Series Code: BOL
Program Code: BOL000596A
00:02 Breath Of Life Ministries Presents:
00:07 Sermon B596 "You're Not Anemic" 00:12 [Breath of Life Theme Music] 00:20 PB: John chapter 6, verse 53. The Word of God says, 00:27 I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of 00:28 "Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, 00:36 the Son of man, and drink his blood, 00:38 ye have no life in you. But whoso eateth 00:44 my flesh, and drinketh my blood, 00:48 hath eternal life; and I will raise him 00:49 up at the last day. For my flesh is 00:53 meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. 00:58 He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, 01:00 dwelleth in me, and I in him. As the living 01:03 Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father: 01:07 so he that eateth me, even he shall live by me." 01:18 Today I just want to remind you 01:21 that you're not anemic. You're not anemic. 01:27 Father, bless us now. For the next couple 01:30 of minutes as we ponder Your Word and reflect 01:33 on Your broken body and shed blood. And Lord, 01:37 when I'm through, I pray that because You have 01:42 spoken to Your people, we will all understand 01:44 we're not anemic. In Jesus' name. Amen. 01:50 Anemia is the condition, as most medical 01:58 persons know, of having less than the normal 02:02 number of red blood cells in your body or 02:08 less than the normal quantity of hemoglobin 02:11 in your body. So when you have anemia, 02:14 the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood 02:18 is therefore decreased. When you have anemia, 02:25 when a person is anemic, your bloodless, 02:29 colorless, pale. When you have anemia, you 02:37 feel tired and you fatigue easily. 02:41 When you're anemic, you develop palpitations, 02:45 or feelings of rapid heart beating, 02:47 and become short of breath. When you're anemic, 02:53 when you have anemia, you lack in spirit and 02:56 you lack in vitality. Anemia affects 3 million 03:02 Americans and 1.62 billion people worldwide, 03:06 which is nearly 25 percent of the world's population. 03:12 Now, to fight anemia, you have to increase your 03:18 red blood cell count, because when you do this, 03:22 this increases the amount of oxygen the blood carries. 03:27 So, to fight anemia you have to take iron supplements; 03:31 you have to take vitamins--B12, specifically- 03:35 -folic acid supplements, have bone marrow transplants 03:41 or have blood transfusions. This is critical because 03:47 blood is our life source. Any doctor will tell you, 03:52 you can't survive without blood. Our bodies need 03:59 energy and oxygen, and blood is the delivery mechanism 04:04 to get the energy and oxygen to them. If your body 04:07 doesn't get blood, if your blood doesn't flow, 04:12 your body will stop working. And just like you 04:18 can't survive without physical blood, you can't 04:23 survive without spiritual blood. 04:27 Blood gives life, and Jesus' blood has the power 04:35 to give life. Whenever a virus attacks our physical 04:42 body and it begins to make us sick, our blood fights 04:46 with all that it has, attacking this virus with 04:52 white blood cells. When the enemy of your soul rises 04:59 up against you, the blood of Jesus covers us like 05:06 a shield, and that enemy who would destroy our soul, 05:13 he is destroyed, because no weapon formed against 05:19 us is gonna prosper. You're not anemic today. 05:27 You have the blood. You have Jesus. 05:34 The power of the blood and the fact that we're 05:37 not anemic was illustrated at the dawn of earth's 05:40 history and has been illustrated to the present day 05:42 in earth's history. Go with me to the Garden of Eden. 05:47 Adam and Eve have sinned. Jesus, our Savior, 05:53 our Redeemer, our Messiah, has not yet come. 05:56 But Adam and Eve and all of our brothers and 05:59 sisters in the Old Testament were saved by 06:01 faith in the Jesus that was to come. So then, 06:06 they had to sacrifice a lamb, a goat, an offering, 06:13 a type, a forerunner, an example, a figure of the 06:19 Messiah that would come. But today, I'm so glad 06:22 that we are saved by faith in the Jesus that has 06:29 already come. But let's go back to the beginning. 06:34 If we go back to Genesis chapter 4, we will remember 06:38 that God asks Cain and Abel to bring Him a sacrifice. 06:44 Abel obeys the command. God is pleased with Abel, 06:50 because Abel does not bring before God that which 06:54 he grew with his own power. Abel brings before God 07:00 life for which he is not responsible. Abel brings 07:05 before God life that has blood in it. Abel doesn't 07:10 bring vegetation which has no blood in it. 07:13 Abel brings a lamb, because it has blood in it, 07:16 because Abel understands that it will take the 07:18 shedding of blood to bring about the forgiveness 07:20 from sin. But Cain, on the other hand, 07:24 is bent on offering up to God what he did himself. 07:31 So what does Cain bring? Fruits, nuts, grain, 07:36 vegetables. Don't get it twisted today. God didn't 07:40 accept Cain's sacrifice, not because Cain didn't 07:44 bring his best. Cain brought his best. God didn't 07:50 accept Cain's sacrifice because Cain didn't bring 07:53 God what God asked for. Too many of us are bringing 07:57 something to God, of what God is not asking for. 08:02 Cain brings an offering to God based on what he 08:05 did himself, which is symbolic of the fact that 08:09 Cain represents displaced and improper religion. 08:16 Because some religion is bent on offering up to 08:18 God that which we do ourselves. Understand, 08:23 this kind of religion says, I'm saved because I do this. 08:30 I'm saved because I do that. It says I'm saved because 08:37 I return tithe. This kind of religion has a lot of 08:41 things that gives, it gives you the credit for, 08:44 and if you're not careful, religion will honor 08:46 itself for earning salvation. Religion will 08:52 take the brooms of life, the brooms of 08:56 human effort, and try to work its way into 08:59 pleasing God. But this kind of religion always 09:02 falls short. There's a difference between 09:04 religion and revelation. Cain has religion. 09:09 Abel has revelation. Abel has a revelation 09:14 from God that it is not through what I 09:18 have done, but it's only through what 09:20 God has done. Which means, friends, 09:24 the sin problem of this world can only 09:27 be solved through what God has done. 09:30 The sin problem cannot be solved through 09:33 what you and I do. The sin problem can 09:38 only be solved through the blood. 09:42 There can be no forgiveness of sin without 09:45 the shedding of blood. It's not rectified 09:48 by good works. It's not rectified by being 09:52 a good person. It's not rectified by returning 09:55 tithe and giving offering. It's not rectified 09:58 by singing in the choir or teaching 10:00 Sabbath school. It's not rectified by making 10:02 cakes or baking pies. All these things are good; 10:06 all these things are wonderful. They have 10:08 their place, but they can't earn you salvation. 10:10 [Aud. reaction] PB: It was only by and through 10:14 the shed blood of Jesus that you and I have a 10:17 right to the Tree of Life. Let me be clear today, 10:22 I'm not going to be long. But the greatest thing 10:25 that God ever provided for you was not a car. 10:27 It was not a house. It was not a suit. It was 10:34 not a dress. It was not a family life center. 10:37 It was not a job. The greatest thing that God 10:40 provided for us was when He went to Calvary; 10:44 and He gave you the right to eternal life. 10:48 And if there's anything that you oughta be 10:51 happy about today, if there's anything that 10:54 you oughta be shouting about today, 10:57 if there's anything you oughta be grateful 10:59 about today, it should be the fact that 11:01 the blood was shed for your sins. One day, 11:05 when I was lost He died upon the cross, 11:10 and I know that I know that I know it was 11:13 the blood for me. But the devil doesn't 11:16 want you to rejoice in your salvation. 11:19 He wants you to rejoice about things he 11:21 can shake. He wants you to rejoice about 11:25 that car so he can attack it with a flat tire. 11:28 He wants you to rejoice about your kids 11:30 because then they can have a problem and 11:33 you get disappointed. He wants you to rejoice 11:35 about the house because then something can 11:37 happen to the house, and your joy will go 11:40 with the house. But if you rejoice in the 11:43 God of your salvation, you have put your 11:46 joy in a place that cannot be taken, 11:49 and you will never be anemic. 11:51 The story is told of a family of four- 11:56 -I love this story. Father, mother, 12:00 two boys. A family of four that was 12:03 involved in a serious car accident. 12:05 Let's call the younger brother Mark, 12:08 'cause we'll use the Gospel of Matthew 12:10 and the Gospel of Mark. Matthew comes 12:11 before Mark, so Mark's the younger brother. 12:13 Are you hearing what I'm saying? Mark, 12:14 the younger of the two brothers involved, 12:16 was badly injured and he needs a 12:18 blood transfusion. Mark's big brother, 12:21 Matthew, he's eight years old, and he's 12:24 the perfect blood type. The perfect match 12:27 for his little brother. So the father sits 12:30 down with Matthew and he explains that his 12:34 little brother, Mark, is gonna die. 12:36 But if Matthew would give Mark some blood, 12:40 Mark would live and just be fine. 12:45 Matthew sits down for a minute, and he says, 12:49 "Okay, Dad. I'll do it for my brother." 12:53 They took Matthew to the hospital, 12:56 took Matthew to the operating room and 12:59 hooked up the needle to his arm, 13:01 and the blood from his body began to 13:04 flow down to his little brother. 13:07 Everything was going well. The nurse 13:09 removed the needle from Mark's arm. 13:11 Matthew had a tear in his eye. 13:13 He looked at his father and he said, 13:15 "Daddy, when do I die?" It then dawned 13:20 on the father that Matthew had misunderstood 13:23 the explanation of giving blood; 13:26 that Matthew thought he was giving all 13:29 of his blood to save the life of his little brother. 13:33 He thought that he was gonna die after the 13:36 transfusion was over, but yet he still agreed 13:40 to help his--I can't get a witness in this 13:43 place--to help his little brother. 13:46 [Aud. reaction] What love, what sacrifice, 13:50 what a gift of life. Two thousand years ago, 13:55 my big brother, Jesus, went up on a hill called 13:59 Calvary. He gave His blood, but unlike Matthew, 14:05 He died that I might have life. And every time 14:10 I come to Communion, and I take the cup, 14:13 you take the cup, we take the cup, 14:16 Jesus gives us new life. Blood is life. 14:21 Life is blood. Jesus shed His blood. 14:24 Jesus is life. Jesus gave life. 14:27 Jesus gave life and death, and by giving 14:30 life and death, Jesus brought life. 14:31 Do I have a witness in this place? 14:33 [Aud. reaction] PB: I said it once, 14:36 I'll say it again. When the Romans killed Jesus, 14:40 they made a mistake. They should have hung Him. 14:46 They should have knocked Him out. They should 14:51 have made Him drink poison. They should have stoned Him. 14:54 But when they shed His blood--[Aud. reaction] 15:03 PB: --His blood flowed down and had a revival 15:08 over death, hell, and the grave. And because of 15:16 the blood, you're not anemic. So quit acting like it. 15:23 Thank God for the blood. It wasn't the cross that 15:30 saved me. If a cross could save me, anybody could've 15:34 died on the cross. If beatings could have saved me, 15:38 then any prisoner could have endured the beatings. 15:41 If a broken body could have saved me, I could claim my, 15:44 any accident victim as my savior. But it wasn't any 15:49 of these. It was the blood. The secular and the 15:54 atheistic world is bold, blatant, in its rejection 15:59 of the gospel of atoning blood. The world refuses 16:03 and repudiates the entire message of redemption 16:05 through the blood. They say if we have tractors 16:08 to move mountains, then we don't need faith. 16:10 If we have penicillin to kill disease and 16:14 infection, then we don't need prayer. 16:16 If we have positive thinking alone, 16:19 then we don't need salvation. If we have 16:22 the federal, state, local governments, 16:24 then we don't need the church. If we have 16:27 manuals and textbooks on science, then we 16:30 don't need the Bible. If we have 16:32 Thomas Edison and Albert Einstein, 16:35 then we don't need Jesus. But I'm glad 16:39 somebody knows that the gospel of 16:42 Jesus addresses itself to a far deeper 16:45 need of humanity than tractors, 16:47 than penicillin, than government, 16:51 than manuals of science, 16:52 than Einstein or Edison. 16:54 These things and people address 16:56 powers other than the power of the 16:58 Almighty God. But power should not 17:01 be addressed by prestige, position or 17:04 possession, because ultimate power is 17:07 in the blood of the Lamb. Would you be 17:14 free from the burden of sin? There's power 17:17 in the blood of the Lamb. Would you or evil 17:20 a victory win? There's power in the blood 17:24 of the Lamb. What can wash away my sins? 17:27 Nothing but the blood of Jesus. 17:29 What can make me whole again? Nothing 17:33 but the blood of Jesus. I'm taking my seat, 17:38 but I just wanna say "the blood." I'm about 17:42 to sit down, but I just gotta say "the blood." 17:46 I know I got a plane to catch, but can somebody 17:48 hear me when I say "the blood"? It's stronger 17:52 than cancer; it's stronger than leukemia; it's 17:56 stronger than sickle cell; it's stronger 18:00 than diabetes; it's stronger than tissues, 18:03 bones and cells, and I plead the blood of 18:06 Jesus on everybody in this place right now. 18:09 I plead the blood over your finances; 18:12 I plead the blood over your paycheck; 18:14 I plead the blood over your job; I plead the 18:17 blood over your marriage, over your children, 18:19 over your family, over your house, 18:21 over this church. I plead the blood 18:24 of Jesus over your life. You are not anemic. 18:30 You have the blood. You are not pale. 18:36 You have the blood. You are not colorless. 18:42 You have the blood. You are not without hope. 18:49 You have the blood. You are not without help. 18:54 You have the blood. You are not without salvation. 18:59 You have the blood. You are not without life. 19:04 You have the blood. Physical anemia may affect 19:08 the world, but we've got--we don't have a spiritual 19:12 anemia because we have the blood. "So then Jesus 19:16 said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, 19:21 Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, 19:27 and drink his blood, ye have no life in you. 19:35 Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, 19:39 hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at 19:45 the last day. For my flesh is meat indeed, 19:49 and my blood is drink indeed. He that eateth 19:51 my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, 19:53 and I in him. As the living Father hath sent me, 19:54 and I live by the Father: so he eateth me, 19:58 even he shall live by me." You are not anemic. 20:12 I am so tired of Christians walking around powerless. 20:21 I am so tired of people giving the devil 20:26 so much credit. The devil did this; 20:32 the devil did that. Forget the devil. 20:40 [Aud. reaction] PB: I am not anemic. 20:45 I got the blood! Jesus died for me. 20:49 Jesus hung for me. Jesus bled for me. 20:54 And Jesus got up for me. And when He got up, 21:01 there was a transfer of His power to me. 21:05 So I got power. [Aud. reaction] 21:07 PB: I got power to walk on serpents. 21:11 I got power to cast demons out in the name of Jesus! 21:17 Get out! Walk around here, heads down, 21:22 aw da-da-da. Communion is not a time to be morbid. 21:27 Communion is a time to recognize a celebration 21:31 that 2,000 years ago, God made it clear and plain 21:37 that you and I would never be anemic. 21:41 The blood that Jesus, He shed for me. 21:54 Way back on Calvary. The blood that gives 22:04 me strength--it's what keeps me going. 22:06 People say, how do you do what you do? 22:08 If Jesus hung for me, all I gotta do is 22:10 live for Him. [Aud. reaction] 22:14 PB: It gives me strength. That's why 22:17 He knew we needed to do this until 22:19 He would come back, because we need strength. 22:22 Come on, say amen. Aud.: Amen! 22:24 PB: And the good news about Jesus, 22:26 His blood will never lose-- [Aud. reaction] 22:30 PB: --it's power. It's good enough for 22:37 my mama; good enough for my daddy; 22:40 good enough for my grandparents; and it's 22:41 good enough for me. You're not anemic. 22:49 [singing} The blood that Jesus shed for me, 23:05 way back on Calvary. Oh, the blood that gives 23:25 me strength, from day to day; 23:40 It will never lose its power. 23:52 PB: If you believe that, sing it now. 23:55 [singing] For it reaches, oh you know that 24:00 it reaches to the highest mountain; 24:08 And it flows to the lowest, to the lowest valley; valley. 24:28 The blood that gives me strength from day to day; 24:43 It will never lose its power. 24:55 [music] PB: Now, Lord God, for the next couple of 24:59 moments we're gonna do what You told us to do. 25:04 Everybody in here needs forgiveness from sin. 25:09 Bring forgiveness today. Take our sins and 25:16 throw 'em in the depths of the sea, and then Lord, 25:21 when the devil comes to mess with us, remind him 25:24 You put a sign out there saying "No fishing allowed." 25:27 So if there's anything between us today and 25:34 somebody else; Lord, we gotta get it right. 25:38 If there is anything today, God, between You 25:41 and any of us personally--Lord, it's not 25:46 anything You've done, it's what we've done. 25:48 We've gotta get it right. Today, Lord, 25:51 someone is wearing guilt, guilt over something 25:55 they said or something they've done. But Lord, 25:58 through the bread and through the, the juice today, 26:01 may they be reminded that if any man be in Christ, 26:03 He's a new creature. Old things are passed away. 26:09 Lord, make it new today. God forgive me. 26:16 I'm about to go do a revival, but Lord, 26:19 I can't be Your mouthpiece with mess in me. 26:22 So, clean me up and out. We thank You, 26:28 and we praise You. In Jesus' name. Amen. 26:37 >: Thank you very much for tuning in to 26:39 this week's Breath of Life broadcast. 26:41 We hope and pray that you've been blessed 26:43 by Dr. Byrd's inspirational message. 26:46 If you would like to hear this sermon in 26:48 its entirety, please feel free to visit us 26:50 at Or, 26:55 call us at (256) 929-6460. 27:00 - END - |
Revised 2018-03-12