Breath of Life

God's True Church

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Carlton P. Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000528A

00:06 PRESENTS 528 God's True Church
00:19 PB: God, we thank You for Your Holy Spirit.
00:22 We thank You for Jesus Christ and His shed blood.
00:25 As the choir has just sung tonight about Jesus'
00:29 blood and the power of the Holy Spirit,
00:31 we praise You tonight for both. Now, God,
00:33 as we go into the study of Your Word we pray
00:35 for the power of Your Spirit to remain here.
00:38 Enlighten our minds, open our hearts.
00:40 May we be receptive to what You have for us,
00:43 because God, what You have for me tonight is for me.
00:46 May that be all of our prayer. And God, hide me
00:48 behind Your cross; forgive me of my sins;
00:51 and in the end, we want You to get all the glory,
00:55 all the honor, and all the praise.
00:59 In Jesus' name we pray. Let everyone say amen.
01:02 Aud.: Amen. PB: And amen. Thank you so very much.
01:05 God's true church. God's true church.
01:08 With so many churches today, the question must be asked,
01:12 What is God's true church for these last days?
01:17 Everybody has revivals; everybody is talking
01:22 about studying the 10 Commandments;
01:25 everybody has church services. I don't know
01:29 how it is in your city, but here in Huntsville,
01:32 on every street corner it seems as if
01:35 we have a church. Big church, small church.
01:40 City church, rural church. Baptist, Catholic,
01:46 Methodist, Presbyterian, COGIC-
01:49 -Church of God in Christ. Seventh-day Adventist;
01:53 we have nondenominational churches;
01:56 we have churches everywhere. People are preaching this;
02:00 people are preaching that. Everybody preaches love;
02:04 everybody preaches Jesus; everybody preaches forgiveness;
02:07 everybody preaches salvation. There are so
02:11 many different churches, so many different teachings,
02:14 so much confusion. How can we tell which is God's true church?
02:18 And many people claim that there are many roads
02:23 that lead to heaven, but the Bible is very clear:
02:26 from the book of Matthew, chapter 7, verses 13 and 14,
02:29 that there is only one road. There is a straight
02:33 and there is a narrow road. It doesn't mean that
02:36 everybody follows that road, but it's still the
02:38 one road that's the right road. I told the saints
02:41 over these couple of weeks that you cannot be popular
02:43 and prophetic at the same time. If you're going to
02:47 call like it is, call it like it is. You've got to
02:50 understand the Bible says that God's true church
02:54 will not be a majority church, but there will be
02:57 few that find it. But I'm a witness tonight that
02:59 me and the Lord, that's always a majority.
03:02 Do I have a witness in this place?
03:04 [Aud. reaction] PB: But God has not left
03:05 us in ignorance about His true church.
03:08 When we find it, He wants us to join it.
03:11 He says, Ask and it shall be given;
03:14 seek and ye shall find; knock and the door
03:19 shall be opened unto you. Let me throw this
03:22 disclaimer out there. There are good people
03:25 in all churches. Let me say that one more time.
03:29 There are good people in all churches.
03:32 There are good people in all denominations.
03:36 I need to be very clear tonight. Pastor Byrd doesn't
03:38 have time to bash other people in other churches.
03:42 I don't maximize myself by minimizing somebody else.
03:45 Are you hearing what I'm saying? There are good
03:47 people in all churches. I am not here to bash,
03:51 but I am here to preach what doth saith the Lord.
03:54 Understand, God's true church is not about who has
03:57 the nicest building. It's not about how many
04:00 church buses you might have; how good your choir sounds;
04:04 how many members you have. Because the Bible says
04:07 where there are two or three gathered in God's name,
04:09 He shall be in the midst. I'm a TV evangelist,
04:13 but understand: it's not about how many television
04:15 ministries you have; how many choirs you have;
04:18 how popular you are. Some of these things are good,
04:22 but that's not how God defines His true church.
04:25 At the end of the day, the bottom line:
04:29 who's preaching, teaching, and seeking to
04:34 live God's truth. Jesus said He's coming back
04:38 for a church without spot or wrinkle.
04:43 He said He's coming back for a church that
04:46 shall be holy and without blemish. He says but
04:50 ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood,
04:54 a holy nation, a peculiar people whom God has
04:58 called out of darkness into His marvelous light.
05:02 I'm sorry to say it, but in 2016 in too many churches,
05:05 it's anything goes. We sow wild oats during the
05:11 week and pray for a crop failure on the Sabbath.
05:14 [Aud. reaction] PB: It's too much anything goes;
05:17 do whatever you want; say what you want;
05:19 sleep around like you want; eat what you want;
05:23 do what you want. And then you come and say, well,
05:26 God is love. Let me be clear tonight:
05:30 one might be a good Christian, doing the will of God,
05:33 but if he or she is not doing the complete will of God,
05:36 he or she is not going back with God.
05:39 [Aud. reaction] PB: In Matthew chapter 7,
05:41 verse number 21, the Word says in Matthew 7:21,
05:45 "Not everyone that saith unto me Lord, Lord,
05:49 shall enter into the kingdom of heave.
05:51 But he that doeth." He that whatever, everybody?
05:53 Aud.: Doeth. PB: He that what, everybody?
05:55 Aud.: Doeth. PB: "Doeth the will of my"--what?
05:56 Aud.: Father. PB: "Which is in heaven.
05:58 Many will say to me in that day Lord, Lord,
06:00 have we not prophesied in thy name?"
06:03 Have we not cast out devils in Thy name?
06:06 Have we not done many wonderful works in Thy name?
06:09 Have we not ushered in thy name? Have we not
06:11 sung in the choir in Thy name? Have we not
06:13 cooked dinner in Thy name? And then He will
06:16 say unto them, "I never knew you. Depart me
06:22 ye that work iniquity." Are you hearing what I'm saying?
06:26 [Aud. reaction]
06:27 PB: So tonight, what's God's true church?
06:29 What is God's true church? Well,
06:31 rather than identify that true church name right now,
06:34 let's identify the characteristics of that church.
06:37 Is that all right, everybody?
06:39 Let's identify the characteristics of that church.
06:40 Characteristic number one, let's go to the Word.
06:42 Isaiah. What book did I say, everybody?
06:44 Aud.: Isaiah. PB: Go with me to the book of Isaiah,
06:45 chapter 8. Isaiah chapter what, everybody?
06:47 Aud.: Eight. PB: Isaiah chapter 8, and we're
06:49 going to verse number 20. Isaiah, chapter 8,
06:52 verse number 20. The first characteristic of
06:54 God's true church, Isaiah chapter 8, verse number 20.
06:59 If you have it let me hear you say amen.
07:00 Aud.: Amen. PB: The Word of God says,
07:02 "To the law and to the"--what?
07:03 [Aud. reaction] PB: Talk to me,
07:05 to the law and to the what, everybody?
07:06 Aud.: Testimony. PB: "If they speak not
07:07 according to this"--what? Aud.: Word.
07:09 PB: "It is because there is no"--what in them?
07:11 Aud.: Light. PB: There is no what in them?
07:12 Aud.: Light. PB: There is no light.
07:14 Characteristic number one of God's true church,
07:16 God's true church, its teachings will be
07:18 in harmony with the Word of God.
07:20 [Aud. reaction] PB: Its teachings will be
07:22 in harmony with the Word of God,
07:24 because if it ain't in the Word,
07:25 it doesn't deserve to be heard.
07:27 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
07:28 The teachings of God's true church
07:30 will line up and be in harmony with
07:32 the Word of God. I'm not talking about
07:34 preaching preferences. I'm not talking about
07:36 preaching opinions. I'm talking about
07:38 preaching what doth saith the Lord.
07:41 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
07:43 [Aud. reaction]
07:43 PB: God's true church will teach and
07:45 preach in harmony with the Word of God.
07:48 Mark or characteristic number two:
07:52 Let's go to Revelation. Folk don't
07:55 like to preach Revelation anymore,
07:57 but I love preaching Revelation.
07:59 Let's preach what doeth saith the Lord.
08:01 We'll go to Revelation chapter 12.
08:03 Revelation chapter what, everybody?
08:04 Aud.: Twelve. PB: All right,
08:05 so God's true church. Identifying
08:08 mark number one, they will teach and
08:10 preach in harmony with the Word of God.
08:12 Go to Revelation chapter 12.
08:14 Go to Revelation chapter 12,
08:16 and I want you to go to verse number 1.
08:18 Revelation chapter 12, verse number one.
08:19 We're looking for characteristic number two.
08:22 Revelation chapter 12, verse 1.
08:23 If you have it let me hear you say amen.
08:25 Aud.: Amen. PB: The Word of God says,
08:26 "And there appeared a great wonder in heaven.
08:28 A woman." A what, everybody?
08:30 Aud.: Woman. PB: "Clothed with"--the what?
08:32 Aud.: Sun. PB: "And the moon under her"--what?
08:34 Aud.: Feet. PB: "And upon her head a crown of twelve"-
08:36 -what, everybody? Aud.: Stars.
08:38 PB: All right, let's stop there.
08:39 Let's understand what we have just read.
08:40 Now, in Bible prophecy, when we study the
08:41 prophetic books of Daniel and the Revelation,
08:43 we understand that when we talk about a woman
08:46 we are actually talking about a church.
08:48 We're talking about a what, everybody?
08:50 Aud.: Church. PB: Come on, we're talking
08:51 about a what, everybody? Aud.: Church.
08:53 PB: We're talking about a church.
08:54 "And there appeared a great wonder in heaven.
08:56 A woman." A what, everybody? Aud.: Woman.
08:57 PB: Which is the church. Which is the what, everybody?
08:59 Aud.: Church. PB: "Was clothed with the sun."
09:00 The sun here is Jesus, the Son of Righteousness.
09:03 This woman, this church, is clothed with Jesus Christ.
09:06 And the moon. The what, everybody? Aud.: The moon.
09:08 PB: The moon is under her feet.
09:10 The moon is representative of the Old
09:12 Testament sacrificial system. It receives no
09:14 light except it's reflected from Jesus Christ,
09:17 the sun. The Bible then goes on and says,
09:19 and lets us know, that upon her head is a
09:22 crown of twelve--what, everybody?
09:23 Aud.: Stars. PB: Twelve what, everybody?
09:25 Aud.: Stars. PB: When we talk about twelve stars,
09:26 it's talking about the twelve apostles.
09:28 The twelve disciples. This woman is clothed with sun,
09:32 the Son of Righteousness, Jesus Christ. The moon,
09:35 the Old Testament sacrificial system is under her feet.
09:37 No more need for that; that system is thrown away,
09:40 'cause behold the Lamb of God which taketh away
09:42 the sins of the world. And then we understand,
09:45 upon her head is a crown of twelve stars,
09:47 which is the twelve apostles. Verse number 2.
09:51 "And she, being with child, cried travailing in birth,
09:54 and pained to be delivered." Verse number 3.
09:56 "And there appeared another wonder in heaven;
09:58 and behold a great red"--what, everybody?
10:00 Aud.: Dragon. PB: Come on, talk to me.
10:01 A great red what? Aud.: Dragon.
10:03 PB: "Having seven heads and ten horns,
10:04 and seven crowns upon his heads."
10:05 That's Satan, the dragon. Are you hearing
10:07 what I'm saying? "His tail drew the third
10:09 part of the stars of heaven, and did cast
10:11 them to the earth: and the dragon stood
10:12 before the woman which was ready to be delivered,
10:14 for to devour her child as soon as it was born."
10:17 Satan wanted to devour the child of the woman.
10:22 The woman, symbolic of God's church,
10:24 but from this woman, this seed,
10:26 would come a baby. This baby is better
10:29 known to us as baby Jesus.
10:31 Matthew chapter 1, verse 21,
10:32 "And she shall bring forth a son.
10:34 Thou shalt call its name Jesus,
10:36 for he shall save his people from their sins."
10:39 We recognize the devil wanted to destroy Jesus.
10:42 And this happened symbolically through King Herod.
10:45 King Herod hears about this little baby
10:48 that's being born. This baby is supposed to be a king,
10:50 and so King Herod says, We've got to kill this baby.
10:54 We've got to destroy this baby, because this
10:56 baby can't take my throne. Well,
10:58 Jesus is the King of kings.
11:00 Jesus is the Lord of lords.
11:02 What does He want with Herod's little
11:03 old throne when he has worlds and worlds
11:06 and worlds under His control.
11:08 But understand. The Bible is very clear
11:11 that the devil wants this little baby
11:13 to be killed. Go to verse number 4.
11:14 "And his tail drew the third part of
11:16 the stars of heaven, and did cast them
11:18 to the earth: and the dragon stood before
11:20 the woman which was ready to be delivered,
11:22 for to devour her child as soon as it was born."
11:24 A third of the angels followed Satan out
11:26 of heaven and they were cast into the earth.
11:28 Verse 5, "And she brought forth a man"--what, everybody?
11:31 Aud.: Child. PB: Come on, she brought forth a man what?
11:33 Aud.: Child. PB: "Who was to rule all nations
11:35 [Jesus Christ] with a rod of iron:
11:36 and her child was caught up unto God, and to his"--what?
11:39 Aud.: Throne. PB: Verse 6. And "the woman."
11:41 The what, everybody? Aud.: Woman.
11:43 PB: And the woman is representative of the what?
11:44 "Fled into the"--where? Aud.: Wilderness.
11:48 PB: "Where she hath a place prepared of"-
11:49 -whom, everybody? Aud.: God.
11:50 PB: "That they should feed her there"--a what?
11:52 "A thousand two hundred and threescore days."
11:54 Stop. This woman would have to go in hiding
11:59 for a thousand, two hundred, and threescore days.
12:04 Now let's understand what we just read.
12:06 Go with me if you will to the book of Ezekiel.
12:08 Go with me to the book of Ezekiel--put a pin
12:10 right there in Revelation 12--but go to Ezekiel.
12:13 And I want you to go to Ezekiel chapter 4,
12:14 verse number 6. Ezekiel chapter 4 and we're
12:20 going to verse number 6. Ezekiel chapter 4,
12:24 verse number 6. Understand what we're reading.
12:27 The Word of God says, "And when thou hast
12:29 accomplished them, lie again on thy right side,
12:31 and thou shalt bear the iniquity of the
12:33 house of Judah forty days: I have appointed
12:35 thee each day for a"--what? For a what, everybody?
12:37 Aud.: Year. PB: All right, so we understand,
12:40 when we study Bible prophecy, we recognize
12:42 that one day is equivalent to one what?
12:44 Aud.: Year. PB: Come on, talk to me.
12:46 One day is equivalent to one what, everybody?
12:47 Aud.: Year. PB: Now, the Bible just says
12:49 that the woman, the church, has to go in
12:51 hiding for fear of persecution for one thousand,
12:54 two hundred and threescore days. But we
12:57 recognize from prophecy that one
12:59 day equals one what, everybody? Aud.: Year.
13:01 PB: So in essence, it's one thousand,
13:03 two hundred threescore years. Are we together,
13:07 everybody? All right, so when we say threescore,
13:10 a score is twenty. A score is what, everybody?
13:12 Aud.: Twenty. PB: Come on, a score is what, everybody?
13:14 Aud.: Twenty. PB: So when we say threescore,
13:16 we're saying three times what? Twenty.
13:18 Three times twenty is what? Sixty.
13:20 One thousand, two hundred and threescore,
13:23 sixty, which is one thousand two hundred
13:25 and sixty days, which is one thousand,
13:27 two hundred and sixty what? Aud.: Years.
13:29 PB: God's true church had to go in hiding
13:35 for one thousand, two hundred and sixty years
13:39 for fear of persecution. But it gets gooder
13:42 and gooder, as the old folks say.
13:45 Go to Revelation 12, and I want you to read
13:47 now verses 13 and 14. The Word of God says
13:51 to us in Revelation chapter 12, verses 13 and 14:
13:55 "And when the dragon saw that he was cast
13:58 unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which
14:00 brought forth the man child. And to the
14:02 woman were given two wings of a great eagle,
14:04 that she might fly into the"--where, everybody?
14:06 Aud.: Wilderness. PB: Into her what?
14:08 Aud.: Place. PB: "Where she is nourished for a"--what?
14:10 Aud.: Time. PB: And a what? Aud.: Times.
14:12 PB: And a half a what? Aud.: Time.
14:13 PB: "From the face of the"--what, everybody?
14:15 Aud.: Serpent. PB: The serpent and dragon,
14:17 same person--Satan. The woman had to go in
14:19 hiding for fear of the dragon and for fear of Satan,
14:22 the serpent. The Bible says in verses 1 through 6,
14:25 one thousand two hundred sixty days, which is years.
14:29 The Bible says in verses 13 and 14 that she had to
14:33 go in hiding for a time, times, and dividing of time.
14:36 Where is my help? Here's my help. Come on, help.
14:39 When we say a time, times, and a half of time,
14:49 what are we talking about? One time is one year.
14:55 One time is one what, everybody? Aud.: Year.
14:58 PB: How many months are there in a year?
14:59 Aud.: Twelve. PB: Talk to me, don't be scared.
15:01 How many months in a year? Aud.: Twelve.
15:02 PB: Twelve. On average, in the Roman calendar
15:04 there were 30 days in a month. How many days in a month?
15:07 Aud.: Thirty. PB: Twelve times 30 days is
15:13 equal to 360-what? Days. Are you hearing
15:19 what I'm saying. Stay with the days.
15:22 Twelve months, 30 days, 360 days.
15:26 The text says a time, times--which means,
15:30 if one time is one year, a times must
15:34 be two years. So if one time is 360,
15:40 then two times must be another 360.
15:43 360 plus 360 is 7--what? 720.
15:46 The text continues. It says a dividing
15:53 of time. Time, times, dividing of time.
15:56 So, if one time is one year, a times is two years,
16:00 a dividing of time must be a half a year.
16:02 Are we together, everybody? So a half a
16:06 year would then be half of 360,
16:10 which is 1--what? 180. When we add the time,
16:12 times, and dividing of time, we add:
16:14 0, 0, 0 is what? 0. 6 plus 2 is what? 8.
16:25 8 plus 8 is what? 16. Carry over your 1.
16:28 1 plus 3 is what? 4. 4 plus 7 is what?
16:31 11 plus 1 is what? You didn't know you
16:34 were coming to church and to get a math lesson.
16:35 Come on, say amen. [Aud. reaction]
16:38 PB: A time, times, and dividing of time,
16:41 that is 1260 days. When we apply our day
16:45 for a year prophecy, we're saying 1260
16:48 days is 1260 what, everybody? Aud.: Years.
16:51 PB: It gets gooder and gooder.
16:54 Go to Revelation 13. See, we don't know
16:57 this stuff like we used to. We need to know this stuff.
16:59 Know what you believe. know why you believe it,
17:01 know where it's found. Are you hearing what I'm saying,
17:03 everybody? Revelation chapter 13.
17:05 Revelation chapter what, everybody? Aud.: Thirteen.
17:08 PB: Now, go to Revelation chapter 13,
17:09 go to verse number 1. The Word of God says,
17:11 "And I stood upon the sand of the sea,
17:12 and saw a beast rise up out of the sea,
17:13 having seven heads and ten horns,
17:15 and upon his horns ten crowns,
17:17 and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
17:18 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard,
17:20 and his feet were as the feet of a bear,
17:22 and his mouth as the mouth of a lion:
17:24 and the dragon gave him his power,
17:25 and his seat, and great authority.
17:27 And I saw one of his heads as it were
17:28 wounded to death; and his deadly wound
17:31 was healed: and all the world wondered
17:32 after the beast. And they worshipped
17:33 the dragon which gave power unto the beast:
17:35 and they worshipped the beast, saying,
17:36 Who is like unto the beast? who is able
17:38 to make war with him?" Verse 5.
17:39 "And there was given unto him a mouth
17:40 speaking great things and blasphemies;
17:42 and power was given unto him to continue
17:43 forty and two months." So, we've already
17:48 said one thousand, two hundred and threescore days,
17:51 and a time, times and dividing of time is
17:52 the same thing. But now the text says
17:54 in verse 5 in chapter 13, power was
17:56 given to this beast for 42 months.
17:59 If we use our same equation, 42 months.
18:02 How many days are there in a month?
18:04 Aud.: Thirty. PB: 42 months.
18:12 And you multiply by 30 days. It's 1260 days,
18:17 which is 1260 years, which means one thousand,
18:21 two hundred and threescore days, time,
18:24 times and dividing of time, and 42 months
18:28 are all the same thing. God's true church
18:32 would have to go in hiding 1260 years for
18:38 fear of persecution. But the devil doesn't
18:40 want you to read Revelation, because the
18:42 devil doesn't want to be exposed. Because
18:44 at the end of the day what is going to
18:47 transpire just before Jesus comes is,
18:49 who are we going to give our worship to?
18:51 Are we going to give our worship to the God
18:53 of heaven and earth? Or are we going to
18:55 give our worship to the devil who's loose
18:57 in the land? I just believe if we
18:58 don't worship God, let's worship Him
18:59 in spirit and in truth. Which means, then,
19:06 for 1260 years God's true church would have
19:09 to go in hiding. Write this down,
19:12 go look it up on the Internet tonight.
19:13 The year 538 AD, the Roman emperor by
19:17 the name of Justinian declared that the papacy,
19:20 the pope--Pastor Byrd's not trying to
19:23 dog our Catholics. I don't bash that.
19:24 I'm talking about the institution of
19:26 the Roman Catholic Church--the emperor Justinian,
19:29 Roman emperor, made the papacy the head of
19:32 all Christian churches. Which means
19:34 that in 538, we discover that the papacy,
19:38 the Roman Catholic Church, its institution
19:40 was in charge of everything and everybody.
19:43 If you go down 1260 years exactly from 538,
19:48 you will come to the year 1798. When you
19:51 come to the year 1798, you will discover
19:54 that the leadership and the headship of
19:56 a papacy came to an end. Why did it
20:00 come to an end? Because in 1798 there was a general,
20:03 Berthier, who took the papacy captive.
20:06 The papacy was taken captive in 1798,
20:10 and then the papacy then died in exile.
20:13 The Bible was true. 538, 1260 years later, 1798.
20:18 The papacy was done away with. In 538,
20:22 he restores the power; 1798, he's taken out of power.
20:25 Which means, God's true church could not exist
20:28 between 538 and 1798, because it had to be in
20:32 hiding for fear of persecution, because the
20:34 papacy was in charge. [Aud. reaction]
20:38 PB: I'm doing the best I can, but it gets better.
20:43 Can you put a hold--I've got some time.
20:45 Choir ended early, I've got some time.
20:47 Is that all right? You come to revival,
20:49 you come to camp meeting to hear the
20:50 Word of God. Let me take my time.
20:52 Is that all right, everybody? All right.
20:53 Now, understand, you've got to recognize
20:55 that you're not going to hear this everywhere.
20:57 We've got to hear it while we can hear it.
20:59 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
21:00 Now, understand, put a bookmark in
21:01 Revelation 12 and 13, and take your Bibles,
21:03 and if you will please go with me to the
21:04 book of Daniel. Daniel chapter 7,
21:09 and verse number 25. We recognize
21:20 from the Word of God, there's some
21:22 more that God wants to show and give us.
21:23 Daniel chapter 7, and verse number 25.
21:26 If you have it let me hear you say amen.
21:28 Aud.: Amen. PB: The Word of God,
21:30 please understand, the beast in Daniel 7
21:31 is synonymous with the beast there in
21:33 Revelation chapter 12 and 13.
21:34 The Word of God says in Daniel chapter 7,
21:36 verse number 25, and I'm reading: "
21:38 And he shall speak great words
21:39 against the"--what, everybody?
21:41 Aud.: Most High. PB: "And shall wear
21:43 out the saints of the"--what, everybody?
21:44 Aud.: Most High. PB: "And think to change
21:46 times and"--what? Aud.: Laws.
21:47 PB: "And they shall be given into his
21:48 hand until a"--what? Time, and a what?
21:51 Aud.: Times. PB: And a what?
21:52 Aud.: Dividing of time.
21:54 PB: Which is 1260 what, everybody? Aud.: Years.
21:56 PB: So the Bible is very clear that there
21:57 will be some force that will seek to oppose God.
22:05 And we know all origins of forces that exist to
22:10 oppose God are rooted in the devil.
22:13 That this power would seek to change
22:15 times and laws. Power will be given
22:19 into his hand for 1260 years. 538--1798.
22:24 Why do you think the Sabbath is so important?
22:28 [Aud. reaction] PB: You see, a lot of people
22:31 want to talk about well it's just a day.
22:33 What you need to understand, as I shared
22:35 in the revival, God is a God of specifics.
22:38 There are people that want to say it doesn't
22:39 matter what day I worship God on,
22:41 as long as I worship Him. No.
22:43 God is a God of specifics. If you don't believe me,
22:46 let's ask Adam and Eve. Somebody said,
22:52 what difference does the Sabbath make?
22:54 Well, Adam and Eve, let's ask them.
22:55 What difference does fruit make?
22:59 [Aud. reaction] PB: God said don't touch it.
23:01 God said don't go near it. God said, if you do,
23:05 you will--what, everybody? Die.
23:06 And just like Adam and Eve were deceived then,
23:10 the people of God are being deceived now.
23:13 [Aud. reaction] PB: But to the law and to
23:17 the testimony, if they speak not according
23:19 to this Word, it is because there is
23:22 no light in them. If it ain't in the Word,
23:25 it doesn't deserve to be heard.
23:26 If God said it, that settles it. [Aud. reaction]
23:31 PB: So we understand, the mark number
23:36 one of God's true church: its teaching
23:39 must be in harmony with the Word of God.
23:41 Mark number two, God's true church could
23:45 not exist until after 1798, because between
23:50 the 1260-year period, God's true church had
23:53 to go into hiding. Let's get mark number three.
23:58 Go with me to Revelation chapter 12,
24:01 and go now back to verse number 17. Revelation 12,
24:07 verse number 17. Let's go back there.
24:12 The Word of God says to us in Revelation chapter 12,
24:16 verse 17--if you have it let me hear you say amen.
24:18 All right, the Word says, "And the dragon was wroth."
24:21 That means, the dragon, Satan, was mad with the woman.
24:27 Now, we already know the woman represents the what,
24:30 everybody? Church. So if Satan is mad with the woman,
24:33 Satan must be mad with God's true church.
24:36 Satan is mad, wroth, with the woman,
24:39 God's true church. The Bible says,
24:41 "And he went to make war with the remnant
24:45 of her seed." War with the remnant of God's church.
24:50 How are the remnant defined? The remnant are
24:53 defined as those that keep the commandments of
24:56 God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ,
25:00 which means, God's true church will keep God's
25:04 commandments including the fourth.
25:08 If the fourth weren't important,
25:10 God would have said Thou shalt keep the Sabbath.
25:13 But God said remember the Sabbath day to
25:16 keep it holy, which means God had to use the word
25:19 "remember," lest somebody should forget.
25:22 [Aud. reaction] PB: So God's true church,
25:29 mark number three, is going to keep the what?
25:32 Commandments, including the fourth to remember
25:35 the Sabbath day to keep it what, everybody?
25:36 Aud.: Holy. PB: But it doesn't just stop
25:38 with the fourth. It's one, two, three, four,
25:41 five, six seven, eight, nine and ten.
25:44 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
25:46 The first four deal with our love for God.
25:50 The final six deal with our love for each other.
25:55 Somebody says, Well, no, no, no,
25:57 the Sabbath had to be done away with at the cross.
25:59 Ooo. Clearly Jesus said "I'm the same yesterday,
26:04 today and forever. I come not to destroy,
26:07 but I come to fulfill." So Jesus said,
26:10 no I didn't try to change it. Somebody said,
26:11 Well it had to be changed after Jesus' death,
26:13 because the apostles must have changed it.
26:15 No, no, no. Paul in Acts 13, teaches.
26:17 Paul and Barnabas, they preached on God's Sabbath,
26:20 it was their custom, and the Sabbath was not
26:21 just for the Jews but also for the Gentiles
26:23 because the people said, Please, preach to us.
26:25 Can we come the next Sabbath, too? But then
26:28 this is my biggest argument. I said this on last Wednesday,
26:31 but let me share it tonight just in case you weren't here.
26:34 God's Sabbath could not have been done away
26:39 with at the cross. In Genesis 1, creation week.
26:44 In the beginning, God created the heavens and
26:46 the what, everybody? Aud.: Earth.
26:48 PB: In Genesis 2, God instituted the Sabbath.
26:52 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished,
26:54 and all the host of them. And God rested,
26:56 blessed it, and sanctified it. In Genesis 3,
27:00 we have the fall of man, where Adam and
27:03 Eve ate of the fruit. Genesis 1, creation. Genesis 2,
27:08 the institution of the Sabbath. Genesis 3,
27:10 the fall of man. Now understand, the only reason
27:14 Jesus went to Calvary is because man sinned.
27:17 If man had never sinned, there would have been
27:21 no need to go to the cross. But because man sinned,
27:24 Jesus had to go to the cross. Are you hearing what
27:27 I'm saying? Had there been no sin, there would have
27:30 been no need for Jesus to die. But the fact is,
27:33 the Sabbath couldn't have been done away with
27:35 at the cross because the Sabbath was in place
27:37 before man sinned. Genesis 1, creation.
27:43 Genesis 2, the Sabbath. So whether man
27:47 sinned or not, it had no bearing on the Sabbath,
27:50 because the Sabbath was in place before
27:52 man even sinned. So how then can the cross do
27:56 away with the Sabbath, when the Sabbath was
27:58 in place before man sinned and the only
28:00 reason why we have the cross is because we sinned.
28:03 [Aud. reaction] PB: I'm doing the best I can.
28:11 [Aud. reaction] >:
28:13 Thank you for joining us for another exciting
28:16 Breath of Life television broadcast.
28:18 Tune in next week at the same time,
28:21 as Dr. Byrd will deliver another dynamic
28:23 message from the Lord, just for you.
28:26 Until next time, may God bless you.
28:28 [END]


Revised 2016-08-11