Breath of Life

The Last Days

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Carlton P. Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000530A

00:07 B529 God's Love
00:12 [THEME music]
00:21 PB: The Scripture is one verse: John 3:16.
00:27 "For God so loved the"--what, everybody?
00:31 Aud.: World. PB: "That he gave his only begotten"--
00:34 Aud.: Son. PB: "That whosoever believes in him should not"--
00:36 Aud.: Perish. PB: "But have everlasting"--
00:39 Aud.: Life. PB: Father, bless us.
00:41 Thank You for Your love. Sometimes we don't
00:47 even understand Your love, but thank You
00:49 for Your love. Speak through me as I speak
00:53 to Your people. In Jesus' name. Amen.
00:57 John 3:16 is arguably the greatest verse in
01:02 all the Bible. And if it's not the greatest,
01:05 it has to be the most known or the most loved verse.
01:11 There are only 25 words in this verse, but no other
01:16 single verse in all the Bible has blessed so many
01:20 people like John 3:16. Martin Luther called it
01:25 the miniature gospel. Some have called it the
01:29 gospel in a nutshell. Others have called it a
01:33 love letter from God, written in blood and
01:36 addressed to all. And while John 3:16 is a most
01:40 beloved verse among millions everywhere,
01:43 if there were ever a verse that Satan would
01:46 like to get out of the Bible, it would be
01:49 John 3:16. Because if there were ever a verse
01:54 that makes hell shutter, it's John 3:16.
01:59 If there were ever a verse that makes demons
02:03 tremble, it's John 3:16. But if there were
02:08 ever a verse that has lightened the path to heaven,
02:12 it's also John 3:16. For God so loved the world
02:19 that He gave His only begotten Son, that
02:22 whosoever believeth in Him should not perish
02:25 but have everlasting life. Now this text has
02:29 been preached many different ways. Some have
02:32 divided the verse into parts like God's grace:
02:35 for God so loved the world. God's gift:
02:38 that He gave his only begotten Son. God's gospel:
02:40 that whosoever believeth in Him. God's glory:
02:43 shall have everlasting life. Some have preached
02:47 this text by saying it shows the greatest. For God,
02:53 the greatest One. So loved, the greatest degree.
02:58 The world, the greatest amount of people. That He gave,
03:02 which is the greatest generosity. His only begotten Son,
03:06 the greatest uniqueness. That whosoever, the greatest invitation.
03:11 Believeth in Him, the greatest simplicity. Should not,
03:13 which is the greatest certainty. Perish, the greatest
03:18 possible loss. But, the greatest difference. Have,
03:22 the greatest possession. Eternal, the greatest length.
03:25 Life, God's greatest gift. For God so loved the world.
03:32 But today, let's expand our minds a bit. What if God
03:36 had not loved the world? There would then be no hope
03:40 for the world. There would be nothing to live for and
03:44 no purpose for existence; it would be a world where
03:46 our prayers would be but useless cries to the skies.
03:51 Every death would be the end of personal hope and
03:54 every grave a place of despair. But today, I'm so glad
03:58 that God loved the world. I'm so glad that Jesus loves me.
04:05 I'm so glad that death is not a period but only a comma
04:09 in the story of life. But then, what if God had not
04:13 sent His Son? What if instead of God giving us His Son, Jesus,
04:17 He gave us what we deserved--death. What if instead of
04:21 sending His Son to die for our sins and giving us the
04:24 opportunity for eternal life forever, what if He just
04:26 destined all of us to hell. But not only that,
04:30 what if God's offer of salvation was not for the whosoevers.
04:37 What if God had only offered salvation to the rich.
04:41 I don't know about you, but I know I wouldn't make it.
04:44 What if God had offered salvation only to the healthy.
04:48 What if God had only offered salvation to the educated.
04:52 What if salvation was only offered to the good,
04:55 the righteous and pious people. If He did that,
04:57 then none of us would have any hope of ever seeing Jesus,
05:02 because the Bible says that before God there is none good,
05:05 no not one. But I'm glad today for Romans 5:8,
05:10 that God commended His love toward us that while we
05:14 were yet sinners Christ died for us. Which means,
05:20 friends of mine, God doesn't save us after we get
05:23 rid of our sin. God saves us in our sin.
05:27 God doesn't save us once we clean up our lives
05:31 to be good enough for Him. God doesn't save us
05:33 after we have made ourselves holy or religious.
05:36 It's the opposite. God--thank You, Jesus--saves
05:38 us in our sin, just as we are, and then He saves
05:43 us from our sins and makes us what we ought to be.
05:47 So then, I may not be all that I should be,
05:50 but praise God I'm not what I used to be.
05:54 I'm so glad that God's love is for whosoever.
05:59 God loves Christians, but God also loves Jews,
06:03 Buddhists and Hindus. God loves believers,
06:07 but God also loves agnostics and atheists.
06:11 God loves Americans, but God also loves Africans
06:15 and Asians and Australians. God loves black people,
06:20 but God also loves white people, red people
06:24 and yellow people. God loves city folk,
06:27 but God loves country folk, too. God loves
06:31 the civilized, but God loves the heathen.
06:34 God loves preachers--yes, He does--but God
06:38 also loves prostitutes. God loves doctors and
06:42 lawyers and accountants and teachers but
06:44 He also loves murderers and cheaters and
06:47 gamblers and drug abusers. God loves us all.
06:50 God didn't just love a world of saints--no,
06:52 God loved a world of sinners, too.
06:55 But don't get it twisted today. God loves the
06:59 sinner not the sin. The criminal not the crime.
07:03 The rebel not the rebellion; the liar not the lie;
07:07 the idolater and not the idol. God loves us all.
07:11 Because see, the reality is a sinner may go
07:13 to heal unsaved, but a sinner cannot go to
07:16 hell unloved. God loves us all. All colors,
07:22 all shapes, all sizes. And because God
07:26 loves us all, God died for us all.
07:30 And because God's love is for whosoever,
07:33 God's salvation is for whosoever.
07:36 That means anybody. That means young and old,
07:40 smart and average, educated, uneducated;
07:45 lower class to the upper class; adventurer
07:49 and the adulterer. The deacon and the dope dealer;
07:52 church singer but the blues singer as well.
07:56 Wicked sinners and wretched and wannabe saints,
07:59 God's salvation is for whosoever. So don't walk
08:03 around Oakwood like you've got the big head.
08:06 That you're better than somebody else.
08:09 Pointing your finger at somebody else and you've
08:12 got three fingers pointing back at you.
08:13 Talking about somebody else but you've got
08:15 skeletons in your own closet. Nobody lives
08:17 in a glass house. Don't judge somebody
08:20 just because they got caught and you didn't.
08:23 [Aud. reaction] PB: And on the flipside:
08:25 don't judge someone else just because they
08:28 sin differently than you do. [Aud. reaction]
08:32 PB: Sin is sin. All have sinned and come short
08:37 of the glory of God. We are all sinners saved by grace.
08:42 God loves us all, God died for us all, for God so
08:47 loved the world. Which means, God loves you.
08:50 If you were the only person on planet earth,
08:52 God would have sent Jesus to die just for you.
08:55 That's how much Jesus loves you. God sent His
08:57 Son to die for our sins. You know that His blood
08:59 that He shed on the cross is the only thing that
09:01 can save us from our sins. Let me be clear today:
09:03 not this church, not the preacher, not your ushering,
09:11 not your singing in the choir, not your teaching
09:15 Sabbath school, not your tithe, not your offering,
09:18 not your amens, not your hallelujahs.
09:22 There's only name under heaven whereby we
09:26 can be saved. What can wash away my sins?
09:30 Nothing but the blood of Jesus. What can make
09:33 me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
09:36 Jesus was our substitute who paid the penalty for
09:40 the sins that we deserved to pay. Jesus gives
09:42 us everlasting life, and He gives it to us free of charge.
09:46 Jesus gives us the opportunity for life with Him.
09:49 All we've got to do is ask, believe and receive.
09:51 But it was back in 1830. The illustrated story says
09:54 that George Wilson was convicted of robbing U.S. mail,
09:57 the U.S. Postal Department. He was sentenced to be hanged.
10:00 President Andrew Jackson, president of the United States
10:02 at the time, issued a pardon for Wilson. But Wilson
10:05 refused to accept it. It was Chief Justice Marshall,
10:09 who was Supreme Court Chief Justice at the time,
10:11 who concluded that Wilson would have to be executed.
10:15 He said a pardon is a slip of paper the value of which
10:19 is determined by the acceptance of the person to be pardoned.
10:24 He said, if it is refused, it is no pardon.
10:27 George Wilson must be hanged. Two thousand years ago,
10:35 God the Son, Jesus the Christ, issued a pardon.
10:42 But just like in the case of George Wilson,
10:46 the value of the pardon is determined by the
10:49 acceptance of the person to be pardoned.
10:51 If it is refused, it is no pardon. We don't have to
10:56 accept Christ's sacrifice and love for us. We can refuse.
11:03 But if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just
11:08 to forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from
11:11 all unrighteousness. I don't know if you understand like me,
11:14 but we're living in some perilous times.
11:17 We say that all the time. Every week,
11:19 I stand up here and I say that. But maybe
11:22 with all that is going on in the world,
11:24 maybe just maybe we'll start believing it.
11:28 Two weeks ago, was the worst mass shooting in
11:31 U.S. history. One week ago, wildfires began
11:35 to erupt in Southern California and chase
11:37 people from their homes as an intense heat wave,
11:39 stretching from the West Coast to New Mexico,
11:42 is blistering the southwestern portion of the
11:44 United States. And just this week, I don't
11:48 know if you realize what's going on, we have
11:52 seen the United Kingdom vote to leave the European Union.
11:58 In the wake and aftermath of this, David Cameron,
12:02 prime minister, he's resigned. The Dow Jones
12:07 has plunged 600 points. The S&P has fallen 3.6 percent.
12:13 The Nasdaq competent index has dropped to 4.12 percent.
12:17 The value of the pound, United Kingdom currency,
12:21 has plummeted close to one dollar 33 cents.
12:24 It's the lowest level in more than 30 years.
12:27 The Euro has fallen heavily. Investors are
12:31 concerned about cash drying up in global
12:34 financial markets. Jean-Claude Trichet,
12:37 former president of the European Central Bank,
12:39 called a vote to leave the European Union
12:41 in an earthquake. So you're sitting here and
12:43 talking about what does this have to do with
12:46 the love of God. Pastor, what's the big deal?
12:48 Friends, we're in a financial crisis.
12:50 Somebody says, well, what's the big deal?
12:52 We've seen this before; we'll weather the storm.
12:55 Oh, but good ol' Christians, people of the Word:
12:59 Do you really see what's going on? Do you see
13:03 that prophecy is being fulfilled before our very eyes.
13:07 Don't you remember studying back in the day,
13:09 Daniel chapter 2, when King Nebuchadnezzar had
13:13 a dream, and in that dream he sees a huge statue.
13:16 And on this statue there are different metals,
13:19 which were used to identify different kingdoms.
13:22 It starts off with the head of gold, which
13:24 represents Babylon. It continues with breasts
13:26 and arms of silver, representing Medo-Persia.
13:29 The belly and thighs of brass represent Greece.
13:32 The legs of iron represent Rome, and at the
13:34 bottom of the statue are feet and toes mixed
13:37 of iron and clay. Each metal represents a
13:41 different European country in Earth's history,
13:43 which each country being inferior to its
13:45 predecessor. Now, when the Bible talks about
13:47 the fact that the feet and the clay will not
13:52 stick together, this is symbolic of countries
13:56 that will not stick together. They will not
14:00 cleave together. Why? Because some are strong
14:05 and some are weak, and that seems to be the
14:08 story of Europe. Some countries are strong,
14:12 and some countries are weak. But Scripture
14:14 already told us that there will not be another
14:18 unified kingdom. That there will not be
14:20 a unified Europe. Europe will not cleave and
14:23 stick together, but it will break apart.
14:25 And we're seeing that prophecy come to
14:28 pass right now. Church, wake up! With the
14:31 United Kingdom breaking away from the
14:33 European Union, God's Word told us it
14:35 would happen. I don't know why we as
14:37 Adventists walk around here surprised.
14:39 We're living in the time of the end.
14:44 Babylon has already ruled. Medo-Persia
14:48 has already ruled. Greece has already ruled.
14:52 Rome has already ruled. And now the
14:56 countries representing the feet are
14:58 breaking up, and when they break up there's
15:01 nothing left to the statue. Oh, but here's
15:05 the good news. Daniel--you know I love preaching this.
15:10 [Aud. reaction] PB: Daniel, chapter 2,
15:11 does not end just with the story of mixed
15:15 iron and mixed clay breaking away.
15:18 The Bible says there is a rock. [Aud. reaction]
15:21 PB: This rock is small at first, but soon
15:24 this rock gets big. And it smashes the
15:28 entire statue. That little rock becomes
15:31 a big rock, because that big rock is Jesus.
15:34 ON Christ the solid rock I stand, all other
15:39 ground is sinking sand. Jesus tears down
15:43 the old kingdom, because Jesus is coming back,
15:46 friends, to set up a new kingdom. Jesus is
15:49 going to smash down earthly kingdoms,
15:51 because Jesus is going to set up God's kingdom.
15:54 Because Jesus is King of kings, and He's
15:58 Lord of lords. And God wants you to be
16:01 a part of this new kingdom. [Aud. reaction]
16:03 PB: God's kingdom. He loves you. He's not willing
16:07 that any should perish but all should come
16:10 to repentance. God pardoned you. He pardoned me.
16:13 But we've got to accept His pardon. God's
16:18 kind of love is unselfish, which results
16:20 in doing the best for another even at the
16:22 highest personal cost without requiring or
16:25 expecting payback. For by grace are we saved,
16:30 through faith and not of ourselves. It's a gift
16:34 from God. For God so loved the world that
16:40 He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever-
16:44 -that's everybody--believes in Him should not
16:47 perish but have everlasting life. God loves you
16:51 no matter what. God loves you despite what you
16:55 did last night, last week, last month and last year.
16:57 God died for you, and God wants you to be a part
17:01 of His kingdom. There's nothing we can do to
17:03 make God love us more. But there's nothing
17:06 we can do to make God love us less.
17:10 Adultery. God doesn't love you any less.
17:14 Divorce. God doesn't love you any less. Deceit.
17:22 God doesn't love you any less. Drugs.
17:28 God doesn't love you any less. Lying.
17:33 God doesn't love you any less. Because He
17:37 loves you when you are unlovable. He loved
17:41 you when you didn't love Him. He loves you
17:44 when you are strung out somewhere. He loved
17:48 you when you didn't want to come to church.
17:50 He loved you when you didn't want to pray.
17:52 He loved you when you didn't love yourself.
17:54 God didn't wait till you got right to love you.
17:58 [Aud. reaction] PB: But God loved you, when
18:01 you didn't do right. He loves you when you weren't
18:04 acting right. He loved you when you weren't living right.
18:08 Greater love hath no man than this, who would
18:10 lay down his life for a friend. Let me close
18:15 this way. This story brings tears to my eyes.
18:21 The story is told of a grandfather who found
18:28 his grandson. The grandson was jumping up
18:32 and down, playing in his playpen. The grandson,
18:37 the little boy was crying at the top of his lungs.
18:42 When this little boy--let's call him little Johnny-
18:44 -saw his grandfather, little Johnny reached up
18:49 with his chubby little hands and chubby cheeks
18:52 and said, "Out, Grampa, out." It was only
18:56 natural for the grandfather to reach down,
18:59 to lift the little boy, little Johnny,
19:03 out of his predicament. But just as granddaddy
19:07 reached down to lift up little Johnny,
19:09 little Johnny's mother walked in, and she
19:12 said no, Johnny. You're being punished,
19:16 so you must stay in. The grandfather was
19:22 at a loss as to what to do. The child's
19:25 tears and his chubby hands reached deep
19:29 into his grandfather's heart, but the mother's
19:32 firmness in correcting her son for misbehaving
19:35 couldn't be taken lightly. Here was the problem-
19:40 -of love versus law. Justice versus mercy.
19:53 But love found a way. The grandfather could
20:01 not take his grandson out of the playpen,
20:04 so what did he do? He crawled in with him.
20:13 [Aud. reaction] PB: God didn't spare Paul
20:15 and Silas the suffering imprisonment in that
20:19 Philippian jail. But He came down in the
20:25 jail with them. God did not keep the three
20:29 Hebrew boys out of the fiery furnace,
20:32 but God went down in the fiery furnace.
20:37 God didn't release us from the pain,
20:42 the perplexities and the problems of life,
20:49 but God came down in this life. He came in
20:55 this world because He loved us, and He died
21:00 to save us. In the beginning was the word,
21:07 and the word was God and the word was with God,
21:14 and the word became flesh and dwelt among us.
21:22 For God so loved the world that He gave His
21:33 only begotten Son, that whosoever--that means
21:40 those that have been in this church 50 years
21:43 and those that have been in this church 5 days-
21:47 -that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish
21:53 but have everlasting life. I'm so glad that I
22:03 serve a God who didn't stay out of the playpen.
22:09 He got in it; He got in it with me. He got dirty
22:20 with me. He got bloody with me. He was talked
22:30 about but He still got in it with me. And if you
22:38 don't praise Him and you don't celebrate Him,
22:40 that's okay. God got in it with me.
22:50 (song) Jesus went to Calvary
23:01 [sounds of typing] >: Hello, Pastor.
23:20 My name is Tamar. I grew up in church but
23:41 after I went away to college, I stopped
23:51 attending. Well, that's to say the least.
23:55 I can't remember the last time I prayed.
23:58 All of my life I placed everything ahead of God.
24:01 I turned my back on Him. That's the ultimate
24:04 act of betrayal. So, I guess my question is:
24:09 how do I come back to Him? After I've denied
24:11 Him and desecrated all His commands,
24:14 will God surely forgive me?
24:17 PB: Hello, Tamar. I read your email thoroughly.
24:32 I understand that this is a tough time for you
24:36 right now, but I would like to tell you that
24:40 God never stopped loving you. His love for you,
24:44 as well as His love for all of us, is unconditional.
24:47 In Luke chapter 15, verse number 11, Jesus teaches
24:51 about God's unconditional love through the
24:54 parable of the prodigal son. As told in the parable,
24:58 the younger son squandered his wealth and only
25:01 came to his senses after he was in great need.
25:05 He was broke; he was starving and living
25:07 among animals. But after realizing the errors
25:11 of his ways he decided to return home to his
25:15 father's house. The Bible puts it this way:
25:18 While he was still a long way off his father
25:21 saw him and was filled with compassion for him,
25:25 and he ran to his son, threw his arms around
25:28 him and kissed him. The father said to his servants,
25:31 quick! Bring forth the best robe and put it on him.
25:35 Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet.
25:38 Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let's have a
25:41 feast and celebrate, for this son of mine was dead
25:44 but is alive again. Was lost and is now found.
25:49 Tamar, what God is trying to tell you is simply this:
25:53 He loves us in spite of us. He loves us in spite of everything.
25:59 And if we're willing to return to Him, He's compassionate.
26:04 And He's just to cleanse us from all of our unrighteousness.
26:08 Tamar, I would love to pray with you. Here's my office number.
26:12 Please feel free to call. (256) 837-1255.
26:29 [music] [sound of phone ringing]
26:39 PB: Hello, Tamar. Thank you for calling.
26:43 You've made the first step. Let's pray together.
26:46 Our kind, loving heavenly Father, thank You very
26:50 much for impressing Tamar to call. Father,
26:55 You love us in spite of us, and we just want
26:57 You to know we love You because You're a
26:59 loving and You're a gracious God.
27:04 [music] >: The Desire of Ages,
27:09 the life story of the greatest spiritual leader
27:12 the world has ever known, Jesus Christ.
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28:25 end


Revised 2016-08-19