Breath of Life

Go With What You Have

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Carlton P. Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000543A

00:20 PB: Exodus chapter 3, verse number 9, and we're going to read
00:24 verses 9, 10, 11 and 12. The Word of God says in verse number 9,
00:28 "Now therefore, behold, the cry of the children of Israel
00:31 is come unto me: and I have also seen the oppression wherewith
00:36 the Egyptians oppress them. Come now therefore,
00:39 and I will send thee unto Pharaoh." Everybody say "Pharaoh."
00:42 Aud.: Pharaoh. PB: "That thou mayest bring forth my
00:45 people the children of Israel out of Egypt.
00:47 And Moses said unto God, Who am I, that I should
00:51 go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the
00:55 children of Israel out of Egypt?" Verse 12,
00:57 "And he said, Certainly, I will be with thee;
01:00 and this shall be a token unto thee, that I have
01:04 sent thee: When thou hast brought forth the people
01:08 out of Egypt, ye shall serve God upon this mountain."
01:14 Today I want to challenge you, first half of the year,
01:17 go with what you have. Go with what you have.
01:22 Father, bless us now in this Word. Forgive us of our sins.
01:25 Lord, use me today, and may Your people hear
01:28 Thee and not hear or see me. And we praise You
01:31 in advance for what You're going to do.
01:33 Forgive us of our sins. In Jesus' name. Amen.
01:36 Go with what you have. Everybody say "go."
01:39 Aud.: Go. PB: Come on, say "go, with what you have."
01:43 Aud.: Go, with what you have. PB: All right, quickly now.
01:47 In Exodus 3 and 4, we see and we find God's calling of Moses
01:49 into the Lord's service. Now notice, this call is not
01:53 made from a pulpit. This call is not made from an executive
01:58 committee meeting. This call is not made form a boardroom
02:03 or a conference office, but this call to Brother Moses is
02:07 made from a burning bush. Now, remember, this burning bush
02:14 was not a volcanic phenomenon. It was not a beam of sunlight,
02:19 it was not a gas plant that had burst into flames.
02:23 It was just a regular bush like any other bush,
02:27 and the fact that this bush burned wasn't strange,
02:30 because we know that spontaneous combustion will
02:34 often burn a bush in the desert. Do I have a witness in this place?
02:38 Now, remember, on this day there were thousands of bushes
02:43 in the desert. But what makes this bush special is not that
02:49 it was burning, but what makes this bush special is that
02:54 God is in it. And when God is in something, no devil in heal
03:01 can stop it. But the fact that there's a burning bush is
03:05 not what catches Moses' attention. What catches Moses'
03:09 attention is the fact that several hours have gone by,
03:14 but this bush is still burning. So out of curiosity Moses
03:18 gets a little closer to the bush that will not burn out.
03:23 God sees now that He has Moses' attention, and so He tells Moses:
03:28 Moses, take your shoes off. You're standing on holy ground.
03:33 Moses realizes it's God that's talking to him, so the Bible
03:38 says he hides his face, because the Bible says he's afraid.
03:42 Everybody say "afraid." Aud.: Afraid.
03:44 PB: Now, why is he afraid? Moses remembers that his
03:48 service to the Lord in the past has not been stellar;
03:52 that his service to God in the past has not been good.
03:56 So maybe he's thinking, God is now here. God has shown
04:00 up in this burning bush to get even with me,
04:03 because Moses remembers doing God's will his way,
04:06 instead of doing God's will God's way, so he hides his
04:09 face in fear of the wrath of God. The furthest thing from Moses'
04:13 mind is the fact that God is calling him to use him.
04:17 But that's just like our God. God's not so much
04:22 interested in calling the equipped, but God is
04:26 more interested in equipping the called.
04:29 That's why I tell people when I travel,
04:31 I'm just a nobody trying to tell everybody
04:33 about Somebody who can save anybody.
04:37 Do I have a witness in this place?
04:39 God says to Moses, Moses, I have seen
04:42 My people oppressed. Moses, I have seen
04:45 My people persecuted. Moses, I have seen
04:48 My people bullied, harassed, tortured,
04:51 tormented, but enough is enough. Moses,
04:55 I want you to lead My people out of Egypt.
04:58 But Moses says, "Who, me?" God says,
05:01 "Yes, you." But Moses says, "Couldn't be.
05:03 So God says, "Then who?" [Aud. reaction]
05:05 PB: What Moses doesn't realize is that he's
05:10 just like the burning bush. There were thousands
05:16 of bushes in the desert on that day, but remember
05:20 the special thing about this bush, in Exodus 3,
05:23 was that God was in it. There are thousands of
05:28 people in the world, but what makes you special
05:32 is that God is in you. But when God confronts
05:38 Brother Moses with the call, Moses begins to
05:40 offer excuses instead of service. In fact,
05:44 the Bible teaches in chapters 3 and 4 that
05:46 Moses offers five--how many excuses, everybody?
05:49 Aud.: Five. PB: He offers five excuses.
05:51 All right, so excuse number one, quickly.
05:53 Moses says, "God, why me? Who am I? I've got
05:58 a colored past. My past is not good."
06:03 In this first excuse, Moses doubts himself.
06:08 Moses is saying, "God, You want to use me?
06:12 Don't You remember, I'm the one who messed up?
06:15 I'm the one who killed an Egyptian and then I
06:18 tried to cover it up." Moses says, "I'm the
06:21 one who tried to break up a fight between my
06:24 fellow Hebrews, but one of them reminded me that
06:26 I was a murderer. God, don't You remember?"
06:29 But I love God. God says, "Yes, Moses, I do remember,
06:33 but I also never forgot you." But Moses says,
06:36 "I'm the one who blows it. I'm the one who messes up."
06:40 But God says, "Yes, you might be the one who messes up,
06:43 but you're also the one who's forgiven."
06:46 Your past is your past. Your past is good
06:50 to learn from, but your past is not good to live in.
06:54 So when your past calls, don't listen, because it
06:57 has nothing new to say. Friends, when you know God,
07:02 understand that when you know God, when you know
07:06 God you will worship God. Understand with God,
07:08 your past is your past. Are you herring what I'm saying?
07:11 But excuse number two: Moses says, "God, by whose authority
07:16 am I being sent?" In other words, who should I tell
07:21 them sent me? Now remember, in his first excuse,
07:27 Moses doubts himself. But in this second excuse,
07:33 Moses is doubting God. But God didn't ask Moses to
07:38 go to the people and explain all that he didn't
07:40 know about God. God just asked Moses to go and
07:45 explain what he did know. So this is what God
07:49 says in verse number 14. He says, "When they
07:51 ask you who sent you, just tell them that I AM,
07:58 that I AM sent you." You all don't hear what I'm saying.
08:03 In other words, Moses, this doesn't have anything
08:07 to do with who you are, but it has everything to
08:10 do with who I am. The reason why so many people
08:14 are not committed to God is because they don't
08:17 know God. They know about God. They know about God,
08:23 but they don't know God. Because when you know God,
08:25 you know the battle is not yours but the battle
08:27 is the Lord's. Are you hearing what I'm saying?
08:29 When you know God and you know who God is,
08:32 out of all the things God can't do,
08:35 God can't fail. God can't fail. Let me try it
08:42 one more time. God can't fail. Why? God is God.
08:47 God is immortal, which means God can't die.
08:50 God is omnipresent, which means God is everywhere
08:53 at the same time. God is omnipotent, which means
08:56 God is all powerful. God is omniscient,
08:59 which means that God is all knowing. God is sovereign.
09:03 God can do what He wants, when He wants, where He wants,
09:08 how He wants, and He doesn't have to ask you or me
09:11 for permission to do as He wants, because He's King of kings.
09:15 Lord of lords. CEO of the universe. I say it all the time:
09:20 you didn't vote Him in and you can't vote Him out.
09:23 You can't impeach Him and he's not going to resign.
09:26 There's nobody before Him and there'll be nobody after
09:29 Him because He is the beginning of the beginning.
09:30 He is the beginning in whom the beginning began.
09:33 He is the beginning before the beginning was begun.
09:35 He is the beginning who did not begin to be. Alpha.
09:39 Omega. First. Last. Beginning. End. God is God.
09:47 God says, "Moses, you tell them that the I AM sent you."
09:50 Excuse number three: "But what if they don't listen to me?"
09:57 What if they don't listen to me. This is his line that
10:04 begins chapter 4, so you've got to go read chanter 4 tonight.
10:07 What if they don't listen to me. What if they don't
10:09 hearken to my voice. But remember, this response was
10:13 totally hypothetical. It wasn't factual.
10:18 It was a what-if response. What if they don't listen to me.
10:24 Let me say this, I've learned in my ministry,
10:27 what-ifs are victory killers. What-ifs are success slayers.
10:36 What-ifs are vision assassins. "What if people don't listen, God?"
10:43 God said, "I didn't ask you that. Just go."
10:45 "What if I don't talk right?" "I didn't ask you that.
10:49 Just go." "What if I don't look right?" "I didn't ask you that.
10:54 Just go." "What if I don't pray right?" "I didn't ask you that.
10:59 Just go." "What if I don't have enough money?" "I didn't ask you that.
11:04 Just go." "What if they don't know me? What if they have a
11:08 question that I don't have an answer to?" "I didn't ask you that.
11:11 Just go." "Well, what if I didn't go to Oakwood?"
11:13 "I didn't ask you that. Just go."
11:16 "What if I haven't and can't be ordained?"
11:19 "I didn't ask you that. Just go."
11:24 "What if they don't know that I have a college degree?
11:28 That I don't have a graduate or terminal degree?"
11:31 Quit talking about what you don't have and use
11:34 what you do have. Moses was too concerned about
11:39 what might happen that he couldn't hear what God
11:42 would say would happen. So what does God do?
11:45 This is the part I like. God gives Moses three proofs.
11:50 Three examples of his power. First proof: God asks Moses,
11:53 "Moses, what's in your hand? What's in your hand?"
11:55 Moses says, "A rod is in my hand." God says, "Well,
12:00 cast the rod to the ground." Moses cast the rod to the ground.
12:04 The rod becomes a snake, and Moses runs from the snake.
12:07 Now let's be honest and be real today. We'd do the same thing.
12:10 Come on, say amen. Snakes and I don't get along.
12:11 Do I have a witness in this place?
12:14 Second proof: God then tells Moses, "Moses,
12:17 reach out your hand and take the snake by the tail."
12:23 Moses reaches out his hand, catches the snake.
12:27 The snake becomes a rod again. God says, "Now, Moses,
12:32 if I can do that with a stick, think about what I
12:36 can do with you." It's important, friends,
12:39 to know that God didn't ask Moses to use something
12:44 he didn't have. God asked him to use what he does have.
12:48 Are you hearing what I'm saying? Are you really,
12:50 really hearing what I'm saying? God asked Moses,
12:53 "Moses, what's in your hand?" Because the reality,
12:55 friends, is God made our hands without our hands.
12:58 It's God's will to use the hands He made to bless others.
13:01 God uses what we have, but God has never demanded
13:04 from us what we don't have. God isn't always looking
13:07 for ability, God's looking for availability.
13:10 Use what you have. Use what's in your hands.
13:12 Third proof: God says, "Now, put your hand in your
13:16 shirt in your flesh." And Moses puts his hands in his shirt,
13:20 in his flesh, and then he takes out his hand.
13:23 The Bible says his hand is as leprous as snow.
13:26 God then tells him, "Moses, put your hand back
13:29 in your shirt, in your flesh." Moses does it again,
13:32 and when he takes it out, his hand is as healthy as
13:34 it was before. God says, "If I can do that with your hand,
13:38 imagine what I can do with your entire being."
13:41 Excuse number four, I'm almost done: "I don't speak well.
13:48 I don't preach well. I'm not good enough.
13:54 I'm not talented enough." Now, this excuse was already
14:01 solved in excuse number two, when God said,
14:04 "Just tell that I AM that I AM." God has the
14:09 authority to say this, because He says, "I AM what you need."
14:13 I know what you need. Because I have what you need.
14:19 I have what you need, because I AM what you need.
14:25 I AM the Great Physician. I AM the Rock of Ages.
14:30 I AM the Lily of the Valley. I AM the Burden Bearer.
14:36 I AM the Heavy-load Sharer. I AM the doctor in the sickroom.
14:41 I AM the lawyer in the courtroom. I AM the prayer answerer
14:46 in the church room. I AM that I AM.
14:49 But Moses still says, "God, I'm not an eloquent speaker.
14:53 I'm slow of speech. I talk funny." Interestingly,
15:00 he may have been slow of speech but yet he's fast with excuses.
15:06 [Aud. Reaction] PB: The irony in the text is that Steven indicated,
15:13 in Acts 7:22, that Moses in the first 40 years of his life
15:17 in Egypt was a man mighty in words and deeds. But yet he
15:23 says he's slow of speech. "I'm not eloquent." But God's
15:27 got an answer for that. If you read chapter 4, God says,
15:31 "Who made your mouth? Who makes the dumb? Who makes the deaf?
15:38 Who makes the seeing, the blind? Just go,
15:41 and I will be your mouth. I will teach you what to say."
15:47 Let me tell you something. Our inadequacies are no
15:50 problem for God. God made us the way we are.
15:53 You and I will never be good enough. Oh, preach,
15:57 Pastor Byrd. I'm doing the best I can. We will
16:00 never be smart enough. We will never be rich enough.
16:04 We will never be eloquent enough. We will never be holy
16:09 or righteous enough. Our righteousness in the sight of
16:12 God is but as filthy rags. We are all gone as
16:15 sheep to the slaughter. Moses stuttered. Noah was drunk.
16:21 Abraham was too old. Josiah was too young. Isaac was a daydreamer.
16:25 Jacob was a liar. Leah was ugly. Joseph was abused. Gideon was afraid.
16:30 Samson had dreads and was a womanizer. Rahab was a prostitute.
16:36 David was an adulterer. Elijah was suicidal. Isaiah preached naked.
16:42 Jonah ran from God. Naomi was a widow. Job went bankrupt.
16:47 John the Baptist ate bugs. [Aud. Reaction]
16:51 PB: Peter denied Christ. Martha was a worrywart.
16:55 Mary Magdalene was demon possessed. Zacchaeus was short.
16:59 Timothy had an ulcer. Paul was a Christian killer,
17:04 and Lazarus was dead. But I've learned over the years,
17:09 you don't have to be a star to be in God's show.
17:14 You don't have to be famous for God to use you.
17:19 You don't have to be a celebrity for God to use you.
17:23 You don't have to preach like Peter, pray like Paul,
17:25 or sing like David. God uses ordinary people.
17:29 [Aud. reaction] PB: If you don't believe God
17:32 uses ordinary people, look at the original disciples.
17:34 They were plain, down to earth, ordinary, workaday,
17:38 grassroots brothers. They were untaught by professors,
17:45 unschooled in philosophy, unexposed to high culture.
17:50 They were not religious scholars, they were not ordained.
17:54 They were not the most intellectual men, they were not
17:57 the kind of men that the world would expect to be
17:58 called messengers of the Most High God. They were
18:01 blue-collar guys. Ordinary fellows. Regular brothers.
18:06 And here is the God of the universe,
18:08 calling them into service. But that's just like God,
18:12 always rooting for the underdog, always pulling for the last,
18:17 the least, the lost, the unlucky, and the left out.
18:20 Praise God that God is willing to use people like you
18:23 and me and these unlettered fishermen, because Jesus
18:26 saw something in them, just like He sees something
18:29 in you and me. He knew what He was doing.
18:32 Jesus didn't go to pick rabbis to be on His team.
18:35 He didn't go pick the bright, the astute, the knowledgeable,
18:38 leaders of Israel. He didn't go to Jerusalem to be among
18:39 the priests and the elders. Jesus went to the Sea of Galilee.
18:44 He called fishermen, folk who had never been to school.
18:47 Folk who couldn't speak the king's English. He relied on
18:50 something better than formal religion, better than
18:52 formal education, better than tradition. Something better
18:55 than the way it used to be to the way it ought to be.
18:59 God's thoughts are not our thoughts, His ways are not our ways.
19:03 Man sees the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart.
19:08 And let me tell you something. God can call whom He wants to call,
19:12 and God can make what God wants to make. God makes and uses
19:17 ordinary people. People like you and me who are willing
19:21 to do as He commands. Let me tell you something.
19:24 God can do mighty things with ordinary people.
19:26 God can do extraordinary things with ordinary people.
19:30 God doesn't just use geniuses. God will use anybody
19:32 that will give God clean hands, a pure heart,
19:34 a dedicated life, and an open mind. Don't you refuse
19:37 to serve God and serve God's church, talking about
19:39 I'm not rich enough. I'm not good enough.
19:42 I'm not smart enough. I'm not talented enough.
19:45 I'm not saintly enough, or I'm not old enough.
19:49 If you think like this, you'll never be good enough
19:51 for God to use you. God doesn't use us because we're
19:53 good enough, but because God is good enough to use
19:56 those that are not good enough to do what God wants done.
19:59 God doesn't save us, God doesn't choose us because we're holy.
20:04 God doesn't choose us because we're worthy. God chooses us,
20:08 thank You Jesus, because His grace is sufficient.
20:12 [Aud. reaction] PB: Excuse number four is common
20:14 among Christians. I don't have the ability.
20:17 I'm not qualified. I'm not good enough.
20:20 People will talk about me, people will criticize me.
20:23 Let me say something about criticism. Elder Jones,
20:26 I'm coming up on five years, so I can just say it
20:28 like I feel it. When you minister, and when you
20:32 serve the Lord, I've learned you will either be
20:36 in the penthouse or the outhouse. You will either
20:40 be in the tower of praise or the dumps of criticism.
20:45 I have learned--listen to me pastor--the same people
20:48 who shout "hosanna" at the beginning of the week will
20:51 be the same people who should "crucify Him" at the
20:53 end of the week. [Aud. reaction]
20:57 PB: When you serve the Lord, you're going to get criticized.
21:01 That comes with the territory. I've learned this
21:05 in pastoral ministry. If the pastor is young,
21:09 he lacks experience. If the pastor's hair is gray,
21:12 they're too old. If the pastor has five children,
21:16 the pastor has too many kids. If the pastor has no children,
21:18 the pastor's not setting the right example.
21:20 If the pastor is a woman, the pastor is not a man.
21:23 If the pastor preaches from his notes, they must be canned sermons.
21:26 If the pastor's messages are extemporaneous, the pastor's not deep.
21:30 If the pastor uses too many illustrations, the pastor
21:33 neglects the Word. If the pastor doesn't use enough stories,
21:36 the pastor is not clear. If the pastor uses too much Ellen White,
21:39 the pastor's too legalistic. If the pastor doesn't use
21:42 enough Ellen White, the pastor isn't Adventist enough.
21:47 [Aud. reaction] PB: If the pastor supports the praise
21:52 team's singing, if the pastor claps his hands in
21:56 praise and worship, the pastor's too liberal.
21:58 If the pastor just supports him singing,
22:01 the pastor's too conservative. If the pastor condemns wrong,
22:05 the pastor's a legalist. If the pastor doesn't preach against sin,
22:09 the pastor's a compromiser. If the pastor fails to please everybody,
22:12 the pastor is hurting the church. If the pastor please everybody,
22:15 the pastor has no conviction. [Aud. reaction]
22:17 PB: If the pastor drives an old car, the pastor
22:27 shames his congregation. If the pastor drives a new car,
22:31 the pastor has set his affections on things of the earth.
22:36 If the pastor preaches all the time, people get tired of
22:41 hearing the same preacher. But if the pastor invites
22:44 guest speakers, the pastor's not doing his job.
22:48 [Aud. reaction] PB: We will never be good enough,
22:57 talented enough or righteous enough or holy enough.
23:01 But I hear the Apostle Paul saying "But be ye steadfast,
23:08 unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord,
23:13 for your labors are not in vain." When you're
23:16 serving the Lord, it's like an open door that
23:19 draws flies. And the brighter the light,
23:23 the more you attract bugs. You will attract criticism.
23:28 But God is saying, "If I can handle a rod,
23:33 then I can handle the criticism for you.
23:36 If I can handle some lions in a lions' den,
23:40 then I can handle some criticism for you.
23:43 If I can handle a fiery furnace for three Hebrew boys,
23:46 then I can handle the criticism for you.
23:48 When you serve the Lord, you will make mistakes.
23:53 People will see your flaws. But just go. Go with what you have.
24:04 Final point. Excuse number five, really a statement:
24:10 "Send somebody else." Regardless of what God tells Moses,
24:18 Moses still doesn't want to go. The Bible says in Exodus 4:14,
24:29 "Then the Lord's anger is burned against Moses."
24:34 Let me be honest. Can I be, for everybody.
24:36 Not just preachers, the elders and everybody.
24:38 Sometimes God becomes angry at our excuses.
24:44 God's blessings are withdrawn from those who whine.
24:49 God has not called us to be wimps. He's called
24:53 us to be warriors. Are you hearing what I'm saying?
24:56 Soldiers not scaredy-cats. When Moses begged God
25:00 to send somebody else, he's in effect really
25:04 telling the Lord, "I don't trust You."
25:06 This angers God, and the sin of excuses
25:13 will one day come to judgment. But not only
25:15 do excuses anger God, they also cause discouragement
25:17 within the body of Christ. Excuses force the few to
25:20 carry the weight of the many. A business principle
25:23 that I've studied in my master's program is very true.
25:26 Pareto's principle is true. Twenty percent of the
25:31 people do eighty percent of the work. Satan will
25:36 use this as a wedge to bring discouragement and division.
25:40 We don't need somebody else to do what God is
25:45 calling us to do. If we let others do what we're
25:50 afraid to do, then we're probably letting them
25:52 do what God is calling us to do. Think about it, you all.
25:55 God accommodated Moses' lack of faith, but His
26:00 accommodation had its consequences. Moses was God's
26:05 man for the job. Remember? But God told Moses that
26:10 his brother, Aaron, would be allowed to assist him.
26:13 But remember, once the children of Israel left Egypt,
26:19 Aaron got Moses and the children of Israel into
26:23 serious trouble, because remember, it was Aaron
26:26 who led the children of Israel into idolatry and
26:30 idol worship while Moses was on Mt. Sinai
26:33 receiving the Ten Commandments. Let me
26:36 tell you something I've learned in my life,
26:38 almost 23 years pastoring. God's perfect
26:41 will is always better than God's permissive will.
26:45 [Aud. reaction] PB: It's a great deal easier
26:52 to do that which God gives us to do, no matter
26:54 how hard it is, than to face the responsibilities
26:57 of not doing it. But through it all, in spite of
27:02 this mess we still see a breakthrough.
27:07 Moses finally responds in obedience and
27:11 goes back to Egypt and does what God told
27:15 him to do. What's the result?
27:17 Over 2 million Israelites, under Moses,
27:20 eventually walked out of the land of slavery.
27:23 Go with what you have. Moses had a stutter,
27:31 but God said, go. David only had a slingshot
27:37 and five stones, but God said, go.
27:42 Gideon only had 300 men, but God said, go.
27:49 We only have 19 million Adventists in a world
27:57 of 7.5 billion people, but yet God says, go.
28:02 We only have 1.3 million Adventist Christians
28:07 in the United States, Bermuda, Canada and Guam,
28:11 and this division has 375 million people.
28:15 But God says go.
28:17 >: Thank you for joining us for another exciting
28:18 Breath of Life television broadcast.
28:20 Tune in next week at the same time, as Dr. Byrd
28:23 will deliver another dynamic message from the Lord,
28:26 just for you. Until next time,
28:29 may God bless you.
28:30 END


Revised 2017-01-25