Breath of Life

Commandment Keeping

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Carlton P. Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000557A

00:20 Pastor Byrd: God, we are looking for a miracle.
00:23 We're expecting the impossible, we're seeing the invisible,
00:28 recognizing the sky is the limit to what we can have in you.
00:35 And so, Lord, tonight we want peace, we want love, we want joy.
00:38 We want gentleness and goodness. And Lord,
00:40 tonight we just want to give you thanks.
00:43 And so God bless this word, bless this preacher,
00:47 speak through me tonight, speak to your people.
00:50 And when this is over this evening, we're going to say,
00:54 Lord, thank you for what you've done. Thank you for
00:57 being here tonight, we pray. Forgive us for our sins.
01:01 In Jesus name. Let everyone say Amen. Aud: Amen.
01:06 Amen. I got a note last night on a quiz card,
01:09 and the person wrote─they didn't write their name,
01:13 but they wrote and they said, “Pastor, I've heard”
01:18 (in essence, I'm paraphrasing) “what you have shared
01:21 relative to the fourth commandment. But the question was,
01:25 “I thought that it was nailed to the cross,
01:30 but I understand in essence why the Ten Commandments
01:34 have not been done away with and nailed to the cross.
01:39 So please tell us what law, then, has been nailed to the cross.”
01:46 And so in this message I hope that this will give
01:49 clarity and understanding to the fact that
01:53 God's Ten Commandments are still for us to live
01:57 and follow, and I hope that we can better understand
02:02 what was done away with at the cross.
02:06 Is that all right, everybody? [Aud. reaction]
02:10 All right. We live in a world of what I call postmodernism.
02:13 Now, you may have heard that term.
02:15 In this world of postmodernism,
02:17 it's a world where everyone abides by the thought,
02:22 or process, or practice of, you believe what you
02:27 want to believe, I believe what I want to believe,
02:31 and as long as what you believe and what I believe
02:34 don't conflict, we're good. So if you want to believe this,
02:39 that's fine. But I'm going to believe that.
02:42 You leave me alone, and I'll leave you alone.
02:46 We live in a world of lawlessness, where anything goes.
02:53 We live in a world of lawlessness that has even crept
02:57 into the church, that no one is strong enough or
03:02 courageous enough to call sin by its right now.
03:07 We live in a time where everyone, if you will,
03:11 wants to wink at what's wrong. You live how you
03:15 want to live, and as long as you say you love God,
03:18 you are all right. No one wants to hear what
03:22 the Word of God says. Used to be a time you
03:24 go to church and you say, “How was church today?
03:27 I don't know, but I got cut today.” You used to
03:30 live in a time where people say, “I went to church,
03:32 and my feet got all stepped on today,
03:35 but I'm better for it.” But we don't do that today.
03:39 We call that old-school preaching. We call that
03:43 old-school church. We're in new methods now.
03:47 We don't have chalkboards anymore; we have PowerPoints.
03:51 We don't have rotary phones anymore.
03:53 We don't even have cell phones; we have smart phones now.
03:57 We, we just live with different things. We don't
04:01 send a letter anymore. In fact, we call sending a
04:05 letter now snail mail. But we now live in a world of email,
04:10 and not just email, but Facebook. And not just Facebook,
04:15 but Instagram and Snapchat, and all these different
04:18 social media communication mediums. And I'm not saying
04:23 these things are bad. We live in a highly technological world.
04:28 Our methods have changed. But I am here to say,
04:33 regardless of the methods, the word of God, the message of God,
04:40 is still the same. It was good enough for my dear mother.
04:45 It was good enough for my dear father. And God's message
04:49 is still good enough for me. Do I have a witness in this place?
04:54 [Aud. reaction] So when we talk about the word of God,
04:57 when we talk about keeping God's commandments,
05:01 these things are not popular today. And so when we
05:06 talk about keeping God's commandments,
05:09 including the fourth commandment, a lot of people
05:12 want to say that's an old-school thing. That's an
05:16 Old Testament thing. We are now living post-New Testament times,
05:22 and the commandments of God, that's been done away with.
05:27 But it's interesting for those people that take that posture,
05:31 because when I read Revelation, chapter 12, verse number 17,
05:36 the Bible is clear that God's remnant people are divine
05:41 as those who keep the commandments of God and have the
05:46 testimony of Jesus Christ. So because that's how God's
05:51 remnant are defined, I don't know about you,
05:54 but I want to be a part of that number.
05:55 Are you hearing what I'm saying? I want to
05:58 keep God's commandments. Now, the challenge is,
06:02 many people, many Christians, have erred by emphasizing
06:07 the commandments of God to the exclusion of the testimony
06:12 of Jesus Christ. So they have been too far this way,
06:16 or too far that way. Because if they're too far with commandments,
06:22 the others on the other side, equally sincere Christians,
06:26 have been wrong, overemphasizing the testimony or
06:30 faith of Jesus, while minimizing the commandments of God.
06:34 But God's remnant are those who have a perfect
06:38 blend of the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus Christ.
06:45 God's remnant are those who have the perfect blend
06:48 of not only law, but grace. God's remnant are those
06:53 who have the perfect blend of information and inspiration,
06:58 of the commandments and Christ, of the holy scriptures,
07:03 but they also have the Holy Ghost. Are you hearing what
07:05 I'm saying? God's remnant are those who have this blend.
07:10 They don't keep the commandments of God in order to be saved,
07:16 but God's remnant people keep the commandments of God
07:20 because they are saved. You all don't hear what I'm saying.
07:24 [Aud. reaction] I don't keep the commandments of God
07:26 in order to be saved. I keep the commandments of God
07:30 because I am saved. You see, in the Old Testament the
07:35 Bible is very clear that people live and conquer by faith.
07:39 Everybody say faith. Aud: Faith
07:41 Faith, the Bible defines, is the substance of things hoped for,
07:44 the evidence of things not seen. Faith, then,
07:48 is believing what you can't see. Just like I can't
07:52 see the gas that goes in my car, but I believe when
07:56 I turn on that ignition, the gas is going to kick
07:58 into my engine and I'm gonna go forward. Are you hearing
08:01 what I'm saying? Faith is believing what you can't see.
08:05 You're trusting God even when you can't trace God.
08:09 Understand, friends of mine, sometimes God allows you
08:13 to go through things in life so you can exercise your faith.
08:17 If your faith is going to be tried, if your faith is going
08:22 to be justified at all, if your faith is going to be tested,
08:25 you gotta go through something. Because you can't have
08:29 a testimony without a test. Are you hearing what I'm saying?
08:32 Faith has no way to be tried in comfort. Faith has no way
08:35 to be tried in abundance. Faith is proven in tough times.
08:40 Faith is proven in dark days. Faith is proven when the
08:45 lights are out. Faith is proven when you don't have food
08:48 on your tables. You don't prove your faith by how much
08:51 money you've got. You prove your faith when the bills are due.
08:55 [Aud. reaction] The Bible says that without faith
08:59 it is impossible to please God. And so throughout Hebrews,
09:04 chapter 11, we see, if you will, the wall of faith.
09:07 We see people throughout the Old Testament who conquered
09:10 by faith. We know the text by faith, able, all for the
09:16 more excellent sacrifice they gave. By faith, Enoch was
09:20 translated without seeing death. By faith, Noah prepared
09:24 an ark to the saving of his house. By faith, Abraham
09:28 went into a land; he didn't know where he was going,
09:31 but he still went anyhow. By faith Jacob, when he was dying,
09:35 blessed both the sons of Joseph. By faith, Moses,
09:38 he didn't want to be called Pharaoh's son, but the Bible
09:41 says he chose to suffer the affliction with the people
09:44 of God than to enjoy sin for a season. [Aud. reaction]
09:48 By faith, the children of Israel passed the Red Sea
09:51 and walked on dry land. By faith, the walls of Jericho
09:55 came tumbling down. By faith, Rahab perished with,
09:59 not with them that believed not, which he received ___
10:02 with peace. By faith. People in the Old Testament were
10:08 saved by faith. God did not save people in the
10:13 Old Testament by their works. Let me say that again.
10:17 God did not save people in the Old Testament by their works.
10:22 Old Testament folk were saved by their faith in
10:27 Jesus that was to come. [Aud. reaction]
10:30 He had not come, but he was to come.
10:33 What do I mean? You will remember, in order for
10:36 people in the Old Testament to receive forgiveness
10:39 from sin, they had to come to the temple.
10:42 They had to come to the sanctuary, and they would
10:45 take a lamb. They would take an offering.
10:48 They would take this offering, this lamb that was
10:50 without blemish, and they would take this offering,
10:53 and they would place their hand on the head of the
10:56 sin offering, and symbolically the sin was transferred
11:00 from the bearer to the offering. The offering,
11:03 the throat of the offering was slit. Blood came
11:06 streaming down, because, remember, there can be no
11:10 forgiveness of sin without the shedding of blood.
11:13 The Old Testament folks did this in anticipate of the Lamb,
11:18 Jesus, that was to come. You see, the lamb was type.
11:22 Jesus was antitype. The lamb was a model, but Jesus
11:28 is the real thing. The lamb was an example, but Jesus
11:33 is the real thing. The lamb was the forerunner,
11:37 but Jesus was the real thing. Jesus, behold the Lamb of God,
11:43 which taketh away the sins of the world.
11:47 The Old Testament folks were saved by faith in
11:50 Jesus that was to come. They were not saved by
11:54 the works they performed. They were not saved by
11:58 their law-keeping. They were saved by their faith
12:02 in the shed blood of Jesus that was to come.
12:06 This shedding of the lamb's blood symbolized their
12:09 faith in Jesus Christ, that he was going to cover their sins.
12:14 Let me tell you something tonight. This is why this
12:17 all comes together. The children of Israel couldn't
12:20 have been saved by their commandment-keeping. [Aud. reaction]
12:24 Let me say that again. The children of Israel could
12:28 not have been saved by their commandment-keeping,
12:31 because God gave them the commandments after he saved them.
12:36 [Aud. reaction] God gave the children of Israel the
12:39 Ten Commandments after he had already redeemed them.
12:43 Before God gave Moses the Ten Commandments on Mt. Sinai,
12:48 the plan of salvation was already in place. God had already
12:53 saved Moses; he had already saved the children of Israel
12:57 and rescued them before, from Pharaoh before he even gave
13:02 Moses the Ten Commandments. That's why I told you Miriam
13:06 praised him like she did, because God said, “You see them
13:10 folk right there. You shall see them no more.” Miriam took
13:14 a tambourine and started beating that thing and started
13:17 stomping her feet like this, and clapping her hands.
13:20 The Bible says in Exodus 20, verse 1, “And God spake all these words,
13:24 saying, I am the Lord thy God. I brought you out of the land of Egypt.
13:30 I brought you out of the land of bondage.” And then he
13:34 proceeded with the Ten Commandment law. He had already
13:37 saved them before he had already given them the law.
13:41 [Aud. reaction] We don't keep the commandments in
13:44 order to be saved. We keep the commandments because
13:47 we are saved. God has already saved us. The fight is fixed.
13:54 We may lose some battles along the way, but the war has
13:58 already been won. So don't wait ‘til the battle is over.
14:01 We can go on and shout now. Jesus has already saved us.
14:07 Law-keeping has never been a means of salvation. Why?
14:12 With all the good I do, my righteousness in the sight
14:17 of God is still filthy rags. [Aud. reaction]
14:21 There's only one name under heaven whereby we can be saved,
14:27 and that's the name of Jesus. Buddha can't do it.
14:34 Mohammed can't do it. Confusions can't do it.
14:40 There's only one name whereby we can be saved,
14:44 and that's the name of Jesus. Tonight, let me remind you,
14:49 there's power on the name of Jesus. [Aud. reaction]
14:51 There's salvation in the name of Jesus. There is healing
14:57 in the name of Jesus. There's deliverance in the name of Jesus.
15:02 So in the morning, I call Jesus. In the noonday, I call Jesus.
15:07 In the evening, I call Jesus. In the midnight hour, I call Jesus.
15:13 The Bible says at the name of Jesus, Satan is ____ed.
15:16 At the name of Jesus, demons tremble. Jesus,
15:21 we are saved by faith through Jesus! [Aud. reaction]
15:26 Now, in the Old Testament, there are two great commandments.
15:31 How many commandments, everybody?
15:32 There are two great commandments.
15:34 The first one is to love God. Love whom, everybody?
15:36 Aud: God. Love whom, everybody? Aud: God.
15:39 God. The second one is to love your neighbor.
15:41 To love your what, everybody? Aud: Neighbor.
15:43 Take your Bibles and go with me to the book of Deuteronomy.
15:45 And we're going to Deuteronomy, chapter 6.
15:48 And I want to read to you verses 4 and 5.
15:50 These are the tre─two great commandments in the Old Testament.
15:54 Deuteronomy, chapter 6, verse number 4 and verse number 5.
16:00 Deuteronomy 6:4 and 5. The Word of God says to us tonight, verse 4,
16:06 “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one” what, everybody?
16:12 “And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart,
16:18 with all thy soul, and with all thy” what, everybody?
16:23 That's the first commandment, to love God. To love whom,
16:27 everybody? Love whom, everybody? Now, the second one
16:30 is taken from Leviticus, chapter 19, and we're going
16:34 to verse number 18. Leviticus, chapter 19, and verse number 18.
16:39 The Word of God says in Leviticus 19, verse 18, the second command,
16:44 “Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge
16:48 against the children of thy people, but thou
16:51 shalt love thy neighbour as” what, everybody?
16:54 Aud. reaction] “As thyself, because I am the” what?
16:57 [Aud. reaction] “I am the Lord.” Let's be very clear,
17:02 one more time. The people in the Old Testament were
17:05 not saved by their law-keeping. They were not saved
17:08 by their commandment-keeping, because they don't keep
17:11 the commandments in order to be saved, but they kept
17:13 the commandments because they are saved by the blood
17:16 of the Lamb, through Jesus Christ. Understand,
17:19 in the Old Testament there were two great laws:
17:21 number one, to love God, and then number two,
17:24 to love your neighbor as yourself.
17:28 These two commands were the basis of obedience
17:30 for all of God's children. And interestingly enough,
17:33 when you look at these two commandments,
17:36 the Ten Commandments recorded in Exodus, chapter 20,
17:39 spring from these two. The first four deal with our
17:46 love for God. The final six deal with our love for
17:54 our fellow man. Look at them carefully.
17:56 They're right behind us. The first four deal with
17:59 our love for God. “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”
18:02 That's love for God. “Thou shalt not make until thee
18:05 any graven image.” That's love for God. “Thou shalt not
18:09 take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.”
18:12 That's love for God. Remember God's day, the Sabbath,
18:15 to keep it holy. That's love for God. The first
18:19 command was to love God. Love whom, everybody? Aud: God.
18:22 The next six deal with the commandment two,
18:26 love for our fellow man. “Honor thy father and thy” what, everybody?
18:30 “Thou shalt not kill. Thou shalt not commit adultery.
18:32 Thou shalt not bear false witness. Thou shalt not cover
18:36 thy neighbor.” The final six deal with our love for our
18:40 fellow man. So that means the Ten Commandments couldn't
18:43 be done away with, because the two, Ten Commandments
18:46 center around these two, love for God and love for your
18:49 fellow man. Why would God get rid of what he put in
18:52 place in the first place? [Aud. reaction]
18:55 Now, God has only one plan of salvation.
19:01 God has always saved his people by grace through faith.
19:08 I will never be holy enough. You will never be holy enough.
19:15 If we were holy enough, we would be in the kingdom already.
19:18 Are you hearing what I'm saying? God has always saved us by grace.
19:24 That's unmerited faith. That means we get what we don't deserve.
19:29 Are you hearing what I'm saying? [Aud. reaction]
19:30 God never commanded the Old Testament people to obey
19:34 in order to be saved. Their obedience was to spring from a love
19:37 relationship with him. That was the Old Testament.
19:40 But the New Testament was the same thing. What do I mean?
19:44 The people were to love Jesus. They were to have faith in Jesus.
19:50 Not the Jesus that was to come in the New Testament.
19:54 But they were to have faith in Jesus, who had already come.
19:58 In the New Testament, we see, a lot of people think that
20:01 the New Testament just teaches love. Love, love, love.
20:05 Love, love, love. It doesn't teach anything about obedience,
20:08 they think. A lot of people think in the New Testament you
20:10 can do whatever you want to do, be as bad as you want to be,
20:12 sleep around, lie around, cheat around, steal around,
20:18 have a bad attitude, be mean, do anything you want to do,
20:24 but just at the appropriate time, show low. And then they
20:29 say love has nothing to do with obedience. Just love.
20:33 Well, that can't be true, because it was Jesus himself
20:36 who said in John 14:15 that “if ye love me, keep my” what, everybody?
20:41 Love has everything to do with obedience. To know him is to love him.
20:49 To love him is to obey him. To obey him is to worship him.
20:54 To worship him is to serve him. “If you love me, keep my” what, everybody?
20:59 [Aud. reaction] So let's look at what the New Testament says.
21:02 Go to the book of Matthew, chapter 22. Matthew chapter 22,
21:07 and we'll find in the New Testament, all Jesus did was restate
21:11 what was already in the Old Testament. Go to Matthew, chapter 22,
21:15 and I want you to go to verse number 36. Matthew, chapter 22,
21:18 and let's go to verse number 36. Matthew, chapter 22, verse number 36.
21:21 The question was asked by a lawyer, “Master, which is the
21:32 great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him,
21:36 Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy” what?
21:41 Aud: Heart. “And with all thy” what? Aud: Soul.
21:43 “And with all thy” what? Aud: Mind.
21:45 “This is the first and great commandment.
21:47 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt
21:49 love thy neighbour as thy” what, everybody?
21:51 On these two commandments hang all the law and the”
21:55 what, everybody? Jesus simply restated in the
22:00 New Testament what had already been stated in the
22:04 Old Testament. Jesus didn't come to change God's law.
22:08 Jesus didn't come to change the Ten Commandments.
22:13 Jesus didn't originate a new law. Jesus was merely
22:18 restating what had already been taught. Jesus said,
22:21 “Think not that I have come to destroy the law and
22:24 the prophets. I haven't come to destroy them,
22:26 but I came to fulfill.” I came to what, everybody?
22:29 Aud: Fulfill. Now, if we were saved before the
22:37 law was even given, if people are not saved by
22:45 keeping the law, why do we have the law?
22:50 If we're not saved by keeping the law and we're
22:56 saved by grace through faith in Jesus,
22:58 what's the point of the law? Let's go to the
23:01 New Testament. Go to Romans, chapter 3.
23:03 Go to Romans, chapter 3, verse number 10, 20.
23:09 Romans, chapter 3, verse number 20. If we're not
23:15 saved by keeping the law, then what's the point
23:18 of the law? Romans, chapter 3, verse number 20.
23:21 Romans, chapter 3, 20. If you have it, let me hear you say Amen.
23:24 Aud: Amen. All right. The Word of God says,
23:27 “Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall be,
23:29 there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by
23:34 the law is the knowledge of sin.” Okay, then,
23:40 the law doesn't save us, but the law gives us a
23:45 knowledge of sin. Go to Romans 7:7. So if the law
23:51 gives us not of the sin, but yet the law doesn't save us,
23:53 it just tells us what sin is, do we need to keep the law?
23:56 Romans 7:7: “What shall we say then? Is the law sin? God forbid.
24:02 Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust,
24:08 except the law had said, Thou shalt not” what, everybody?
24:11 So then the function and purpose of the law, according to
24:15 the Word of God, is to point out sin, to reveal sin,
24:20 give a knowledge of sin. Only Jesus can save us.
24:25 The law could never save us. The only thing the law does
24:29 is point out sin. You're all still not getting it.
24:33 Let me help you. Jesus has saved me. I'm saved, sanctified,
24:40 born again, washed in the blood of Jesus, intoxicated by
24:46 the Holy Ghost. That's what has saved me. The law points out sin.
24:52 I wouldn't know sin if there were no laws. Let me try it again.
24:58 So I used the illustration before; let me use it again.
25:01 It's app─appropriate here. All right, so I'm driving
25:04 down the parkway. There's a speed limit sign, and the
25:10 speed limit sign says, “Speed Limit 50.” I know it
25:15 because I drive it all the time. “Speed Limit 50.”
25:20 If there were no sign posted, I wouldn't know the speed
25:27 limit on the parkway. I would just be driving, and every
25:33 now and then my foot is heavy, and I would be driving,
25:38 and I could be going 60, 65, 70, 75─particularly when
25:44 no one's out on the parkway. But because of that speed
25:47 limit sign, I know the law. I know the law says,
25:52 “Speed Limit 50.” But if there had been no law posted,
25:57 if there had been no speed limit sign posted, I wouldn't
26:00 know the law. I wouldn't know the speed limit unless the
26:05 sign was posted. We wouldn't know sin unless the sign posted it.
26:14 Well, then, Pastor, if the law is to point out sin,
26:18 how are we saved? Ephesians 2:8 and 9. Ephesians 2:8 and 9.
26:24 “For by grace are we saved through faith, and that not of
26:30 ourselves: it is the gift of” whom, everybody? Aud: God.
26:35 “Not of works, lest any man should boast.” See, I love God.
26:39 God is all that and then some and a bag of chips.
26:41 God knew he had to save us through his blood,
26:43 because God knew that if we thought we could be saved
26:45 by our law-keeping, some of us would get the big head.
26:48 Look what I've done. Look what I've done. Look what
26:52 I've done! But God needed everybody to understand,
26:56 you've been saved by grace through faith--that regardless
26:59 of how much good you do, if it had not been for the Lord
27:03 on my side, where would I be? The law points out sin.
27:09 Jesus saves us. [Aud. reaction] For by grace are ye saved.
27:16 So not too long ago, I'm on the parkway,
27:22 and I'm driving on the parkway. And I'm driving,
27:28 and I'm moving pretty good. And all of a sudden,
27:33 I'm going through a construction zone. Some of you
27:35 all know where it is. And all of a sudden I see the lights.
27:40 And it's not the light of Jesus. Do I have a witness in this place?
27:45 Aud: [Laughter] So you know the drill. I pull over,
27:49 take my two hands and place them on the steering wheel.
27:56 Somebody knows what I'm talking about. I turn on the
28:00 interior lights in the car so that who--when the man
28:05 comes up to me at my window, he sees my hands,
28:07 he sees where they are, and he sees everything in the car.
28:12 Are you hearing what I'm saying? [Aud. reaction]
28:14 The man comes up to my window. I roll the window down
28:16 >: Thank you for joining us for another exciting
28:18 Breath of Life television broadcast.
28:20 Tune in next week at the same time as
28:23 Dr. Byrd will deliver another dynamic message
28:25 from the Lord just for you.
28:27 Until next time, may God bless you.
28:30 END


Revised 2017-05-08