Breath of Life

Let's Move Forward

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Carlton P. Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000582A

00:03 Breath of Life Ministries Presents
00:07 Sermon B582 "Let's Move Forward"
00:10 [Breath of Life Theme Music]
00:20 PB: The Bible says in Numbers chapter 13, verse 30,
00:24 "And Caleb stilled the people before Moses, and said,
00:28 Let us go up at once, and possess it;
00:30 for we are well able to overcome it.
00:34 But the men that went up with him said,
00:35 We be not able to go up against the people;
00:39 for they are stronger than we. And they brought
00:42 up an evil report of the land which they had
00:44 searched unto the children of Israel, saying,
00:46 The land, through which we have gone to search it,
00:48 is a land that eateth up the inhabitants thereof;
00:51 and all the people that we saw in it are men of
00:56 a great stature. And there we saw the giants,
01:01 the sons of Anak, which come of the giants:
01:05 and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers,
01:10 and so we were in their sight." Israel has just
01:20 experienced the great escape. After living for
01:24 400 years in captivity in Egypt, God has rescued
01:27 His people and now they're on a journey to the
01:30 Promised Land. They had been slaves one day,
01:34 but now they're free the next day. They had seen
01:38 the mighty hand of God defeat the fiery hand
01:41 of Pharaoh. They had seen God release flies
01:44 and frogs and lice. They had seen God make a
01:48 Red Sea a dry highway. They had seen Pharaoh
01:53 and 600 chosen chariots get drowned in the Red Sea.
01:58 The Bible says it was so powerful that when Miriam
02:01 looked back and saw the man who had oppressed them,
02:06 the man who had raped their women and beaten their sons,
02:10 drowning in the Red Sea, she grabbed a tambourine
02:14 and started beating it, dancing before God. And God said,
02:18 Miriam, the enemies that you see today, you shall
02:22 see them no more. They had seen God heal through a
02:27 brazen serpent, that all they had to do was look
02:30 at that serpent and they were healed from all their diseases,
02:33 which is why today the emblem for medicine is still
02:37 the serpent around the rod, commemorating that
02:39 healing ultimately comes from God.
02:42 Do I have a witness in this place?
02:44 [Aud. reaction] PB: They had seen God rain
02:47 down manna from heaven. But not only that,
02:49 their clothes never wore out. Even as they marched,
02:53 and they marched in the wilderness, the tension
02:56 and the friction of their marching never ate
02:59 through their clothes, even though their clothes
03:01 were natural fabrics. In fact, God, in my holy hypothesis,
03:06 set up a dry cleaners in the desert.
03:10 [Aud. reaction] PB: That's right, a dry cleaners.
03:13 What are you talking about, Pastor Byrd?
03:15 God kept them smelling good and looking good at
03:18 the same time, because there's no way you can be
03:21 around folks every day for 40 years, with limited water,
03:25 in the same clothes unless God provided for you.
03:28 Are you hearing what I'm saying? [Aud. reaction]
03:30 PB: Somebody knows what I'm talking about,
03:33 because after all the things you've been through,
03:35 God still has you looking good; God still has you
03:39 smelling good; and folk don't know what you're
03:42 going through. You see, you're at church today,
03:43 but folk really don't know how broke you are.
03:46 [Aud. reaction] PB: Somebody knows what I'm
03:49 talking about. You can't afford napkins,
03:53 so you go to McDonald's and get some. Come on, say amen.
03:56 [Aud. reaction] PB: You fix your haystacks,
03:58 but you need some salt or some hot sauce,
04:00 so you go to your Taco Bell. "I'd just like
04:02 a glass of water," and you sneak a few hot
04:05 sauce packets. Come on, say amen. Folk don't
04:07 know how broke you are. You've got one suit.
04:11 Praise God. But you put a different shirt and
04:15 tie with it, and you go on about your business.
04:18 Somebody comes to you at church,
04:19 "Is that a new suit?" You just smile,
04:21 ha, ha ha ha ha. You never say yes and no,
04:23 you just say "God just takes care of me."
04:26 [Aud. reaction] PB: "Is that a new hairstyle?"
04:29 "Oh yes, it is." "Well, what did you do?"
04:30 Just flip it to this side today, flip it
04:32 to that side tomorrow it's a new hairstyle.
04:35 Do I have a witness in this place? God will
04:37 keep you looking good. Folk won't even know
04:42 what you're going through. God kept their
04:44 shoes from wearing out. Forty years of walking
04:47 and they're shoes still look brand new.
04:49 Is there anybody that knows that we serve a
04:52 God who can keep old stuff working for you. Ha.
04:54 God was careful for his people, that as they
04:58 walked for 40 years, not one of the thousands
05:00 of people walking for 40 years, not one of them
05:03 had their feet begin to swell. God had freed
05:06 the Israelites from slavery in Egypt and then
05:09 led them to the borders of the Promised Land.
05:11 But then when they get to the brink of the
05:13 Promised Land, God commands Moses to tell His people,
05:16 "Tell us if the Promised Land is everything God
05:19 said it would be." But before they get an answer,
05:23 guess what they do. They form a committee.
05:27 Tell the truth, shame the devil. [Aud. reaction]
05:31 PB: That's how the church works. Heh.
05:32 If we're gonna do something, form a committee.
05:35 Somebody says that the 11th commandment is
05:37 Thou shalt call a committee. [Aud. reaction]
05:39 PB: So when God says tell us about the
05:43 Promised Land, they form a committee,
05:47 made up of 12 people with one person representing
05:51 each one of Israel's 12 tribes. Moses tells
05:55 the committee, "Now, go out and spy out the land.
05:58 Observe the people; observe the cities.
06:01 Find out what the land is like; find out
06:02 if it's a land of milk and honey; find out
06:05 if the soil is fertile or poor; find out if
06:07 they have trees or not, and if they have trees
06:09 tell me what kind of trees they are.
06:12 And when you finish, come back. Give us a report.
06:15 Tell us if the Promised Land is everything
06:18 that God said it would be. The Bible teaches
06:20 that 12 men spent 40 days spying out the land.
06:25 Forty. Everybody say "40." Aud.: Forty.
06:27 PB: Come on, say it like you mean it, say "40."
06:29 Aud.: Forty. PB: There's something about the
06:31 number 40. Moses spent 40 years in the wilderness
06:35 before he was called to lead Israel. For 40 days,
06:38 Ezekiel lay on his right side to symbolize the
06:41 40 years of Judah's transgression. Jonah prophesied
06:44 Nineveh's destruction would take place in 40 days.
06:49 Jesus was in the wilderness 40 days before He
06:52 was tempted by the devil. In the great Flood,
06:54 it rained 40 days and 40 nights. It's been
06:58 40 years since this church was built.
07:02 [Aud. reaction] PB: There's something about the
07:05 number 40. The Bible says in Numbers chapter 13 that
07:11 the 12 committee members spent 40 days spying
07:15 out the land, and now they come back to Moses to
07:19 give Moses a report. They didn't say the land was
07:23 flowing with milk and honey. They didn't say that
07:26 the land was fertile. They said that there was
07:28 a cluster of grapes so big that it took two men
07:32 to carry the large pole with the grapes on it.
07:34 They said the land was what God said it was.
07:38 The first part of their report was positive,
07:42 but then all of a sudden the Bible says their
07:45 report changed. Their report was no longer positive.
07:49 Their report was no longer unanimous. The committee
07:53 is divided 10 to 2. One committee, two different reports.
08:00 Y'all don't hear what I'm saying. The majority says
08:02 there are giants in the land. The minority says,
08:06 but if God be for us, who can be against us.
08:11 The majority says, we can't do it.
08:14 The minority says, we can do it.
08:17 The majority saw defeat; the minority
08:20 saw victory. One journey but two different reports.
08:24 One mission but two different opinions.
08:27 One report says go. The other report says no.
08:32 It's amazing--I've been pastoring 23 years now-
08:37 -how the same group of people can look at
08:39 the same thing, but yet they come out with
08:42 different interpretations of the same thing they saw.
08:45 The sermon was good to me. The sermon did
08:49 nothing for me. The music blessed me.
08:54 The music didn't do a thing for me.
08:57 I liked that suit. I can't stand that suit.
09:02 People can look at the same data, be confronted
09:05 with the same facts, experience the same events
09:08 and draw totally different conclusions.
09:11 Why do people have different reactions to
09:15 the same reality? It's probably because
09:18 we see things not as they are but as we are.
09:21 I wish I had a witness in this place.
09:23 [Aud. reaction] PB: The majority is motivated
09:26 by sight rather than faith, but somebody
09:30 today knows: we walk by faith, not by sight.
09:37 Praise God for the minority! Praise God for
09:42 Joshua and Caleb. So what does Caleb do? Quickly.
09:46 Caleb tells the people hush up. Be quiet.
09:48 Stop all that negative, fearful talk.
09:51 Let's go up at once and possess the land.
09:54 Now, my question when I study the text is this:
09:57 How did Caleb know they could overcome giants
10:00 in the land? Caleb knew that they were able to
10:05 do it not so much because they were able,
10:09 but because God is able. Let me put a kickstand
10:16 right there for a minute. Can I do that right now?
10:18 I know I gotta hurry up, but I hear people
10:20 all the time, "God is able. God is able.
10:22 Elder Phipps sings "God is able."
10:24 Everybody jumps and shouts. But we really
10:26 don't believe that. Because if we really
10:29 believe that God is able, we would spend
10:32 less time setting folks straight and telling
10:35 folk off if we believed God was able.
10:37 We'd spend less time worrying and staying up
10:40 all night if we believe God is able. Let me
10:42 tell you something. In the name of Jesus, God is able.
10:47 [Aud. reaction] PB: Cancer. God is able. Unemployment.
10:52 God is able. Death of a loved one. God is able.
10:58 Marriage in trouble. God is able.
11:01 A strung-out son; a wayward daughter.
11:06 God is able. Hurricane Irma.
11:09 [Aud. reaction] PB: God is able.
11:11 North Korea. God is able. President Trump, ha.
11:18 God is able! [Aud. reaction]
11:22 PB: A habit you can't break; a sin you can't shake;
11:29 a stronghold you can't overcome. You'd better
11:32 believe that God is able to do exceeding,
11:34 abundant and above all we could ever ask or think.
11:38 Caleb knew it; Joshua knew it. But the majority
11:42 of the committee disagreed with Caleb and Joshua.
11:48 So what did they say? Verse 31 in our Scripture text.
11:52 "We're not able to go up against the people;
11:54 they're stronger than we are. . . . The land,
11:56 through which we have gone to search it,
11:58 is a land that eateth up the inhabitants thereof;
12:00 and all the people that we saw in it are"--giants.
12:02 We saw giants, and we in our own sight--I can preach
12:07 a whole sermon right there--we in our own sight are
12:12 as grasshoppers. And so because we saw ourselves as that,
12:17 so we were in their sight. Now you would think
12:22 that after all God had done for them,
12:24 after all God had shown the children of Israel,
12:27 that they would have more faith than that.
12:30 He opened up the Red Sea for them;
12:32 He closed the same waters against the Egyptians.
12:35 He'd given them water in the desert when
12:37 they were thirsty and food in the desert
12:38 when they were hungry. And now they have
12:40 amnesia about how God delivered them.
12:44 But let's be real today--I gotta keep
12:47 it moving--but let's not be too hard on
12:49 the Israelites, because we don't live in
12:51 a glass house. Do I have a witness in this place?
12:53 [Aud. reaction] PB: After all God has done
12:55 for some of us, we still doubt Him.
12:59 We see the enemies of God as giants.
13:03 We see ourselves as grasshoppers.
13:07 You see, the majority of the committee members
13:10 were defeated before they even started,
13:12 because they embraced grasshopper mentality.
13:15 You see, their grasshopper mentality was
13:18 rooted in their Egyptian experience.
13:21 You see, it's one thing to be delivered
13:22 from Egypt but it's another thing to get
13:24 the Egypt out of you. [Aud. reaction]
13:27 PB: I think somebody missed that, let me try
13:29 it one more time. It's one thing to get out of Egypt,
13:32 but it's another thing to get the Egypt out of you.
13:36 You see, what they're dealing with was grasshopper
13:39 mentality because of what they remember in Egypt.
13:42 Listen to me: Pharaoh told them when;
13:44 Pharaoh told them where; Pharaoh told them how,
13:48 and Pharaoh represents a system. A system
13:52 that controls and a system that manipulates.
13:54 And if you've been in bondage to the system,
13:56 it creates a mind-set that becomes institutionalized
14:00 to the system, and before long you begin to think
14:03 that you can never be anything; never do anything;
14:07 never amount anything because Pharaoh has you thinking
14:09 like a grasshopper. Remember, the enemy didn't
14:13 call them grasshoppers. They called themselves
14:17 grasshoppers, and when you act like a grasshopper
14:21 in your own eyes, you will ultimately be seen as
14:25 a grasshopper in other people's eyes, because
14:28 I've learned people treat you the way you let 'em.
14:30 [Aud. reaction] PB: But when you realize who you are;
14:37 when you realize whose you are, then you will seek
14:43 deliverance from grasshopper mentality that tries
14:47 to stop you from experiencing a living God's
14:50 purpose for your life. Somebody's not getting this,
14:53 but let me help you. Grasshopper mentality is
14:56 small-mindedness. Grasshopper mentality is myopic
15:00 thinking. Grasshopper mentality relies on excuses.
15:03 You're still not getting it. Let me try it this way.
15:06 [Aud. reaction] PB: Grasshopper mentality says go out
15:09 and buy an expensive car. Buy a Mercedes; buy a Tesla;
15:14 buy a, buy a Beemer. Buy a Cadillac, put some rims on it.
15:18 Put some spinners on it. Get a sound system in it.
15:21 But live with your mama and don't even try to buy
15:24 a house. Everybody say "grasshopper."
15:26 Aud.: Grasshopper. [Aud. reaction]
15:28 PB: Grasshopper mentality says go ahead,
15:31 listen to me, young people, get every credit
15:34 card you can. Max them out. Dress nicely;
15:37 look good on alumni weekend. Put all those
15:40 clothes on your back--Hugo Boss, Prada, Versace;
15:44 Luis Vuitton. You name it, you get it. Don't worry
15:46 about paying the balance off. As a matter of fact,
15:48 Pharaoh says, I'll give you a loan to buy a car
15:51 but I won't give you a loan to buy a house.
15:53 Look good but stay broke. Somebody say "Grasshopper."
15:57 Aud.: Grasshopper. PB: Grasshopper mentality says
16:01 go ahead, get a big flat-screen TV, even if it means
16:06 you have Rent-A-Center $50 for 50 years to do it.
16:10 [Aud. reaction] PB: And when it's all said and done,
16:14 you've b ought 50 flat-screen TVs for the price of one.
16:18 Somebody say grasshopper. Aud.: Grasshopper.
16:21 PB: But I'm gonna needle this a little bit more.
16:24 'Cause I gotta be intergenerational, young, old,
16:27 everybody. Grasshopper mentality says go ahead
16:29 and make as many babies as you want.
16:32 [Aud. reaction] PB: You don't have to work.
16:33 Let Pharaoh take care of them. Don't worry about it,
16:37 Pharaoh will raise your children, and when Pharaoh
16:40 gets through raising your children, don't get mad
16:43 at Pharaoh. You didn't pay them any attention when
16:45 you saw their pants hanging off their waist,
16:48 you didn't pay any attention. Well, don't worry about it.
16:51 Pharaoh won't give them 30,000 a year for college,
16:55 but he'll pay 30,000 a year to put 'em in jail.
16:57 Everybody say hey--[Aud. reaction]
17:00 PB: Who has [indiscernible]. Let's go to the Oakwood Church.
17:05 Grasshopper mentality told Elder Ward, we can't
17:10 built a church at Oakwood. It won't happen.
17:14 And see, I'm in the office, I'm in his old office
17:16 and I'm in the closet, and I'm looking at the
17:18 plans for the church he really wanted to build.
17:20 It was twice the size of this one. But grasshopper
17:25 mentality told him, if you do built it,
17:28 don't make it too big. Grasshopper mentality
17:34 continued 20 years later. You can't build an
17:37 elementary school. It continued 20 years after that.
17:40 You can't build a middle school. You can't build a gym.
17:44 You can't build a school cafeteria. Oakwood Church,
17:48 you can't build a family life center. We can't do this,
17:54 we can't do that. We've always done it like this.
17:59 We've never done it like that. We've never tried
18:01 new things. We never had a praise team. We can't
18:05 evangelize Huntsville. We won't baptize new people.
18:09 We'll never grow. Our doctrine, our message is too hard.
18:13 We can't. But in the name of Jesus--
18:16 [Aud. reaction] PB: --I am tired of grasshopper mentality.
18:22 I'm tired of visionless folk. I know what God says.
18:28 If you can't see it, get up out of my way. His Word says,
18:33 "But my God shall supply all of my needs according to
18:39 his riches in glory." Let me tell you something.
18:41 You don't need grasshoppers in your house--
18:43 [Aud. reaction] PB: --You don't need grasshoppers
18:47 in your car. You don't need grasshoppers around you
18:51 because if they can't see what God has for you,
18:53 they don't have any business around ya. Let me tell
18:57 you something: You will never get to the Promised
18:58 Land if you keep going back in the wilderness
19:00 because you have grasshopper mentality.
19:02 Caleb didn't subscribe to grasshopper mentality.
19:05 Caleb wasn't intimidated by the enemy. Caleb knew
19:08 he was a child of the Most High God. Caleb wasn't
19:11 a grasshopper. Listen to me: Caleb wasn't claiming
19:14 the Promised Land because he wanted it. Caleb was
19:19 claiming the Promised Land because God had already
19:23 given it to them. [Aud. reaction]
19:28 PB: Caleb was not some prosperity-gospel preacher.
19:31 Name it, claim it; blab it, grab it.
19:36 Caleb knew that the power of believing in
19:38 the promises of God, and acting on those promises
19:41 in obedience--but let me get ready to end.
19:45 But the tragic thing of this story is that
19:48 the majority report of the committee prevailed.
19:51 Ten of them saw barriers; but only two saw blessings.
19:57 Ten saw giants; only two saw God. Ten said,
20:05 the best is behind us. But only two said the best
20:09 is yet to come. But negative voices grumbled their
20:16 way into plans to do nothing. That's why I've learned,
20:20 when people come to me criticizing me, talking about
20:22 what I'm doing, I tell 'em, I like what I'm doing
20:25 better than what you're not doing. [Aud. reaction]
20:29 PB: So what happens? Israel wanders in the wilderness
20:38 for the next 40 years, doing nothing. Nothing.
20:42 Caleb was willing to honor God, but he was outnumbered.
20:46 And so, the Bible teaches that everyone in that
20:48 generation, except Caleb and Joshua, died without
20:53 seeing--somebody's with me--the Promised Land.
20:56 It wasn't the size of Israel's army that kept
21:00 Israel back. It was not the size, it was the
21:05 size of Israel's faith. A grasshopper is little.
21:11 It will always be little. God has not called you,
21:17 He has not called me, this church, this university,
21:22 this conference, to be little. I don't know about you,
21:27 but I'm fearfully and wonderfully made. I am not
21:33 a grasshopper. Ellen White said, "We have nothing
21:37 to fear for the future less we forget how God has
21:41 led us in the past." Church of the living God,
21:45 you're a child of God. Walk like it; talk like it;
21:51 act like it; think like it. You are not a grasshopper.
21:57 Let me tell you something. You've got some folks scared.
22:01 You've got some folk intimidated. It's not your fault,
22:04 you're just God's chosen. You're just God's blessed.
22:08 That's why some folk look at you like they do.
22:10 That's why they treat you like they do, because
22:12 you've got them intimidated. But let me give
22:14 them some help today. Don't hate the player,
22:16 hate the game. Do I have a witness in this place?
22:18 [Aud. reaction] PB: None of those majority
22:22 committee members with the bad report ever
22:26 got to the Promised Land. In fact, the Bible
22:30 says most of them died in the wilderness.
22:35 And when you look back over your life, and
22:39 you look at where you've come from, many of
22:45 the people you used to run with, they're not
22:47 here anymore. Many of the people that used
22:49 to be friends with you, they're not here anymore.
22:51 Many of your schoolmates are not here anymore.
22:54 They died in the wilderness. God has had to
23:00 lay some people to sleep just before His coming.
23:05 But you know what? There's a reason why you're
23:09 still here. Here we are in 2017, on the brink
23:15 of the Promised Land. We've got rumors of war
23:20 with North Korea, hurricanes happening every day:
23:24 Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Irma, Hurricane Jose,
23:28 Hurricane Katya. We hear about an earthquake in Mexico,
23:32 a possible tsunami that's developing. Friends of mine,
23:36 God is speaking. God is trying to tell us something.
23:42 And God wants to use this church, this ministry,
23:46 the Oakwood University Church, the Breath of
23:50 Life Ministry, to serve as a catalyst to prepare men,
23:55 women, boys and girls for His soon return. He wants
23:58 to use this church as a model to show that public
24:01 evangelism still works; that Christian education is
24:07 still one of the greatest evangelistic tools our church has.
24:11 [Aud. reaction] PB: But we're not in Egypt anymore.
24:13 So that means we can't have Egyptian mentality.
24:17 Eight-track ministry in a DVD society won't work.
24:22 We gotta go forward. Just coming to church,
24:26 seeing each other, shaking each hand, eating
24:27 just with us, singing a few songs, hearing a
24:29 couple of sermons wont' work anymore. Having
24:32 conventional ministry won't work anymore.
24:35 Having conventional church school won't work anymore.
24:38 We've got to go forward. Praise God for our history.
24:43 We honor it today. Praise God for the paths that
24:47 have been laid before us, but we must go forward.
24:52 [Aud. reaction] PB: So if you have come today to
24:54 Anniversary Sabbath just to hear a feel-good sermon,
24:58 jumping on your feet, clapping your hands, saying
25:04 amen in your voice--you came to the wrong place today.
25:07 Oakwood Church. I want us to break loose from
25:13 worshipping our history so much, so we can step
25:16 into our destiny. [Aud. reaction]
25:19 PB: Eyes haven't seen; ears haven't heard,
25:25 neither has it entered into the mind of man the
25:28 things that God has prepared for them that love Him.
25:32 We're living in a different world today. People are
25:37 different now. People are tired of centralized structures.
25:42 People are tired of revelation without relevance.
25:46 People are tired of religion without relationship.
25:50 People are tired of fake, phony, plastic comatose ministry.
25:55 People are tired of coming to church getting beat up
25:58 in the pulpit, talking about what you have on and what
26:01 you're not. People are tired of getting all of that.
26:03 People are tired of coming to church,
26:04 in an Adventist church, and not knowing what we believe.
26:07 People are tired of emphasis placed on policy more than
26:11 it is on people. People are tired of coming to a church
26:15 where they can't share their burdens and problems simply
26:17 because they're afraid of what other folk might say about 'em
26:19 after they come clean. [Aud. reaction]
26:22 PB: So at Oakwood, are we gonna be like the majority
26:27 and see ourselves as grasshoppers? Or are we gonna do
26:33 big things for God? But as I close, the call is not
26:39 just a collective call. The call is an individual call,
26:43 because someone needs to go forward individually, as a person.
26:48 The man you used to be, the woman you used to be,
26:52 is not what God is calling you today to be. Many
26:56 people give up on their future, they give up on the
27:00 Promised Land so they can have the camaraderie
27:02 of their colleagues. They step back into their
27:06 past so they can hang around their old friends,
27:08 so they will accept you, because how they think
27:11 about you is more important than how you think
27:13 about yourself. But in the name of Jesus,
27:18 I refuse to go back. I refuse to go back to Egypt.
27:24 I refuse to go back in the wilderness. I refuse to
27:28 go back into slavery. I'm going to the Promised Land.
27:32 I'm going to make it to God's great heaven. I say
27:36 it all the time, I ain't going to hell for anybody.
27:39 [Aud. reaction] PB: If any man be in Christ,
27:42 he's a new creature. Old things are passed away,
27:47 all things become new. Somebody today,
27:50 look at where you were 40 years ago.
27:53 Look at where you were 20 years ago,
27:55 2 years ago, 1 year ago, and look at where
27:58 you are right now. Some of you used to have one suit,
28:02 one dress, one pair of shoes. But tell me now,
28:08 how does it feel when you come up out of the wilderness,
28:14 leaning on the Lord. Some of you used to have a
28:16 >: Thank you for joining us for another exciting
28:18 Breath of Life television broadcast.
28:21 Tune in next week at the same time, as
28:23 Dr. Byrd will deliver another dynamic message
28:26 from the Lord, just for you.
28:27 Until next time, may God bless you.
28:30 [END]


Revised 2017-09-18