Series Code: BOL
Program Code: BOL000597A
00:03 Breath Of Life Ministries Persents:
00:06 Sermon #597 - Praise Him 00:09 [Breath of Life Theme Music] 00:22 PB: The Word of God says in Psalm 100, 00:24 "Make a joyful"--what, everybody? 00:26 Aud.: Noise. PB: Come on, talk to me. 00:27 Make a joyful what, everybody? Aud.: Noise. 00:29 PB: "Noise unto the" what? Aud.: Unto the Lord. 00:31 PB: "All ye"--what? Aud.: Lands. 00:32 PB: "Serve the Lord with"? Aud.: Gladness. 00:34 PB: "Come before his presence with"? Aud.: Singing. 00:36 PB: "Know ye that the Lord he is God: 00:37 it is he that hath made us, and not 00:39 we our--" what, everybody" Aud.: Selves. 00:40 PB: "Enter into his gates" - "We are his"--what? 00:44 People, the sheep of his-- Aud.: Pasture. 00:45 PB: "Enter into his gates with"-- 00:46 Aud.: Thanksgiving. 00:47 PB: "Into his courts with" what? Aud.: Praise. 00:49 PB: "Be thankful unto him, and bless"-- 00:51 Aud.: His name. 00:53 PB: "For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; 00:57 and his truth endureth to all generations." 01:02 I'm so grateful for God's truth. What do you say, 01:04 everybody? Tonight, my message and challenge is simple. 01:07 It's simply: Praise God. Ha ha ha. Nothing hard, 01:11 nothing difficult, nothing deep, theological in thought. 01:14 I'm not gonna parse any verbs. Ah, just praise God. 01:18 So, everybody repeat after me and say "praise God." 01:20 Aud.: Praise God. PB: Father, we ask that 01:22 You would bless us as we praise You through 01:24 Your Word. Thank You for the Sabbath, 01:26 the blessings it gives. And now, 01:27 as the Sabbath hours begin to draw to a close, 01:30 as we say this Word for You, Lord, 01:32 prepare our hearts for next Sabbath. 01:34 It's in the name of Jesus we pray. Amen. 01:38 Praise God. We've got many reasons to praise 01:44 God this evening, but tonight I'm just 01:47 gonna share two. Two reasons why we need 01:51 to praise God. And these two reasons 01:53 correspond with what this weekend is all about. 01:56 Number one, this weekend is Easter weekend, 02:01 so praise God for the resurrection. 02:05 [Aud. reaction] PB: Let me try that 02:06 one more time. It is Easter weekend, 02:10 so number one, praise God for the resurrection. 02:15 Aud.: Amen. PB: Number two. This weekend 02:18 is Oakwood Alumni weekend, so praise God for Oakwood. 02:25 Aud.: Amen. PB: Let me get it in quick. Number one, 02:27 praise God for the resurrection. This time of 02:30 year is very special because it's a special 02:33 time for us as Christians. It's more than 02:36 just springtime; it's more than just 02:37 April showers; it's more than just college 02:40 basketball or March madness or spring break. 02:44 It's not the Easter eggs, Easter bunnies, 02:46 Easter candy, or Easter festivities, 02:49 but it should all be about the resurrection. 02:52 Too many of us as Adventists--and I can say this, 02:55 'cause I'm fifth generation. Come on, say amen. 02:57 So I'ma talk about myself. Too many of us ignore 03:01 Easter or don't want to celebrate Easter, 03:03 because Easter is on Sunday. But let me be 03:06 clear. We're not celebrating Easter eggs. 03:09 We're not celebrating Easter bunnies. 03:12 We're not celebrating Easter Sunday. 03:14 We're celebrating the fact that Jesus died, 03:17 He rose, and He got up. Do I have a witness 03:20 in this place? Don't get so caught up with 03:23 Easter being on Sunday that you miss the deeper 03:25 meaning of celebrating Christ's resurrection. 03:28 Don't get caught up in all those Easter pagan 03:31 origin arguments, either. We're always talking 03:34 about pagan origins. Well, let's also talk about 03:37 the names of the weekdays, the names of the months, 03:40 the steeple on this church, and the list could 03:43 go on and on. This celebration is about Jesus. 03:47 This celebration is about the fact that Jesus 03:49 rose with all power in His hands. This resurrection 03:53 is a Christian celebration. It's our celebration, 03:57 our opportunity to celebrate the tremendous, 04:01 awesome, miraculous resurrecting power of God 04:04 when the stone was rolled away. And on the third 04:08 appointed day Jesus got up, with all power in His hands. 04:13 Praise God for the resurrection. He died on Friday. 04:17 He lay resting in the grave on the Sabbath. 04:20 Which means, even in death He was obedient to 04:23 His law. But my Bible tells me that early 04:26 Sunday morning, on the first day of the week, 04:28 He got up with all power in His hands. 04:31 Power over death. Power over hell. 04:33 Power over the grave. Power over Satan. 04:37 Power over sin. Power over trouble. 04:40 Power over trial. Power temptation. 04:43 Power over cancer. Power over arthritis. 04:47 [Aud. reaction] 04:48 PB: Power over diabetes. 04:50 Power over cataracts. 04:51 Power over headaches. 04:53 Power over heartaches. 04:55 Power over backaches. 04:57 Power over toothaches. 05:00 Power over demons. 05:02 Power over debts, deceit. 05:06 Power over the devil. 05:07 Jesus got up with all power. 05:10 The first promise in the Bible comes to us 05:12 in Genesis 3:15, and in this promise 05:15 the Bible says that Satan would bruise 05:18 Jesus' heel. But Jesus would crush Satan's head. 05:23 Which means, friends of mine, the warfare 05:25 between Satan and us lies not in the struggle 05:29 to win, but rather in strife to avoid defeat. 05:32 You see, we've got this thing wrong. 05:35 What do I mean? We think we must fight in 05:39 order to win. But no Christian is able to 05:42 fight and win. We fight because we've already won. 05:49 Jesus already defeated Satan. Jesus already 05:57 defeated him at Calvary. Satan has totally 05:59 lost on his own ground. Satan's battle today 06:02 is to recover. Our battle is to retain. 06:06 You see, we don't fight in order to get. 06:09 We fight to protect what we've already got. 06:12 Preach, Pastor Byrd. 06:13 [Aud. reaction] 06:14 PB: Our goal is not to wrestle victory 06:16 from Satan but rather to keep victory 06:18 from being robbed. Satan is a defeated foe. 06:23 Satan was done at the cross, and the same 06:26 power that defeated Satan at the cross is the 06:29 same power available to us to defeat Satan today. 06:33 The resurrection means that Jesus not only 06:36 defeated death for Himself, 06:38 but that He defeated death for us. 06:40 [Aud. reaction] 06:42 PB: The moment you receive Christ, 06:43 the moment you accept Christ as your 06:44 personal Savior--hallelujah!- 06:45 -you take possession of what Christ did 06:47 for you 2,000 years ago. Your identity as 06:51 a child of God, your authority over spiritual 06:53 powers are not things you are receiving 06:56 or will receive, but you have 'em right now. 06:59 So don't wait till the battle is over. 07:01 Go on and shout now. [Aud. reaction] 07:04 PB: You possess authority. You possess 07:07 power over the kingdom of darkness right now. 07:10 You have power to defeat demons right now. 07:14 You have power to tread over serpents right now. 07:17 You don't fight for Calvary; you fight from Calvary. 07:21 Satan was defeated 2,000 years ago. 07:24 His defeat is not pending. His defeat 07:28 is not future. His defeat has already happened. 07:32 So as we sing in church, Victory Is Mine. Ha. 07:36 Victory is mine, victory today is mine. 07:40 I told Satan, get thee behind. 07:43 Victory today is mine. Somebody's still 07:46 not getting it. Let me give you this 07:47 illustration that I like. 07:48 Has anyone ever seen a snake die? 07:51 I love this illustration. Church members, 07:53 act like you haven't heard it before. 07:54 Come on, say amen. Has anyone heard or 07:57 seen a snake die? You go out there. 08:00 Somebody will chop that snake or shoot that snake. 08:04 Snake is as dead as it can be. But that tail 08:08 is just moving. Are you hearing what I'm saying? 08:13 The tail is just wiggling. And giving the image 08:17 that it's still alive. But that snake is as 08:22 dead as it can be. [Aud. reaction] 08:26 PB: And so the Lord told Satan, on Calvary, 08:30 you may have bruised my heel, 08:32 but I crushed your head. 08:36 And all you've got now is the wiggling. Ha ha. 08:40 [Aud. reaction] PB: That's all that's left. 08:41 You can't fight, you can't strike, you can't kill. 08:45 All you're doing is wiggling. I dare somebody 08:48 right now to take your foot right now, 08:51 and I know the devil is invisibly there, 08:54 but you oughta tell the devil right now, 08:56 I believe I need to step on you right now. 08:59 You stepped on me long enough. You trampled 09:02 on me long enough. You walked on me long enough. 09:05 But now I'm gonna walk on you. Now I'm gonna 09:08 trample on you. Now I'm gonna step on you. 09:10 The difference is, you can step on me and hurt me, 09:13 but I can power--have power to step on you and crush you. 09:17 Satan thought he had defeated Jesus at Calvary. 09:21 But know this--and I've learned this in my life; 09:25 even for you in your own life- 09:26 -after every crucifixion, 09:30 there must be a resurrection. 09:35 [Aud. reaction] PB: When the devil thinks 09:37 he has you down, always remember you will get up. 09:42 Ha ha. No matter how bad things look right now, 09:45 God has the power to get you up. 09:49 If sickness has you down, 09:50 it can't keep you down. 09:52 Somebody knows, God has the power 09:54 to get you up. God has the power to 09:56 change your situation. The grave, 09:58 literally and figuratively, 10:02 is not your final destination. 10:05 Jesus died on Friday, lay resting 10:08 in the grave on the Sabbath, 10:10 but on the third appointed day He got up. 10:14 And because He lives, I live. 10:18 Because He got up, one day the 10:21 dead in Christ are gonna get up. 10:23 I serve a risen Savior, 10:25 He's in the world today. 10:27 I know that He is living, 10:29 whatever men may say. 10:30 I see His hand of mercy; 10:31 I hear His voice of cheer. 10:32 And just the time I need Him, 10:34 He's always near. 10:37 Praise God for the resurrection. 10:41 [Aud. reaction] 10:42 PB: But then number two and then 10:44 I'll sit down. In my vesper thoughts. 10:46 [laughter] 10:47 PB: Praise God for Oakwood. 10:54 [Aud. reaction] 10:55 PB: Now, Oakwood has been around for 122 years. 10:59 Praise the Lord. And let me say this, 11:02 and I'm glad this is being recorded and 11:04 its' being seen right now. 11:06 And we're not going anywhere. Ha ha. 11:09 [Aud. reaction] 11:11 PB: This is God's school. 11:14 Founded by God's prophetess. 11:17 And we're not going anywhere! 11:20 We're not going to die. 11:23 We're not going to close. 11:25 We're not going to merge. 11:27 This is Oakwood. This is- 11:30 -do I have a witness in this place? 11:34 [Aud. reaction] PB: But in the 122 years 11:36 that we've been around, a lot has changed at Oakwood. 11:40 And I've learned that, since I've been 11:41 back as a pastor. In 1896, when Oakwood was founded, 11:46 tuition, room and board cost $8 per month. 11:52 [Aud. reaction] 11:53 PB: Now, Elder Bradford's mother was one 11:59 of the first 16 students at this school. 12:02 When she was here, it cost $8 a month. 12:08 So if you multiply 8 by 12, it cost $96 12:13 per year to go to Oakwood. Just bring the old days. 12:19 What do you say, ha ha ha. [Aud. reaction] 12:23 PB: Today, tuition, room and board at Oakwood 12:28 is $26,000 a year. In 1896, there were 16 students. 12:39 Today, there are about 1600 students. Back then, 12:48 there were 380 acres of property. Today, 12:50 there are nearly 1200 acres of property. 12:54 Back then, Oakwood had a principal. 12:58 Today, Oakwood has a president. 13:02 Oakwood University is a 122-year-old 13:06 institution founded on the principles 13:08 of Seventh-day Adventist Christian education. 13:11 These principles have allowed us to endure the 13:15 Great Depression, the Civil Rights Era, 13:18 the Cold War, the Gulf War, recession after 13:21 recession, and many other events that have 13:24 caused other, similar institutions to close 13:27 its doors. But praise God, Oakwood is still 13:33 alive and well. Oakwood is still a place where 13:38 loveliness keeps house. Oakwood is still a 13:41 place where precious memories last forever. 13:44 Oakwood is still a place where students 13:46 enter to learn and depart to serve. 13:48 Praise God for Oakwood! [Aud. reaction] 13:51 PB: Oakwood has produced great preachers, 13:53 great teachers, prized physicians, 13:55 awesome attorneys, accurate accountants, 13:58 super psychologists, consummate communicators, 14:01 excellent engineers, vivacious videographers. 14:04 Praise God for Oakwood! [Aud. reaction] 14:08 PB: When somebody said we'd close, 14:11 we stayed open. When they thought we wouldn't 14:14 make it, we made it. A hundred and 22 years later, 14:18 we're still here. Praise God for Oakwood, 14:23 and praise God for the resurrection. 14:27 And so tonight, I echo the words of the Psalmist: 14:30 Make a joyful noise until the Lord all ye lands. 14:35 Serve the Lord with gladness. Come before His 14:39 presence with singing. Know ye that the Lord 14:41 He is God. It is He that hath made us and not 14:44 we ourselves. We are His people, the sheep of 14:46 His pasture. Enter into His gates with thanksgiving. 14:49 Enter His courts with praise, 14:51 and be thankful unto Him, and bless His name. 14:57 [Aud. reaction] PB: For the Lord is what, everybody? 14:58 [Aud. reaction]Good. PB: Come on, 15:00 the Lord is what, everybody? 15:01 [Aud. reaction]Good. PB: His mercy is 15:02 everlasting and His truth endureth 15:03 to all generations. I'm not done yet. 15:05 We're talking about praise God for the 15:08 resurrection, and praise God for Oakwood. 15:09 But if there's one area of the Christian 15:12 faith I believe we underestimate, 15:13 it's the area of praise. We're talking 15:17 about praise God for Oakwood and 15:18 praise God for the resurrection, 15:19 but we underestimate praise. 15:20 Praise means to speak well of a person. 15:24 Praise means to speak well of a personality. 15:26 Praise means to speak well and loud. 15:29 That's where we get the word Shabbat from. 15:31 But for the believer, there's so much 15:34 time to praise, some of us just haven't 15:36 gotten it yet. I used to admit, 15:38 when I grew up in the church, 15:40 I used to wonder why some people praised 15:42 God like they did. I mean, at that time 15:44 I really felt it didn't take all that. 15:48 But as soon as I discovered that I hadn't 15:52 been through anything, and I was criticizing 15:56 folk because I didn't understand the things 15:58 that they were going through, I came to 16:00 understand that I had judged them unfairly, 16:03 because when I had gone through some things 16:05 for myself, when I had been dragged through 16:08 the mud, when I had been talked about. 16:10 Anybody ever been talked about? 16:12 [Aud. reaction] 16:13 PB: Lied on. Criticized. Misunderstood. 16:17 Then I came to understand why people praise 16:21 God like they do, because I found out that 16:24 if God has ever done anything for you, 16:27 you just can't help but praise His name. 16:30 Does anybody know what I'm talking about? 16:32 [Aud. reaction] 16:33 PB: You see, whenever you've gone through 16:35 some things, and God has brought you out, 16:38 you literally stop trying to be cute. 16:41 [Aud. reaction] 16:41 PB: You stop worrying about what other 16:43 folks say about you. You stop worrying 16:45 about what other folk think about you. 16:47 Can I tell you when my ministry took off? 16:49 When I stopped worrying about what people said, 16:53 and I got delivered from people. 16:55 Are you hearing what I'm saying? 16:56 You've got to start learning how to praise God. 16:59 As a matter of fact, God's been so faithful, 17:01 by now you don't even have to wait until 17:03 you come up out of your situation, 17:05 but you've learned how to praise God 17:07 right in the midst of your what you're going through. 17:10 [Aud. reaction] 17:11 PB: Do I have a witness in this place? 17:12 Somebody's still not getting it. 17:14 Let me help you. So there's this lady 17:16 who goes to see her pastor one day, 17:19 in his study. And she says, "Pastor, 17:23 I'm going through problems with my family." 17:28 Pastor said, "Hallelujah!" The lady said, "Pastor, 17:32 I've two more things. I'm going through 17:35 problems on my job." The pastor said, 17:39 "Glory, hallelujah!" She then stood up 17:42 and said, "Pastor, but there's one more thing. 17:45 I'm going through some health problems." 17:49 The pastor said, "Oh, thank You, Jesus." 17:52 She said, "Hold up, Pastor. Wait a minute. 17:55 You're mocking me. I came here to tell you 18:00 I was going through problems with my family, 18:04 I was going through problems with my job, 18:07 I was going through problems with my health. 18:11 And you mean to tell me you're going to make 18:13 mockery of my trials? You gonna sit up in here 18:17 and shout praise the Lord, when I'm talking 18:20 about going through all of this?" The pastor said, 18:25 "Sister, you don't get it. The reason why 18:27 I'm praising God for you is because you said 18:31 you were going through. You weren't in it 18:36 to stay, but you are just going through." 18:41 And I just stopped by to tell somebody. 18:43 I'm trying to help somebody understand 18:46 right now that you're just going through 18:48 some stuff. You're just going through sickness, 18:53 through death, through that bad car, 18:56 through that bad house, through that 18:58 bad relationship. We're just going through 19:00 Donald Trump. I wish I had a witness in this place. 19:04 [Aud. reaction] 19:08 PB: You're just going through to get to. 19:16 David says, "Make a joyful noise unto the 19:21 Lord all ye lands." That's everybody. 19:24 He says, your praise ought to be audible. 19:26 The text says "Make a joyful noise." 19:28 Now--I'm about to sit down, but I'm a good 19:29 ol' Adventist, so I know, some of us, noise frustrates. 19:33 [Aud. reaction] 19:35 PB: Hee hee hee hee. Some people just don't like noise, 19:43 and I understand that. I get it. It's okay. 19:47 But I have to say this: If you don't like noise, 19:52 I don't know where you're gonna spend eternity. 19:56 [Aud. reaction] 20:00 PB: Because if you die and go to hell, 20:03 there's gonna be wailing and gnashing of teeth noise. 20:08 [Aud. reaction] 20:09 PB: And if you make it to heave with the rest of us, 20:11 there's gonna be sho 'nuff noise, because when 20:14 we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing 20:20 that's gonna be. When we all see Jesus, 20:24 we gonna sing and shout the victory! 20:28 [Aud. reaction] Aud.: Hallelujah! 20:31 PB: But what is noise? Noise if information 20:35 that I'm trying to communicate. 20:38 But when I try to communicate it, 20:40 it comes up on the other side of articulation. 20:43 In other words, nothing is more than something 20:45 God has done for me, that when I try to tell 20:48 you about it, it goes beyond nouns and verbs. 20:52 It goes beyond adjectives and adverbs. 20:54 I can't explain the goodness of God, 20:57 so when I open up my mouth and tell 20:59 you what God has done for me, all that 21:02 comes out of my mouth is some noise! 21:06 Make a joyful-- Aud.: Noise! [applause] 21:10 PB: The devil doesn't mind making noise. 21:17 Look at the devil. I saw a young man coming 21:21 down the street one day. He's in his old beat-up car. 21:24 I call it a "hoopdie." Everybody say "hoopdie." 21:27 Heh, heh,, heh. But he has a three-thousand-dollar 21:30 sound system in his car. I mean his sound system 21:37 is worth more than the car. You know, 21:39 it's those kinda cars when you stop at 21:41 a red light, you can feel the ground vibrating. 21:44 You know what I'm saying? [Aud. reaction] 21:46 PB: Boom! Boom-boom! About to tear that 21:49 poor car to pieces, with all that bass, 21:52 all that noise. I said to myself, Bro, 21:55 why don't you get a paint job? Heh heh. 21:57 Fix that transmission, buy some tires, 21:59 buy some brakes. But he was so concerned 22:02 with investing in the boom-boom system, 22:05 because he wanted everybody to know that 22:07 he had some noise. He wasn't concerned with 22:11 how he looked; he was just concerned with 22:14 everybody hearing his noise. 22:18 I just wanna know, do we have some folk tonight-- 22:20 [Aud. reaction] 22:21 PB: --who don't mind making some noise for Jesus. 22:27 Who don't mind going and telling this wonderful 22:30 gospel of a Jesus that we serve. But you 22:33 know what our problem is? We're so concerned 22:35 with how we look. You don't want your powder to run. 22:41 You see, in our group Adventist home, 22:43 you didn't call it makeup, you called it powder. 22:45 Anybody know what I'm talking about? Ha ha ha. 22:48 [Aud. reaction] 22:49 PB: You don't wanna break a nail. 22:52 You don't wanna mess up the shoes 22:54 on your feet. You wanna be cool; 22:57 you wanna be suave. You young people say, 22:59 you wanna be dope. You know what--lit. 23:02 That's what they say right here. Lit. 23:04 You wanna be lit, Pastor Byrd. All right, 23:06 I'm lit, whatever that means. 23:07 [Aud. reaction] PB: But let me remind you, 23:09 before I sit down, that whatever you 23:11 have on, God gave it to you. 23:16 [Aud. reaction] 23:17 PB: You walk around with Jimmy Choos 23:18 on your feet, red bottom shoes, Allen Edmonds, Magnanni. 23:22 Somebody's looking down at their feet right now. 23:24 Look at me. Come on, say amen. 23:25 [Aud. reaction] 23:27 PB: But if it weren't for God healing those feet, 23:30 you wouldn't be able to get in them shoes. 23:32 You're too worried about your hair, 23:33 you oughta be glad God gave you the 23:35 money to get your hair done or buy 23:36 some extra hair. Come on, say amen. 23:40 Aud.: [applause] 23:41 PB: You oughta just thank God, and open up 23:43 your mouth and give God praise. The world 23:46 is making noise but the church is quiet. 23:51 Go ye therefore, teach all nations, 23:53 baptizing them in the name of the Father, 23:55 the Son and the Holy Ghost. Always running 23:58 around here talking about "if I had ten 24:00 thousand tongues, it wouldn't be enough 24:02 to praise Him." Why don't you start with 24:03 the one tongue you've got right now? 24:08 Aud.: [applause] 24:09 PB: Heh, heh, make a joyful noise. 24:14 So you don't, so you have a degree. 24:19 Say something. So you don't have a degree. 24:24 Say something. So you have a nice house. 24:28 Say something. So you don't have a nice house. 24:33 Say something. So you're educated. Say something. 24:39 So you're not educated. Say something. 24:44 Let the redeemed of the Lord say so. 24:52 Make a joyful noise unto the Lord. 24:55 But David wasn't the only one who praised 24:58 God in the Bible. When I get to the New Testament, 25:01 I see that Paul praised Him too. 25:04 It was Paul who said, Rejoice evermore. 25:08 Pray without ceasing. In everything give 25:12 thanks. If God be for us, who can be against us? 25:19 Nay, in all things we are more than conquerors. 25:23 I can do all things through Christ which 25:27 strengtheneth me. Paul was educated. 25:30 Paul was smart. Paul spoke 13 languages, 25:34 but Paul also had the Holy Ghost. 25:38 Because Paul knew that you can't 25:40 let your learning cause you to lose 25:42 your burning. Paul knew that if you had 25:46 a B.A. degree in the world, you still 25:48 needed to be born again. Paul knew that 25:49 if you had a B.S. degree, you still needed 25:51 to have--be born of the Spirit. Paul knew 25:53 if you had a Ph.D, you still had to praise Him daily. 25:56 It amazes me sometimes that there's a strange 26:00 irony between education and sophistication. 26:04 Now, it would seem to me that the more educated 26:07 you became, the more you'd praise God, 26:10 because you'd ask yourself the question: 26:12 how would you get the degree if God didn't 26:15 bring you through it? But sometimes, 26:19 it's just the opposite. The more educated 26:21 you become, the less you praise God. 26:25 But in the name of Jesus, I'm gonna 26:29 lift my voice and praise God. 26:35 God's been too good to Carlton Byrd, 26:39 for Carlton Byrd to be quiet. 26:42 And you may not praise Him like I do 26:44 --that's okay. But please, give God 26:47 some praise. Give Him some thanks. 26:51 He's worthy to be praised. 26:55 I'm thankful for my teachers at Oakwood. 26:59 I'm thankful for my education at Oakwood. 27:02 I'm thankful for my friends at Oakwood. 27:05 I'm thankful even for the food in the cafeteria 27:07 at Oakwood. But I praise God, 27:11 because God made it happen. 27:15 Because if it had not been for 27:18 the Lord on my side, where would I be? 27:25 Praise God for Oakwood. Praise God 27:29 we didn't go under. Praise God we're 27:32 not going to go under. Praise God for Oakwood. 27:37 Praise God for the resurrection. Make a 27:40 joyful noise unto the Lord all ye lands. 27:43 Serve the Lord with gladness. 27:46 Come before His presence with singing. 27:48 Know ye that the Lord, He is God. 27:50 It is He that hath made us and not 27:51 we ourselves. We are His people, 27:53 the sheep of His pasture. 27:54 Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, 27:56 into His courts with praise. 27:58 >: Thank you very much for tuning in to this week's 28:01 Breath of Life broadcast. 28:02 We hope and pray that you've been blessed by 28:05 Dr. Byrd's inspirational message. 28:07 If you would like to hear this sermon in its entirety, 28:09 please feel free to visit us at 28:11 Or, call us at (256) 929-6460. 28:21 [END] |
Revised 2018-04-11