Participants: Carlton P. Byrd
Series Code: BOL
Program Code: BOL000558A
00:02 B558 Breath of Life - My Body Temple
00:09 (BREATH OF LIFE THEME MUSIC) 00:20 Pastor Byrd: Let's pray. God, we thank you tonight for 00:22 allowing us to come into your house. That once again 00:25 we can fellowship and we can study your Word and we can 00:28 be inspired to be better people, better Christians, 00:31 better men, women, boys, and girls for Thee. So, God, 00:33 disappoint us not, hide me behind your cross, 00:35 forgive us of our sins, and make your Spirit permeate 00:38 this place that when we leave here tonight we'll be able to say, 00:41 whatever God you is that you want me to do, I'm going to do. 00:44 Wherever you want me to go, I'm gonna go. I'm going to be 00:46 just as you would have me to be. We love you and we thank you, 00:50 in Jesus' name we pray, let everyone say Amen. 00:53 Aud: Amen. PB: And Amen. We've been having a good time 00:56 here in the Word of God. Can you say Amen? Aud: Amen. 00:57 PB: But you know, as we're coming down to the end 01:00 of this week and the end of this, uh, revival, 01:02 we want to remind you that God has called not 01:04 just to be hearers of the world, but we've got 01:09 to be doers of the world. It's one thing for 01:12 us to come here and clap our hands, stomp our feet, 01:13 and shout and then go live any kind of way. 01:15 God is calling us to be just not hearers, but what, everybody? 01:20 Aud: Doers. PB: Doers of His Word. Now, 01:25 we got a problem tonight. And they say, Pastor, 01:28 what's the problem? We got a problem that's common 01:32 to all of us. All right. Common to all of us because 01:37 even Pastor Byrd is afflicted by this problem. Okay. 01:42 Now this problem is not stealing, this problem is 01:49 not cheating, this problems is not adultery. Aud: Right. 01:56 PB: The problem is not fornicating. It's not gossiping. 02:02 It's not drugs. But tonight we've got a problem. 02:09 All of us are afflicted by this problem. 02:13 Well, somebody will say, well, Pastor, 02:17 what is the problem? It's called overeating. 02:20 Oh, you all say Amen on the other stuff, 02:24 you all don't say Amen on that. Eating what 02:26 we don't need, eating what we're not supposed to eat, 02:31 some have called it gluttony. Everybody say gluttony. 02:36 Aud: Gluttony. PB: It's quiet in the church house tonight. 02:39 The Bible says, however, whether therefore ye eat, 02:44 or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the 02:49 glory of whom, everybody? Aud: God. 02:51 PB: That's what First Corinthians, verse 31 says. 02:53 But let me illustrate our problem. 02:57 The story is told of a young preacher who was 03:00 the model of health and fitness. This preacher 03:03 was the specimen of good health. He ran every day, 03:07 he exercised every day, he was clearly in good shape, 03:10 but he had not always been in good shape. 03:13 He said that a few years earlier, he and his 03:18 father had been very much overweight. 03:22 Between the hectic schedule the preacher had of pastoring, 03:25 the hectic schedule of going to school while he was 03:28 pastoring early in his life, he was engaging in a 03:32 couch-potato lifestyle, and had a regular diet of 03:38 convenient fast foods. Does anybody know what 03:41 I'm talking about? I'm preaching to myself now. 03:44 One day, he's in the hospital with his father, 03:48 because his father had had a heart attack. 03:50 His father was hanging onto this life in intensive 03:53 care at the local hospital, and the young preacher 03:55 sat beside his father and he cried and he prayed, 04:00 Lord, heal my dad, please. Heal my father. 04:03 The doctor, the cardiologist, came in and spoke 04:06 to him and he said that the young preacher's father's 04:09 diet and subsequent weight gain had put a 04:13 significant strain on his heart, leading to the 04:16 father's heart attack. The doctor told the young 04:20 preacher that he was heading down the same road. 04:25 The young preacher acknowledged to the doctor, 04:28 he said, yeah, Mr. Doctor, I got an eating problem. 04:32 The doctor said, no, sir, you don't have an eating problem, 04:36 you have a sin problem. The doctor's response changed 04:42 the young preacher's life, and the young preacher said 04:45 he realized at that moment that he had been minimizing 04:48 his poor stewardship of his temple for years and that he 04:51 needed somebody to call it just like it was. Sin. 04:57 Because First Corinthians, 10:31 says, 05:00 whether therefore ye eat or drink or whatsoever you do, 05:06 do all to the glory of God. Now, we don't like to preach 05:10 about it much, but you see friends, it takes your 05:13 everything to serve Lord. Overeating and gluttony 05:17 are one of those sins that we assume other people are 05:22 guilty of and not us. It's one of those deceptive sins 05:27 because it's always easy to find somebody else in worse 05:30 physical condition than we are and so we assume we don't 05:34 have a problem in this area. Now, while it might not 05:38 be a sin you or I, that we commit on a regular basis, 05:41 is a sin that many of us have committed in the past. 05:45 Because in a world of sugary soft drinks, in a world 05:51 of super-size burgers, in a world of all-you-can-eat buffets, 05:58 it may be a sin we commit this week. Don't act like you 06:04 don't know what I'm talking about. It may be a sin some 06:07 of you commit tonight. Some of us literally keep Golden Corral 06:11 in business. Do I have a witness in this place? 06:14 What is overeating? What is gluttony? 06:18 Somebody say a glutton, a glutton is the person 06:21 who takes the piece of pastry you wanted. 06:24 One definition of gluttony is, one habitually 06:28 given to greedy and voracious eating. 06:31 To be voracious means to eat exceeding eager. 06:35 You eat so eager you just eat everything. 06:37 What takes somebody 20 minutes to eat, 06:39 you can do it in two minutes. 06:40 Are you hearing what I'm saying? 06:42 You eat everything in sight. 06:45 My wife and I had a guest, I will 06:47 leave the person's name out because 06:49 some of you all know him, we had him 06:50 over to our home for dinner, and we said, 06:51 do you have a special diet, the person said yes. 06:54 I have a see food diet. I eat everything I see. 06:58 Are you hearing what I'm saying? And while we 07:01 may not be habitual gluttons, it is a sin we 07:05 have a problem with. Now, somebody even said 07:08 that America's favorite four words are, 07:12 let's order take out. Face it, we love to eat. 07:18 Let me say it again. We love to eat. We love 07:26 to fellowship around the dinner table. 07:29 Collard greens, cornbread, and a lot of it, we love it. 07:36 Even in the church, I've learned as a pastor, 07:39 if you want people to come to a meeting, 07:41 have food for them. I guarantee you, 07:44 if we were serving food tonight, collard greens, 07:47 cornbread, macaroni and cheese, fried chicken, 07:51 and we told Huntsville it'd be free, this church 07:54 would be packed full of people. You want people 07:57 to come to church? Feed ‘em. 07:59 Are you hearing what I'm saying. (Applause) 08:01 PB: Well, somebody saying to me, well, Pastor, 08:03 it is true that if you don't eat, you die. 08:08 But in America we have exaggerated and distorted 08:13 the importance of food. What do I mean? 08:16 Only in America will a company spend five 08:19 billion dollars to advertise pizza for 30 08:23 seconds during the middle of a football game. 08:25 We've got a problem. Childhood obesity is 08:28 out of control. Heart disease is out of control. 08:32 Health-care costs are out of control. 08:36 In fact, let's be honest, that's the biggest 08:38 issue in this country right now. Health care. 08:42 Health care has been, dominated the headlines 08:45 this past week. Health care. Obamacare. 08:49 Fighting on Capitol Hill about health care. 08:53 These days everybody is talking about health. 08:56 These days everybody wants to live. 09:00 Nobody wants to die. So, what do people say 09:02 we ought to do? Exercise. People are more 09:05 concerned about their health than ever before. 09:07 Fitness rooms are everywhere. People exercise. 09:10 People are now going to the grocery store, Walmart, 09:12 and Publix, and they're looking at labels. 09:16 Forty million people belong to 26,000 health 09:19 clubs here in the United States. 09:21 Nothing in recent years seems to have improved the 09:23 health of people as much as the increasing cost 09:26 of being sick. But by the time most of us discover 09:29 that good health is everything, we've lost it. 09:33 We suffer not from poor health, many of us, 09:37 not because of what we eat, but because of what 09:40 is eating us. So, let me give you some counsel. 09:44 The only way to good health is to eat what you don't like, 09:48 drink what you don't want, and do what you'd rather not do. 09:52 Now, any doctor is going to tell you that, 09:55 but save your money, save your co-pay, and go 09:59 to the Word of God. Are you hearing what I'm saying? 10:01 The Bible has everything that you need regarding your health. 10:08 Let me say that one more time. The Bible has everything 10:11 you need regarding your health. You will remember that 10:18 Jesus' ministry, He did more healing than preaching. 10:22 Jesus did healing, He did preaching, and He did teaching, 10:27 but He did more healing than preaching because healing 10:31 was a big part of His ministry. It wasn't just preaching, 10:34 it wasn't just teaching, but Jesus healed every kind of disease, 10:37 every kind of illness known to man. Physical, He healed it. 10:42 Social, He healed it. Economic, He healed it. Emotional, 10:48 He healed it. Mental, He healed it. Spiritual, 10:53 He healed it. You name it, Doctor Jesus healed it. 10:58 You don't believe me? One minute He's a podiatrist. 11:02 The lame are walking again. The next minute He was an ear, 11:07 nose, and throat specialist. The dumb are talking again. 11:11 One minute He's an audiologist, the deaf are made to hear. 11:15 But the next minute, He's a hematologist. You do remember 11:18 the woman with the issue of blood. One minute He's an 11:21 ophthalmologist, the blind are made to see. But the next 11:25 minute He's a cardiologist, He's fixing broken hearts. 11:29 One minute He's a dermatologist. Lepers are being healed. 11:33 But the next minute He's a gynecologist. He's giving new life. 11:37 One minute He's a psychiatrist. He's fixing deranged minds. 11:41 But the next minute He's an anesthesiologist. 11:45 He's healing and easing the pains of life because all 11:49 amount of sickness and disease were healed by Jesus. 11:53 And because Jesus created us, Jesus knows what's best for us. 11:59 Let me say that one more time. Because Jesus created us, 12:04 He knows what's best for us. Understand, it's not just the 12:10 Second Coming. It's not just the Millennium. It's not just 12:14 the state of the dead. It's not just the Sabbath, but it's 12:18 also how you live every day. God is concerned about what we 12:25 eat and how much we eat because gluttony spoils our 12:28 appetite for Him. What am I trying to say? We can't 12:34 do God's work, sick. Let me say that one more time. 12:40 You all not getting this tonight. We can't do God's work, sick. 12:47 So, whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, 12:55 do all to the glory of God. Now, I recognize after this 13:01 sermon some of you all are not going to like me. 13:03 Because I'm going to change some of your dinner plans. 13:05 Do I have a witness in this place? But I'm going to 13:08 preach it anyhow, because I've got to cry a lot and 13:10 spare not. Do I have a witness in this place? 13:13 Now, our bodies. Everybody say our bodies. 13:16 Aud: Our bodies. PB: Say it like you mean it. 13:17 Say our bodies. Aud: Our bodies. 13:19 PB: They are God's temples. Aud: Yeah. 13:22 PB: Are you hearing what I'm saying? 13:23 I am not my own. I've been bought with a price. 13:28 I'm not, I am God's temple. Are you hearing what 13:32 I'm saying, everybody? What do I mean? 13:33 Go with me to the Book of First Corinthians. 13:35 What book, everybody? Aud: First Corinthians. 13:36 PB: And let's go to First Corinthians Chapter six. 13:38 And we're going to First Corinthians Chapter six and 13:40 we're going to 19. First Corinthians Chapter six and 13:42 we're going to verse number 19. The Word of God says 13:45 to us in First Corinthians Chapter six, verse number 19, 13:49 First Corinthians six, verse number 19, 13:51 the Word of God says, What? Know ye not that your 13:54 body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, 13:56 which ye have of God and ye are not your own for ye 13:59 are bought with a what, everybody? Aud: Price 14:01 PB: Therefore bought by God in your body and in 14:04 your spirit which are God's. So that means I can't 14:07 let anybody do any and everything to me in my body, 14:10 because my body's God's temple. That means I can't 14:12 let any and everything in my body, because my body 14:15 is God's temple. Are you hearing what I'm saying? 14:17 Now those who disobey God's laws of health will 14:25 be destroyed. Go to First Corinthians 3, verse number 16. 14:33 First Corinthian 3, verse number 16. The Word of God says, 14:39 know ye not that ye are the temple of whom? God. 14:42 And that the spirit of God dwelleth in you. 14:46 If any man defiles the temple of God, 14:49 him shall God do what, everybody? 14:51 Come on, him shall God do what, everybody? 14:54 Aud: Destroy. PB: For the temple of God is what? 14:56 Aud: Holy. PB: It's holy. Which temple you are. 14:58 Let's stop there. The temple of God, the Bible says, 15:00 is holy. Now, we have talked about the Sabbath and we said, 15:03 remember the Sabbath day to keep it what, everybody? Holy. 15:05 The Sabbath is different from any other day because God 15:08 blessed it and God sanctified it and the Sabbath is holy. 15:12 And just like the Sabbath is holy, the Bible says your 15:17 body temple is holy. You have been set aside. You have 15:22 been set apart. Your body is God's temple, so you got 15:27 to watch what you do with God's temple. Uh, what do you mean, 15:33 Pastor Byrd? Well, let's on and bowl down somebody's 15:35 alley right now. Our bodies are God's temples, 15:39 so because my body is God's temple, I can't be 15:41 drinking all that wine. Everybody say what? Beer. 15:46 Whiskey. You, you do know what that is? That's a 32 ounce. 15:52 Alcohol kills 3.3 million people worldwide each year. 15:58 According to the World Health Organization, including 16:00 drunk driving, alcohol-induced abuse and violence and 16:04 a multitude of diseases and disorders, alcohol causes 16:07 1 in 20 deaths globally each year. Alcohol is responsible 16:12 for one death every 10 seconds. It is linked to more than 16:19 200 health conditions, including cirrhosis of the liver 16:23 and some cancers. Alcohol abuse also makes people more 16:27 susceptible to other infectious diseases. Tuberculosis, 16:31 that's TB, HIV, pneumonia, the report found. So, in other words, 16:36 leave alcohol alone. Leave wine alone. Leave beer alone. 16:46 Leave that wine cooler alone. Leave whiskey alone. 16:52 Somebody say, well, what kind of drink? Drink water, 16:54 come on, say Amen. The Word of God says leave it 16:59 alone and I'm telling you, we are to follow the Word of God 17:02 and leave it alone. If you don't believe me, take your Bibles, 17:05 let's see what the Word says. Let me give you some Old 17:07 and New Testament. Go to the Book of Proverbs. 17:09 What book, everybody? Come one, what book, everybody? 17:11 Aud: Proverbs. PB: Proverbs, Chapter 20, verse number one. 17:14 Proverbs, Chapter 20, and verse number one. You got to 17:18 leave it alone. You got to leave it alone. 17:20 Your body is God's temple. The Bible says, Proverbs, 17:22 Chapter 20, verse 1, wine is a mocker. Wine is a what, everybody? 17:26 Strong drink is what? And whosoever is deceived their 17:29 body is not what, everybody? Is not what? Wine is the mocker. 17:33 That's what the Bible says. You got to leave it alone. 17:35 And someone say that's Old Testament. Let me give you some 17:38 New Testament. Go to the Book of Galatians. What book, everybody? 17:43 Aud: Galatians. PB: Come on, let's get some Word. 17:45 Know what you believe, know why you believe it, where it's found. 17:47 Galatians Chapter 5 and we're going to Galatians 17:50 Chapter 5 and we're going to verse number 19. Galatians Chapter 5, 17:53 verse number 19. Galatians Chapter 5, verse number 19. 17:58 The Word of God says in Galatians Chapter 5, verse 19, 18:01 if you have it, let me hear you say Amen. Aud: Amen. 18:03 PB: Now the works of the flesh are manifest which are these, 18:06 adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, 18:16 witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, 18:21 seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness. 18:25 Lord have mercy. Revellings, and such like of the which 18:32 I tell you before, as I have told you in time past, 18:34 that they which do such things shall not inherit the 18:41 kingdom of God. Now, I don't know about you, 18:44 but I'm trying to go to heaven. 18:45 PB: I said, I don't know about you, 18:46 but I'm trying to go to heaven. 18:48 I'm trying to get up out of this place. 18:49 This is not my final home. Earth is temporary. 18:52 Are you hearing what I'm saying? But God says, 18:54 those that participate in these things will not 18:57 inherit the kingdom of God, and so because I ain't 19:00 going to hell for anybody, I'm leaving this stuff alone. 19:03 Do I have a witness in this place? I'm trying 19:05 to help somebody. Trying to save you some money. 19:08 You be surprised what you save in your money drinking 19:10 water instead of this other stuff. 19:12 Let's, let's try this. Everybody repeat after me. 19:15 Say this is my body. Aud: This is my body. 19:17 PB: Come on, say it like you mean it. This is my body. 19:19 Aud: This is my body. PB: God's holy temple. 19:20 Aud: God's holy temple. PB: I've been bought with a price. 19:23 Aud: I've been bought with a price. PB: And I glorify Him. 19:26 Aud. And I glorify Him. PB: Now to doubt you can 19:28 give up the bottle is to doubt the power of God. 19:31 Paul is very clear that I can do all things through 19:35 Christ which strengtheneth me. So, if whatever I 19:38 put my mind to, if I'm under the auspices of the Holy Ghost, 19:42 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. 19:46 Come on, say Amen. Aud: Amen. PB: Leave the bottle alone. 19:48 Now, what else do you got to leave alone? 19:50 You're not going to like this, but I'm going to 19:51 say it anyhow, because your body is God's temple. 19:53 You got to get off and stay off tobacco. 19:58 Come on, say Amen. That's cigarettes. 20:03 Come on, say Amen. Tobacco, marijuana. 20:09 And I say what's marijuana? Weed. 20:12 I don't care if the government legalized it 20:16 in some states, it's still wrong. Do you hear what I'm saying? 20:18 (Applause) PB: Any doctor will tell you and I'm 20:21 trying to help somebody tonight. Marlboro box, 20:26 Marlboro soft pack, Lucky Strikes. Winstons. 20:34 Newports. Carltons. You got to get off ‘em. 20:43 A person pays twice for his cigarettes. 20:48 Once when he gets them and second when they get him. 20:52 Lung cancer is, I'm going to preach, Pastor Byrd, 20:56 I'm doing the best I can, so no cancer. Cancer of the mouth, 21:00 out of control. If the surgeon general tells you to 21:03 leave it alone, how much more so is God trying to 21:05 tell you to leave it alone. Do I have a witness in this place? 21:08 Repeat after me. Come on. This is my body. 21:10 Aud: This is my body. PB: God's holy temple. 21:12 Aud: God's holy temple. PB: I've been bought with a price. 21:15 Aud: I've been bought with a price. PB: And I glorify Him. 21:18 Aud: And I glorify Him. PB: To doubt that you can 21:20 leave the cigarette and the ganja and the weed alone 21:22 is to doubt the power of God. I can do all things 21:25 through Christ which strengtheneth me. I have already 21:28 saved somebody 20 dollars. Come on, say Amen. 21:30 Leave the bottle, leave your cigarettes alone. 21:34 You want some more? Aud: Yes. PB: You want some more. 21:37 Aud: More. PB: How come I was being stopped now. 21:40 Ha-ha. All right. You got to leave the bottle alone. 21:44 Your body's God's temple. You've been bought with a price. 21:46 Don't look at anybody else. Somebody may be struggling 21:51 with cigarettes, somebody may be struggling with the bottle, 21:53 somebody may be struggling with overeating. 21:54 Everybody got a struggle. But with the power 21:56 of God we can have victory. Are you hearing 21:58 what I'm saying tonight? All right. (Applause) 21:59 PB: Let's, let's get some more. Ha-ha. 22:04 Your diet has to change. Go to Leviticus. 22:09 Getting quieter in the church, I swear. Leviticus 11. 22:15 Leviticus what, everybody? Aud: Eleven. 22:17 PB: Come on. Leviticus 11. Let us go to verse 1. 22:21 Let's go to the Word of God. Leviticus 11, verse number one. 22:26 Leviticus 11, verse number one. Do you have it? 22:31 Let me hear you say Amen. Aud: Amen. 22:33 PB: The Word of God says, “And the Lord spake 22:34 unto Moses and to Aaron, saying until them, 22:36 Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, 22:37 These are the beasts which ye shall eat among 22:40 all the beasts that are on the earth.” Verse 3, 22:43 Whatsoever parteth the what? Aud: Hoof. 22:45 PB: And is clovenfooted and cheweth the what? 22:48 Aud: Cud. PB: Among the beasts that shall ye what, everybody? 22:51 Aud: Eat. PB: Nevertheless, these shall ye not eat 22:53 of them that chew the cud or them that divide the hoof 22:55 as the what? Come on, as the what? Aud: Camel. 22:58 PB: Camel, because they cheweth the what? Aud: Cud. 23:00 PB: But divideth not the what? Aud: Hoof. 23:02 PB: He is what unto you? Aud: Unclean. 23:04 PB: Now let's stop. Somebody say well what 23:06 is it when God is saying parting the hoof, clovenfooted, 23:08 and chewing the cud. Why did He say that? He said it, 23:11 that settles it. And now He's giving us examples of 23:16 those animals that don't meet those requirements. 23:18 Are you hearing what I'm saying? Let's look at verse 5. 23:21 Come on, come on, come on. And the coney? Because he divided, 23:24 because he cheweth the what? Cud. But divided not the what? 23:28 Hoof. He is what unto you? Look at verse 6. And the hare. 23:32 Someone say what's a hare? That's a rabbit. The rabbit, 23:35 because he cheweth the what, everybody? But divided not the what? 23:40 Aud: Hoof. PS: He is what unto you? All right. 23:42 You ready for verse 7? Aud: Yes. 23:44 PS: And the what? Aud: Swine. 23:47 PS: Come on say it like you mean it. 23:48 And the what, everybody? Aud: Swine. 23:49 PS: One more time. Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 23:51 Three times, and the what? Swine. Now, let's stop. 23:53 What's the swine. Aud: Pig. 23:56 PS: The pig. Quiet. That's the hog. 24:01 That's those chitlins in them gravy. 24:05 That's that bacon and that bacon double cheeseburger. 24:09 Come on, say Amen. The swine. Though he divide the what, 24:14 everybody? Hoof. And be clovenfooted, yet he cheweth 24:18 not the what? Cud. He is what unto you? Unclean. 24:21 Of their flesh shall you not eat and their carcase 24:24 shall you not touch. They are what unto you, everybody? 24:26 All right. Hog meat. Swine. Pig. It's a scavenger. 24:35 You know what a scavenger's job is? To clean up the earth. 24:39 It's not to be used for food. It's to clean up the land. 24:44 It's not to be cleaned up by you on a plate. Come on, say Amen. 24:50 Aud: Amen. PS: Now, you say, well, it's a pig, 24:53 it's in the grocer, it's in Publix, it's in, it's in Walmart, 24:56 it's in Kroger, yes. But before it got to Kroger, 24:59 before it got to Walmart, before it got to Publix, 25:03 that pig was out eating any and everything, and when 25:08 that pig is killed and cleaned up and put there in the 25:11 grocery store, when you eat it, you eating everything 25:14 that pig has eaten. Are you hearing what I'm saying? 25:16 Heart disease and hypertension would not be as much as 25:20 it is if you didn't touch pork. Your body is God's temple. 25:28 Your body is God's what, everybody? Aud: Temple. 25:29 PS: You got to leave it alone. Say it after me. 25:33 This is my body. Aud: This is my body. 25:35 PS: God's holy temple. Aud: God's holy temple. 25:37 PS: I've been bought with a price. 25:38 Aud: I've been bought with a price. 25:40 PS: And I glorify Him. Aud: And I glorify Him. 25:41 PS: Let me get some more. Verse 9. Lord help me. 25:47 These shall ye eat of all that are in the waters, 25:50 whatsoever hath fins and scales in the waters, in the seas, 25:52 and in the rivers, them shall ye eat. And all that have 25:54 not fins and scales in the seas and the rivers, 25:56 of all that move in the waters, and of any living 25:58 thing which is in the waters, they shall be an 26:00 abomination unto you. So, God is saying whatever 26:02 animals in the water they must have fins and what, everybody? 26:05 Scales. Verse 11. They shall be even an abomination unto you. 26:08 Ye shall not eat their flesh. But ye shall have their 26:11 carcases in abomination. Whatsoever have no fins or scales 26:13 in the waters, that shall be an abomination unto you. 26:15 And these are they which ye shall have in abomination 26:17 among the fowl. You know what flies in the air. 26:20 They shall not be eaten. They are an abomination. 26:22 Here they are. The eagle, the ossifrage, the osprey, 26:30 the vulture, the kite after his kind. Every raven 26:37 after his kind. Understand the Word of God. 26:41 Elijah did not eat ravens. God sent ravens to 26:46 bring him food. Are you hearing what I'm saying? 26:48 Verse 16, the owl, the night hawk, the cuckoo, 26:52 the hawk after its kind. The little owl, the cormorant, 26:58 the great owl, the swan, pelican, gier eagle, the stork, 27:03 the heron after her kind, and the lapwing, and the bat. 27:10 Lord have mercy. I pray people not eating bats. 27:15 Barbecue bat. He-he. Curried bat. He-he. Verse 20, 27:26 all fowls that creep, going upon all fours, shall be 27:31 a what unto you, everybody? An abomination. 27:34 We're not supposed to touch it. Whatever's in the waters, 27:37 if it doesn't have fins and scales, it's a water scavenger. 27:41 So that means whatever waste is in the water, 27:44 from that cruise ship, that scavenger in the water 27:48 is eating that. When you take that to the grocery 27:51 store and buy it and cook it, you're eating what that 27:54 scavenger ate. Are you hearing what I'm saying? 27:57 Now somebody going to get mad, but I love you anyhow. 27:59 Shrimp is a scavenger. Crab legs are scavengers. 28:06 Catfish is a scavenger. Lobster is 28:14 >: Thank you for joining us for another exciting 28:18 Breath of Life television broadcast. 28:20 Tune in next week at the same time as 28:22 Dr. Byrd will deliver another dynamic message 28:25 from the Lord just for you. 28:27 Until next time, may God bless you.END |
Revised 2017-05-18