Breath of Life

Thou Shalt Not Kill

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Carlton P. Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000523A

00:10 PB: It's joy to be in the house of God on this blessed Sabbath
00:25 as we continue with revival, and so, someone said "What are
00:31 you preaching today?" I said, just following the sequence,
00:35 "Number six." Commandment number six, love letter number six,
00:39 and that's where we'll come from today. Exodus chapter 20.
00:47 Exodus chapter 20, let's read from verse number 1.
00:53 The Word of God says, "And God spake all these words,
00:55 saying, I am the LORD thy God, which have brought
00:57 thee out of the land of"--where, everybody? Aud.: Egypt.
00:59 PB: "Out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt
01:01 have no other"--what? Aud.: Gods.
01:02 PB: "Before me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any
01:04 graven image, or any likeness of any thing that
01:06 is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath,
01:08 or that is in the water under the earth.
01:10 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them,
01:13 nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God
01:15 am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity
01:18 of the fathers upon the children unto the
01:20 third and fourth generation of them that
01:22 hate me; And shewing mercy unto thousands
01:24 of them that love me, and keep my"--what, everybody?
01:26 Aud.: Commandments. PB: "Thou shalt not
01:28 take the name of the LORD thy God in vain;
01:29 for the LORD will not hold him guiltless
01:32 that taketh his name in"--what, everybody?
01:34 Aud.: Vain. PB: "Remember the sabbath day,
01:35 to keep it"--what? Aud.: Holy.
01:36 PB: "Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy"--
01:38 Aud.: Work. PB: "But the seventh day is
01:40 the Sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou
01:42 shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son,
01:44 nor thy daughter, thy manservant,
01:45 nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle,
01:47 nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
01:49 For in"--how many days? Aud.: Six.
01:51 PB: "The LORD made heaven and earth,
01:52 the sea, and all that in them is,
01:53 and rested the"--what day? Aud.: Seventh.
01:55 PB: "Wherefore the LORD blessed the"--what day?
01:56 Aud.: Sabbath. PB: "And did"--what?
01:58 Aud.: Hallowed it. PB: "Honour thy father
02:00 and thy"--what? Aud.: Mother.
02:01 PB: "That thy days may be long upon the
02:03 land which the LORD thy God"--what?
02:04 Aud.: Giveth thee. PB: Now,
02:05 commandment love letter six. Verse 13.
02:08 "Thou shalt not kill." Thou shalt not kill.
02:21 Father, speak, Lord. We spoke Saturday night
02:27 and Sunday night and Tuesday and Wednesday
02:29 and last night, but we need to speak now.
02:32 And God, not just speak but convict and convert.
02:39 When the appeal time comes, have Your way.
02:44 Forgive me of my sons. In Jesus' name, amen.
02:50 Thou shalt not kill. In other words,
02:58 you shall not murder. Not merely killing,
03:04 but murder. You shall not murder. Love letter
03:12 number six speaks of a moral act, of people
03:16 who take the lives of others without any regard.
03:21 Senseless killings. I'm talking about what
03:26 took place this week on the campus of UCLA.
03:30 I'm talking about what seems to be taking
03:33 place every day in Chicago, Illinois,
03:36 where the murder rate in that city is up
03:38 84 percent this year. I'm talking about
03:42 what takes place every hour in the Middle East.
03:47 I'm talking about what happened to Treyvon Martin,
03:51 Freddie Gray, Michael Brown, Tamir Rice. Murders.
03:58 Senseless killings. Sadly, the frequency of
04:04 murder is so rampant that we have now become
04:07 desensitized to the subject and accustomed
04:10 to hearing about killings on the 6 o'clock news.
04:13 But according to the World Health Organization,
04:18 one person commits suicide every 40 seconds.
04:21 One person is murdered every 60 seconds,
04:25 and one person dies in armed conflict every
04:29 100 seconds. We live in a culture of killing.
04:35 But not just in real life, but also in the
04:39 life of make believe. Millions of dollars
04:43 have been made off killings. In fact,
04:46 if we don't see a murder in a movie,
04:48 the movie is boring. In music, in arts,
04:53 in the movies, in video games, killing
04:55 has become a kind of entertainment.
04:58 In fact, the ratings of our movies
05:01 are determined by how much violence
05:03 there is. Our world, then, has an
05:06 appetite for the culture of killing.
05:10 One day it's Ted Bundy; the next day
05:14 it's Jeffrey Dahmer. One day it's
05:18 Saddam Hussein; the next day it's
05:21 Osama Bin Laden. One day it's a terrorist
05:25 attack on the World Trade Centers
05:27 in New York; the next day it's terrorist
05:29 attacks throughout the city of Paris.
05:32 One day it's a shooting massacre in
05:34 Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado;
05:38 the next day it's a shooting massacre at
05:41 Sandy Hook Elementary in Connecticut.
05:44 One day it's a shooting at Virginia
05:47 Tech University; the next day it's a
05:50 shooting massacre at UCLA. That's why
05:54 I tell people all the time, even on
05:56 this campus: Don't think that just
05:59 because we come in the gate everything
06:01 is secure. Everybody that comes in
06:03 this church, everybody that attends,
06:05 everybody that's talking about Jesus
06:07 ain't loving Jesus. Are you hearing
06:09 what I'm saying? We live in a culture
06:11 of killing, but we don't have to go beyond
06:14 our city, state or community to have
06:16 records of killings and murders.
06:18 Because right here in Huntsville,
06:21 if you go in the wrong place at the
06:24 wrong time, you're going to find some
06:25 killings. And it makes you wonder,
06:28 has this commandment gotten lost in
06:30 the midst of all this activity? And so,
06:33 my question for us this morning is simply
06:35 this: In this culture of killing, do we
06:39 still hear God's voice? Thou shalt not kill.
06:46 If we're honest with ourselves, there are
06:48 people in this congregation right now who
06:51 are watching this broadcast, and I know
06:53 personally they've lost a son, they've
06:56 lost a daughter, a grandson, a granddaughter,
06:58 a sister, a brother, a friend to some senseless
07:01 killing. But God says, Thou shalt not kill.
07:07 Now, when this commandment was written,
07:09 when it was given, it was given to a group
07:10 of men and women, you will remember, who
07:12 had recently been released from slavery,
07:15 recently been emancipated from bondage,
07:17 recently been released from oppression
07:21 in Egypt. When they were in Egypt, Pharaoh
07:23 told them when, Pharaoh told them where,
07:26 Pharaoh told them how. They had rules,
07:28 they had restrictions. But now this group
07:31 has been set free, and often they would
07:34 senselessly kill somebody if they violated
07:39 someone. But God says to them: Thou shalt
07:41 not kill. In other words, you are not to
07:45 take the right of God in your own hands.
07:48 You are not God. You didn't give life,
07:51 so you can't take life. And that is the
07:53 interpretation of this text, that God
07:56 is the only One who had the right to be
07:58 the Author and Orchestrator of life.
08:01 Not man, but God. God says,
08:03 Thou shalt not kill. So, don't kill.
08:07 Don't plan to kill.
08:09 Don't pay somebody to kill.
08:12 And don't pray somebody is killed.
08:15 Do I have a witness in this place?
08:17 But in our postmodern, contemporary
08:19 society, what about the controversial,
08:22 ethical and moral issues that are
08:24 associated with killing? To church
08:26 folk today, what about abortion?
08:30 It's a dicey situation. It's a
08:34 controversial, ethical dilemma.
08:37 There are some people in the Christian
08:38 community that fundamentally stand and
08:40 say that regardless of what happens,
08:42 abortions are absolutely a no-no.
08:46 And so what we see in America are
08:48 people lined up, down the street,
08:51 with placards of their anti-abortion moments.
08:54 These are people who bomb, however,
08:56 abortion clinics, gun down abortion
08:59 doctors, blow up buildings,
09:02 kill innocent people. They're
09:04 anti-killing in the womb,
09:06 but pro-killing outside the womb.
09:08 [Aud. reaction] PB: I'm not
09:11 here to argue the rightness or
09:13 wrongness of this issue, but I'm
09:15 just merely saying it is an issue,
09:17 and whether or whatever choice one makes,
09:19 it must be made under the caption
09:22 Thou shalt not kill. But what about
09:25 euthanasia? Mercy killing. You see,
09:28 there are a lot of things that
09:31 we're very religious and adamant
09:32 about when we're not in the thick of it.
09:35 But it's amazing how some ethical
09:37 ideas change when they start affecting us.
09:41 We make the rules but we don't want
09:44 to live by them. We tell people, Oh,
09:47 oh, oh, I'm a vegetarian. But you'll
09:49 sleep with somebody. I can't get a
09:50 witness in this place. [Aud. reaction]
09:53 PB: What does God have to say about
09:57 euthanasia? Mercy killing. What does
10:00 God have to say about Dr. Death,
10:03 Dr. Kevorkian, as some called the
10:06 man who popularized mercy killing
10:08 in the '90s. There's a person whose
10:11 body has been withered by cancer;
10:13 there's someone who had an active
10:15 life and experienced a life-changing,
10:16 crippling accident that has made
10:18 them immobile. There is somebody who
10:20 knows their diagnosis is not good,
10:22 so they'd rather end their life.
10:24 But then, what about capital punishment?
10:27 People say they deserve it. Look at what
10:30 they've done, they killed children.
10:33 They killed an innocent person.
10:35 They deserve to be killed. But even
10:37 in the face of the most evil criminal,
10:38 the love ethic of Christianity is this:
10:41 Don't seek their death but seek their
10:43 conversion and restoration.
10:44 Thou shalt not kill.
10:47 But what about suicide? We have all
10:50 the modern conveniences today.
10:52 We make more money than we've ever made.
10:55 We drive better now than we've ever driven.
10:58 We live better now than we've ever lived.
11:00 We have more resources than we've ever had.
11:02 We're living good, but underneath the
11:05 skin we're crumbling. And when life
11:07 gets too hard for some people,
11:10 suicide becomes more than an option.
11:13 Suicide becomes a reality for some people.
11:16 So people are taking their lives because
11:19 they can't resolve certain issues;
11:21 they're never accepted or appreciated;
11:23 nobody knows their name; nobody cares
11:25 about them; they feel as if they've been
11:27 rejected and they can't stomach it anymore,
11:30 and so they decide to take their life.
11:32 But thou shalt not kill.
11:35 What about war? Incessant fighting.
11:41 Country against country. Leader against leader.
11:46 Military against military. Young men and
11:51 women leave their homes, some to
11:54 escape the murder-filled streets
11:56 of the city only to be killed on
11:58 the battlefields of our country.
12:01 Thou shalt not kill. How do we handle,
12:08 today, abortion, euthanasia,
12:11 capital punishment, suicide, war,
12:15 when the Bible says thou shalt not kill.
12:22 Paul said in Colossians 3: "Whatever
12:24 you do in word or deed, do it in the
12:28 name of Jesus." So whatever you cannot
12:31 do in the name of Jesus, it can't be done.
12:34 If you can't perform abortion in the name
12:37 of Jesus, then you ought not do it.
12:40 If you can't mercy kill somebody in
12:44 the name of Jesus, don't do it.
12:46 If you cannot lethally inject somebody
12:49 to take their life in the name of Jesus,
12:52 don't do it. If you cannot commit
12:53 suicide in the name of Jesus, don't do it.
12:56 If you cannot engage in war in the
12:59 name of Jesus, then don't do it.
13:01 Thou shalt not kill. But friends,
13:06 it's not just the act of murder today
13:09 that's the problem, but it's also the
13:11 attitude of murder that's a problem.
13:14 Jesus teaches this in Matthew chapter 5
13:16 when He says, "I know that many of you
13:17 have never killed anyone, so you feel
13:20 that love letter number six is not for you.
13:23 It was said to the people long ago,
13:25 Thou shalt not kill. I'm in the Word,
13:27 Matthew 5. And anyone who murders is
13:29 subject to the judgment. I know you
13:31 heard that. He goes on in verse number 22,
13:33 Jesus does. He says, But any one of you
13:35 in here who is angry with their brother will
13:38 also be subject to the judgment. And anyone
13:41 who says to their brother, Raca, is
13:43 answerable to the Sanhedrin. But any one
13:45 of you who says Thou fool shall be in danger
13:48 of hellfire." Jesus takes speech very seriously.
13:54 Jesus has moved from the act of murder to
13:57 the attitude of murder. What Jesus is saying
14:00 in the text is this: Most of you will never
14:02 kill anyone in the fundamental sense of the word.
14:06 But I'll tell you what, Jesus says, interpretively,
14:09 there are a lot of murderers who come
14:12 to church; who come to the Sanhedrin.
14:14 I can't speak about the people who are
14:17 not in the kingdom of God; we know what
14:19 their condition is. But I'm talking
14:21 about those in the family of God.
14:24 But I wonder today how many murderers
14:27 do we have. Somebody said, Pastor Byrd,
14:29 we don't have any murderers. Nobody,
14:31 Pastor, because if we did, they wouldn't
14:33 be in here right now. But every killing
14:35 has not been with a gun. Has not been
14:38 with a knife. Has not been with a shotgun.
14:41 Has not been with a bomb. Has not been with
14:44 a bow and arrow. Has not been with a tank.
14:47 Has not been a bridge jump. But whose
14:49 killing has been killed by somebody with their tongue.
14:53 [Aud. reaction] PB: With their speech.
14:56 Who's been talking to somebody like a dog?
15:00 Who talks to somebody mean, cold and crass?
15:04 I mean, we're quick to say if somebody has
15:07 gods other than God, that's a problem.
15:10 We'll call somebody out if they take the
15:13 name of the Lord in vain. We'll point the
15:15 finger at somebody if they're not keeping
15:17 the Sabbath. We'll look at you with a
15:19 jaundiced eye if you don't honor your
15:21 mother and your father. But what about
15:23 killing somebody with your tongue?
15:25 What about killing somebody with your mouth?
15:28 What about killing somebody's character
15:30 with your tongue? What about your tongue.
15:31 The power of life and death are in
15:34 your tongue. We've got all these Bible
15:36 quoting, commandment-keeping, hand-clapping,
15:38 foot-stomping folk who don't know how to
15:41 watch their mouths. [Aud. reaction]
15:45 PB: They kill with their tongue.
15:48 But God is saying to you today,
15:50 thou shalt not kill. So somebody's
15:53 sitting here and saying, Pastor Byrd,
15:55 that's a stretch. That's ___ Jesus.
15:56 Killing is murder; killing with your
15:58 tongue is a stretch. Let me help you
15:59 understand some things. By rabbinical
16:05 interpretation, the sixth commandment
16:07 includes not just the literal taking
16:10 of life. But according to the rabbinical
16:12 intellectuals of old, publicly humiliating
16:15 someone was figuratively akin to murder.
16:18 Whereas the third commandment warns us
16:22 about how words can harm our relationship
16:25 with God, the sixth commandment warns
16:28 of the dangers against other people.
16:30 Words have the power to hurt. Words
16:34 have the power also to heal,
16:35 depending on how we use them.
16:36 Words can convey compassion,
16:38 encouragement, blessings and love,
16:40 but words can also kill spirits and
16:43 relationships. If you go to Leviticus 19,
16:46 you will see a reiterated paraphrase of
16:49 the Ten Commandments. The Bible says in
16:51 Leviticus 19 verse 16, "You shall not
16:54 be a gossip monger among your people.
16:57 You shall not be a tale bearer among
16:59 your people." In other words,
17:01 stop killing folks. How are you
17:03 killing folks? Quit spreading gossip
17:04 and rumors. Gossip has the potential
17:06 to destroy people's lives. Gossip,
17:09 therefore, is like murder. Rumors
17:11 are carried by haters, spread by fools
17:14 and accepted by idiots. [Aud. reaction]
17:17 PB: The Word says in Psalm 34:13,
17:19 "Keep thy tongue from evil land thy lips
17:21 from speaking guile." But it's not just
17:23 the dog who carries a bone, it's the dog
17:25 who will take a bone. Even listening to
17:30 gossip is like standing idly by while
17:33 your neighbor is murdered. In spite of
17:36 the biblical condemnation of gossip,
17:38 unfortunately it's a social epidemic.
17:41 We know it's wrong, but everyone does
17:43 it to one extent or another. I was
17:44 reading the Word of God, even great Miriam.
17:46 Tambourine-playing Miriam, hand-clapping Miriam;
17:52 Miriam the prophetess. Numbers 12 teaches that
17:57 she is punished with leprosy for gossiping with
17:59 Aaron about Moses. Sometimes gossipers try to
18:05 pass on the responsibility of the gossip to
18:07 the listener; but Jewish law considers the
18:10 listener to be much worse than the one who's
18:12 even spreading the gossip. Because it's on
18:14 the listener's account that the gossip can
18:16 be spread. Proverbs 17: 4 says "An evildoer
18:20 pays heed to malicious talk; but a liar
18:22 listens to a slanderous tongue." And you'd
18:26 better believe--this is practical.
18:28 This ain't the gospel according to Matthew,
18:29 it's the gospel according to Byrd.
18:31 If a person gossips to you, the same
18:35 person will gossip about you.
18:37 I wish I had a witness in this place.
18:40 [Aud. reaction] PB: Stories of false
18:41 accusations constantly fill the headlines.
18:44 The media does not care. Listen to me.
18:46 The media does not care about killing
18:48 people's reputations or the impact that
18:51 the shame and embarrassment have on
18:53 individuals and their families as much
18:54 as they care about ratings and revenue.
18:57 They mostly care about selling magazines,
19:00 selling newspapers, selling commercial time.
19:03 And lawsuits are seen as the price of
19:06 doing business. But you know, it's not
19:10 just the tabloids. It's not just the magazines.
19:13 It not just the newspapers. It's not just the Star.
19:18 It's not just the National Enquirer.
19:21 But sometimes, Jesus says in Matthew 5,
19:23 in the church, in the Sanhedrin, we have
19:27 our own version of the Enquirer. Child,
19:31 did you hear? Child, did you know?
19:35 Anybody come to you saying "Child,"
19:37 run like you've never run before.
19:40 We know this is a problem in the world,
19:42 but what's the church's excuse?
19:45 We're not to wound our already
19:47 -wounded soldiers. We're not supposed
19:50 to kill with the tongue, and it baffles me.
19:52 It baffles me, it amazes me, it blows my mind,
19:55 how people and somebody could come, for example,
19:59 into a big church like this, and they don't
20:02 know anybody. They come in here and know no one.
20:07 But if they were a liar in another church,
20:10 they will come into this church and for
20:13 whatever reason, they will find all the liars.
20:16 If they were a gossip in their old church,
20:18 they will come in this church and in some
20:20 kind of way find all the gossips. It's almost
20:22 like they have some magnetic force under their
20:25 tongue that leads them over to a gossip.
20:27 Next thing you know, they've hooked up with
20:29 other gossips and other liars and they go to lunch.
20:30 They hang out with each other, because it's
20:32 a known fact that people like to be around
20:33 people who have the same weakness that they do.
20:37 So, all the gossips on one corner.
20:40 All the thieves in another corner.
20:41 All the drunkards in another corner.
20:43 All the adulterers in another corner.
20:46 You don't even have to point them out
20:47 to one another, they'll find each
20:48 other themselves. The old saying is
20:50 birds of a feather flock together.
20:52 Who are you flocking with? [Aud. reaction]
20:55 PB: Stop killing people with your tongue.
21:00 Thou shalt not kill. But let me give
21:02 you some advice. If you're being
21:05 talked about; if you're being
21:07 gossiped about; if you're being
21:10 killed with the tongue, just keep
21:11 it moving. Tell the person gossiping
21:15 about you, tell them this. This is
21:17 my new phrase. Keep talking about
21:20 me behind my back, and watch God
21:21 keep blessing me in front of your face.
21:24 [Aud. reaction] PB: How about that?
21:26 I'm not worried about the naysayers.
21:28 I'm not worried about the gossipers;
21:29 I'm not worried about the slanderers;
21:30 I'm not worried about those that kill
21:32 by the tongue. Let me tell you,
21:33 you just do what God tells you to do.
21:35 You just go where God tells you to go.
21:37 The steps of a good man are ordered
21:39 by the Lord. The Bible says that God
21:41 will make your enemies your footstool,
21:43 which means your haters are just
21:45 pouring the concrete that you're
21:46 going to walk on, because your
21:48 haters are your elevators and God
21:49 is about to do something in your life.
21:51 Let me tell you something.
21:53 Dogs never bark at parked cars.
21:57 [Aud. reaction] PB: Dogs bark at
22:02 moving cars. Are you hearing what
22:04 I'm saying? So all I'm tell you today
22:06 is just keep walking. The dogs will
22:08 keep barking. Are you hearing what
22:09 I'm saying? Every place the sole of
22:11 your feet touch, you've got the
22:13 devil nervous. Because at the time
22:15 that you start walking, the devil
22:17 knows God is up to something.
22:19 Every time God is elevating you
22:20 to places, the devil knows God is
22:22 about to do something in your life.
22:24 So keep walking in your destiny.
22:25 Keep walking in your victory.
22:27 Keep walking in deliverance.
22:28 Keep walking in your healing.
22:30 Don't worry about what people
22:32 are trying to kill you with
22:33 their tongue, that's their problem.
22:37 But one more thing and I'm through.
22:39 Don't physically kill anybody;
22:41 don't kill anyone with your tongue.
22:44 And then number three: Stop killing
22:48 yourself with what you put on your tongue.
22:53 [Aud. reaction] PB: So this is a sermon
22:56 for everybody. Don't kill somebody physically;
22:59 don't kill someone with your tongue;
23:01 and don't kill yourself by putting
23:03 something you have no business
23:05 putting on your tongue. Now,
23:07 too many people are killing
23:08 their bodies, putting things in
23:10 them that they have no business
23:11 putting in them. Too many people
23:13 are dying from stuff they don't
23:15 have to die from. The Word of God
23:17 says Whether therefore ye eat or drink,
23:18 or whatsoever ye do,
23:19 do all to the glory of God.
23:21 The killing of our bodies is
23:24 important to God. God said,
23:27 thou shalt not kill. T thou shalt not
23:29 what, everybody? Aud.: Kill.
23:30 PB: Now, when Jesus was on this earth,
23:32 you will remember that His ministry
23:33 included preaching, teaching and healing.
23:36 But in fact, He did more healing than preaching.
23:40 Which means He's concerned with what you
23:42 put in your body. Healing was a big part
23:44 of Jesus' ministry. It wasn't just teaching,
23:47 it wasn't just preaching, but Jesus,
23:49 the Bible says in Matthew chapter 4,
23:50 healed every kind of disease known to man.
23:54 You name it, Jesus healed it. Physical;
23:57 He healed it. Social; He healed it.
23:59 Emotional; He healed it. Economic;
24:01 He healed it. Mental; He healed it.
24:04 Spiritual; He healed it. You name it,
24:07 my Jesus healed it. One minute,
24:10 He was a podiatrist. The lame were walking again.
24:14 The next minute He's an ear, nose and
24:15 throat specialist; the dumb are talking again.
24:19 One minute, He's an audiologist; the deaf
24:21 are made to hear. The next minute,
24:23 he's a hematologist; the woman with
24:26 the issue of blood. One minute,
24:27 He's an ophthalmologist. He's given
24:29 sight to the blind. The next minute,
24:32 He's a cardiologist. He's fixing broken hearts.
24:35 One minute, He's a dermatologist.
24:37 The lepers are walking again.
24:38 The next minute, He's a gynecologist.
24:40 He's given new life. One minute,
24:43 He's a psychiatrist. He's fixing
24:45 deranged minds. The next minute,
24:47 He's an anesthesiologist.
24:49 He's easing the pains of life.
24:51 Because all manner of sickness,
24:54 all manner of illness and disease were
24:57 healed by him. And because He created us,
25:00 He knows what's best for us. He's telling us,
25:03 don't kill your bodies. Thou shalt not kill.
25:05 In fact, the Word says in
25:07 First Corinthians 6:19 and 20,
25:10 "What? know ye not that your body
25:13 is the temple of the Holy Ghost which
25:14 is in you, which ye have of God,
25:16 and ye are not your own? For ye are
25:17 bought with a price: therefore glorify
25:19 God in your body, and in your spirit,
25:21 which are God's." The Word also says in
25:24 First Corinthians 3:16 and 17,
25:26 "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God,
25:27 and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
25:29 If any man defiles" God's temple, the Bibles
25:33 says God Himself will destroy, because
25:35 "the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.
25:38 " Thou shalt not kill. So, for review for some,
25:45 new for others: stop killing your body.
25:52 Stop killing your body, even church folk,
25:57 with alcohol. Oo, quiet now.
26:02 [Aud. reaction] PB: A little wine is
26:06 good for the soul--leave it alone.
26:07 Leave the 32-ounce. That alcohol,
26:13 that wine, wine cooler--leave it alone.
26:18 Alcohol kills 3.3 million people worldwide
26:21 each year, which is more than AIDS,
26:23 tuberculosis, and violence combined.
26:24 According to the World Health Organization,
26:26 alcohol-induced violence and abuse,
26:28 including drunk driving, causes 1 in 20
26:30 deaths globally each year. That's one
26:32 death every 10 seconds. Drinking is
26:35 linked to more than 200 health conditions.
26:37 Cirrhosis of the liver; cancers. Leave
26:41 alcohol alone. Leave wine alone.
26:45 Adventist Christians, leave wine alone.
26:48 Leave beer alone. But Pastor, I thought
26:52 it was good. Leave it alone! The Bible says,
26:55 Thou shalt not kill. The Bible says in
26:59 Proverbs 20:1, "Wine is a mocker;
27:01 strong drink is raging: and whosoever
27:04 is deceived thereby is not wise."
27:06 Leave it alone. But let's go to Galatians.
27:09 Lord, have mercy. Galatians. Folk don't
27:13 like to preach this anymore; I'm going to
27:15 preach it anyhow. Galatians, I come ringing
27:18 the doorbell, knocking on the door,
27:19 and you're, Oh, the pastor's outside.
27:21 He's outside. Clean up the table,
27:22 clear the table. I hear you.
27:26 [Aud. reaction] PB: Pastor,
27:28 would you like something to drink?
27:30 We have some water. That's not what
27:31 you were drinking before I walked up in here.
27:34 [Aud. reaction] PB: Galatians 5.
27:36 Galatians, what, everybody? Aud.: Five.
27:37 PB: Come on, Galatians what, everybody?
27:39 Galatians what? Everybody. Aud.: Five.
27:40 PB: Look at verse 19. "Now the works of
27:43 the flesh are manifest, which are these;
27:46 Adultery." I'm going to preach on that tonight.
27:47 "Fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
27:54 idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance,
27:55 emulations, wrath, strife, seditions,
27:57 heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness,
27:59 revellings, and such like: of the which I
28:04 tell you before, as I have also told you in
28:06 time past, that they which do such things
28:08 shall not inherit the kingdom of God."
28:12 I'm talking about loving God the way
28:14 >: Thank you for joining us for another
28:15 exciting Breath of Life television broadcast.
28:17 Tune in next week at the same time,
28:19 as Dr. Byrd will deliver another
28:21 dynamic message from the Lord,
28:24 just for you. Until next time,
28:27 may God bless you.


Revised 2016-07-07