Breath of Life

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Carlton P. Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000518A

00:20 PB: The first love letter tonight, Exodus chapter 20, verses 1, 2 and 3.
00:29 If you have it, let me hear you say amen. Aud.: Amen.
00:32 PB: The Word of God says, "And God spake all these," what?
00:35 Aud.: Words. PB: Come on, God spake all these what?
00:38 Aud.: Words.
00:39 PB: "Saying, I am the LORD thy God, which have brought
00:43 thee out of the land of," where, everybody? Aud.: Egypt.
00:46 PB: "Out of the house of" what? Aud.: Bondage.
00:48 PB: And "Thou shalt have no other" what? Aud.: Gods.
00:52 PB: "Gods before me." God spake all these words, saying,
00:55 I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the
00:58 land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
01:01 Thou shalt have no other gods before me."
01:08 Tonight, God is number one. I said, tonight God is number one.
01:14 Aud.: Yes. PB: And we're going to put God first.
01:15 What do you say, everybody? [Aud. reaction]
01:17 PB: Lord God, right now speak through me to speak to
01:19 Your people. We put You first tonight. May Your Holy Spirit,
01:24 Lord, remain with us, Thy witnesses who go, Lord,
01:29 to study Your Word. We give you praise in advance
01:32 for what You're going to do for us, to us,
01:35 and through us tonight. It's in Jesus' name we pray.
01:39 Let all those who believe say amen. Aud.: Amen.
01:42 PB: And amen. You may be seated. God is number one
01:46 because we're putting God first. Now you've seen
01:50 the advertisement, you've seen all the brochures where
01:53 we're talking about God's 10 Love Letters.
01:57 We're talking about these love letters,
02:00 and tonight I want to begin by reading a love letter
02:04 that was written from a wife to her husband.
02:10 Can I read it to you tonight? Dear Honey,
02:13 writing this now makes tears come to my eyes.
02:19 I have such a strong love for you that I could
02:22 cry all day long just because I love you. Sure,
02:27 I tell you that I love you and how much,
02:29 and I try to show you, but no matter what
02:31 I do for the rest of our lives you will never
02:35 know just what I feel inside. How you make me
02:39 feel is something that can only be felt, never explained.
02:42 You take my breath away with some of the things
02:47 that you say. Just the way I feel when I lay with you,
02:50 your arms wrapped around me, holding me like I'm your baby.
02:53 I am surprised sometimes of how much emotion comes
02:57 out when I cry over you. My love for you is so strong
03:01 that even I don't always realize how much I love you
03:05 and cherish you. You say I'm perfect and that you're
03:08 the luckiest guy in the world, but you don't see what
03:10 I see when I look at you. To me, you make me so, so,
03:15 so lucky--lucky to have you, lucky to even have you
03:20 touch me with your hands or even to glance my way.
03:23 I don't know what I did to deserve you in my life,
03:26 but I thank God for letting me do it. I love the
03:30 way you hold me, touch me, look at me, laugh at me,
03:37 take care of me and our children. You're my life
03:42 and you have my whole heart. Wherever you go,
03:45 I'm always right there with you, because you have
03:48 my heart and my soul. I adore you. I adore every
03:52 part of you. Your eyes, your lips, your face,
03:58 your muscular six-pack body. Baby, I love you.
04:05 You are my sweetheart, the key to my heart,
04:09 my other half, my soulmate. I just want you to
04:12 know that I love you, and don't you ever forget that.
04:16 I love you. Your loving wife.
04:21 Lord have mercy. All I need right now,
04:26 if I weren't in the church, is some Luther Vandross.
04:28 Come on, say amen. [Aud. reaction]
04:31 PB: What do we know from this letter?
04:38 This wife loves her husband. Do I have a witness
04:42 in this place? But not only that, this letter is
04:44 clear that she loves her husband because her husband
04:47 loves her in the way she wants to be loved. You see,
04:51 anyone who's ever been loved, wants to be loved the
04:55 way they want to be loved. And in my 19 years of
04:59 marriage to that beautiful young lady right there,
05:02 I have learned with my wife that you have to love
05:06 your wife the way she wants to be loved.
05:10 Not the way I think I should love her.
05:13 Are you hearing what I'm saying? But the way
05:15 she wants to be loved. You see, I can give my
05:19 wife chocolate, but she may not like chocolate.
05:23 That's what I want, but that may not be what she wants.
05:27 Are you hearing what I'm saying? On her birthday,
05:30 I can take her to see a basketball game. But that's
05:33 what I want, not what she wants, and I've got to
05:38 love her the way she wants to be loved. Do I have a
05:41 witness in this place? Quit loving people the way you
05:44 want to love them, and love them the way they want
05:48 to be loved. I'm trying to help a brother out tonight.
05:50 It's the same, my friends, with God. You've got to
05:55 love God in the way that God wants to be loved.
06:00 Not the way you want to love Him, but the way
06:03 He wants to be loved. Are you hearing what I'm saying?
06:06 And when you learn how God wants to be loved by
06:10 reading His Word, and in His Word, He gives us
06:13 10 love letters. Known to us as His Ten Commandments.
06:18 They're not letters of rules or restrictions,
06:22 but they're 10 ways to express our love to God.
06:25 Which is why Jesus said, in John 14:15,
06:28 "If ye love me, keep my commandments."
06:31 It's about love and not a law. Before God gave
06:35 the Ten Commandments to the children of Israel,
06:37 God said, "I am the Lord your God." I brought you
06:41 out of the land of Egypt. I brought you out of bondage.
06:45 I brought you out where you were a slave. God then,
06:48 is reminding Israel that not only did He create them,
06:52 but He redeemed them. He gave them life,
06:55 He gave them freedom. Why? Because He loved them.
07:00 Are you hearing what I'm saying? And so the same
07:03 relationship that God had with Israel is the same
07:06 relationship God wants with us. We are His. Why?
07:11 He created us. We are His. Why? Because He brought
07:15 us out of slavery from sin. We are His because
07:19 He created us and He redeemed us. And God wants
07:24 us to love Him the way He wants to be loved,
07:28 so He gave us these love letters.
07:30 So love letter number one. Thou shalt have
07:33 no other gods before Me. If you're going to
07:38 love Me the way I want to be loved, you have
07:41 to understand you can't have any other gods
07:42 before Me. Now, God is serious about this command,
07:45 which is why He made it His first command.
07:47 Because when you put other things or other
07:50 people first in your life, we reduce God to
07:53 second place. Third place. Fourth place.
07:56 Fifth place. But God says, I'm not supposed
08:00 to be reduced to any place below first place.
08:03 God says, I am God. I'm the head and not the tail.
08:08 I'm above, and I'm not beneath. I made you.
08:12 I raised you. I fed you. I kept you. I saved you.
08:18 I redeemed you. I died for you, and I'm coming
08:22 back to get you because I am God. And because
08:26 of who I am, I have a right to issue this command.
08:31 You see, there was a time, God says, when was was not.
08:35 And out of nothing, God says, I spoke my Word.
08:38 Out of nothing, I spoke something. I am the Lord.
08:42 I am God, and thou shalt have no other gods before Me.
08:48 Which means, then, God is commander in chief.
08:51 The buck stops with Him. He's CEO of the universe.
08:57 The president of all galaxies. He's the King of kings
09:01 and He's the Lord of lords. Everything falls
09:04 under his auspices. There is nothing beyond His reach.
09:08 He is God, and beside Him there is no other.
09:12 Yes, He's my friend, but He's also my father.
09:15 Yes, He's my Savior, but He's also my strength.
09:19 Yes, He's my brother, but He's also my boss.
09:22 You didn't vote Him in, and you can't vote Him out.
09:25 [Aud. reaction] PB: He's God all by Himself.
09:28 God can do what He wants, when He wants,
09:31 where He wants, how He wants, and He doesn't
09:35 have to ask permission to do as He wants because
09:38 He's God. Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.
09:42 And when we lose sight of this first commandment,
09:45 we lose sight of God. You see, friends of mine,
09:48 let me remind you tonight there can be nothing
09:50 that comes before God. Because if it does,
09:53 we have violated commandment number one and
09:56 we can't go any further. We can't talk about
09:59 killing if we don't first talk about God.
10:02 We can't talk about lying until we first talk
10:05 about God. We can't talk about adultery and
10:08 stealing until we first talk about God.
10:11 Jesus said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God
10:14 with all thy heart, with all they soul,
10:16 with all thy mind, and you ought to love your
10:18 neighbor as yourself. Which means then,
10:21 the first four commandments deal with our
10:23 love for God; the final six deal with our
10:25 love for each other. But when you love God,
10:27 you can't put anything before God,
10:29 because says thou shalt have no other gods before Me.
10:33 But number two, I want to tell you tonight,
10:36 not only that but in the letter,
10:38 God is not saying--listen to me good--
10:42 you can have other gods and you can worship
10:44 all the gods you want, but I just want to
10:47 be your favorite. At the marriage altar,
10:54 a groom is not going to tell his bride,
10:57 I'm going to marry you because you will
11:01 be my favorite wife. Your marital vows say
11:05 "forsaking all others." And if your spouse does
11:10 not forsake all others, it means you're going to
11:13 have some trouble on your hands. Are you hearing
11:16 what I'm saying? God is saying, I'm to be your only God.
11:21 Not your favorite God but your only God,
11:25 because favorite and only are not the same.
11:28 Favorite and only are not synonymous.
11:32 Favorite means that one is preferred
11:34 above all other kinds. Only means nobody else.
11:38 No one else. Nothing more. Solely, exclusively.
11:42 Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.
11:45 Now, somebody's saying, Pastor, you're
11:47 preaching to the choir. This isn't hard,
11:49 this is easy. You're preaching, we believe this
11:51 and we know this. We're used to thinking in terms
11:52 of there only being one God. But let's our minds
11:57 a little bit more. YO use now, in the world
12:00 there are three major religions.
12:02 How many major religions, everybody? Aud.: Three.
12:04 PB: Yes, Christianity. Everybody say Christianity.
12:07 Aud.: Christianity. PB: Islam. Aud.: Islam.
12:09 PB: And Judaism. Aud.: Judaism.
12:11 PB: Now, all three of these major religions
12:14 are believers in monotheism, which is the worship
12:17 of only one god. Not two gods, not three gods,
12:22 but one god. Now, pantheism is the belief that
12:26 there are many gods. Then we have hedonism,
12:29 which means there are gods in every religion
12:32 and we are to respect the gods of other religions.
12:35 But monotheism means there is one god. How many gods, everybody?
12:40 Aud.: One. PB: Now, remember, when the book of
12:42 Exodus was written, Christianity and Islam were not around.
12:46 Jesus had not come yet, and Mohammed was not heard of.
12:51 Christianity and Islam were thousands of years in the future.
12:56 So then in the book of Exodus, in the time of exodus,
12:59 Judaism was in its infancy. There was no such thing as monotheism,
13:05 the worship of one god, because nobody had just one god.
13:09 You see, all of Israel's neighbors were pagans,
13:13 and the pagans worshipped a lot of different gods.
13:16 Pagans believed that certain gods ruled certain
13:20 geographic areas or certain natural phenomenon.
13:24 There were then national gods.
13:26 The Philistines had a god; the Moabites had a god;
13:31 the Ammonites had a god; but they didn't just worship
13:35 their national god, they also had fertility gods,
13:38 storm gods, sun gods, star gods, sea gods,
13:43 the grass was a god, the tree was a god,
13:47 the brick was a god, the straw was a god,
13:50 the water was a god, the frog was a god,
13:53 the snake was a god. You name it, it was a god.
13:58 So while a person or a nation had a favorite god,
14:01 they didn't think of narrowing their worship to just one god;
14:04 they worshipped many gods. But I came to let
14:07 somebody know tonight: there is but one God.
14:13 The one God who woke you up this morning.
14:17 The one God who started you on your way.
14:20 The one God who put food on your table and clothing
14:23 on your back. The one God who heals somebody of cancer.
14:27 The one God who miraculously paid your bills when
14:30 you didn't have any money. There is but one God.
14:35 God says, there is no other god besides me. None.
14:39 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
14:42 But then what does God mean when he says "before me"?
14:47 Now, the Hebrew interpretation of the words "before me"
14:51 really means "before my face." So then,
14:56 what God is saying is, there is no competition.
14:59 I am God, and I am God alone. And besides me
15:08 there is no other. You shalt have no gods,
15:14 no other gods before My face. None above Me.
15:20 None beneath Me. None beside Me. None behind Me.
15:26 None in front of Me. None means none.
15:32 Thou shalt have no other gods before Me;
15:36 before My face; because I am God. I'm omnipotent,
15:41 which means I'm all powerful. I'm omnipresent,
15:44 which means I'm everywhere at the same time.
15:46 I'm omniscient, which means I know everything.
15:49 I am God, and beside me there is none other.
15:53 Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.
15:56 That's instead of Me, in addition to Me,
16:00 or in opposition to Me. Thou shalt have no
16:04 other gods before Me. But in the world in which we live,
16:07 in this post-modern society, there are too many things,
16:11 too many little gods that rival our God.
16:16 What am I talking about? What about the god of pleasure?
16:19 Pleasure is like a drug. It often requires more to get
16:24 the same effect. I like TV. I like social media.
16:29 I like traveling. I like vacationing. But anything
16:33 that becomes more important than our responsibilities
16:35 toward God becomes a god to us. God is above that
16:40 football game; God is above that party; God is
16:44 above that cookout. God is above everything and everybody,
16:47 because God is God. But not only the god of pleasure,
16:51 what about the god of possessions? Always needing to
16:54 have the right clothes. The right shoes. The right house.
16:59 The right car. Being possessed by things. Proverbs 27:27:
17:05 "The eyes of man are never satisfied." But not just the god
17:10 of pleasure; not just the god of possessions,
17:12 but what about the god of money. Money. Gotta have it;
17:17 can't live without it. If it means I must work overtime;
17:21 if it means I must lie and cheat and steal;
17:24 if it means that I must be ungodly, I've got to have it.
17:27 But the love of money is the root of all evil. Well,
17:31 what about the god of diet? We love to eat. Come on,
17:40 tell the truth, shame the devil. We love to eat.
17:43 Collard greens, cornbread, fried chicken, fried fish.
17:52 Folk from the islands, ahi and salt fish. Rice and peas,
17:56 peas and rice. Macaroni and cheese, sweet potato pie.
17:59 We love to eat. Somebody can't wait for me to finish
18:03 preaching so they can go home and eat. Come on, say amen.
18:06 [Aud. reaction] PB: Food is somebody's god.
18:11 But what about the god of work? I love to work.
18:17 I love my job. I love my pay. I love the power.
18:25 I love the prestige. I love the popularity.
18:30 I love the exposure that I have with my job.
18:33 I love my job. But I can hear the Word of God saying,
18:36 "What shall it profit a man to gain the whole world
18:39 to lose his own soul." But what about the god of self?
18:44 When a person feels that the world revolves around them.
18:48 And that they must always come out on top. When they have
18:54 an elitist--get this right--when they have an elitist
18:56 air about themselves, this is the god of self.
19:03 But let me tell you something. You'd better remember
19:06 that conceit is the only disease that a person has that
19:10 makes everyone around them sick. Thou shalt have no
19:19 other gods before Me. There is only one God,
19:24 and we are commanded to serve and love this one God.
19:29 And whatever you have your attention on this evening
19:33 other than God, there are two things stamped on it:
19:38 Transitory and temporary. Everybody say transitory.
19:44 Aud.: Transitory. PB: And temporary. Aud.: Temporary.
19:47 PB: Understand, people come and people go. Fashions
19:53 and fads come and they go. Heaven and earth shall pass away.
19:58 But the Word of God shall remain the same; that only
20:03 what you do for Christ is going to last. And here, folk,
20:08 are falling-in-love-with materials. Falling in love with stuff.
20:13 Falling in love with things. Falling in love with cars
20:17 and clothes and homes, but one day they're just going
20:21 to burn away because you can't take any of it with you
20:24 to heaven. But if you really want to have life; if you
20:28 really want to have eternal life; if you really want to
20:31 make heaven your home, come meet a God who says I am.
20:36 I am that I am. I am the Lily of the Valley.
20:42 I am the Bright and the Morning Star. I am the
20:47 Fairest of Ten Thousand. I am the Rose of Sharon.
20:51 I am the Alpha and the Omega. I am the First and the Last.
20:56 I am the Beginning and the End, because I am that I am.
21:01 I am bread when you're hungry; water when you're thirsty;
21:04 rest when you're sleepy. I am your shelter. I am your shield.
21:10 I am your buckle. I am Adonai, which means I'm Lord
21:15 over every lord. I am El Shaddai, which means I am God Almighty.
21:21 I am Elohim, which means I'm the plurality of My own divinity.
21:26 I am El Elyon, the God of the mountain. But if that's
21:30 too far for you, God says I'll come down to where you are.
21:34 Because He says I am Jehovah Jireh. When you need a sacrifice,
21:38 I'll provide. I am Jehovah Shalom. When you can't sleep at night,
21:43 I'll be your peace. I am Jehovah Rapha. When your body is
21:47 racking with pain, I'll be your healer. I am Jehovah Nissi.
21:52 When you're fighting life's battles, I'll hold up the banner.
21:55 We've already won! Don't wait till the battle is over; shout now.
22:00 He's an awesome God. He's a prayer-answering God. He's an on-time God.
22:04 He's a miracle-working-God. He's a way-making God.
22:08 He's a heart-fixing God. He's a pain-relieving God.
22:11 He's a sickness-curing God. He's a cancer-killing God;
22:15 a marriage-fixing God; a child-raising God; a problem-soling God;
22:20 a bill-paying God. An attitude-changing God; an ever-present God.
22:26 He's my God. He's your God. He's our God. And thou shalt have
22:32 no other gods before Me. Someone to wait until I preach,
22:45 Thou shall not kill. Thou shall not steal.
22:51 They want me to preach thou shall not commit adultery;
22:54 thou shall not covet. But the reality, friends, is this.
22:57 The next nine commandments don't mean a thing if I
23:00 don't get commandment number one straight.
23:02 If I've got another god, who cares if I commit adultery?
23:09 Who cares if I kill? Who cares if I steal? If I don't
23:14 have commandment one right, I can do whatever I want to do.
23:18 But if I get commandment number one right, I don't have
23:23 to hear the rest of it, because if I get God right,
23:27 there's some stuff I'm just not going to do.
23:31 Because the God is me dwells inside. Oh,
23:35 I wish I had a witness in this place.
23:36 You get commandment one right, and all the rest
23:40 will fall in place. Put God first. Oh, you didn't hear me.
23:47 Put God first! Put God first! Thou shalt have no other
23:57 gods before Me. God says, love Me and only Me.
24:02 Love Me with every fiber of your being.
24:04 And I just want to tell the Lord tonight,
24:07 Lord, I love you. I said, I just want to tell the Lord,
24:10 Lord, I love you. Does anybody else love the Lord tonight?
24:14 Let me close this way. I can't give God a house.
24:17 I can't give God cars. I can't give God clothes.
24:23 I can't give God money, because all the money already
24:26 belongs to Him. But tonight I can give God some praise.
24:30 I can give God some worship. And when I come into the
24:34 presence of God and I know that He's the only true
24:38 and living God, I don't need anybody to shake me up.
24:41 I don't need anybody to stir me up. I don't need
24:45 the praise team to pump me up. I don't need the preacher
24:48 to make me praise the Lord. Because when I think of
24:51 the goodness of Jesus and all He's done for me,
24:54 my soul cries out Hallelujah! Thank God for saving me!
25:03 All I need to know is that God is here, and I give God
25:07 the praise. I give God the honor. I give God the glory
25:10 and the praise. Hallelujah. I said hallelujah! Hallelujah!
25:14 Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.
25:20 Thou shalt not worship any other gods,
25:23 but thou shalt worship the Lord thy God
25:25 and Him only shalt thou serve. Thou shalt
25:28 love the Lord thy God with all thy heart,
25:30 with all thy soul and with all thy might.
25:32 Take ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness,
25:36 and all these things shall be added unto you.
25:39 Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.
25:41 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and
25:43 lean not unto thine own understanding.
25:45 In all thy ways acknowledge Him. He shall direct thy paths.
25:55 I worship Him because He's God. He's God. He's God.
26:07 Some worship Buddha; some worship Mohammed;
26:13 some worship Confucius. But tonight I'm so glad
26:18 I can worship God. The God of heaven and earth.
26:23 Whatever He wants me to do, I've got to do.
26:26 Wherever He wants me to go, I've got to go.
26:28 It's my desire to be just as He would have me to be,
26:30 because He's God. And so because He's God,
26:35 He's the joy and He's the strength of my life.
26:39 He moves all pain, misery and strife.
26:43 He promised to keep me, never to leave me,
26:45 He's never come short of His Word.
26:54 but I want to go with Him when He comes back.
26:58 I've come too far, and I will never turn back.
27:09 Because my God, my God, my God is.
27:18 If you believe that, sing that with us.
27:21 [song God is the joy and the strength of my life,
27:24 He moves all pain, misery, and strife.
27:33 He promised to keep me, never to leave me.
27:40 He's never ever come short of His word.
27:45 All I've got to do is fast and pray.
27:48 Stay in the narrow way. Keep my life clean each
27:54 And keep my life clean every day;
27:57 I want to go with Him when He comes back,
28:03 I've come too far and I'll never turn back.
28:12 >: Thank you for joining us for another exciting
28:15 Breath of Life television broadcast.
28:17 Tune in next week at the same time,
28:19 as Dr. Byrd will deliver another dynamic
28:21 message from the Lord, just for you.
28:24 Until next time, may God bless you.


Revised 2016-06-02