Breath of Life

Is There Anything Too Hard For God?  

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Carlton P. Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000531A

00:04 PERSENTS B531 Is Anything Too Hard for God?
00:21 PB: Esther chapter 4, verse number 13. If you have it,
00:24 let me hear you say amen. Aud.: Amen.
00:26 PB: The Word of God says, "Then Mordecai commanded to answer Esther,
00:29 Think not with thyself that thou shalt escape in the king's house,
00:34 more than all the Jews. For if thou altogether holdest thy
00:38 peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and
00:43 deliverance arise to the Jews from another place;
00:46 but thou and thy father's house shall be destroyed:
00:50 and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom
00:53 for such a time as this? Then Esther bade them return
00:59 Mordecai this answer, Go, gather together all the Jews
01:03 that are present in Shushan, and fast ye for me,
01:08 and neither eat nor drink three days, night or day:
01:11 I also and my maidens will fast likewise;
01:14 and so will I go in unto the king, which is
01:16 not according to the law: and if I perish, I perish.
01:22 So Mordecai went his way, and did according to
01:24 all that Esther had commanded him."
01:28 Today's subject and title, "Is There Anything Too Hard for God?"
01:34 Father, bless us now as we open up Your printed page.
01:37 Make it come alive and practically apply it to our lives.
01:40 And Lord, we know the answer to that question.
01:43 There is nothing too hard for You. May we believe
01:45 it even more after this sermon.
01:47 In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
01:51 When you read the story of Esther, many life
01:54 lessons come to mind. I can't share them all today,
01:56 but let me just share this one quickly.
01:58 It's not a curse to be single. Now,
02:03 I thought the single folk would say amen off that.
02:06 Let me try that one more time. It's not a
02:10 curse to be single. Yes, I'm married,
02:16 and I'm happily married. And I wouldn't trade
02:20 my marriage for anything or anybody.
02:23 But let me remind that single person out there today,
02:28 it's not a curse to be single. Who you marry,
02:35 however, will likely impact where you spend eternity.
02:40 So take your time. Take your what, everybody?
02:44 Aud.: Time. PB: Come on, say it again.
02:46 Take your what, everybody? Aud.: Time.
02:47 PB: To the freshmen today: Don't get caught
02:50 up with dating the first person you meet at Oakwood.
02:55 [Aud. reaction] PB: You just got to Oakwood,
02:59 and all you can do is think about that one somebody,
03:03 and then you want to get married. No, no, no, no, no.
03:05 Group date. Everybody go out together. Come on, say amen
03:09 Aud.: Amen. PB: Take your time. Too many people
03:13 rush to the marriage altar for the wrong reasons.
03:16 Some feel their biological clock is ticking and running out,
03:19 so I'd better get married because it's getting late in
03:21 the evening and my sun is about to set. Maybe somebody
03:25 feels the pressure of family and friends who say,
03:27 you need to go on and get married, because if you don't,
03:30 you're going to end up by yourself. But then maybe there's
03:34 somebody who got married because they made a mistake
03:37 and got pregnant. And so they felt that if I marry my
03:40 baby's daddy, that will make everything all right.
03:45 But I'm here to let somebody know that sperm donorship
03:48 does not qualify soulmateship. Just because you made
03:54 a mistake, don't make two. And to the brothers--listen
03:58 to me good, brothers--if you wouldn't make her a wife,
04:01 then don't make her mother. Do I have a witness in this place?
04:05 [Aud. reaction] PB: Marry the right person, a godly person,
04:11 somebody who loves you and loves the Lord,
04:13 because it's better to be happily unmarried
04:17 than to be unhappily married. Are you hearing
04:19 what I'm saying? If you are by yourself,
04:23 take your own self out. It's cheaper that way.
04:27 Do I have a witness in this place?
04:29 [Aud. reaction] PB: Buy your own self a gift
04:32 card to Olive Garden, and you and God go out for dinner.
04:36 Are you hearing what I'm saying? You and God go to the mall.
04:40 You and God rent a movie on Saturday night, watch that movie,
04:44 buy you some popcorn, get snuggled up in a blanket with God.
04:48 Sometimes you've got to encourage yourself in the Lord.
04:51 It's not a curse to be single. If you're single or you
04:57 come from a single-parent home, God loves you,
05:02 and God will bless you just like He blesses a married parent
05:07 or an individual from a married-parent home.
05:10 God has a purpose for what He allows.
05:14 Esther was such a person. Esther's mother had died.
05:19 Her father had died. No parents. The Bible says her cousin,
05:24 Mordecai, took her in, became a single parent,
05:27 but God raised her up. Despite then how the enemy
05:32 will afflict you. I believe I've got a witness in
05:35 this place that knows God will raise you up.
05:38 Does anybody know that your setback is just a
05:42 setup for a comeback. God will raise you up.
05:46 I wish I had a witness in this place.
05:48 Quickly, a summary of Esther's book. In chapter 1,
05:52 the king displays his affluence and prosperity
05:54 through parties and celebrations for six months.
05:56 He culminates with a seventh-day feast. On day seven,
06:00 the Bible says he calls his queen, Vashti,
06:02 to come and display her beauty. Vashti refuses,
06:05 so the king is embarrassed. Vashti is banished
06:08 from the king's presence and a new queen is sought.
06:12 In chapter 2, Esther, a Jew, is chosen to become queen.
06:16 Esther goes through 12 months of beauty treatment
06:19 before she even meets the king. Let me throw this in:
06:23 It takes time to look good. [Aud. reaction]
06:25 PB: You can't rush looking good. Get your hair done.
06:29 Are you hearing what I'm saying? Pull your pants up.
06:30 Are you hearing what I'm saying? Make sure you smell nice.
06:33 All this talk about God accepts me as I am,
06:35 as we begin a new school year, when you come to
06:38 God's house, when you come to see the King of
06:40 Kings and the Lord of Lords, you come with your best.
06:42 Are you hearing what I'm saying? [Aud. reaction]
06:44 PB: Now. Chapter 2 also reports the good deed of
06:49 Mordecai in saving the king's life by alerting him
06:52 through Esther of an assassination attempt on his life.
06:55 Mordecai is not rewarded for this act, but this
06:59 deed is recorded in the history books and later
07:02 serves as a blessing for Mordecai in the future.
07:04 In chapter 3, a man by the name of Haman--everybody say Haman.
07:09 Aud.: Haman. PB: Haman is introduced. Haman is
07:12 honored by the king and given a high position in the kingdom.
07:15 Haman is made with Mordecai, because Mordecai refuses
07:18 to bow down to him. But Mordecai remembers, thou shalt
07:22 have no other gods before me. Haman then gets mad.
07:27 Haman plans the execution of not just Mordecai but
07:30 all the Jews in the country. In chapter 4,
07:34 in order to stop the execution of the Jews,
07:36 Mordecai calls on his niece, Esther, to intercede
07:41 with the king on behalf of the Jewish people.
07:44 The king doesn't have a clue that Esther is a Jew.
07:48 Esther has no clue as to how the king will respond
07:52 to her coming in to see him, because if you went
07:55 in to see the king without the king's acceptance,
07:57 or without being called by the king, it was
07:59 punishable by death. Mordecai gives Esther
08:04 some strong counsel. We just read it in chapter 4.
08:06 He says, look, Esther, don't think that just because
08:10 you live in the king's house you're the one
08:14 Jew who's going to get out of this alive.
08:17 In other words, don't think that just because
08:19 you made it to the king's house, you've arrived.
08:22 Some people make it a little higher and they
08:24 forget the folk that helped them get there.
08:26 I wish I had time. He said if you remain silent
08:30 at a time like this, I need you to know, Esther,
08:33 that help and deliverance will come. They will
08:38 come from somewhere else. But you and your family
08:42 will be wiped out. But who knows. Maybe you were
08:47 made queen for such a time as this.
08:52 In chapter 5, Esther goes in before the king.
08:56 The king extends his golden scepter to her,
08:58 signifying his acceptance for her to come in.
09:01 She invites the king and Haman to a banquet.
09:05 She does this to get the timing right before
09:08 she informs the king about Haman's plot to kill
09:10 all the Jews. In the meantime, Haman's hatred
09:14 for Mordecai is growing by the minute. On the
09:18 advice of his friends and his wife, Haman builds
09:21 gallows to hang Mordecai. But in chapter 6,
09:26 God moves to save the Jews. The king can't sleep
09:32 one night, and so he asks for the history books
09:36 to be read to him. The deeds of Mordecai in saving
09:39 the king are, as recorded I chapter 2, are read to him.
09:43 The king--I love this part--then asks Haman what
09:46 should be done for a man that the king wants to honor.
09:50 Haman thinks the king is talking about him. He orders
09:54 an abundant feast to be given for him. Little did he know,
09:57 the feast wasn't for him but it was for God's anointed,
10:01 Mordecai. The king orders Haman to do this feast for Mordecai.
10:06 Isn't it amazing how God will turn a situation around?
10:10 [Aud. reaction] PB: One day you can be up.
10:12 The next day you can be down. And one day you can be down,
10:17 and the next day you can be up. That's why I've
10:20 got to treat Pastor Bolden right. He may sign my
10:22 check one day. Do I have a witness in this place?
10:25 [Aud. reaction] PB: In chapter 7, Esther reveals
10:28 to the king that she's a Jew. Haman has plotted to
10:32 kill them all. Haman is then hung on the very gallows
10:37 that he prepared for Mordecai. You all don't hear
10:42 what I'm saying. Let me just say it this way:
10:44 Be careful of the traps you set for others.
10:48 You do reap what you sow. The same traps that
10:53 you set for somebody else may be the same trap
10:57 you fall in yourself. Be ye sure your sins
11:01 will find you out. In chapters 8, 9 and 10,
11:05 all the Jews are saved, and all of Haman's children
11:08 are killed. In fact, on the day that Haman had
11:11 assigned for the Jews to be killed, the Jews
11:14 defeated their enemies, killing 75,000 who hated them.
11:18 Somebody knows the battle is not yours; it's the Lord's.
11:21 Is there anything too hard for God? Let me give
11:28 you my five points, if I can make it to five,
11:31 then I'm going to sit down. Number one,
11:33 God is sovereign, and we know that all
11:38 things work together for good to them who
11:41 love the Lord and are the called according
11:44 to His purpose. Let me tell you something quickly.
11:47 God has a plan, and everything happens according
11:50 to His sovereign plan. Why are you positioned
11:54 where you are? Why do you work where you work?
11:58 Why do you live where you live? Why do you go
12:02 to school where you go to school? Why do you
12:05 go to church where you go to church? You do
12:08 what you do because God has assigned you here
12:11 and there for such a time as this.
12:15 Here's a little girl. No money, no parents,
12:20 seemingly no future, but God would use her to
12:25 become the very key to the survival of her people.
12:28 In spite of her past. In spite of her brokenness.
12:34 God used this young lady. God can do the same for you.
12:39 Let me tell you something I was reading this week.
12:41 God doesn't recruit you without a calling.
12:46 Let me say that again. God doesn't recruit you
12:48 without a calling. God calls everybody to use
12:52 the gifts they have, but not everybody picks up
12:54 the phone. But not only that--listen to me--sometimes,
12:59 because God is sovereign, God will employ people
13:03 whose motives are not godly, and whose actions are
13:07 not saintly, to accomplish His purpose for your life.
13:11 Sometimes God employs the sins of other people and
13:16 their rebellion against Him and His people to further
13:19 His purposes. Even when a man like Haman is doing his
13:23 best to deny and defeat God's promises and purposes,
13:26 nothing can interrupt or hinder God's purpose.
13:31 You don't believe me? A Red Sea could not stop /God.
13:35 Afflictions and boils and loss of family on Job
13:39 couldn't stop God. A lions' den could not stop God.
13:43 A fiery furnace could not stop God. I dare you to
13:48 put God on the front line of your life, and see if
13:52 God won't fail. I dare you, 'cause out of all the
13:55 things that God can't do, God can't fail. Because He's God.
14:00 CEO of the universe. You didn't vote Him in, and you
14:05 can't vote Him out. God is sovereign. God can do what
14:10 He wants, when He wants, where He wants, how He wants,
14:15 and He doesn't have to ask you or me for permission
14:18 to do as He wants. Understand God is sovereign.
14:23 But then number two, purpose will make you au target.
14:28 Because Mordecai wouldn't change his mind about bowing
14:31 to Haman, the other officials in the kingdom went
14:33 and told Haman, he won't bow to you. Haman orders
14:37 the genocide of the entire Jewish human race.
14:40 Whenever you're doing something for the Lord, friends,
14:42 and fulfilling God's purpose for your life, there
14:44 will always be haters. Haters are a part of the process.
14:49 I preached a sermon, "How to Handle Hate.”
14:51 Hate is a people who are jealous of you,
14:53 envy what you have, and when you put envy and
14:54 jealousy together, guess what you have. A hater.
14:56 These are people who cannot stand to see you blessed.
15:00 All they do is talk about what you do have and try
15:03 to figure out how you got it. But somebody needs to know,
15:06 what God has for me, it is for me.
15:10 Ellen White says, "Satan seeks to excite envy among
15:14 God's people." She says, "Envy grieves God."
15:18 There are some people who don't like you on your
15:20 job because they think you're going to take their position.
15:24 There are some people who don't like you in the
15:26 church because they think you're going to take
15:28 their position. They think that you want what they've got,
15:30 but the truth of the matter is, they don't have a thing.
15:32 And how can you want nothing? I wish I had a witness
15:34 in this place. [Aud. reaction]
15:36 PB: That's why you've got to make up your mind.
15:39 I'm getting older, elders, I'm understanding.
15:40 I'm getting older and understanding that you can't
15:43 have negative folk around you, You can't have
15:46 depressed folk around you. You can't have trifling
15:50 folk around you. So many people, you're in the same
15:54 rut year after year after year because you keep
15:58 the same negative, trifling, depressed folk around you,
16:01 who don't have nothing, don't want nothing,
16:04 and don't want anybody else to have nothing.
16:06 Excuse the double negatives. [Aud. reaction]
16:10 PB: I'm tired of hanging around folk who aren't going
16:12 where I'm going. Blessed is the man who walketh not in
16:15 the counsel of the ungodly nor standeth in the way of
16:18 sinners nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.
16:20 His delight is in the law of the Lord, and in his
16:22 law doth he meditate day and night. I don't know about you,
16:26 but I'm calling the devil out. The devil is alive.
16:30 Young people who are new here, change your crown.
16:33 If you ain't with me, then get from around me because
16:37 I'm going somewhere, and what God is doing in my life,
16:42 don't hate me, just love me, because I'm trying to tell
16:45 you it's of God and not of me. So don't hate the player,
16:49 hate the game. Do I have a witness in this place?
16:51 [Aud. reaction] PB: And then if you're the victim
16:54 of somebody hating you, remember this like Mordecai.
16:56 Don't retaliate in your own strength. God is your
16:59 deliverance. God's favor on you is His greatest weapon.
17:02 If I hold my peace and let the Lord fight my battles,
17:07 victory shall be mine. Number three.
17:12 God's timing is not your timing. Let me say that again:
17:17 God's timing. God's what, everybody? Aud.: Timing.
17:19 PB: Is not your what, everybody? Aud.: Timing.
17:21 PB: Think about it. Think about it.
17:24 Esther and Mordecai didn't orchestrate the
17:27 king's sleepless night, in chapter 6.
17:30 They didn't give him something to keep
17:32 him up all night. Neither did they determine,
17:35 in chapter, 2, that Mordecai would uncover
17:38 the assassination attempt on the king's life,
17:40 and that Mordecai would be honored, in chapter 6,
17:43 for his efforts in chapter 2. But God. But God,
17:49 who doeth all things well, knew that Mordecai
17:55 didn't need to be honored, in chapter 2.
17:59 Because there would be a greater time for
18:02 Mordecai to be recognized in chapter 6,
18:05 because in chapter 7 when Esther would go
18:08 in to see the king on behalf of the Jews,
18:10 the king remembered what Mordecai had done
18:12 for him back in chapter 2, honored him in
18:15 chapter 6, and in chapter 7 would preserve
18:17 the Jewish people because of what he did, in chapter 2.
18:22 Y'all don't hear what I'm saying. [Aud. reaction]
18:24 PB: He's an on-time God, yes He is.
18:29 He may not come when you want Him, but He's
18:32 always right on time. Somebody's sitting there,
18:36 asking God when are You going to come through?
18:38 When are You going to deliver me? When am I
18:41 going to get the job? When am I going to get married?
18:43 When am I going to get the financial scholarship?
18:46 When am I going to get financially clear? Let me
18:48 tell you something, in the name of Jesus.
18:52 In God's own way, in God's own time,
18:58 God will come through. Number four.
19:03 Your background does not hinder your
19:08 future with God. Esther was an orphan.
19:13 Her parents died. She didn't live in
19:17 the big house. She lived in the outhouse.
19:20 But God still exalted and used her.
19:24 Church, students, everybody: your background
19:29 does not determine what God can do with you.
19:33 Your faith does. Somebody said, I didn't come
19:38 from the right family. Don't worry about it.
19:41 I didn't come from the right city.
19:42 Don't worry about it. I didn't come from the
19:45 right background. Don't worry about,
19:47 I didn't come from the right country.
19:50 Don't worry about it. I didn't come from the
19:53 right circumstances. God says, don't worry about it.
19:57 Understand, I use ordinary people.
19:59 People like you and me who are willing to
20:01 do as He commands. Let me call the biblical
20:04 roll this afternoon. Noah was a drunkard.
20:07 Abraham was too old. Josiah was too young.
20:11 Jacob was a liar. Joseph was abused.
20:15 Gideon was scared. Elijah was suicidal.
20:19 Samson had dreads. David was an adulterer.
20:22 Solomon was a womanizer. Rahab was a prostitute.
20:26 Jeremiah was a whiner. Jonah ran from God.
20:30 Job went bankrupt. The Samaritan woman
20:33 had five husbands. Zacchaeus was too short.
20:36 Peter denied Christ. Judas betrayed Christ.
20:40 The disciples fell asleep while praying.
20:42 Mary was lazy. Martha worried about everything.
20:45 Lazarus was dead! [Aud. reaction]
20:50 PB: But God. But God can use whom He wants,
21:00 when He wants, where He wants, and how He wants.
21:05 Do I have a witness in this place? [Aud. reaction]
21:07 PB: Let me be clear to you. God can use those
21:10 that are ill-borne, or born without perceived hope
21:12 or honor, or with the shadows of dishonor.
21:15 So-called illegitimate. Let me be clear.
21:17 In Oakwood today and those watching by
21:19 Breath of Life, there are no illegitimate children
21:22 in God's family. There are no illegitimate parents
21:26 in God's church. If you made a mistake,
21:30 God doesn't want you to wallow in the guilt,
21:33 gutter of guilt, grief and shame. Confess your sins,
21:38 hold your head up, stick your chest out;
21:43 put one foot in front of the other.
21:46 Don't let folk knock you down.
21:49 Don't let the so-called sanctified saints
21:52 skin you up. Take God at God's Word.
21:56 There is therefore no condemnation to those
21:59 who are in Jesus Christ. If God has washed it
22:03 in God's blood, if God has covered you in God's love,
22:07 if God has forgiven you of your sins, hold your head up.
22:12 Put your foot in front of the other.
22:15 Start walking by faith not by sight.
22:20 Forget what somebody might say about you.
22:23 Forget what somebody might think about you.
22:25 Forget how somebody might feel about you.
22:28 Know that God needs you. God loves you.
22:31 God died to save you, and that's all you need to know.
22:36 It's not about how you got here that counts.
22:41 It's what you decide to do, once you arrive.
22:45 Let me tell you something: the devil hates you.
22:49 Because every one of you, all of you young people,
22:52 you have potential to devastate his kingdom.
22:57 The devil hates you. Every one of you has the
23:02 potential to walk in the same power and the
23:04 same anointing that Jesus did. The devil hates you.
23:09 Jesus said, however, that "the works that I shall do,
23:13 ye do also, and greater works than these shall you do."
23:19 The devil has tried to destroy you. The devil has
23:22 tried to kill you. Some of you have had to fight
23:25 for your sanity. And if it weren't for the Lord,
23:30 you'd be in some institution right now.
23:32 Somebody else, if it weren't for the Lord,
23:35 you would have died in some tragic accident.
23:38 But somebody else, if it weren't for the Lord,
23:40 you would be spending the rest of your life
23:43 watching this service in cell block B.
23:47 [Aud. reaction] PB: The devil has done his
23:50 best to kill you. But is there anything too hard for my God?
23:58 Some of you, it's a miracle that you survived your teen years.
24:04 All around you, folk die from some senseless
24:07 disease or gang violence, but the devil has been
24:10 trying to kill you. Why? He wanted to kill you before
24:16 you discover your identity and destiny, because the
24:19 most dangerous people in the world to the devil
24:22 re men and women who have discovered their destiny,
24:25 because when you discover your destiny, you're a threat to hell.
24:28 Remember, wind never blows in the direction of a
24:37 ship with no direction and no destination. But when
24:41 you discover your destiny, all the power of heaven
24:43 comes to empower you. The devil wanted you dead,
24:46 but you're still here. You're still here.
24:49 And it's your turn now. Esther was waiting; patiently
24:55 Esther was waiting. Waiting for her time to come
24:58 before the king. Like Esther, many of you have felt
25:02 like you have been in the waiting room forever.
25:05 But now you're getting ready to move in the
25:09 delivery room, because it's your turn now.
25:13 Some of you have felt like the old saying,
25:16 always a bridesmaid never a bride.
25:22 But it's your turn now. Some of you have felt
25:25 like the batter in the warmup box. You're saying,
25:30 will I ever get to bat? Will I ever get to hit?
25:34 Will it ever be my turn? You watch others get promoted.
25:38 You've seen others move in the anointing.
25:40 You've seen God bless others, and you're
25:43 saying when will it be my time?
25:45 I may not hit a home run, but at least I
25:49 want my shot at it. I want to swing at it.
25:53 I want to stand in the batter's box and know
25:55 that I'm there because I paid my dues.
25:58 Well, it's your time now. Swing for the fence.
26:03 You may not hit a home run; it may not be a triple,
26:08 a double, not even a single. But that's all right,
26:12 because the good news is, you're not the only
26:15 one on the team. Don't be afraid to swing,
26:20 because you've got a God, and you serve a God,
26:24 who's got your back. "Fear thou not,
26:29 for I am with thee. Be not dismayed for I am thy God.
26:33 I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee.
26:37 I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness."
26:41 If God be for us, who can be against us? No weapon formed
26:47 against us is going to prosper. It won't work,
26:51 because I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
26:55 Is there anything too hard for God? [Aud. reaction]
27:00 PB: And then number five: salvation is of the Lord.
27:08 Despite the sins of the Jews over the years--'
27:12 cause don't think that the people of God have
27:14 always had their stuff together. The children of
27:16 Israel were stiff-necked at times. We're also
27:20 stiff-necked at times. The children of Israel
27:25 wandered in the wilderness 40 years.
27:27 We're probably wandering 120 years.
27:29 But despite the sins of the Jews over the years,
27:34 God spared them from the destruction Haman
27:38 had prepared for them.
27:40 Let me tell you something. Here it goes.
27:42 God's joy is not found in the punishment
27:47 of the wicked. God's joy is in the salvation of sinners,
27:56 so they can spend eternity with Him.
28:01 God is not willing that any should perish,
28:06 but that all should come to repentance.
28:09 God has not come back to the earth yet,
28:12 because He told the angel, hurt not the earth--
28:14 >: Thank you for joining us for another exciting
28:15 Breath of Life television broadcast.
28:18 Tune in next week at the same time,
28:20 as Dr. Byrd will deliver another dynamic
28:23 message from the Lord, just for you.
28:25 Until next time, may God bless you.
28:27 END


Revised 2016-08-31