Breath of Life

The Odd Couple

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Carlton P. Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000584A

00:02 Breath Of Life Ministries Presents
00:07 Sermon B584 - "The Odd Couple "
00:16 [Breath Of Life Ministries Theme Music]
00:20 PB: I have two verses, Hosea 1:1 and 2.
00:28 "The word of the LORD that came unto Hosea,
00:34 the son of Beeri, [Beerdi, excuse me] in the days
00:38 of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah,
00:44 and in the days of Jeroboam the son of Joash,
00:48 king of Israel." Verse 2, "The beginning of the
00:53 word of the LORD by Hosea. And the LORD said to Hosea,
00:59 Go, take unto thee a wife of whoredoms and
01:05 children of whoredoms: for the land hath
01:09 committed great whoredom, departing from the LORD."
01:15 The odd couple. The odd couple. When we hear the words
01:30 "the odd couple," seasoned saints go back to the
01:34 1970s to a television sitcom of two divorced men who
01:41 lived in a New York City apartment, and how their
01:45 different lifestyles led to conflicts and laughs.
01:50 Now, when young people hear the words "the odd couple,"
01:55 they think of a man and a woman who get together,
02:00 but nobody can see what they see in each other.
02:06 She's tall. He's short. She's from the city.
02:13 He's from the country. She's quiet. He talks a lot.
02:21 He likes Alabama. She likes Auburn. He likes Golden State.--
02:32 [Aud. reaction] PB: --She likes Cleveland.
02:37 [Aud. reaction] PB: He's a Lebron fan.
02:41 [Aud. reaction] PB: She's a Kevin Durant fan.
02:46 [Aud. reaction] PB: They're the odd couple.
02:52 In the text we have an odd couple: Hosea, Gomer.
03:03 He's a prophet, she's a prostitute. [Aud. reaction]
03:09 PB: He's a man of God. She's a woman of the night.
03:16 He's faithful. She's unfaithful. He preaches the
03:24 power of the loving God. She provides considerations
03:29 for cash. They're the odd couple. And let me throw
03:38 this in: ladies, you don't have to lower your standards
03:43 or provide considerations for cash just to get something.
03:49 Just because you need a ride somewhere doesn't mean
03:55 you have to provide ungodly considerations.
03:59 [Aud. reaction] PB: Just because you need help
04:02 on an assignment doesn't mean you have to provide
04:06 ungodly considerations. Just because you need
04:12 some money doesn't mean you have to provide ungodly
04:15 considerations. In fact, I'm thinking of a story
04:18 of a young lady who had a male friend who came to
04:21 her with an article, talking about "Hey, babe,
04:24 look at this article." They got a little thing
04:28 in the newspaper, in the classifieds, I can't believe it,
04:30 but it's something somebody just might do. If you
04:35 have sexual relations one time with a man for one
04:37 million dollars, there are three things you are
04:40 guaranteed of. Number one, nobody will ever know.
04:45 Number two, no disease. Number three, no babies.
04:53 No one knows, no disease, no babies. One million
04:58 dollars, no questions asked, out the door.
05:02 Would you do it? She thought about it just
05:09 like somebody right now is thinking about it.
05:13 [Aud. reaction] PB: No one would know.
05:17 One million dollars, no disease, no babies,
05:19 out the door. She thought about it; she said
05:20 "Yes! I'll do it." He said, "Then will you do
05:24 the same thing for twenty-five dollars?"
05:27 She said, "What do you think I am, a prostitute?"
05:30 He said, "We've already established that,
05:31 we're just negotiating price." [Aud. reaction]
05:37 PB: So I got all these young people here.
05:40 Listen to me good. Young ladies, reach over
05:44 and tell that young man "I'm not for sale."
05:50 [Aud. reaction] PB: And because you're not for sale,
05:56 take off all these for-sale and on-sale signs.
06:01 Preach, Pastor Byrd. I'm doing the best I can.
06:05 [Aud. reaction] PB: Coming to church with all this out.
06:15 I'm doing the best I can. [Aud. reaction]
06:18 PB: It is not of God. So all this come as you are.
06:25 I'm coming as a--God said, come as you are with your heart.
06:29 [Aud. reaction] PB: But if you're coming to
06:33 meet the King of kings and the Lord of lords,
06:37 you ought to come with your best. Do I have a
06:39 witness in this place? [Aud. reaction]
06:41 PB: Take these for-sale and on-sale signs off.
06:48 Come to church dressed right. [Aud. reaction]
06:54 PB: Amen. Aud.: Amen.
06:57 PB: Now, back to Hosea and Gomer. God puts this
07:06 odd couple together. God tells the prophet,
07:10 go marry a prostitute. Now, it has been said
07:12 that most men marry women hoping they never change,
07:16 and most women marry men hoping they will change.
07:19 The situation here is different though.
07:21 Hosea marries Gomer, hoping she will change.
07:25 But Gomer is entrenched in her lifestyle.
07:29 She's a prostitute. A woman of the night.
07:33 She loves the bright lights and big action.
07:35 She's not holy. She's not righteous.
07:37 She's not pure. She's been around the block.
07:40 People know her by what she does not by her name.
07:44 So God says, "Hosea, I want you to take a wife."
07:49 Hosea, "Well, God, where is she?" God,
07:52 "There she is, Hosea, on the corner." "Where?"
07:56 "Over there, on the corner with the fishnet
08:01 stockings on. With the four-inch heels on.
08:05 With the wig on her head. That's the woman
08:08 I want you to take to be your wife." "Well,
08:12 God, I'll do anything for you. But you want
08:15 me to go and take that one to be my wife?"
08:18 "Yes." "But God!" "I said, yes!."
08:23 God is telling this holy man to marry this
08:25 unholy woman who is sure to break his heart.
08:27 One that Hosea knows will not be faithful.
08:29 A woman that by her own wicked nature is certain
08:32 to commit adultery. A promiscuous woman that is
08:34 destined to cause endless frustration and
08:37 monumental grief. But God still tells him,
08:41 "Go, marry Gomer." Now why does God tell a
08:47 prophet to go marry a prostitute? Verse 2 gives
08:52 us our answer. The Lord God said to Hosea,
08:55 "Go, take unto thee a wife of whoredoms and
08:56 children of whoredoms: for the land hath
08:58 committed great whoredom, departing from the LORD."
09:00 I like the way the New International Version puts it.
09:02 It says, "Go marry a promiscuous woman.
09:05 Have children with her, for like an adulterous wife,
09:10 this land is guilty of unfaithfulness to the Lord."
09:15 You see, what I love about God is, God never asks us,
09:18 asks us, to do anything He hasn't done himself.
09:23 [Aud. reaction] PB: What do I mean? In the text,
09:26 Hosea represents God. Gomer represents the people
09:31 of God. And the text illustrates that because
09:35 God loves us so much, that God does not stop
09:38 tugging at us until He brings us back into
09:41 relationship with Him. We wonder, we stray,
09:46 we've walked away. We've been unfaithful,
09:49 we've cheated on Him, but God is not willing
09:53 that any should perish but all should come to repentance.
09:57 Now, can you imagine Hosea's boys, his groomsmen,
10:02 his friends saying "Hosea, you're respected among
10:06 the prophets. Your name is among other prophets
10:09 in the land: Joel, Jonah, Obadiah, Micah, Amos,
10:11 Isaiah. But your decision making is in question.
10:16 Your wife is a disgrace. Why in the world are
10:21 you married to a woman like that? But then,
10:24 I can picture an offended Hosea responding,
10:27 "You're asking me why I'm married to a woman
10:30 like that? The better question is, why is such
10:32 a good and loving God married to an adulterous
10:35 people like you?" [Aud. reaction]
10:39 PB: Hosea was married to an adulterous woman
10:44 because God was married to an adulterous people.
10:48 Gomer was unfaithful, and God's church has been unfaithful.
10:55 Israel had failed to acknowledge God and therefore
10:58 Israel would be punished and disloyalty to God was
11:02 the same as spiritual adultery. Israel had turned their
11:07 attention to worshiping the idols of Baal, sacrificing
11:10 on the altars of pagan gods, and their women were
11:12 prostituting themselves in pagan temples.
11:16 But God still loved them in spite of them.
11:23 Church of the Living God, I could stop right here.
11:28 We've been unfaithful to Him. I said, we've been
11:34 unfaithful to Him. Like Israel of old, we have
11:40 been unfaithful to God. I don't care how long you've
11:44 been in the church. I don't care how long you've
11:46 read your Bible. There is a tendency among all of
11:49 us to break our commitment to God. There's a
11:52 propensity among all of us to break God's heart.
11:55 All of us have sinned and come short of the
11:58 glory of God. All of us have messed up.
12:01 That's why you can't judge folk and look down
12:04 on folk just because they've made a mistake.
12:07 Because the only difference between you and
12:08 them is, they got caught and you didn't.
12:11 [Aud. reaction] PB: We are all gone as sheep
12:14 to the slaughter. If it weren't for the grace
12:18 of God, none of us would be here today.
12:21 Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about.
12:24 Don't act all holy and pious, because people who
12:27 perceive themselves to be holy are never great worshippers.
12:30 [Aud. reaction] PB: Teach all the seminars you want,
12:33 but you'll never worship God when you feel He ought
12:35 to be happy that you're here. [Aud. reaction]
12:38 PB: But when you've been to an earthly hell and back;
12:41 when you've slept around and fooled around,
12:46 you've messed around and played around,
12:49 you could have been in jail, you could have
12:51 been dead, you could have been strung out somewhere;
12:53 shoulda been arrested, but somehow God in His mercy
12:58 gave you another chance. It'll make you praise
13:03 God like you just don't care. [Aud. reaction]
13:06 PB: We sit up and we act all holy, but everybody
13:10 in here has a past and has done something that's dark,
13:13 so don't point the finger at somebody else.
13:14 Look at yourself. You'd better tell somebody,
13:16 I'm not here because I've been so good,
13:18 but I'm here because God's been so good.
13:20 [Aud. reaction] PB: I'm here today because
13:22 of God's grace. Amazing grace, how sweet the
13:23 sound that saved a wretch like me. God is an
13:27 awesome God. Somebody oughta thank God for
13:30 using you in spite of you. Somebody oughta
13:32 thank God for working on you in spite of all
13:35 the mess in your life. I just came to let
13:37 somebody know that God is going to keep loving
13:40 you until you learn how to love Him back.
13:43 Gomer wasn't used to boundaries. Gomer wasn't
13:49 used to commitment, Gomer wasn't used to
13:50 accountability. Her reputation is bad.
13:53 Life has lived her. And this is why it's
13:56 difficult for people, many a people,
13:58 to understand the love of God, because you
14:01 can't imagine why God would want to invest
14:03 in you, after all you've done. But what I
14:08 love about the Lord is this. It doesn't
14:10 matter how bad your story is. It doesn't
14:12 matter what you've done. It doesn't matter
14:14 what people remember you for. God still loves ya.
14:19 [Aud. reaction] PB: In fact, you can never
14:21 get God to stop loving you. Gomer, you've done
14:25 some things you're still paying for,
14:26 but God wants to still love on you. Gomer,
14:29 when people see you, and when you show up,
14:31 they roll their eyes at you. But God still
14:34 wants to love you. When you walk away, Gomer,
14:37 people then begin to huddle and they talk about you,
14:39 but God still wants to love you. Understanding the text,
14:43 and I'm moving quickly, that Gomer is unfaithful
14:46 in the relationship. Over and over again she's unfaithful.
14:49 But Hosea is faithful in his commitment to the marriage.
14:52 He goes to bed at night, she's not there. She wakes
15:00 up in strange places, but he goes looking for her.
15:04 Brings her back home. Nurses her back to health,
15:09 because he loves her. Y'all don't hear what I'm saying.
15:12 Can you imagine what this must have looked like?
15:14 Here is a holy man, the man of God, the prophet of God,
15:17 standing outside a brothel, in line, waiting with
15:20 strange men who are waiting to pay for the affections
15:23 of his wife. Somebody's gonna get this in a minute.
15:26 When Hosea found Gomer, Gomer was a prostitute,
15:32 and because she was a prostitute she was still
15:35 being controlled by her pimp. Listen to me.
15:38 And the pimp in her life represents the thing
15:41 that has controlled her so long that also though
15:45 she now has everything she wants, she now has
15:48 everything she needs, she is still bound by
15:51 the past that manipulates her future.
15:54 [Aud. reaction] PB: So when her pimp calls,
15:58 she sneaks out of bed with her husband to
16:00 go back to that old life. When he calls,
16:03 she loses all sense of reason. And that's
16:05 how we do God. We allow Satan to pimp us,
16:10 and although we say we love God, we enter
16:13 into a relationship with Him and we come to
16:15 the altar. We cry, we pray, we kneel down,
16:18 we sing, we shout, we wave our hands.
16:20 But as soon as the pimp calls, we go running.
16:25 How is it that you can talk about how you
16:28 love God so much, but when the pimp calls,
16:31 you're unfaithful to your relationship to
16:32 the Lord? So today, who's pimping you?
16:35 [Aud. reaction] PB: What is it in your life
16:39 that's so strong that it takes priority over
16:42 your relationship with God? What is her name?
16:46 What is his name? What's the job's name?
16:50 What's the food's name? What's the drink's name?
16:54 What's the drug's name? What or who is pimping you,
16:57 because it's causing God pain. It's breaking His heart.
17:02 God says, every job I give you, you mean to tell
17:06 Me that you don't have it in you to tithe?
17:07 Why do you keep breaking My heart? I got you
17:10 in school, I got you to Oakwood, I financially
17:12 cleared you, I helped you pass the class.
17:13 Why do you keep breaking My heart? You were sick,
17:16 you had cancer. I healed your body, but why do
17:18 you keep breaking My heart? Gomer was the type of wife,
17:22 much like today's church, who ignores her husband
17:25 and secretly wishes he wasn't around so she can go
17:28 enjoy his money, his gifts, and what he brings to
17:31 the marriage. She loves his affection,
17:33 loves his protection, she loves eventually
17:35 sometimes being called by his name, and sadly that's
17:38 like many church folk. We love being called
17:42 Christian but we hate being married to Christ.
17:45 [Aud. reaction] PB: But today I'm so glad
17:49 that God's love is not measured by our love,
17:56 that He keeps on loving us. Cause the Bible
18:00 says while we were yet sinners, He died for us.
18:05 Which means, He still loved me when I was still
18:10 hurting Him. He loved you while you were still
18:14 dippin' and sippin'. Pimpin' and trippin'.
18:18 While you were still doing your own thing,
18:21 He still loved you. Think about it. Hosea would
18:25 go out every day, go to work and go to do God's work,
18:29 and then he'd come home in the evening only to
18:31 find their child in the crib, crying, unattended,
18:34 dishes in the sink, house a mess, and his wife
18:37 was out on a street corner. Coming home at two
18:41 or three in the morning, beat up, black-eyed,
18:43 bruised. But Hosea would never condemn her.
18:46 He would just bring her home, tuck her in,
18:49 and put her to bed. The next day he would
18:53 go out again. He would do God's work,
18:54 calling out to God, doing what God would
18:56 have him to do. And the next day, again,
18:58 she was nowhere to be found. Every day she
19:03 would do the same thing. God told me to tell
19:07 you today, I've been looking for you. Every
19:10 day I've been giving you every thing. I see you,
19:12 this Sabbath, but I was looking for you last Sabbath.
19:15 I was looking for you the Sabbath before that.
19:18 I've been good to you, I got you in school,
19:20 I got you that job, I healed your body,
19:22 I got you in your right mind. I gave you a house,
19:24 a car, but I'm looking for you and I'm just trying
19:27 to figure out, do you love Me enough that you can
19:31 say bye to your pimp and hello to Me.
19:35 [Aud. reaction] PB: I'm done.
19:40 I didn't want to be long, cause I knew it
19:45 would be long today. I thank God that He
19:48 never gave up on me. [Aud. reaction]
19:51 PB: When the world and the church are ready
19:55 to throw you away, God said I'm gonna keep
19:58 loving you till you learn how to love Me back.
20:01 Then I know one day you're gonna outgrow this
20:04 foolishness. You're gonna outgrow this mess,
20:07 that one day you're gonna get this thing together.
20:09 God could've given up on me, God could've left me.
20:12 But I'm so glad that if any man be in Christ,
20:16 he's a new creature. Old things are passed away,
20:18 all things become new. I'm so glad that God so
20:22 loved the world that He gave His only begotten
20:24 Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not
20:26 perish but have everlasting life. Somebody looking
20:28 at me right now ought to thank God that God so loved you.
20:33 [Aud. reaction] PB: What does that mean?
20:37 It means what you oughta be saying is,
20:40 I was so messed up. I was so pitiful.
20:44 I was so unfaithful. I was so trifling.
20:50 But God looked beyond my faults and saw my need,
20:58 and I'm today glad that He paid a price on a
21:02 debt He didn't even owe. That He loved me
21:05 enough to go to Calvary and die for me,
21:07 and the only reason I'm here, Carlton Byrd
21:10 is here today, is because God's desire for
21:12 me is to be saved. [Aud. reaction]
21:17 PB: Now, let me end with a reminder that
21:19 the name "Hosea"--everybody say "Hosea."
21:22 Aud.: Hosea. PB: Is also pronounced Ho-shay-ah.
21:26 The same root for the word "Joshua," and "Jeshua,"
21:33 the Hebrew name for Jesus, which further illustrates
21:37 then that Hosea is a foreshadow and a symbol of
21:43 Christ to His church. Now, there's an odd couple for you.
21:50 Christ and convicts. Righteous and unrighteous.
21:56 Savior and sinners. Redeemer and reprobates.
22:05 Prince and prisoners. Deliverer and delinquents.
22:15 But He loves you. He loves me. He loved you when
22:22 you were unlovable. He didn't wait till you got
22:25 right to love you. But He loved you when you wouldn't
22:28 do right, when you wouldn't act right. He loved
22:33 you when you were shacking up, when you were shooting up.
22:35 He stopped the car from crashing. He stopped you from dying,
22:40 stopped you from being destroyed. And if none of you
22:43 all will praise Him, I will bless the Lord at all times,
22:50 and His praise shall continually be in my mouth.
22:55 When they put Jesus on the cross, they hung Him
23:00 high and they stretched Him wide. And I can hear
23:04 the devil saying, "Why are you staying up there
23:07 if you know they're gonna be unfaithful? Why are you
23:10 staying up there if you know they're not gonna come
23:12 to church every Sabbath, they're not going to study
23:14 their Bible. Why are you staying up there if you know
23:16 that next week they're gonna be drunk as a skunk,
23:19 talking about folk, judging folk, robbing folk,
23:22 stealing from folk, cheating on folk."
23:24 I want to hear God say, "Devil, you didn't die
23:30 for 'em, I did." [Aud. reaction]
23:34 PB: "Devil, you didn't bleed for them. I did.
23:38 Devil, you didn't rise for them. I did.
23:44 So you can't define my love for them, because
23:48 I love them and one day they're gonna learn
23:51 how to love Me back." The Bible says that He
23:56 hung from the sixth hour till the ninth hour.
24:01 They took his body down from the cross on Friday.
24:05 He lay resting in the grave, according to the
24:07 commandment, on the Sabbath. But early--
24:09 [Aud. reaction] PB: --early, the first day of the week,
24:15 on the third appointed day, He got up with all
24:20 power in His name, and somebody oughta give Him glory,
24:26 because when He got up, you got up, I got up, we got up!
24:36 Do I have a witness in this place? [Aud. reaction]
24:38 PB: And is there anybody in here today that says,
24:40 Lord, I know how I've messed up. But this time I'm
24:46 gonna be more committed. I messed up. But this time,
24:53 when I pray, I'm gonna mean it. I messed up. But this
25:00 time I'm not gonna let my job, I'm not gonna let my
25:03 girlfriend, my boyfriend, I'm not gonna let anything
25:05 get ahead of You. This time, it's nothing but You.
25:09 Because when I think about how far God brought me,
25:14 when I think about how much God has done in my life,
25:19 I can't help but give Him glory. I can't help but give
25:23 Him honor, I can't help but give Him praise. I can't
25:27 help but shout hallelujah. If you knew, like I knew,
25:37 what I've been through, you'd know why I preach like
25:41 I preach. Why I run meetings like I run meetings,
25:44 why I shout like I shout, why I stomp this foot like I do.
25:47 You'd understand why I give Him glory. You don't have
25:51 time to be stuck up. [Aud. reaction]
25:55 PB: You don't have time to be cute. Because you could be
26:03 somewhere on a corner somewhere. He could have left you
26:10 in your mess. Somebody oughta be excited because He's
26:17 been good to you. Listen, Hosea went to a brothel.
26:25 Hosea went to the red-light district, Hosea went to
26:32 the worst places imaginable to get his bride.
26:37 But you know what? So did Jesus.
26:44 [Aud. reaction] PB: He left the celestial courts of heaven.
26:53 He left the palatial palace of paradise.
26:57 And He left to get you and get me. So where
27:05 would I be if Jesus didn't love me? Where would
27:10 I be if Jesus didn't care? Where would I be
27:12 if He had not sacrificed His life. Today I'm glad.
27:17 I'm glad He did. He made a way--[Aud. reaction]
27:30 PB: I don't know why He did it, but He made a way.
27:45 I don't know how He did it, but He made a way.
27:53 When my back was against the wall, He made a way.
28:00 "Thank you very much for tuning into this
28:02 week's Breath of Life Broadcast.
28:04 We hope and pray that you have been blessed
28:06 by Dr. Byrd's inspirational message.
28:09 If you would like to hear this sermon in
28:10 its entirety, please feel free to visit us at
28:13 or call us at 256.929.6460.
28:23 Again, thank you very much for joining us,
28:29 [END]


Revised 2017-10-16