Participants: Carlton P. Byrd
Series Code: BOL
Program Code: BOL000551A
00:05 SERMON NUMBER B551 "Know the Word" 00:12 [BREATH OF LIFE THEME MUSIC] 00:20 PB: John 17:17, Jesus Himself speaking the Word of God says. 00:24 Jesus says, "Sanctify them through Thy"--what, everybody? 00:26 Aud.: Word. 00:28 PB: Come on, talk to me. Sanctify them through Thy what? 00:29 Aud.: Word. 00:30 PB: "Thy Word is"--what? 00:31 Aud.: Truth. 00:32 PB: Say it one more time. Sanctify them through Thy what? 00:34 Aud.: Word. 00:35 PB: Thy Word is what? 00:36 Aud.: Truth. 00:37 PB: Repeat after me, hold your Bible. Say, 00:38 "every promise in this book is mine." 00:39 Aud.: Every promise in this book is mine. 00:41 PB: Say it like you mean it. Every promise in this book is mine. 00:44 Aud.: Every promise in this book is mine. 00:46 PB: "Every chapter, every verse, every line." 00:47 Aud.: Every chapter, every verse, every line. 00:50 PB: "I am saved by His grace divine." 00:52 PB: "Every promise in this book is mine." 00:58 PB: God, tonight, for every mountain You've brought us over, 01:01 for every valley that You've seen us through, 01:04 Lord, we give You the praise, the honor and 01:07 the glory tonight. If it had not been for you, 01:09 O God, on our side, where would we be tonight. 01:13 So, Lord, we don't get the big head tonight, 01:16 we don't get arrogant tonight, we recognize that 01:19 we are nothing without You. In You we live, 01:22 we move, and we have our being. And so God, 01:24 anoint this Word tonight we pray, and we be 01:28 careful to give You the praise, the honor 01:30 and the glory. Remove the devil from out of here 01:33 tonight so Your Word can flow full and free. 01:36 It's in Jesus' name we pray. Let all those who believe say amen. 01:39 Aud.: Amen. 01:41 PB: And amen. You may be seated. Tonight, 01:42 I just want to talk to you quickly about 01:44 Aud.: Know the Word. 01:46 PB: Come on, say it like you mean it. Say "know the Word." 01:48 Aud.: Know the Word. 01:50 PB: Now the Bible, quickly, is the most popular book 01:52 in this world. We preach from the Bible, 01:55 we teach from the Bible, we quote Scripture from 02:01 the Bible, we recite from the Bible, we get inspired 02:04 by the Bible. You mention the Bible, and everybody 02:09 knows about the Bible. And to think that nobody is 02:13 required to own, buy, read or believe the Bible, 02:19 yet people buy the Bible in droves. 02:23 Now, the Bible is the world's best-sold book, 02:27 but if you search the bestseller list, you won't 02:33 find the Bible listed anywhere. From top to bottom, 02:38 search it, look it up, you will not find the Bible 02:45 anywhere. So then the question begs asking, if the 02:49 Bible then is the best-selling book in the world, 02:52 why isn't it on the bestseller list? 02:57 The answer tonight is simple. In the research and 03:01 discoveries of the annual sales figure for the Bible, 03:07 the figures are so high, averaging between 4 and 25 million, 03:09 and 600 million dollars, 50 million dollars per year, 03:10 that it soars above the sales of all other books. 03:13 In fact, the best any book can hope for, 03:18 other than the Bible, is for second place, 03:20 and it's a distant second at that. 03:23 For example, the seven-book series of Harry Potter, 03:28 not that I like Harry Potter. Come on, say amen. 03:31 [Aud. Reaction] 03:33 PB: And I'm not suggesting you ought to read Harry Potter either, 03:36 but all seven books in the Harry Potter series together 03:41 only sold together 400 million copies, and no one expects 03:49 it to keep pace with the Bible. Ninety-two percent of 03:53 American households have a Bible in their home with the 03:57 average household having three Bibles in it. This doesn't , 04:02 however, include people like you and me, who can hold up 04:05 our smart phones, and we've downloaded the Bibles on our 04:08 smart phones. Hands down, the Bible is the most important 04:13 and popular book in the world. But yet when you think 04:17 about that, you would think that with all these Bibles 04:21 being made, with all these Bibles being bought, 04:25 and all these Bibles in our homes, that people 04:29 would live by what is written in the Bible. 04:32 I mean, let's be real. If everybody were reading 04:36 the Bible, then surely the moral fabric of our society 04:41 wouldn't be what it is. If everybody were reading the Bible, 04:45 we wouldn't have as much crime as we do. We would not 04:49 have as much death and mess and stress as we do. 04:53 So what I've discovered is, just because people 04:56 buy the Bible doesn't mean people Read the Bible. 04:59 [Aud. reaction] PB: And if people don't read the Bible, 05:03 people don't know what the Bible says. Because how 05:06 can you have faith in the Bible unless you know 05:08 what's in the /Bible? Now, nobody is saved by buying 05:15 a Bible they don't use. Nor is anybody saved by 05:20 reading a Bible they don't obey. The Lord doesn't 05:24 open the windows of heaven to the person who keeps 05:27 his Bible closed. Do I have a witness in this place? 05:30 A recent study suggests that 20 percent of all 05:32 Americans read the Bible--only 20 percent- 05:34 -on a regular basis. This must be true. 05:37 Last week I was reading an article on, 05:38 and it was saying that many people claim to 05:42 quote the Bible either quote the Bible out of context, 05:45 either they misquote the Bible, or they don't know 05:50 what they're quoting from the Bible. What am I talking about? 05:53 I'm a sports fan. CNN said, and tells the story, 05:58 about a legendary NFL coach of the Chicago Bears. 06:02 Anybody know about the Chicago Bears? Now maybe the 06:04 young people don't know today, but the Chicago Bears 06:06 used to have a legendary loudmouth coach named Mike Ditka. 06:10 Mike Ditka was giving a news conference one day, 06:15 after being fired as the coach of the Bears. 06:19 Mike Ditka, in this news conference, decided to quote the Bible. 06:24 Now, you know it's a bad thing to be fired. 06:29 You don't have to testify. Ha ha. But then, 06:33 when you've got to stand up at the microphone 06:35 at a press conference and talk to reporters about 06:37 being fired, that's tough. And what gets me is this. 06:41 The media asked, how do you feel about fired? 06:44 "How do you think I feel about being fired?" 06:46 [Aud. reaction] 06:47 PB: Anyway, Ditka choked up, says, "I'm fired. 06:51 But Scripture tells you that all things shall pass." 06:57 He didn't say Scripture says, this too shall pass. 07:04 So you know the media. After Ditka said this, 07:08 the next day the media spent the entire day trying 07:11 to find this quote from the Bible, "This too shall pass." 07:14 Because the phrase "this too shall pass" isn't in the Bible, 07:20 they couldn't find it. Ditka was quoting a phantom 07:24 Scripture that sounded like it was in the Bible, 07:29 but it wasn't there. And the mistake of Mike Ditka 07:34 is a mistake common to all of us today. 07:38 While the Bible is the most respected book in the world, 07:43 while the Bible is the most read book in the world, 07:47 the Bible, I'm learning, is also the most misquoted. 07:51 In fact, most people who profess a deep love for the 07:55 Bible have never actually even read the Bible. 07:58 That's why you have to know the Bible for yourself. 08:01 Do I have a witness in this place? 08:02 Politicians, motivational speakers, sports figures, 08:08 celebrities, teachers, and even some preachers quote 08:14 passages that they say are in the Bible, but they're 08:19 nowhere in the Bible. And we take it as law and fact 08:24 what people say the Bible says, and they don't know 08:26 what they're talking about. 08:28 Can we call the roll? Where is the text 08:32 "God helps those who help themselves"? 08:37 [Aud. reaction] 08:38 PB: It's not in there. Where in the Bible is 08:43 "God works in mysterious ways His wonders to perform"? 08:49 It sounds like it comes from the Bible, 08:52 but it's not in the Bible. "God works in mysterious ways" 08:57 is a paraphrase of a 19th-century hymn by an English poet 09:01 by the name of William Cowper. 09:03 Where in the Bible is "cleanliness next to godliness"? 09:09 It's not in there. That was coined by John Wesley. 09:15 Where in the Bible--this is the one I like, 'cause you know, 09:19 as a preacher this is like I like to use, 09:20 but it's not in there--where in the Bible is 09:22 "God helps those who help themselves"? It's not in there. 09:26 The phrase was coined by Benjamin Franklin, 09:28 but it's nowhere in the Bible. These are what 09:30 I call phantom Scriptures. They're not in the Bible. 09:35 The Bible never said Jonah was swallowed by a whale. 09:38 The Bible says Jonah was swallowed by a great fish. 09:44 The Bible never said three wise men visited Jesus. 09:51 The Bible says that wise men brought three gifts, 09:56 gold, frankincense and myrrh. Are you hearing 09:59 what I'm saying? You've got to know what the Bible 10:02 says for yourself. Know what you believe, 10:06 know why you believe what you believe, 10:09 and know where it's found. Do I have a witness 10:11 in this place? [Aud. reaction] 10:13 PB: Now somebody says, Pastor Byrd, 10:14 you're just trying to be too deep. 10:16 It's just semantics. It's just a little mistake, 10:18 it's just a play on words. But getting biblical 10:20 Scriptures and stories wrong may not seem significant, 10:23 but it's dangerous. [Aud. reaction] 10:25 PB: Why is it dangerous? Getting biblical Scriptures 10:28 wrong and quoting Scripture wrong is a deceptive 10:32 tool of the devil. Let me tell you something. 10:35 Don't you forget that the devil is a liar. 10:39 Don't you forget that the devil is the father of lies. 10:43 Satan has many tools, but a lie is the handle that 10:47 fits them all. And let me tell you something, 10:50 friends of mine, if the devil will try to tempt 10:52 Jesus on the Word, don't you know he will try to 10:55 tempt you on the Word? Let me tell you, tonight, 10:58 the devil knows the Bible better than you. 11:00 He can quote Scripture better than you. 11:03 The devil can preach better than you. 11:06 The devil can teach better than you. 11:08 The devil is not in a red suit. 11:11 [Aud. reaction] PB: The devil is not holding a 11:15 pitchfork in his hand. The devil does not have horns 11:19 on his head. The devil does not have a tail 11:22 coming out of his caboose. Some of you work for the devil. 11:27 [Aud. reaction] PB: Some of you live with the devil. 11:30 [Aud. reaction] PB: Some of you are sleeping with the devil. 11:34 Help me, Holy Ghost. [Aud. reaction] 11:36 PB: And I pray you're not sitting by the devil. 11:39 Do I have a witness in this place? 11:41 [Aud. reaction] PB: Think about it. In heaven, 11:46 Satan was so deceptive, he was such a liar, 11:50 that he was able to deceive one-third of the 11:52 angels into following him. And not only did 11:54 he deceive angels, but he sought to deceive Jesus. 11:57 You know the story. The temptations of Christ 11:59 in Luke chapter 4. The devil tried to take Jesus 12:01 and tempt Him on the Word of God. He took Jesus 12:05 way up to the temple. He took Jesus to the highest 12:09 point of the temple, and he told Jesus "jump." 12:12 But Jesus defeated the devil on the Word. 12:16 Let that be a lesson for you tonight. 12:18 You will also wage defeat the devil on the 12:21 Word of God. Man shall not live by bread alone, 12:24 but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. 12:27 Understand, you will always defeat the devil 12:30 on the Word, but if the devil will take Jesus 12:33 to the temple, don't you know he'll bring you 12:36 to the temple? He'll bring you to church. 12:39 Everybody talking about heaven in here ain't going. 12:43 He'll bring you to revival. He will mess with 12:46 you on the parking lot. Why do I have to park so far? 12:49 [Aud. reaction] 12:52 PB: He'll mess with you in the sanctuary. 12:54 Why do they got to sing so long? 12:56 He'll make you snap at the ushers. 12:58 Hurry up, give me a ___ card so I can get me a gift. 13:01 The devil will make you sit up in here and 13:04 refuse to sing, refuse to smile, refuse to speak, 13:06 refuse to shake hands, refuse to pray, 13:09 refuse to praise God, refuse to thank God, 13:11 as if God hasn't blessed you, 13:13 as if God hasn't picked you up, 13:15 turned you around and placed your feet 13:16 on solid ground. But the devil is a liar. 13:19 I will bless the Lord at all times, 13:23 and His praise shall continually be in my mouth. 13:28 My soul shall make her boast in the Lord. 13:30 The humble shall hear thereof and be good. 13:32 O magnify the Lord with me. Let us exalt His name together. 13:38 Know the Word. Know the what, everybody? 13:41 Aud.: The Word. PB: Come on, know the what, everybody? 13:44 Aud.: The Word. PB: But not only that, 13:46 if you don't know the Word, not only will 13:48 you misquote the Word, but the devil will 13:51 make you do some mean, ugly things, 13:53 all in the name of Scripture. You see, 13:58 the devil knows how to use Scripture, 14:00 how to manipulate Scripture, how to turn 14:05 Scripture this way and that way, make it say this, 14:08 make it say that, and make it say some mean, 14:10 ugly things. The devil will take a word here, 14:13 a phrase there, a sentence over there, a paragraph there, 14:18 a verse there. Turn to Genesis, skip to Malachi, 14:22 go back to Exodus, skim over to Romans, 14:26 go back to Leviticus. Spice it up with the 14:29 Song of Solomon, pepper it with Proverbs, 14:31 salt it with Psalms, and then use it to serve 14:34 up some dangerous, poisonous biblical soup. 14:37 Stuff that will justify killing folks. 14:40 Justify bigotry, oppressing women and trampling children. 14:46 That's why you've got to read and know the 14:47 Word of God for yourself. Not based on what Mama says, 14:51 not based on what Daddy says. Grandmama says, 14:55 Granddaddy says, not even based on what the preacher says, 14:59 know what the Word of God says for yourself. 15:02 Faith cometh by hearing; hearing by the Word of God. 15:06 To the law and to the testimony, if they speak 15:09 not according to this Word, it is because there is no 15:12 light in them. Thy Word is truth, Thy Word have I 15:17 hid in my heart that I might not sin against Thee. 15:19 Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. 15:24 Why did David say that? Why did David say Thy Word is 15:29 a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path? You see, 15:33 in David's day there was night traveling. 15:36 Everybody say "night traveling." Aud.: Night traveling. 15:38 PB: There was night traveling because most of the 15:40 traveling in David's day was done by walking. 15:43 There were no cars, buses and vehicles like we have. 15:48 There were no streetlights, there were no neon lights. 15:53 You had to walk, and at nighttime you have to 15:57 walk in the dark. They had what they called 16:01 ankle lights. Everybody say "ankle lights." 16:04 Aud.: Ankle lights. PB: Ankle lights were 16:06 lanterns that were tied around the ankle, 16:08 so as you walked, you could see where you 16:11 made your next step. You see, you couldn't see 16:17 10 feet down the road. You couldn't see 20 feet 16:21 down the road. You couldn't see 30, 40 feet down the road. 16:26 All you could see is how you made your next step. 16:30 Somebody's going to get this in a minute. 16:32 So it is with the Word of God. God won't show you 16:36 what's happening and will happen next week. 16:38 God won't show you what's going to happen next month. 16:42 God won't show you what's going to happen next year. 16:45 God will just show you how to take your next step. 16:48 God, you don't have to explain everything to me. 16:53 I have faith in you. Faith cometh by hearing, 16:55 hearing by the Word of God. Faith is the 16:58 substance of things hoped for, the evidence 17:01 of things not seen. God, you don't have to 17:03 show me where I'll be 20 years from now. 17:06 You don't even have to explain why I went 17:07 through what I went through. 17:08 Just show me my next step. 17:11 [Aud. reaction] 17:13 PB: If you don't light it up, I'll make 17:16 the wrong move. If you don't light it up, 17:19 a snake might bite me. If you don't light it up, 17:23 I may step in a hole and break my ankle. 17:26 If you don't light it up, I may step in 17:29 water and get wet. But God, show me my next step. 17:34 And that's why I came to church tonight. 17:38 That's why I came to revival tonight. 17:41 I didn't come to show off my suit. 17:44 I didn't come to show off my bow tie. 17:46 I didn't come to show off my shoes. 17:50 I didn't come to show you my wife and kids. 17:53 But I came tonight so that God could show me 17:56 my next step. Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet 18:01 and light unto my path. Hey hey hey, I believe. 18:04 I've got some Bible-believing folk up in here 18:08 that are living by the Word of God. 18:10 I know you're trying to act civilian on earth, 18:13 but somebody knows you'd be dead, 18:14 if it weren't for the Word of God. 18:16 [Aud. reaction] PB: Somebody knows you'd 18:18 be strung out somewhere, if it weren't for 18:21 the Word of God. Somebody knows, you would 18:23 have lost your mind by now, if it weren't 18:26 for the Word of God, because God will keep 18:28 you in perfect peace when your mind is stayed on Him. 18:32 Somebody, you would have been locked up in somebody's 18:35 jail right now, had it not been for the Word. 18:38 Everybody say "the Word." Aud.: The Word. 18:41 PB: Come on, say "the Word." Aud.: The Word. 18:43 PB: Say the Word! Aud.: The Word. 18:44 PB: Now, a man--last point--is no more than his word. 18:49 It doesn't matter what you have, if you can't keep your word. 18:55 It doesn't matter what you look like, if you can't keep your word. 18:59 It doesn't matter how smart you are, if you can't keep your word. 19:03 Your word is everything. Your word is your bond. 19:09 If you're going to say you're going to do something, 19:11 then you'd better do it. If you say you're not 19:14 going to do it, then don't do it. And some of us 19:17 keep our words, and some of us don't. Some of us 19:20 keep our word about certain things and some of us don't. 19:23 You see, may I confess tonight, there are some real 19:27 nice people that I wouldn't take a check from. 19:32 [Aud. reaction] PB: Good people, good personalities, 19:40 but they don't keep their word. But I serve a God 19:48 that is not a man that He should lie, nor is He the 19:56 son of man that He should repent. If the Lord says 20:02 you can count on it, He will do just what He says. 20:10 Know the Word. The Word has 66 books: 39 in the Old Testament, 20:16 27 in the New Testament. Know the Word. 20:20 The Word has 1,189 chapters in it: 929 in 20:26 the Old, 260 in the New. Know the Word. 20:30 The Word has 31,173 verses sin it; 20:34 773,692 words in it. Know the Word. 20:39 God is the author of the Word, but 40 men 20:42 of God wrote as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. 20:46 Know the Word. The Bible says more than 3,000 times 20:49 "Thus saith the Lord." And the words which 20:52 follow are quotes from the Almighty God. 20:54 Know the Word. There are no contradictions 20:58 in the Bible. From Genesis to Revelation, 21:01 there are no contradictions. Know the Word of God. 21:05 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God. 21:09 It's profitable for doctrine, for reproof, 21:12 for correction, for instruction in righteousness. 21:14 Know the Word of God. The promises of God are 21:18 always yes and amen. Know the Word of God. 21:22 I can do all things through Christ which 21:25 strengtheneth me. Know the Word, that I am 21:28 not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ. 21:31 For it is the power of God unto salvation. 21:34 Know the Word! All things work together for 21:37 good to them who love the Lord and are the 21:40 called according to His purpose. Know the Word! 21:42 If God be for us, who can be against us. 21:46 Know the Word. No weapon formed against us 21:49 shall prosper. Know the Word! If my people 21:53 who are called by My name would humble themselves 21:59 and pray, and seek My face, turn from their 22:03 wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and 22:07 I will heal their land. 22:10 Know the Word. In the beginning was the Word, 22:14 and the Word was with God, and the Word was God, 22:19 and the Word became flesh. The Word, Jesus, 22:24 is from the beginning. Jesus is the beginner 22:27 of the beginning. Jesus is the beginning in whom 22:31 the beginning began. Jesus is the beginning before 22:34 the beginning was begun. Jesus is the beginning who 22:37 did not begin to be. Jesus did not start, 22:40 because He had nowhere to come from. Jesus 22:43 does not stop, because He has no boundary lines. 22:46 He's older than time yet younger than future, 22:49 because He is what He was, He was what He is, 22:52 and what He was and is He will always be! 22:56 [Aud. reaction] PB: Know the Word. And don't 23:02 you let anybody, anywhere, at any time deceive 23:07 you on the Word. The B-I-B-L-E, yes that's the 23:13 Book for me, I stand alone on the Word of God, 23:17 the B-I-B-L-E. At His Word tyrants die on the spot. 23:23 At His Word, ravens feed prophets. At His Word, 23:28 Red Seas become dry highways. At His Word, 23:32 lions lay down like house dogs. At His Word, 23:35 donkeys talk. At His Word, the sun stands still. 23:40 At His Word, two fish and five loaves become dinner 23:43 for 5,000. At His Word, sinners become saints, 23:47 addicts become achievers, cowards become conquerors, 23:51 drunkards become deacons, fishermen become 23:54 fishers of men! At His Word! 23:58 Tax collectors become gospel writers, at His Word. 24:06 At His Word, doubters become believers, 24:09 midgets become giants, fearful men become brave men, 24:15 at His Word. Bad men become good men at His Word. 24:18 At His Word, habits are broken. At His Word, 24:22 chains are broken. At His Word, strongholds are broken. 24:27 His Word is eternal. His Word is infallible. 24:32 His Word is holy. His Word is truth. His Word is just. 24:36 His Word is supreme. His Word is right. 24:40 His Word is unmatched. His Word is unfailing. 24:43 His Word is unfaltering. His Word is unquestionable. 24:46 His Word is steadfast, sure, trustworthy, dependable. 24:55 His Word is everlasting. Know the Word. 25:00 Don't you let the devil deceive you on the Word. 25:03 Know the Word. Quit misquoting the Bible. 25:06 Know the Word. Quit making the Bible say what 25:11 you want it to say. Know the Word. Quit letting 25:15 other people say in the Bible what they want it to say. 25:18 Know the Word, and you shall know the truth, 25:21 And the truth shall set you free. Sanctify them 25:26 through Thy Word. Thy Word is truth, 25:31 and the truth shall set you free. 25:33 Search the Scriptures, Jesus said. For they are 25:37 they which testify of Me. Tonight, know the Word. 25:41 Praise God for the Word. We're not coming for 25:46 revival just to stomp our feet, just to clap our hands, 25:50 just to wave our hands, but God is calling us to 25:54 know the Word. There's a famine in the land. 25:58 It's not for bread and water, but there's a 26:01 famine for the Word of God! 26:05 We've got to know the Word! Do we need a word? 26:09 Aud.: Yes! PB: Do we need a word? 26:11 Aud.: Yes! PB: Do we need a word? 26:13 Aud.: Yes! PB: Praise God for His Word. 26:14 I said, praise God for His Word. 26:16 Praise God in the sanctuary. 26:22 Praise God in the firmament of His power. 26:26 Praise God for His mighty acts. 26:28 Praise God according to His excellent greatness. 26:32 Praise God with a sound of a trumpet. 26:34 Praise God with a psaltery and a harp. 26:37 Praise God with the timbrel and the dance. 26:41 Praise God with the stringed instruments and organs. 26:45 Praise God with the loud cymbals. 26:48 Praise God upon the high-sounding cymbals. 26:52 Let everything, let everything, 26:55 let everything that hath breath praise ye the Lord! 27:05 Know the Word. Know what you believe. 27:10 Know why you believe it, and know where it's found. 27:12 And put your hands together and praise Jesus! 27:16 [Aud. reaction] PB: The living Word! 27:19 [Aud. reaction] PB: It's just so sweet to trust in that living Word. 27:27 Aud.: Bless Your name, God. 27:30 PB: Tis so sweet to take Jesus at His Word. 27:35 Aud.: Thank You, God. 27:37 PB: Just to rest upon His promise, 27:41 just to know thus saith the Lord. Jesus, Jesus, 27:57 how I trust you. How I've proved you o'er and o'er. 28:05 O for grace to trust Him more. 28:11 If you believe that tonight, stand and sing with me. 28:15 Stand and sing with me. 28:17 >: Thank you for joining us for another exciting 28:18 Breath of Life television broadcast. 28:20 Tune in next week at the same time, 28:22 as Dr. Byrd will deliver another dynamic message 28:25 from the Lord, just for you. 28:27 Until next time, may God bless you. 28:29 [END] |
Revised 2017-03-30