Series Code: BOL
Program Code: BOL000593A
00:06 SERMON #593 - "What's Happening to the Church" 00:11 [BREATH OF LIFE THEME Music] 00:20 PB: Let's go to First Corinthians 16, verses 13 and 14. 00:25 The Word of God says, "Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, 00:31 quit you like men, be strong. Let all your things be 00:37 done with charity." So I only have two verses, ' 00:41 cause we don't need to be long. Don't have to 00:44 be everlasting to be eternal. 00:46 The New International Version puts it this way, 00:49 "Be on your guard. Stand firm in the faith. 00:54 Be courageous and be strong. Do everything in love." 01:01 Our message and challenge today is entitled 01:06 "What's Happening to the Church?" 01:10 What's happening to the church. Father, 01:13 bless us now. Hide me behind Your cross. 01:15 Speak through me to speak to Your people. 01:17 Forgive us of our sins, and, Lord, 01:20 I don't know what You're gonna do and how 01:22 You're gonna do it, but during the sermon, 01:25 Lord, just do it. We lift up Your waiting 01:28 congregation that they may hear Your still, 01:31 small voice speak to them today. It's in Jesus' 01:34 name we pray. Let everyone say amen. 01:36 Aud.: Amen. PB: And amen. What's happened 01:42 to the Church? Now before we answer this 01:46 question we must first ask ourselves about 01:50 the context to which this question is asked. 01:53 Because many different answers can be given 01:56 to this question based on the culture, 01:58 customs and context of the one speaking. 02:02 If you're a conservative and you ask, what's 02:08 happened to the Church? They'll tell you the 02:12 Church is too worldly. It's too liberal. 02:16 Too much entertainment. All these screens, 02:21 all this music, all these gimmicks. It doesn't 02:25 take all that. But if you ask a liberal what's 02:30 happened to the Church, they'll tell you the 02:34 Church is antiquated, archaic, outdated, old, 02:39 irrelevant, and waxes in obsolete ministry 02:41 practices that don't impact the 21st-century person. 02:46 If you ask a theologian what has happened to 02:49 the Church, they'll tell you it's lost its 02:52 theological power. The gospel is being watered 02:55 down and the academic strength of the Word is 02:57 not being articulated enough. There's too 03:00 much style and no substance. But if you ask 03:04 a practitioner, or somebody who's just trying 03:08 to make it, what's happened to the Church, 03:11 they'll tell you, look, I don't need all the 03:13 big words. I don't need to know what the Hebrew, 03:16 Greek or Aramaic say. I just need me some Jesus 03:22 to help me to make it from day to day. My kids 03:25 are out of control, my marriage is on the rocks, 03:28 my bills are due, my money is low, and I just 03:30 need to know that I can make it. Same question, 03:35 but two different schools of thought for the answer. 03:40 But for me today, I want to be, go beyond the 03:44 liberal and the conservative; go beyond what 03:47 the theologian or the practitioner has to say, 03:49 and see what Jesus has to say. 03:52 Now before we go any further on what's happened 03:55 to the Church, I believe it's necessary to 03:58 be reminded of what the Church is and what 04:01 the Church is not. First of all, the Church 04:04 is not an exclusive club. The Church is an 04:10 inclusive fellowship. In other words, 04:12 the Church is not a closed society but 04:15 an open fellowship. Do I have a witness 04:16 in this place? Number two, nobody's better 04:21 than anybody else in God's Church, because 04:26 the same blood of Jesus that's flowing in my 04:28 veins is the same blood of Jesus that's 04:32 flowing in your veins. The same Jesus that 04:35 died for you is the same Jesus that died for me. 04:38 There are no big Is or little yous in God's Church. 04:41 So because nobody's better than anybody else 04:44 in God's church, there's no superior race in 04:46 God's Church. Red and yellow, black and white, 04:50 all of us are precious in God's sight. 04:54 Jesus came to this world to save sinners. 04:57 Not white sinners, not black sinners, 04:59 not red sinners, not yellow sinners, 05:01 but He came to save all sinners. 05:03 Number three, the church is not a favored group. 05:09 The Bible says, for God so loved the world. 05:13 The Bible does not say, for God so 05:15 loved only the Church. Make sure you 05:18 understand First Peter 2:9, when it says 05:20 we are a chosen generation. Yes, we're a 05:22 chosen generation, but our chosen-ness 05:25 does not mean that we have had conferred 05:27 upon us some special honor in the sense of 05:30 being favored; but rather it means that we 05:32 have been chosen by God to be His servants, 05:34 to the service of mankind; which is why 05:36 Pathfinders were taught, "and we are 05:38 servants of God and friends to men." 05:42 Number four, the Church is not ours. 05:47 We may have the title and the deed to 05:49 the property, but God and God alone has 05:53 the title and the deed to the spiritual body, 05:56 which is the living Church. It was Jesus, remember, 05:59 who said "Upon this rock I'll build my Church." 06:03 So let me let you know something. I don't care 06:06 how long you've been in the Church. I don't care 06:08 how much money you've given the Church. This is 06:11 God's Church, not your Church. Not my Church, 06:16 but God's Church. Do I have a witness in this place? 06:20 Now that we've been reminded of what the Church 06:22 is not, let's talk about what the Church is. 06:25 The Church is the family of God. The family of 06:29 whom, everybody? Aud.: God. 06:30 PB: Which means, one doesn't really join it, 06:32 but one is born in it. But to be born in the 06:36 Church you have to follow the imperative of 06:40 Jesus and be born again. Number two, the 06:44 Church is an imperfect fellowship. It's not 06:48 made up of perfect people, but people who 06:51 are striving for perfection. There are no 06:54 perfect churches. Let me say that one more time. 06:59 There are no perfect churches. God has no 07:05 perfect churches because there are no 07:07 perfect people. All have sinned and come 07:10 short of the glory of God. I tell people all 07:13 the time, if you find a perfect church please 07:15 don't join it, because you gonna mess it up. 07:17 [Aud. reaction] PB: But I'm so glad that 07:22 I serve a God who can take our imperfections 07:27 and He can change us. I wish I had somebody 07:31 who knew what I was talking about. If any man 07:33 be in Christ, he's a new creature. All things 07:36 are passed away; all things shall become new. 07:38 It doth not yet appear what we shall be, but 07:41 we know that when He doth appear, in a moment, 07:44 in a twinkling of an eye, we shall be like Him. 07:50 [Aud. reaction] PB: But the last characteristic 07:52 that I will mention today regarding what the 07:54 Church is expresses the Church's purpose. Now 07:59 "purpose" refers to that for which something 08:01 is created. Purpose is why something exists. 08:05 The purpose of food is to nourish the body. 08:08 The purpose of clothing is to cover up the body. 08:11 The purpose of water is to replenish the body, 08:14 and the purpose of the Church is twofold. 08:17 Number one, it is to fulfill the Gospel 08:20 Commission of Matthew 28: Go ye therefore 08:24 and teach all nations and then baptize them. 08:27 Now we talked about number one last month, 08:30 so today, as we begin this new month, we talk 08:33 about number two, the purpose of the Church. 08:35 It is to serve humanity. We are here to help 08:42 meet human need. The Church, as the redeemed 08:48 and redemptive fellowship, is the physical 08:50 presence of Jesus Christ in this world. 08:54 When Jesus was on this earth, He met people's needs. 08:59 Ellen White makes it clear that Christ's method 09:02 alone will do more than anything. He won 09:04 people's confidence, then He bade them follow Me. 09:08 As Christ's representatives, as His followers 09:11 and servants, as His physical presence in the 09:14 world we should follow His example. Spread the 09:17 gospel, and meet people's needs. But I'm afraid 09:21 the Church has gotten to the point that the Gospel 09:25 Commission in our mind only means going door to door, 09:28 handing out tracts and flyers. I like that, and 09:32 while evangelism does include this, evangelism is 09:35 a more broad, or broader and deeper than this. 09:37 Because evangelism also includes how we witness 09:40 in our interpersonal relationships, in our business 09:43 and professional activities, in our civic social 09:46 responsibility, and it's the latter that I believe 09:48 the Church has forgotten. What's happened to the 09:52 Church? In our society today, in our context today, 09:56 the Church has become silent. The Church has become quiet. 10:02 The Church has become neutered. The Church has become 10:07 castrated to the issues that plague our society. 10:11 The Church has not placed primacy on meeting human needs. 10:17 What do I mean, on Black History Sabbath? 10:19 The Church used to be the mighty voice of 10:22 God in the civil rights movement that spoke 10:25 out against the social ills of the day. 10:28 The Church used to be the gathering place 10:30 for civic meetings, general assemblies, 10:32 and civil disobedience rallies to protest 10:35 the social and humanitarian abuses of the day. 10:39 The Church, and from the Church's pulpit, 10:42 or the place where it was preached. Darkness 10:45 cannot drive out darkness. Only light can do that. 10:49 Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that. 10:52 It was from the Church, where it was preached. 10:55 In the end, we will remember not the words of our 10:59 enemies but the silence of our friends. And so 11:04 I get concerned--and I know you're gonna quote me, 11:07 but that's all right--when I hear people say, 11:11 don't mix church and politics. Let me be clear today: 11:17 When you speak about social justice, that's 11:22 not politics. That's meeting a human need. 11:25 [Aud. reaction] PB: When you speak about 11:28 fighting the AIDS epidemic, that's not politics, 11:32 that's meeting a human need. When you speak 11:36 about the Black Lives Matter movement, 11:38 the Blue Lives Matter movement, the All Lives 11:42 Matter movement, that's not politics. That's 11:45 meeting human need. When you speak out against 11:49 the senseless killings of black youth at the 11:52 hands of police, and then the senseless killings 11:54 of police at the hands of black people, that's 11:57 not politics. That's meeting human needs. 12:01 But let me needle this a bit more. When you speak 12:05 out against the unrighteous use of words to denigrate 12:11 and castigate people from African and Caribbean 12:14 countries like Haiti, that's not politics. 12:19 That's meeting human needs. Somebody say, 12:22 you'd better be careful what you preach. 12:23 You on TV, on Breath of Life. I don't care! 12:25 If God be for us, who can be against us? 12:31 [Aud. reaction] PB: When you speak out 12:33 against the immoral deportation of immigrants, 12:37 separating them from their spouses and children, 12:41 that's not politics. That's meeting human need. 12:45 When you speak out against those who oppose the 12:49 Dreamer movement, that's not politics. 12:53 That's meeting human needs. It's not a child's 12:57 fault that they were born in America. 12:59 No one asks to be born, you're just born. 13:02 But after you've been born, the Church has 13:06 a responsibility to meet human needs. 13:12 [Aud. reaction] PB: Pastor Byrd, what's 13:14 happening to the Church? The Church is not 13:18 speaking up. I'm not just talking about what 13:22 we eat, what day we worship on, or what happens 13:26 when we die. I'm also talking about how we live; 13:30 how we should be treated, and how we serve our 13:33 fellow man. Church, we've got a problem. 13:37 We still live in a society where the rich get 13:40 tax breaks and the poor get back breaks. 13:42 We still live in a country where, depending on 13:46 where you live, you can't count on police 13:48 protection but rather police harassment. 13:51 We will live in a country where you can't 13:53 go to the airport or the store because you're 13:55 afraid you might be separated from your family. 13:57 We live in a country where you have to work twice 13:59 as hard to make it simply because you don't 14:01 come from the right family, the right zip code, 14:03 the right schools, or you're not the right color. 14:06 And somebody's gotta stand up. Somebody's gotta 14:13 use their platform to stand up and speak up. 14:18 Somebody's got to man up! And it's time for the 14:21 Church to stand up, speak up, and man up. 14:27 I must confess today, I praise God for people 14:30 like our honoree. Sir Patrick Allen, who have 14:33 had their foundation in the Church and are now 14:35 being used by God to be a mighty voice in circles 14:38 I'm not in; at tables you're not sitting at; 14:42 in board rooms we're not invited to. Somebody's 14:46 gotta be a modern-day Daniel. [Aud. reaction] 14:48 PB: And praise God, we've got a Daniel in 14:53 the Queen's court. Come on, say amen. 14:55 [Aud. reaction] PB: Somebody said, do you 14:59 know the queen? Yes, vicariously through 15:01 Sir Patrick Allen. Come on, say amen, somebody. 15:05 [Aud. reaction] PB: So I tell people. 15:06 I tell people, 'cause you know, I get letters. 15:09 You know I get letters. I have a lot of fan mail. 15:12 [Aud. reaction] PB: But if I didn't get fan mail, 15:17 that would mean I'm not doing something right. 15:19 Are you hearing what I'm saying? I tell people, 15:22 don't hate where he is. Celebrate where he is. 15:27 You see, I did a little, a little looking at this- 15:29 -speaking of hating on people--I believe hating 15:31 is the result of a slave mentality. 15:34 [Aud. reaction] PB: It's not just a crab mentality. 15:37 You can't be free. If you gonna be free, 15:41 I gotta be free. And if you can't be free, 15:43 I can't be free. No. It's a slave mentality. 15:46 In other words, the psychological chains are 15:49 still on, even after the physical chains 15:51 have come off. Oppression: those are the people 15:55 where they've been given psychological consent 15:58 to their own slavery. There are some folk 16:00 who feel you can't change the system. Why? 16:04 The chains are still on their minds. 16:08 Let me tell you something. Young people, 16:10 listen to me good. The old folk will tell 16:11 you this. Back in the day, everybody did 16:15 not like Martin Luther King. [Aud. reaction] 16:18 PB: Let, let, let's be real. Everybody 16:21 running around clapping now, but back in 16:23 the day, everybody did not appreciate 16:26 Martin Luther King. Every black person did 16:30 not support Martin Luther King. Now, 16:33 they on the bandwagon now. Just like when 16:37 Barack Obama ran for president. Oh, 16:38 he won't win; he won't win. Then when 16:40 he won, praise God. Barack Obama! Nah, nah. 16:42 [Aud. reaction] PB: Some black folk, 16:46 back in the day, thought that King was 16:49 causing trouble. But I'm so glad that 16:54 Martin Luther King didn't let that stop him. 16:58 If he did and had, we'd still be in physical 17:02 and legal chains of slavery right now. 17:05 That's why I say to the governor general: 17:06 Keep doing what you're doing. Don't worry 17:09 about what people say, keep doing what 17:11 you're doing. Continue to speak up. 17:13 Let me tell you something: Everybody 17:14 in this place, don't you forget where you come from. 17:17 [Aud. reaction] PB: If we had gone along 17:19 to get along with every issue of injustice, 17:21 where would we be? Some people think that to 17:24 follow Christ, we have to take a vow of slaughter 17:26 and suffering. Roll over and play dead. 17:30 But King said it best: Freedom is never 17:32 voluntarily given by the oppressor. 17:34 It must be demanded by the oppressed. 17:37 That's biblical. Even Jesus went in the temple. 17:41 Even Jesus went in the church, and He took a whip, 17:44 and He cast out the moneychangers and made 17:48 His church a den of thieves. In the spirit of 17:51 black history, as we talk about the black Church, 17:54 let me remind you. Listen to me, young people. 17:57 Our black congregations have a rich history. 18:00 People who speak negatively about the black 18:03 Church are often uninformed. I didn't want to 18:07 use the word "ignorant," but uninformed about 18:10 the principled history of the Church. In fact, 18:13 the oldest institution in the black community 18:16 is the Church. [Aud. reaction] 18:19 PB: Before black folk had formal organizations 18:22 to protect against the evils of slavery, 18:24 the black Church kept the flame of freedom 18:27 burning in their hearts. When slavery and 18:30 oppression dehumanized our forefathers, 18:32 when discrimination and segregation degraded them, 18:35 it was the black Church who taught 'em how to sing. 18:38 I'm gonna sit at the welcome table. I'm gonna 18:42 feast on milk and honey. I'm gonna sing and 18:45 never get tired. One of these days. When our 18:47 fathers were weak physically and spiritually; 18:49 when our mothers were robbed of hope, the words 18:52 of the preacher pushed them on with Walk Together, 18:55 Children. Don't you get weary. Don't you ever 18:58 forget that from the black Church came singers 19:02 like Mahalia Jackson. [Aud. reaction] 19:04 PB: Marian Anderson. From the black Church 19:06 came educators like Benjamin Mays, Mary McLeod Bethune. 19:10 From the black Church came politicians like 19:14 Adam Clayton Powell and Barack Obama. 19:17 From the black Church came civil rights 19:20 leaders Martin Luther King and Medgar Evers. 19:22 From the black Church came preachers like 19:27 Gardner Taylor and Elder Charles Bradford. 19:29 From the black Church. The past of the black 19:32 Church has been fruitful and productive. 19:34 But the question begs asking: but what's 19:37 happening to the Church now? 19:40 Let me tell you this: The black Church 19:42 can't afford to face the future by being 19:44 a weak imitation of a country club. 19:47 The black church building can't just 19:51 serve the church membership but must also 19:53 serve the persons in need in our community. 19:56 The black Church must strive not only to 19:57 serve the classes but the masses. 20:00 That means black people, which people, 20:03 red people, yellow people, and all people. 20:06 [Aud. reaction] PB: The Church cannot be 20:09 silent on issues of racism, war, poverty or 20:13 injustice. The Church must speak up. 20:16 Don't worry if people get mad, speak up! 20:20 Don't worry if money gets low, speak up! 20:23 Don't worry if budgets decline, speak up! 20:26 God will take of you. Ellen White said, 20:30 we have nothing to fear for the future, 20:32 lest we forgot how God has led us in the past. 20:37 The Bible is full of military terminology. 20:41 We're told to put on the whole armor of God, 20:43 in Ephesians 6. We're told to be good soldiers, 20:46 in 2 Timothy 2. We're told, Jesus is our Captain, 20:50 in Hebrews 2. But too many Christians think 20:53 that the Body of Christ is not supposed to be 20:55 a militant body waging aggressive warfare against 20:58 the devil. But it's high time that we face up to 21:02 the fact that God has not just called us to giddy 21:05 church gatherings, meetings where food is served; 21:10 or denigrate into prosperous social clubs full of 21:13 people caring about nobody but themselves. 21:16 But God has called the Church to war against 21:21 the works of darkness. War against racism. 21:25 War against injustice. War against poverty. 21:29 War against AIDS. War against cancer. 21:31 The Church is God's physical representation 21:35 in the world. First John 3 and 8 tell us 21:39 that Jesus came to destroy the works 21:41 of the devil, but some folk read this text, 21:43 Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil, 21:45 and they say, we don't have to do anything 21:47 because Jesus already did it all. 21:49 But that's foolish mentality, 21:51 because if the works of Satan were 21:53 completely destroyed, why is sin 21:55 accelerating at such a rapid pace? 21:58 Jesus wants to destroy the works of 22:00 Satan through His Body, here on 22:03 this earth. Jesus wants to destroy 22:05 the works of Satan through us. 22:08 Somebody's still not getting it. 22:10 Let me try it this way: Whenever we 22:13 pass out anointed literature, we're 22:16 destroying the works of Satan. 22:18 Whenever we give Bible studies, 22:21 we're destroying the works of Satan. 22:24 Whenever we preach what thus saith the Lord, 22:27 we're destroying the works of Satan. 22:31 Whenever we speak out against racism, 22:34 we're destroying the works of Satan. 22:37 When we preach, whenever we preach that 22:40 it's wrong to favor one race over 22:43 another race, we're destroying the 22:45 works of Satan. Whenever we preach that 22:48 it's wrong to call a country- 22:50 -and I dare not say what it was called- 22:52 -a negative country, we're destroying 22:56 the works of Satan. When we speak out 22:59 against police brutality, we're destroying 23:01 the works of Satan. When we provide health 23:04 care to everybody, we're destroying the 23:07 works of Satan. When we challenge the fact 23:10 that the rich are getting richer and the 23:12 poor are getting poorer, we're destroying 23:15 the works of Satan. When we preach abstinence 23:17 to our single young people, and combat AIDS, 23:20 we are destroying the works of Satan. 23:23 Whenever we have support substance groups, 23:25 abuse groups, support groups for 23:28 substance-abuse users, we're destroying 23:30 the works of Satan. When we teach that 23:33 the ground is level at the cross, 23:35 we're destroying the works of Satan. 23:38 Let me be clear today: We don't destroy 23:40 the works of Satan with our silence to abuse; 23:44 our indifference to immigration; our consent 23:48 to racist rhetoric; our complicity to 23:51 tragic tweets, or our ignoring the me-too movement. 24:03 We don't destroy the works of Satan with 24:07 meaningless, irrelevant church programs, 24:09 insulated social activities, or sitting 24:11 in our comfortable pews week after week. 24:15 Religious activities--listen to me good- 24:18 -will never do damage to the kingdom of hell. 24:21 The Church must destroy the works of Satan 24:25 by taking aggressive, militant action against it. 24:30 And so, I close with what the Apostle Paul 24:32 said in our text. "Be on your guard. 24:35 Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. 24:40 Be strong. Do everything in love." 24:45 Paul closes out this letter to the church 24:49 at Corinth, and he gives an exhortation 24:52 which is applicable to all Christians. 24:55 It contains five brief imperatives, four 24:57 of which are closely related. Taken together, 25:00 these four imperatives remind us the 25:02 purpose of the Church. But more than that, 25:06 Paul gives us through this text an example 25:08 of a metaphor of a church as an army at war. 25:12 The four imperatives here have a military 25:14 background and are like a commander's orders 25:16 to his soldiers. This shouldn't surprise us, 25:19 because Paul uses military language in Ephesians 6, 25:22 when he tells us to fight against the devil. 25:25 Because he says, "We wrestle not against 25:27 flesh and blood but against principalities 25:29 and powers, against rulers of the darkness, 25:31 spiritual wickedness in high places." 25:32 But in First Corinthians 16, Paul tells 25:35 us more than who we're fighting. 25:37 He says it's more than what kind of 25:38 armor to put on, but he tells us how to fight. 25:41 This war is not physical. This war is not 25:47 against people, per se. It's a spiritual 25:50 battle to liberate people from the spiritual 25:52 forces of evil. So although this war is 25:57 not physical, it's still a real war; 25:59 a war with real objectives, real rules, 26:02 real casualties, real victories, and real defeats. 26:05 But number one, Paul says, "Be on your guard." 26:08 Be on your what, everybody? Aud.: Guard. 26:10 PB: Come on, be on your what, everybody? 26:11 Aud.: Guard. PB: In other words, he says, 26:13 be alert. This means to be watchful, 26:14 because there are enemies in the area. 26:16 Remember, if the soldier fell asleep or 26:18 allowed himself to be distracted, 26:19 The enemy could infiltrate or surprise, 26:22 be a surprise in his attack, and our 26:24 lives would be lost. So Paul is saying, 26:26 we've got to be spiritually alert. 26:28 We live in a spiritually hostile environment, 26:30 so we must live with our guard up. 26:33 Number two, Paul says, Stand firm in the faith. 26:35 That means you gotta dig in. You gotta do 26:37 what, everybody? Aud.: Dig in. 26:39 PB: And dig in is stubbornly refuse to 26:40 give ground. Notice that the specific area 26:43 in which we're supposed to stand firm is 26:44 in our faith. This refers to the context 26:46 and content of our faith. The truth of Scripture, 26:50 the message of the gospel. Christian militancy 26:52 involves being uncompromised about the truth, 26:55 which is why I say in evangelism, if God said it, 26:58 that settles it. A man who stands for nothing 27:00 will fall for anything. [Aud. reaction] 27:03 PB: Number three, be courageous, be strong. 27:05 The King James Version, if you read it, it says 27:07 "Be strong like men." But don't misunderstand 27:11 what Paul is trying to say. The contest is not 27:13 between men and women but between acting like 27:15 grown-ups and acting like children. You see, 27:18 when children see the enemy, they run. 27:20 BuT when you act like a man and you're strong 27:24 like an adult, it means you've got to get ready 27:26 to suffer. If you stand for the right, 27:28 if you stand against what's, uh, popular, 27:30 if you speak truth to power, be ready to suffer. 27:35 But Paul says, be courageous. Be strong. 27:38 And then finally, number four. He says, 27:40 do everything in love. This is a key difference 27:42 between biblical militancy and worldly militancy. 27:45 Worldly militancy says winning is the only 27:48 thing that matters, even if the end justifies 27:50 the means. It thrives on hate and fosters cruelty. 27:54 But biblical militancy, uses as its controlling 27:58 ethic love. Love is what should motivate us to 28:03 "Thank you very much for tuning into this 28:06 week's Breath of Life Broadcast. 28:08 We hope and pray that you have been blessed 28:10 by Dr. Byrd's inspirational message. 28:12 If you would like to hear this sermon in 28:14 its entirety, please feel free to visit us at 28:17 or call us at 256.929.6460. 28:26 - END - |
Revised 2018-02-12