Breath of Life

Is There Not a Cause?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Carlton P. Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000546A

00:20 PB: Daniel 3:16. If you have it now, let me hear you say amen.
00:24 Aud.: Amen. PB: The Word says, "Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego,
00:27 answered and said to the king, O Nebuchadnezzar,
00:30 we are not careful to answer thee in this matter.
00:34 If it be so, our God whom we serve is able"--is what, everybody?
00:40 Aud.: Able. PB: Come on, is what, everybody?
00:42 Aud.: Able. PB: "Able to deliver us from the
00:45 burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us
00:47 out of thine hand, O king. But if not"--that's
00:53 my favorite, one of my favorite texts--but if not.
00:57 We know what he can do, but if not, "be it known unto thee,
01:01 O king, that we will not serve thy gods,
01:04 nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up."
01:09 Is there not a cause? Father God, bless us now as
01:13 we open up Your printed page. Forgive us for our sins,
01:16 hide us behind Your cross, forgive me of my sins.
01:19 And Lord, I pray that Your people not see me but
01:21 see Thee working and living through me. When the
01:23 appeal time comes move by Your power, sprinkle out
01:26 Your grace, and may Your people, because they
01:29 want to soon see Your face, come give their
01:30 lives to You. It's in the name of Jesus we pray
01:33 this prayer and we ask these things. Let everyone
01:35 say Amen, and Amen. Is there not a cause?
01:42 These words are taken from a young shepherd
01:47 boy by the name of David, who was in a land
01:50 being stalked by a giant. And everyone else
01:52 in the land was scared. And so while everyone
01:56 else cowered around him, including his own brothers,
01:58 David asks, Is there not a cause?
02:03 Is there not a cause to fight?
02:06 Is there not a reason to stand up?
02:09 The world in which we live is full of causes.
02:12 You name it, we've got it: civil rights,
02:16 women's rights, immigration rights, workers' rights,
02:21 voting rights, abortion rights, anti-abortion rights.
02:28 We've all got causes, and some causes are godly
02:33 and some are ungodly. And for that which is ungodly,
02:38 this young preacher down at Oakwood just believes
02:41 that the church has got to stand up and fight.
02:46 There are some people who think the church is
02:50 supposed to watch on the sidelines,
02:54 while people are oppressed, victimized,
02:57 demoralized, brutalized, afflicted, persecuted
03:02 and exploited. But the church must be a voice
03:07 for the voiceless. The church is supposed to
03:10 speak when people can't speak for themselves.
03:14 Martin King said it best. He said the ultimate
03:16 tragedy in our world is not the oppression and
03:19 cruelty by the bad people but the silence
03:22 of the good people. [Aud. reaction]
03:24 PB: There are giants stalking in our land:
03:27 giants in our cities, giants in our states,
03:33 giants in congress, giants in the White House.
03:39 But, the church seems to be burying its head in
03:45 the sand. But we've got to get up, stand up,
03:50 and fight, because there is a cause. Every person
03:55 whether male or female, black or white, young or old,
03:58 rich or old, educated or uneducated, professional or
04:01 common laborer, ought to stand for something.
04:05 Every person ought to live for something and possess
04:07 some basic principles, convictions and beliefs
04:09 that he or she is willing to die for, because a
04:12 man who stands for nothing will fall for anything.
04:16 My daddy taught me at a young age, when you become a
04:18 man you'd better stand on the ground you walk on.
04:20 Are you hearing what I'm saying? But the trouble
04:22 with most of us is that we are too fickle and afraid
04:25 to commit ourselves too much to any one cause or
04:27 course of action. Rather than commit ourselves to
04:31 something that we are willing to back with our lives,
04:33 our jobs, or other symbols of human security,
04:36 too many of us want to play it safe. Safe with indecision,
04:41 where we don't make any choices but we allow others to
04:44 make decisions for us. Safe with popularity,
04:48 where having people speak well of us means more
04:51 than the integrity of our convictions. Safe with convenience,
04:55 where we advocate a cause as long as it doesn't cost us anything.
04:59 Safe with two-facedness, where you say one thing in
05:04 my face but you say another thing behind my back.
05:07 [Aud. reaction] PB: But no one respects anybody
05:09 who tries to stand on both sides of the fence.
05:13 No one respects anybody who talks out of both
05:16 sides of their mouth. No one respects anybody who
05:20 is nothing more than an opportunist, and the Bible
05:23 supports that. Joshua told Israel, Choose you this
05:26 day whom you will serve. But as for me and my house,
05:30 we're going to serve the Lord. Elijah told the prophets
05:33 there on Mount Carmel, when fires came down from heaven,
05:36 How long do you halt between two opinions?
05:38 If the Lord be God, then follow Him. But if Baal,
05:43 follow him. But Jesus the Christ even said,
05:45 No man can serve two masters. Either he will
05:48 hate the one and love the other. The story in
05:51 our text is of three young men who decided to
05:54 stand for a cause and found themselves in a fiery furnace.
05:57 Now the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
06:00 is not foreign to us. We know the story all too well.
06:04 But familiarity with the story of the fiery furnace
06:06 can also be an impediment to our spiritual walk,
06:09 because familiarity breeds contempt. We are told
06:13 that car accidents happen close to home because
06:16 we're so familiar with the area, we pay less
06:19 attention to our driving. I am reminded that
06:22 after driving on a long trip, most speeding
06:26 tickets are received within 50 miles of your
06:28 destination. Because we are so familiar with
06:31 the area, we pay less attention to where the
06:34 police may be hiding out. In the same way,
06:37 familiar passages of Scripture may receive
06:40 less of our attention. We know the stories of
06:43 David and Goliath, Samson and Delilah,
06:47 Jonah and the big fish, but too often we
06:50 fail to grasp the meaning and message they
06:52 were intended to convey because of our
06:54 superficial understanding of the characters and events.
06:57 But not only that, some folks have filed this
07:00 story of three Hebrew boys, under the category
07:03 of fairy tale or myth. They say this story is
07:07 just a myth, that it's just a fairy tale.
07:10 It's not history, because they've heard this
07:12 story so often. They've lumped Shadrach,
07:15 Meshach and Abednego with Cinderella,
07:18 Winnie the Pooh, Little Red Riding Hood,
07:22 and Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
07:25 But friends of mine, we've got to see
07:27 this story not as a fairy tale,
07:30 but we've got to see it as history.
07:31 We must feel the heat of the fire,
07:34 and smell the smoke of the furnace
07:37 in order to grasp what this story is
07:40 trying to teach us. Daniel chapter 3, verse number 4.
07:44 Nebuchadnezzar directed that at the sound of all kinds
07:48 of music everyone was to bow down and worship the
07:52 golden image Nebuchadnezzar set up. Now notice,
07:55 friends of mine, that Nebuchadnezzar's grand idolatry
07:58 was accompanied by music, which reminds us of the
08:03 great power in music, and the fact that music can
08:07 be used for both good and evil. I don't care if it's
08:12 choral music, classical music, anthem music, a cappella music,
08:19 or gospel music, because we try to classify music in
08:24 a certain genre as holy or not. Put music in the wrong
08:28 hands and it can be used for the wrong purpose. Notice,
08:33 however, not just the kind of music, but notice the
08:37 instruments in Daniel, chapter 3. There weren't drums,
08:43 there was not a Hammond, there was not a bass guitar or keyboard,
08:49 because we try to label instruments and say that a drum is demonic,
08:54 that the Hammond is diabolical, and the bass guitar is devilish.
09:00 But notice, if you read the text, that the instruments in
09:04 the text that were being used for devilish, demonic and
09:08 diabolical purpose were the cornets. The flutes, the harp,
09:14 the sackbut, the psaltery and dulcimer. I know you're quiet,
09:17 I'm going to preach it anyhow. Let me remind you today
09:21 that no instrument in and of itself is bad, it's the
09:24 person playing the instruments. [Aud. reaction]
09:27 PB: There is nothing wrong with those drums,
09:30 it's the person playing the drums. Is the person
09:35 playing the drums consecrated? Is the person on
09:37 the piano Christlike? Does the organist love Jesus?
09:41 I wish I had time today. [Aud. reaction]
09:43 PB: Nebuchadnezzar wanted everybody to worship
09:46 the golden image he had set up, and if look carefully,
09:49 you will notice, eschatological Christians, that there
09:52 are some parallels between Daniel chapter 3 and Revelation 14.
09:56 Both texts are about worship. Either you're going to
10:01 worship an image, or you're going to worship God.
10:04 It's all about who we're going to give our worship to.
10:07 Satan wants our worship, and God wants our worship.
10:12 So our worship is either going to be heavenly or hellish.
10:15 Who are you going to give your worship to? In the last days,
10:19 you'd better be reminded that Satan will use a system to
10:23 enforce idolatrous worship on all, imposing the death
10:26 penalty for those who refuse to worship him and give
10:29 him their allegiance. But I can hear an angel,
10:32 in Revelation 14, saying that it's time for the
10:34 people of God to fear God and give glory to Him,
10:37 for the hour of His judgment is come, and worship
10:40 Him that made heaven and earth, the seas and the
10:42 fountains of waters. In case you didn't know it,
10:45 the Spirit of God is being withdrawn from this earth.
10:49 Religious freedom is being slowly taken away.
10:55 Can we be honest today? I know I'm on the television,
10:59 but I'm going to say it anyhow. This is my church,
11:00 my program, and I can say what I want to say.
11:02 Come on, say amen. [Aud. reaction]
11:05 PB: If Muslims can be persecuted, then Methodists
11:12 can be persecuted. If Methodists can be persecuted,
11:17 then Mormons can be persecuted. If Mormons can be
11:22 persecuted, then Seventh-day Adventists can be
11:28 persecuted. It's all about music. We've been
11:32 preaching this thing, we've been teaching this thing,
11:35 we've been talking about this thing that Jesus
11:37 is coming since I was a little boy. Friends of mine,
11:40 wake up. The time of trouble is now! [Aud. reaction]
11:46 PB: But the text says that when the music was played,
11:50 everybody didn't bow down. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
11:55 stood up. So there were some folks that ran to the king.
11:59 O King, you're a great king. You're the greatest king
12:01 we've ever had in this land. You are king to your
12:03 subjects and your requests are not burdensome or unreasonable.
12:07 You made a simple request that when the music was played,
12:09 everybody was to bow down and worship the golden image,
12:12 which is a tribute to your greatness. But you've got some boys,
12:16 some boys you passed over some of us for. Some boys you
12:22 promoted before us. Some boys you gave the big church
12:25 before you gave it to me. Some boys that you're always
12:28 bragging about, boys you're always looking out for.
12:30 Those three boys, your boys, didn't bow down to your image.
12:35 Let me just throw this in. There are always some folk
12:38 who are ready to run to the king on us. On a job,
12:43 in our communities and our churches, there are always
12:45 those who consider it their personal mission to be
12:47 that of reporting to the king on their brothers and
12:49 sisters who are also in captivity. During slavery times,
12:53 one of the greatest obstacles to the freedom of blacks
12:55 would be those people who would run to the king,
12:58 who in an effort to show loyalty, they were in actuality
13:02 showing cowardice in the fact they couldn't be trusted.
13:06 For anyone who will betray his or her own will betray somebody else.
13:09 I get scared of people, when I hear them talking about
13:11 somebody else, 'cause guess what? When I leave the room,
13:13 they're going to talk about me. A dog that will bring
13:15 a bone will carry a bone. Some folk will sell you out
13:19 to push their agenda. You all will be surprised at the
13:22 emails I get, and all the calls I got this past weekend
13:24 with Al Sharpton. Same folk rightly say he shouldn't
13:27 come were the same folk on their feet clapping
13:28 when he was speaking. [Aud. reaction]
13:31 PB: During the periods of antebellum slavery,
13:34 the blacks of Charleston, South Carolina,
13:36 under the leadership of Jim Mark Bessey,
13:38 had a brilliant plan to take over the town,
13:40 but their strategy was never executed
13:42 because at the last minute somebody ran
13:47 to the king and told him about the plan.
13:51 Let me tell you something, there will
13:53 always be some brown noses. Some gossips--oh,
13:56 I know some of you all don't like this,
13:58 but it's the truth anyhow. Some tattletales
14:00 in the midst that no matter how or what it is,
14:05 they don't mind going to the king and reporting
14:07 everything we say or do so they can get where we are,
14:11 or get what they think we have. These are professional
14:15 haters who don't have what you have,
14:18 can't get what you got, so instead of
14:22 being happy for you, they hate on you
14:24 and discredit everything you do. Everybody,
14:26 young people, do not joy in your success.
14:29 Everybody is not happy for you when you do well.
14:32 I have learned firsthand that the greatest moments
14:35 in ministry in my life have produced the greatest
14:37 moments of envy and jealousy in somebody else's life.
14:40 But I believe, if you do what's right, if you do the
14:47 right things for the right reasons, God will always bless you.
14:53 I've learned, friends of mine, that when people try to hurt you,
14:59 when people try to hate on you, when people try to block you,
15:04 they don't realize they're actually blessing you.
15:06 Because the Bible says that He will make your enemies
15:09 your footstool, which means your enemies will be placed
15:12 under your feet, which means your haters are actually
15:15 pouring the concrete you're going to walk on.
15:18 So your haters are your elevators that are going
15:21 to help you walk in higher levels in Jesus Christ.
15:23 I wish I had a witness in this place.
15:25 Nebuchadnezzar says in verse 14, Is it true,
15:28 O Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, that you will
15:32 not serve my gods or worship my image? Is it true
15:36 that you will not bow down? The word on the street is this,
15:39 that you three have defied my decree. But don't you remember,
15:44 I'm the one who promoted you. I promoted you from
15:47 nothings to noblemen, from the lower class to
15:51 the upper class. I changed your name. I opened
15:56 doors for you. I made a way for you. I gave you a job.
16:03 I made you who you are. You don't want to cross me.
16:07 So tell you what I'm going to do, I'm going to give
16:10 you one more chance. Let's just say you didn't
16:14 hear the music. Let's just say you weren't
16:17 paying attention. Let's just say you didn't
16:20 fully understand. Let's just say you are from
16:24 another country, and the reason you didn't bow
16:26 down is because you didn't understand what
16:28 was going on, because if you don't bow down,
16:30 I must throw you into a burning fiery furnace.
16:34 But then verse 16 in our text gives their response.
16:40 Look at it, everybody. O Nebuchadnezzar,
16:44 we are not careful to answer thee in this matter.
16:51 In other words, we're not scared of you. In other
16:57 words, we're not intimidated by you. We've talked
17:02 this over. We've put a motion on the floor,
17:06 and the vote was unanimous. We ain't bowing.
17:12 This doesn't take a lot of thought;
17:14 this doesn't require discussion or debate.
17:18 No matter what you do, no matter what you say,
17:22 we're not going to bow. Yes, we should be
17:26 obligated to you. Yes, we should be indebted to you.
17:30 Yes, we should be loyal to you. Yes, you've elevated us.
17:33 We appreciate what you've done, but we have
17:36 a different perspective. For every time you opened
17:40 the door for us, we've thanked you but we've praised God.
17:44 Every time you elevated us, we thanked you but
17:48 we praised God. Every rank you promoted us to,
17:52 we've thanked you but we've praised God. In fact,
17:55 King, we can't worship you, because you are just
17:58 a courier, a conduit, a channel through which God
18:01 sent our blessing. We can't worship you anymore
18:04 than we worship a tree for giving us shade,
18:06 a cow giving us milk, a bee giving us honey,
18:09 or rain giving us water. We thank you,
18:12 but you're not worthy of our praise.
18:15 We might love you, but we ain't going to worship you.
18:18 We might respect you, but we're not going to worship you.
18:21 We might honor you, but we're not going to worship you,
18:23 because God and God alone is worthy of our praise.
18:28 So the king then says, But if you don't,
18:31 you're going to burn. But the boys said, King,
18:34 that's all right. If it be so, our God whom we
18:40 serve is able to deliver us from the burning
18:45 fiery furnace, and He will deliver us out
18:47 of thy hand, O King. But if not--oh,
18:54 I wish I had a shouting church right about now.
18:56 [Aud. reaction] PB: We know He can save us,
19:00 but if not. We know He can free us, but if not.
19:06 We know He can rescue us, but if not.
19:10 We know He can give us a job, but if not.
19:14 We know He can help us get in law school,
19:17 but if not. We know He can remove the cancer,
19:21 but if not. We know He can financially clear us,
19:25 but if not. We know we can break that habit and
19:31 He will help us, but if not. We're still not
19:36 going to worship you. We're still going to
19:38 worship the God of heaven and earth.
19:40 The God of Abraham and Isaac. The God of
19:43 Jacob and Joseph and Miriam and Moses.
19:45 The God of Enoch and Elijah.
19:48 As a child of God, friends, let me tell you,
19:51 you've got to get to the point in your life,
19:52 in your faith, where you can say that even
19:55 if God doesn't, even if God doesn't,
20:03 even if I lose my job, even if I lose my house,
20:09 even if I lost my car, even if my spouse walks
20:12 out on me, even if my family doesn't understand
20:16 I have to stand on my own, because God is able.
20:20 Because it's not a matter if God can,
20:24 but I now that God will. Let me tell you something.
20:28 I'm going to let you know today, no matter what
20:32 you're dealing with, no matter what you're facing,
20:34 I'm a witness that God is bigger than the
20:36 stuff you face. God is bigger than your problems.
20:39 He's bigger than your circumstances. He's bigger
20:42 than your situation. He's bigger than your fears.
20:44 He's bigger than your troubles. He's bigger than
20:46 your giants. He's bigger than your personal demons.
20:49 God is bigger than you because God is God.
20:53 So if you don't get anything else today, get this:
20:56 God is able. So Nebuchadnezzar gets mad.
20:59 Nebuchadnezzar goes off and flies off into a rage.
21:02 He orders Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego to appear
21:04 before him. Now, understand, when we stand for a cause,
21:08 we must be prepared to oppose those whom we consider
21:11 important people. Kings, queens, presidents, judges,
21:20 employers. Sometimes we have to be prepared to
21:22 lay our futures and our lives on the line for
21:24 what we believe. Dr. Emmons said it today,
21:26 sometimes you've got to speak truth to power.
21:30 Sometimes you've got to just tell it like it is.
21:33 I'm not saying be disrespectful, but you've got
21:36 to tell it like it is. Sometimes you have to
21:38 stand for what is right, even when nobody
21:40 else is standing. Sometimes you can't be scared.
21:44 If I were scared, I wouldn't be here at Oakwood.
21:47 If I were scared, I wouldn't be at Breath of Life.
21:51 Sometimes you can't be scared. That's why people
21:54 can mean-mug me all they want. I'll smile at
21:56 them in the name of Jesus, onward, upward, keep it moving.
22:00 [Aud. reaction] PB: It was during the darkest,
22:07 deepest days of apartheid, Elder Julius,
22:12 when the South African government--and I had
22:14 to go there, and I had to look at it, Robben Island,
22:16 where Nelson Mandela was. Because it's not just
22:18 education in the classroom, it's exposure. I had to
22:23 go down to South Africa, where the government tried to
22:26 shut down opposition by canceling a political rally that
22:29 Archbishop Desmond Tutu declared that he would hold a
22:32 church service anyhow. On that day in
22:35 St. George's Cathedral in Cape Town, South Africa,
22:40 that day the church was filled with worshippers.
22:42 Outside the cathedral, hundreds of police gathered.
22:46 A show of force, designed to intimidate.
22:50 As Tutu was preaching, the police then all
22:54 entered the cathedral, armed, and they lined
22:57 the walls of that church. They took out notebooks
23:02 and they recorded Tutu's words. But Tutu wouldn't
23:06 be intimidated. He preached against the evils of apartheid,
23:12 declaring this won't last. At one extraordinary
23:18 point in his sermon, he looked at those police,
23:21 dead in their eyes. He said to those police,
23:24 You are powerful. You are very powerful,
23:28 but you are not God. And I serve a God who
23:36 cannot be mocked, so since you've already lost-
23:41 -because you've got to learn to speak those things
23:43 that aren't as though they already are-
23:45 -since you've already lost, I invite you
23:50 today to come to the winning side.
23:53 [Aud. reaction] PB: With that, you know,
23:55 they had a little Hammond organ, I'm assuming then.
23:58 The congregation broke out in song and dance,
24:01 and the police didn't know what to do. That's
24:04 why you understand that when Joshua and the
24:06 children of Israel walked around Jericho,
24:07 they didn't need bows and arrows. All he
24:10 needed was a preacher and a choir,
24:12 because when the praises go up, the blessings come down.
24:15 The people erupted in praise. The police didn't know what to do.
24:21 Their attempt at intimidation had failed, overcome
24:23 by Tutu's confidence that God and goodness will triumph over evil.
24:28 Let me tell you something today. It may not look like it,
24:33 but truth will always overcome lies. Love will always
24:37 overcome hate. Right will always trump wrong.
24:41 Faith will overcome fear. Why? God is able.
24:47 He still sits high, and He looks low.
24:52 He still has the whole world in His hands.
24:56 We may not know how the king or queen may react
24:59 to what we will say or do when we take a stand;
25:01 we may not even know how family or friends will
25:04 treat us when we take a stand. But know this:
25:07 God is able. There is something about a righteous
25:13 cause that transcends the fear of death.
25:16 That's why Martin King could say it.
25:19 That's why Malcolm X could say it.
25:21 That's why Medgar Evers could say it.
25:23 That's why John Lewis could say it.
25:26 That's why Nelson Mandela could say it.
25:29 That's why James Reeb--'cause it wasn't
25:32 just black folk in the Civil Rights movement.
25:34 There was some white folk that joined forces, too.
25:36 I wish I had a witness in this place.
25:38 [Aud. reaction] James Reeb, R-e-e-b,
25:39 was the white Unitarian minister who had
25:42 traveled to Selma, Alabama, to support
25:44 African American voting rights, but he was killed,
25:47 but he still stood. Because a righteous cause is
25:51 grounded in a God who is too wise to make a mistake,
25:54 and He works all things together for our good to
25:57 those who love the Lord and are the called according
25:59 to His purpose. So even if God doesn't answer the
26:01 prayers the way we want, just remember the three
26:05 Hebrew boys' words: But if not. We shall not bow
26:11 to the unrighteous edict of a fallible king.
26:14 Even if we're not delivered in this life,
26:16 we will not forsake our faith. We will not worship
26:18 at the altar of strange gods. Even in defeat,
26:21 we're going to love and trust the God we know,
26:23 because there is a cause. So Nebuchadnezzar is mad.
26:27 He commands that the fiery furnace be turned up
26:33 seven times hotter than normal. In fact,
26:36 the Bible teaches in verse number 22 that
26:38 because the furnace was much hotter than usual,
26:39 that the very ones who threw the three Hebrew boys
26:42 in the fiery furnace, they were killed by the
26:45 flames of the furnace. Let that be a lesson for us today.
26:48 Be careful about fueling the flames for somebody else.
26:52 Because the same flames will reach out and grab you.
26:54 I wish I had a witness in this place.
26:56 [Aud. reaction] PB: Too many of us are so
26:57 busy setting traps for others, waiting for
26:59 others to fall in the same traps, and the same
27:02 traps we set for others are the same traps we
27:04 fall in ourselves. Nobody in this place lives
27:07 in a glass house. You can be so busy turning somebody
27:11 against somebody else, you'd better be careful that
27:12 these same people don't turn on you. Because you
27:15 reap what you sow. And payday is coming one day.
27:22 The lies we spread on others, the gossip we
27:26 spread on others, the dirt we do to others,
27:28 it will boomerang and come back and get us.
27:32 Be ye sure your sins will find you out.
27:36 Nebuchadnezzar turns up the heat seven times.
27:42 I've always wondered, why seven. Yeah,
27:44 I know seven means completion, but why seven?
27:46 Why did the Bible say that? I was reading Ellen White,
27:49 and Ellen White says to us, she says that Nebuchadnezzar
27:53 felt that it required more than an ordinary power to deal
27:59 with these men. She says Nebuchadnezzar's mind was so
28:05 strongly impressed that something unusual was going to
28:09 interpose on their behalf, so he intensified the heat.
28:13 He put his strongest men in front, she says,
28:16 >: Thank you for joining us
28:17 for another exciting Breath of Life television broadcast.
28:20 Tune in next week at the same time,
28:22 as Dr. Byrd will deliver another dynamic message from the Lord,
28:26 just for you. Until next time,
28:28 may God bless you.
28:30 [END]


Revised 2017-02-15