Breath of Life

Alternative Facts

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Carlton P. Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000545A

00:02 Breath Of Life ministries Presents
00:06 Sermo B545 "Alternative facts"
00:12 [Breath of life theme music]
00:20 PB: John 7:40. If you have it, let me hear you say amen.
00:23 Aud.: Amen. PB: The Word says, "Many of the
00:26 people therefore, when they heard this saying, said,
00:30 Of a truth this is the Prophet. [But] others said,
00:39 This is the Christ. But some said, Shall Christ
00:47 come out of Galilee? Hath not the scripture said,
00:51 That Christ cometh of the seed of David, and out
00:54 of the town of Bethlehem, where David was?
00:56 So there was a division." There was a what, everybody?
01:01 Aud.: Division. PB: "Among the people because of him.
01:05 And some of them would have taken him;
01:10 but no man laid hands on him."
01:17 Today I want to talk to you--not too long,
01:20 today--but I want to talk to you today about alternative facts.
01:26 [Aud. reaction] PB: Father, we ask that You bless us.
01:34 Speak through me to speak to Your people.
01:39 We give You the praise, the honor and the
01:42 glory right now even before we go into this Word.
01:44 In Jesus' name, amen. Aud.: Amen.
01:47 PB: Alternative facts. Does somebody know what I'm
01:50 talking about today? [Aud. reaction]
01:57 PB: I learned a new phrase this week. Alternative facts,
02:09 brother Lang. Ha ha ha. Before this week,
02:13 I had never heard of this before. It had never crossed my mind.
02:20 You see, I grew up in a home, in a culture,
02:24 in an environment where statements were either
02:27 true or false. I wish I had a church in this place today.
02:33 [Aud. reaction] PB: I grew up in a home where it
02:36 was either right or wrong, fact or fiction, truth or error.
02:47 I had never heard of alternative facts. I grew up
02:55 learning that a fact was a fact, a piece of information
03:02 that is objective reality. A fact is something that
03:05 is indisputably the case. Dr. McDonald, you can't
03:10 dispute a fact because a fact is a fact. I mean,
03:19 let's be honest. When you look at picture A and see
03:27 10 people in it, and you look at picture B and you
03:34 see 5 people in it, the fact is there are double
03:41 the number of people in picture A than there are
03:46 in picture B, and that's a fact. [Aud. reaction]
03:51 PB: When you say the carpet is blue,
03:57 but we're looking at the carpet, and the carpet
04:01 is really red, I don't care how much you try to
04:06 make the carpet blue, the carpet is red,
04:10 because a fact is a fact. So this is me to Christyn,
04:20 my daughter: "Christyn, is your room clean?" Christyn:
04:28 "Yes, Daddy, my room is clean." "Christyn, is your bed made up?"
04:36 "Yes, Daddy, my bed is made up." "Christyn, are your clothes put up?"
04:44 "No, Daddy, my clothes aren't put up." "Christyn, are your shoes lined up?"
04:54 "No, Daddy, my shoes aren't lined up." "Christyn, again,
05:01 is then your room clean?" "Yes, Daddy, my room is clean."
05:09 "Well, how can your room be clean if your bed isn't made up,
05:13 your clothes aren't put up, and your shoes aren't lined up?"
05:19 "Daddy, it's alternative facts." [Aud. reaction]
05:26 PB: No, it's a lie. [Aud. reaction]
05:30 PB: Get in there and clean up your room. Do I have a witness in this place?
05:37 [Aud. reaction] PB: There is no such thing as an alternative fact,
05:43 because anything alternative to a fact is not a fact. You see,
05:50 when you know what you're saying is wrong but
05:53 you're going to present it as your version of
05:55 right anyway, even when it's contrary to firsthand
06:00 accounts, photographic evidence, reputable reporting services,
06:05 and verifiable numbers, it's not an alternative fact. It's a lie.
06:12 The opposite of a fact is a lie. Using lies in an attempt
06:18 to change the truth, when the actual truth doesn't conform
06:21 to the narrative you want to tell, because it's not in
06:24 your best interests, is not an alternative fact. It's a lie.
06:27 And when truth is so unfavorable to a pathological liar
06:32 that they must invent a whole category of new lies to
06:38 describe their intentional acts of deception,
06:41 you'd better run from that person. [Aud. reaction]
06:44 PB: That person is dangerous. Lying lips are an abomination
06:50 to the Lord. A fact is a fact. A lie is a lie.
06:57 There is no in between. Either you're telling the
07:01 truth or you're telling a lie. Either you're right
07:05 or you're wrong. Either fact or fiction. You're either
07:09 in the river or on the bank. Do I have a witness in this place?
07:14 [Aud. reaction] PB: Now that we've established
07:16 that alternative facts aren't true, go to the text.
07:19 Jesus has gone to the Feast of Tabernacles in Judea.
07:23 He doesn't really want to go, and it took Him a while
07:25 to get there, because He knows the Jews are out to kill Him.
07:28 But He goes anyway, and He tries to keep a low profile
07:31 of His going. At the Feast of Tabernacles you've got
07:34 two groups there. You've got one group who says He's
07:37 a good man. You've got another group who says He's
07:40 deceiving people. A debate ensues about who Jesus is.
07:45 Is He a prophet? Is He not? Is He the Christ? Is He not?
07:50 What do the facts say? You see, the Christ was supposed
07:54 to come out of the seed of David, out of the town of Bethlehem.
07:57 But Jesus came out of Nazareth, and can any good thing
08:00 come out of Nazareth, which was Galilee? So we have
08:03 two groups of people, friends. One group believes that
08:05 Jesus is the Christ. They believe He's the Messiah,
08:08 God's anointed One. They believe His ministry had been
08:10 anointed at His baptism. When the Son of God went down
08:14 into the water, the Father said, "This is my beloved Son
08:17 in whom I am well pleased," and then the Holy Spirit anointed Jesus'
08:20 ministry in descending in the form of a dove. This group
08:24 believed Jesus was the Christ, but the other group denied
08:27 that Jesus was Christ, because the Messiah wasn't
08:30 supposed to come from Galilee. So because Jesus is
08:34 from Galilee, Jesus then couldn't be the Messiah.
08:37 This group ignored many miracles of Jesus,
08:40 some of which they had no doubt seen with their own eyes.
08:44 This group dismissed Jesus' powerful teaching,
08:47 which even the arresting officers had to admit
08:50 that never before had a man spoken like this man spake.
08:54 This group shrugged off Jesus' astounding claims
08:58 such as the one He had just issued in John 7:37 and 38,
09:02 to be able to give rivers of living waters to all who
09:05 believed in Him. Jesus, they felt, couldn't be the Messiah.
09:10 He couldn't be the Christ. He couldn't be God. He was just a good man.
09:18 So they tried to give some alternative facts. They weren't
09:23 interested in believing in Jesus. If they had been interested,
09:25 they would have cleared the question up of His origins very early.
09:30 But they didn't want to believe, they just wanted a
09:32 comfortable excuse to red-tag Jesus. I've learned in my life,
09:36 some people don't want to believe. Some people don't want the facts.
09:42 Some folk don't want the truth. Some folk can't handle the truth.
09:47 The text says they would have killed Jesus if they could have,
09:53 but they couldn't lay their hands on Him. Because God still
09:56 is sovereign over His enemies. Let me tell you something and
10:01 remind you that God's got your back. [Aud. reaction]
10:04 PB: Fret not thy self because of evildoers; neither
10:07 be thou envious of the workers of iniquity. God will
10:10 cut them down like the grass. I have seen God cut some
10:14 folk down in my day. God's got your back. But just like
10:19 the critics of old, I'm finding today in my conversations
10:23 in the community, across this land, that there are many
10:27 liberal theologians today who come up with all sorts of
10:30 reasons why Jesus couldn't have done the miracles that
10:32 the eyewitness accounts of the New Testament attribute to Him.
10:36 They have alternative facts. They argue. Miracles contradict
10:41 modern science. Miracles don't make sense. They believe
10:47 miracles aren't possible, so then the miracles of Jesus
10:51 could not have happened. But then, that goes against what
10:56 a miracle is. Because a miracle is a surprising and welcoming
11:01 event that is not explainable by natural or scientific
11:05 laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a
11:08 divine agency. That's a miracle. So let me be real.
11:12 I don't care how scientific we get. I don't care how
11:16 deep we get. I don't care how much we parse Greek
11:20 in the New Testament. I can't explain to you how
11:24 an old man with nothing but a stick and a stutter
11:30 could stretch forth his rod and a mighty sea part,
11:36 enabling people to walk upon dry land. But I do know,
11:40 that's a miracle. I can't explain how a donkey can be
11:46 walking down a street and all of a sudden the donkey stops,
11:49 and he starts talking to its owner. All I can tell you is,
11:53 that's a miracle. I can't explain how a furnace can be
11:59 raging with fire, but three men can stand in this
12:02 same furnace, and only the ropes burn, and they make
12:07 it out alive. That's a miracle. I can't explain to you
12:12 how lions can lie down like house dogs, play with each
12:17 other and then look at a human. They don't eat the human,
12:20 they don't scratch the human or maul the human. That's a miracle.
12:24 I can't explain how water can be turned into wine.
12:29 How a woman can touch the hem of somebody's garment,
12:31 and she find more medicine in that garment than from
12:33 any doctor anywhere. I can't tell you how somebody can
12:38 be dead and then Jesus can just speak a word and they
12:40 can come to life again. I can't tell you how people have
12:45 stage 4 cancer. The doctors have given up on them to die,
12:49 but yet today they're alive and well. Students,
12:53 I can't tell you how your balance was seven thousand dollars.
12:57 Seven thousand dollars on Monday, but then on Friday
13:01 you've been financially cleared. That's--
13:04 [Aud. reaction] PB: --a miracle. And I still
13:09 believe in miracles. I still believe in a God who
13:16 can see what I can't see. I still believe in a God
13:20 who can say what I can't say, who can go where
13:24 I can't go, who can reach what I can't reach.
13:27 I still believe in God. But in the world in
13:31 which we live today, there are many people who
13:33 think highly of Jesus and His teaching, but they
13:36 don't believe He's God. Alternative facts.
13:40 In fact, there's a movement on the rise,
13:43 if you study carefully, that questions the
13:44 authenticity of Jesus. They doubt the legitimacy
13:47 of Jesus. They doubt the validity of Jesus.
13:49 They disbelieve the genuineness of Jesus.
13:52 They question the realism of Jesus. They
13:54 are subscribing to alternative facts.
13:58 Was Jesus God? Was He the Messianic Savior
14:03 who came to this earth to rescue His people,
14:05 or was He just an important figure in earth's
14:08 history, but one who was not nor claimed to be
14:10 the divine Messiah. Did Jesus really perform a
14:14 work on the cross that brought about my salvation?
14:17 Or was He just a dedicated religious person who was
14:20 actively involved in the social and spiritual world
14:23 of His day, but who never performed or offered the
14:26 unique and solitary means of salvation for the
14:28 entire human race? Is Jesus the only way to salvation,
14:35 and is He really a member of the triune God:
14:39 The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost? Or is
14:43 Jesus just among one of many ways by which a
14:47 postmodern person can come to know and experience God,
14:50 but who has never accepted or advocated the worship
14:53 of God Himself as Jesus Christ in the flesh.
14:57 Was Jesus the really only begotten of the Father?
15:03 So these questions come from a heretical brand of naysayers,
15:06 doubters, rebel rousers, modern-day haters of Jesus who
15:10 are confusing Christianity, dividing our churches,
15:13 bamboozling our children, and presenting alternative facts.
15:17 In case you didn't know: Jesus is under fire in the
15:26 public eye. Atheism is on the rise. Agnosticism is
15:31 on the rise. Scholars who have subjected Jesus to
15:35 scrutiny in their private studies and disclosed their
15:38 conclusions in close academic circles are now waging
15:41 their battle through the public, printed, and social media.
15:44 We come here, and we think everybody believes like we do.
15:47 You've got a whole lot of folk that don't even
15:48 believe in Jesus, that don't even believe in God.
15:52 Let me remind you today that everything on the
15:55 Internet is not true. Not everything you hear is correct.
15:59 Mama said, "Believe none of what you hear and
16:01 half of what you see." Jesus understands.
16:04 He predicted this future. We knew that the
16:08 devil was a lie. Don't believe the alternative facts.
16:11 So today, I'm going to give you two facts and
16:12 then I'm going to sit down. John 7:40 and 41,
16:16 they give us facts. Let me be clear today.
16:19 Fact number one: Jesus is a prophet.
16:23 [Aud. reaction] PB: I said, Jesus is a prophet.
16:29 Prophets in the Bible had several functions.
16:33 Number one, prophets were spokesmen for God.
16:36 It was Jesus who said in John 5:30,
16:38 "I can of mine own self do nothing . . .
16:40 because I seek not mine own will,
16:42 but the will of my father which has sent me."
16:44 Jesus then said in John chapter 10, verse 30,
16:46 "I and my Father are one." So then, if Jesus
16:49 does the will of God, the Father; if He and
16:52 the Father are one, then He must speak for God.
16:55 Number two, Jesus is a prophet because prophets
16:57 foretold future events through divine revelation.
16:59 In speaking on God's behalf, sometimes the message
17:02 would include predicting the future. Jesus predicted
17:06 the future when He told His disciples that He has to
17:08 go to New Jerusalem, He has to suffer many things,
17:11 He would be killed but on the third day He'd rise again.
17:14 This prophecy is fulfilled in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
17:18 Jesus also foretold that after His ascension,
17:21 the disciples would receive power. Power,
17:25 after the Holy Ghost had come upon them. Acts 2
17:28 records the fulfillment of this prophecy.
17:30 The apostles received the Holy Ghost.
17:32 The apostles received power, and the apostles
17:35 turned this world upside down. Three thousand
17:38 were baptized in one day; 4,000 were baptized
17:41 in another day. People were added to the church daily.
17:45 A third function of a prophet was that the prophet
17:48 was able to heal and display miracles.
17:52 Moses displayed miracles, parting the red sea.
17:57 Elijah performed a miracle when he called
18:00 down fire on Mount Carmel. Elisha performed
18:03 a miracle when he made the ax head float in the water.
18:07 And in all the gospel accounts, Jesus performed
18:11 many miracles and man healings. Jesus fulfilled
18:13 the requirements of a prophet in title, word and deed.
18:16 He spoke for God, His prophecy came to pass,
18:20 He performed miracles, because Jesus was a prophet.
18:24 But not only was Jesus a prophet, fact number two:
18:27 Jesus is the Christ. Don't you let anybody tell
18:31 you that Jesus was not the Christ. The Old Testament
18:35 Messianic prophecies were found to be uniquely
18:37 fulfilled in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ.
18:39 Now, in the Bible there are hundreds of prophecies.
18:43 But let me indulge you with just a few today.
18:46 According to Micah 5:2, the Messiah was to be born
18:51 of a virgin, to be born of a virgin in Bethlehem.
18:56 We know the fulfillment. Mary conceives,
19:00 impregnated by the Holy Ghost. Bore a son
19:04 and called His name Jesus. He was born in Bethlehem,
19:08 wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
19:12 Prophecy number two: According to Genesis 49:10,
19:16 the Messiah would come from the tribe of Judah.
19:19 Through Judah, through the Davidic line, Jesus came.
19:23 Number three: According to Zechariah 9:9, the Messiah
19:27 would present Himself riding on a donkey. Jesus rode
19:31 in on a donkey at His triumphal entry into Jerusalem.
19:35 You do remember this week, don't you everybody,
19:38 because at the beginning of the week they shouted Hosanna!,
19:41 but at the end of the week they shouted Crucify him!,
19:44 which means you can't put your trust in people One
19:47 day they'll say this, the next day they'll say that.
19:50 You'd better put your trust in Jesus Christ.
19:53 [Aud. reaction] PB: According to Psalm 22,
19:56 the Messiah would be tortured to death. Jesus
20:00 was battered, bruised, beaten, and then He died
20:05 on Calvary. According to Isaiah 52 and 53,
20:09 the Messiah's life would match a particular
20:11 description including suffering, silence,
20:13 and his arrest, death, trial, burial in a rich
20:15 man's tomb, and resurrection. Jesus suffered,
20:18 but Jesus never said a mumbling word.
20:22 Jesus died on Calvary. Jesus was buried in
20:27 a rich mam's tomb, named Joseph. Jesus died
20:31 on Friday, lay resting in the grave on the Sabbath.
20:35 But the Bible says on the third appointed day
20:38 Jesus got up with all power in His hands.
20:42 But then, after I read all of that,
20:44 on top of all of that, more than all these evidences,
20:48 I know Jesus was the Christ, because Jesus
20:52 Himself claimed to be the Messiah. When the
20:56 woman came to Him and said, I know that the
20:58 Messiah is coming, He replied, "I who speak
21:03 to you am He. And if Jesus had never made
21:08 that claim to be the Messiah, why would we
21:10 even bother to prove that He was? His own claim
21:14 lays the groundwork for the rest of the evidence.
21:17 The only satisfactory explanation is that the
21:19 resurrection actually occurred, just as the Bible says.
21:23 And because it does, there's solid benefit and reason
21:27 for accepting the Messiahship of Jesus.
21:30 Jesus was a prophet. That's a fact. Jesus was the Christ.
21:36 That's a fact. Jesus was the Messiah. That's a fact.
21:43 Jesus was God. That's a fact. In the beginning was the Word,
21:50 and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
21:54 And the Word became flesh, dwelt among us, and we
21:59 beheld his glory, full as the glory of the only
22:02 begotten of the Father. A preacher tells a story
22:05 that in his early days in ministry he was a teacher
22:08 at a seminary. And in one of his classes, he wanted
22:13 a new way of teaching his students the doctrine of Christ.
22:16 So he told his students, "Young men, take out a
22:21 sheet of paper. And divide that paper into three columns."
22:24 In the first column, the students were to write every
22:28 scriptural passage where Christ was spoken of as the God-man.
22:33 In the second column, the students were to write all the
22:37 passages where Christ was spoken of as God alone.
22:41 But in the third column, the students were to write
22:45 all the passages where Christ was spoken of as man alone.
22:51 Column one, the God-man. Column two, God alone.
22:58 Column three, Man alone. Again, column one, the God-man.
23:07 Column two, God alone. Column three, Man alone.
23:16 At the end of the class period, the teacher picked
23:20 up all of his students' papers and he tallied
23:24 them all together. The summary paper was badly balanced.
23:31 The first column was filled. The second column was filled.
23:37 But on the third column, nobody ever found a passage
23:42 speaking of Christ as man alone. Why? Jesus,
23:49 the Son of God became a man so that men might become
23:56 the sons of God. He came from the bosom of the Father
24:01 to the bosom of a woman. He put on humanity so that
24:06 we might put on divinity. He came from heaven where
24:09 the rivers never freeze, winds never blow,
24:11 flowers never fade, and nobody's ever sick.
24:14 In infancy he startled a king. In boyhood he
24:18 puzzled wise men. In manhood he ruled the course of nature.
24:22 He's the God-man. Two natures harmonized but never
24:25 completely blended. In His divinity He's God's way to man,
24:29 and in His humanity He's man's way back on up to God.
24:32 He came to bless and not to curse. That's a fact.
24:36 He came to lift up and not to cast down. That's a fact.
24:41 He came to help and not to hurt. That's a fact.
24:45 He came to give life and not death. That's a fact.
24:50 He came to set the captives free. That's a fact.
24:54 He came to reveal His Father's love. That's a fact.
24:58 He came to give rest to the weary. That's a fact.
25:02 He came to be a blessing to the whole world.
25:04 That's a fact. He came to seek and to save that which was lost.
25:10 [Aud. reaction] PB: That's a fact. To give sight to the blind.
25:16 That's a fact. He was a prophet. He was Christ.
25:23 He was the Messiah. That's a fact.
25:28 That's not an alternative fact. And one day soon,
25:33 He's coming back. [Aud. reaction]
25:37 PB: Let me tell you as I get ready to take my seat,
25:41 no matter what happens in this life. No matter if I
25:45 don't make it; no matter if you don't make it.
25:48 I believe in Him, and that's a fact. I'm not dealing
25:56 with alternative facts. I stake my claim in Jesus, and that's a fact.
26:05 Church, I'll be 45 in a month or so. I've come too
26:10 far to turn back now. I've believed too long to
26:16 stop believing now. Some trust in horses,
26:20 some trust in chariots, but I trust in the name of our God.
26:26 'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, just to take Him at His word.
26:33 Stop playing church. Stop playing yourself.
26:39 Either you're with Him, or you're not.
26:41 Either you're in the river or on the bank.
26:44 It's either truth or error. Choose you this
26:48 day whom you're going to serve. But as for me
26:50 and my house, we're going to serve the Lord.
26:53 The devil is a liar. The devil is the father of lies.
26:57 The devil is creator of alternative facts.
27:02 [Aud. reaction] PB: But you've got to trust Jesus.
27:06 You can't trace Him, you can't see Him,
27:13 but you've got to trust Him. I trust Him.
27:20 And that's a fact. He's prophet, He's priest,
27:32 and He's King. He's prophet, He's Christ,
27:41 He's Messiah. And I trust Him.
27:47 You may not know the evangelions of Greek;
27:53 you may not know the buenos nochas of Spanish;
27:59 but friends of mine, get to know Jesus.
28:03 And learn to trust Him. And that's a fact.
28:11 Is He really the Prophet? Is He really the Christ?
28:16 Yes. Don't let people tell you
28:17 >: Thank you for joining us for another exciting
28:19 Breath of Life television broadcast.
28:21 Tune in next week at the same time,
28:23 as Dr. Byrd will deliver another dynamic message
28:25 from the Lord, just for you.
28:30 Until next time, may God bless you.


Revised 2017-02-02