Breath of Life

The Second Coming

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Carlton P. Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000552A

00:20 PB: Let's pray. God, bless us now.
00:21 We are grateful that we have been reminded that God,
00:25 You are everything we need. And so God,
00:28 as we go in this Word, we pray for the power
00:30 of Your Holy Spirit to dwell in us, through us, around us.
00:33 Just get all up in this place tonight.
00:36 God, we praise You in advance for what
00:38 You're going to do. Now, hide me behind Your cross.
00:40 Make Your Word plain to Your people tonight,
00:42 and when we leave here, that we will be able
00:44 to say it was good to have been here.
00:46 In the name of Jesus, let everyone say amen.
00:48 Aud.: Amen. PB: And amen.
00:50 We're going to start off in Genesis.
00:52 Everybody go to the book of Genesis.
00:53 What book, everybody?
00:53 Aud.: Genesis.
00:54 PB: Come on, talk to me. What book, everybody.
00:56 Aud.: Genesis.
00:57 PB: You gotta say amen to me. Saying amen to a
00:59 preacher is like saying sic 'em to a dog. So come on,
01:01 let's start. Talk back to me, now.
01:03 We're going to the book of what, everybody?
01:05 Aud.: Genesis.
01:06 PB: That's better. Genesis chapter 1,
01:07 and we're going to verse 1. Tonight we're going
01:09 to talk about God's second coming in the person
01:11 of Jesus Christ. Genesis chapter 1, verse number 1.
01:15 You should have it by now. If you have it,
01:17 let me hear you say amen.
01:19 Aud.: Amen.
01:20 PB: The Word of God says "In the"--what?
01:22 Aud.: Beginning.
01:23 PB: Talk to me. In the what?
01:23 Aud.: Beginning.
01:24 PB: "God created the heavens and the" what?
01:26 Aud.: Earth.
01:27 PB: "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the"--what?
01:29 Aud.: Earth.
01:31 PB: And then the Bible says, "The earth was without form and"--what?
01:33 Aud.: Void.
01:34 PB: "And darkness was upon the face of the"--what?
01:35 Aud.: Deep.
01:37 PB: "And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the"--what, everybody?
01:40 Aud.: Waters.
01:41 PB: So we discover--stop there--we discover that in the beginning-
01:44 -we don't know when that beginning was, 'cause God has always been here.
01:47 But in the beginning, whenever the beginning was. God is alpha
01:51 and God is omega. In the beginning,
01:53 God created the heavens and the what, everybody?
01:56 Aud.: Earth.
01:57 PB: Now, the Bible says in verse 2 that
01:59 "the earth was without form and"--what?
02:02 Aud.: Void.
02:03 PB: That lets me know that God created this earth,
02:05 but there was life in heaven, but the earth was without form and what?
02:10 Aud.: Void.
02:11 PB: Now we know and understand that the Bible is
02:14 not written chronologically. By that I mean,
02:18 the Bible doesn't start in Genesis and then automatically
02:21 Exodus and what. No. The Bible, we will discover tonight,
02:24 begins in Genesis 1:1, but we will discover chronologically,
02:29 we're going to go on over to Isaiah. We'll go to Revelation
02:32 and we're going to come back to Genesis. Is that all right, everybody?
02:35 In the beginning, whenever that was, God created the
02:39 heavens and the earth. There was then life in heaven,
02:43 but the earth was without form and what?
02:46 Aud.: Void.
02:47 PB: Now, what goes on in heaven? Take your Bibles now,
02:48 put a bookmark in Genesis 1:1, and go now to the book of Isaiah.
02:52 And we're going to Isaiah chapter 14. Isaiah 14. Again,
02:56 don't be deceived by the devil when we study the Word of God,
02:59 but know what you believe, know why you believe it,
03:01 and know where it's found. Go to the book of Isaiah,
03:04 and we're going to Isaiah chapter 14, and we're going
03:06 to verse number 12. Isaiah, chapter 14 and we're going
03:10 to verse number 12. The Word of God says, Isaiah 14,
03:15 verse 12. If you have it, let me hear you say amen.
03:17 Aud.: Amen.
03:18 PB: The Word says, "How art thou fallen from heaven,
03:20 O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down
03:23 to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
03:26 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into"--where?
03:31 Aud.: Heaven.
03:32 PB: Come on, talk to me. I will ascend into where? Heaven.
03:34 "I will exalt my throne above the stars of"--whom, everybody?
03:38 Aud.: God.
03:40 PB: "I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation,
03:42 in the sides of the north." Verse number 14,
03:44 "I will ascend above the heights of the"--what?
03:48 Aud.: Clouds.
03:49 PB: "I will be like the most High." In the beginning,
03:55 God created the heavens and the earth. There's no life
03:59 on planet earth, because the earth is without
04:02 form and what, everybody?
04:03 Aud.: Void.
04:04 PB: But God's Word says that in heaven there is life,
04:08 and we know there is life because we have read from
04:11 Isaiah 14 where Lucifer says "I want to be like God."
04:14 I want to be like the Most High. I want to ascend
04:20 above the heights of the clouds. Now, I must admit,
04:23 and I must acknowledge right now, if I would have
04:25 been last on the totem pole in heaven,
04:27 I would have been all right.
04:28 [Aud. reaction]
04:29 PB: Here is Lucifer, chief of the angels.
04:32 You've got the Father, the Son and Holy Ghost.
04:34 Chief angel, and he's not satisfied with
04:37 being where he is. He says, I've got to ascend
04:41 to the heavens. I have to be exalted.
04:43 I have to sit on the mount of the congregation.
04:45 I must ascend above the heights of the clouds.
04:47 I will be like the Most High.
04:50 Well, I don't know what home you were raised in,
04:52 but in my home there could not be two cooks in the kitchen.
04:55 [Aud. reaction]
04:56 PB: There could only be one cook in the kitchen.
04:58 Are you hearing what I'm saying? I don't know
05:00 where you come from, but you know two vision,
05:02 that is division. There only can be one leader.
05:06 Are you hearing what I'm saying, everybody?
05:08 Lucifer wanted to be a god. But God is God alone,
05:10 and God doesn't need help from anybody else,
05:13 because God is sovereign and God can do what He wants,
05:17 when He wants, where He wants, how He wants,
05:19 and He doesn't have to ask you or me for permission
05:22 to do as He wants. He's God! But Lucifer wanted
05:26 to be a god, so we have a problem.
05:28 Let's go to Revelation. Let's go to Revelation chapter 12,
05:32 and let's go to verse number 7. Revelation chapter 12,
05:35 verse number 7. And the Word of God says to us in
05:38 Revelation chapter 12, verse number 7.
05:41 Revelation chapter 12, verse number 7.
05:43 If you have it, let me hear you say amen.
05:46 Aud.: Amen.
05:47 PB: The Word of God says, "And there was war in" where?
05:49 Aud.: Heaven.
05:50 PB: Heaven. "Michael and his angels"--Michael
05:51 represents Jesus. Michael represents whom, everybody?
05:53 Aud.: Jesus.
05:54 PB: Michael and his angels "fought against the dragon."
05:56 The dragon represents Satan. The dragon represents whom, everybody?
05:59 Aud.: Satan.
06:00 PB: "Michael and his angels fought against the dragon;
06:01 and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not;
06:04 neither was their place found any more in heaven.
06:06 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent,
06:09 called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole" what?
06:12 Aud.: World.
06:13 PB: And "he was cast out into the earth,
06:15 and his angels were cast out with him." All right, let's digress.
06:22 In the beginning, God created the heavens and the what, everybody?
06:24 Aud.: Earth.
06:26 PB: Come on, in the beginning God created the heavens and the what?
06:27 Aud.: Earth.
06:27 PB: Do we know when the beginning was?
06:28 Aud.: No.
06:30 PB: No. We just know that in the beginning God
06:31 created the heavens and the what, everybody?
06:32 Aud.: Earth.
06:33 PB: In the beginning there was life in heaven,
06:36 no life on earth, because the text says in
06:38 verse 2 of Genesis 1, "And the earth was without form and" what?
06:42 Aud.: Void.
06:43 PB: "Darkness was upon the face of the" what?
06:45 Aud.: Deep.
06:46 PB: And the Spirit of God later moved upon the
06:48 face of the waters. But before the Spirit of
06:50 God moved upon the face of the waters, we have
06:52 read in Isaiah 14 that Satan, Lucifer, the devil,
06:56 the dragon, wanted to be as God. He was not
06:59 satisfied with his place and stature in heaven,
07:02 but he wanted to be like the Most High God.
07:04 He was jealous You do understand that all
07:07 of our sin is rooted in our selfishness.
07:09 [Aud. reaction]
07:11 PB: What we want. Are you hearing what I'm saying?
07:14 So, Lucifer's sin was rooted in his selfishness,
07:17 what he wanted. He wasn't satisfied with being who
07:20 God made him to be, but he wanted to be what
07:23 he wanted to be. And so Lucifer wants to be
07:26 like the Most High God. We skip down to Revelation,
07:29 and Revelation 12:7 says because of that, there was
07:32 war in heaven. Did Lucifer really think he was
07:35 going to beat my Jesus? Did he really think he
07:38 was going to beat Jesus? Let that be a lesson
07:40 for us tonight. Understand, I don't care what
07:43 Satan thinks he can do. I don't care what
07:46 Satan thinks he can do to you. Satan is no match for Jesus!
07:51 [Aud. reaction]
07:52 PB: Understand tonight, the devil is not afraid of you.
07:55 The devil is afraid of the Holy Ghost that's living
07:58 inside of you. That's why, friends of mine,
08:01 when the devil comes to knock you down,
08:03 when the devil comes to beat you up,
08:05 all you've got to do is say "get thee behind me,
08:08 Satan, in the name of Jesus." Because Satan is
08:11 no match for Jesus, and because the Holy Ghost
08:15 is living inside of you, you will overcome the devil,
08:18 because greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.
08:22 [Aud. reaction]
08:23 PB: All right, so, in the beginning,
08:25 God created the heavens and the what, everybody?
08:26 Aud.: Earth.
08:28 PB: In the beginning, God created the heavens and the what?
08:29 Aud.: Earth.
08:30 PB: Is there life on earth? No.
08:31 Is there life in heaven? Yes.
08:33 Satan wants to be like Whom?
08:35 Aud.: God.
08:36 PB: There is then war in what?
08:37 Aud.: Heaven.
08:38 PB: Jesus and His angels defeat Satan and his angels.
08:41 Satan and his angels are cast to the what? Earth.
08:45 His job is to deceive. When does he begin his deceptive activity?
08:54 Go back to Genesis 1. "In the beginning God created the heavens
08:59 and the earth." Verse 2, "And the earth was without form, and void;
09:03 and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of
09:07 God moved upon the face of the waters." Verse 3 says,
09:11 "And God said, Let there be light: and there was light."
09:16 And so, God goes on each and every day and He creates something new,
09:20 something different. He institutes something in Genesis 2,
09:24 and we're going to talk about that a little later on in the revival.
09:26 But then we come to Genesis chapter 3. And in Genesis chapter 3,
09:31 Satan begins his deceptive activity here on earth.
09:36 Satan begins to deceive our fore parents, Adam and Eve.
09:41 Adam and Eve. God told them, don't eat of the fruit of
09:46 the tree of knowledge of good and evil. God told them,
09:49 don't even go near it. If you go near it, you're going
09:53 to get in trouble. God said, don't touch it, don't eat of it,
09:57 because in the day that ye shall eat, ye shall surely what, everybody?
10:01 Aud.: Die.
10:02 PB: That's what Adam and Eve's problem was.
10:04 Not only did they eat of the fruit, but the reality
10:06 is they disobeyed God. Why did they disobey God?
10:09 Because they yielded to temptation. Had they heeded God's counsel,
10:13 they would have never been eating fruit in the first place.
10:15 Pastor Byrd, what do you mean? Adam and Eve's
10:17 problem was they were hanging around the tree.
10:21 If they had never gone near the tree,
10:24 they would have never had any problems eating
10:27 from the tree. But because they were hanging around the tree,
10:30 they were tempted by the fruit on the tree.
10:33 And you know what the problem is? Some of
10:36 us have that same problem. Some of us have
10:38 trees in our lives that God has told us don't
10:41 go near them, don't touch them, don't hang around them,
10:44 because if you eat of them, you're going to die.
10:47 But we get in trouble hanging around the tree.
10:50 And everybody in here has a tree.
10:55 Let me give you some counsel.
10:58 If you know you've got a problem with a certain tree,
11:00 quit hanging around that tree. Do I have a witness in this place?
11:04 [Aud. reaction]
11:05 PB: Adam and Eve under the tree, Satan deceives them.
11:09 You shall not die, and surely what happened?
11:11 They what, everybody? Died.
11:13 Now go to Romans 5, because let me tell you what
11:18 Adam's sin did to all of us. Go to Romans chapter 5,
11:22 and go to verse number 20; 12, rather. Romans chapter 5
11:27 and verse number 12. Romans chapter 5 and verse number 12.
11:33 This is now the problem we're facing. Romans 5:12,
11:36 the Word of God says, "Wherefore, as by one man sin
11:41 entered into the world, and death by" what? Sin.
11:45 "And so death passed upon all men,
11:50 for that all have"--what, everybody?
11:52 Aud.: Sinned.
11:53 PB: All right, let's stop there. Because of
11:55 Adam and Eve's sin, death, has come upon all men,
12:02 because of their sin, sin and death has now passed
12:08 on all of us. All of us have sinned. News flash tonight.
12:16 I don't care how holy you think you are.
12:18 I don't care how righteous you think you are.
12:21 I don't care how much you think you've got it going on.
12:25 You may think you are a bag of chips and then some,
12:29 but understand tonight, you're a sinner. I'm a sinner.
12:33 We are all sinners. All of us have come short of
12:39 the glory of God. All of us are sinners.
12:42 Everybody up in here is an ex-something.
12:45 I wish I had a witness in this place.
12:47 [Aud. reaction]
12:48 PB: And everybody up in here, if it had not
12:50 been for the grace of God, where would we be.
12:53 So make sure you don't point your finger at
12:55 somebody else, because you've got three fingers
12:57 pointing back at you. Make sure you don't talk
12:59 about somebody else, 'cause you don't live in
13:02 a glass house, either. All have sinned and
13:04 come short of the glory of God.
13:06 But the good news is that God had a dilemma.
13:10 With Adam and Eve's sin, God had a dilemma.
13:13 God's dilemma was that either He excuses sin or
13:18 He destroys Adam and Eve, and he starts all over.
13:22 The devil thought he had God. The devil thought he
13:26 had a checkmate. Either God's going to excuse what
13:30 Adam and Eve, what they had done, which goes
13:32 against who God is, or God has to kill
13:35 Adam and Eve and start all over.
13:38 What's the solution? Send Jesus. Ha ha.
13:43 [Aud. reaction]
13:43 PB: Send Jesus. Send my very best.
13:46 For God so loved the world that He gave His
13:49 only begotten Son that whosever believeth in
13:51 Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
13:53 For the wages of sin is death. We deserve death.
13:58 But praise God, the gift of God is eternal life
14:01 through Jesus Christ our Lord. He was wounded for
14:03 our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities.
14:06 The chastisement of our peace was upon Him,
14:08 but by His stripes tonight, we are healed.
14:11 Buddha can't do it, Confucius can't do it,
14:14 Mohammad can't do it. There is only one name
14:17 under heaven whereby we can be saved,
14:20 and that's the name of Jesus!
14:24 [Aud. reaction]
14:25 PB: And so that means Jesus had to come to
14:28 this earth. In the beginning, God created
14:31 the heaven and the what? Earth.
14:32 Satan wanted to be like Whom? God.
14:35 There is war in where?
14:37 [Aud. reaction]Heaven.
14:38 PB: Satan and his angels are defeated
14:39 and they are cast to the what?
14:41 Aud.: Earth.
14:41 PB: They begin their deceptive activity
14:43 in the Garden of what, everybody?
14:45 Aud.: Eden.
14:46 PB: As sin passed on Adam and one man,
14:48 sin passed on all men. All of us are sinners.
14:52 God either excuses sin, or God creates another
14:55 Adam and Eve. God's solution? Send Jesus.
14:59 And so Jesus had to come the first time,
15:01 to save us from our sins. Matthew chapter 1,
15:05 verse 21, "And she shall bring forth a son.
15:08 Thou shalt call his name Jesus, for he shall
15:11 save his people from their sins." So Jesus
15:14 had to come the first time to save us from
15:17 our evil talk. To save us from our evil walk.
15:22 He had to come to save His people from their sins.
15:26 Save us from lying. Save us from adultery.
15:30 Save us from stealing. Save us from doubt.
15:34 He had to seek and to save that which was lost.
15:38 That's why He came the first time,
15:41 to save us from our sins. And the Bible
15:44 says that whoever believes on the name of Jesus,
15:48 he shall be saved. But the problem is many people
15:55 don't believe on Jesus. They don't believe that
16:00 He's a bridge over troubled waters.
16:02 They don't believe that He's a way maker.
16:06 They don't believe that He's a shelter in
16:10 the time of storm. They don't believe He's
16:13 a bill payer when the rent is due. Everybody
16:18 doesn't believe that Jesus has the power to save us,
16:22 so as a result we live in a world full of sin, strife,
16:25 mess and stress. You name it, we have it.
16:32 The world is sick. And I'm told that if
16:37 somebody is sick, somebody needs a doctor.
16:42 The first time He came to save us from our sins,
16:45 but now because we're sick, Jesus has to come
16:50 back and get His people. So, Dr. Jesus says,
16:55 don't worry about planet earth, I've got this
16:57 thing under control. He says in John chapter 14,
17:01 Let not your heart be troubled. Ye believe in God,
17:04 believe also in Me. In My Father's house
17:06 are many mansions; if it were not so,
17:08 I would have told you. I go and prepare a place for you.
17:11 If I go and prepare a place for you,
17:14 I will come again and receive you unto Myself,
17:15 that where I am, there ye may be also.
17:17 Because of sin, the first time Jesus came,
17:19 He came to save His people. The second time He comes,
17:24 He's coming back to get His people. Praise the name of Jesus.
17:32 [Aud. reaction]
17:33 PB: That's why as Christians we ought to be excited.
17:35 As Christians, we ought to say hallelujah!
17:38 Thank You, Jesus! Because Jesus is coming back
17:42 to get us. That's what every day I live for,
17:46 to live with Jesus Christ. I love my wife,
17:49 I love my children, I love you. But I love me
17:52 some Jesus. And one day soon, Jesus is coming
17:56 back to get us, and eyes have not seen neither
17:59 ears heard, nor has it entered into the heart
18:01 of man the things that God has prepared for them that love Him.
18:04 And so, Jesus is coming. But when is He coming?
18:10 I mean, preachers have been preaching that for years.
18:13 Teachers have been teaching that for years.
18:15 When I was a little boy, my parents told me
18:17 that Jesus is coming, Jesus is coming! Okay,
18:19 I'm still here. When is He coming? Let's find out.
18:22 Take your Bibles, go to work. Let's go to the
18:24 book of Matthew. Matthew chapter 24.
18:26 Matthew chapter what everybody?
18:28 Aud.: Twenty-four.
18:29 PB: Matthew chapter 24. Let's get some Word.
18:30 Let's get some Word. We're not dealing with phantom
18:32 Scriptures tonight. Let's get some Word.
18:34 Matthew chapter 24. Matthew chapter what, everybody?
18:36 Aud.: Twenty-four.
18:37 PB: And let's go to verse number 36.
18:38 When is Jesus coming? Matthew 24, verse number 36.
18:43 The Word of God says to us tonight. I'm reading it,
18:45 if you have it, let me hear you say amen.
18:46 Aud.: Amen.
18:47 PB: All right, let's get some Word.
18:48 "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no,
18:50 not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
18:51 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also
18:54 the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the
18:56 days that were before the flood they were eating and"
18:58 --what, everybody? Aud.: Drinking.
18:59 PB: "Marrying and giving in"--what, everybody?
19:00 Aud.: Marriage.
19:01 PB: "Until the day that Noe entered into the ark,
19:03 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away;
19:04 so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."
19:06 Stop. Do we know when He's coming?
19:09 Aud.: No.
19:11 PB: No, but we know He's coming soon.
19:12 Well, how do we know He's coming soon?
19:13 Because the Bible says just as it was in Noah's day,
19:16 that's just how it's going to be in the day Jesus comes.
19:19 The Bible says that in Noah's day they were
19:22 eating and what, everybody?
19:23 Aud.: Drinking.
19:24 PB: Today, everybody is eating and drinking
19:25 whatever they want to eat or drink. In fact,
19:27 people say I don't care if it's bad for me,
19:29 but if I pray for it and bless it, it's fine.
19:31 No, no, no. Eating and drinking. Marrying and
19:39 giving in marriage. Today, people change marriage
19:44 mates like they change magazine subscriptions.
19:47 Nobody wants to talk about it. Oh, we don't
19:50 want to offend. I'm not here to offend either,
19:52 but I'm here to stand on the Word of God.
19:54 [Aud. reaction]
19:55 PB: Somebody's got to cry aloud and spare not.
19:58 The Bible says marrying and giving in marriage,
20:00 they're doing it today. Marrying any and everybody.
20:03 Men with women, women with men, men with men,
20:06 women with women, everybody. As it was in the
20:09 days of Noah, so shall it also be in the coming
20:12 of the Son of man. We know He's coming soon.
20:18 Noah entered the ark. The flood came and took
20:22 them all away. Only eight people got in the ark.
20:26 That's why you can't worry about what everybody
20:29 else is doing. You'd better do what thus saith
20:32 the Lord. Are you hearing what I'm saying?
20:34 Me and God is always a majority. I'm getting
20:36 to the point, particularly I get older,
20:40 I don't care what people say about me.
20:43 I don't care what they think about me.
20:44 I've been lied on, cheated on, talked about,
20:47 mistreated up, down, to the ground,
20:48 but as long as I've got King Jesus,
20:50 I don't need anybody else!
20:55 [Aud. reaction]
20:56 PB: His coming is soon. But look at verse 42.
21:00 So, "watch therefore: for ye know not what
21:03 hour your Lord doth come." Verse 44,
21:06 "Therefore be ye also ready."
21:07 Everybody say "ready." Aud.: Ready.
21:09 PB: "For in such an hour as ye think
21:10 not the Son of man cometh."
21:13 So, do we know when He's coming?
21:15 Aud.: No.
21:16 PB: No. So if anybody's walking around and
21:18 talking about Jesus coming January 1, 2018,
21:19 that's a lie from the pits of hell.
21:21 [Aud. reaction]
21:22 PB: When people walk around talking about
21:24 January 1, 2000, Jesus is coming, the change
21:26 of the millennium, He's coming, He's coming,
21:27 coming, that's a lie from the pits of hell.
21:29 Because the Bible says no one knows the day
21:31 nor the hour. People have predicted for years,
21:34 and He's still not here, because we can't predict it.
21:37 We're not God. Not even the angels know,
21:39 only God and God alone. But we know He's
21:42 coming real what, everybody?
21:43 Aud.: Soon.
21:44 PB: Because the Bible says, as it was in
21:46 the days of Noah, so shall it also be in the
21:49 coming of the Son of what, everybody?
21:50 Aud.: Man.
21:51 PB: And there will be eating and what?
21:52 Aud.: Drinking.
21:53 Marrying and giving in what?
21:54 Aud.: Marriage.
21:55 PB: Watch therefore because He's coming in
21:59 the day ye think not. And just as people were
22:02 banging on that ark door trying to get in,
22:04 when Jesus comes, people will be trying to
22:07 bang on whatever they can bang on so they
22:10 might be saved. Okay, so we don't know when
22:14 He's coming, but what are the signs of
22:15 His coming? What are some of the signs?
22:19 All right, go back to Matthew 24. What are
22:22 the signs of His coming? Look at verse number 3.
22:25 "As he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples
22:27 came unto him privately, saying, Tell us,
22:29 when shall these things be? and what shall
22:31 be the sign of thy coming, and of the end
22:33 of the world? And Jesus answered and said
22:34 unto them, Take heed that no man"--what, everybody?
22:37 Aud.: Deceive you.
22:39 PB: Deceive you. First of all, don't be deceived.
22:41 If people don't speak according to the Word of God,
22:43 it's because there's no light in them.
22:44 "For many shall come in my name, saying,
22:46 I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
22:48 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars:
22:49 see that ye be not troubled: for all these things
22:51 must come to pass, but the end is not"--what, everybody?
22:53 Aud.: Yet.
22:54 PB: "For nation shall rise against" what?
22:55 Aud.: Nation.
22:56 PB: "Kingdom against" what?
22:57 Aud.: Kingdom.
22:58 PB: "And there shall be famines, and pestilences,
22:59 and earthquakes, in divers places.
23:00 All these are the beginning of"--what, everybody?
23:01 Aud.: Sorrows.
23:02 PB: All right, today in our world,
23:03 we have wars and rumors of wars. Some of you all think,
23:05 well, oh, no war's going on. Go on to the Middle East,
23:07 I dare you. People there live in the threat everyday of war.
23:11 Remember, when Jesus comes, it's worldwide,
23:12 it's not just Huntsville. Are you hearing what
23:14 I'm saying? Wars and rumors of war.
23:16 Kingdome against kingdom. Nation against nation.
23:18 Famines, they're everywhere. "Then," verse 9,
23:22 "shall they deliver you up to be afflicted,
23:23 and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of
23:25 all nations for my name's sake. And then shall
23:27 many be offended, and shall betray one another,
23:29 and shall hate one another. And many false prophets
23:31 shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because
23:34 iniquity shall abound, the love of many
23:37 shall wax"--what, everybody? Aud.: Cold.
23:39 PB: "But he that shall endure unto the end,"
23:42 the Bible says, "the same shall be"--what, everybody?
23:45 Aud.: Saved.
23:46 PB: And this gospel, "This gospel of the kingdom shall
23:50 be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations;
23:53 and then shall the end come." That's why I preach this gospel.
23:57 I ain't got time for cotton-candy preaching.
23:59 Sweet and big on the outside, and hollow and empty
24:03 on the inside. If I'm going to go to hell,
24:05 tell me what I've got to do to stay out of hell.
24:07 Are you hearing what I'm saying? If I'm trying to
24:09 get to heaven, I want to know how I'm going to get
24:11 to heaven. Are you hearing what I'm saying? Preach
24:13 the gospel to me. Tell me the unadulterated Word of God.
24:16 If I'm going in a hospital sickbed, I need the
24:18 doctor to tell me how I can get well.
24:20 [Aud. reaction]
24:22 PB: Some of us are spiritually sick,
24:24 we need Dr. Jesus to tell us how to get well.
24:25 [Aud. reaction]
24:26 PB: We don't need this thing sugarcoated.
24:28 We don't need it sugarcoated.
24:31 People preaching and teaching, trying to
24:33 get the most amens. I just want to hear
24:35 Him say "well done." Are you hearing what I'm saying?
24:37 [Aud. reaction]
24:38 PB: All right, so let's go back.
24:40 Do we know when He's coming?
24:41 Talk to me, do we know when He's coming?
24:43 Aud.: No.
24:44 PB: No, but we know He's coming real what?
24:45 Aud.: Soon.
24:46 PB: Because as it was in the days of Noah,
24:49 so shall it also be in the coming of the
24:51 Son of man. They were eating and what?
24:52 Aud.: Drinking.
24:53 PB: Marrying and giving in what?
24:54 Aud.: Marriage.
24:55 PB: Then the Bible lets us know that Jesus says,
24:57 just before He comes there will be a lot of deception.
24:59 A lot of what, everybody? Aud.: Deception.
25:01 PB: There will be a lot of deception.
25:02 The Bible also says there will be wars
25:04 and rumors of what, everybody?
25:05 Aud.: Wars.
25:06 PB: There will be wars and rumors of wars. Nation against what?
25:07 Aud.: Nation.
25:08 PB: Kingdom against what?
25:09 Aud.: Kingdom.
25:10 PB: There will be earthquakes. There will be what, everybody?
25:11 Aud.: Earthquakes.
25:12 PB: There will be pestilence, there will be all types
25:14 of things, famines, in diverse places. But he that
25:19 shall endure to the end, the same shall be what, everybody?
25:22 Aud.: Saved.
25:23 PB: Saved. All right, so we don't know when He's coming,
25:25 we just know He's coming soon. How is He coming?
25:27 Go to Acts chapter 1. Know what you believe,
25:33 know why you believe it, know where it's found.
25:34 How is He coming? Go to Acts chapter 1. Acts chapter 1,
25:39 and go to verse number 9. How will He come? Acts chapter 1,
25:43 verse number 9. Acts chapter 1, verse number 9.
25:46 The Word of God says to us tonight from Acts chapter 1,
25:48 verse 9, it tells us how He's going to come. Acts chapter 1,
25:51 verse number 9. If you have it, let me hear you say amen.
25:54 Aud.: Amen.
25:55 PB: All right, I'm going to read it in your hearing.
25:56 Acts chapter 1, verse number 9. The Word says,
25:57 "And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld,
26:00 he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight.
26:02 And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he
26:05 went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel;
26:08 Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye
26:11 gazing up into"--where, everybody?
26:13 Aud.: Heaven.
26:14 PB: "This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven,
26:19 shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven."
26:24 Just before Jesus ascended back to heaven, after His resurrection,
26:28 the Bible lets us know that He ascends up in the clouds into heaven.
26:33 The Bible then says that two angels appeared to the
26:37 disciples saying, Listen, don't worry, He's coming back.
26:39 But the same way He left is the same way He's coming back.
26:43 He left in a cloud, and He's coming back in a cloud.
26:47 His feet will not touch this earth, but He left in a cloud,
26:53 He's coming back in a cloud, His feet can't touch
26:56 this earth because of sin. And the only way Jesus
26:59 can plant His feet on this earth is until this
27:03 earth has been cleansed from sin. So if He
27:06 left this earth in a cloud, He's coming back in a cloud.
27:10 So, if someone walks around, talking about Jesus is
27:13 walking this earth, that's a lie from the pits of hell.
27:16 That's not true. Jesus will not touch this earth until
27:20 this earth has been cleansed. And there's only two
27:23 ways you clean something. Either you wash it or you burn it.
27:27 [Aud. reaction]
27:28 PB: He washed it at the flood, but He told the people,
27:31 don't worry, you'll see the rainbow sign, but it
27:34 won't be water but fire this time. As a flood, He washed it;
27:39 when He comes back the third time--we're going to talk
27:41 about that--He's going to burn it.
27:43 All right, so, do we know when Jesus is coming?
27:47 Aud.: No.
27:49 PB: But we know He's coming real what?
27:50 Aud.: Soon.
27:51 PB: We know He's coming real soon,
27:52 because as it was in the days of what? Noah,
27:54 so shall it also be in the coming of the Son of what?
27:56 Aud.: Man.
27:57 PB: Man. They were eating and what?
27:58 Aud.: Drinking.
27:59 PB: Marrying and giving in what?
28:00 Aud.: Marriage.
28:01 PB: Wars and rumors of what?
28:02 Aud.: Wars.
28:02 PB: Nation against what?
28:03 Aud.: Nation.
28:04 PB: Kingdom against what?
28:05 Aud.: Kingdom.
28:06 PB: Earthquakes, famines, pestilence in diverse places.
28:08 Deception is big. Those are the signs of His coming.
28:12 How will He come? Will His feet touch this ground? No.
28:14 Because He left in a what? Cloud. He's coming back in a--
28:17 >: Thank you for joining us for another
28:18 exciting Breath of Life television broadcast.
28:20 Tune in next week at the same time,
28:22 as Dr. Byrd will deliver another dynamic message
28:25 from the Lord, just for you.
28:27 Until next time, may God bless you.
28:30 [END]


Revised 2017-04-05