Breath of Life

Be Free

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Carlton P. Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000565A

00:03 Breath Of Life Ministries Presents:
00:07 Sermon B565 "Be Free"
00:11 [Breath of Life Ministries theme music]
00:20 PB: John chapter 8, verse number 31. If you have it,
00:24 let me hear you say amen. "Then said Jesus to those Jews
00:28 which believed on him, If ye continue in my word,
00:33 then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth,
00:40 and the truth shall make you free. They answered him,
00:46 We be Abraham's seed, and were never in bondage to any man:
00:48 how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free? Jesus answered them,
00:55 Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin
01:00 is the servant of sin. And the servant abideth not in
01:05 the house for ever: but the Son"--and notice the capital S, Son-
01:10 -"abideth ever. If the Son therefore shall make you free,
01:17 ye shall be free indeed." Father, for the next couple of moments,
01:25 God, bless us now. You've done it so many times and I ask
01:30 that You do it one more time today. Speak through me.
01:33 May Your people hear Your voice. In Jesus' name. Amen.
01:38 "Be Free." Jesus begins this passage by telling us two things.
01:46 Number one, He tells us in verse number 31,
01:50 "If ye continue in my word"--and I'm going to need
01:54 you to stay in the Word today. Look at verse 31-
01:56 -"If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples."
02:02 If you continue in My word, then are ye my disciples,
02:04 which means discipleship is tied to your obedience
02:09 to the Word of God. All this talk about love,
02:12 and love is good, love is right. But friends of mine,
02:14 you've got to obey, too. Do I have a witness in this place?
02:18 You can't claim to be a disciple of Christ and not obey His Word.
02:24 So anybody's talking about they're a disciple but
02:27 they're disobeying God's Word, they're not a disciple.
02:29 Discipleship is related to obedience.
02:33 Number two. Jesus says in verse number 32,
02:37 a very familiar passage. "And ye shall know the"-
02:39 -what, everybody? Aud.: Truth.
02:41 PB: "And the truth shall make you"--what? Aud.: Free.
02:42 PB: Now, the opposite of the truth is a lie.
02:47 So then, if the truth sets you free,
02:51 then a lie is what keeps you bound.
02:55 And I don't know about you,
02:56 but I don't want to be bound.
02:58 Do I have a witness in this place?
03:00 The devil wants to keep you bound.
03:01 The devil wants you to believe a lie.
03:03 The devil wants you to believe a lie at
03:04 the expense of your freedom. Spiritually,
03:08 he wants you to believe a lie.
03:10 You don't have to follow the Word
03:11 of God to be free. That's a lie.
03:13 Socially, he wants you to believe a lie.
03:15 You don't have to have godly friends and associations.
03:18 That's a lie. Financially, he wants you to believe a lie.
03:22 You're not really in debt. Yeah, you have no
03:24 cash money but you can just keep charging it
03:26 on your credit card. That's a different kind of money.
03:29 That's a lie. Physically, he wants you to believe a lie.
03:33 You can still eat ice cream late at night and lose weight.
03:37 [laughter] PB: That's a sho-nuff lie. Are you hearing
03:41 what I'm saying? The devil is a lie and there is
03:46 no truth in him. But Jesus begins this passage by saying,
03:51 number one, that there is a relationship between
03:54 discipleship and obedience. And then He goes on
03:58 and says there's a relationship between obedience
04:02 and being set free. Which means every disciple is free,
04:09 but every church member isn't. Let me say that again.
04:14 Every disciple is free, but every church member isn't.
04:22 Church membership doesn't always mean true discipleship,
04:26 because there are a lot of people who have their
04:28 names on the church roll but they don't really
04:30 know what it means to be free in Jesus.
04:32 So what happens is, we come to church bound.
04:36 We come to church enslaved. We come to church
04:40 worried about what people think. We come to church
04:44 worried about what people will say. Am I good enough?
04:47 Do I dress nice enough? Did I say amen loud enough?
04:52 Should I not say amen at all? Should I clap?
04:56 Am I not supposed to clap? Was my song too loud?
05:00 Was my song too much? They come to church bound.
05:05 Church membership does not always mean discipleship.
05:12 Jesus teaches throughout the New Testament--Matthew 5,
05:15 Mark 9, Luke 14--that being a disciple is likened unto salt,
05:22 that you are the salt of the earth. You've heard me
05:25 use this metaphor before, because He wants us to know,
05:28 Jesus does, that salt is not only a pervasive seasoning,
05:32 but salt is also an important method of food preservation.
05:36 Salt, as you know, decays--or retards--the decaying process.
05:43 Put salt on any meat, real meat-- [Aud. reaction]
05:52 PB: Don't act like y'all don't know what I'm talking about.
05:55 [Aud. reaction] PB: I come visit you, knock on the door,
05:56 and I can hear a scurrying in the kitchen. "Put it up,
05:58 put it up, put it up! Pastor Byrd's here!"
06:01 [laughter] PB: Put salt on any meat, real meat,
06:07 veggie meat, fake meat, mock meat. Salt, however,
06:16 will penetrate that meat, preserve that meat,
06:21 purify that meat. The only reason the world doesn't
06:27 stink and spoil today is because you and I,
06:31 we are salt and we're in it. Jesus said,
06:35 Ye are the salt of the earth. But the reason it
06:40 seems that the world is decaying faster than
06:42 it's being preserved is because we've got too
06:44 many salt substitutes. [Aud. reaction]
06:46 PB: Looks like salt, tastes like salt,
06:52 but it's not salt. There are a lot of folk
06:56 that look like disciples, walk like disciples,
07:01 talk and teach like disciples, pray like disciples.
07:07 They can even praise like disciples. But they
07:11 aren't disciples because remember, the true test
07:13 of a disciple is, if you're salty then folk
07:16 around you ought to get thirsty. Thirst after
07:19 God's righteousness. Thirst after His truth and His Word.
07:23 So Jesus continues in John 8, "Verily, verily,
07:27 I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is
07:33 the servant of sin." Then in verse 35,
07:35 "The servant abideth not in the house for ever:
07:40 but the Son [capital S] abideth forever."
07:44 I like the way The Message Bible puts it.
07:46 It says it like this: "I tell you most solemnly
07:49 that anyone who chooses the life of sin is
07:50 trapped in a dead-end life and is in fact a slave."
07:55 A slave is transient, who can't come and go at will.
07:59 The Son, though, has an established position,
08:03 the run of the house. Now these two verses teach
08:08 us that there's a direct correlation between our
08:11 freedom and the way we live. Because the way you
08:14 live greatly impacts your ability to be free.
08:17 If you choose to live a sinful life, you're bound.
08:21 If you choose a sinful life, you're enslaved.
08:25 And anything that goes against God is sin.
08:29 There are no big sins and little sins. Sin is sin.
08:35 There is no hierarchy of sin. Sin is sin.
08:40 Anything that goes against God is sin.
08:44 The Bible says that all have sinned and come
08:46 short of the glory of God, so the person then
08:49 who gossips and keeps up mess is no better
08:51 than the drug addict. The person who talks about
08:55 people is no better than the person struggling
08:58 with a drug addiction that they're talking about.
09:00 Sin is sin. So then the Bible says this:
09:06 The wages of sin is what, everybody? Aud.: Death.
09:08 PB: So then, when you sin, something dies.
09:13 When Adam and Eve sinned, something began to die.
09:19 And so what the devil will try to do is,
09:21 he will try to kill you on the installment plan.
09:23 Because there is some stuff in your life that
09:27 you can't get back because sin killed it.
09:32 That's somebody right now. When you look back
09:35 over your life, and you look at how much stuff
09:38 you lost to sin, there are some things you
09:41 lost back in your early days because of sin.
09:44 And when you get caught up in sin, and then
09:47 you continue in sin, you become a servant of sin.
09:52 The Greek for the word servant is "dulos,"
09:54 which means a slave. So then in the text,
09:57 a servant is a slave, a slave to sin who obeys
10:01 a master. But rather than obey God, you obey sin.
10:05 Whosoever committeth sin is a servant of sin.
10:08 Whosoever committeth sin is a slave of sin.
10:10 But remember the text says that the servant,
10:12 or the slave, abideth not in the house forever.
10:15 Which means, a slave may abide with the family
10:18 for a time, but a slave is not a permanent member
10:21 of that family. A slave is transient.
10:24 A slave is trans-i-ent. Transitory. Temporary.
10:31 Now let me be clear and put a kickstand right here now,
10:33 because I don't want anyone to get
10:35 __ where I'm going with this.
10:36 God didn't call you to be a slave
10:38 then and God's not calling you to be a slave now.
10:40 Slavery is over. The slaves have been set free.
10:46 Don't let anybody make you their slave.
10:49 Slavery is done. And let me throw this in:
10:52 Don't let anybody tell you that Abraham Lincoln
10:54 or the Emancipation Proclamation of 1865 freed the slaves.
10:59 The Emancipation Proclamation did not free the slaves,
11:01 The Emancipation Proclamation preserved the union.
11:05 [Aud. reaction] PB: It did not free the slaves.
11:07 God freed the slaves. Get your history right.
11:12 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
11:14 [Aud. reaction] PB: But back in slave times,
11:16 slaves had to serve their masters. Slaves didn't
11:19 live in the big house. Slaves didn't live in the
11:22 master's house. Slaves lived in the out house.
11:26 A slave was not a member of the family.
11:28 A slave had no rights, no inheritance, no nothing.
11:31 The slave was property. The slave was owned,
11:34 but that ownership could have been passed on or
11:37 sold to somebody else. But no slave was
11:41 able to make another slave free.
11:44 But, the Son of the Father was a fully accredited,
11:51 permanent member of the family who participated
11:55 in the inheritance, had the right to set a slave free.
12:02 Now remember what the text says in verse 35.
12:04 "The servant abideth not in the house for ever:
12:08 but the Son [capital S-o-n] abideth ever."
12:14 So then while the slave is temporary,
12:18 the Son is permanent. No slave could free another slave.
12:25 I couldn't free you. I can't free you. But the owner's son,
12:31 the one with the inheritance, could make a slave free.
12:37 And because I was a slave to sin, because you were a
12:42 slave to sin 2,000 years ago, the Owner sent His Son, Jesus,
12:51 to save you and me from sin. And so now I'm free.
12:57 Now you're free. Now we're free, because of the blood.
13:02 And if the Son sets you free, you shall be free indeed.
13:09 The Son of God, Jesus, shedding His own blood,
13:13 has paid the purchase price for the slaves of sin and
13:16 now you and I, we are free. No longer bound.
13:21 No more chains holding me. I'm free. You're free.
13:28 Be free. So walk like it, talk like it, act like it,
13:38 pray like it, preach like it, sing like it,
13:46 worship like it. Who cares if folk look at you funny.
13:51 Be free. Who cares if folk talk about you.
13:55 Be free. Who cares if folk point at you. Be free.
14:01 I've had to tell people, you don't know my story.
14:03 You don't know the things I've been through.
14:06 I've been through too much not to worship Him.
14:09 If the Son sets you free, you shall be free indeed.
14:14 Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
14:18 Be free today, church, because you are free.
14:22 You've been washed in the blood. You're free
14:26 because of His blood. You're no longer bound
14:28 because of His blood. You're no longer a slave
14:31 to sin because of His blood. You're free!
14:36 You know the story I love to tell about little
14:38 Timmy and Susie, who one summer were staying at
14:41 their grandmother's house and grandfather's house,
14:43 on their farm. They were visiting them one summer-
14:46 -you know I love this story--and little Timmy,
14:47 he gets a little slingshot and he goes and
14:50 plays in the woods, and then little Timmy,
14:51 practicing in the woods with his slingshot,
14:53 he could never hit his target. Getting a little discouraged,
14:56 Timmy headed back to his grandparents' house for dinner.
14:59 As he's walking back to the house, he sees his
15:02 grandma's pet duck. Out of impulse, Timmy sees that duck,
15:11 pulls that slingshot back and Ooh! lets it go and fly.
15:13 He hits the duck square in the head and kills it.
15:17 Timmy's sad. In a panic. Timmy hides the little
15:23 duck in a woodpile, because you always know sin
15:26 must have a covering. You try to cover it up.
15:30 I wish I had a witness in this place.
15:32 Timmy hides the duck in the woodpile,
15:35 but all the while he sees his sister Susie watching.
15:40 Susie has seen it all. But Susie says nothing.
15:44 After lunch that day, Grandma said, Susie,
15:48 let's wash the dishes. Susie said, "But Grandma,
15:55 Timmy told me that he wants to wash the dishes."
16:02 [laughter] PB: Susie then whispers to Timmy,
16:05 “Remember the duck.” [laughter]
16:09 PB: So, Timmy washes the dishes. Later that day,
16:14 later that evening, Grandpa asked the children,
16:18 "Look, do you want to go fishing? Let's go fishing!
16:21 Come on, Timmy, go with Grandpa. Let's go fishing."
16:23 Grandma said, "I'm sorry, Timmy can go but Susie can't go.
16:27 Susie must stay here at the house and help me make dinner."
16:31 Susie just smiled. "Well, that's all right, Grandma,
16:36 because Timmy told me that he wanted to help.
16:40 He can stay and do the dishes. I'll go with Grandpa."
16:46 She leans over to Timmy. "Remember the duck."
16:52 Susie goes fishing, Timmy stays at the home to
16:54 help make dinner. After several days of Timmy
16:57 doing both his chores and his sister Susie's chores,
16:59 he can't stand it anymore. He comes to his Grandma.
17:03 "Grandma, Grandma, Grandma, I confess. I killed the duck"
17:09 Timmy's grandma knelt down. She gives him a big hug.
17:16 She says, "Sweetheart, I know." She said,
17:24 "I was standing at the window, and I saw the entire thing.
17:31 But because I love you, I forgave you.
17:35 I was just wondering how long you would let Susie
17:41 make a slave out of you." [Aud. reaction]
17:45 PB: And I just stopped by to remind somebody that
17:49 whatever is in your past, whatever you had done back then,
17:53 and whatever the devil keeps throwing up in your face,
17:57 lying and cheating and bad habits, hatred,
18:00 anger, envy, promiscuity--whatev er it is.
18:04 Somebody needs to know on Communion Sabbath
18:07 that God was standing at the window,
18:11 and God saw the whole thing. [Aud. reaction]
18:15 PB: In fact, God has seen your entire life.
18:18 But God wants you to know that He loves ya,
18:21 and you're already forgiven. He just wants to
18:24 know how long you're going to let the
18:25 devil make a slave out of you. [Aud. reaction]
18:28 PB: And I don't know about you, but I refuse
18:30 to let the devil make a slave out of me.
18:33 I refuse to let the devil make fun of me.
18:36 I refuse to let the devil make sport of me.
18:39 Jesus died for me. Jesus hung for me.
18:43 Jesus bled for me. Jesus was crucified for me.
18:48 But Jesus also got up for me. Devil,
18:52 you didn't create me, God did. Devil,
18:55 you didn't make me, God did. Devil,
18:57 you didn't die for me, God did.
18:59 And devil, you can't save me. God can!
19:04 If the Son sets you free, you shall be free indeed.
19:09 So today, do you want to be free? Do you want
19:12 to be liberated? Do you want to be emancipated today?
19:15 Do you want to be made whole today?
19:17 Some of you don't realize, we're caught up
19:19 in the devil's penitentiary. Caught up.
19:22 We're on sinner life sentence. We're just
19:26 so used to living that way, we've just resigned
19:28 our spirit that I'll always be this way and
19:32 there's nothing that's going to change me.
19:34 But let me tell you something today.
19:36 To somebody. You are serving a life sentence
19:38 you don't have to serve. It's time for you to
19:41 break out of Satan's jail. The blood of Jesus
19:45 makes you free. So you need to tell the devil,
19:48 Devil, you played me for the last time.
19:51 You've tricked me for the last time.
19:55 You've made a fool of me for the last time.
20:00 If the Son sets you free, you shall be free indeed.
20:07 So we've got Independence Day but we can
20:09 start the fireworks now. [Aud. reaction]
20:11 PB: Bring out the party favors now.
20:14 Bring out the barbecue tofu now.
20:17 Tell the devil, I'm not going back to that
20:21 earthly hell that you had me bound up in.
20:23 But because of the blood, I'm wrapped up,
20:27 tied up, tangled up, in Jesus. He's all I-
20:35 -start the fireworks now, I'm free!
20:38 He went to Calvary to save a wretch like me.
20:41 I'm free! And one day soon Jesus is going
20:47 to come back. All He asks is that we live for Him.
20:51 He already died for us. Lift up the trumpet.
20:55 Loud let it ring. Jesus is coming again. I'm free.
21:06 You're free. The Son has set you--Jesus is
21:16 coming again. Act like it. You're not in bondage,
21:24 you're not enslaved. Act like it.
21:30 Discipleship, obedience. Obedience, freedom.
21:38 Today, if you don't do it any other Sabbath,
21:42 be free today. [applause]
21:50 [music]
22:02 Lift up the trumpet, and loud let it ring:
22:09 Jesus is coming again!
22:16 Cheer up, ye pilgrims, be joyful and sing:
22:28 Jesus is coming again!
22:36 Echo it, hilltops; proclaim it, ye plains:
22:46 Jesus is coming again!
22:55 Coming in glory, the Lamb that was slain;
23:04 Jesus is coming again!
23:13 __ oceans, each mighty wave;
23:22 Jesus is coming again.
23:31 __ the store that he laid;
23:40 Jesus is coming again.
23:50 Coming again; coming again.
23:58 Jesus is coming again.
24:07 __ the store that he laid;
24:16 Jesus is coming again.
24:25 Heavings of earth, tell the vast, wondering throng:
24:35 Jesus is coming again!
24:44 Tempests and whirlwinds, the anthem prolong;
24:53 Jesus is coming again!
25:11 Jesus is coming again! Coming again!
25:22 Coming again! Again!
25:56 >: For I received from the Lord that which I
26:00 also delivered to you, that the Lord Jesus on the
26:03 same night in which He was betrayed took bread,
26:06 and when He had given thanks, He broke it and said,
26:09 "Take, eat. This is My body which is broken for you.
26:13 Do this in remembrance of Me."
26:17 In the same manner he also took the cup after supper, saying,
26:22 "This cup is the New Covenant in My blood.
26:25 This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.
26:31 For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup,
26:35 you proclaim the Lord's death till He comes."
26:39 >: As far as possible, we invite you to kneel
26:46 before the Lord our God. Our Father, which art in heaven,
27:03 we are thankful indeed for the joy that You have placed
27:08 in our hearts today, the message of hope that reminds
27:13 us that we are free, and we are free in Jesus Christ.
27:18 We are thankful for this service that reminds us,
27:22 dear Father, that You have not left us alone,
27:26 but through the Communion emblems, You have
27:31 given us the symbol of Your presence.
27:34 Your servant has reminded us that Christ,
27:38 while He does not participate, His presence is here.
27:44 And we acknowledge, dear Father, that He indeed
27:50 is here today. We are thankful, thankful indeed
27:56 that You have allowed each one of us to come
27:58 to the table once more. From the last time
28:02 that we were here, there are many that have
28:04 been laid to rest, but You have kept us here,
28:09 and we are here to worship You in this service.
28:14 We invite Your Holy Spirit --
28:17 >: Thank you for joining us for another
28:19 exciting Breath of Life television broadcast.
28:22 Tune in next week at the same time,
28:24 as Dr. Byrd will deliver another dynamic message
28:26 from the Lord, just for you.
28:29 Until next time, may God bless you.
28:31 [END]


Revised 2017-07-03