Breath of Life

Death? What Is It?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000590A

00:01 Breath Of Life Ministries Presents:
00:09 B590 "It's Now or Never"
00:20 PB:"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations,
00:24 baptizing them in the name of the Father,
00:27 and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
00:29 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever
00:32 I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you"--what, everybody?
00:35 Aud.: Always. PB: "Even unto the end of the world."
00:40 I'm gonna challenge you today: It's now or never.
00:45 It's now or never. Father, bless us now, O God,
00:51 as we preach Your Word today. We need You.
00:56 We need the power of Your Holy Spirit, so Lord,
00:59 I know I have something prepared, but I need,
01:02 want and desire Your Holy Ghost to speak and have
01:06 its way today. So, Lord, do what You do,
01:10 and we'll stand back and say, Look what God has done.
01:14 Forgive us of our sins, and at the appeal time move,
01:18 we pray. In Jesus' name. Let everyone say amen. And Amen.
01:24 It's now or never. When we come to a new year,
01:32 we often talk about what God is going to do.
01:37 But today I'm not worried about what God is gonna do;
01:42 I know what God is gonna do. Today I want to
01:47 talk to you about what you're gonna do.
01:51 Are you hearing what I'm saying? You see,
01:54 in 2017, funeral cars ran every day. In 2017,
02:04 funeral homes had services every day.
02:09 Grave diggers dug every day. But God--but God!-
02:20 -in His grace and His mercy has allowed us
02:26 to still be here today. And let me remind you:
02:32 Most of us know that we're not here because
02:36 of our own goodness. But I believe somebody
02:40 knows we're here because of God's goodness.
02:45 And one of the reasons God has left us on
02:48 this earth for another year is because God
02:52 is trying to save us. [Aud. reaction]
02:55 PB: For some of us, if we had experienced death
02:59 in 2017, we wouldn't be saved; we'd be lost.
03:06 Now somebody should've shouted right there.
03:09 I tell you, we shout at the wrong time.
03:12 Somebody should've shouted on the fact
03:13 that you've got another year to work on yourself.
03:17 [Aud. reaction] PB: That you've got another
03:19 year to get your temper under control.
03:22 That you've got another year to get your
03:23 mouth under control. That you've got another
03:26 year to get your attitude under control,
03:28 get that addiction that keeps pulling you
03:31 down under control. You've got another year
03:33 to be the husband that God has called you to be.
03:36 Another year to be the wife that God has
03:39 called you to be. You've got another year,
03:41 somebody, to get your son back, get your
03:44 daughter back, get those kids back,
03:46 pull your family together. You've got another year-
03:50 -and it's now or never. Now, you don't have time
03:55 to worry about what's happening in somebody
03:56 else's house; you've got too much work in your own house.
03:59 [Aud. reaction] PB: To worry about what's going
04:01 on in somebody else's house. Do I have a witness in this place?
04:04 [Aud. reaction] PB: You've got another year
04:06 to man up and stop blaming other people for the
04:09 stuff that you did, that caused you to be where
04:13 you are today. It's nobody else's fault but yours.
04:16 Do I have a witness in this place? It's now or never.
04:20 But not only that, let me give you another reason
04:22 today why God has chosen to leave us on this earth.
04:26 You see, we've got one more year to not only be saved;
04:30 we've got one more year to tell somebody else that
04:34 they can be saved. Got another year to tell your family,
04:38 your friends, your coworkers, your neighbors,
04:43 your loved ones that you serve a risen Savior;
04:46 that you serve an awesome God; that you serve a
04:51 company keeper, a cancer killer, a problem solver.
04:55 Another year to tell somebody that God is a heart fixer.
04:58 You've got one more year. And that's why the text says Go,
05:04 ye therefore, teach all nations. Baptize them in
05:07 the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost,
05:10 teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I
05:12 have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always,
05:14 even until the end of the world. You see, many times in life,
05:17 I find that we sit back and put the responsibility
05:20 of redemption, rescue, salvation, and deliverance
05:24 all on God. And we sit back passively and watch
05:28 and turn everything over to God and miss out on
05:31 what God expects from us. But if we're gonna be
05:34 effective in this world, we must take action.
05:36 Yes, God blesses what you do, but you've got to
05:40 take action. And it's against this backdrop that
05:43 this text speaks to us today. Now, we often read
05:46 the gospel Commission and the closing verses of
05:49 Matthew 28, but we don't read the first verses of
05:52 Matthew 28 in order to get the context of the
05:55 closing verses. But Matthew 28--if you look at
05:58 it carefully--it begins by telling us about two women.
06:02 How many women, everybody? Aud.: Two.
06:04 PB: How many women, everybody? Aud.: Two.
06:05 PB: Two women: Mary Magdalene and the
06:10 other Mary, which means Matthew has his own
06:14 version of Mary Mary. I wish I had a witness in this place.
06:18 [Aud. reaction] PB: Mary and Mary went to the
06:21 tomb where they had laid the body of Jesus.
06:24 The Bible says in Matthew 28, verse number 2,
06:27 if you look at it, "And, behold, there was a
06:29 great earthquake." A great what, everybody?
06:30 Aud.: [indiscernible] PB: "For the angel of
06:32 the Lord descended from heaven, and came and
06:34 rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it."
06:36 Now, friends of mine, if you read the Bible correctly
06:39 and you let the Bible speak for itself, you will
06:42 discover surrounding Jesus' death, burial and
06:44 resurrection, in all of the four gospels--Matthew,
06:47 Mark, Luke and John--you will discover three major things.
06:51 Number one, you will discover that Jesus died on Friday;
06:55 that He was crucified on Friday, the sixth day of
06:58 the week, and that's the preparation day.
07:01 Number two, you will discover that it's on the
07:03 seventh day of the week, the Sabbath, that His
07:06 body lay resting in the grave, which means He was
07:09 obedient to His law even in death. Then number three,
07:14 early Sunday morning, Easter Sunday, the first day
07:19 of the week, Jesus rose with all power in His hands.
07:25 But not only that, if you study the context surrounding
07:27 Jesus' death, burial and resurrection in all of the gospels,
07:29 you will also notice that when Joseph--everybody say "Joseph."
07:33 Aud.: Joseph. PB: Joseph was the undertaker,
07:34 according to Matthew 27:59 through 61.
07:38 He had taken the body of Jesus, wrapped it
07:40 in clean linen, laid it in his own new tomb,
07:43 rolled a great stone to the door of the tomb,
07:46 and then departed. Who was there? These same
07:50 two women. Mary Mary. Mary Magdalene and the
07:56 other Mary. Mary Mary. Mary and Mary were at the cross,
08:02 in Matthew 28:56. Mary and Mary were at the tomb
08:07 in Matthew 28, verse 61. Mary and Mary were
08:11 the last ones at the crucifixion, and Mary
08:14 and Mary were the first ones at the resurrection.
08:18 Now, in Matthew chapter 27, verse 60,
08:21 Mary Mary saw Joseph roll the great stone in
08:25 front of the tomb. Listen to me good.
08:27 But in Matthew 28:2, they saw an angel roll
08:32 away the stone from the tomb. Let me repeat that,
08:37 somebody didn't get that. Joseph rolled a stone
08:41 in front of the tomb, the undertaker, in Matthew 27.
08:46 But an angel rolled the stone away from the tomb,
08:50 in Matthew 28. Somebody's still not getting it.
08:54 Let me try it this way: It took a man to roll
08:58 the stone in front of the tomb, but it took a
09:02 miracle to roll the stone away from the tomb.
09:07 Mary Mary walked up on an earthquake, an angel,
09:12 and an announcement, and in verse 6 of Matthew 28,
09:16 the angel makes an announcement. Look at it. It says,
09:19 "He is not here; for he is risen." He is what, everybody:
09:22 Aud.: Risen. PB: Risen. Stop there;
09:24 that's the first sentence. He is not here;
09:27 but he has what, everybody? Aud.: Risen.
09:29 PB: Now, the next sentence in verse 6 gives
09:32 us a powerful picture of the way God works.
09:35 Don't miss it, because most of the times we
09:37 miss this picture, trying to get to the end
09:39 of the story, because we want to see how the
09:41 story ends, but we miss out on the lessons
09:43 in the story. The next sentence in verse 6 says,
09:46 "Come, see the place where the Lord"--what, everybody?
09:52 Lay. Come see the place where the Lord, what, everybody?
09:55 Aud.: Lay. PB: Now, understand, the word "lay"
09:56 in this text is in the past tense. It's not the
09:59 present tense but the past tense, which means the
10:03 text doesn't say "lays"; the text doesn't say "is laying";
10:09 but the text says "lay." Past tense. Somebody's
10:14 gonna get this in a minute. The angel, which is
10:17 Greek for "aggelos," which means "messenger."
10:20 So then the angel is nothing more than a messenger,
10:24 which means the announcement is simply a message.
10:28 So the messenger gives the message that the miracle
10:31 has already taken place. Past tense. Y'all don't get it.
10:35 Mary and Mary didn't see Jesus raised from the dead.
10:40 God had already done that. Which means, the miracle
10:44 had already taken place. You see, the way God works
10:49 most miracles, I've learned, in our lives is just
10:52 like that. We don't see what God is doing.
10:54 But God just lets us see what He's already done.
10:58 [Aud. reaction] We don't see how God is working,
11:02 but God just lets us see He has already worked it out.
11:06 I wish I had a witness in this place. Let me try
11:08 it this way: We don't see where the cancer went.
11:12 We just know the cancer is gone. We don't see where
11:16 the money came from. We just know the car note
11:19 has been paid, the house note has been paid,
11:22 the tuition has been paid. We don't see how the food came;
11:26 we just know there's food on the table. We don't see
11:31 the new house, we don't see the new Family Life Center.
11:34 We just know we're standing on new carpet.
11:37 [Aud. reaction] PB: We're standing on new tile.
11:40 We're looking at fresh-painted walls,
11:43 and holding the keys in our hands.
11:45 We don't see how God is working.
11:47 We just know God has already worked it out.
11:51 [Aud. reaction] PB: Mary and Mary didn't see
11:55 God raise Jesus from the dead, but God let them
11:58 see how He had already raised Jesus from the dead,
12:01 which means the angel didn't roll the stone away
12:05 in order for Jesus to get out. Let me say that again.
12:09 The angel didn't roll the stone away in order
12:11 for Jesus to get out. The angel rolled the stone
12:15 away in order for the women to see in.
12:18 [Aud. reaction] PB: God was letting them see
12:20 what God had already done. That should make
12:22 somebody shout right there. And when you look
12:25 back over your life, and you think things over,
12:27 what you will find out is that those places
12:31 where there were miraculous moments in your journey,
12:34 you really didn't see what God was doing.
12:37 You really didn't see how God was ___ somehow.
12:42 When you look back over your life,
12:43 you can see that the Lord has already done.
12:45 When you look back over your life,
12:46 you will see that God already worked it out.
12:49 When you look back, you will see that God has
13:02 already worked a miracle. When you look back,
13:05 you're able to say, If it had not been
13:07 for the Lord on my side-- [Aud. reaction]
13:09 PB: --what you have, you would never had.
13:13 What happened never would have happened.
13:16 The miracle in your life would have never
13:19 taken place, and where you are now has only
13:21 been made possible because of what God has already done.
13:24 [Aud. reaction] PB: The angel rolled away the
13:29 stone for Mary and Mary to see what God had already done.
13:36 The angel rolled away the stone for Mary and Mary
13:40 to see that God had already worked a miracle.
13:45 Now, the earthquake wasn't a miracle.
13:49 The earthquake was a molecular disturbance
13:52 caused by the breaking in of a heavenly messenger.
13:54 The messenger wasn't a miracle. The messenger
13:58 was simply coming with a message and making an
14:00 announcement about a miracle that God had
14:02 already performed. Don't get confused today and
14:05 start thinking that the messengers are the miracle.
14:08 Don't just fixated on the messenger and you forget
14:12 about the message. The messenger is not the miracle.
14:16 The messenger is bringing the message about the miracle.
14:19 Now, the rolling away of the stone is not the miracle,
14:23 either. It's just the means by which God lets you
14:26 and me see evidence of the miracle that God has
14:29 already worked. You see, the meaning of the message
14:32 that God's messengers bring is that God is rolling
14:35 away the stones in your life. [Aud. reaction]
14:38 PB: God is letting you see evidence of the miracles
14:41 that God has already made in your life. Let me tell
14:45 you something, friends of mine. I was reading a
14:46 story this week. God didn't get Jesus up to show
14:49 you how bad He is. God got Jesus up for you.
14:54 God worked a miracle for you. God rolled away
14:58 the stone so you can see what God has
15:01 already done for you. [Aud. reaction]
15:04 PB: The women, early that resurrection morning,
15:07 walked up on a messenger with the message about
15:09 a miracle that God had already worked on their behalf.
15:12 And when you come here on Sabbath morning to Oakwood;
15:15 when you come to commune with the Lord and be with God,
15:19 all I try to as God's messenger is to try to bring
15:23 you a message about a miracle that God has already
15:27 worked on your behalf. God has already healed your body.
15:33 God has already put money in your pocket.
15:36 God has already secured a job for you.
15:40 To that student that's here early:
15:41 God has already financially cleared you.
15:45 God has already closed on a house for you.
15:48 God has already mended your marriage.
15:51 God has already saved your son, saved your daughter,
15:55 saved your grandson and granddaughter.
15:57 God has already rolled the stone away and
16:00 worked a miracle on your behalf,
16:02 but unfortunately we don't realize it.
16:04 Because we're more interested in preserving
16:07 the message that we've made instead of
16:09 embracing the miracle God has worked.
16:12 [Aud. reaction] PB: But stop missing the
16:15 miracle because you're too fixated on the mess.
16:17 The message that God's messengers bring are this:
16:22 God is rolling away the stone. God is getting
16:26 those things out of the way that keep us from
16:29 seeing the evidence of the miracle that God has
16:31 already worked on our behalf. God sent Jesus for you.
16:35 God raised Jesus for you. God is sending Jesus
16:40 back to get you. Death doesn't stop the
16:45 message of God. Death doesn't stop the miracles of God,
16:49 and death can't stop the mission of God.
16:53 When you hear the message of God and when
16:56 you experience the miracles of God,
16:58 it's now time to pursue the mission of God.
17:01 But before we get to the mission of God,
17:03 in Matthew 28 towards the end, after Mary and
17:06 Mary have received the message from God and
17:08 experienced the miracle of God, it's important
17:10 to note that they followed the angel's or the
17:13 messenger's instruction to go to the disciples,
17:16 that tell them that Jesus had risen from the dead.
17:19 Now, you know the story. Quickly, as they run and
17:22 go tell the disciples what the angel told them,
17:24 Jesus suddenly appears in front of them.
17:29 Somebody knows He's an on-time God.
17:31 I wish I had time to talk about the fact that
17:34 when you hear the message of God, experience
17:36 the miracles of God, and go do the mission of God,
17:38 Jesus will meet you. Mary and Mary see Jesus,
17:44 and they fall down, the Bible says, and they
17:47 begin to worship Him. Because when you get in
17:50 the presence of God, all you can do is worship Him.
17:52 When they worshiped him--if you look at verse 10.
17:55 Look at it carefully. Look at all the nuances
17:57 of the text--when they worshiped Him,
17:59 verse 10 says He spoke to them.
18:02 What is that lesson for us today?
18:04 Somebody knows that when you worship Him,
18:06 that God will speak to you. When you worship Him,
18:10 He'll speak through a sermon. He'll speak
18:13 through a song. He'll speak through a Scripture.
18:15 He'll speak through silence. He'll speak
18:17 through prayer. Whenever you worship God,
18:20 God will speak. Jesus speaks to Mary Mary,
18:24 and He says in verse 10, don't be afraid.
18:28 Go tell your brothers to go to Galilee and
18:31 I'll meet 'em there. As Mary and Mary,
18:33 they obey Jesus, and they leave there,
18:36 because after the Lord speaks, it's time
18:38 to do what the Lord says. Do I have a
18:40 witness in this place? The temple police,
18:42 who had been guarding the tomb, run to
18:44 the chief priest to tell him that Jesus
18:46 is not in the tomb. So what happens?
18:49 A meeting of all of the Jewish leaders
18:51 is now called, and they decide to bribe
18:53 the temple police to say that they were
18:56 all asleep, and Jesus came during the
18:57 night and took the body of Jesus.
18:59 The leaders told the police, if the governor
19:02 asks what happened to Jesus or where Jesus is,
19:05 don't worry. We'll stick up for you and
19:06 everything will be all right. So the police,
19:09 fearful for their lives, accept the bribe and
19:12 they say what they're supposed to say.
19:14 They say what they are told to say.
19:16 The text says, if you read it when you go home,
19:18 that this lie was commonly reported among the
19:22 Jews until this day. Which meant that for several
19:25 centuries, this false account of the empty tomb
19:28 appeared in Jewish and pagan attacks on Christianity.
19:31 But I believe I've got a witness in this place
19:34 that knows no devil in hell can stop the purposes
19:37 of God, that a lie cannot live. I wish I had time.
19:40 Jesus meets the disciples in Galilee on the mountain
19:44 where He told them there He would be, and then
19:46 He gives them the great gospel Commission.
19:49 Go, ye therefore, teach all nations, baptize
19:55 them in the name of the Father, Son, and the
19:59 Holy Ghost. The message was heard. The miracle
20:03 was seen. And now it's time to execute the mission.
20:09 Fast forward 2,000 years. We've heard the message;
20:14 we've seen the miracle. And now it's time to
20:20 execute the mission. It's time to go. I don't
20:26 know how to preach--God says don't worry about
20:28 that--just go. I can't sing--don't worry about that.
20:34 Just go. I don't come from the right family-
20:38 -don't worry about that. Just go. I don't have
20:41 too much money. Don't worry about that, just go.
20:45 I've got a bad past. Don't worry about that, just go.
20:50 I haven't been in the Adventist church all my life.
20:53 Don't worry about that, just go. I don't have a
20:56 college degree, a graduate degree, a terminal degree.
20:59 Quit talking about what you don't have. Use what
21:03 you do have, and just go. Rather than concentrate
21:08 on the wrong thing, you've got to concentrate on
21:10 the right thing. Just go! Let me tell you something.
21:14 You've got to get to a point where you can see it,
21:18 say it, and then you seize it. I said you've got
21:24 to get to a point where you see it, say it, and you
21:30 learn to seize it. Seizing it means I claim it
21:33 before it's even in my hand. [Aud. reaction]
21:36 PB: Oh, that makes me want to shout right there,
21:39 because whenever God has told me something,
21:42 and whenever I begin to speak that thing in existence,
21:45 I can make claim on it even before it gets in my hand.
21:49 Oh, Pastor Byrd, what you talking about? You will remember.
21:53 We started the Family Life Center project before
21:57 we got the pledged donations. Before we got the
22:02 pledged donation from Irving Johnson. We had
22:04 already started saying we were gonna build a
22:07 Family Life Center. Before he came through,
22:09 God had already shown up. Don't wait till the
22:14 battle's over. You can shout now. But the
22:18 reason why some of us can't seize what God
22:20 has for us is because we speak ourselves out of it.
22:24 The power of life and death is in the tongue.
22:28 You've got to learn how to see it, say it,
22:32 and seize it. Everybody say it. Say "see it."
22:35 Aud.: See it. PB: Come on, say "say it."
22:38 Aud.: Say it. PB: Say "seize it."
22:40 Aud.: Seize it. PB: I'm talking about that job.
22:42 Ha ha. You've gotta say it, you've gotta see it,
22:45 you gotta seize it. I'm talking about somebody's degree.
22:49 You've got to see it, you've got to say it,
22:54 you've got to sei--I'm talking about breakthrough.
22:55 You've got to see it, you've got to say it, you've
23:00 got to sei--healing for your body. You've got to see it,
23:04 you've got to say it, you've got to seize it.
23:08 [Aud. reaction] PB: Deliverance from that habit.
23:10 You've got to see it, you've got to say it,
23:14 you've got to seize it. Tuition for your account.
23:18 You've got to see it, say it, seize it. Debt free.
23:24 You've got to see it, say it, seize it.
23:30 The Family Life Center. You've got to see it,
23:34 you've got to say it, you've got to seize it.
23:38 The three angels messages, going to the uttermost
23:42 parts of the earth. You've got to see it, say it, seize it.
23:50 [Aud. reaction] PB: Open up your mouth and say something.
23:54 [Aud. reaction] PB: That's why some of y'all never
23:55 going to get the miracle, because you never say anything.
23:58 But you've got to see it, say it, seize--execute the mission.
24:04 The world's not getting any better. Time is short. Hell is hot.
24:10 Death is sure. North Korea's president says he can push a button,
24:16 and with the press of a button he'll take out the whole United States.
24:20 The United States declares Jerusalem the capital of a
24:23 country he's not even president of. Some parts of Puerto Rico
24:27 are still in the dark. You've gotta execute the mission.
24:33 The time is out for putting on an outside show
24:37 for an unfriendly world. Time's out for doing things
24:40 we've always done. Time out for insular, insulated,
24:45 incestual ministry that reaches nobody but ourselves.
24:49 You hear me say it all the time: You can have an
24:52 incestual ministry. All you do is minister to each other.
24:54 The fruit of incest is always something retarded.
24:58 You've got retarded churches 'cause we minister only
25:00 to each other, not going out and carrying out the
25:02 gospel Commission. [Aud. reaction]
25:05 PB: It's now or never. If not us, who?
25:09 If not now, when? People are different now.
25:13 People are different, tired of centralized structures.
25:17 Tired of revelation without relevance.
25:19 Tired of religion without relationship.
25:23 Tired of fake, phony, plastic, comatose ministry.
25:28 Tired of coming to church getting beat up in the pulpit.
25:31 Tired of coming to church getting hollered at.
25:33 Tired of seeing the emphasis of policy placed
25:35 over the needs of people. It's now or never.
25:39 Let me testify one minute on this first Sabbath
25:41 of the new year. One of the great problems we have-
25:44 -listen to me--one of the great problems we have today
25:47 is that many preachers' vision is limited to the church.
25:52 They think that God sent them to the church and not to city.
25:58 Y'all don't hear what I'm saying. But when God sends
26:01 a great voice, it's bigger than a congregation.
26:06 A great voice will turn a city around, as Jonah.
26:10 A great voice turns around a nation, turns around
26:13 a generation. Some people think that God sent me to
26:17 this congregation, and I'm supposed to take care of
26:20 this congregation. Maintenance. But that's a myopic thought,
26:24 because when God sends you to pastor, He sends you to
26:28 pastor the whole city. He wants you to affect the entire area.
26:34 [Aud. reaction] PB: That's why our ministry must
26:36 extend beyond the four walls of the church. If we're
26:40 serious about Jesus' coming, we oughta act like it.
26:43 In fact, whether you're a preacher or not,
26:45 God sent you to your own job, Monday through Friday,
26:49 to affect the entire job you're working on.
26:52 God didn't just send you to that job to
26:54 make money, because God can give you money
26:56 without the job. I wish I had a witness in this place.
26:58 [Aud. reaction] PB: But you're on assignment there,
27:01 and it doesn't mean that you walk all day
27:03 with Bible in hand, Ellen White books in your hand,
27:05 Sabbath school lesson in hand, because it's
27:07 not in the way that you live, it's the way
27:08 that you love, because it's not always in
27:11 what you say but in what you do.
27:14 [Aud. reaction] PB: I told the people at
27:17 a different meeting Wednesday night,
27:19 as a church we have done a good job with worship.
27:23 I ain't just talking about Oakwood,
27:25 I'm talking about the collective Church.
27:27 You can go anywhere in the United States,
27:29 anywhere across this globe on a Sabbath morning
27:30 and you will find an Adventist church worshiping.
27:33 And they will have Sabbath school and will read
27:35 out of all the same Sabbath school lessons.
27:38 We'll have a decent sermon, decent music,
27:40 we have mastered that. But I'ma tell you where
27:42 we've got to improve. We must include,
27:45 improve in ministry. We've got to improve in service.
27:49 They will know we are Christians by our love.
27:52 The greatest sermon ever preached is the one
27:54 that is lived. We've got other churches in
27:56 this city; they have good worship. We've got
27:59 good worship just like them,
28:01 "Thank you very much for tuning into this
28:03 week's Breath of Life Broadcast.
28:05 We hope and pray that you have been blessed
28:07 by Dr. Byrd's inspirational message.
28:09 If you would like to hear this sermon in
28:11 its entirety, please feel free to visit us at
28:14 or call us at 256.929.6460.
28:23 Again, thank you very much for joining us,
28:27 - END -


Revised 2018-01-16