Participants: Carlton P. Byrd
Series Code: BOL
Program Code: BOL000537A
00:19 Pastor Byrd: Jonah, Chapter 2, verse 1 and 2. All right. 00:22 Let's try it again. If you have it, let me hear you say Amen. 00:24 The Word says, “Then Jonah prayed unto the Lord his God 00:27 out of the fish's” what? Come on, out of the fish's what, everybody? 00:31 Aud.: Belly. PB: “And said, I cried by reason of mine 00:35 affliction unto the Lord, and he heard me; out of the 00:39 belly of hell cried I, and thou heardest my” what, everybody? 00:46 “Thou heardest my what,” everybody? He said, “Out of the 00:49 belly of hell cried I and thou heardest my voice.” 00:56 Do me a favor and read out to me and say, don't go to hell. 00:59 Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you so much for what we 01:04 have already experienced in the worship today. Now, God, 01:06 make your Word become flame in our lives. And we'll be 01:09 careful to give You the praise and the honor and the glory. 01:11 Move at the appeal times specifically we pray, in Jesus' name. Amen. 01:16 Don't go to hell. The Book of Jonah is a small book. 01:21 In fact, the Book of Jonah only has four chapters, 01:25 but the lessons in Jonah are so numerous that I could preach 01:28 multiple sermons on these four chapters, but that would 01:34 keep us all day. So, since this is one sermon and not 01:36 a week of prayer, do I have a witness in this place? 01:39 I'm only going to preach on Chapters 1 and 2 and I will 01:42 save 3 and 4 for another time. Is that all right? 01:45 Somebody's saying thank you, Jesus. 01:49 Most of us know the story of Jonah. In Jonah, Chapter 1, 01:53 God told Jonah to go to Nineveh. What city, everybody? 01:57 Nineveh, and preach the Word. But we know the story. 02:00 Jonah doesn't want to go to Nineveh. Jonah doesn't want 02:04 to go to Nineveh because, remember, Nineveh was the place 02:06 where they sent preachers to punish them. Nineveh was 02:11 the district nobody wanted to go to. Nineveh was the place 02:16 where preachers went to die. Praise God we don't have 02:20 any Ninevehs today, what do you say? (laughs) 02:23 Why? According to the historical record, Nineveh was 02:28 the most despicable, wicked, cruel, idolatrous city in the world. 02:33 Ninevites would cut the hands off of enemy soldiers and 02:37 stack them up outside the city. Nineveh would then mutilate 02:42 the bodies and stack them in piles. Nineveh would skin 02:46 their enemies and then hang their skin on city walls. 02:53 Ninevites would torture their prisoners of war by 02:57 cutting off their hands, yanking out their organs, 03:00 and gutting them. Ninevites would burn their infants 03:05 and woman alive. It was to this place, this city, 03:11 this church, that God said to Brother Jonah, 03:16 go to Nineveh, go to that great city and preach the Word. 03:24 That's all He told Jonah. Go to Nineveh and preach. 03:29 When God sends a preacher to a city, God doesn't tell 03:35 the preacher exactly what's going to happen in the city, 03:38 but God just tells the preacher what to say in the city. 03:41 Are you hearing what I'm saying? You see, I've learned 03:44 in my life that sometimes God just leads us one step at 03:48 a time without telling us what the next steps are. 03:52 And He doesn't tell us what's going to happen until 03:54 we get to our destination because if He told you now, 03:57 you might abandon the journey because you don't want to 04:00 go through any trouble. But I wish I had a witness 04:02 in this place, that knew when you're on God's path, 04:05 whatever that path might bring you, when you're on God's path, 04:08 God will protect you. Because God never sends you anywhere 04:13 where God can't keep you, because God wouldn't take you to 04:17 it if God couldn't bring you through it. 04:20 So you've got to have faith. You must believe what you can't see. 04:25 God told Jonah, go to Nineveh and preach the Word. 04:31 What does Jonah do? Jonah disobeys God and goes to 04:35 a city called Tarshish. And when you disobey God, 04:41 you're headed for hell. It may be an earthly hell, 04:44 it may be an eternal hell, but when you disobey God, 04:54 you're going to hell. Now, look at the text. 04:59 Look at Jonah 1, quickly. Look at Jonah 1 and 05:03 look at verse 3. The Word of God says in Jonah 1:3, 05:08 if you have it let me hear you say Amen. All right. 05:10 The Word of God says, “But Jonah rose up to flee unto” 05:14 what city? Come on, what city? Aud.: Tarshish. 05:17 PB: “From the presence of” whom? 05:19 “From the presence of the Lord.” 05:21 Then the Bible says, and he went where? 05:23 Come on, the Bible says what? He did what? 05:25 He went, now, don't go--he went what? 05:29 Aud.: Joppa. PB: Stop there, don't say to Joppa, 05:33 I don't want you to go there yet. 05:35 The Bible says he went where? Aud.: Joppa. 05:37 PB: Now, remember, I'm preaching on chapters 1 05:39 and 2 and there are quick lessons four in Chapter 1 05:42 I'm going to share and there are three in Chapter 2 05:44 I'm going to share. Now, lesson number one is, 05:46 whenever you run from God, you're going down. 05:50 Let me try that again. I said, whenever you 05:55 run from God, you will always be on a trip where, everybody? 05:59 Aud.: Down PB: You wonder what's wrong in your life. 06:01 You wonder why is nothing going up? 06:03 Why is nothing going right in my life? 06:04 Why do you have trouble after trouble? 06:05 It's because you're running from God. 06:07 Because any time you run from God, it's a trip where? 06:10 The Bible continues. Go back to verse number 3. 06:13 The Bible continues. The Bible says, “and he went 06:16 down to” what city, everybody? He went down to where? 06:18 PB: And he found a what? He found a what? 06:22 All right, stop there. Lesson number two. 06:25 Any time you run from God you're going where? 06:28 Aud.: Down. PB: And not only are you going down, 06:30 but you will always find a ship. All right, let's be clear. 06:35 That's lesson number one. Number one is when you 06:37 run from God you're going where? Aud.: Down. 06:40 PB: And when you run from God and you go down, 06:42 you will always find a what? Aud.: Ship. 06:44 PB: Now, what do you mean Pastor Byrd, a ship? 06:46 Well, there's always a willing vessel. 06:48 Always a willing ship that's trying to move 06:52 you from the presence of God. 06:54 When you're running from God, 06:57 isn't it amazing how quick you can get in a relation--ship. 07:01 [Aud. Reaction] PB: Isn't it easy how you can get 07:07 into certain friend--ships. Certain fellow--ships. 07:13 Now, come on, if I flew 24 hours, 07:14 I had to come with something today. Come on, say Amen. 07:17 When you run from God, you're always going where? Down. 07:21 And then you will find yourself in a what? Ship. 07:24 There's always a ship trying to move you from the 07:26 presence of God. And I don't know about you, 07:28 but I don't want any ship, any relation-ship, any friend-ship, 07:35 any fellow-ship that's going to take me away from the 07:39 presence of God. Because not only will you find a ship, 07:42 but number three lesson is, you have to pay a fare. 07:46 [Aud. Reaction] PB: Any time you run from God, 07:52 it costs you something. Fine, let's try it again. 07:55 When you run from God, you're going where? Down. 07:58 And then there is always a what? Ship. 08:01 Trying to pull you from God. And then you always 08:03 have to pay a what? Fare. Any time you run from God, 08:07 young people, it's expensive. There's a price you have to pay. 08:13 I don't care how good that relation-ship is, 08:17 how good that friend-ship is, how good that fellow-ship is, 08:22 if you run from God, it's going to cost you something. 08:27 Somebody knows what I'm talking about because you've 08:29 been in some relationships that cost you something. 08:31 Somebody in this place knows you've been in a relationship 08:33 that was expensive. Jonah went down in a ship and 08:36 it cost him something. Now, why are you going to get 08:40 in a ship to make your life go down? Can I get practical? 08:45 Here you are, good credit, good job, good mind, 08:52 and then you're going to get in some relation-ship 08:56 that's going to pull you down. Here you are, 09:00 can I be real today? You've got a house with your name on it. 09:05 A car with your name on it. 09:07 Bills that come with your name on it. 09:10 And you sacrifice all of that and get with somebody 09:13 that doesn't have a name, anything with their name on it. 09:18 You're going down. Anybody will tell you, young people, 09:23 that any positive relationship has to have reciprocity. 09:27 Reciprocity means exchanging things with each other 09:31 for mutual benefit. In other words, 09:34 reciprocity means give and what? That means, 09:37 if I bring the ice cream, you've got to bring the cake. 09:42 But I'm not bringing the ice cream and the cake. 09:47 Are you hearing what I'm saying? It means that if 09:49 I bring the peanut butter, you've got to bring the what, 09:52 everybody? But I'm not going to bring the 09:54 peanut butter and the what? Reciprocity means, 09:58 listen to me, young people, you have to love her 10:01 and she has to love you. Reciprocity means, 10:06 you have to love him and he has to love you. 10:10 There's something wrong when he calls you and he 10:14 gets off the phone, he says, I love you, and she says, 10:16 me, too. Can't even say the words. Do I have a 10:23 witness in this place? I see somebody looking around like, ahhh. 10:26 There's something wrong when you're always the one calling. 10:30 I mean, they got your home number, your cell number, 10:35 your work number, but you're always the one calling. 10:38 There's something wrong with that. You're always the 10:41 one giving and they never give anything. 10:42 You're always the one supporting and they never 10:44 support you with anything. You're always running 10:46 behind them and they never run behind you. 10:47 You ought to make your mind up. I'm coming out 10:49 of these one-sided relationships. 10:52 Where I've always got to give something and 10:54 I never get anything in return. 10:56 Do I have a witness in this place? 10:58 Young people, you better tell them. If I can call you, 11:01 you can call me. If I can email you, then you can email me. 11:03 Husbands, wives, you better tell your husband, 11:06 if I rub your feet, then you can rub my feet. 11:10 If I can buy gifts for you, then you can buy gifts for me. 11:14 If I can do nice things for you, you could do nice things for me. 11:16 You've got to make up in your mind that I'm going to 11:19 stop falling in love with people who don't even like me. 11:22 [Aud. Reaction] PB: Because there's some people up 11:25 in here today and watching who are in love with folk that 11:29 can barely stand you. Do I have a witness in this place? 11:33 But I'm going to go a little deeper. Can I go a little deeper? 11:37 You all like this. I'm looking, I see your face, you like this. 11:41 I'm going to go a little deeper. Now, you all are not going to 11:42 like what I'm going to say, but I'm going to say it anyhow 11:44 because I've got the mike and I speak under the authority 11:46 of the Holy Ghost. There needs to be some reciprocity also 11:48 when it comes to your faith system. Your belief system. 11:52 Your value system. Your moral system. Your love and 11:58 understanding for God and the things of God. 12:00 I'm tired of seeing all these young people with all 12:02 this Godly promise and as soon as you meet somebody, 12:05 you're not in church. You don't want to hear anything 12:09 about God and you let whomever, that relation-ship, 12:12 take you away from God and bring you down to their level, 12:15 and so now you're too tired to come to church. 12:18 Too busy to come to prayer meeting. Help me, Holy Ghost. 12:21 Now you don't have any money to give God because you're 12:23 traveling the world hanging out with them, eating out with them, 12:25 buying any and everything, paying their rents, 12:27 paying their car bill. But God says, why don't 12:30 you bring them up to your level? Why don't you 12:33 say to them, if you going to be with me, you going 12:37 to have to come to church. Because, as for me and 12:41 my house, we going to serve the Lord. Do I have a 12:43 witness in this place? It's better to be happily 12:47 unmarried than to be unhappily married. 12:50 Are you hearing what I'm saying? Quit doing 12:54 permanent things with temporary people. 12:58 You better tell somebody, I believe in salvation. 13:01 I believe in the second coming. I believe in the Sabbath. 13:05 I believe in commitment. I believe in honesty. 13:08 I believe in integrity. I believe in good credit. 13:12 You see you think that God is giving you to 13:16 them to change them. God didn't call you to social work. 13:20 You can't change anybody. Only Jesus can do that. 13:29 Are you hearing what I'm saying? And you ought 13:31 to know by now if they're not doing what Gods says do, 13:33 you should know that they aren't going to do what 13:35 you're saying do. Are you hearing what I'm saying? 13:39 So, do me a favor. Turn to your neighbor, everybody. 13:40 Turn to your neighbor and say, neighbor, stop playing yourself. 13:44 Hehe. Young people, brother, ‘cause some of you all 13:47 came here this weekend to find somebody. 13:49 I'm trying to help yah. When the relationship is of God, 13:56 sisters, when the relationship is of God, then your goals, 14:00 dreams, and desires that God has placed within you will 14:03 be the same goals, dreams, and desires that God will 14:05 place in your spouse to be. There is no way you 14:09 could want good credit and they don't. There is 14:12 no way you could want salvation and they don't. 14:15 There is no way you could want the best out of life 14:16 and they don't. Because, when you get married, 14:18 you are now bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh. 14:22 What hurts you, hurts me. What makes you happy, 14:25 makes me happy. There must be reciprocity in the 14:28 relation-ship or you're going down. 14:32 Somebody right now, you're in a ship that's broken. 14:35 Somebody going to get mad and leave, but I'm going 14:38 to say it anyhow. Can I preach it like I feel it? 14:41 Now, I'm this old time preacher. Old man in a young body. 14:46 Aud.: (Laughter) PB: When I was over in Africa, 14:50 they said, oh, you preach like them old preachers. 14:52 Yes suh! I'm convinced that Christians, listen to me, 15:00 all today Christians, and I'll keep preaching and saying this, 15:06 Christians ought to marry Christians. 15:10 If dogs can get with dogs, if cats can get with cats, 15:18 if fish can get with fish, then Christians ought to 15:23 get with Christians. Do I have a witness in this place? 15:25 How can two walk together less they what? Be ye not 15:29 unequally yoked. What I believe. I'm trying to help somebody. 15:33 There's got to reciprocity. There's got to be what, everybody? 15:36 Well, let me get back to Jonah. Look at verse 4. 15:38 Jonah 1:4. Somebody saying he's been gone off on a tangent. 15:41 Aud.: (Laughter) PB: I'm going to preach anyhow. 15:44 That's right. I'll get somebody over there Amening me. 15:46 Amen. Hallelujah. All right. Jonah, Chapter 1, verse 4. 15:52 You have it, let me hear you say Amen. Look at what it says. 15:55 “But the Lord sent out a great” what? 15:58 Aud.: Wind. PB: Into the what? Aud.: Sea. 16:00 PB: And there was a mighty what? Aud.: Tempest. 16:02 PB: In the what? Aud.: Sea. 16:04 PB: “So that the ship was like to be” what, everybody? 16:05 Aud.: Broken. 16:07 PB: All right. Point number one, when you run and 16:09 disobey God you're going what? Aud.: Down. 16:11 PB: Come on, you're going what? Aud.: Down. 16:13 PB: And there's always a what? Aud.: Ship 16:14 PB: Trying to take you away from whom? Aud.: God. 16:16 PB: And then you always have to pay a what? Aud.: Fare. 16:18 PB: Lesson number four. After you go down in a 16:25 ship and pay the fare, you face a storm. 16:30 When you run from God, a storm will always follow you. 16:37 That's why you've got to be careful what ship you get in. 16:41 That's why you've got to be careful who you get involved with, 16:44 because if folk are running from God and they're in your ship, 16:49 they're in your circle, get ready for a storm. 16:53 Quit creating storms and then you get mad when it rains. 16:59 I don't care how good that relationship is, 17:04 I don't care how good that friendship is, 17:07 I don't care how good that fellowship is, 17:11 you will face a storm. I've already told you 17:13 to be careful of your relationships when it 17:15 comes to reciprocity, but you also need to be 17:17 careful of your friendships and fellowships. 17:19 Young people, be careful who your friends are. 17:23 A friend is not somebody who walks around talking 17:25 about somebody else. Because guess what? 17:27 If they're talking about somebody else, 17:29 guess what they're doing when you're not around. 17:30 Are you hearing what I'm saying? 17:32 They're talking about you. 17:33 If outsiders know all your business, 17:35 then you better check your insiders. 17:36 I wish I had a witness in this place. 17:38 Jonah, Chapter 1, and I've given you the 17:44 four lessons in Jonah 1, I've got three 17:46 lessons in Jonah 2 and then we're going to go. 17:47 Jonah ends Chapter 1 facing a storm. 17:52 Jonah's life is in danger. The men in the 17:55 ship throw Jonah overboard. There's a 17:59 sermon in there I preach there; Dr. Land, 18:01 you gave me an idea for a sermon on that, 18:03 how they had to throw him overboard. 18:04 I've got a sermon for that. It's coming, 18:06 but not today. Come on, say Amen. 18:08 All right. Jonah is thrown overboard. 18:10 But God sends, listen to me, God sends a 18:14 great fish to swallow Jonah up. Jonah is 18:20 thrown overboard, but God sends a great fish 18:23 to swallow him up. Jonah is in the fish's 18:27 belly for three days and three nights. 18:30 Then we go to Chapter 2 and we're ready for 18:32 our three lessons in Chapter 2. And in Chapter 18:33 2 it begins by telling us that Jonah does the 18:36 only thing then he knows how to do. Jonah, he prays. 18:42 In the fish's belly, Jonah prays. 18:48 Lesson number one from Chapter 2. 18:52 Lesson number four. Prayer still works. 18:56 In Jonah's prayer, Jonah likens being in the 19:00 fish to being in hell. Jonah says in verse number 2, 19:04 “I cried by my reason of mine affliction unto the Lord, 19:08 and he heard me; out of the belly of hell cried I, 19:12 and thou heardest my voice.” Jonah disobeys God. 19:17 Jonah goes down. Jonah finds himself in a ship. 19:22 Jonah pays a high fare. Jonah then faces a storm. 19:28 Jonah's life is in danger. Jonah is in hell. 19:32 Butbut the Bible says, Jonah prays. 19:39 Now somebody here ought to know what happens 19:42 when you pray. Somebody here ought to know that 19:45 prayer time is high time. And sometimes, 19:48 I don't know about you, but I need me to pray for me. 19:52 Nothing wrong with you all praying for me, 19:54 but I need me to pray for me. Do I have a witness 19:56 in this place? Because you can't beat me praying for me. 20:00 You can help me pray for me, but you can't beat me 20:03 praying for me. Because I have a vested interest in me. 20:07 I know what's wrong with me. I know what God needs 20:11 to do with me. I know what it's going to take to 20:14 straighten me out. I tell me some stuff about me t 20:17 hat I'm not going to tell you. So you can help me 20:20 pray for me, but you can't pray for me because I've 20:23 got some stuff to tell God that I don't trust you 20:26 enough to say to God for me. Jonah says, 20:31 I have to pray for me. Now, the fact that he 20:36 prayed is significant. But what's more significant, 20:39 look at the text, is where he prayed. 20:42 Out of the belly of a fish, out of the 20:47 belly in hell, that God, by the way, put him in. 20:51 Somebody's not getting this. God put him in. 20:57 Aaah. God purposely put Jonah in this situation 21:03 in order that Jonah might come to know God for himself. 21:07 And that's what God will do. God will put you in a 21:11 particular place, a particular situation, a particular 21:16 strange, uncomfortable place in order that you might 21:19 know who you are dealing with. God will let you 21:22 get in some fire sometimes so that you will know 21:25 He's still got His hand on the thermostat. 21:27 I wish I had a witness in this place. 21:29 God will let you purposely hit rock bottom. 21:32 God will allow you to be thrown down on your 21:34 back so all you can do is look up and pray. 21:38 God will put you in your situation that you 21:41 can't do anything else but hear Him. God says, 21:44 I'll fix it so that you won't have anyone calling you. 21:48 I'll fix it where your best friends walk out on your life. 21:51 I'll navigate your situations where you can't see 21:54 anything but Me. You can't hear anybody but Me. 21:59 As a matter of fact, I'll put you so deep down in 22:01 the belly of a fish that you'll realize you can't 22:04 survive without Me. So, where if you're going to eat, 22:08 I've got to feed you. If you're going to drink, 22:11 I've got to give you some water. If you're going 22:14 to have clothes, I've got to clothe you. 22:16 God will put you in a belly of a fish. 22:19 God will allow you to go through an earthly hell 22:22 and He'll say, now that I have your attention. 22:25 You see, I've learned in my life, going through trouble, 22:30 that when you're lying on your back and you have 22:34 to call on the Lord in prayer, you'll learn something. 22:39 Growing up as a child in a Christian Adventist home, 22:43 there were always something that I knew, heard, 22:46 had seen about God. Many of you are like that. 22:49 Whether you grew up in an Adventist home or not. 22:50 If you grew up, you knew something about God. 22:53 But when we get older sometimes, some of us want 22:56 to live like we want to live. We want to have a 23:00 good time. We want to experience life. 23:04 But God says, I will take you to a place in your 23:08 life where you'll have to remember, you'll have 23:11 to remember what Mama taught you, what Daddy taught you, 23:14 what Sabbath school taught you. You have to remember 23:18 where your health comes from. You can act a fool 23:22 all you want, but I'll show you that you'll have to remember. 23:26 When we come up in this church, when we watch on 23:30 that television screen, some of us have forgotten 23:33 where we've come from, but we haven't always lived 23:37 like we now live. We haven't always driven what 23:40 we now drive. We haven't been always able to shop 23:44 like we now shop. Some of us used to have one Sabbath suit. 23:49 Some of us had one Sabbath dress. Some of us had one 23:53 pair of Sabbath shoes. They were shiny on the top, 23:56 but they had holes on the bottom. Some of us remember 24:00 when we had no car and we had to walk to church. 24:04 Some of us remember when there was no air condition. 24:07 But I'm so glad that God heard my cry and God opened 24:12 up the windows of heaven and poured us out a blessing 24:15 that shall not be room enough to receive it. 24:17 And when you really understand prayer, 24:20 it doesn't make a difference what situation 24:23 you find yourself in, when you really pray to 24:25 God wherever you are, even in the belly of a fish, 24:27 even in an earthly hell, your prayer can reach Him. 24:32 Today, somebody ought to thank God for that period 24:38 where you were in the fish's belly. Somebody today 24:43 ought to thank God for the period when you were in 24:47 an earthly hell. Lord, I thank You because now I 24:53 know who You are. Lord, I thank You because 24:57 You're a healer. I thank You because you're a provider. 25:02 I thank You because you're a way maker. 25:05 I thank You because You're shelter, You're mercy, 25:08 You're loving kindness. Lord, I thank You for waking me up. 25:12 I think You for starting me on my way. Lord, 25:15 I thank You because You are always on my side, 25:18 because if it had not been for the Lord on my side, 25:22 where would I be? God put Jonah in a place where 25:24 Jonah couldn't do anything but pray. 25:27 So, in Chapter 1, Jonah runs from God. 25:33 In Chapter 2, he finds himself in the fish's belly, 25:37 he prays, and then towards the end of the chapter 25:40 he has a change of heart. He looks over his life 25:44 and he says, guess what, enough is enough. 25:47 I'm tired of running. I'm tired of doing it my 25:50 way because my way has only gotten me a certain place. 25:53 I'm ready now to do it God's way. 25:56 So, look at verse number 9 of Chapter 2. 25:59 Look at Jonah 2:9 and this is what Jonah says 26:04 towards the end Chapter 2. Jonah 2:9. 26:07 Look at it, everybody, look at it. Jonah's says, 26:09 “But I will sacrifice unto thee with the voice of 26:11 thanksgiving; I will pay that that I have vowed. 26:16 Salvation is of the” whom, everybody? Aud.: Lord. 26:19 PB: All right. Jonah says, I will pay what I 26:23 said I would pay. Lord, I will do what I said 26:28 I'm going to do. Friends, don't you know, there's 26:33 a danger of making a vow to God and then not keeping it. 26:38 Don't play with God. The things that you said 26:43 you were going to do, you better do them. 26:45 God is tired of inconsistent Christians making 26:48 promises they can't keep and don't want to keep. 26:51 Here we go, you know the story. Lord, I lost my job. 26:52 I don't know what I'm going to do, but, Lord, 26:55 You own the cattle on a thousand hills, 27:01 so if You just give me a job, I promise You 27:04 I'll serve You. And just as soon as you get a new job, 27:07 you're too busy to serve God. Lord, I'm tired of being 27:11 in this world. I'm tired of all the drama. 27:13 I'm tired of people breaking my heart. 27:15 I'm ready to give You my life. Jesus, I need You. 27:17 And two weeks later you meet somebody else and you're gone. 27:21 Lord, if You just help me pass this test. 27:26 I haven't studied, but if You just direct my pen. 27:33 Somebody prayed their prayer, and help me circle 27:40 the right answers, I promise You I won't miss 27:45 church anymore. I'll go hear Pastor Byrd every Sabbath. 27:49 And the moment you pass the test, you're nowhere to 27:53 be found on Sabbath morning. Lord, I've got this cancer. 27:58 PB: Just heal my body just one time. 28:02 I promise you I'll serve you til I die. 28:06 But the moment your cancer goes into remission. 28:10 Your service to God goes into remission too. 28:14 A: Thank you for joining us for another exciting 28:17 Breath of Life television broadcast. 28:20 A: Join us next week at the same time. 28:22 A: Pastor Byrd will deliver another dynamic message 28:24 from the Lord just for you. 28:27 Until next time, may God bless you. 28:29 END |
Revised 2016-11-03