Breath of Life

The State of the Dead

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Carlton P. Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000554A

00:01 Breath of Life Ministries Presents:
00:06 Sermon B554 The State of the Dead
00:12 [Breath of Life Theme Music]
00:20 PB: God, You're good. You're all that, then some.
00:22 And we praise You tonight. Lord, You have been
00:25 with us Saturday night, Sunday night, Tuesday night,
00:28 and you're with us here tonight. We've seen You
00:30 through the prayer time, through the music,
00:31 but now we need a Word from You.
00:33 God, disappoint us not we pray, and we give you
00:36 all the praise, the honor, and the glory.
00:38 In the name of Jesus we pray. Let everyone say amen.
00:41 Aud.: Amen. PB: Amen. Amen. All right, let's go to work.
00:45 Do you believe that God is a good God? Aud.: Yes.
00:48 PB: What a mighty God we serve. [Aud. reaction]
00:52 PB: Angels bow before Him, heaven and earth adore Him,
00:56 what a mighty God we serve. Now, do you believe tonight
01:00 that God is omnipotent? Everybody say "omnipotent."
01:03 Aud.: Omnipotent. PB: Omnipotent means He's all powerful.
01:05 He's all what, everybody? Aud.: Powerful.
01:07 PB: That means there is nothing God can't do.
01:10 God is not only omnipotent but God is omniscient.
01:14 Everybody say "omniscient." Aud.: Omniscient.
01:16 PB: That means God is all knowing. God knows what
01:20 you need before you know you even need it.
01:22 God is omniscient. But not only is God omnipotent,
01:25 omniscient, God is omnipresent, which means He's all places.
01:30 He's all what, everybody? Aud.: Places.
01:32 PB: And what the blessing about God is, He's omnipresent
01:35 and He's all places at the same time. But not only
01:39 is God omnipotent, not only is God omniscient,
01:41 not only is God omnipresent, but God is also sovereign,
01:45 which means God can do what He wants, when He wants,
01:50 where He wants, how He wants, and He doesn't have to
01:54 ask you or me for permission to do as He wants.
01:57 But not only is God omnipotent, omniscient,
02:00 omnipresent, not only is God sovereign,
02:03 but God is also timeless. God is timeless.
02:08 Everybody say "timeless." Aud.: Timeless.
02:09 PB: Which means God was always here.
02:12 Always has been there, always will be here,
02:16 always was and always is. And because God is timeless,
02:21 God is immortal. Everybody say "immortal."
02:24 Aud.: Immortal. PB: Which means God can't die.
02:27 God is uncreated, He is self-existent,
02:32 He has no beginning and He has no end.
02:36 You didn't vote Him in and you can't vote Him out.
02:40 He is CEO of the universe. Now, on the other hand,
02:46 we as human beings are mortal. Now, when you're mortal,
02:51 mortal means you are subject to death. What do I mean?
02:56 Mortal is where we get the word "mortuary."
02:59 Everybody say "mortuary." Aud.: Mortuary.
03:01 PB: That's a funeral home. Mortuary means house of death.
03:06 A mortician is one who works with the dead,
03:10 and of course a mortgage is when you will
03:13 pay it until you're dead. [Aud. reaction]
03:16 PB: But God is infinite. Humans are finite.
03:23 God is eternal. Humans, we are transitory.
03:30 God is immortal. Humans are mortal.
03:36 No human being lives forever. Human beings
03:42 are subject to death. The Bible is clear in
03:46 Ecclesiastes 9:5 and 6, "For the living know
03:49 that they shall die; but the dead know not anything."
03:55 God created this earth in six literal days. On day one,
04:01 God said in the Word, Genesis 1:1, "In the beginning
04:05 God created the heavens and the earth, and the earth
04:09 was without form and void; darkness was upon the
04:12 face of the deep and the Spirit of God moved upon
04:14 the face of the waters. And God said 'Let there be light.'
04:20 And there was light." On day six, Genesis 1:26, God said,
04:27 "And let us make man in our own image after our likeness."
04:32 I love that text, because the text reminds us of the Father,
04:36 the Son, and the Holy Ghost. They were all active in creation.
04:41 It was the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
04:44 If it were not, the text would not say "And God said,
04:46 let us make man," but the text would have said "
04:49 And God said, let me make man." Which means God made man.
04:54 Man didn't come from monkeys [Aud. reaction]
04:58 PB: Man came from God. Man didn't come from a big
05:02 bang theory. Man came from God, and don't you let
05:07 anybody else tell you man came from anybody else but God.
05:11 How did God create man in the beginning? Well,
05:14 let's see what the Word says. Go to the book
05:16 of Genesis. What book, everybody? Aud.: Genesis.
05:18 PB: And we're going to Genesis chapter 2,
05:20 and we want to go to verse number 7.
05:22 Genesis chapter 2, verse number 7. Man, yes,
05:26 came from God, but how did God create man?
05:30 Genesis chapter 2, verse number 7. Genesis 2, verse 7.
05:34 The Word of God says, "And the Lord God formed
05:38 man of the dust of the"--what, everybody?
05:40 Aud.: Ground. PB: "And breathed into his
05:42 nostrils the breath of" what? Aud.: Life.
05:44 PB: "And man became a living" what? Aud.: Soul.
05:46 PB: Let's read it one more time.
05:48 "The Lord God formed man of the dust of the" what? Aud.: Ground.
05:50 "Breathed into his nostrils the breath of life;
05:53 and man became a living" what? Soul.
05:55 So we discover man came from God.
05:59 God created man using the dust of the ground.
06:03 Then God breathed into man's nostrils, his nose,
06:06 the breath of life, and man became a living soul.
06:10 Which then means, in order for a person to be a living soul,
06:14 you need two things: You need dust of the ground
06:17 and you need the breath of life in order for a
06:20 man to be a living soul. Dust plus breath equals
06:24 living what? Soul. One more time. Dust plus breath
06:31 of life equals living what? Aud.: Soul.
06:33 PB: That's what God used to create man.
06:36 But what is the reverse of that process?
06:39 That's what gave man life. What happens to
06:42 man at death? Let's see what the Word says.
06:47 Ecclesiastes chapter 12, verse number 7.
06:53 Ecclesiastes chapter 12, verse number 7.
06:59 What happens to man at death? The Word of God
07:05 says in Ecclesiastes chapter 12, verse number 7-
07:07 -if you have it, let me hear you say amen. Aud.: Amen.
07:09 PB: The Word says, "Then shall the dust return to
07:12 the earth as it was, and the spirit shall return"
07:16 unto whom, everybody? "God, who gave it."
07:19 "Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was,
07:21 and the spirit shall return unto God, who gave it."
07:26 So, we discover when man was created, God used dust
07:30 of the ground; breathed into his nostrils the breath
07:34 of what, everybody? Aud.: Life.
07:35 PB: And man became a living what? Aud.: Soul.
07:37 PB: All right, so dust plus breath equals living what? Aud.: Soul.
07:43 PB: If I don't have dust, but I have breath,
07:46 do I have a living soul? Aud.: No.
07:47 PB: No, because I need dust and I need what?
07:50 Breath. Are you hearing what I'm saying?
07:52 If I do have dust but I don't have breath,
07:55 do I have a living soul? Aud.: No.
07:57 PB: Because I need dust plus what?
07:59 Breath in order to be a living what, everybody? Aud.: Soul.
08:02 PB: When a person dies, the reverse of that
08:04 process takes place. The body returns to what? Dust.
08:08 The body returns to what, everybody? Aud.: Dust.
08:11 PB: It returns to dust. We recognize that the Word says,
08:14 the spirit returns to whom? God. Now,
08:17 the question becomes for many people,
08:20 what is the spirit? Is the spirit the soul,
08:23 or is the spirit the breath of life? Now,
08:27 remember we read in Genesis chapter 2, verse number 7,
08:29 "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground,
08:31 breathed into his nostrils the breath of--what, everybody?
08:35 Life. Man became a living what? Aud.: Soul.
08:37 PB: When a person dies, the body returns to what? Dust,
08:39 and the spirit returns to whom? God. But how do we
08:43 know what the spirit is? Is the spirit the breath of life,
08:47 or is the spirit the soul? Take your Bibles,
08:51 go with me to the book of Job, and let's find out what the spirit is.
08:58 Job 27, and we're going to verse number 3. Job 27,
09:04 and we're going to verse number 3. The Word of God
09:08 speaks in Job chapter 27 and verse number 3.
09:11 If you have it, let me hear you say amen. Aud.: Amen.
09:13 PB: All right, Job 27, verse 37, I'm reading.
09:15 The Word says, "All the while my breath is in me,
09:19 and the Spirit of God is in my nostrils."
09:25 Which means the breath is the spirit which is in our nostrils.
09:33 When man was created, God took dust of the ground,
09:37 breathed into his nostrils the breath of life the spirit,
09:41 and man became a living what? Soul. When a person dies,
09:45 the body returns to dust, the breath or the spirit returns to God,
09:51 and there is no more soul. It ceases to exist,
09:55 because you can't have a soul if you don't have
09:58 breath and dust. Are you hearing what I'm saying?
10:02 Dust plus breath equals spirit. When a person dies,
10:06 the body returns to dust, spirit returns to God,
10:09 the soul ceases to exist. The Bible definition for
10:14 a soul is body plus breath, the spirit, is a living soul.
10:19 A living, breathing being is a soul. The Bible then
10:24 is telling us that we are souls. The reality is,
10:31 we don't have souls, we are souls. Let me say that
10:35 one more time. We are souls. We don't have souls,
10:41 we are souls. The soul that sins, Ezekiel 18:4 says,
10:48 "The soul that sins, it shall die." All of us have sinned
10:56 and come short of the glory of God. If it weren't for Jesus,
11:01 if it weren't for the blood of Jesus, all of us would
11:05 be destined to hell. For the wages of sin is death,
11:10 but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
11:15 Let's review this one more time, make sure we have it.
11:18 Repetition deepens the impression.
11:19 When God created us, God took dust of the what?
11:23 Ground, breathed into man's nostrils the breath of what? Aud.: Life.
11:27 PB: Man then became a living what? Aud.: Soul.
11:29 PB: When a person dies, the body returns to what? Dust.
11:32 The spirit returns to whom? Aud.: God.
11:34 PB: God. And the soul ceases to what, everybody? Aud.: Exist.
11:38 PB: Because the reality is, I don't have a soul, I am a soul,
11:41 and the soul that sins, it shall die. Now, I said all
11:47 of that to say this one thing: Dead people are dead.
11:54 [Aud. reaction] PB: Dead people are dead. When a person dies,
12:04 the body returns to what? Dust. The spirit and the breath
12:09 return to whom? God. The soul ceases to what? Exist.
12:14 Dead people are dead. So if you don't get anything
12:20 else tonight--what did he preach on? Dead people are dead.
12:26 Are you hearing what I'm saying, everybody? All right,
12:28 let me give you some proof. Stay in Job. Go to Job chapter 7.
12:32 Go to Job chapter 7, quickly, we're going to verse 9 and 10.
12:35 Job chapter 7, and we're going to verses 9 and 10.
12:39 Job chapter 7, verses 9 and 10. The question is,
12:43 Do dead people go back and haunt their houses?
12:46 No, no, no. Job 7: 9 and 10, the Word says, "
12:48 As the cloud is consumed and vanisheth away:
12:51 so he that goeth down to the grave shall come up no more.
12:54 He shall return no more to his house,
12:56 neither shall his place know him any more."
12:59 Well, Big Mama was talking to me.
13:01 Grandmama came and visited me. No, she didn't.
13:06 Grandmama, Big Mama, is dead. Are you hearing
13:10 what I'm saying? The Bible says dead people do
13:14 not go back and haunt houses. Well, I thought Mama
13:17 was talking--no, Mama wasn't talking to you.
13:18 You just ate before you went to bed, and so your
13:20 mind is wandering. Come on, say amen.
13:23 [Aud. reaction] PB: Dead people are what, everybody?
13:24 [Aud. reaction]Dead. PB: Dead. Let's get some more.
13:27 Go to Job 14. Well, they don't haunt houses,
13:30 but do dead people know what we're doing on earth?
13:34 Let's read the Word. Job chapter 14, verse number 12.
13:36 Job chapter 14, verse number 12. The Word of God says
13:39 in Job chapter 14, verse 12, "So man lieth down,
13:42 and riseth not: till the heavens be no more,
13:43 they shall not awake, nor be raised out of their sleep."
13:46 Verse 21: "His sons come to honour, and he knoweth it not;
13:50 and they are brought low, but he perceiveth it not of them."
13:54 Dead people do not know what their loved ones on earth are doing,
13:58 because dead people are what, everybody? Aud.: Dead.
14:00 PB: Come on, dead people are what, everybody? Aud.: Dead.
14:03 PB: Do dead people haunt people's houses? No.
14:04 Because dead people are what? Aud.: Dead.
14:06 PB: Do dead people know what their loved ones
14:09 on earth are doing? No, because dead people are what? Aud.: Dead.
14:12 PB: Go to Psalms, the book of Psalms. And we're going to Psalm 6,
14:16 and we're going to verse number 5. Psalm 6, verse 5.
14:20 The dead do not remember or give thanks. The Word of
14:22 God says in Psalm 6, verse 5, "For in death there is
14:26 no remembrance of thee: in the grave who shall give thee thanks?"
14:30 Dead people do not remember, nor do dead people give thanks,
14:34 because dead people are what, everybody? Aud.: Dead.
14:36 PB: Dead. Psalm 115, let's go there. Do dead people praise
14:40 the Lord? Psalm 115, and we're going to verse number 17.
14:43 Psalm 115, and we're going to verse number 17. Psalm 115,
14:48 verse number 17. The Word of God says, "The dead praise
14:52 not the Lord, neither any that go down into silence."
14:56 The dead cannot praise the Lord, because the dead are what, everybody?
15:00 Aud.: Dead. PB: That's why I make sure I come to
15:02 church and I'm alive, 'cause I can't be dead. Come on, say amen.
15:05 Aud.: Amen. PB: God does not want anything dead.
15:06 God says present your bodies a living sacrifice,
15:10 holy and acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
15:13 So because the dead can't praise the Lord, while I've got life,
15:16 I ought to praise the Lord. Are you hearing what I'm saying?
15:19 [Aud. reaction] PB: The dead do not praise the Lord,
15:21 because dead people are what, everybody? Aud.: Dead.
15:23 PB: The dead do not remember or give thanks,
15:25 because dead people are what, everybody? Aud.: Dead.
15:27 PB: The dead do not know what their loved ones on earth are doing,
15:30 because dead people are what, everybody? Aud.: Dead.
15:31 PB: The dead do not come back and haunt houses,
15:33 because dead people are what, everybody? Aud.: Dead.
15:36 PB: Dead. Psalm 146, verse number 4. Psalm 146,
15:43 verse number 4. Can dead people think? The Word says,
15:53 "His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth;
15:59 in that very day his thoughts"--do what, everybody? Aud.: Perish.
16:05 PB: Perish. Dead people can't think,
16:07 because dead people are dead. Dead people can't
16:12 praise the Lord, because dead people are dead.
16:17 Dead people cannot remember or give thanks,
16:19 because dead people are what, everybody? Aud.: Dead.
16:22 PB: Dead people do not know what their loved
16:25 ones on earth are doing, because dead people are what, everybody?
16:27 Aud.: Dead. PB: Dead people do not go back and haunt houses,
16:30 because dead people are what, everybody? Aud.: Dead.
16:33 PB: Dead people are dead. Dead people are not in heaven
16:38 looking down on you. Dead people are dead.
16:43 If dead people were in heaven looking down on you,
16:45 when Lazarus died Jesus would have told him "come down."
16:49 Jesus told him to "come forth." [Aud. reaction]
16:51 PB: Dead people are dead. So how does this all work together.
16:59 Well, let's go back to our time line. How does this
17:02 all work together. Remember, at Jesus' second coming,
17:06 the Bible teaches there's a first resurrection.
17:09 There's a what resurrection, everybody? Aud.: First.
17:11 PB: And the resurrection is a resurrection of the righteous.
17:14 At Jesus' second coming, the righteous dead rise what? Aud.: First.
17:18 PB: Come on, the righteous dead rise what? First.
17:20 The righteous living are caught up to meet the Lord in the what? Aud.: Air.
17:23 PB: If the righteous were already in heaven,
17:25 who would Jesus be coming back for?
17:29 If the dead in Christ were already in heaven,
17:33 who would rise first at Jesus' second coming?
17:37 "But God is not a man that he should lie;
17:40 neither is he the Son of man that he would repent."
17:42 If the Lord said it, you can count on it.
17:46 He will do just what He says. The Lord said,
17:49 "He shall descend from heaven with a shout,
17:51 with the voice of the archangel and the trump of God;
17:53 and the dead in Christ shall rise first."
17:57 At Jesus' second coming, the righteous dead rise what? First.
18:02 The righteous living are called up to meet the Lord in the what?
18:04 Air. The wicked living die at the brightness of His what? Aud.: Coming.
18:08 PB: The wicked dead remain what? Aud.: Dead.
18:10 PB: For how many years? Aud.: A thousand.
18:12 PB: How many years? Aud.: A thousand.
18:13 PB: A thousand years. At the end of the thousand years,
18:15 is there a resurrection? Aud.: Yes.
18:17 PB: It's a resurrection of the wicked.
18:18 A resurrection of the what, everybody? Aud.: The wicked.
18:20 PB: But during the 1,000 years, the righteous are in where? Aud.: Heaven.
18:24 PB: In heaven. And the wicked are what? Aud.: Dead.
18:27 PB: Dead, here on this what? Aud.: Earth.
18:28 PB: Can Satan deceive? Aud.: No.
18:31 PB: He can't deceive because the righteous are in where? Aud.: Heaven.
18:33 PB: And the wicked are what? Aud.: Dead.
18:35 PB: Here on this what? Aud.: Earth.
18:36 PB: Satan has no resurrection power, because God took
18:39 six days to speak life and speak something out of nothing.
18:44 Satan will have 1,000 years. Satan, if you've got so much power,
18:48 if you've got so much authority, then in 1,000 years
18:52 raise somebody from the dead. But Satan can't do it,
18:56 because Jesus said "I am the resurrection and the life."
18:59 Satan can't do anything without the permission of God.
19:03 The righteous are participating in judgment.
19:07 They are looking over the books, because Satan has been
19:10 an accuser of the brethren. Satan has told people that God is unjust;
19:15 that God is unfair; that God is not right; that God doesn't
19:20 want to save people. No, no, no, no. People will be able to
19:23 look over the books in heaven during the 1,000 years,
19:25 and the righteous will see where God gave everybody an
19:28 opportunity to be saved. If you are lost, if I am lost,
19:32 if we are lost, it's nobody's fault but ours. Aud.: Amen.
19:36 PB: At the end of the 1,000 years--we learned it last night,
19:40 there's going to be another resurrection. This is a
19:43 resurrection of the wicked. Satan will deceive the
19:47 wicked one more time. He will deceive the wicked
19:50 one more time. You can hear him say it: I resurrected you.
19:53 I resurrected you. The Bible says in Revelation 21
19:55 that the new Jerusalem is going to come down at
19:58 that time out of heaven, as a bride adorned for her husband.
20:02 Satan will deceive the wicked one last time,
20:04 as the city is coming down, into making them think
20:06 they can circle the city and they can overthrow the city.
20:10 But it's at that time, friends of mine, that God's
20:13 going to rain down fire. Remember, I told you last night,
20:17 he said at the flood, it won't be water but fire next time.
20:20 He's going to burn this place up. Satan and his imps
20:24 are going to be destroyed forever and ever and ever.
20:27 The wicked are going to be destroyed forever and ever and ever.
20:32 Pastor Byrd, why must Jesus resurrect the wicked
20:36 only for them to die again in hell's lake of fire?
20:39 At the end of the 1,000 years, that will be the only
20:42 time in earth's history when everyone who has ever lived,
20:45 we will all be alive at the same time.
20:48 Hitler will be alive, Donald Trump will be alive,
20:51 Barack Obama will be alive, I will be alive,
20:54 you will be alive. We will all be alive,
20:56 because the prophecy must come to pass that
20:58 one day every knee shall bow, every tongue must
21:02 confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. [Aud. reaction]
21:08 PB: At His first coming, He came to save His people.
21:13 At His second coming, He comes to get his people.
21:18 But at his third coming, He's coming back--hallelujah-
21:23 -with His people. Are you hearing what I'm saying?
21:27 [Aud. reaction] PB: Hallelujah. Home at last.
21:29 We, the redeemed, will be home at last. But Satan
21:32 is a liar. Satan is a liar. He wants people to think
21:36 that dead people are alive and can be contacted.
21:40 But the living know that they shall die. But the
21:43 dead know not anything. The dead are dead!
21:49 Let me tell you something tonight in the name of Jesus.
21:52 You'd better leave all these evil, crazy spirits,
21:55 all this voodoo, all this Ouija board mess alone.
22:01 Are you hearing what I'm telling you, everybody?
22:04 Some people take issue with me, but I'm going
22:06 to say it anyhow. I don't ask everybody to pray for me,
22:09 because if you are not of the same Spirit of God,
22:13 I don't need crazy spirits praying on me.
22:17 I don't need people touching me who don't
22:20 believe in the God that--Are you hearing what I'm saying?
22:23 [Aud. reaction] PB: Leave that crazy stuff alone!
22:27 To the law and to the testimony. If they speak
22:30 not according to this Word, it is because there
22:33 is no light in them. Satan knows the Bible
22:37 better than you. Satan can quote Scripture
22:40 better than you. Satan can preach better than you.
22:43 Satan tempted Jesus, and he will sure enough tempt you.
22:46 I told you Saturday night, he's not in a red suit.
22:49 He doesn't have horns. He doesn't have a tail.
22:54 He doesn't have a pitchfork. I told you Saturday night,
22:57 some of you work for the devil.
22:59 Some of you live with the devil.
23:03 Some of you sleep with the devil.
23:05 Some of you are sitting next to the devil.
23:08 Satan will transform himself into an angel of light,
23:13 and he will appear as a minister.
23:16 That's why you've got to know the Word of
23:17 God for yourself. Everything I preach,
23:19 everything I teach, you'd better check it
23:22 out against the Word of God. Because if it
23:24 ain't in the Word, it doesn't deserve to be heard!
23:27 Satan will deceive you on the Word,
23:29 Satan will deceive you on life;
23:30 Satan will deceive you on death;
23:32 Satan will deceive you on resurrection power,
23:34 making himself think and appear that he
23:36 can resurrect anybody. But Satan can't
23:39 resurrect anybody. If he could do it,
23:42 he would do it during the thousand years.
23:43 Satan can't give life. Only Jesus can give life.
23:47 Jesus said, I have come that you might have life,
23:50 and you might have it more abundantly.
23:52 I am the resurrection and the life.
23:55 Understand at Calvary, Satan thought he defeated Jesus.
24:01 But on the third appointed day, Jesus got up,
24:06 and He got up with all power in His hands.
24:09 Power over death, power over heal,
24:12 power over the grave, and because He lives,
24:16 I live. Because He got up, one day the dead
24:22 in Christ are going to get up. I serve a
24:25 risen Savior; He's in the world today.
24:27 I know that He is living, whatever men may say.
24:30 I see His hand of mercy, I hear His voice of cheer.
24:32 And just the time I need Him, He's always near.
24:37 Behold, I show you a mystery, that one day we
24:39 shall not all sleep, but we shall be changed.
24:42 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye,
24:45 one day this mortal will put on immortality.
24:48 One day this corruptible will put on incorruption,
24:50 and death is going to be swallowed up in victory.
24:54 Victory is mine, victory is mine,
24:57 victory today is mine. I told Satan,
25:00 get thee behind. Victory today is mine.
25:04 Some of you all don't like to sing.
25:05 Some of you don't like to shout.
25:07 Some of you don't like to see me stomp my feet.
25:09 Some of you don't like to see me when I
25:11 beat this desk like this. But if you don't
25:13 like it down here, I don't know what you're
25:15 going to do when we get up there. Because when
25:16 we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing
25:19 that will be. When we all see Jesus,
25:22 we'll sing and shout the victory!
25:25 Somebody ought to give Him glory in this place.
25:27 Somebody ought to give Him honor in this place.
25:30 Somebody ought to give Him praise in this place.
25:32 Has God been good to anybody? Has God picked
25:36 anybody up, turned him around, placed him
25:39 on solid ground. Has God been good? [Music]
25:41 [Aud. reaction] PB: I praise Him. I praise Him.
25:46 I praise Him. I praise Him. Wild horses can't keep
25:51 me back from the Kingdom. I praise Him. I ain't
25:54 going to hell or jail for anybody. I praise Him.
25:57 Jesus got a mansion with Byrd's name written all over it.
26:02 Dead people are dead. Oh, but when we get to God's kingdom,
26:12 our loved ones, our family, our friends,
26:20 if they've died in the Lord, the Bible says they are
26:25 going to rise first. Can you imagine that? For your mother,
26:30 for your father who has died in the Lord,
26:34 they fell asleep in Jesus. But the next voice they're
26:38 going to hear is going to be the voice of Jesus.
26:42 Their eyes are just going to light up and they're
26:44 going to see Jesus in all His glory.
26:48 But you know, the sad thing is at the second coming,
26:51 if a person doesn't rise first, that's not a good thing.
26:56 If they don't rise first, that's not a good thing.
27:02 But you know what, at the second coming I ain't
27:05 going to be worried about who rising first.
27:07 I ain't going to be looking around trying to
27:09 figure out who's getting up, who's not getting up.
27:11 I'm just going to be thankful, Lord, I got up.
27:13 Are you hearing what I'm saying? [Aud. reaction]
27:16 PB: Ha ha! So that's why I praise Him.
27:23 That's why I praise Him. That's why I lift Him up.
27:30 That's why I magnify His name. And I don't
27:37 care what anyone says or thinks. I'm getting
27:38 older and I could care less. [Aud. reaction]
27:40 PB: I know what Jesus has done for me.
27:44 I've been through too much not to worship Him.
27:50 I've been through too much not to praise Him.
27:56 Some of you, all of you, know what I'm talking about.
27:58 You were strung out somewhere until Jesus touched you
28:01 and He picked you up and He turned you around.
28:04 I wish you would let somebody mean-mug you like
28:07 you can't praise God. I know what God has done for me!
28:10 [Aud. reaction]
28:15 >: Thank you for joining us for another exciting
28:18 Breath of Life television broadcast.
28:20 Tune in next week at the same time,
28:22 as Dr. Byrd will deliver another dynamic message
28:25 from the Lord, just for you.
28:27 Until next time, may God bless you.
28:29 END


Revised 2017-04-18