Participants: Carlton P. Byrd
Series Code: BOL
Program Code: BOL000525A
00:06 BREATH OF LIFE THEME MUSIC 00:20 PB: Speaking of the Word, let's stand to read the Word. 00:23 Exodus chapter 20. We know the first four of 00:29 God's love letters deal with our love for God. 00:34 The final six love letters deal with our love 00:39 for our fellow man. And so let's read love 00:45 letter Scripture 5, 6, 7 and 8, which will 00:51 then constitute Exodus 20, verses 12, 13, 14, 00:59 and 15. Together: "Honour thy father and thy mother: 01:04 that thy days may be long upon the land which 01:07 the LORD thy God giveth thee." Verse 13, 01:09 "Thou shalt not kill." Verse 14: 01:12 "Thou shalt not commit adultery." 01:14 And tonight's text, "Thou shalt not steal." 01:18 Father, bless us now as we come to 01:20 love letter number 8, Thou shalt not steal. 01:25 We pray, God, that You would speak to 01:27 Your people tonight. So often, Lord, 01:31 we feel that messages from You are for 01:33 everyone else but us. Tonight I pray that 01:38 by the power of Your Holy Spirit, 01:40 You would penetrate everyone's heart 01:43 who's here tonight as well as those who 01:44 are watching. And God in advance we 01:47 thank You for what You're going to do. 01:49 It's in Jesus' name we pray, amen. 01:55 You may be seated. Commandment or 02:00 love letter number 8, Thou shalt not steal. 02:08 A woman was waiting in an airport one 02:10 night for a plane and because there 02:12 were several long hours for her to 02:15 wait for her flight, she looked then 02:17 for a book to read and found one in 02:19 the airport gift shop. The lady bought 02:23 the book but also bought a big bag 02:27 of cookies. She sat down with her purse, 02:31 sat down with her book, sat down with 02:35 her cookie bag, sat down also with her 02:39 carry-on luggage, sat down at the gate 02:42 waiting for her plane to come so she 02:45 could go when it got there. The woman, 02:48 while waiting, was engrossed in her book. 02:53 But she happened to see a man out of her 02:55 peripheral vision who was sitting right 02:58 next to her, also waiting for a flight. 03:02 The man sat next to her as bold as can be 03:06 and grabbed a cookie from the bag in between 03:11 the two of them where they were sitting, 03:13 which she tried to ignore. She tried not 03:17 to make a big scene, so she just munched 03:22 on her cookies and glanced at the clock, 03:27 hoping time would go by as this masculine 03:31 cookie thief diminished her bag of cookies. 03:37 She was getting more irritated as the minutes 03:41 ticked by. She was thinking, if I weren't a lady, 03:46 I would give him a black eye. But because I'm a lady, 03:50 I'm not going to do that. But with each cookie she took, 03:56 the man took one or two. With only one cookie 04:03 left in the bag, she watched what he was going to do. 04:09 Kinda like when I have pizza in my house and 04:11 there's one slice of pizza left in the pizza box. 04:15 And everybody's looking at who's going to take it. 04:17 With a grin on his face and a nervous laugh that he had, 04:22 he took the last cookie, broke it in half. 04:27 He offered her a half as he munched on the other. 04:34 She snatched the half-cookie from the man's 04:38 hand and murmured, "Oh my goodness, you have 04:43 some nerve! You are rude and you're a thief, too!" 04:49 She had never known in her life when she had 04:52 been quite so galled. All of a sudden, 04:55 the gate attendant said that flight number 04:58 so-and-so was about to leave, and with relief 05:00 she stood up, gathered her stuff, marched to 05:03 the gate with not even a glance at the thieving man. 05:08 The woman boarded the plane, sat down in her seat, 05:13 then got her book out of her bag, which she 05:17 was almost done with, and as she reached in 05:20 her bag she gasped with surprise. Her bag of 05:26 cookies was right in front of her eyes. 05:32 She said, If mine are right here, 05:35 then the others were his, and he 05:39 was trying to share with me! Aud. reaction] 05:43 PB: Too late to apologize, the woman realized 05:45 with grief that she was the rude one. 05:51 She was the villain. She was the thief. 05:57 Stealing. Tell the truth, shame the devil. 06:05 All of us have done it. You're saying no, 06:10 no, no. Well, maybe it wasn't theft per se, 06:13 maybe it wasn't robbery, embezzlement, 06:16 larceny or grand larceny, but maybe it 06:20 was just you took some cookies that weren't yours. 06:25 Maybe it was in your office that you 06:28 borrowed a ream of paper that wasn't yours. 06:32 Maybe you helped yourself to a pack of black 06:36 ink pens that belonged to your company, 06:40 or maybe your family member has a Netflix account, 06:45 and you, your mama, your daddy, your sister, 06:49 your brother, your cousin, your granny, 06:52 your auntie, and them--everybody is watching 06:57 movies and television on your family members' 07:00 Netflix account, and nobody's paying but them. 07:04 The command tonight is still the same: 07:09 Thou shalt not--what, everybody? Aud.: Steal. 07:14 PB: Now when this commandment was given, 07:16 the children of Israel were only 90 days 07:17 into their freedom. The children of Israel 07:19 didn't have much property, so you would 07:21 almost assume there was no need for this 07:24 kind of love letter for God to give to His people. 07:28 But while they didn't have a lot of property, 07:30 they have some property. They had some silver 07:33 and gold; they had some personal things; 07:36 they had some items. And even with a few 07:39 things there was still this uncanny temptation 07:42 on the part of a neighbor to take from a neighbor 07:44 that which did not belong to them. 07:46 There's something about thievery that not 07:50 only robs the one that is being robbed of dignity, 07:53 but it also robs you of your dignity. 07:56 It takes something out of your being. 07:59 It takes something away from your character. 08:02 And that's why I believe this commandment was given: 08:05 Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not take 08:10 what doesn't belong to you. 08:13 But why do we steal, anyway? What makes us steal? 08:22 Well, some of us are borrowers. You have borrowed 08:25 something, but you borrowed it with no intention 08:27 of giving it back. Do I have a witness in this place? 08:29 Can I borrow that shirt? Can I borrow that tie? 08:33 Can I borrow that skirt? Can I borrow those shoes, 08:37 and you just assume that if enough time, 08:40 enough distance and enough space go by, 08:43 you can claim it to be yours and that 08:45 the person that you borrowed it from will forget, 08:47 and they can just claim it to be yours, too. 08:50 You borrow with no intention to return. 08:52 Thou shalt not steal. Well, what about 08:56 borrowing with no intention to repay? 09:00 Late on the bills. I need to pay my car note. 09:05 I need to pay my house note. 09:08 I need to pay my light bill. 09:11 Can I borrow some money from you? 09:19 I'll pay you back as soon as I get paid. 09:21 Weeks go by. Months go by. Years go by, 09:26 because you're borrowing with no 09:28 Intention to repay. Thou shalt not steal. 09:33 Or better yet, you fall in this category. 09:36 You use a credit card to make a purchase, 09:40 and you have that purchase now in 09:42 your possession. In fact, some of you 09:45 may be wearing that purchase right now, 09:49 and you haven't paid for it yet. 09:52 Thou shalt not steal. Or maybe you're 09:56 living somewhere and you won't pay 09:59 the mortgage, but you figure if you 10:02 stay long enough, by squatters' rights 10:05 law you can just continue to stay where 10:08 you've been staying. Thou shalt not steal. 10:11 All of us have been guilty of it. 10:17 Now we are aware tonight that there are 10:18 some people who will live life with less 10:20 than what others live with. There are 10:22 some people who will get more than what 10:23 other people get in life. There are some 10:25 people who have the propensity to make 10:27 money and there are other people who just 10:29 barely make it past the minimum of life. 10:32 Yet all of what we have is enough to live 10:35 for us on this earth, at least in the 10:37 parameters to which we have been called 10:39 to live, because we serve a God who says 10:41 I will supply all of your needs. 10:43 Jesus seems to explain this when He 10:46 talks about how much He distributes 10:48 talents to some people. You will remember, 10:49 He gave some five talents, to some two talents, 10:52 and to others one talent. The reality is, 10:54 Jesus gives to all people what they are 10:57 able and capable of handling. If you had 11:01 a million dollars, could you handle it? 11:03 Some people couldn't manage five talents 11:06 with a one-talent mentality. It would 11:10 destroy them, so they have to live within 11:12 the limitations of their existence. 11:14 Many of us begin to wonder, why don't 11:17 we have certain things that we wish we had. 11:20 And it might be that we're trying to 11:22 overload our capacity to manage things 11:25 that we can't handle. If we're honest 11:28 with this, then we begin to really appreciate, 11:30 friends of mine, that whatever we have in life, 11:33 it's truly enough. And for those where 11:36 it's not enough, greed then usually 11:39 becomes the motivation for thieving. 11:42 We look, we see, we want, we must have. 11:48 What's yours is mine, is our philosophy of life. 11:55 You do remember the Old Testament, a king 11:57 by the name of Ahab. He had a wife who was 12:00 a tough wife, by the name of Jezebel. 12:03 They looked out one day from their palace 12:06 and they saw this beautiful, lush vineyard, 12:09 the Bible says, that they wanted to possess, 12:12 but it belonged to a man by the name of Naaman. 12:15 The Bible says they killed Naaman to take 12:17 his property. What would they want with 12:20 his property when they are in this 12:21 palatial palace? We look, we see, we want, 12:28 and we must have. But not just 12:30 Ahab and Jezebel. Do you also remember 12:32 that King David was looking off his 12:33 balcony and he saw a woman by the name 12:35 of Bathsheba. David wanted Bathsheba 12:39 for himself. He ordered Bathsheba's 12:42 husband to be killed. Rumors were 12:44 circulating around the kingdom, 12:46 the place was in an uproar, 12:48 and then this prophet by the 12:49 name of Nathan. He walked up to 12:52 King David, and he knew that he was 12:54 not supposed to speak out of turn 12:56 because the king had the position 12:58 to take his life if he wanted to. 13:01 So, he says to the king, King, 13:03 we've got a problem in the kingdom. 13:05 David said, well, talk, Prophet. 13:06 What's the problem? King, there's 13:09 a man in your kingdom who has a 13:11 thousand sheep. The other day a 13:13 stranger was coming to town and was hungry. 13:16 This wealthy man prepared a meal but 13:19 the only problem is, he didn't take it 13:21 out of his livestock. But he took a 13:23 lamb from this poor man in the valley. 13:27 He cooked the lamb, prepared the lamb, 13:30 served the lamb and so they ate and 13:32 feasted on it, and then he went to 13:34 bed and rested that night? What do 13:36 you think we ought to do with him, 13:38 O King? David said, we ought to kill him! 13:41 Kill that man! The prophet, 13:43 with trembling lips, then said: 13:45 Thou art the man! You stole when 13:50 you already had, because we look, 13:52 we see, and we must have. 13:55 But this type of stealing: property, 13:59 human possessions, is not limited 14:02 to the Old Testament. Jesus Himself 14:05 speaks of this issue of stealing. 14:06 The Bible is very clear in the book 14:08 of Luke, chapter 19, that we're told 14:10 the story of a man who was about 14:12 four feet tall, by the name of Zacchaeus. 14:13 Zacchaeus worked on the inside of the 14:15 Roman IRS against his own people. 14:18 The IRS always needs to find somebody 14:21 who would fight against their own, 14:22 and they found Zacchaeus was a big man, 14:35 making big deals. But he had heard that 14:42 there was one who was going to come 14:44 by and rearrange life's order. 14:46 And for some reason Zacchaeus got 14:48 impressed with this one man, 14:50 because they came from the same lineage. 14:53 He wants to run and see this man, 14:55 but his stature prohibits him from 14:58 seeing him clearly. So the Bible says 15:00 that he climbs into a sycamore tree. 15:03 He wants to take a panoramic view. 15:05 He sees the crowd of people pressing 15:07 against this man. He looks out and 15:11 sees the One coming. He sees all the 15:13 folk who have surrounded Him; 15:15 they're crying "Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna." 15:18 They're giving homage to Him, and while 15:20 they're giving homage to Him, the One 15:22 who's being honored looks up and says 15:24 "Wait a minute." Zacchaeus, come down. 15:28 When he comes down out of the three, 15:31 He simply tells him, "Today salvation 15:35 has come to your house." Zacchaeus's 15:38 life is turned around. Once he was lost, 15:43 but now he's found because salvation 15:46 has come to his house. I wish I had 15:50 time to preach that sometimes salvation 15:52 comes to our homes and we don't even 15:55 know salvation has come. [Aud. reaction] 15:57 PB: At no time do you become more 15:59 generous then when you give of what 16:01 you have to somebody else. A whole 16:03 lot of preaching is going on around today. 16:05 I know I'm a television preacher, 16:06 but there's a whole lot of stuff 16:07 on television that's not right. 16:09 A whole lot of preaching going on 16:10 talking about get, get, and get. 16:12 But if you want to get, you've got 16:14 to learn how to give more. Because 16:15 the more you give, the more the 16:17 Lord will give back to you. 16:19 Give and it shall be given you. 16:20 Pressed down, shaken together, 16:23 running over. Thou shalt not steal. 16:25 And so it is in the Christian community, 16:28 there's a whole lot of thievery going on. 16:30 And then, when we wonder why our lives, 16:32 why are they so empty, why are they 16:35 so meaningless? Because there's a lot 16:37 of thievery going on. Folk riding around 16:40 in a new Mercedes Benz but miserable. 16:42 Living in a 10,000 square foot house, 16:45 but miserable. Got custom clothes 16:48 on your back, but miserable. 16:50 Because thievery is the way you live. 16:53 But the Bible says thou shalt not steal. 16:56 It could be that we are just as guilty 16:58 of thievery when we withhold what 17:01 we have and refuse to give what we 17:03 have to somebody else. [Aud. reaction] 17:05 PB: And so what do we do? We rob others; 17:08 We rob ourselves, and we sure enough rob God. 17:14 But I can read the Word of God, 17:17 in Malachi chapter 3, verse number 8, 17:20 where God says "Will a man rob God? 17:23 But ye say, wherein have we robbed thee? 17:25 In tithes, and in"--what, everybody? 17:27 Aud.: Offerings. PB: "Ye are cursed 17:29 with a curse, for ye have robbed me, 17:31 even this whole nation. Bring ye all 17:34 the tithes into the storehouse, 17:36 that there may be meat in mine house, 17:38 and prove me now herewith, 17:40 saith the LORD of hosts, 17:41 if I will not open you the windows 17:43 of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, 17:44 that there shall not be room enough" 17:46 hallelujah! "to receive it." Bring ye 17:49 all the tithes. God says Thou shalt not steal. 17:52 Don't steal against your brother, 17:54 don't steal against your sister, 17:55 and don't you steal against me. 17:57 Bring ye all the tithes. Bring 10 17:58 percent of your increase, 10 percent 18:00 of your earnings, 10 percent of 18:03 your retirement, 10 percent of your 18:05 Social Security. Well, Pastor, 18:07 I already paid into Social Security. 18:09 But you didn't pay into it as much as 18:11 you're getting back. There were some 18:13 matching funds. And believe me, I've learned: 18:16 If you give God too much, God will always 18:18 give you back change. I wish I had a witness 18:20 in this place. Bring ye all the tithes. 18:23 Thou shalt not steal. And the only way 18:25 you're going to give your tithe of 10 18:28 percent plus an offering, is you've got 18:30 to recognize that all 100 percent came from God. 18:33 I wish I had a church tonight. That all 18:37 100 percent came from God. Sometimes you 18:40 give folk a dollar and they say, okay, 18:42 10 cents of this dollar is God's but 18:44 the remaining 90 cents is mine. NO it's not- 18:46 -all of it is the Lord's. All of it. 18:48 God's money is all of it. That's the problem. 18:53 You think it's yours. You go, I work hard 18:57 for this money. It's my job, and it's my money. 19:01 I'm going to spend this money the way I 19:03 want to spend my money. Well, whether 19:05 you know it or not, the job you have, 19:08 God gave it to you. The money you have, 19:11 you wouldn't have in the first place 19:13 unless God gave it to you. So don't 19:16 you walk around here with a big head 19:18 talking about what you've got, because 19:20 just as soon as you get it, you can lose it, 19:23 because the Lord giveth, the Lord 19:25 taketh away. Blessed be the name of 19:27 the Lord. What shall it profit a man 19:29 to gain the whole world and lose his own soul? 19:32 Everything I've got belongs to God. 19:35 But what I love about the Lord is this: 19:38 God is so merciful. Yes, He tells us 19:40 Thou shalt not steal, but He's so merciful. 19:42 God says, I didn't ask you for 50 percent. 19:44 I didn't ask you for 75 percent. I didn't 19:48 ask you for 90 percent--I could if I wanted to. 19:52 But I didn't ask you for all of that. 19:53 All I asked you for was 10 percent tithe 19:56 plus an offering. Thou shalt not steal. 20:00 Can we be honest tonight? Can we be real tonight? 20:04 We've been in church all weekend, let's 20:05 just let it out tonight. What do you say, 20:07 everybody? Tell the truth, shame the devil: 20:09 we give for what we want. Clothes, we give. 20:13 Shoes, we give. Going out to eat, we give. 20:18 Cars, we give. Houses, we give. When you're 20:22 getting ready to go to that basketball game 20:24 or that football game, no problem. Ticket charge, 20:28 no problem. Parking charge, no problem. 20:32 You don't care, friends, if you have to 20:34 stand in line to get in. You don't even 20:37 care if you have to get there an hour 20:39 or two early. You don't care if you have 20:41 to walk far to the gate; you just want in. 20:44 Let's tell the truth: you order 20:48 nachos and cheese. You pay $7.00 for that. 20:51 You order pizza, you pay $5.00 a slice for that. 20:55 You pay $3.50 for a soda when you could 20:58 have gone to Matco and gotten a large soda 21:00 for 99 cents. Do I have a witness in this place? 21:02 BuT you just want in. You don't say, 21:06 Man that's a lot of money. No, you 21:09 don't say all that, because money 21:10 is not an issue until it comes to God. 21:12 [Aud. reaction] PB: But if you want 21:15 to be blessed, I'm a living witness 21:18 that you've got to give to God. 21:20 Thou shalt not steal, because the 21:24 earth is the Lord's, the fullness thereof. 21:27 The world and all them that dwell therein. 21:30 I once was young but now I'm old, 21:33 but I've never seen the righteous 21:36 forsaken nor his seed begging bread. 21:38 The Word says, Bring ye all the tithes. 21:41 But that's not all the Word says. 21:45 The Word says bring ye all the tithes 21:47 into the storehouse. Everybody say storehouse. 21:49 Aud.: Storehouse. PB: You've got to 21:50 bring it to the storehouse. 21:52 Thou shalt not steal. 21:53 Thou shalt not what, everybody? 21:54 Aud.: Steal. PB: So somebody asks what's 21:56 the storehouse? The storehouse is God's house. 21:59 It's the place where you're fed the Word of God. 22:02 It's the place where you can fall on your 22:04 knees and pray among fellow believers. 22:07 It's the place where you stand up every 22:09 week and receive the Word of God. 22:11 In the Old Testament, the storehouse was 22:14 the reference to the Old Testament temple. 22:16 People back in the day remember it was 22:18 an agricultural society. When the people harvested, 22:22 they brought the first tenth of their wheat, 22:24 their corn, their barley and they put it 22:26 in the storehouse. When their herds gave birth, 22:28 they took one out of 10 and took it to the storehouse. 22:31 The tithe was a medium of exchange to continue 22:35 to the work of God. The tithe was brought 22:37 to the place where the people worshipped. 22:39 Now, too many of us think we've got a side 22:43 deal with God; that God has told them to 22:48 put the tithe somewhere else. But the text 22:51 says bring ye all the tithe into the storehouse. 22:55 That's the place where you're fed spiritually. 22:59 I've said it once, I'll say it again: 23:01 You wouldn't eat in McDonald's and say 23:03 I have a burden for Burger King so I'll 23:07 send them my money. No, if you're fed in 23:09 McDonald's, you're going to give to McDonald's. 23:12 Are you hearing what I'm saying? 23:14 Thou shalt not steal. Quit trying to keep 23:18 up with the Joneses. Quit trying to fake 23:21 it to make it. Quit trying to impress folk 23:24 you don't know to keep up with folk you don't 23:26 like with money you don't have. 23:29 Invest in God's kingdom. Invest in God's house. 23:33 Lay up not for yourselves treasures upon earth, 23:36 where moth and rust doth corrupt, 23:39 where thieves break through and steal. 23:40 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven. 23:43 For where your treasure is, there shall 23:46 your heart be also. You see, there are 23:49 only two places on this earth where we 23:51 can place our treasures. Either in God's 23:54 storehouse or in Satan's storehouse. 23:57 And anything that is not devoted to God's 23:59 service is counted on Satan's side. 24:02 But thou shalt not steal. Bring ye all the 24:06 tithe into the storehouse. And friends, 24:08 let me throw this in free of charge: 24:10 Don't think that because you bring your 24:12 tithe and offering to the church, 24:13 that the church owes you something. 24:15 [Aud. reaction] PB: We give the tithe 24:19 out of obedience, and we give the offering 24:22 out of love. Are you hearing what I'm saying? 24:25 Well, I pay my tithe, so I should be 24:28 able to do this. I pay tithe, so I'm having 24:31 a cookout at my house--I should be able to 24:34 borrow the tables and chairs at the church. 24:37 I pay my tithe, so I'm running low on 24:40 toilet paper, so somebody should give me 24:43 some toilet paper from the church that 24:44 I can take home. First of all, you're wrong. 24:47 You don't pay tithe--nobody pays tithe. 24:50 We return tithe. To pay tithe is 24:53 theologically wrong. How can we pay something 24:56 when God has given it to us in the first place? 25:00 How can we pay something when Jesus paid it all? 25:03 All to Him I owe. Sin had left a crimson stain, 25:06 He washed it white as snow. We don't pay tithe. 25:11 We return tithe. Number two, we return tithe 25:14 and give offering to the church because that's 25:16 what God told us to do. Give God what God asks for. 25:20 Love God the way God wants to be loved, and don't 25:23 expect anything in return. Don't expect 25:29 anything in return but His blessings. 25:31 It's like the guy who acts like a nice, 25:33 cool gentleman. He's loving, he's kind, 25:35 he's suave. Taking a lady out to a nice 25:37 dinner for a romantic evening only so 25:39 he can get something out of the deal. 25:41 Instead of doing all the things out of 25:43 the sincerity of his heart, really and 25:45 truthfully the man is just putting out 25:47 some money so he can get what he wants. 25:49 And then the gets mad, throws a temper 25:51 tantrum when he doesn't get what he wants. 25:53 He's trying to pay for services rendered, 25:56 which in this case is equivalent to prostitution. 25:59 And when it comes to the church, when it comes 26:03 to God's storehouse, are we trying to prostitute 26:06 our worship? Prostitute our prayers, 26:09 prostitute our time and fellowship, 26:12 prostitute out participation in church 26:15 or even our tithe and offering, paying 26:17 for services with our tithe, with our time, 26:20 our talent and our treasures just to get 26:23 something back. Let me be clear tonight: 26:27 If the Lord does nothing else for Carlton Byrd, 26:29 God has already done enough. Two thousand 26:31 years ago He went to Calvary's cross and 26:35 He died for me so that I might live. 26:38 Let me tell you something: God is not 26:41 the lottery. God is not a pyramid scheme. 26:44 God is not multilevel marketing. God is God. 26:48 Creator of the universe, Redeemer on Calvary, 26:53 Savior of the world and soon-coming King. 26:57 Don't expect to give God something so God 27:02 will double your earnings. What I love 27:06 about my God: He's not just the God of " 27:08 just enough," but He's Jehovah Jireh, 27:11 my Provider. He's more than enough. 27:15 I wish I had time to talk about verse 27:17 number 11 in Malachi, chapter 3. 27:19 I wish I had time, but I've got to 27:21 get you out. I've been getting you out late, 27:22 but I like that. It says: "I will 27:24 rebuke the devourer for your sakes." 27:26 Oo-woo!! "And he shall not destroy the 27:29 fruits of your ground. Neither shall 27:32 your vine cast her fruit before the time 27:34 in the field, saith the LORD of hosts." 27:37 God says I will rebuke the devourer. 27:41 Satan can't get to me. Satan can't get 27:44 to me because God says I will rebuke!! 27:47 Ha-ha, hey-hey-hey, the devourer! 27:51 For your sake. But then I like verse number 12. 27:54 I've got to get you out. "And all nations 27:58 shall call you blessed." Oo-woo!! 28:04 All nations! Shall call you blessed. 28:08 For ye shall be a delightsome land, 28:11 saith the Lord of hosts. 28:13 A: Thank you for joining us for another exciting 28:15 Breath of Life television broadcast. 28:18 Tune in next week at the same time as Dr. Byrd 28:21 will deliver another dynamic message 28:23 from the Lord just for you. 28:25 Until next time, may God bless you. 28:27 END |
Revised 2016-07-21