Participants: Carlton P. Byrd
Series Code: BOL
Program Code: BOL000526A
00:08 B526 "Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness" 00:12 [Music] BREATH OF LIFE THEME MUSIC 00:20 PB: Remember, the first four love letters 00:22 deal with our love for God, the final six 00:24 deal with our love for one another, 00:26 and we want to love like God wants 00:28 us to love. So Exodus 20:12, 00:33 if You have it let me hear you say Amen. 00:36 Aud: Amen. PB: All right, the Word says, 00:38 “Honor thy father and thy” what, everybody? 00:39 Aud: Mother. PB: “Honor thy father and thy” what? 00:41 Aud: Mother. PB: “That thy days may be” what? 00:43 Aud: Long. PB: “Long upon the land which 00:45 the Lord thy God” what? Aud: Giveth thee. 00:47 PB: Then the Word says, “Thou shalt not” what? 00:49 Aud: Kill. PB: Then, “Thou shalt not commit” what? 00:51 Aud: Adultery. PB: “Thou shalt not steal,” 00:56 and then tonight, commandment number nine, 00:58 “Thou shalt now bear false” what? Aud: Witness. 01:01 PB: Come on, “Thou shalt not bear false” what, everybody? 01:03 Aud: Witness. PB: “Against thy” what? Aud: Neighbor. 01:05 PB: In other words, turn to your neighbor, 01:07 and say, “Neighbor.” Aud: Neighbor. 01:08 PB: Thou shalt not lie. [laughs] Amen. 01:11 Let's pray. God, we thank you tonight 01:13 for bringing us again where we can 01:15 praise your name through word study, 01:18 word preaching, through song and through 01:20 fellowship. Now as we engage in the 01:23 study of commandment number nine, 01:25 “Thou shalt not bear false witness,” 01:26 we pray your power and your Holy Spirit 01:29 to be in this place, to tabernacle with us. 01:31 And when we leave here we'll be able 01:33 to say it was good to have been here tonight. 01:35 It's in Jesus' name we pray. 01:37 Let all those who love him say Amen. 01:39 Aud: Amen. PB: And Amen. You may be 01:41 seated in the presence of God. 01:44 Commandment number nine, 01:46 “Thou shalt not bear false witness.” 01:48 A pastor was in his church one 01:51 Sabbath morning, and he said to 01:53 his congregation, “Next week I 01:56 plan to preach about the sin of lying. 02:00 In preparation for this message, 02:03 I'm asking all of you to read Hebrews 02:05 chapter 14 for next Sabbath. 02:08 In affirmation after he declared 02:11 this to the church, the church members said, 02:13 “Amen.” They're going to do it. 02:16 They would read Hebrews 14 in preparation 02:18 for the next week's sermon. The following Sabbath, 02:21 the pastor stood up before his congregation 02:23 to preach, and he said, “How many of 02:26 you took the time to read Hebrews chapter 14 02:30 this past week?” When he asked that question, 02:33 every hand in the church went up. 02:35 “Yes, we read Hebrews chapter 14.” 02:39 The preacher then smiled and said, 02:41 “That's very good, but Hebrews only has 13 chapters. 02:45 I will now proceed with my message on the sin of lying.” 02:52 [Aud. reaction] PB: Tonight, Thou shalt not lie. 02:55 “Thou shalt not bear false witness.” How many of 03:00 us have seen people's characters assassinated? 03:03 Reputations slandered. People's names defamed, 03:08 defaced and devalued, all based on someone who 03:12 makes up some bogus charges against the person. 03:16 People talking about other folk, and they have 03:19 no idea what they're talking about. Or people 03:22 talking about other people, and they know that 03:25 what they're saying is not true, but they say 03:28 it to cause intentional harm, intentional injury 03:32 and hurts. How many times has this happened? 03:35 That somebody's dream in life has become nothing 03:40 but a nightmare because of what somebody 03:43 else said about them? Tonight let me give 03:46 you some good news, though. A lie, 03:49 as I've learned in my life, a lie cannot live. 03:52 Words may lie, but actions will always 03:56 tell the truth. Do I have a witness in 03:58 this place? But lying seems to be a way 04:01 of life for people today. We lie at the 04:04 drop of a hat. In a survey in a book, 04:07 the book was called 04:08 “The Day America Told the Truth.” 04:10 It said that 91% of the people surveyed 04:13 lie routinely about matters that they 04:16 consider trivial; 36% like about 04:20 important matters; 86% regularly lie to 04:23 parents; 75% lie to their friends; 04:27 73% lie to their siblings, their brothers 04:31 and their sisters; and 69% lie to their spouses. 04:36 People lie, lie, and still lie. 04:41 When I was a kid, we used to say, 04:43 “Liar, liar, pants on fire.” We lie, lie, 04:50 and still lie. Now, don't you sit there 04:52 and act like you don't know what I'm talking about. 04:54 Let me call the roll tonight. How many 04:57 times have you said or heard somebody 04:59 say the following: “The check is in the mail.” 05:03 And it wasn't. You all ought to hear 05:05 what I'm saying tonight. How many times 05:08 have you heard somebody say, 05:09 “I'll start my diet tomorrow,” 05:13 and you don't. Or better yet, 05:15 “Give me your number, and the doctor 05:18 will call you right back,” and he won'. 05:21 You go into a store, money is 05:23 “cheerfully refunded,” and it's not. 05:26 “This offer is limited to the first 05:29 100 people who call in,” and it's not. 05:32 Or better yet, “one size fits all,” 05:37 and it doesn't. [Laughs] “Your luggage 05:41 isn't lost”--that's what Delta has told 05:43 me on many occasions. “Your luggage isn't 05:46 lost, it's just been misplaced.” 05:50 “Leave your resume on file with us, 05:54 and we will keep it and call you when 05:56 we have an opening,” and they won't. 05:59 Or better yet, when my dad was giving 06:01 me a whipping, “This hurts me more 06:04 than it hurts you.” No, it doesn't! 06:08 Aud reaction/laughter. People tell me today, 06:12 they don't mean any harm, but just lying, 06:14 Pastor, I need five minutes of your time. 06:17 But they really want an hour. You go to 06:21 a restaurant, “Your table will be ready 06:24 in a few minutes,” and it won't. 06:27 Or better yet, my final one for tonight, 06:29 I go to the dentist office: “Open wide, 06:33 it won't hurt a bit.” Yes, it will. 06:38 Are you hearing what I'm saying? We lie, 06:40 we lie, and we still lie. Liar, liar, pants on fire. 06:49 But in this commandment, love letter #9, 06:52 it has been given to us, 06:54 “Thou shalt not bear false witness.” 06:56 Thou shall not lie. Other translations. 07:00 You must not lie. No lies about your neighbor. 07:03 It is a word of prohibition that comes 07:06 to every believer, to be very careful 07:08 how we use our tongues. Lying lips are 07:11 an abomination to the Lord, and an 07:14 unconsecrated tongue is like a torch 07:17 fire in barren forests. 07:19 But there are some people who are here 07:22 tonight who sit here, some people who 07:23 are watching, and you can identify with 07:25 this because you've been a victim of 07:27 unconsecrated tongues that have said 07:30 things about you. They've said things 07:32 about you, and excuse my English and my 07:33 Southern slang, and you know it ain't 07:36 been the truth. Do I have a witness in this place? 07:39 But let me tell you something tonight, 07:41 some advice to everybody. Don't be so 07:45 quick to believe everything you read, 07:47 everything you hear, or everything you see. 07:52 I say it all the time: everything on the 07:54 Internet is not true. Everything you read 07:58 on Facebook is not true. Everything somebody 08:02 tells you may not be the way it actually was. 08:05 There are not two sides, but three sides to 08:08 every story: yours, mine, and the truth. 08:11 Are you hearing what I'm saying? You'd 08:14 better consider your source, because every 08:16 source is not reliable. 08:22 When somebody comes running telling you 08:24 something, you better consider where you're 08:25 getting it from. Because anybody who brings 08:27 foolishness to you, you better be on guard. 08:29 Are you hearing what I'm saying? Because if 08:32 they bring that stuff to you, you better 08:34 know they will take you to somebody else. 08:36 We lie, lie, and lie. Liar, liar, pants on fire. 08:46 That's why I even say with me, even with 08:50 what I preach, check it out against the Word of God. 08:55 If it ain't in the Word, it doesn't deserve 08:58 to be heard. Let the Bible speak for itself. 09:03 Too many folk in personal and in social, 09:06 educational, vocational, and spiritual circles 09:10 are following behind what other people say. 09:13 But you better follow what thus saith the Lord. 09:17 You better leave tradition alone, 09:20 you better leave what's popular alone, 09:22 you better leave what other folk are doing alone. 09:25 If you follow Jesus Christ, if you call 09:28 yourself a Christian, you better follow 09:31 what thus saith the Lord. He said, 09:33 “If you love me, keep my” what, everybody? 09:35 Aud: Commandments. PB: “Thou shall have no 09:37 other gods before me. 09:38 Thou shall not make unto me any graven” 09:40 what, everybody? “Thou shall not take the 09:42 name of the Lord thy God in” what, everybody? 09:44 “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it” what? 09:46 Aud: Holy. PB: “Thou shalt not kill. 09:47 Thou shall not commit” what? 09:49 “Thou shalt not steal,” and tonight, 09:51 “Thou shalt not bear false witness.” 09:55 When God gave this commandment, 09:57 he gave it for the purpose to put 09:59 some restrictions in life on our tongues. 10:02 Because blessed communication can become 10:05 cursed communication. Honesty can 10:07 become dishonesty. Truth can become lies. 10:12 This commandment, this love letter, 10:14 was given to combat what one could do 10:17 to another by merely releasing information 10:19 without having all the facts. This commandment, 10:22 this love letter, serves to keep people from 10:26 slandering the life of another person. 10:29 But I wonder how many people, in just casual 10:32 conversation, nothing maligning, nothing malicious, 10:37 they get caught up in some office-place conversation, 10:41 some harmless church gossip, just sitting around, 10:46 talking about somebody else. And the more 10:50 they talk, the juicier it got. The more they talk, 10:56 the more embellishing went with the story. 10:59 And the person speaking about the person 11:02 talked with authority as if they knew the person, 11:05 only to discover that all they had been 11:07 saying was a bold-faced lie. 11:12 This has happened to me. 11:14 I remember pastoring in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. 11:18 And back then I was young, well, 11:21 I won't say I was young, I was younger, 11:22 because I'm still young. Come on, say Amen. 11:25 [Aud. reaction] I was young-ger. Vibrant. 11:29 Full of energy. Full of enthusiasm. 11:33 If you think I've got enthusiasm now, 11:34 you should have seen me 20 years ago. 11:36 Come on, say Amen. And I had to tell my 11:38 church family on one Sabbath morning that 11:41 I was being relocated and reassigned 11:43 from Tuscaloosa, Alabama, to Nashville, Tennessee. 11:47 The congregation was sad to hear that my wife 11:49 and I would be leaving; we had just 11:50 been married a year; my wife was expecting 11:53 our first child; they just knew that was 11:55 going to be the church baby. 11:56 And they were sad we were leaving. 11:59 Well, that Saturday night after I had that 12:00 Sabbath morning announced that we'd be transferred, 12:03 our church had a basketball team. 12:05 And we had a basketball team, and we had a game 12:08 to play in Birmingham, Alabama. It was a good 12:11 thing that we went to play, because the church 12:13 that plays together also stays together. 12:16 Are you hearing what I'm saying? And so we went, 12:17 and it took the minds off the fact that soon we 12:21 would be relocating. And so, because I could 12:24 play a little bit back then. I don't hear any Amens. 12:29 Aud.: [Laughter] PB: Because I could play a 12:32 little bit back then. Don't hate, I could play a 12:34 little bit back then. [Aud. reaction] 12:36 PB: I was better I shape back then. Come on, 12:39 say Amen. I was on the court playing, and my wife, 12:42 Danielle, was in the bleachers in the stands. 12:46 Well, Danielle was sitting near some of our 12:49 friends in the stands in Birmingham, just talking, 12:51 laughing, having a good time. And so in the course 12:54 of conversation there was this other gentleman 12:56 who was sitting next to my wife and the 12:59 group of friends, and he just eased his way 13:02 into the conversation. And he said, 13:05 “You all see Pastor Byrd down there 13:07 playing basketball on the court?” 13:09 They said, “Well, yes.” He said, 13:11 “Well, you know what? He's mad. 13:13 He's angry.” Now, they're trying to 13:15 associate, how was he mad and angry, 13:17 he's on the court, not getting a technical 13:19 foul or anything. How was he angry? 13:20 Well, he's mad. He goes on to say, 13:23 “Well, you see, Pastor Byrd and I, we're boys. 13:27 And he told me that he's mad at the 13:29 administrators who are moving him from 13:32 Tuscaloosa, Alabama, to Nashville, Tennessee, 13:35 and he just might quit the ministry.” 13:38 [Aud. reaction] PB: Now, my wife is sitting there, 13:43 listening to all of this. And she just says to herself, 13:48 who is this man? The man keeps talking. 13:53 He keeps bumping those gums. I wish I 13:56 had a witness in this place. So then 13:58 one of our friends, who couldn't contain himself, 14:01 he knows that this man doesn't know what 14:04 he's talking about, he says to the man, 14:06 are you sure Pastor Byrd is mad? 14:10 Are you sure he doesn't want to relocate? 14:13 The man says, “Oh, yes, he told me. 14:16 I know he's mad. We're boys. Just ask him.” 14:19 So my friend says, “Well, why don't we 14:22 just ask his wife, who's sitting right here next to me.” 14:26 [Aud. reaction] PB: My wife looks at 14:29 this gentleman with this hilarious look 14:31 on her face, and the friend says, 14:34 “Is it true that your husband is mad?” 14:37 My wife said, “Nooo.” The man's face turns red. 14:42 He gets his nachos and his cheese. 14:45 He disappears with the ___ness, 14:47 and since that day I've never seen that man again. 14:50 [Aud. reaction] PB: But we have a 14:53 propensity to lie. People will say things 14:58 about you, not knowing anything about the 15:00 person they're talking about. People will 15:03 spread stuff about you, what you like, 15:06 what you don't like, who you are, who you aren't, 15:10 what you're going to do, what you're 15:11 not going to do, and they've never seen 15:13 or met you. If you walked into a room, 15:16 they wouldn't know who you were. 15:20 But we lie in all directions. We lie 15:22 to ourselves. We lie on others. 15:26 We lie to others. We to ourselves, 15:29 but not only to ourselves, we lie 15:31 about ourselves. What do you mean, 15:33 we lie about ourselves? Cosmetics 15:36 help us lie about ourselves. [Aud. reaction] 15:39 PB: There was a little thread going on Facebook, 15:42 and the little thread on Facebook said, 15:44 “If you're going to get married to her, 15:45 make sure you see her as she is, 15:48 not in a picture that she provides.” 15:50 Are you hearing what I'm saying? 15:51 Because makeup, extended hair--oh, 15:55 it's quiet now. Extended nails, 16:00 extended eyelashes and the rest 16:04 make us lie about ourselves. 16:06 Come on, perfume, deodorant. 16:09 They help us lie about ourselves too. 16:12 But given their purpose, maybe 16:13 they're better than the truth. 16:14 Do I have a witness in this place? 16:17 Clothing also helps us lie about ourselves. 16:20 Some of us may be robbing Peter to pay Paul, 16:23 we don't have a dollar to our name, 16:25 but when we step out of our homes, 16:27 we look good. Gucci, Prada, Hugo Boss, 16:33 Polo, Ralph Lauren, St. John's, but on 16:37 the inside we know we're just as broke, 16:40 running to Taco Bell, getting hot sauce 16:43 packets for our nachos that are waiting 16:45 for us at our homes. We lie to ourselves, 16:49 we lie to others, and we lie about ourselves. 16:53 But not only that, we lie to God. 16:56 Now, that's crazy, because he whom 16:58 the scriptures say that all secrets 17:00 have been revealed, but we even lie to God. 17:03 You don't believe me? If we were to read Acts, 17:06 chapter five, we read about a couple by 17:08 the name of Ananias and Sapphira. 17:10 The church is in a building project, 17:13 and they need some extra funds to pay 17:15 off some buildings and build some new buildings. 17:18 The people are in a building campaign, 17:20 and they were to make a commitment of 17:22 what they were going to give the campaign. 17:23 Nobody was under pressure or duress 17:26 relative to what they were going to give. 17:28 They could give whatever they wanted to give. 17:31 Nobody was going to call them up, 17:32 nobody was going to twist their arm, 17:34 nobody was going to put a gun or, 17:36 in this case, a bow and arrow to their 17:38 head and make them give. You just give 17:40 whatever you want to give, pray 17:42 about it and give. But there are two 17:45 church members there. They're married. 17:47 Ananias and Sapphira. And a part of their 17:51 commitment was going to be from their 17:53 property they were going to sell. 17:55 So they went out, the Bible teaches, 17:58 and they cut a deal on this property. 18:01 But they sell a part of it. 18:03 And they sold it, let's say for the 18:05 sake of this illustration, for $25,000. 18:07 Everybody say twenty-five thousand. 18:09 Aud: Twenty-five thousand 18:10 PB: So Ananias comes to the church 18:12 and says, “We're so excited. 18:15 God is so good. Hallelujah! 18:18 Our family is going to commit to the 18:21 Lord $10,000. We sold that property 18:24 for $10,000, and we're going to give 18:26 the church all of the money.” 18:28 The Bible says that immediately he 18:31 dropped dead. Comic relief has made 18:34 some preachers comment that 18:36 God allowed Ananias to give the $10,000 first, 18:38 and then he fell dead. Are you hearing 18:40 what I'm saying? [Aud. reaction] 18:43 PB: But he drops dead, and then they 18:44 bury him out, take him and go bury him. 18:46 But then the Bible says his wife, Sapphira, 18:51 unbeknownst to her that her husband 18:54 just fell dead, she comes in and she 18:57 too is excited. I don't know if Ananias 19:00 had the time to tell you or not, 19:02 but we've sold our property, we've sold 19:05 our property for $10,000, and we're going 19:07 to give all of it, all $10,000, to the 19:09 church building project. And after the 19:13 resources are in, the Holy Spirit comes 19:17 in like a grim reaper, and he takes her life, 19:21 and they drag her out too. Pastor Peter 19:25 and Pastor Barnabas stand up and say, 19:29 nobody told them to lie about what they 19:32 were going to give. They could have 19:34 given whatever they wanted to give. 19:37 The problem is not that they didn't 19:39 give all of it. The problem is they 19:41 lied about what they had, and then 19:43 said that what they gave was all 19:45 they made in the property exchange. 19:48 But they lied, they didn't tell the truth, 19:50 thou shalt not bear false witness, 19:52 thou shalt not lie. People lie to others, 19:55 people lie on others, people lie to 19:57 themselves, people lie about themselves, 19:59 and people lie to God. Why all this lying? 20:04 Where did all this lying come from? 20:07 The Bible teaches in John 8:44, 20:12 it's clear that Satan is a liar. 20:15 The Bible is clear that Satan is 20:17 the father of lies. The Bible is 20:19 clear that there is no truth in him. 20:22 He lied about God. He said that God was mean, 20:26 that God was legalistic, that God was stern, 20:30 that God was this and that. Satan is a liar. 20:33 He said you could curse and take 20:35 God's name in vain. Satan is a liar. 20:37 He said that Saturday was not the Sabbath. 20:40 Satan is a liar. He said that our 20:43 bodies are not the temples of God. 20:44 Satan is a liar. He said that we could 20:47 sleep around, cheat around, lie around, 20:49 but Satan is a liar. He said that we 20:52 don't have to return an honest tithe 20:54 to God, but Satan is a liar. He said 20:57 that it's all right to talk negatively 20:59 about people, but Satan is a liar and 21:02 the father of lies. [Aud. applause] 21:04 PB: Let me tell you something tonight. 21:06 Satan does not like you. I said, 21:10 Satan does not like you. 21:12 Satan does not like your mama. 21:14 Satan does not like your daddy. 21:16 Satan does not like your husband. 21:18 Satan does not like your wife. 21:20 Satan does not like your son. 21:22 Satan does not like your daughter. 21:24 Satan does not like your grandchildren, 21:26 and Satan does not like you. But tonight, 21:29 Satan and I, we have an agreement. 21:31 We have an agreement tonight. 21:34 I hate him, and he hates me. 21:37 [Aud. reaction] PB: But he doesn't 21:39 just hate me, he hates you too. 21:41 Because anybody, listen to me good, 21:43 who is trying to do what's right, 21:45 anybody who loves God, anybody who 21:49 is trying to do what God says, 21:50 is high on the devil's priority list. 21:54 I know this firsthand, because the 21:56 higher the level, the higher the devil. 21:58 Are you hearing what I'm saying? 22:00 If you know Jesus 20 years, 20 months, 22:02 20 weeks, 20 days, or 20 minutes, 22:06 you know the devil has picked you out 22:09 to pick on you. But you know what? 22:11 It's a good thing, because if the devil 22:13 didn't mess with you, you and the devil 22:14 are probably running in the same direction. 22:17 [Aud. reaction] PB: The Bible says 22:19 Satan is as a lion. He's as a what, everybody? 22:21 Aud.: Lion PB: But not just any lion. 22:23 A roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. 22:25 But I'm so grateful for the counsel of 22:27 I Peter 5:8, to “be sober, be vigilant, 22:31 because your adversary, the devil is as 22:34 a roaring lion, walking about, 22:36 seeking whom he may devour.” 22:38 Now, to devour is not just to scratch you. 22:43 To devour is not just to bite you. 22:48 To devour is to destroy you. [Aud. reaction] 22:52 PB: If you understand anything about the 22:54 animal world, you will understand something 22:57 about lions. Lions stalk. Lions do what, everybody? 23:01 Aud. Stalk. PB: And you must understand 23:02 that whenever you experience a certain 23:04 level of spiritual elevation in your life, 23:06 you're high on the devil's food chain. 23:09 So Peter says, “Be sober, be vigilant.” 23:13 You have to make sure that your mind is together, 23:17 that you don't have any satanic influence 23:19 guiding your purpose or ordering your steps. 23:21 But you've got to be a person who walks 23:23 in the spirit of God. That's why the steps 23:26 of a good man are ordered by the Lord. 23:28 You have to be a person who knows how 23:31 to hear from God, not hear from Satan. 23:32 That's why when people come up you, 23:34 you've got to choose who you're going 23:36 to listen to. [Aud. reaction] 23:38 PB: Because if you're not careful, 23:39 the devil is cunning, he's clever, 23:41 he's sly, he's subtle. The devil will 23:43 get you caught up in something, 23:45 and before you know it, you can't 23:46 figure out what happened. Do I have a 23:48 witness in this place? Let me tell you 23:50 something, the devil is a liar. 23:51 The devil is a what, everybody? 23:52 Aud.: Liar. PB: I said, the devil 23:53 is a liar. The devil is a what, everybody? 23:55 Aud.: Liar. PB: You all don't believe me, 23:57 that the devil is a deceiver. 23:57 The devil knows the Bible better than you. 23:59 The devil can quote scripture better than you. 24:02 The devil can preach better than you. 24:04 The devil can teach better than you. 24:07 The devil can sing better than you. 24:09 Do I have a witness in this place? 24:10 The devil is looking for somebody, in fact, 24:13 he's looking for anybody that he can take out. 24:16 If the devil can keep me from being the 24:18 preacher of God that God has called me to be, 24:21 then that's that many more people who will 24:23 not hear the word of God. If the devil 24:24 can keep me with an excuse of why I ought 24:27 not teach God's word, that's more people 24:29 who will not be instructed in God's word. 24:31 If the devil can keep you from serving 24:34 in ministry, then that's more people who 24:36 will not be edified in the body of Christ. 24:38 If the devil can keep you from being a witness 24:41 in the world, then that's more people who 24:43 will not be in the kingdom of God. 24:45 If the devil can keep you from revival 24:47 [Aud. reaction] PB: then you won't get his word. 24:52 But in the name of Jesus, through the 24:55 intercession of the Holy Ghost, 24:57 I'm here to tear Satan's kingdom down. 25:00 The devil is a liar, all he wants to do 25:04 is steal, kill, and destroy, and he does 25:08 it through deception. Everybody say deception. 25:11 [Aud. reaction] PB: He wants to deceive you. 25:13 He wants to trick you. He wants to lie to you. 25:15 The devil is a liar. No deep theological 25:18 thought about it, he's a liar. From the 25:21 dawn of earth's history to the present 25:23 day in Earth's history, Satan has been a liar. 25:27 The Bible says in Genesis 1:1, 25:29 “In the beginning, God created the 25:31 heavens and the” what, everybody? 25:33 Aud.: Earth. PB: We don't know when 25:34 that beginning was, but we know God 25:36 created this Earth, are you hearing 25:38 what I'm saying? But in Heaven Satan 25:39 wanted to be as God. The Bible teaches 25:42 in Isaiah, chapter 14, that he wanted 25:44 to be as the most high God. 25:46 And because there can't be two cooks 25:48 in the kitchen, it was either going to 25:50 be God or it was going to be Satan. 25:51 Are you hearing what I'm saying? 25:53 There was war in Heaven according 25:55 to Revelation 12. Jesus fought against Satan. 25:58 Jesus' angels fought against Satan's angels. 26:01 And Jesus whipped Satan! Are you hearing 26:03 what I'm saying? [Aud. reaction] 26:05 PB: Let that be a lesson for us tonight. 26:06 I dare you to put Jesus up against the devil. 26:10 He will win every time. The Bible says a 26:13 third of the angels were cast out of heaven 26:16 into this Earth, and Satan's job has been to deceive. 26:21 [Aud. reaction] PB: So he began his 26:25 deceptive activity in Genesis 3. Adam and Eve: 26:29 if you eat, you won't die. But what happened? 26:32 They ate and they what? Died. Satan was 26:36 successful in deceiving a third of the angels. 26:39 Satan was successful in deceiving Adam and Eve. 26:42 And then Satan had the nerve to try to 26:46 deceive my Jesus. But Satan is no match 26:50 for my Jesus. Satan can't fight Jesus and win. 26:55 Let me tell you, can I give you 26:56 some good news tonight? 26:58 [Aud. reaction] PB: Satan lost in Heaven, 26:59 Satan lost at Calvary, Satan's going to lose 27:04 at the second coming, and Satan's going 27:07 to lose in hell ___ fire. Hallelujah, 27:09 somebody. Satan is no match for God. 27:13 Jesus stood on the word of God. 27:16 Jesus said, “It is written.” It is what, everybody? 27:19 Aud.: Written. PB: And when you stand on 27:21 the word of God, Satan can try and mess with 27:22 you all he wants. But when you call on the 27:24 name of Jesus, Satan has to flee. When you 27:28 call on Jesus, Satan has to run and hide. 27:31 And that's how we have to defeat Satan 27:33 and his deception: through the word of God. 27:37 To the law and to the testimony; if they 27:39 speak not according to this word, 27:40 it is because there is no light in him. 27:43 Sanctify them through thy word; 27:45 thy word is truth. Thy word is a lamp 27:47 until my feet and a light unto my path. 27:50 Thy word have I hid in my heart, 27:52 that I might not sin against thee. 27:54 There are a lot of folk out there, 27:56 a lot of folk that think Satan is this 28:00 figure that has a pitchfork, horns, 28:06 a tail, and a red suit. But let me 28:11 tell you something tonight, 28:12 friends of mine. Satan is not 28:14 A: Thank you for joining us for another 28:15 exciting Breath of Life television broadcast. 28:18 Tune in next week at the same time as 28:20 Dr. Byrd will deliver another dynamic 28:22 message from the Lord just for you. 28:25 Until next time, may God bless you. 28:27 END |
Revised 2016-07-27