Series Code: BOL
Program Code: BOL000598A
00:01 Breath of Life Ministries presents:
00:05 Sermon #B598 'We Walk by Faith, Not by Feeling' 00:09 [Breath of Life Music] 00:20 Pastor Byrd: The Word of God says in 00:22 Second Corinthians, 5:6, “Therefore we are 00:25 always confident, knowing that whilst we are 00:31 at home in the body we are absent from the Lord. 00:37 For we walk by faith, and not by sight. 00:44 We are confident, I say, and willing rather to 00:48 be absent from the body, and to be present with 00:54 the Lord.” Walk by faith and not by feeling. 01:04 Walk by faith and not by feeling. Lord, bless 01:08 us now. Be with us as we preach this word, 01:11 and forgive us for our sins. When the appeal 01:13 time comes, have your way. Lord, I'm unworthy, 01:17 but, Lord, make me worth today. The only way I'm 01:20 made worthy is through the blood of Jesus. God, 01:23 speak through me. Speak to your people. In Jesus' 01:27 name we pray begging for forgiveness of sin. 01:30 Let everyone say Amen. Walk by faith, not by feeling. 01:41 This text is familiar to us. We say it all the time. 01:44 Walk by faith and not by what, everybody? Sight. 01:46 But the text also says, it's better to be absent 01:49 from the body and to be present with the Lord. 01:52 Now, when many people read this text, they often 01:54 misunderstand this text or take this text out of 01:57 context by trying to justify that when a person 02:01 dies they go straight to heaven. They go straight 02:04 to heaven and they believe this with the statement 02:06 that it's better to be absent from the body and to 02:09 be present with the Lord. But remember, the Bible 02:12 never contradicts itself. The Bible teaches in 02:16 Ecclesiastes 12:7 that when a person dies the body 02:19 returns to dust, the spirit returns to God, 02:22 which means the soul ceases to exist. But not only that, 02:26 the same person who wrote 2 Corinthians 5 is also 02:30 the person who wrote 1 Thessalonians 4. 02:34 In 1 Thessalonians 4, Paul wrote that when Jesus 02:38 comes back, the dead in Christ are going to rise first. 02:42 Then we which are alive remain and be caught up 02:44 together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord 02:45 in the air. So, then if a righteous dead person 02:49 went straight to heaven at their earthly death 02:52 and they were already in heaven, who would rise 02:54 at Jesus' second coming? Who would Jesus be 02:59 coming back to get? But I'm so glad for the Word. 03:04 I'm so glad for the Word of God that it doesn't 03:07 contradict itself and I'm so glad Paul doesn't 03:10 contradict himself. When Paul says to be absent 03:14 from the body and to be present with the Lord, 03:16 what he's really saying is, he longs to be with 03:19 the Lord. And because he longs to be with the Lord, 03:22 he welcomed death. Because the next voice he would 03:26 hear on resurrection morning would be the voice 03:30 of Jesus Christ. Do I have a witness in this place? 03:33 But not only that, Paul compares our earthly bodies 03:37 with an earthly tabernacle. And when this earthly 03:40 tabernacle, he says, is dissolved, we will have a 03:43 new body, eternal, in the heavens. So, we then need 03:47 not fear death because on resurrection day we will 03:51 have new bodies. This mortal will put on immortality. 03:55 This corruptible will put on incorruption and death 03:58 is going to be swallowed up in victory. Look at verse 8. 04:01 Look at it again. Look at it. Know the Word. Verse 8 does 04:04 not say to be absent from the body is to be present 04:08 with the Lord. That's not what the text says. 04:11 It does not say to be absent from the body is to 04:14 be present with the Lord. But the text says, 04:16 I'd rather be absent from the body and be present 04:21 with the Lord. Not is but and. Are you hearing 04:24 what I'm saying? Now that we cleared that up, 04:26 let's go to the meat of the message. 04:28 Verse 7 says, we walk by faith and not by what, 04:31 everybody? Come on, we walk by faith and not 04:34 by what, everybody? Everybody: Sight. 04:35 PB: Sight. Which means faith is simply believing 04:37 what you can't see. Faith is the substance of 04:41 things hoped for. The evidence of things not seen. 04:45 Now, I want to talk about some biblical characters 04:47 today and I want to first begin with Abraham. 04:49 Everybody say Abraham. Everybody: Abraham. 04:51 PB: Now, Abraham was a great man because Abraham 04:55 had great faith. Though he had a lapse of faith 04:59 in the issue with Hagar, Abraham, the Bible says, 05:04 believed in the Lord. And God counted it for him 05:08 to him for righteousness. Now, Abraham didn't slay 05:13 any giants like David did. Abraham didn't write any 05:17 proverbs like Solomon did. But Abraham believed God. 05:23 Abraham didn't confront any pharaohs or dispense any 05:27 laws like Moses did, but Abraham believed God. 05:33 Abraham wasn't a learned scribe like Ezra or a builder 05:37 like Nehemiah. But Abraham believed God. 05:43 Somebody's going to get this in a minute. 05:45 Abraham didn't have Samson's strength, 05:48 he didn't have Mordecai's political acumen, 05:51 but Abraham believed God. Abraham didn't command 05:56 the sun to stand still like Joshua or defeat 05:58 mighty armies like Gideon did. Abraham just 06:01 believed God. Abraham didn't walk into any fiery 06:05 furnaces like the three Hebrew boys or spend any 06:08 time in a lion's den, but Abraham believed God. 06:12 When God told a 75-year-old Abraham to get his stuff, 06:17 pack up and go to a land not knowing where he was going, 06:21 Abraham believed God and he went. When God told 06:26 Abraham that he and his wife Sarah would bear 06:29 a child, that their decendents would be as 06:31 numerous as the sand of the sea, Abraham 06:34 believed God. When Abraham was 99, Sarah was 90, 06:42 and they bore a son Isaac. They believed God 06:46 because before there were blue pills, 06:51 there was faith in God. Do I have a 06:53 witness in this place? Abraham was a 06:56 walking example of faith and not by sight. 07:00 He couldn't see it, but he believed it. 07:04 And somebody needs to be reminded today that 07:07 in the name of Jesus miracles can still 07:10 happen when you believe long enough and 07:15 strong enough. Somebody needs to be reminded 07:18 today that sick folk that have been given 07:21 up for dead can still be healed when we believe. 07:26 A way can be made out of no way when we believe. 07:30 Problems can still be solved when we believe. 07:33 Answers to questions can be given when we believe. 07:36 Mountains can still be moved when we believe. 07:41 Satan can be conquered when we believe. 07:44 All things are possible when we believe. 07:49 That's what faith is, believing what you 07:51 can't see. We walk by faith and not by what, 07:53 everybody? Come on, we walk by faith and 07:55 not by what, everybody? Aud: Sight. 07:57 PB: But for too many of us, if we can't see it, 07:59 we don't believe it. If we can't handle it, 08:02 we don't trust. If we can't compute it, 08:04 we won't risk it. If we can't touch it, 08:07 we don't rely on it, and if we can't understand it, 08:09 we don't even try it. But our faith is not 08:11 determined by human sight. Sight impedes faith. 08:15 Sight distorts faith. Sight hinders faith. 08:17 But faith mean, Lord, that something is real 08:19 even if we don't see it. Don't let your eyes 08:23 fool you. What you think is a burden just might 08:26 be a blessing. What you think is a negative just 08:29 might be a positive. Just because we can't see it, 08:31 doesn't mean God can't do it. I wish I had a 08:33 witness in this place. But not only is sight 08:36 an impediment to our faith, how we feel is also 08:41 an impediment to our faith. Because how you 08:44 feel can negatively impact your faith. 08:46 Faith is believing what you can't see, 08:50 and faith is also believing when you're 08:52 not feeling it. When I say feeling it, 08:54 I'm not talking about what you can touch. 08:56 I'm talking about how you feel. I'm talking 08:59 about your emotional state. I'm not, 09:02 I'm talking about believing when you 09:04 don't feel it can happen, not just when 09:06 you can't see it, but also when you don't 09:07 feel it. Walk by faith, not by feeling. 09:12 Too often what we believe is determined 09:14 by how we feel. I'm so glad Jesus didn't say, 09:17 I'm not going to Calvary because I don't feel it. 09:20 Faith can't be based on how you feel. 09:23 Too often what you feel governs what you 09:26 believe God can do through you, to you, 09:27 and for you. Somebody's still not getting it. 09:30 Let me try it this way. If you feel scared 09:34 about something, it would decrease your faith 09:36 in what God can do. If the three Hebrew boys 09:40 had let fear overtake them, they would have 09:42 never stood tall in the fiery furnace. 09:44 If Daniel had let fear overcome him, 09:46 he would have never continued to pray in 09:48 front of people for fear of the lion's den. 09:52 Faith can't be based on how you feel. 09:55 You've got to walk by faith and not by feeling. 09:58 You're still not getting it. Let me try it 10:00 this way. A recently licensed pilot was flying 10:03 his private plane on a cloudy day. 10:05 The pilot was not very experienced with 10:07 flying or in landing, so when the 10:10 tower him to land his plane, the man began 10:12 to panic. But all of a sudden, a stern voice 10:17 came over the radio waves. The voice said, 10:21 “You just obey the instructions. 10:25 We'll take care of the obstructions.” 10:29 That's what God's trying to tell somebody today. 10:31 You just obey the instructions, I'll take 10:35 care of the obstructions. Walk by faith 10:39 and not by feeling. So then, Pastor Byrd, 10:43 how do I do that? Number one, you've got 10:46 to have a relationship. Everybody say relationship. 10:49 Aud: Relationship. PB: You've got to have a relationship. 10:51 Very practical. You've got to have a relationship 10:52 with God. I'm not talking about religion with God. 10:55 There's a difference between religion with God 10:57 and relationship with God. A lot of folk have 10:59 religion but no relationship. I see too many 11:01 people who are trying to exercise faith who 11:03 don't have a relationship with God. The only 11:05 time they come to God is when they are in a 11:07 tough spot and they need God to get them out 11:09 of their crisis. We call this jailhouse salvation. 11:13 An inmate will claim to follow Jesus because 11:15 they're in jail, but just as soon as they get 11:18 out of jail, they have no more need for Jesus. 11:21 This is not true for all inmates, but for some. 11:23 You'd be amazed at people who only come to God 11:26 because they had a car wreck. Because they've 11:29 had a lump on their body. But this is not the 11:33 kind of faith I'm talking about today. 11:34 Too many people have relationships based 11:36 solely on the perspective of, what can you do for me. 11:40 Be careful of folk like this. Watch out for people 11:43 who want to start a relationship with you for the 11:45 purpose of seeing what they can get out of you. 11:47 We call these people, users, takers, opportunists. 11:54 As you know, I thank God, He's granted me the privilege 11:57 and the opportunity to preach a lot of places across 12:00 the country, across the globe, and given my business 12:02 background, people always come up to me and they 12:05 always have a hustle. You know, but game knows game. 12:10 Do I have a witness in this place? Pastor Byrd, 12:14 I've got this invention. I've got this product. 12:20 I've got this idea. And they'll say, if we, 12:24 you and me, if we get together on business together 12:30 we can go all over the world and market this product. 12:35 I am a CEO of a company and this product can be a 12:42 blessing to you. Well, first of all, 12:44 they say they're a CEO of their company, 12:46 but they're not the CEO, they're the OE, 12:47 the only employee. Do I have a witness in this place? 12:52 Secondly, they're saying we can go all over the 12:55 world and market the product, but at present I'm 12:58 the one traveling. They've the ones at home. 13:02 Are you hearing what I'm saying? And so I'll say, 13:04 hold up, brother, hold up, sister, wait a minute. 13:07 My problem is not your product. My problem is you. 13:12 I don't even know you. And it concerns me that you've 13:16 got this product and the only person that can help 13:19 you with this product going is somebody you just met. 13:23 Where all these people who've known you your entire life, 13:27 who trust your character, and they don't understand 13:29 what you're about. You can't ask them, you've got to ask me. 13:31 People invest in things they can trust. Are you 13:34 hearing what I'm saying? Some people don't have a 13:36 relationship with God. But they want God to do something 13:40 for them. Stop trying to get God to do things for you. 13:45 You're trying to get a God to move for you who you 13:47 don't speak to. Who you don't even talk to. 13:52 You don't even worship. You don't even serve. 13:54 You don't even live for Him. You don't seek Him. 13:57 And then, in the time of trouble you're talking about, 14:00 God, do something for me. And then if He doesn't do 14:03 it for you, you want to get an attitude. But miracles, 14:07 listen to me, begin with relationship. That's why 14:13 I'm a praiser. That's why I'm a worshiper. 14:18 That's why I lift my hands and I bless Him. 14:21 Not just when I'm in trouble, but when things 14:24 are going well in my life. Because I will bless 14:27 the Lord at all times and His praise shall 14:30 continually be in my mouth. But by the same token, 14:33 listen to me. You need to understand that just 14:35 because you have a relationship with God doesn't 14:36 mean that you won't have trouble. Some people 14:39 think that if they worship God and that they 14:41 serve God, that if they pray to God, if they 14:43 have a relationship with God, all your children 14:45 are going to make straight A's. That your knees 14:47 will never go out, your back will never go out. 14:49 You won't contract cancer. You'll never get in a 14:52 car wreck. You'll always pass the test or you are 14:55 always financially clear. But hello! Those that 14:58 live Godly lives will suffer persecution. Let me 15:02 tell you something. I've learned it and I've learned 15:04 it the hard way. You can believe in God and still 15:06 go through trouble. You can believe in God, 15:10 you can return your tithes and offerings, 15:11 you can study your Sabbath school lesson. 15:13 You can come to church Sabbath after Sabbath 15:14 and still go through tests. Go through trial. 15:18 Go through trouble. When you came down this 15:21 aisle and gave your life to the Lord, you did 15:22 not take up an insurance policy that exempted 15:26 you from tests, trials, and tribulation. 15:28 Just because you have a relationship with God 15:30 doesn't mean you won't go through anything. 15:33 Bad stuff happens to good people. It happens to 15:38 bad people, rich people, poor people, black people, 15:41 white people, all kinds of people. Trouble will 15:43 come in spite of your relationship with the Lord. 15:45 In spite of your commitment to the church. 15:48 In spite of the fact that you sing in the 15:50 choir or teach Sabbath school, trouble will 15:52 come in your life. But remember this, 15:55 the world may shake our faith, but our 15:57 faith can shake the world. Hallelujah, 15:59 somebody. We walk by faith and not by feeling. 16:04 Number two, after a relationship, everybody 16:07 say rationale. Aud: Rationale. 16:09 PB: Come on, say it like you mean it. Say rationale. 16:11 Aud: Rationale! PB: Now, rationale. When you're rational, 16:14 it demands that we don't ask God to do for us 16:17 what we're not willing to do for ourselves. 16:20 Okay. I didn't wake up this morning and say, 16:24 Lord, I believe in you to give me a shower. 16:29 I'm just going to lay here, [laughs], Lord, 16:36 have mercy is right. And wait on you, God, 16:40 to give it to me. I don't talk to the Lord, 16:43 I know you've got water, and I know you own 16:48 all the soap, and I'm coming to you right now 16:53 in the name of Jesus for you to wash me real good. 16:57 No, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no. 17:01 That's when I run a seminar on church growth, 17:04 I tell the preachers, I tell the elders, 17:06 I say make sure you wash and you smell good. 17:08 I tell the ushers and greeters, make you smell good. 17:11 You are the first line of attack. You are not to 17:13 be a repellant, but an attraction. Do I have a 17:15 witness in this place? Don't ask God to do for 17:18 you what you're not willing to do for yourself. 17:21 And this is why a lot of people get in church 17:23 and their life doesn't change, because they're 17:24 expecting God to do things that they are supposed to do. 17:27 Let's go to biblical character number two, 17:29 1 Abraham, now the woman with the issue of blood. 17:32 Jesus healed the woman after she had done all 17:35 she could. He healed the woman after she had spent 17:39 all of her money on doctors everywhere. It was then, 17:43 after, that she went to Jesus. She didn't ask God to 17:47 do for her what she hadn't tried to do for herself. 17:51 Some people are irrational. Just down right delusional. 17:55 Just because I'm a person of faith doesn't mean I'm 17:58 not a rational thinking, intelligent individual. 18:01 Do I have a witness in this place? Just because I'm a 18:03 person of faith doesn't mean I don't lock my house 18:05 when I leave it. Just because you are a person of faith 18:08 doesn't mean you don't have to study for a test. 18:10 I hear young people all the time, I teach class 18:12 here at Oakwood, and they pray before the test, 18:14 Lord, bless me to remember what I haven't studied. 18:16 You can't ask God to remember what you haven't studied. 18:18 Just because you are a person of faith and you need a job, 18:21 doesn't mean you don't have to get a resume together. 18:24 Get up, your nice outfit on, and go have, apply for a job. 18:28 Don't ask God to do for you what you're not willing to 18:31 do yourself. But you better be careful. Balance that thing. 18:37 While I encourage people to be spiritual, 18:39 spiritual people to be rational, I want to caution 18:41 those who are overly rational not to think that your 18:44 experience ends at the end of the your intellect. 18:47 Because some people are so rational that they don't 18:50 leave room for the supernatural move of God. 18:53 Let's go back to that woman. Notice, 18:56 she didn't give up based on her experience or 18:59 her feelings. She could have said, I've done all 19:03 I could do. Forget it. I'm done. I'm through. 19:08 I'm not feeling it. But, no. She still sought Jesus. 19:13 What do you do when life has handed you a problem 19:15 that you can't fix yourself and you've done everything 19:19 you know how to do, but you're still in a critical 19:21 situation. You're in a crisis. You need a text from God. 19:24 You've exhausted all of your resources. You've tried 19:27 everything you could to help yourself, but you're still 19:29 in a crisis. You still need a miracle from the Lord, 19:32 and that's, my friends, what brings me to Oakwood 19:35 every Sabbath. Even when it's raining, I still 19:38 want to come. Even when it's snowing, I come. Why? 19:42 Because I still believe in a God who can do things 19:46 I can't do. Who can move things I can't move. 19:49 Who can see things I can't see. Who can feel things 19:53 I can't feel. If I didn't believe in a God like that, 19:56 I wouldn't be the pastor of this church. 19:58 I didn't come here to show you my suit or my new 20:03 shirt my wife bought me, Amen. I didn't come here 20:08 to show you a car. I didn't come here to prove to 20:12 you I got an education. I came in here to build 20:15 up my faith. Faith covered by hearing. Hearing by 20:22 the Word of God. Faith is a substance of things hoped for, 20:26 the evidence of things not seen. Those who need God, 20:28 who want God, hope to have God, must come to God, 20:32 because God is a ward of those that diligently seek Him. 20:35 I still believe in miracles. I still believe we 20:39 serve a God who can do things I can't do. 20:42 I still believe in a God who can do some stuff 20:44 that doesn't make sense. I believe God rolled back 20:47 the Red Sea and the children of Israel walked on 20:49 dry ground. I believe that God provided air conditioning 20:52 in a fiery furnace. I believe that God locked the 20:55 lion's jaw. I do believe that God raised Lazarus 20:59 from the dead. I believe that God turned water into wine. 21:03 I do believe that we serve a God who's able to do 21:06 exceedingly abundantly and above all we can ever ask 21:08 or think. I believe in miracles. I believe God can 21:11 put cancer in remission. I believe that God can shrink 21:15 tumors in our bodies. I believe God can provided money 21:19 from unlikely sources. I believe that you can get 21:22 in school with God when you don't have money. 21:25 I believe God can stop somebody's bad habits. 21:29 I believe in miracles. Do you believe today? 21:34 Do you believe today? Then walk by faith and 21:37 not by your feeling. Last point and then I'm through. 21:40 Number three. After relationship, after rationale, 21:44 get ready for release. Release is when you step back 21:49 and you just let it go. Release is when you let God be God. 21:54 Release is when you say, okay, I've done all I know 21:58 how to do. It didn't work, but here it is, God. 22:01 I release it. I turn it over to you. I'm through 22:06 with it. God, in the name of Jesus through the 22:08 power of the Holy Ghost, I release it. You see, 22:12 if you're going to walk by faith and not by feeling, 22:15 it's important to release. Because as long as you hold 22:18 onto your problem by yourself, God can't touch it. 22:21 As long as you think you can handle it, you're not 22:23 eligible to receive the miracle working power of God. 22:26 You have to have something that has gotten so bad, 22:28 where you're through with it, you release it, 22:30 and you turn it over to Jesus. Can I testify just 22:33 for a moment today? Can I testify for a moment today? 22:36 I think about the Family Life Center. I think about 22:40 the school. People think our church has all this money. 22:46 If you only knew. We are not rich. Let me say that 22:53 one more time. If Brother Jackson was in here he'd 22:55 be shouting on the front row. We are not rich. 23:00 We didn't know how it was going to happen. But God, 23:06 God made a way. God did it. We released it and we 23:16 gave it to God. God did it. When I was pastor in 23:22 Nashville, Tennessee, I was assigned to pastor 23:25 a new church plant. We didn't have money. 23:28 We didn't have a big membership. Our membership 23:31 was composed of people that we had knocked on 23:33 their door, so they had come to the revival, 23:34 and they were baptized. We had people in our 23:37 church who didn't know a thing about tithe and 23:40 offering. But we needed a church building. 23:43 We were worshiping in a store front. We didn't 23:46 know how it was going to happen, but God made a way. 23:51 God did it. We built a church from the ground up 23:58 and next month I'm going there to celebrate the 24:01 20th anniversary of that church. [Applause] 24:06 PB: But it didn't stop there. Because every round 24:08 goes higher and higher. When I was pastoring in Atlanta, 24:12 we were trying to construct, some of you all know, 24:14 a senior citizens housing complex. But we needed a grant. 24:17 We needed the money. And this story is close to my 24:21 heart because I can clearly see the move of God. 24:25 We applied for the grant. God gave us the grant. 24:28 God gave us 5.2 million dollars. But after we had the money, 24:35 we still had to get the city to approve the construction 24:41 and the building. Now, in Atlanta, they, they have what 24:44 they call NPUs. They have neighborhoods, the city can 24:49 approve something, but the neighborhood residents, 24:51 they have to approve it. Right? So, neighbors were complaining. 24:56 Neighbors were making a fuss. If you build this building, 25:00 it's going to bring gangsters. Now, mind you, there was 25:03 nothing on the property at the time. And it was bringing gangsters. 25:09 Here we are trying to put something on the property and 25:12 the folk in the city trying to stop us saying it's 25:14 going to bring gangsters. It's going to bring thugs. 25:17 Nothing was there and it was already bringing thugs, 25:20 but we were trying to put something on the building 25:22 to stop the thugs. It's going to increase traffic, 25:25 they argued. More cars, but yet, I would argue, 25:27 many senior adults don't even have cars because 25:30 they don't even drive. But folk were just making a fuss. 25:35 I will never forget, I was young, when I got to Berean 25:39 I was 34 years old. I was 36 years old, I went downtown 25:45 to city hall. And I'm at city hall trembling because 25:50 I feel this is going to be the deciding moment in 25:52 my ministry. Yeah, I got vision and all that kind 25:54 of stuff. God, I've got to have faith. I preach all 25:57 this all the time. I've got to see, but I also, God, 26:00 I've got to feel it. There they ask, Doctor Byrd, 26:02 stand up and come before the people. I walked up in 26:06 front of the people and I made my pitch for why we 26:08 needed this senior citizen center. I never forget, 26:11 one neighbor stood up and said, Preacher, we're going 26:15 to fight you. Don't mess with us. Now you know 26:21 [Chatter] PB: Since I believed in the spirit of 26:28 reciprocity, which means, if you say what you going 26:31 to say, you better be ready to receive what 26:34 I'm going to say. Are you hearing what I'm saying? 26:36 I said, you can mess and talk about messing with 26:39 you all me, you all you want, but let me tell 26:41 you something. Don't you mess with God. Hallelujah, somebody. 26:47 What happened? The rezoning was approved. 26:53 Aud: Amen. PB: We had to move it from residential 26:55 to commercial. Somebody knows what I'm talking about. 26:57 The parking requirements were approved. The buffer 27:02 barriers was approved. And today in Atlanta, Georgia, 27:07 a 5.2 million dollar, 50 apartment, senior citizen 27:12 complex is standing there with the Seventh-day Adventist 27:15 name on it. [Applause] PB: Don't mess with God. 27:22 Say to the devil. Running over. God will make a way. 27:28 And then, here's the irony. After we moved in, some of 27:33 them same folk, some of those same folk, you know, 27:40 the show-me people, the doubting people, the opportunists, 27:45 some of them same folk who were fussing about construction 27:47 were calling the church talking about, how can we apply 27:50 for an apartment in the senior complex? God will make your 27:53 enemies your footstool. [Organ] 27:58 PB: That's what I say, my haters, you know 28:00 who they are? They're my elevators. 28:02 >: Thank you very much for tuning in to this week's 28:05 Breath of Life broadcast. We hope and pray that you've 28:08 been blessed by Dr. Byrd's inspirational message. 28:11 If you would like to hear this sermon in its entirety, 28:14 please feel free to visit us at 28:20 Or call us at 256-929-6460. 28:26 [Music] 28:27 END |
Revised 2018-04-23