Breath of Life

I'm Thankful

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Carlton P Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000566A

00:01 Breath of Life Ministries Presents:
00:05 Sermon B566 I'm Thankful
00:10 [Breath of Life theme music]
00:20 PB: Father in heaven, that's what we want,
00:21 Your Holy Spirit to fall down on us. So Lord,
00:29 as we open up Your Word we pray that we would
00:32 sense and feel, be impressed, by the power of
00:38 Your Holy Spirit. In the name of Jesus we pray,
00:42 asking You to forgive us of our sins. Amen and amen.
00:48 I want you to take your Bibles and turn to the
00:51 book of Habakkuk. Habakkuk. And I want you to go
01:03 to Habakkuk chapter 3, and we're going to verse number 17.
01:10 The Word of God says, "Although the fig tree shall
01:15 not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines;
01:19 the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields
01:22 shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off
01:25 from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls:
01:31 Yet"--somebody got it--"Yet I will rejoice in the LORD,
01:40 I will joy in the God of my salvation.
01:47 The LORD is my strength, and he will make my feet
01:53 like hinds' feet, and he will make me to walk upon
01:57 mine high places. To the chief singer on my
02:02 stringed instruments." I must confess,
02:06 I didn't know what to title this message.
02:08 I'm thankful. Don't stop rejoicing.
02:13 So, you can use whatever one of those you
02:17 want to use, but I'm going to preach on
02:19 Habakkuk 3 today. This text comes to us-
02:24 -and I heard some of you, when I said go
02:25 to Habakkuk, I heard somebody say "Habakkuk"?-
02:27 -comes from a section of the Bible known as
02:30 the Minor Prophets, an area of the Bible that
02:34 people rarely read. Habakkuk, you see,
02:38 is not popular like the Psalms. Habakkuk
02:41 is not known like the Gospels. Habakkuk
02:45 is not intriguing like Revelation.
02:49 But in this text, in this book, we have
02:54 a powerful expose that when you're feeling down,
02:59 when you're feeling discouraged, when you're
03:03 feeling depressed, I want to encourage you,
03:07 read these verses. Because after reading these
03:11 verses you'll have praise and worship all
03:13 by yourself. Habakkuk is in the sixth century B.C.,
03:19 just prior to Babylonian captivity. And in this
03:23 text there are three points of concerns that
03:27 Habakkuk has. Concern number 1: Habakkuk is
03:31 concerned about the unrighteousness and foolishness
03:34 in his community. Are you concerned about the unrighteousness,
03:39 the wickedness, and the foolishness in our community?
03:44 Jehoiakim, king of Judah, had led the people
03:46 back into idolatry and away from the Lord.
03:48 The people were engaged in apostasy in the
03:51 highest form. The nation was a hot mess.
03:56 Sin was rampant, idolatry was the norm,
04:01 times were tough. Habakkuk knew that when God's
04:05 judgment fell upon Judah, that it would also include him.
04:09 So he knew he would not be spared because he was
04:11 simply the prophet of God. Habakkuk knew times
04:15 were difficult. And just like it was in those days,
04:19 in these last days we know that times are going
04:23 to become more difficult. Are you hearing what I'm saying?
04:26 When the Bible says that in the last days men's hearts
04:30 will be failing for fear, this is literally what's
04:34 taking place right now. You're not safe in a hospital anymore.
04:39 As we found out yesterday, in the Bronx Hospital,
04:42 Lebanon Hospital. You're not safe in a car anymore.
04:48 You don't believe me? Ask Philando Castile.
04:51 You're not safe totally in a church.
04:55 Ask the family members of the Charleston
04:59 churchgoers who were killed by Dylan Roof.
05:01 You're not safe on a plane. You do remember 9/11.
05:06 You're not even safe in your home. You're not safe anywhere.
05:11 We're living in perilous times, times that this
05:14 world has never seen, and yet the worst is yet to come.
05:20 Concern number 2 of Habakkuk: Israel's internal
05:25 sins would be judged by an external entity.
05:29 In other words--listen to me--a nation that
05:32 never knew God would be used to judge a nation
05:35 that chose to forget God. God would choose and
05:40 would use a nation that was not His own,
05:45 from the people of God. Judgment would come
05:48 on Judah, on Israel, through the Chaldeans or
05:52 Babylonians. The Chaldeans would then invade Judah,
05:55 and the failure of crops would be due to this invasion.
06:00 The fig tree would not blossom. There would be no
06:02 fruit on the vine. Olive trees wouldn't produce olives.
06:07 Fields wouldn't yield any harvest. Even the cattle
06:11 and sheep would be lost. Concern number 3 of Habakkuk:
06:15 Habakkuk couldn't understand why God would use a
06:19 heathen nation like Babylon to punish His people.
06:24 Habakkuk couldn't understand. Lord, why don't You
06:28 just purge Israel's sins and draw Israel back to
06:32 Yourself and to righteousness. Habakkuk said,
06:35 how could God use a nation, worse than those whom
06:39 God was going to punish, to execute judgement?
06:42 He couldn't make sense of God's actions or lack thereof.
06:46 So Habakkuk has three concerns. Concerns between
06:49 his community; concerns between Israel and Babylonia;
06:53 concerns between himself and God. But the good
06:59 news today is, despite all of the idolatry,
07:02 despite all of the wickedness, despite all of
07:08 the fighting, despite all of the misunderstanding,
07:12 Habakkuk still says in verse number 18,
07:16 "Yet will I rejoice in the Lord.
07:22 I will joy in the God of my salvation."
07:25 I wish I had a witness in this place.
07:27 My question to you from Habakkuk is this:
07:30 can you still praise God when times are tough?
07:34 [Aud. reaction] PB: Can you still praise God
07:36 when people turn their backs on you? Can you
07:40 still praise God when the bottom falls out?
07:43 Can you praise God when you're going through it?
07:45 Everything bad that you can imagine was happening
07:48 to Habakkuk and the people of God,
07:50 but yet Habakkuk says, "Yet I will rejoice in the Lord."
07:57 Habakkuk has what I call a "yet faith."
07:59 Everybody say "yet faith." Aud.: Yet faith.
08:02 PB: A yet faith is a declaration that we're
08:04 willing to ride or die with God. It means that
08:08 no matter what people think, no matter what people say,
08:12 no matter what people do, we're sticking with God.
08:15 And so I don't know about you, but in the good
08:17 times I'm sticking with God. In the bad times,
08:20 I'm sticking with God. In the sad times,
08:23 I'm sticking with God. Come hell or high water,
08:26 I'm sticking with God. In cancer, I'm sticking with God.
08:31 Through divorce, you'd better stick with God. Bankrupt,
08:35 stick with God. Because when you stick with God,
08:38 it means that you may never be able to explain how
08:41 a yellow sun in a blue sky can grow green grass
08:45 that is eaten by a brown cow to produce white milk.
08:48 [Aud. reaction] PB: But know this:
08:52 I'm sticking with God. I love y'all,
08:55 but I'm sticking with God. God is my provider
08:59 and my sustainer. God is Jehovah-Jireh.
09:02 Let me tell you something. People say-
09:05 -can I just pause for a minute?-
09:06 -people change all the time.
09:08 People come and people go.
09:11 People are like the wind, you don't know
09:12 which way they're going to blow next.
09:14 Economic conditions change all the time.
09:17 One minute you can be up, next minute you
09:18 can be down. Economic conditions changed in Egypt.
09:21 Remember, there were seven years, four years
09:24 after the seven rich years. They changed for Job.
09:27 Job lost all of his family, all of his flock.
09:29 But after life's storms, Job's ladder was greater
09:32 than his past. They changed for Elijah.
09:34 Elijah was sustained by a river, with food from a raven.
09:38 But then the river dried up. Oh, but God.
09:41 God prepared a widow to provide for him.
09:44 Won't He do it? God is not like the stock market,
09:48 going up and down. God doesn't change. He says,
09:50 "I am the Lord! I change not." Today, I want to know:
09:54 do you have a yet faith? Are you like Abraham,
09:58 willing to offer your best as a sacrifice,
10:00 believing that God can restore, revive and
10:02 replace everything you give up?
10:05 Are you willing to trust God when you can't trace God?
10:08 Let's be honest. Can you trust a God who
10:11 allowed 9/11 attacks? Can you trust a God who
10:14 allowed Dylan Roof to open fire in a church
10:17 when people were praying? Can you trust a God
10:19 who allowed innocent people to be shot and
10:22 killed in the recent London terror attacks?
10:24 Can you trust a God who allows babies to be
10:28 born with birth defects? Can you trust a God
10:30 who allows the righteous to suffer and the
10:33 wicked to prosper? Can you trust a God who
10:36 allows earthquakes and hurricanes and raging
10:38 brush fires? Can you trust a God who allows
10:41 people to be abused? Can you trust a God
10:44 when you prayed and He didn't save your marriage?
10:46 [Aud. reaction] PB: Can you trust God when
10:50 He allowed your parents to die from cancer?
10:52 Can you trust God when He allowed your child
10:55 to get hooked on illicit drugs? Can you trust God,
10:59 a God who owns the cattle on a thousand hills,
11:01 but yet He allowed you to get laid off from your job?
11:05 Forget yet faith, do you have any faith?
11:08 [Aud. reaction] PB: Most of us would
11:10 probably respond, Lord, I believe,
11:12 but help my unbelief. But I'm so glad I
11:16 learned as a little boy, faith is the substance
11:19 of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen,
11:23 that without faith it is impossible to please God.
11:26 Which means, you've got to believe it even when
11:28 you can't see it. You see, I still believe God,
11:31 and I believe in a God who can do things I can't do;
11:35 who can move things I can't move; who can say
11:39 things I can't say. Habakkuk is going through it,
11:43 but through it all he says "Yet I will rejoice
11:49 in the Lord." And that's a word from Habakkuk today.
11:52 That's a word from Habakkuk today that tough
11:55 times don't last, but tough Christians do.
11:59 That when the going gets tough, the tough get going.
12:05 Tough times may come, but yet I will still
12:09 rejoice in the Lord. Now probably one of the reasons
12:13 why many of us cannot rejoice in the tough times
12:15 is because we have mistaken happiness for joy.
12:17 Happiness and joy are not the same thing.
12:21 We can be happy and not have joy. And we can
12:26 be joyful and not be happy. I wish I had a
12:28 witness in this place. But as Christians,
12:31 we can have joy even in the midst of unhappy circumstances.
12:37 Y'all don't hear what I'm saying. Happiness is external.
12:41 Joy is internal. Joy is something that is internal,
12:47 based on a revelation. It's not external like happiness.
12:52 Happiness is motivated by an external reality.
12:56 Happiness creates an internal response,
12:58 based don some external stimuli. But joy
13:02 is something internal, based on a revelation.
13:06 And so, when I know who my God is; when I know
13:10 what my God has done for me in my life,
13:13 it doesn't make a difference what happens
13:16 on the outside, but it's based on Who I
13:19 know and what I know on the inside.
13:22 Y'all don't hear what I'm saying.
13:24 You see, I've given this illustration before.
13:25 Let me try it one more time. When somebody
13:27 gives you flowers, you're happy.
13:30 When someone tells you you sang well, choir,
13:32 you're happy. When someone tells me I preached well,
13:35 I'm happy. When you're single and somebody
13:38 invites you out on a date, you're happy.
13:40 When somebody gives you money,
13:43 you're sho enough happy.
13:44 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
13:45 But there's a distinction between happiness
13:47 and joy. Joy is not based on the external,
13:51 but joy is based on the internal.
13:54 Because if nobody takes me out,
13:56 I'll take my own self out. I'll iron my
13:59 own shirt; I'll polish my own shoes;
14:01 I'll pat my own self on the back.
14:03 You've got to encourage yourself in the Lord.
14:05 It doesn't make a difference what the doctor says.
14:07 Doctor, I appreciate your prognosis,
14:09 but I know what the Word of God says.
14:11 The Word says "He was wounded for my transgressions,
14:14 bruised for my iniquities. The chastisement of
14:17 my peace was upon him, but by his stripes I am healed."
14:20 I've got a revelation on the inside.
14:23 The devil can have all he wants,
14:25 but he can't take my joy. My joy Is not
14:27 based on external stimuli; my joy is based
14:30 on the internal reality. My joy doesn't
14:32 depend on my circumstances. My joy depends
14:37 on an unchanging God. So, although the fig
14:42 tree won't blossom, although there is no
14:44 fruit on the vine, although there are no
14:47 olives on the olive tree, although there
14:50 are no herds in the stall, I will still rejoice.
14:55 Even in the midst of famine, even in the
14:58 midst of ruin, I will still rejoice.
15:01 You see, Habakkuk realized that inner
15:04 peace doesn't depend on outward prosperity.
15:07 Habakkuk's faith wasn't based on anything
15:12 in this world to begin with. Habakkuk's
15:15 faith was based solely on God, and that's
15:17 why he was able to rejoice; that's why he
15:19 was able to have joy. Habakkuk, in the text,
15:21 does not lash out in anger to God,
15:23 blaming God for the pains they were experiencing.
15:26 Habakkuk rejoiced. Paul says it best in
15:30 Philippians 4:4. He says to not just rejoice,
15:36 but Paul says "Rejoice always."
15:40 So don't rejoice some of the time.
15:42 Don't rejoice part of the time.
15:45 Rejoice all the time. Rejoice when things
15:49 are going well. Rejoice when things aren't
15:51 going well. Rejoice when the sun's shining.
15:52 Rejoice when the rain is falling.
15:53 Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I
15:56 say rejoice. And as long as God is on the throne,
15:59 I can rejoice. So, when you can't pay your bills,
16:04 rejoice. At least you're not one of your bill
16:08 collectors. Rejoice. [Aud. reaction]
16:09 PB: When you have piles of laundry stacked up
16:14 at your house, rejoice. At least you've got
16:17 clothes to wear. Rejoice. When your husband
16:20 complains that dinner is not on time, rejoice.
16:23 At least he's at home with you and not with
16:25 somebody else. Rejoice. When that person in
16:30 church is sitting behind you and they're loud,
16:32 and they sing off key, rejoice! Because that
16:37 means you can hear. Are you hearing what I'm saying?
16:39 Rejoice! Joy gives strength. Joy gives what, everybody?
16:44 Aud.: Strength. PB: Verse 19 closes and says,
16:47 "The Lord God is my strength." Once you realize
16:54 where your strength comes from, difficulties
16:57 can't drag you down. The Bible says the Lord
17:01 is the source of our joy and our strength.
17:06 I like how Nehemiah 18 puts it: "The joy of
17:08 the Lord is our strength." Our strength doesn't
17:13 come from steroids. Our strength doesn't come
17:18 solely from eating vegetables, even though that's good.
17:21 Our strength doesn't come from weightlifting
17:24 and pumping iron, even though that's good, too.
17:26 But muscles will eventually turn to flab.
17:29 But somebody knows that the joy of the Lord is my strength.
17:38 Let me tell you something--I'm almost done,
17:40 but let me tell you something--we have a choice.
17:41 Church, we have a choice. Either we can let our
17:45 troubles bring us down, or we can rejoice.
17:49 Let me say that again. Either we can let our
17:52 troubles bring us down, or we can rejoice.
17:56 Joy does not simply happen to us. We have
17:59 to choose joy and keep choosing it every day.
18:02 This is what we learn from Habakkuk.
18:04 Either we can rejoice and be thankful,
18:07 or we can complain and be critical.
18:10 All right, it's going to get quiet now. Ha ha!
18:14 I'm going to preach it anyhow! In the text,
18:18 Habakkuk has reason to fret and to question.
18:23 His people are wicked. His people will be invaded
18:27 by their enemies and their crops will be destroyed.
18:29 God, for whatever God's reason, is going to allow
18:33 His people to be punished by His enemy. Habakkuk
18:36 has reason to question. He has reason to fret.
18:40 But instead, he chooses to rejoice and be thankful.
18:47 Which means, you can either give thanks or complain.
18:51 The soul that gives thanks can find comfort in everything,
18:56 but the soul that complains finds comfort in nothing.
19:00 The truth is, all of us at some time or another-
19:03 -tell the truth, shame the devil--we've been complainers.
19:06 Come on, say amen. We've all been complainers.
19:09 We may have known it in a different term.
19:11 Some call it griping, grumbling, whining, bellyaching.
19:14 In the King James Version of the Bible,
19:16 the common term used for complaining is "murmuring."
19:18 Everybody say "murmuring." Aud.: Murmuring.
19:20 PB: Regardless of the word used to describe it,
19:22 complaining always has the same symptoms.
19:26 The dictionary defines it as an expression of unhappiness,
19:29 dissatisfaction, discontent. Complaining is the outward
19:34 expression of discontent from within. That's why hurt
19:37 people hurt people. I wish I had time. But complaining
19:41 has become a great pastime of our society.
19:45 We live in a complaining society. People gripe
19:47 about everything. Preschoolers complain:
19:50 I don't wanna take a nap. Children complain:
19:52 my teacher gives me too much homework.
19:54 Teenagers complain: you never let me do anything.
19:58 Mothers complain: how many times do I have to
20:00 tell you to make your bed? Daddies complain:
20:02 I work had all week, and then when I come
20:04 home you still expect me to cut the grass.
20:06 Employees complain about the company they work for.
20:09 Church members complain. [Aud. reaction]
20:11 PB: Churches do this; churches do that.
20:22 Complaining seems to be abnormal procedure these days.
20:27 Somebody once said that on the seventh day,
20:28 God rested; on the eighth day,
20:30 God started answering complaints.
20:32 [Aud. reaction] PB: There seems to be
20:37 very little thankfulness or gratitude today
20:38 among God's people but a whole lot of complaining.
20:41 Complaining is a part of our culture,
20:44 but then that's not anything new.
20:45 Who was the first complainer? Adam.
20:47 "The woman whom thou gavest me to be with
20:55 made me do it." Complaining is one of the
20:59 most prevalent sins among Christians.
21:01 To murmur, to grumble, to complain against
21:04 God is a sin. Complaining is a symptom of a
21:06 deep-seated spiritual problem. It's a failure
21:11 to trust God and a failure to be submissive to
21:14 God's providential provision in your life.
21:17 Habakkuk sees his nation floundering.
21:20 Their enemies are going to come in to get them.
21:23 He can't understand why God is doing this,
21:25 but yet he says, "I will rejoice in the Lord."
21:30 And friends of mine, let's be real. Why should
21:34 we complain when the Lord is our strength?
21:38 Why should we complain? One of the things I
21:42 love about the Lord is that God is able to sustain
21:44 you even when you come to the end of your strength.
21:48 God can take you to another level,
21:51 another level that you never expected,
21:53 because of His power and strength in you.
21:56 That's why Habakkuk, and that's what he experienced
22:01 when he began to tap into the strength of the Lord.
22:04 That's why he was able to say "The Lord God is my strength."
22:10 But church of the living God, can we learn how to act
22:15 like and live like the Lord is our strength?
22:20 Don't just say it; live it. Don't just talk about it;
22:24 walk it and talk it. Habakkuk says the Lord is
22:28 his strength, but then he closes this way.
22:31 I love it, in verse 19. "And he has made his
22:33 feet like hinds' feet, to make him walk
22:35 upon high places."
22:37 Now, notice as we close the text,
22:40 Habakkuk closes his text by using the metaphor
22:42 of hinds' feet, making a reference to a deer.
22:46 Habakkuk says God made his feet like hinds'
22:51 feet and made him walk on high places.
22:56 Now, what is Habakkuk talking about?
22:59 The strength God gives Habakkuk is like
23:03 the power found in the foot of a deer.
23:07 Y'all don't hear what I'm saying.
23:10 Just like a deer--if you've seen a deer-
23:12 -can move quickly through a dark forest,
23:14 Habakkuk could joyfully move through
23:17 difficult situations. Somebody's still not getting it,
23:20 let me try it this way. When deer travel through the woods,
23:24 they bounce right through the woods with no
23:27 trouble at all. But when we go through the woods,
23:31 we may get hung up on trees, we may slip and fall
23:36 on mountains, and we may even fall in a few areas
23:39 of the trail. Now the issue is not that the deer
23:42 has more power to walk than I do, but the difference
23:46 is in the feet of the ones going through the trail.
23:50 Y'all don't hear what I'm saying.
23:52 God designed deer feet to go through rough ground,
23:58 rough terrain, rough trails. Our feet weren't
24:03 designed to go through rough ground,
24:06 but the text says when we come to the Lord,
24:10 and when we come to God for strength,
24:14 and we begin to thank Him for His strength,
24:16 God begins to transform us. He transforms our feet-
24:21 -y'all don't hear what I'm saying-
24:23 -so that we can run through treacherous terrain
24:26 of life with ease and live in His power.
24:29 In other words, our feet are made like deer
24:32 feet so we can walk on high places.
24:35 Three things about hinds' feet: number one,
24:39 hinds' feet were prepared for steep climbs.
24:43 Everybody say "steep." Come on, say "steep."
24:45 When we trust the Lord, when we rejoice,
24:51 when we're thankful, God makes our feet like hinds' feet;
24:56 like deer feet. Then we have the ability to make steep climbs.
25:01 We have the ability to go higher. We have the
25:04 ability to see what other folk can't see.
25:07 Number two: deer feet, hinds' feet,
25:10 were created to be stable. Everybody say "stable."
25:13 Aud.: Stable. PB: So we said steep,
25:15 and now we're saying stable. Deer feet,
25:17 they can go through rough terrain and still be safe.
25:20 Some of us can't walk around here. Are you hearing
25:22 what I'm saying? Understand though, their feet are stable.
25:26 The world we live in is unstable, but God will
25:29 bless those who are stable. I'm stable because
25:32 God is able. I wish I had a witness in this place.
25:35 God will honor stability. God is allowing you
25:38 to go through what you're going through for His glory.
25:41 This is just a test for building up for you,
25:44 who you will become. So you'd better tell somebody,
25:48 the next time you see me I'll be at another altitude.
25:52 [Aud. reaction] PB: The next time--oh yes-
25:54 -the next time you see me, I'll be at another height.
25:57 But finally, number three: not only were hinds'
26:00 feet able to climb steep mountains, Not only were hinds'
26:05 feet able to be stable, hinds' feet were prepared
26:10 to be swift. Everybody say "swift."
26:13 Aud.: Swift. PB: Okay, so what God will
26:15 do when He makes our feet hinds' feet.
26:16 God makes us swift to overcome obstacles.
26:21 Now, with the deer, they are so fast,
26:25 one moment you can look up and they're there,
26:27 and the next minute they're gone. Does somebody
26:30 know what I'm talking about? Today,
26:32 there are some things that you are believing God for,
26:36 but God is about to do something swift.
26:40 God is about to do a swift turnaround for you.
26:45 God is about to change somebody's situation.
26:49 [Aud. reaction] PB: Somebody is sick,
26:51 but you're about to be healed. Somebody is broke,
26:54 but you're about to be blessed.
26:56 Somebody is drowning, but you're about
26:59 to be delivered. God is about to change
27:02 your situation, and God is going to do it swiftly.
27:06 It's amazing. People call 911, because what's
27:13 in their medicine cabinet is not good enough.
27:16 In other words, it's not doing the job alone.
27:20 Just like it's not enough to rely on ourselves.
27:23 If a person is going to come out of their situation,
27:27 it has to be God that brings them out.
27:31 Which means God is our 911. God is about
27:37 to change somebody's situation,
27:39 and we know that God can bring somebody else out,
27:42 God can bring me out, because it is no secret what
27:47 God can do. What He's done for others,
27:50 He'll do for you. And how we respond while
27:54 going through our situation says a lot.
27:57 I believe I've got a witness in this place
28:00 today that can testify like Job.
28:02 I know that my redeemer liveth, and shall
28:07 stand upon the latter day on this earth.
28:09 Though he slay me, yet will I trust in Him.
28:14 I don't know about you, but I need the Lord.
28:16 I need His strength. I need His power.
28:17 >: Thank you for joining us for another exciting
28:18 Breath of Life television broadcast.
28:20 Tune in next week at the same time,
28:22 as Dr. Byrd will deliver another
28:24 dynamic message from the Lord,
28:26 just for you. Until next time,
28:28 may God bless you. [END]


Revised 2017-07-11