracy, delinquency, debt and deceit
11:22 in our world, that we need to collectively tackle than to be
11:25 arguing over foolishness. So, in the words of Martin King,
11:29 it's not just applicable to blacks and whites, it's applicable
11:31 to all of us--Adventists and Baptists, Methodists and Presbyterians,
11:35 Church of God and Christ, and Pentecostals. It's applicable to us.
11:38 Either we will learn how to hang together like brothers and sisters,
11:40 or we'll simply and tragically die like fools.
11:44 There's a conspiracy led by the devil to destroy the black man,
11:49 the white man, the yellow man, the red man, the Adventist man,
11:52 the Baptist man, the Methodist man, the Christian man, the Jewish man,
11:55 the Catholic man, the Oakwood man, the A&M man, the UAH man,
11:59 the Morehouse man. It's a conspiracy to destroy all men.
12:02 Society is trying to eliminate each other but the devil is
12:05 trying to kill us all. [Aud. reaction] PB: But in the name of Jesus--
12:10 [Aud. reaction] PB: The devil is a liar. We are all sinners,
12:16 saved by grace. If it had not been for the Lord on my side,
12:21 where would I be? There are no big Is and little yous;
12:26 the ground is level at the cross. Praise God for Jesus.
12:30 Praise God for His blood. Praise God He cleanses us all
12:34 from sin. Pray with one voice. Number two: pray with
12:42 one heart. Now, in the Bible, the heart speaks of that
12:47 hidden part of you that nobody sees, but you and God.
12:51 The Bible says man looketh at the outward--what?
12:53 Appearance. But God looks at the what? Aud.: Heart.
12:56 PB: Love the Lord thy God with all thy -- Aud.: Heart.
12:58 PB: Blessed are the pure in -- Aud.: Heart.
13:00 B: God will give you the desires of your-- Aud.: Heart.
13:02 PB: Heart. Trust in the Lord with all your what--heart. Aud.: Heart.
13:05 PB: When the devil attacks you, he's going after your heart.
13:08 [Aud. reaction] PB: He's trying to get the hidden person,
13:11 the part that nobody sees. Because he knows if he can disrupt
13:13 your heart, he knows that he has you. Are you hearing what
13:17 I'm saying? But God wants to protect our hearts,
13:19 because God wants our hearts, and when you give God
13:22 your heart you're giving God you. [Aud. reaction]
13:24 PB: Now understand, the heart is used in Scripture as the
13:28 most comprehensive term for the authentic genuine person.
13:31 It is the part of our being where we desire, we deliberate,
13:35 and we decide. The heart has been described as the place of
13:38 conscious and decisive spiritual activity. The heart is the
13:42 center of the person; it's the place to which God turns.
13:45 So then, I was reading, and the story is told of a soldier
13:47 in Napoleon's army. Napoleon was the French general who wanted
13:51 to conquer the world. His soldier was wounded one day by a
13:54 bullet that hit and entered his breast right above his heart.
13:58 The surgeon, he was operating on him, and he was probing him
14:02 for the bullet. But the soldier said, "An inch deeper and you
14:06 will find the emperor." My question to you today is this:
14:12 If your heart were laid open, would Jesus be found there?
14:20 All of our hearts should be places where Jesus can be found.
14:24 Yes, we should speak with one voice in prayer. But a lot of
14:29 people can talk the talk, but they don't walk the walk.
14:33 And the only way you can walk the walk is when you've given
14:36 God your heart. But also, speaking with one heart. Let me
14:41 say a little bit here. We cannot pray from selfish hearts.
14:45 We've got to pray from sacrificial hearts. Now, remember
14:51 when the children of Israel, when God spoke to Solomon in
14:54 Second Chronicles 7:14, after the completion of the construction
14:57 of the temple, God told him that He had chosen this temple
15:00 as the place where He wanted His people to sacrifice to Him.
15:05 Now remember, we teach this. We teach that our bodies
15:08 are the temples of whom, everybody? God. But not only
15:11 are our bodies the temples of God, our bodies are lying sacrifices.
15:16 "Present your body a living"--what, everybody? Sacrifice.
15:18 "Holy and acceptable unto"--whom? God. So then, when we
15:22 pray from this bodily temple, we're praying from a spirit
15:27 of sacrifice. We're praying, and should be praying, from a
15:33 sacrificial heart because we're saying Lord, not my will but
15:38 Thy will be done. God wants a heart of sacrifice. That's why,
15:45 when we talk about prayer, we talk about fasting and prayer,
15:47 because when we fast, we're sacrificing something physically
15:51 so that we might gain something spiritually.
15:53 But as I get older, it's not popular to talk about sacrifice anymore.
16:00 It's more popular to talk about success. Nobody wants to talk
16:05 about sacrifice, but news flash: you can't have success without
16:12 sacrifice. I wish I had a church in this place. [Aud. reaction]
16:15 PB: But people don't want to sacrifice. They want to
16:20 hobo in on what somebody else has. Their name is Jimmy,
16:24 and they want you to gimme. But it doesn't work that way.
16:28 You've got to sacrifice. You've got to give up something.
16:32 You can't snatch what God has for you while still holding
16:35 on to what you did for yourself. You gotta let go of some
16:39 things so you can lay hold on some things. If there's
16:42 anything in your life that you're holding on to that's
16:44 greater than God, you've got to get rid of it.
16:45 Speaking of sacrifice, let me tell you this: the students
16:47 are gone, so I can say this. So that we'll be ready when
16:50 they get back. We're raising a generation of kids, of
16:53 young people, who know nothing about sacrifice.
16:56 [Aud. reaction] PB: And that's why many of our young
17:00 people are failing, because no sacrifice means no success.
17:06 Can I be real? [Aud. reaction] PB: Sometimes little
17:09 Johnny needs to go to school. But I hurt my toe.
17:14 Put a Band-Aid on it. Go to school. See you at the
17:18 end of the day. Back in the day--my daddy's sitting right here-
17:21 -back in the day, he raised us to be tough. You don't wimp out
17:26 on everything. You gotta learn, everything somebody says
17:29 about you or to you should not hurt your feelings.
17:31 [Aud. reaction] PB: Get outta yourself. But now we're
17:36 raising kids to fail. Oh, I don't feel good, something's
17:39 wrong with me. Well, just stay home. No, get up and go to school.
17:43 [Aud. reaction] PB: Here's some fruit. Here's some toast.
17:47 Here's a bottle of water. Good-bye. See ya later.
17:50 Sometimes you have to sacrifice. In life there are
17:53 some good days. In life there are some bad days.
17:57 There are some hills to climb. But when I look around
18:01 and I think things over, all of my good days outweigh my bad days.
18:08 [Aud. reaction] PB: I won't complain. You've got to give
18:10 up something to get something. But some folk don't want
18:15 to make any sacrifices. Can't compromise about a thing.
18:19 I left her because she can't cook. Well, buy some microwave
18:23 meals and eat that. Do I have a witness in this place?
18:26 I left her because her hair is coming out. Get her some
18:28 weave and keep it moving. Are you hearing what I'm saying?
18:31 I left him because he has no hair. Get him some Rogaine
18:34 and it will be all right. I'm leaving him because he lost
18:37 his job. Take him on a job search. Tell him, Honey,
18:40 I know you been knocked down, but you gonna get up again!
18:45 A saint is just a sinner who fell down but got right
18:49 back on up. I got your back! I'm believing God for you.
18:53 I'm praying for you. There is no good thing that God shall
18:56 withhold from His people, to those who walk uprightly.
18:59 I believe in God for you. I already pressed your shirts.
19:02 Here's your tie. Now we going to get this job in the
19:07 name of Jesus. Sacrifice! Let me tell you. You need to
19:11 be with somebody with you through the good times and
19:13 the bad times. You need to be with somebody in the
19:16 ups and the downs, the rights and wrongs. Sacrifice.
19:19 You've gotta give up something to get something.
19:21 Through the storm, through the rain! Through sickness,
19:24 through pain. You've got to push. You've got to pray until
19:28 something happens. Pray your children off those drug.
19:31 Pray your children off the street. Pray 'em out,
19:34 don't fuss 'em out, don't cuss 'em out. Pray 'em out!
19:38 I dare you to ask God for your children back! I dare
19:41 you to ask God for your marriage back, for your
19:44 health back, for your job back, for your finances back. Hallelujah!
19:49 Aud.: Hallelujah. PB: People don't want sacrifice.
19:53 [Aud. reaction] PB: Running up to me, "Pastor Byrd,
19:57 I want your anointing. Lay your hands on me." I can lay
20:03 my hands on you till my handprint is in your head,
20:07 but let me tell you something. You won't get any
20:12 anointing until you're willing to sacrifice.
20:15 [Aud. reaction] PB: Until you go through what I've
20:18 gone through. Suffered like I've suffered. Cried like
20:23 I've cried. Endured like I've endured. And then,
20:28 the Bible says, after you've suffered a while,
20:31 God says then I will establish you. I will settle you.
20:35 I will make you perfect. [Aud. reaction]
20:38 PB: I can't give you in 46 minutes what it's
20:42 taken me 46 years to get. You gotta sacrifice.
20:48 I've learned--can I be honest with y'all?--
20:52 Aud.: Yes! PB: I've learned, you have to preach
20:54 when your feelings are hurt. You gotta preach when
20:58 your heart is broken. [Aud. reaction]
21:00 PB: I've learned, you gotta preach when you being talked about.
21:05 [Aud. reaction] PB: I've learned, I've got to stand
21:07 up here and look and smile, even though the devil
21:09 is trying to knock me down. Even though sometimes
21:11 people look at me with rocks in their jaws,
21:13 I gotta still preach the Word! You've gotta preach,
21:17 even after you've lost a loved one. And then,
21:23 the Bible's clear: After you've proven yourself
21:26 to be faithful, the anointing will fall on you.
21:31 Somebody went through something to get where they
21:35 are today. That's how they got their degree-
21:37 -they suffered. That's how somebody got a job-
21:40 -they suffered. Somebody, that's how we got this church,
21:44 that's how we got the Family Life Center. You gotta
21:46 sacrifice. We need people who can take something,
21:48 people who can take a licking and keep on ticking.
21:51 [Aud. reaction] PB: Am I preaching to anybody up in this church?
21:53 [Aud. reaction] PB: Let me tell you something:
21:55 the pastors will tell you, you don't get to be happy every day.
22:00 [Aud. reaction] PB: Let me tell you: there is a difference
22:04 between happiness and joy. [Aud. reaction]
22:08 PB: Now, I have to preach sometimes, and I may not be
22:12 too happy, but the good news is, I've still got my joy.
22:16 [Aud. reaction] PB: Because you see, happiness is
22:19 based on something that is external. If you tell me
22:23 I preach well, I'm happy. If you tell me I sang well,
22:26 I'm happy. If you tell me I dress well, I'm happy.
22:29 But if you don't tell me I preach well, I'll encourage
22:35 myself in the Lord. [Aud. reaction]
22:40 PB: If you don't tell me I look well, that's all right.
22:42 Because my joy is not based on you. Your joy should not
22:50 be based on me. But there's joy that I have. The world
22:55 didn't give it, and the world can't take it away.
23:00 You don't get to be happy every day.
23:03 There are some things I've learned in my life,
23:07 you learn by being miserable. You can't learn it
23:13 being happy. You've gotta learn it while they're
23:16 lying on you, while they talking about you,
23:19 while they stabbing you in the back. That's how you learn.
23:21 If God be for ya, He's more than the world against ya.
23:27 Sacrifice. Is there anybody in here who got what
23:30 you've got because you sacrificed? You prayed and
23:33 you cried, you suffered and you did without.
23:36 God blessed you. That's why you can't worry about people.
23:41 You better tell somebody, you don't know what I
23:45 went through to get what I've got. Worked 14-hour days.
23:49 No vacation. Preached for years with two suits-
23:53 -a black suit, a blue suit. I just changed to
23:56 certain ties and nobody knew the difference.
23:58 Come on, say amen. [Aud. reaction]
24:00 PB: Talked about 'cause you have good morals and ethics.
24:06 Criticized 'cause I had vision and I was passionate
24:10 about that vision. Lost a daughter, 4 ½ months old,
24:15 lost a daughter killed in a car accident. You don't know me.
24:19 I've been here six years but you don't know me. But you'd
24:27 better ask somebody. Anybody, you been through sacrifice?
24:33 [Aud. reaction] PB: That's why, she sing that song
24:34 "He's that kind of friend; He'll walk right in front of you."
24:38 You all don't know what that means to me. Because if
24:40 you sacrifice, you will suffer with God, and God will
24:44 open up the windows of heaven, pour you out a blessing!
24:47 [Aud. reaction] PB: There shall not be room enough
24:50 to receive it. Hey, hey, hey hey! You will never have
24:53 success without sacrifice. So when you pray, you must
24:59 pray with a heart of sacrifice. One voice, one heart,
25:10 but then number three: one God. You hear me say it all
25:15 the time. I love it. He's God. I said He's God. CEO of
25:22 the universe. You didn't vote Him in, an you can't vote Him out.
25:28 You can't impeach Him and He's not gonna resign. He's God!
25:34 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
25:40 He's God! The Bible says in Luke chapter 11, verse number 1,
25:44 that one day Jesus was praying in a certain place. And when
25:48 he had finished praying, one of his disciples said to him,
25:50 "Lord, teach us how to pray. Just like John taught his disciples."
25:55 You see, back in the day in the Jewish faith, they had been taught
25:58 how to pray. John the Baptist taught his followers about prayer,
26:01 so it was natural for them to ask Lord, teach us how to pray.
26:04 So Jesus did. In Luke 11, verses 2 through 4, Jesus said to them,
26:10 "When you pray, pray like this: Our Father, which art in"--where?
26:17 Aud.: Heaven. PB: Heaven. "Hallowed be thy"--what?
26:19 Aud.: Name. PB: "Thy kingdom"--what?
26:20 Aud.: Come. PB: "Thy will be"--what?
26:21 Aud.: Done. PB: "On earth as it is in"--where?
26:23 Aud.: Heaven. PB: "Give us this day our daily"-- what, everybody?
26:25 Aud.: Bread. PB: And then he said, "Forgive us our sins,
26:29 and we also forgive everyone that is indebted to us,
26:31 and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from"-
26:32 - what, everybody? Aud.: Evil. PB: Evil. Now, notice,
26:35 quickly. I'm almost done. Notice, when Jesus told the apostles,
26:37 the disciples, how to pray, the first thing Jesus old us to do
26:39 when we pray is to say "Our Father." [Aud. reaction]
26:42 PB: Which means then, the God to whom we pray is not
26:47 a computer. The God to whom we pray is not some cosmic bellhop
26:52 wanting to be wound up. But the God that we pray to is a very loving,
26:55 very special, very personal God who wants us to call him "Father."
26:59 [Aud. reaction] PB: Now, we're praying in one voice,
27:02 one heart, to one God. The doctrine of God. The doctrine
27:08 of the Trinity. The doctrine of the Godhead. There is one God:
27:12 Father, Son, Holy Ghost. Three co-eternal persons working to
27:19 bring about our salvation. There is one God. In the beginning,
27:24 God created the heavens and the earth. There is one God.
27:28 Exodus chapter 20, God said, "I am the Lord thy God which
27:33 hath brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house
27:35 of bondage. Thou shalt have no other"--what" "gods before me."
27:40 There is one God. He is the great I AM. In fact, He said,
27:46 my name is I AM that I am. God, what is Your name? I AM
27:52 that I am. I AM everything you need. I AM everything you need.
28:01 >: Thank you very much for tuning in to this week's
28:03 Breath of Life broadcast. We hope and pray that you've been blessed
28:07 by Dr. Byrd's inspirational message.
28:10 If you would like to hear the sermon in its entirety,
28:12 please feel free to visit us at,
28:18 or, call us at (256) 929-6460.
28:24 END]


Revised 2018-07-23