Participants: Carlton P. Byrd
Series Code: BOL
Program Code: BOL000553A
00:06 SERMON #553 THE MILLENNIUM 00:12 [BREATH OF LIFE THEME MUSIC] 00:20 PB: Let's pray. God, we thank You tonight for bringing us here. 00:26 Lord, as we go into Your Word we pray for the power of 00:27 Your Holy Spirit in this place. We pray that God, 00:30 You would speak through me so Thy people not see or hear me, 00:34 but that they would hear Thee and see Thee. So Lord God, 00:37 open our hearts, open our minds, make us receptive to 00:41 Your Spirit's leadings. And Lord, when we leave here, 00:43 we'll be able to say you know what? It was good to have 00:46 been in Your house tonight, through Your Word. We love You, 00:49 we thank You, and we praise You in Jesus' name. 00:52 Let everyone say amen. Aud.: Amen. 00:55 PB: And amen. Amen. Now, let's review. 00:56 Remember on Sunday night, we talked about the 01:00 fact that the first time Jesus came to this earth, 01:02 He came as a baby. He came as a what, everybody? 01:05 Aud.: Baby. PB: Come on, talk to me. 01:07 He came as a what, everybody? Aud.: Baby. 01:08 PB: He came as a baby, but He had a purpose in His coming. 01:12 He came as a baby, but He came to save us. 01:15 He came to do what, everybody? Aud.: Save us. 01:17 PB: He came to save us from our sins. 01:20 Remember, we talked about the origin and 01:22 the beginning of sin. The fact that the Bible 01:24 says in the beginning God created the heavens and the what? 01:27 Aud.: Earth. PB: But we discovered that God created 01:30 the heavens and the earth, but the earth was without 01:32 form and void, darkness was upon the face of the deep, 01:35 which means there was no life on planet earth. 01:38 We recognize that all life was in heaven. 01:41 But there was a problem in heaven, because Isaiah 14 01:44 teaches that Lucifer, or Satan, wanted to be as God. 01:49 And so because, as we told you on Sunday night, 01:51 there cannot be two cooks in the kitchen, 01:54 we recognize that somebody had to go. Revelation 12 01:59 lets us know who had to go. We told you on Sunday night, 02:03 the devil can try all he wants, all he can, 02:07 but he cannot defeat my Jesus. The Bible is very clear. 02:10 Greater is the God that is in us than the devil that's 02:14 in the world. Revelation 12, specifically verse 7, 02:17 says "There was war in heaven." War where, everybody? 02:20 Aud.: In heaven. PB: Michael, representing Jesus Christ 02:23 and His angels, fought against the dragon, 02:25 which is Satan and his angels, and the dragon, 02:28 the Bible says "prevailed not." Which means, 02:31 Jesus won. So you know, I don't worry about what 02:34 happens in this life 'cause I understand. 02:36 The battle is not yours, the battle is the Lord's. 02:40 I understand, in this life we incur some battles 02:43 along the way, but the good news is, the fight is fixed. 02:47 Jesus already won at Calvary, and I praise God for that. 02:51 [Aud. reaction] PB: But this thing, we have to live it out. 02:53 Because everyone has to make a conscious decision of 02:55 where they will spend eternity. But we discovered there's 02:59 war in heaven. Lucifer, Satan, the devil, he and his angels 03:03 are cast to the earth, and he begins his deceptive activity 03:06 in the Garden of Eden. And we discover in Genesis, chapter 3, 03:09 that Adam and Eve got in trouble because they were hanging 03:13 around the tree. Remember, we talked about that. And so, 03:16 sin came, and we recognize that God, even though sin 03:19 had come into this earth--the good news about God is, 03:22 because He's alpha and because He's omega, because He's 03:26 the first and because He's the last, because He's 03:28 the beginning and because He's the end, God already 03:32 had a plan in place. Before the foundation of the world, 03:36 God had a plan in place that God would have to send His best. 03:41 His best would be His Son, Jesus Christ. And through 03:44 Jesus' shed blood, you and I can have eternal life. 03:48 That should make somebody excited. [Aud. reaction] 03:50 PB: Understanding that it doesn't matter what you 03:52 did last night, that's covered by the blood of the Lamb. 03:54 It doesn't matter what you did last month, last year, 03:56 if you confess your sins God is faithful and just to 04:00 forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 04:03 So the good news is, the first time Jesus came, 04:06 He came as a baby, but He had to save us from sin. 04:09 But then we realize we have reverted back to times 04:18 of old in that sin is among us. Romans 5:12 says as 04:24 sin entered one man in that of Adam, 04:26 sin is passed on to all men. But we recognize that 04:31 because sin is passed on to all men, and we live in 04:33 a world of sin, stress, and mess, Jesus has got to 04:38 come back a second time. The difference the second time is, 04:42 when Jesus comes back it won't be like the first 04:44 time to necessarily save His people, but when 04:47 Jesus comes back the second time, the good 04:50 news is Jesus is coming to get His people. 04:53 [Aud. reaction] PB: So we know Jesus is coming, 04:57 and we also know He's coming real what, everybody? 05:00 Aud.: Soon. PB: Soon. We don't know when He's coming, 05:03 but we know He's coming real what, everybody? 05:05 Aud.: Soon. PB: How do we know He's coming? 05:07 We read about this the other day, and we read 05:08 about this on Sunday night. We know He's coming 05:10 soon because the Bible says, in Matthew 24, 05:12 "As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it 05:16 also be in the coming of the Son of man." 05:18 Which means, in Noah's day they were eating 05:20 and what, everybody? Aud.: Drinking. 05:21 PB: Come on, they were eating and what? Aud.: Drinking. 05:23 PB: They were marrying and giving in what? Aud.: Marriage. 05:25 PB: The Bible also says in Matthew 24, 05:27 some signs before Jesus Christ comes the second 05:30 time is that there will be wars and rumors of what? 05:33 Aud.: Wars. PB: There will also be earthquakes. 05:35 There will be pestilences. There will be famines 05:37 in different places. The Bible says that, 05:40 but the Bible says that if we endure to the end, 05:43 the same shall be saved. So friends of mine, 05:48 I know the world is rough, I know the world is tough, 05:50 but hold on, help is on the way. Jesus Christ is 05:54 soon to come. The signs tell it. 05:57 Now, we also recognize that we ask how is Jesus 06:00 going to come back to this earth? Well, 06:02 the Bible says in Acts, chapter 1, verses 9, 10, 06:04 and 11, that Jesus left in a cloud, He's going 06:07 to come back in a what, everybody? Aud.: Cloud. 06:10 PB: The Bible also lets us know in Revelation, 06:12 chapter 1, verse 7, that when Jesus comes back, 06:14 it won't be a secret rapture. There will be 06:18 nothing secret about Jesus' coming. We read in 06:21 Revelation chapter 1, verse number 7, 06:23 that when Jesus Christ comes back the second time, 06:26 that every living what? Aud.: Eye. 06:29 PB: Come on, every living what, everybody? Aud.: Eye. 06:31 PB: Eye is going to see Him. And the good news is, 06:33 we will see Him at the same time. So, we'll see Him 06:37 in Huntsville, people will see Him in New York, 06:39 people will see Him in L.A., people will see Him 06:42 in Africa, people will see Him in Asia, 06:43 people will see Him in Australia, people will 06:46 see Him in the Caribbean, and we will all 06:48 see Him at the same time. [Aud. reaction] 06:50 PB: But then we discovered also that there are four 06:53 primary groups when Jesus comes. Group number one, 06:55 we had it on the quiz. The righteous dead. 06:58 The righteous what, everybody? Aud.: Dead. 06:59 PB: They rise what? Aud.: First. 07:01 PB: Come on, they rise what, everybody? 07:02 Aud.: First. PB: They rise first. Group number two, 07:04 the righteous living, are caught up to meet 07:06 the Lord in the what, everybody? Aud.: Cloud. 07:08 PB: Group number three, the wicked living, 07:09 die at the brightness of His what? Aud.: Coming. 07:11 PB: So remember, I told you Sunday night, 07:13 I practice looking at light to make sure I can see it, 07:15 because if I can't look at light now, I sure won't be 07:18 able to look at light when Jesus comes. The wicked 07:20 living will die at the brightness of His coming, 07:22 and then group number four, the wicked dead, 07:24 will remain what, everybody? Aud.: Dead. 07:26 PB: Now remember, we told you, if in fact 07:28 Jesus when He comes back the second time, 07:31 if the righteous dead rise first, if the righteous 07:33 living are caught up to meet the Lord in the air, 07:35 if then the righteous were already in heaven, 07:37 who would Jesus be coming back for at His second coming? 07:40 We'll talk about that more tomorrow night. But for tonight, 07:45 it's very important for us to understand that at 07:47 Jesus' second coming the dead in Christ rise first, 07:51 the righteous living are caught up to meet the 07:53 Lord in the air, the wicked living die at the 07:55 brightness of His coming, and the wicked dead remain what, 07:58 everybody? Dead. Now, there's something else we need to 08:01 discover about Jesus' second coming. The second coming 08:04 of Jesus Christ occurs simultaneous to the first resurrection. 08:09 This first resurrection is a resurrection, as we say it, 08:11 of the righteous. The dead in Christ rise what? First. 08:16 So at Jesus' second coming, it happens simultaneous to 08:22 the first resurrection. This first resurrection begins a 08:27 1,000-year period. Are you with me, everybody? At Jesus' 08:32 second coming, there's a resurrection. 08:35 This is the first resurrection, and it begins a 08:40 1,000-year period. Go with me to the book of Revelation. 08:43 What book, everybody? Aud.: Revelation. 08:45 PB: Let's go to Revelation, and we're going to 08:47 Revelation chapter 20. Revelation chapter 20, 08:50 and we're going to verse number 5. Revelation chapter 20, 08:53 and let's go to verse number 5. Revelation chapter 20, 08:57 and we're going to verse number 5. The Word of God says to us- 09:02 -if you have it, let me hear you say amen. Aud.: Amen. 09:04 PB: Revelation chapter 20, verse 5, the Word of 09:06 God says to us tonight "But the rest of the dead 09:09 lived not again until the thousand years were"- 09:12 -what, everybody? Aud.: Finished. 09:14 PB: Finished. This is the what resurrection? 09:16 Aud.: First. PB: All right, let's stop there. 09:18 Number one, this lets me know, yes true, 09:20 the wicked dead will remain what? Aud.: Dead. 09:22 PB: And they will not live again until 09:24 the end of 1,000 what, everybody? Aud.: Years. 09:26 PB: Years. The Bible then says, this is the first what? 09:30 Aud.: Resurrection. PB: Resurrection, which then 09:32 lets you and me, lets us know, that there must 09:35 be more than one resurrection. Because if it was just- 09:38 -remember I said Sunday night--if it were just 09:40 one resurrection, the Bible would say this is 09:43 the resurrection. But the Bible says this 09:46 is the what resurrection, everybody? Aud.: First. 09:49 PB: First. Now look at verse 6. "Blessed and 09:52 holy is he that hath part in the"--what resurrection? 09:55 Aud.: First. PB: Which lets me know it's a 09:57 good thing to be in the first resurrection. All right, 10:00 so we have established there is more than one resurrection. 10:03 But we've also read, blessed and holy is he that 10:05 hath part in the first resurrection, 10:07 which means it's good to be in that resurrection. 10:10 Continuing on. "On such the second death hath 10:14 no"--what, everybody? Aud.: Power. 10:16 PB: Come on, hath no what, everybody? Aud.: Power 10:18 PB: That lets me know, there are at least two deaths. 10:20 Are we clear, everybody? We're reading the Bible. 10:24 There at least two deaths. "On such the second 10:28 death hath no power, but they shall be priests 10:30 of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him" 10:33 for how many years? Aud.: A thousand. 10:35 PB: How many years? Aud.: A thousand. 10:36 PB: All right, so let's review. 10:38 At Jesus' second coming it happens simultaneous 10:41 to the first resurrection. We know there's another 10:45 resurrection because the wicked don't live again for 10:47 1,000 years. But at Jesus' second coming 10:51 there is a resurrection. It is a resurrection 10:53 of the righteous. It is a resurrection 10:54 of the what, everybody? Aud.: Righteous. 10:56 PB: So the first thousand years begin with a resurrection. 11:00 The end of the 1,000 years is another resurrection. 11:06 So that means, at the end of 1,000 years, 11:09 there's another resurrection. But if it's 11:11 blessed and holy in the first resurrection 11:13 that means the end of the 1,000 years, 11:16 that's not a good resurrection to be a part of. 11:19 Are you understanding what I'm saying? 11:20 All right. Put a bookmark in Revelation 20 and 11:23 go back now to John chapter 5. Go to John chapter 5, 11:27 and I want you in verses 28 and 29. John chapter 5, 11:31 verses 28 and 29. We know that the first resurrection 11:36 is a good resurrection. At the end of the 1,000 years 11:40 the wicked are a part of a resurrection. That's not a 11:43 good resurrection. John 5:28 and 29 affirm that. 11:47 The Word of God, Jesus Himself speaking in John chapter 5, 11:50 verse number 28. If you have it, let me hear you say amen. 11:53 Aud.: Amen. PB: "Marvel not at this: for the 11:55 hour is coming, in the which all that are in the 11:58 graves shall hear his" Aud.: Voice. 12:00 PB: Shall hear his what, everybody? Aud.: Voice. 12:02 PB: Now stop there. That lets me know, 12:04 as I read that, that Jesus is the only One who 12:07 has the power to resurrect the dead. The Bible says, 12:12 all that are in the graves shall hear his what, everybody? 12:15 Aud.: Voice. PB: That lets me know Satan doesn't 12:17 have resurrection power. Jesus says, 12:20 I am the resurrection and the life. 12:23 Are you hearing what I'm saying? It's 12:24 important to understand that because the devil 12:25 will try to deceive people into thinking that he 12:28 has resurrection power. He doesn't. Verse 29, 12:30 "And shall come forth; they that have done good, 12:34 unto the resurrection of life." Everybody say "life." 12:37 Aud.: Life. PB: "And they that have done evil, 12:39 unto the resurrection of damnation." 12:40 Everybody say "damnation." Aud.: Damnation. 12:42 PB: So we are clear, the Bible is, 12:44 that there are two resurrections. 12:46 The first resurrection happens at the second coming, 12:50 at the beginning of the 1,000 years. At the end of 12:54 the 1,000 years there's another resurrection. 12:57 The wicked are then resurrected. Blessed and holy 13:00 is he in the first resurrection. On such the 13:04 second death hath no power. There are two resurrections, 13:07 a resurrection of life and a resurrection of damnation. 13:10 If you're like me, if we die in the Lord, 13:13 we want to be a part of the first resurrection. 13:16 All right, so the beginning of 1,000 years begins 13:20 with a good resurrection. The end of the 13:22 thousand years ends with a resurrection that's 13:24 not a good resurrection. The period in between 13:29 is 1,000 years. This period is known as the millennium. 13:34 Everybody say "millennium." Aud.: Millennium. 13:35 PB: Say it like you mean it, say "millennium." 13:36 Aud.: Millennium. PB: So the question is then, 13:38 all right, I know what happens at the beginning. 13:40 I know what happens at the end. What happens in 13:42 the middle? What happens during the 1,000 years? 13:46 Take your Bibles and go to the book of Jeremiah. 13:47 Jeremiah, and we're going to Jeremiah chapter 4. 13:51 Jeremiah. Isaiah, Jeremiah, chapter 4. And we're 13:57 going to verse number 23. Jeremiah chapter 4, 14:02 and we're going to verse number 23. Jeremiah chapter 4, 14:08 verse number 23. The Word of God says to us tonight 14:12 in Jeremiah chapter 4, verse 23. If you have it, 14:14 let me hear you say amen. Aud.: Amen. 14:16 PB: I'm reading. Behold, "I beheld the earth, 14:19 and, lo, it was without form, and"--what? Aud.: Void. 14:22 PB: "And the heavens"--they had no what? Aud.: Light. 14:25 PB: Now, this sounds like how the earth was before God created it. 14:29 Remember we read, in the beginning God created the 14:31 heavens and the what, everybody?? Earth. And then we 14:34 read the earth was without form and what? Void. 14:36 Darkness was upon the face of the deep. Remember, 14:38 we read that. Ironically we now go to Jeremiah 4, 14:41 verse 23. "I beheld the earth, and lo, it was without 14:44 form and void, and the heavens and they had no what, everybody? 14:48 Aud.: Light. PB: Which means then, if this is how 14:50 the earth is during the 1,000 years, it is reminiscent 14:53 of how the earth was before the earth was created. Verse 24. 14:57 "I beheld the mountains, and, lo, they trembled, 15:01 and all the hills moved lightly. I beheld, and, lo, 15:03 there was no man, and all the birds of the heavens were fled." 15:05 And, "I beheld, and, lo, the fruitful place was a wilderness, 15:08 and all the cities thereof were broken down at the presence 15:11 of the LORD, and by his fierce anger." Verse 28, 15:14 "For this shall the earth mourn, and the heavens above 15:18 be black; because I have spoken it, I have purposed it, 15:21 and will not repent, neither will I turn back from it." 15:25 All right, let's be clear, what's going on. 15:29 Jesus, the first time, came to save us. 15:32 He came to do what, everybody? Aud.: Save us. 15:34 PB: Jesus, the second time, is coming to get us. 15:36 He's coming to do what, everybody? Aud.: Get us. 15:38 PB: At His second coming there is a resurrection. 15:40 It is a good resurrection. The dead in Christ shall rise what? 15:43 Aud.: First. PB: And the righteous living are caught 15:46 up to meet the Lord in the what, everybody? Aud.: Air. 15:47 PB: The wicked living die at the brightness of his what? Aud.: Coming. 15:50 PB: The wicked dead remain what? Aud.: Dead. 15:52 PB: For how many years? Aud.: A thousand. 15:54 PB: At the end of the 1,000 years, is there a resurrection? Aud.: Yes. 15:57 PB: It's a resurrection of the wicked. 15:59 A resurrection of the what, everybody? Aud.: Wicked. 16:00 PB: Is it good to be a part of the first or 16:02 the second resurrection? Aud.: First. 16:04 PB: First. During the 1,000 years there's no life 16:09 on planet earth. It's without form, it's without void. 16:14 It's void, rather. It's dark. It's black. 16:18 There is no life. Well, Pastor, that makes sense, 16:23 why is there no life? There's no life because 16:26 all the righteous are in where? Aud.: Heaven. 16:29 PB: And all the wicked are what? Aud.: Dead. 16:31 PB: Dead. Here on this what? Aud.: Earth. 16:33 PB: So that means there is no funeral for the wicked, 16:36 because if the undertaker were wicked, he's dead too. 16:40 Are we all together, everybody? So, the righteous 16:45 undertake don't come down to earth and bury the wicked, 16:47 because if he's righteous or she's righteous, 16:50 they're already in where? Heaven. The wicked undertaker 16:52 can't bury any wicked, because if he or she were wicked, 16:55 guess what? They're dead too. So if the righteous are 17:01 in heaven and reigning with Christ for 1,000 years, 17:04 the wicked are dead on this earth and there is no 17:06 life on earth, what's Satan doing? What's Satan doing? 17:11 Go back to Revelation 20. Go back to Revelation 20, 17:16 but let's go to verse number 1. Revelation chapter 20, 17:21 verse number 1. What's the devil doing? Revelation chapter 20, 17:24 verse number 1, the Word of God says, "And I saw an angel 17:26 come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless 17:30 pit and a great" what in his hand? Aud.: Chain. 17:32 PB: A great what in his hand? Aud.: Chain. 17:34 PB: "And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, 17:36 which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him" for how many years? 17:39 Aud.: A thousand. PB: All right, so Satan is bound for a thousand years. 17:43 Look at verse number 3. "And cast him into the bottomless pit, 17:46 and shut him up." Oh, I only got one hallelujah. 17:53 [Aud. reaction] PB: The Lord, Jesus, God, shut that rascal up! 18:00 [Aud. reaction] PB: That's better. "Set a seal upon him, 18:06 that he should deceive the nations no more, 18:09 till the thousand years should be"--what, everybody? 18:12 Aud.: Fulfilled. PB: "And after that he must be loosed" 18:14 for a little what? Aud.: Season. 18:16 PB: All right, so let's understand what's going on. 18:17 The devil is shut up. God has put a seal on the devil. 18:22 Why? Because remember, the devil's number one activity 18:25 is to deceive. Well, the devil can't deceive anybody, 18:29 because the righteous are in heaven with Jesus and the 18:32 wicked are dead here on this earth. So he can't deceive, 18:37 he can't do anything, he's just there for 1,000 years, 18:41 because if he had the power to do something, he would do 18:44 it during the 1,000 years. The interesting thing about 18:46 the devil is this: if the devil claims to have the power 18:49 that he does, the devil has 1,000 years to resurrect 18:54 the wicked. If he has power, devil go on and do it. 18:58 You've got 1,000 years to resurrect the wicked and 19:01 show them how much power you have. But he's not the 19:04 resurrection and the life. He has no power. 19:07 The devil can't do anything without God allowing him to do it. 19:12 [Aud. reaction] PB: So a seal is set on him. 19:18 He's shut up. Have a seat. [Aud. reaction] 19:24 PB: All right, so at Jesus' second coming the 19:34 dead in Christ rise what? Aud.: First. 19:36 PB: Come on, the dead in Christ rise what? Aud.: First. 19:39 PB: The righteous living are caught up to 19:40 meet the Lord in the what? Aud.: Air. 19:41 PB: The wicked living die at the brightness 19:44 of His what? Aud.: Coming. 19:45 PB: The wicked dead remain what? Aud.: Dead. 19:47 PB: For how many years? Aud.: One thousand. 19:48 PB: At the end of the 1,000 years, 19:50 are the wicked resurrected? Aud.: Yes. 19:52 PB: During the 1,000 years, the righteous 19:54 are in where? Aud.: Heaven. 19:55 PB: The wicked are what? Aud.: Dead. 19:57 PB: Here on this what? Aud.: Earth. 19:59 PB: Satan can't deceive, why? 20:01 Because the righteous are in what? Aud.: Heaven. 20:02 PB: And the wicked are what? Aud.: Dead. 20:04 PB: Here on this what? Aud.: Earth. 20:06 PB: So what are the righteous doing? 20:07 If they're in heaven with Jesus, 20:13 what are they doing? Look at verse number 4. 20:15 Revelation chapter 20, verse number 4. 20:20 Look at verse 4. The Word of God says, 20:21 "And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, 20:24 and judgment was given unto them: and I saw 20:25 the souls of them that were beheaded for the 20:27 witness of"--whom, everybody? Aud.: Jesus. 20:29 PB: "And for the word of"--whom, everybody? Aud.: God. 20:31 PB: "And which had not worshipped the beast, 20:33 neither his image, neither had received his 20:35 mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; 20:37 and they lived and reigned with Christ" 20:39 for how many years? Aud.: A thousand. 20:40 PB: Now look at verse number 12. 20:42 "And I saw the dead, small and great, 20:44 stand before God; and the books were"- 20:47 -what, everybody? Aud.: Opened. 20:48 PB: "And another book was"--what, everybody? Aud.: Opened. 20:50 PB: "Which is the book of life: and the dead 20:52 were judged out of those things which were 20:55 written in the books, according to their"--what, everybody? 20:57 Aud.: Works. PB: "And the sea gave up the dead 21:00 which were in it; and death and hell delivered up 21:02 the dead which were in them: and they were judged 21:04 every man according to their"--what, everybody? Aud.: Works. 21:07 PB: All right, so the righteous, in addition to 21:10 reigning with Jesus, the righteous are in heaven 21:12 and they are participating in judgment. 21:15 They are able to look over the books. 21:19 Why are they able to look over the books? 21:21 Why are they participating in judgment? 21:22 Because remember, one of Satan's claims, 21:25 one of his accusations against God, 21:27 is that God is not fair. That God is unjust. 21:31 That God does not give people the power of choice. 21:34 Remember, Satan used that same lie in heaven 21:37 and he deceived one-third of the angels. 21:41 So the righteous will be in heaven during 21:45 the 1,000 years participating in judgment, 21:47 looking over the books, and they will be able 21:49 to see that God was not willing that any should 21:51 perish but that all should come to repentance. 21:53 They will be able to look over the books 21:55 and see that God gave all of us, God gave everybody, 21:58 a chance to be saved. If an individual is lost, 22:03 it's because of a choice that I made. 22:06 Nobody made me do it. I made a choice to do it. 22:12 So we discover at Jesus' second coming the 22:17 righteous dead rise what? Aud.: First. 22:19 PB: The righteous living are caught up 22:21 to meet the Lord in the-- Aud.: Air. 22:22 PB: The wicked living die at the brightness of His-- 22:24 Aud.: Coming. PB: The wicked dead remain what? 22:26 Aud.: Dead. PB: For how many years? 22:28 Aud.: A thousand. PB: At the end of the 22:29 thousand years, the wicked are what? Resurrected. 22:32 During the 1,000 years, the righteous are in where? Aud.: Heaven. 22:35 PB: The wicked are what? Dead here on this what? Aud.: Earth. 22:38 PB: Can Satan deceive? Aud.: No. 22:39 PB: Because the righteous are in-- Aud.: Heaven. 22:41 PB: The wicked are what? Dead. Here on this what? Aud.: Earth. 22:44 PB: The righteous are participating in what? Aud.: Judgment. 22:47 PB: Judgment. All right. Now, at the end of the 1,000 22:57 years there's a resurrection. There's a resurrection of the wicked. 23:04 What else happens? Go to Revelation 21. And go to verse number 1. 23:13 Let's start at verse number one. Revelation 21, 23:16 let's start at verse 1. The Word of God says- 23:21 -if you have it, let me hear you say amen. Aud.: Amen. 23:23 PB: "And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: 23:29 for the first heaven and the first earth were 23:34 passed away; and there was no more"--what, everybody? Aud.: Sea. 23:39 PB: Verse 2. "And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, 23:45 coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as 23:51 a bride adorned for her husband." Now, 23:55 almost 20 years ago, my wife and I got married 23:59 in this church. And I will never forget when 24:02 she came down that aisle. I'll tell you, 24:04 if we don't hurry up and get over with this ceremony, 24:06 'cause I want to take my wife. Hallelujah somebody. 24:09 [Aud. reaction] PB: If the Bible says that the new 24:13 Jerusalem is going to come down out of heaven like 24:16 a bride adorned for her husband, and I know that's 24:19 a good thing. Do I have a witness in this place? 24:21 [Aud. reaction] PB: Verse number 3, 24:24 "And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, 24:27 Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, 24:30 and he will dwell with them, and they shall 24:31 be his people, and God himself shall be with them, 24:36 and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears 24:39 from their eyes; and there shall be no more death" 24:41 hallelujah! There shall be no more sorrow, 24:43 no more crying, "neither shall there be any more pain: 24:46 for the former things [thank You, Jesus] are passed away." 24:51 Oh, when we see Jesus, oh, when we see God, 24:57 the former things are going to be passed away. 25:00 [Aud. reaction] PB: Hallelujah, home at last. 25:03 The redeemed are going to be home at last. 25:05 That's going to happen at the end of the 1,000 years. 25:10 The Bible is clear that the new Jerusalem is going 25:13 to come down out of heaven to this earth as a bride 25:16 adorned for her husband, and there will be no more death, 25:20 no more crying, no more sickness, no more pain, 25:23 no more gas prices, 'cause I'm going to fly from my 25:27 mansion to your mansion. No more house note, ' 25:30 cause I've got a mansion with my name written all over it. 25:33 And the debt is paid by the blood of the Lamb. [Aud. reaction] 25:37 PB: What happens to Satan at this time? Verse 7. 25:51 Revelation 20. Revelation 20, verse 7. "And when the 25:58 thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out 26:06 of his prison." Now, that makes sense, because the 26:12 Bible says at the end of the 1,000 years there's 26:16 a resurrection. There's a resurrection of the wicked. 26:21 Satan was in the prison, because during the 1,000 years 26:24 he couldn't deceive anybody. Because the righteous 26:27 were in where? Heaven. And the wicked were what? 26:30 Dead here on this what? Aud.: Earth. 26:32 PB: So he can't deceive. But at the end of the 26:35 thousand years, when the wicked are resurrected, 26:38 the Bible says he's loosed out of his prison. 26:42 Verse number 8, what happens next? "And shall go 26:46 out to deceive the nations which are in the four 26:50 quarters of the earth, Gog, and Magog, to gather 26:57 them together to battle: the number of whom is as 27:00 the sand of the sea." Now, this text lets me know 27:04 it's going to be a whole bunch of wicked people. 27:07 If the Bible says that the number of the wicked 27:10 is as the sand of the sea, that's a whole lot of folk. 27:13 If the Bible says that as it was in the days of Noah, 27:16 so shall it also be in the coming of the Son of man, 27:18 and there were only eight people that got in the ark, 27:21 the Bible lets me know that the minority of people, 27:24 the minority will be those that follow Jesus Christ. 27:27 But if the Bible says the wicked are as the number of 27:30 the sand of the sea, that's the majority, which lets me know, 27:33 friends of mine, I can't worry about what everybody 27:34 else is doing. I can't worry about what everybody else 27:37 is saying. Ain't nobody down here got a heaven or 27:39 hell for me. I've got to make sure my soul is right 27:43 with Jesus Christ. Are you hearing what I'm saying? 27:45 I told you something, that I've been lied on, 27:47 I've been cheated, people have talked about me. 27:50 I've been mistreated, I've been up, down, 27:52 to the ground, but as long as I've got King Jesus, 27:54 I don't need anybody else. Me and Jesus, 27:58 it's always a majority. If I hold my peace, 28:02 and the Lord fights my battles, victory shall be mine! 28:08 [Aud. reaction] PB: All right, so let's be clear. 28:12 At the second coming, there's a resurrection. 28:15 >: Thank you for joining us for another exciting 28:18 Breath of Life television broadcast. 28:20 Tune in next week at the same time, 28:22 as Dr. Byrd will deliver another dynamic 28:24 message from the Lord, just for you. 28:27 Until next time, may God bless you. 28:29 END |
Revised 2017-04-18