Breath of Life

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000581A

00:02 Breath of Life Ministries Presents
00:05 Sermon B581 - It's Time to Fight "
00:12 [Breath of Life Theme Music]
00:20 PB: Ephesians 6:10, the Word says "Finally, my brethren,
00:24 be strong." Be what, everybody? Aud.: Be strong.
00:28 PB: "Strong in the Lord, and in the power of his"-
00:30 -what? Aud.: Might. PB: "Put on the whole armour of God,
00:33 that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the"-
00:35 - what, everybody? Aud.: Devil.
00:37 PB: "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood,
00:38 but against principalities, against powers, against the
00:40 rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual
00:42 wickedness in high"-- what, everybody? Aud.: Places.
00:45 PB: "Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God,
00:48 that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day,
00:51 and having done all, to"--do what, everybody? Aud.: Stand.
00:54 PB: It's time to fight. [Aud. reaction]
00:57 PB: Father, bless us now as we go into Your Word.
00:59 Hide us behind Your cross. Speak for Your servants here.
01:02 We'll be careful to give You the praise, the honor and
01:04 the glory. Move at the appeal time, we pray, oh God.
01:06 In Jesus' name. Amen. Aud.: Amen.
01:09 PB: Let me begin this way quickly. Anytime God
01:14 is trying to take you to another level in Him,
01:17 the devil goes crazy. [Aud. reaction]
01:20 PB: You hear me say it all the time. The higher the level,
01:24 the higher the what? Devil. Now, some people will complain,
01:28 "The devil's bothering me. The devil keeps messing with me."
01:30 But you ought to count it all joy, because if the devil
01:33 were not messing with you, I dare that the devil and you-
01:35 -you and the devil--are running in the same direction.
01:40 [Aud. reaction] Now, we're living in a day and age,
01:44 in a time, that is distinctively different than our past.
01:48 It is distinctively different than what we've ever seen
01:51 before, and the devil is not playing with us. Times are
01:55 getting rough. Times are getting what, everybody?
01:57 Aud.: Rough. PB: Times are not only getting rough,
01:59 times are getting tough. Times are getting what, everybody?
02:01 Aud.: Tough. PB: Wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes
02:05 in diverse places, hurricane Harvey is destroying as we speak.
02:10 Tornadoes are in the same vicinity. Terrorist attacks are
02:15 now the norm. Death, disease and destruction are rampant.
02:20 We are not burying people at 90 years old anymore.
02:24 We gotta bury somebody at 16 years old. Gunfire is commonplace.
02:30 Racial disharmony is like never before. We're in 2017,
02:38 not the 1960s, but it's worse now than it was then.
02:46 Are you hearing what I'm saying? Because today unlike the '60s,
02:50 people are today being given the freedom to hate, the right to fight,
02:58 pardon to persecute, and license to kill. Y'all don't hear
03:04 what I'm saying today. [Aud. reaction]
03:06 PB: Our world is on the verge of a nuclear war.
03:10 I was talking to one of our members today, this week.
03:12 And though we hear a lot about nuclear war and atomic bombs
03:17 and whatnot, I'm encouraged because Revelation chapter 7
03:20 is very clear that God is holding back the winds of strife
03:25 till His servants have been sealed. So that means, North Korea,
03:31 the United States, China and Russia and everybody else can talk
03:37 all they want, but they can't do a thing that my God won't permit.
03:44 [Aud. reaction] PB: And while it might seem that an
03:47 atomic bomb or a nuclear bomb has the power to take an
03:51 entire people out, I just believe God's not going to let that happen.
03:55 [Aud. reaction] PB: Because God's Word is true that when
03:59 Jesus comes back, He's coming back for people; that the
04:03 dead in Christ are gonna rise, and then we which are alive
04:06 and remain are gonna be caught up to meet the Lord in the air.
04:09 Which means, if we were all dead from a nuclear attack,
04:12 who would rise and who would Jesus be caught up in the air
04:16 to meet the Lord. Are you hearing what I'm saying?
04:18 So we won't all be taken out, because if we were all taken out,
04:22 who would be among the righteous living when Jesus came back?
04:25 But in the name of Jesus, we gotta fight.
04:28 We gotta do what, everybody? Aud.: Fight.
04:30 PB: Now, I'm not talking about tanks, bombs, guns or fists,
04:34 but I'm talking about fighting in the warfare of God.
04:38 Because what is taking place in the earthly realm is a
04:42 microcosm of what is taking place in the spiritual realm.
04:45 Most Christians have forgotten that the spiritual life
04:49 is not a playground. It's a battlefield. It's a what, everybody?
04:53 Aud.: Battlefield. PB: And unfortunately, too few of God's
04:57 people are armed, equipped and dangerous. [Aud. reaction]
05:02 PB: Now, whether we like it or not, we're engaged in spiritual
05:05 warfare. We're fighting Satan. We're fighting the devil,
05:09 and if we're gonna be successful in this fight--hear,
05:12 hear me well--we'd better recognize that we cannot approach
05:16 today's battles with yesterday's methodologies.
05:20 [Aud. reaction] PB: You can't do 8-track ministry in
05:24 a DVD or digital society. Yes, the devil is the same
05:31 devil that messed with our mamas, daddies, grandmamas
05:35 and granddaddies, but the way the devil is fighting today
05:39 is more violent and vicious than how he fought yesterday.
05:44 Do you believe that everybody? [Aud. reaction]
05:45 PB: Let me tell you something. As I get older,
05:48 I realize that experience is important. Experience will
05:53 trump energy anytime. Let me say that one more time.
05:57 Experience will trump energy anytime. When you have
06:03 experience on a job application you're applying for,
06:07 you can get the employment opportunity based on your
06:10 experience. That's why they want a resume. Everybody say "resume."
06:15 Aud.: Resume. PB: They want to look at your background,
06:17 because experience can tell the interviewer some aspect
06:21 of what they get when they get you. Young people,
06:25 that's why you gotta work. [Aud. reaction]
06:27 PB: You have to work. You do understand that before God,
06:34 brethren, gave Adam Eve, God gave Adam a job.
06:40 [Aud. reaction] PB: If you want to be with me,
06:44 ladies--that's what I'm teaching my daughters.
06:46 I say, repeat after me--if you wanna be with me,
06:50 you gotta have a j-o-b. Are you hearing what I'm saying?
06:53 [Aud. reaction] PB: Are you hearing what I'm saying?
06:55 [Aud. reaction] PB: You gotta work, because you gotta
06:57 get some experience on your resume, so you can get a job.
07:00 But not only that, any psychologist will tell you that
07:04 the best way to determine someone's future behavior is
07:06 to look at their past behavior. So ladies, if he's killed
07:11 the last three women he's dated-- [laughter]
07:14 PB: --it's very likely--Are you hearing what I'm saying?-
07:22 -that if you're woman number 4, the odds are stacked against you.
07:28 Are you hearing what I'm saying? It's lunacy to think
07:31 that you can continue to do the same things and get different
07:34 results. Experience--what did I say, everybody? Aud.: Experience.
07:39 PB: Is a good barometer of what to expect in the future.
07:43 Experience can help you get a job. Experience can help you
07:45 in a tight spot. Experience can help you stop making crazy decisions.
07:49 There are assets to experience. But the flipside of that is
07:54 there are also liabilities to experience, because if you're
07:58 not careful, experiences can put you in a box where you will
08:02 assume that you can win the fight before you the same way you
08:05 won the fight behind you. When experience becomes tradition,
08:12 it becomes dangerous. When you lock God up in a box and you say,
08:20 God, You must always do it this way, you lose the creativity
08:25 of thought and action to be able to progress into new methods
08:30 of rescue that God would have for you, if you could just stop
08:33 worshiping how He did it, and start recognizing He's
08:38 the God that did it! [Aud. reaction]
08:41 PB: You'd be surprised at how some people,
08:44 and how God will give you a new situation,
08:47 but you will ruin it with an old method.
08:49 [Aud. reaction] PB: You'd be surprised. As pastors,
08:53 we talk to families, and you'd be surprised at the
08:55 people who may have resented the way their parents
08:57 raised them, but when the heat is on they act just
08:59 like their parents. You'd be surprised at the boys
09:03 who hated their fathers for beating their mamas,
09:05 and now they're dating or they're married to a lady,
09:08 and the moment things don't go right, they start acting
09:10 like the very thing they hated, because it's difficult
09:13 to break free from where you came from. You'd be surprised
09:18 at church folk who say when they get on the church board,
09:23 when they get on the nominating committee, when they get
09:27 in charge, they're gonna do new things. We have to have
09:32 new ideas, new strategies. But when the mantle of leadership
09:35 is passed on to them, they do the very same things that were
09:38 done before them. Why? You can be in a new place and still
09:42 have an old attitude. And if you don't change your old attitude,
09:47 you will fight in your old methodology. We're in a fight,
09:51 and yes, we have to fight. We're fighting the devil,
09:56 but we have to know that Satan has intensified his efforts.
10:00 So then, the people of God, we also must intensify our efforts.
10:07 We can't fight the same way we used to fight. We have to
10:12 fight harder. We have to fight stronger. We have to fight smarter.
10:17 In this text, Paul gives us insight to the battle we're engaged
10:23 in and the weapons we have to use in the battle.
10:26 Now, I'm not gonna talk so much about the weapons,
10:27 'cause we've preached that before. But when I read this text,
10:30 the first word that seems to leap off the text of the Word for
10:34 me is "stand." Everybody say "stand." Aud.: Stand.
10:36 PB: Put on the whole armor of God that ye may be able
10:40 to withstand--to stand--against the wiles of the devil.
10:43 Notice the text doesn't say retreat. But also notice,
10:50 the text doesn't say advance. The text just says stand,
10:56 which means you don't have to go looking for the devil.
10:59 You don't have to go searching for the devil. You,
11:03 if you're determined to do God's will, if you're determined
11:05 to do God's work, if you're determined to be a worshipper
11:08 and witness for God, you don't have to go looking for the devil.
11:10 The devil will come looking for you. Are you hearing what I'm saying?
11:13 [Aud. reaction] PB: But guess what. When he finds you,
11:15 as Dmitry said, he ought to find a Bible-believing,
11:19 Jesus-loving, Holy Ghost-intoxicated, no scared standing
11:26 child of God. So the Bible tells us to stand. Hurricanes
11:32 are coming, but stand. Tornadoes are coming, but stand.
11:38 Earthquakes are coming, but stand. War is coming, but stand.
11:45 Racism has come, is coming, will continue to come,
11:49 but we gotta stand. [Aud. reaction]
11:51 PB: Let me tell you something. God's Spirit is being
11:55 withdrawn from this earth. [Aud. reaction]
11:57 PB: The Bible says God's Spirit will not always strive
12:00 with man. This is not a time to lay down your religion.
12:04 This is the time to stand and put on the whole armor of God.
12:08 [Aud. reaction] PB: So, older folk, we gotta stand.
12:11 Young folk, you've got to stand. It's the time to stand.
12:15 But then the second word that jumps out at me, two words
12:17 actually, that jump out at me in the text are "put on."
12:20 Everybody say "put on." Aud.: Put on.
12:22 PB: Now, the Greek word and the Greek context for "put on"
12:25 here is panoply, which means, put on and keep on.
12:32 Put on and keep on the armor of God. In other words,
12:40 don't take it off. Keep it on. If we're gonna fight the devil,
12:45 we can't take God's armor off. God has given us everything
12:47 we need to fight, we just gotta keep it on. Because He's
12:50 given us everything we need, we don't fight for victory,
12:53 we fight from victory. [Aud. reaction]
12:57 PB: In the text, Paul also, after he tells us to stand
13:02 and put on keep on, Paul tells us in the text and lets
13:05 us know who we're fighting. We're not fighting each other.
13:11 The person seated next to you is not your enemy.
13:17 We're fighting the devil. Put on the whole armor of God
13:22 that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
13:25 The enemy, friends, is the devil. Now, the "devil" means
13:30 slanderer and accuser, and anytime you get involved in
13:35 and slander, or you're falsely accusing folk, you're acting
13:39 like the devil. [Aud. reaction]
13:42 PB: All right, you don't like that. That's all right.
13:44 Anytime you get involved in slander or you false accuse folk,
13:51 you're acting like the devil. See, all of you don't like that.
13:57 Let me say it again a different way. Some of us, our biggest
14:02 problem is not drinking; it's not drugs. We talk about that
14:07 in church, but that's not our biggest problem. Some of us,
14:10 our biggest problem is not clubbing, not fornication.
14:13 But our biggest problem is our mouth. [Aud. reaction]
14:19 PB: We love to talk about drug abuse. We love to talk about
14:26 substance abuse. We love to talk about fornication. Look at her;
14:32 look at him. But what about slander? What about accusations?
14:40 What about goss--I know I'm preaching, 'cause when you get quiet,
14:43 I know I'm preaching. Preach, Pastor Byrd. [Aud. reaction]
14:44 PB: It's the little, subtle ways we engage in gossip,
14:51 and nobody is spiritual enough to say hold up. Let's pray for
14:57 the person. Because if you do that, that will kill the whole
15:00 conversation. Are you hearing what I'm saying? But too many
15:03 of us are acting like the devil. We spend too much time slandering
15:08 each other, and your neighbor is not the enemy. Paul says the
15:12 devil is the enemy. He's a liar, he's a slanderer, he's the
15:16 accuser of the brethren. I'm not your enemy. You're not my enemy.
15:20 We're not enemies, but you have to understand, the devil
15:24 will use people. [Aud. reaction]
15:26 PB: And if we're not spiritually mature enough, we'll get
15:28 in an argument with somebody and really, we're in a fight
15:31 with the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood,
15:34 but against principalities and powers, rulers of the darkness
15:37 of the world, spiritual wickedness in high places. Let me throw
15:40 this in quickly. That's why we need spiritual discernment.
15:43 [Aud. reaction] PB: Listen to me good. We need spiritual discernment.
15:46 Young people, you need spiritual discernment. Old people,
15:47 we need spiritual discernment. Because everything that happens
15:50 in your life is not the devil. [Aud. reaction]
15:54 PB: My tire is flat this morning. Satan flattened my tire.
16:01 [Aud. reaction] PB: No, he didn't. You rolled over a nail,
16:07 that's the devil--that's not the devil, that's a nail.
16:10 Are you hearing what I'm saying? Because when you get
16:13 to the point, the devil did this, the devil did that,
16:15 did that, you start getting spiritually paranoid.
16:19 The devil's on the phone--no he's not, that's your cousin.
16:22 [laughter] PB: That's not the devil. Don't become paranoid.
16:29 Balance religion with reason. Just because God protects me
16:35 doesn't mean I don't lock my house when I leave it.
16:37 I know some people have gone crazy because they were
16:40 so spiritually paranoid. Jesus didn't see a devil under
16:44 every branch, under every tree, in every book or in
16:47 every person. There are some folk who are just mean.
16:51 [Aud. reaction] PB: We're not talking satanic stuff.
16:57 We're talking mean. Saved and mean. [Aud. reaction]
17:02 PB: Sanctified and mean. [Aud. reaction]
17:07 PB: I'm doing the best I can, Sister. Amen.
17:10 [Aud. reaction] PB: That's why we need spiritual discernment,
17:14 because you can't keep crying wolf and blaming the
17:18 devil for everything. Sometime something happens to you,
17:21 when the devil then really does come, nobody's gonna
17:25 come to your rescue. [Aud. reaction]
17:28 PB: Satan is the enemy in the fight, not the person
17:29 seated next to you. Satan is the enemy.
17:31 But my last point is this--I told you I wasn't gonna be long.
17:33 We need energy for this fight against the devil.
17:41 We need some spiritual Gatorade for this fight
17:46 against the devil. Go back to verse number 10,
17:49 then I'm gonna sit down. I'm almost done.
17:51 It gives us some insight about spiritual energy.
17:54 We gotta know how to stand, we gotta know how to
17:56 put on our armor and keep on God's armor,
17:57 but we gotta know Satan is the enemy in the fight.
17:59 But let me tell you about the source of our energy
18:01 for this fight. Where do we get our energy to fight?
18:05 Where do we get our energy to fight off Satan?
18:09 Where do we get our energy to fight off depression?
18:12 Let me tell the young people that are hearing me in this,
18:14 in this place today. If you're ever depressed,
18:16 if you're ever down, before you do anything drastic,
18:20 I want you to come to that office. I don't care how
18:22 many people are lined up to see me, you come to that
18:25 office so I can tell you where you can get some
18:28 spiritual energy to fight off what the devil is trying
18:32 to put on you. Paul says, finally, brethren,
18:35 be strong in the Lord, in the power of His might.
18:40 The source of our energy is not within our selves.
18:45 That's good to know, but there are times because my
18:47 energy level runs low. But the Bible says, be strong
18:51 in the Lord, in the power of His might. That means,
18:56 we draw strength from the power of God's might.
19:00 Not our might, but His might. Not my will,
19:03 by Thy will be done. The word "might" means force,
19:07 it means strength, and the word "power" refers to God's
19:09 dominion and sovereign ability to exercise His power.
19:14 My power, your power, our power to fight the devil comes
19:18 from the Lord. We don't fight the devil in our own strength.
19:23 That's why so many people drop out and fall prey to the devil,
19:26 because you've been fighting the devil in your own strength.
19:28 But you will never defeat the devil by yourself. Paul says,
19:33 be strong in the Lord, in the power of His might.
19:37 But not only--and this is my last part--not only the
19:40 source of our energy, but also the scope of our energy.
19:44 Because when a believer's faith is in God, then God's
19:49 power becomes the power of that believer. [Aud. reaction]
19:54 PB: If we ever grasp that concept as a church,
19:59 that we are as strong in Whom we trust, we will revolutionize this world.
20:06 [Aud. reaction] PB: Let me try it this way. If you trust in yourself,
20:12 then you are as strong as you are. But when you trust in God,
20:20 you are as strong as He is. Somebody's still not getting it.
20:25 Let me try it this way. I can't fly. I know my last name is Byrd--
20:32 [laughter] PB: --but I can't fly. I tried it as a child.
20:38 My brother and I had bunkbeds. I was on the top bed,
20:40 he was on the bottom bed. I jumped off the bed telling him,
20:42 I can fly. I had the song written before R. Kelly,
20:45 "I Believe I Can Fly." Come on, say amen.
20:48 [Aud. reaction] PB: And I believed I could fly,
20:50 but I jumped and busted my head on the way down,
20:52 had four stitches on the side of my head.
20:54 I learned, you cannot fly. The law of gravity is real.
21:01 I can't fly! But when I put myself in an airplane and
21:07 I yield to the airplane's power, suddenly I have the
21:11 ability to soar 36,000 feet in the air.
21:15 I can't run 70 miles per hour, but when I get in my car
21:20 and yield to my car's power, I suddenly have the ability
21:24 to achieve speeds I could never achieve alone.
21:27 And when my faith is in God, when my faith is in His power,
21:33 then His strength becomes my strength. His power becomes my power.
21:39 That's why the Bible says in Ephesians chapter 3,
21:43 "Now unto him that is able to do exceeding, abundantly,
21:47 above all we could ever ask or think, according to the
21:51 power that works in us." "Greater is he that is in me than
21:58 he that is in the world." Any math teach at Oakwood,
22:01 the college or the academy, will tell you, if you have
22:03 a greater than, then you must have a less than.
22:06 [Aud. reaction] PB: So, whoever the greater is inside of you,
22:12 then he that is in the world is less than Who is inside you.
22:17 And the "greater than" is the Holy Ghost. Now, in the Bible-
22:22 -I'm about to take my seat--there are two types of power.
22:26 Everybody say "dunamis." Aud.: Dunamis.
22:29 PB: Come on, say "dunamis." Aud.: Dunamis.
22:30 PB: That's the miracle-working power.
22:32 Then there's exousia, which is authoritative power.
22:35 Now, exousia gives you the authority to use the dunamis.
22:40 [Aud. reaction] PB: You don't know what you have in you.
22:44 You don't know the strength you have in you.
22:47 You don't know the power that's inside of you.
22:51 The devil is not afraid of you. The devil is afraid
22:55 of Who's inside you. [Aud. reaction]
22:58 PB: You're sitting on a ton of dynamite.
23:02 If you would just realize what you have.
23:05 Let me tell you something. No Christian-
23:07 -I say it all the time--no Christian has ever
23:10 been demon possessed. Check your Bible on that.
23:14 No Christian has ever been demon possessed.
23:17 They may have been influenced, but not possessed.
23:19 Why? Because I'm already possessed by the Holy Ghost.
23:23 [Aud. reaction] PB: And the Holy Ghost and a demon
23:25 can't live inside of me at the same time! [Aud. reaction]
23:28 PB: So you're already possessed by the Holy Ghost.
23:32 What you're dealing with is demonic influence.
23:36 Don't you let anybody tell you you're demon possessed.
23:39 You're not. You're a child of God. Born of His Spirit,
23:44 washed in His blood. You're possessed by the Holy Ghost.
23:49 The devil may try to influence you. All you've got to
23:51 do is yield to the power of God. And so Jesus told His apostles,
23:56 disciples, in Mark 11, Jesus said, "Apostles, have faith in God."
24:01 And when I have faith in God, His power becomes my power.
24:05 His strength becomes my strength, which means I can
24:08 fight the devil, but I don't have to fight the devil
24:12 in my power. Because I'm operating not in my power,
24:15 but I'm operating in the power of God. I'm operating
24:19 in dunamis. I'm operating in exousia. I'm operating-
24:23 -which means I don't even have to wrestle with the devil.
24:26 All I gotta do is let the Lord fight my battles.
24:30 The reason we wrestle with these demons and these people
24:34 in the flesh is because the devil is trying to draw
24:36 some of us into a flesh fight. But in the name of Jesus,
24:40 under the power of the Holy Ghost, you'd better tell
24:44 those demons, look, you've got to go! I'm not fighting
24:48 with you anymore. I'm not wrestling with you anymore.
24:52 Just get out, you've got to go! I speak under the
24:57 authority of exousia power today; authoritative power.
25:02 You've got to go! Have faith in God, because unto
25:08 this mountain you can say, be thou removed.
25:13 It didn't say in the text anything about wrestling.
25:15 It didn't say anything about boxing. Jesus said to
25:20 the demons in the man in Mark chapter 5, "Come out!"
25:23 Jesus didn't wrestle with the man. Jesus didn't
25:27 box the man. Jesus said, come out of the man!
25:31 And if you have faith in God--I'm a witness to this today-
25:35 -when you speak to your mountain, when you tell your
25:39 mountain to be removed--and I've had some mountains
25:42 in my 23 years of pastoring--but when you look those
25:45 demons in the face and you tell those mountains to
25:49 be thou removed, Satan has to go. You tell the devil,
25:54 you and your satanic ways have to go. You can't call
25:57 me anymore, you gotta go. You can't email me anymore,
26:02 you gotta go. You can't snap-chat me anymore,
26:05 you've got to go! You can't Facebook or tweet
26:09 me anymore, you've got to go! Jesus did not
26:13 say climb the mountain. Jesus didn't say like the sun,
26:16 "I'm coming up the rough side of the mountain,"
26:18 Jesus never said that. That's not biblical.
26:20 Nowhere in the Bible does Jesus say climb the mountain.
26:24 Jesus said, speak to the mountain. Stop climbing the mountain.
26:31 Stop boxing the mountain. Stop wrestling the mountain.
26:35 Speak to the mountain. That's how you fight the mountain,
26:38 speak to the mountain. Use the authority you have.
26:43 Speak to the mountain! Use the power you've got.
26:47 Speak to the mountain! Be thou removed,
26:50 and cast it in the depths of the sea, for you
26:53 shall have whatever you ask and saith. If you
26:56 want healing, say it. If you want deliverance,
27:00 say it. If you want love, say it. If you want
27:04 financial breakthrough, say it. If you want financial
27:08 clearance, say it. If you want graduation, say it.
27:11 If you want a job, say it. If you want a sound mind,
27:16 say it. If you want salvation, say it. If you want Jesus, say it!
27:22 [Aud. reaction] PB: You don't know what you have,
27:27 you don't know who you are in God. If we would just
27:31 learn how to walk up to our situations and start talking.
27:34 [Aud. reaction] PB: If you just believe, all these
27:40 things are possible to those who believe.
27:47 So my question to you is this. I'm about to end.
27:50 As we engage in spiritual warfare, as it gets
27:53 more tough, more rough, children dying, racism at
28:02 an all-time high, can you believe. Now, everybody
28:11 in this church, everybody watching on the television
28:14 can believe. If Jesus had said, If thou can sing,
28:19 that would have eliminated some of us. If Jesus had said,
28:28 If thou can preach, that would have eliminated some of us.
28:35 But everybody in here can believe. [Aud. reaction]
28:40 PB: So today, if you're sick in your body,
28:45 you can believe that He can heal. [Aud. reaction]
28:51 PB: If you just believe, all things are possible.
28:59 Think about it y'all. I'm about to close,
29:01 but think about it. The first thing that the devil
29:04 did to Eve was to get her to doubt God's word.
29:09 But if you just believe this Word, things will
29:16 start happening. It's time to fight. Don't be scared,
29:23 it's time to fight. [Aud. reaction]
29:27 PB: It's time to fight the devil. It's time to fight.
29:32 Y'all know the story about me in Atlanta. I'm in Atlanta-
29:37 -talking about it's time to fight, y'all know this story-
29:40 -I'm in a rough part of the ATL. [Aud. reaction]
29:45 PB: Y'all think Pastor Byrd's totally white collar.
29:51 I was in a rough--let me, let me test the Atlantans.
29:54 I was, that's where I was, I was driving on Bankhead--
29:58 [Aud. reaction] PB: --There's a difference between Bankhead
30:02 and Buckhead. Andrew, you know that--there's a difference.
30:06 Down the street from where I used to pastor in Atlanta, Berean,
30:12 there was a street called Bankhead Highway.
30:14 That's why I have to watch Don and praise,
30:16 y'all made me a little nervous, I thought you
30:18 >: Thank you for joining us for another exciting
30:20 Breath of Life television broadcast.
30:21 Tune in next week at the same time, as
30:24 Dr. Byrd will deliver another dynamic message
30:26 from the Lord, just for you.
30:28 Until next time, may God bless you.
30:30 [END]


Revised 2017-08-31