Series Code: BOL
Program Code: BOL000591A
00:06 SERMON 591 "Restoration is for Real" 00:12 [BREATH OF LIFE THEME MUSIC] 00:20 PB: John chapter 8, verse number 1. 00:24 The Word of God says in John 8:1, " 00:26 Jesus went unto the mount of"--what, everybody? 00:29 Aud.: Olives. PB: Come on, He went unto the 00:31 mount of what, everybody? Aud.: Olives. 00:33 PB: "And early in the morning he came again 00:34 into the temple, and all the people came unto him; 00:37 and he sat down, and taught them. And the 00:41 scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a 00:43 woman taken in adultery; and when they 00:45 had set her in the midst, they say unto him, 00:49 Master, this woman was taken in adultery, 00:53 in the very act. Now Moses in the law commanded us, 00:57 that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou? 01:02 This they said, tempting him, that they 01:05 might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down." 01:08 [Aud. reaction] PB: "Stooped down, and with his 01:11 finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard 01:14 them not. So when they continued asking him, 01:19 he lifted up himself, and said unto them, 01:21 He that is without"-- what, everybody? Aud.: Sin. 01:24 PB: "Among you, let him [first] cast a stone at her. 01:30 Again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground. 01:32 And they which heard it, being convicted by 01:34 their own conscience, went out one by one, 01:38 beginning at the"--what, everybody? Aud.: Eldest. 01:41 PB: "Even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, 01:43 and the woman standing in the midst. 01:47 When Jesus had lifted up himself, 01:49 and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, 01:50 Woman, where are those thine accusers? 01:55 hath no man condemned thee? She said, 02:00 No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, 02:03 Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more." 02:13 Today, restoration is for real. 02:20 Aud.: Hallelujah! PB: Restoration is for real. 02:24 Let me begin by telling you today and reminding 02:27 you that the devil is not your friend. 02:30 [Aud. reaction] PB: Young people, 02:32 the devil is not your friend. Older folk, 02:34 the devil is not your friend. The devil is 02:36 your enemy, and the devil wants you to 02:38 play the motion picture of your past continuously. 02:42 [Aud. reaction] PB: Your past is designed 02:44 to keep you down. Keep you where, everybody? 02:47 Aud.: Down. PB: Keep you where you are. 02:49 But if you press forward in the name of Jesus, 02:52 I'm a witness that God already has 02:54 prepared your future in a way that'll blow your mind. 02:59 [Aud. reaction] PB: You see, the devil 03:01 can't stop God from working on your behalf. 03:03 The only thing that can stop God from working 03:06 on you is you. And the devil will want to make 03:09 you think, my friends, that you are powerless. 03:12 He will make you want to believe that you 03:14 can't change your past. He wants you to 03:17 believe that you can't change certain aspects 03:19 of your life. But in the name of Jesus-- 03:22 [Aud. reaction] PB: --the devil is a liar. 03:25 The devil has always told lies and has not 03:29 changed. He told your mama lies, your daddy lies, 03:33 your grandmamma lies, your granddaddy lies, 03:36 and he's telling you lies. He's the father of lies. 03:39 Are you hearing what I'm saying? But I want 03:41 somebody to know today that you are not powerless. 03:44 You are powerful. You are stronger than you think, 03:48 because while the devil has some power, 03:51 your power is greater than the devil's. 03:54 Because my Bible says "Greater is he that 03:57 is in you than he that is in the world." 04:00 And a mathematician will tell you, 04:02 if there is a greater than, there must be 04:04 less than. And because God is greater 04:08 than the devil and God lives in me, 04:10 then under the power of God I have more 04:12 power than the enemy in-a-me. 04:15 So as we move into this new year, 04:18 somebody oughta get ready because God is 04:20 about to do something powerful in somebody's life. 04:22 [Aud. reaction] PB: Doors are about to open 04:25 for somebody like they've never opened before. 04:29 What should have taken you years to accomplish 04:32 is about to happen and come to pass. Aud.: Hallelujah! 04:36 PB: A dream is about to come to pass. 04:38 Y'all don't hear what I'm saying. 04:40 A promise is about to be fulfilled. 04:42 A question is about to be answered. 04:45 A problem for somebody is about to be solved. 04:48 Your negatives are about to turn into positives. 04:51 You're about to enter into what I call 04:54 God's miracle zone. Aud.: Hallelujah! 04:57 PB: Because the reality is, back in 2017 05:00 the devil should've taken you out when he 05:02 had the chance, because God is about to 05:05 restore things in your life that the devil 05:07 could have and should destroyed. I like what 05:09 the Bible says, that God says "I will restore 05:12 to you the years that the locusts have taken." 05:15 [Aud. reaction] PB: That the canker- 05:17 -oh, I wish I had a church in this place- 05:18 -that the caterpillar, that the palmer worm 05:20 hath taken away. So whatever you've been going 05:23 through, whatever you've been dealing with, 05:27 whatever you've been facing, whatever last year, 05:30 last month and last week negatively brought you, it's over. 05:34 [Aud. reaction] PB: It's over. Everybody say "it's over." 05:37 Aud.: It's over. PB: God is gonna restore you, 05:39 and I believe I've got in this place a witness 05:41 that knows restoration is for real. Aw, 05:44 you're still looking at me like I've lost my mind. 05:46 Last night could've been worse, but we're here. 05:51 [Aud. reaction] PB: Somebody shoulda been dead, 05:53 but you're here. Somebody should've been in 05:56 the hospital, but you're here. Somebody should've 05:58 been strung out somewhere, but you're here. 06:02 Somebody should've been in divorce court, 06:04 but you're here. Someone should not even be 06:07 in college, but you're here. Why? God is real, 06:15 and restoration is for real. Aud.: Hallelujah! 06:20 PB: Go with me now back to the test, John chapter 8. 06:21 I love this story because it teaches us that no 06:24 sinner has gone too far. It teaches us that no 06:27 one's guilt is too deep. It teaches us that no 06:29 one is beyond the reach of God's grace. 06:32 Are you hearing what I'm saying? The text 06:33 begins by saying "It's very early in the"- 06:36 -what, everybody? Morning. It's very early 06:38 in the what, everybody? Aud.: Morning. 06:40 PB: Very early in the morning. 06:41 Jesus is sitting in the temple. Stop! 06:43 That means Jesus went to Sabbath school. 06:44 Come on, say amen. It's very early in the morning, 06:47 and Jesus is sitting in the temple. 06:49 A crowd has gathered around Him as He's 06:51 teaching the Word of God, when all of a 06:53 sudden the scribes and the Pharisees bring 06:55 a woman that they've caught in the very act 06:58 of adultery. Now let's stop there. Caught in 07:03 the very act of adultery. Not accused, not alleged, 07:10 but caught in the very act of adultery. 07:15 Which means they had to be watching, 07:18 for how else would they have known. 07:19 Are you hearing what I'm saying? Because back 07:22 in the day, in order for a charge of adultery 07:24 to be made, eyewitnesses were necessary. 07:27 So these perverted peeping toms set this thing up. 07:34 Pornography didn't just begin. Are you hearing 07:36 what I'm saying everybody? Maybe they picked a 07:39 ladies' man that was able to influence another 07:42 man's wife to have this affair. Maybe they followed 07:44 this couple around, saw them eat, saw them drink, 07:48 saw them go to the hotel, and they waited for a 07:50 few minutes and watched them and then busted down the door. 07:54 Maybe then they threw the sheets off, grabbed her, 07:57 drug her out of bed and left him. And I say "left him," 08:03 because the Bible never mentions them dragging him 08:06 before Jesus like they drug her. [Aud. reaction] 08:09 PB: The Bible never mentions the man. 08:12 That's a double standard. That's not fair. 08:15 I wish I had a church in this place. 08:17 [Aud. reaction] PB: It takes two to tango. 08:20 One of the biggest problems I had in 08:21 growing up in the church was when a young 08:23 lady became pregnant. She always got punished 08:26 because there was evidence. Y'all don't hear 08:28 what I'm saying, but what about the man? 08:33 [Aud. reaction] PB: He was just as guilty. 08:35 Are you hearing what I'm saying? But the 08:37 scribes and the Pharisees aren't really 08:38 interested in the man. In fact, the man 08:40 may have been one of them. [Aud. reaction] 08:44 PB: I was studying this text this week. 08:46 I got to my theories. It may have been him. 08:48 The man was irrelevant. They weren't trying 08:52 to promote righteousness. The text says they 08:55 were trying to entrap Jesus. Think about it. 08:58 The Pharisees could've brought the woman to 09:00 Jesus without exposing her publicly. 09:03 But they bring her, in front of everybody, 09:06 to get an audience because she's nothing but 09:08 a pawn in their plan. They don't care about 09:10 the woman either, they're trying to get at Jesus. 09:14 Look at verse number 4. The Word of God says in verse 4, 09:17 "They say unto him, Master"--they say what, everybody? 09:19 Aud.: Master. PB: "This woman was taken in adultery, 09:22 in the very act." Verse 5, "Now Moses"- 09:24 -you know church folk, we love to quote Scripture 09:27 when it's convenient. We have rules, however, 09:31 for which we have no Scriptures. I wish we had time. 09:33 "Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be"- 09:39 -what, everybody? Stoned. "But what sayest thou?" 09:44 Now, before we look at Jesus's response to this question, 09:47 here this woman is, probably wrapped up only in a sheet, 09:51 standing in front of all these church folk, 09:53 which is sometimes one of the worst places to 09:56 be especially when you've messed up. Do I have 09:58 a witness in this place? And then they start 10:00 quoting Scripture. The Bible says, in Leviticus 20, 10:05 in Deuteronomy 22, that anyone caught in the act of 10:09 adultery should be stoned to death. More than that, 10:13 if you study the Bible, you will recognize biblical 10:16 history says that married women were supposed to 10:18 be strangled. If the woman was the daughter of a priest, 10:23 if she were a PK, she was to be burned to death. 10:28 But again, where's the man? Both were supposed to 10:34 die if they engaged in adultery. Adultery, 10:38 let me throw this in, was and is still a sin. 10:42 [Aud. reaction] PB: Now I know you don't like it, 10:44 but I'ma preach it anyhow. I'll clap my hands but 10:47 the Word of God is true. Are you hearing 10:48 what I'm saying? The music may come and I may 10:50 clap a little bit, but God's Word still holds true. 10:52 Are you hearing what I'm saying? I know this story 10:55 is a picture of God's grace, but don't get this twisted. 10:58 Adultery is sin. We can whitewash it all we want 11:03 and call it an affair, but adultery is what, everybody? 11:08 Aud.: Sin. PB: And listen to me, as horrible 11:11 as adultery is, it is no worse in the sight of God 11:13 than any other sin. [Aud. reaction] 11:16 PB: You see, we try to categorize sins and make 11:18 one sin worse than another. These are white sins, 11:20 these are black sins, these are red sins. 11:22 But sin is sin. All sin is evil in the sight of God. 11:27 Are you hearing me? But let me say this--and I gotta 11:29 throw this in--while sin is sin, some sins carry 11:32 greater consequences than others. [Aud. reaction] 11:35 PB: What do I mean? Adultery can destroy your marriage, 11:39 destroy somebody else's marriage, destroy your children. 11:42 You might get a sexually transmitted disease or a 11:44 multitude of other things can happen in comparison 11:46 to somebody stealing a piece of candy from a grocery store. 11:50 Are you hearing what I'm saying, it's getting quiet now. 11:52 That's all right. [Aud. reaction] 11:54 PB: I love you anyhow and I know you love me. 11:55 Come on, say amen. But while these sins are worlds 11:58 apart and while they carry different consequences 12:01 if the sinner is caught, in God's eyes they are both sins. 12:07 Which means then, each of us is as guilty as the 12:14 adulteress woman. Y'all don't hear what I'm saying. 12:16 But I'm so glad that I serve a God that hates sin but 12:22 loves the sinner. I'm so glad today that the wages of 12:26 sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life 12:29 through Jesus Christ our Lord. I'm so glad today that 12:32 if any man be in Christ, he's a new creature. 12:35 Old things are passed away, all things become new. 12:37 I'm so glad that if we confess our sins He is 12:42 faithful and just to forgive us of our sins 12:44 and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 12:46 Let me tell you something in the name of Jesus: 12:49 Don't you let Satan ruin your day by reminding 12:52 you of the sins of your past. God said He 12:56 would forgive us. God said He would cleanse 12:58 us of our sins if we confess them. 13:00 And think about it. It makes no sense that 13:02 our God would be faithful to forgive us from 13:05 our sins and then later remind us of our sins. 13:08 [Aud. reaction] PB: Restoration is for real. 13:13 But back to the Pharisees--let me hurry up 13:15 so I can sit down. The law says, 13:19 stone adulterers. Jesus, what do you say? 13:26 But the purpose of their question was not to learn. 13:30 They knew the answer to the question. 13:34 They knew what the Bible said. 13:36 Their purpose was to trap Jesus. 13:38 Because think about it. If Jesus said, 13:40 don't stone her, then they could accuse 13:42 Him of going against the law, which would 13:44 have turned the Jews against Him. If Jesus said, 13:47 Go ahead and stone her, then they could report him, 13:50 to the Roman officials, since the Romans didn't 13:53 allow the Jews to carry out capital punishment. 13:56 So either way, Jesus will be labeled as a law breaker. 14:01 So the Pharisees, they think they have Jesus cornered. 14:05 They thought He was doomed no matter what He said. 14:09 They thought that there was no way out for Jesus. 14:13 That was their problem, they thought. 14:16 Finally, they had Him. Check mate. Oh, but Jesus. 14:24 Jesus, somebody knows, He knows what to do. 14:28 Jesus keeps His cool. He does not answer 14:32 their question directly. He knows it's a trap, 14:36 so He uses His wisdom and He flips the script. 14:40 He doesn't talk. The Bible says He stoops down, 14:43 and He begins to write. For those Bible scholars 14:46 out there, ironically this is the only time where 14:49 it's recorded in Scripture that Jesus writes something. 14:52 But not only that, it's the only time in Scripture 14:56 where Jesus wrote, and then we don't know what He wrote. 14:59 [Aud. reaction] PB: Are you hearing what I'm saying? 15:02 Now, while there have been different suggestions 15:04 and eisegesis, and theories about what He wrote, 15:07 the most logical explanation for me comes from 15:10 the meaning behind the Greek word used here, 15:12 "wrote." Everybody say "wrote." Aud.: Wrote. 15:15 PB: All right, the Greek word here is katagaphen. 15:19 Everybody say "kata." Aud.: Kata. PB: Gaphen. 15:21 Aud.: Gaphen. PB: Which is taken from two Greek words, 15:23 "kata," which means against, and "gaphen," 15:27 which means to write. Kata means against; 15:31 gaphen means to what, everybody? Write. Therefore, 15:35 we merge these words, katagaphen, means to write 15:39 down a record against somebody. Which means, Jesus, 15:44 knowing what the Pharisees were up to and knowing 15:47 what was in their hearts, writes down a record 15:51 against them. In other words, He begins listing 15:55 their sins. Y'all don't hear what I'm saying. 15:57 But the Bible says that when Jesus started writing, 16:01 the Pharisees kept pressing Him. Now they shoulda 16:04 been quiet. They should've hushed up. But they kept 16:08 talking and digging greater holes for themselves. 16:11 That's like some of us. Sometimes we need to 16:13 leave stuff alone. Sometimes we need to hush our mouths. 16:17 But we keep running our mouth, keep talking, 16:19 and what happens is the situation gets worse 16:21 before it gets better. So Jesus stops His writing. 16:26 First He stoops, then He stands. 16:31 That's a whole sermon right there. 16:32 He stoops, then He stands. I wish I had time. 16:35 [Aud. reaction] PB: Jesus now stands up and 16:38 makes the bold statement that flips the script 16:41 and puts their own statement back on them. 16:45 "If any one of you is without sin, let him 16:52 be the first to throw a stone at her." 16:57 And then after He stoops, stands, He stoops again. 17:01 Now, He starts writing again, and the Greek 17:04 word used here is [anamartho] which means the 17:09 same kind of sin. Which means then, if Jesus 17:14 was writing down their sins, it more than 17:17 likely included adultery, because anamartho 17:21 meant the same kind of sin. Oh, y'all don't 17:25 hear what I'm saying. So when Jesus said, 17:27 He who is without sin cast the first stone, 17:31 He's referring to what He has written. 17:33 Somebody's not getting this. Let me help somebody else. 17:36 In other words, what Jesus is saying is this: 17:38 Whoever is not guilty of these sins that 17:42 I've written down can cast the first stone. 17:45 So if you want to stone her, go on ahead. 17:47 Because by the law, this punishment is just 17:50 for her actions. But if you do stone her to death, 17:54 get in line. Ha. [Aud. reaction] 17:57 PB: You're next--y'all don't hear what I'm saying- 18:00 -because you've committed the same sin! 18:05 Jesus held up one mirror for each stone, 18:10 and suddenly sin had a different face. 18:14 All of a sudden, stones start falling to the ground. 18:19 Now, Jesus didn't go--I love this--Jesus didn't go 18:23 against the law. He wasn't saying the woman didn't 18:26 deserve to be put to death, but He used this 18:29 opportunity to highlight the Pharisees' hypocrisy. 18:33 And because, friends of mine, of their own sins 18:35 their trap backfired. They dropped their stones and left. 18:40 That's why be ye sure your own sins will find you out. 18:43 The same gallows that you hang for somebody else might 18:47 be the same gallows you're hung from. Are you 18:49 hearing what I'm saying? The Bible says the 18:51 older ones to the youngest ones until nobody was 18:54 left but Jesus and the woman. Jesus sent 'em packing. 19:01 Why? Because the same truth that made them think 19:07 they had the right to attack somebody else was 19:11 the same truth that stopped them dead in their tracks. 19:16 Jesus agreed that what they had said was true, 19:19 but He also made it clear that if these were 19:21 the rules they wanted to play by, then those 19:23 same rules applied to them. You see, friends 19:26 of mine, if we tell the truth and shame the devil, 19:28 we often use truth as a weapon to destroy somebody else. 19:32 But when you're done destroying them, you're next. 19:35 Are you hearing what I'm saying? The Pharisees 19:37 wanted to condemn the woman for her, for truth. 19:40 But once they realized that the truth didn't just 19:43 condemn her but it also condemned them, they were out. 19:46 And that's just like us. When we see somebody else 19:49 make a mistake, we're quick to throw truth at them. 19:52 But when we're the ones that make mistakes, we want 19:55 people to offer us grace. After all, if adultery is 20:01 punishable by death, how many people in our world 20:04 would be dead right now? If adultery were punishable 20:10 by death, how many people in this church would be 20:14 dead right now? I know y'all don't wanna say amen. 20:16 Hallelujah anyhow. Make sure you're not pointing 20:19 your finger at somebody else. Three fingers are 20:22 pointing right back at you. Make sure before you 20:25 talk about somebody else that you're not living 20:28 in a glass house. Make sure you don't have skeletons 20:31 in your own closet. Judge not that ye be not judged. 20:35 You're talking about the speck in somebody else's eye, 20:37 but you've got a speck in your own eye, because one 20:40 day you can be up and the next day down. 20:43 [Aud. reaction] PB: You can be up today, 20:46 and one phone call and everything just completely 20:50 goes down. One email, one letter, one note, 20:54 and everything you thought could count on, 20:56 you could count on, falls apart. And that's 20:58 why you ought not be arrogant. That's why you 21:01 ought not get the big heads. That's why your 21:04 nose ought not be so high in the air that if it rained, 21:06 you'd drown. Don't look down on somebody else, 21:10 because you're just one choice, one decision, 21:15 one mistake, one action, one step away from trouble. 21:21 One step, and it's not me, it's you. One step, 21:24 it's not my child, it's your child. One step, 21:27 it's not my daughter, it's your daughter. 21:29 One step, it's not my marriage, it's your marriage. 21:31 And so you ought not rejoice when you see somebody 21:34 else in trouble, because what happened to them can 21:37 happen to you. I've seen it all my life. One step, 21:42 and the doctor becomes the patent and the patient 21:45 becomes the doctor. One step, and the employer 21:47 becomes the employee and the employee becomes 21:50 the employer. One step, the teacher becomes the 21:52 principal and the principal becomes the teacher. 21:53 In church work, one step, the president becomes 21:56 a pastor and the pastor becomes the president. 21:58 Now, people like to stop reading the story here. 22:05 They stop at verse 9. They don't like to read verses 22:10 10 and 11. Think about it. They don't want 10 and 11, 22:13 because their takeaway is nobody is perfect, 22:17 so don't throw stones. We all make mistakes, 22:21 so don't judge me. But Jesus isn't done. 22:28 The text is not finished. Restoration for the 22:34 woman has to take place. Okay, so now the crowd 22:38 is gone and it's just Jesus and the woman 22:43 standing there. And in verse number 10, 22:46 Jesus asks the lady, "Woman, where are thine accusers? 22:54 Hath no man condemned thee?" She says, "No man, Lord." 23:01 So Jesus says to her, "Neither do I condemn thee. 23:08 Go, and sin no more." Hallelujah, somebody. 23:14 [Aud. reaction] PB: The one person who is qualified 23:18 to condemn her doesn't. The one person who could've 23:22 picked up a stone and thrown it at her doesn't. 23:25 That's called grace. [Aud. reaction] 23:29 PB: Everybody say "grace." Aud.: Grace. 23:31 PB: Grace is getting what you need and not what 23:33 you deserve. Are you hearing what I'm saying? 23:35 The Pharisees condemned her and said she was 23:38 worthy of death, but Jesus saw somebody who was 23:41 worthy of His love. He saw somebody worth saving. 23:45 Because Jesus didn't see this woman as she was, 23:49 He saw her as what she could become. 23:51 And I'm so glad that Jesus doesn't see us like 23:55 we see ourselves. Aren't you glad that Jesus doesn't 23:59 see you like you see yourself? But Jesus sees us as 24:03 what we can become. Jesus took a wicked woman, 24:07 a godless woman, a carnal, sinful woman, 24:10 and He turned her into a saint. And somebody knows, 24:15 you have the same testimony, that He changed you 24:19 from a sinner to a saint; from a convict to a Christian; 24:26 from a drunkard to a deacon; from an alcoholic to 24:31 an Adventist; from a mess to a miracle. 24:35 He can turn your life around. He can change you. 24:40 He can restore you. He can restore your situation. 24:44 He can erase your past so you can walk in your future. 24:47 Keep on believing, keep on trusting, keep on fighting. 24:51 The race is not given to the swift or to the strong, 24:55 but to the one that endures. [Aud. reaction] 24:57 PB: Until the end. Let me try this one more way. 25:03 Somebody's still not getting this. Do you remember, 25:05 my friends--you're Bible people--that when the 25:07 children of Israel came to the Red Sea, 25:10 they needed to cross over. You remember that? 25:13 They needed to cross over the Red Sea. 25:15 Water was in front of them, the Egyptians were 25:19 behind them, chasing them. Y'all don't hear what 25:22 I'm saying. Egypt, in this illustration, 25:24 represents sin. Represents what, everybody? 25:26 Aud.: Sin. PB: It's where you came from. 25:28 It's your past, and they're trying to escape their past, 25:32 and they're standing out there but they can't 25:34 get into their future because their past is 25:36 chasing them. Have you ever felt that you 25:41 really can't be who you want to be, 25:43 because who you used to be is chasing you? 25:46 [Aud. reaction] PB: You used to be an alcoholic, 25:50 but it's chasing you. You used to be a smoker, 25:54 but it's chasing you. You used to be a substance 25:58 abuser, but it's chasing you. You used to be a womanizer, 26:02 but it's chasing you. You used to be a gossip, 26:06 but it's chasing you. You used to be a fault finder, 26:10 but it's chasing you. You used to be a finger pointer, 26:13 but it's chasing you. You can't get away from it, 26:16 you've run as far as you can run. You've run to 26:20 a dead-end stop, and there you are, 26:22 and you can hear your past coming to get ya. 26:24 [Aud. reaction] PB: I'm coming to get ya. 26:27 I'm coming to get ya. You always hear it when 26:30 it gets close to get ya. I'm coming to get ya. 26:32 You've been real good, you haven't told anybody 26:35 off in six months. You haven't cussed anybody 26:39 out in a year. Come on, tell the truth, 26:41 shame the devil. But then you're in the grocery 26:43 line at Walmart or Publix, and somebody cuts you off, 26:47 and all of a sudden you start to hear, 26:49 "I'm coming to get ya. I'm coming to get ya. 26:52 I'm coming to get ya!" You say, if she says 26:55 one more thing to me, if she bumps me with 26:58 that cart one more time, she'd better not 27:01 say a thing. "I'm coming to get ya. 27:03 I'm coming to get ya." And so it is with 27:06 whatever it is you're trying to get away from, 27:09 it's always coming to get ya. You got your 27:14 credit all cleaned up. And now they're sending 27:17 you credit cards, and there you are in the mall. 27:20 There you are at Bridge Street. And you're about 27:24 to do it again. "I'm coming to get ya. 27:25 I'm coming to get ya." You can't even afford 27:28 Ralph Lauren. You can't even afford Polo, 27:30 but you're trying to get St. John. 27:32 "I'm coming to get ya. I'm coming to get ya." 27:34 [Aud. reaction] PB: And you say, God, 27:37 how can I escape? And God says, 27:42 What's in your hand? I won't let anything 27:46 pursue you that I haven't empowered you to overcome. 27:49 [Aud. reaction] PB: God says, I don't have to move 27:53 from heaven. I've already put the answer in your hand. 27:57 The answer is already at your disposal. 28:01 "Thank you very much for tuning into this 28:04 week's Breath of Life Broadcast. 28:06 We hope and pray that you have been blessed 28:08 by Dr. Byrd's inspirational message. 28:10 If you would like to hear this sermon in 28:12 its entirety, please feel free to visit us at 28:14 or call us at 256.929.6460. 28:25 [END] |
Revised 2018-01-16