Breath of Life

From Terrorist to Evangelist

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Carlton P. Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000517A

00:01 Breath of Life would like to invite you to our
00:03 upcoming 2016 spring revival entitled
00:07 "God's 10 Love Letters." Beginning Saturday evening,
00:10 May 28, at 7 p.m., live from the
00:13 Oakwood University Church. Join Dr. Carlton P. Byrd
00:16 as he expounds on these 10 expressions of our
00:19 love to God in a clear, enthusiastic, and compelling way.
00:23 Several special music guests will also be present:
00:26 Dove Award nominee Vicky Yohe; Grammy Award-winning artist
00:30 Yolanda Adams; Stellar Award-winning artist Smokie Norful;
00:34 and NBC's Sing-Off season 2 winner, Committed.
00:38 All seats are free. Free transportation is provided.
00:41 We look forward to seeing you on opening night,
00:44 May 28, at 7 p.m., at the Oakwood University Church.
00:48 For more information call (256) 929-6460,
00:53 or visit us at www.BreathofLife. TV.
00:59 PB: The Word of God says, "And Saul yet breathing
01:03 out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples
01:07 of the Lord went unto the high priest and desired of
01:11 him letters to Damascus, to the synagogues, that if
01:14 he found any of this way, whether they were men or women,
01:19 he might bring them bound unto Jerusalem.
01:22 And as he journeyed he came near Damascus and
01:26 suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven,
01:28 and he fell to the earth and heard a voice saying unto him,
01:31 Saul, Saul, why persecutes thou Me? He said,
01:37 Who art Thou, Lord? And the Lord said,
01:40 I am Jesus whom thou persecutest.
01:44 It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.
01:47 And he, trembling and astonished, said, Lord,
01:50 what wilt Thou have me to do? And the Lord
01:55 said unto him, Arise, go into the city and
01:59 it shall be told thee what thou must do."
02:05 Today I want to challenge you on the subject
02:07 "From Terrorist to Evangelist."
02:10 From terrorist to evangelist.
02:13 Father, bless us know as we preach Your Word.
02:15 May Your Holy Spirit move in this place today.
02:17 When the appeal is made, I pray the individuals'
02:19 response to your voice. Forgive me of my sins.
02:22 In Jesus' name. Amen. From terrorist to evangelist.
02:29 If you watch the news, it's not too hard to figure
02:34 out that our world is continually on the lookout
02:38 for terrorists. As soon as we hear of a plane going down,
02:42 like we did this past week, we think terrorist.
02:46 As soon as we hear of a building blowing up,
02:50 we think terrorist. As soon as we hear of a
02:54 murder-suicide, we think terrorist. Remember,
03:01 it was after 9-11 that the greatest attack on U.S.
03:06 soil took place, and questions like, how did this happen?
03:12 Who's to blame? Was this possible to prevent?
03:19 They all became commonplace. But long before 9-11,
03:26 long before Saddam Hussein, long before Osama Bin Laden,
03:35 long before Adolph Hitler, before all of them there
03:42 was a spiritual terrorist by the name of Saul.
03:46 Meet Saul today. Born as a Jew in a city called Tarsus
03:53 down on the southern coast of what we call Turkey today.
03:58 But somewhere early in his life, Saul and his family
04:01 moved to Jerusalem, and while there Saul had the
04:04 opportunity to study at the feet of one of the greatest
04:07 Jewish rabbis of the day, by the name of Gamaliel.
04:11 Being a student of Gamaliel was like going to an
04:14 Ivy League school: Harvard, Yale, Princeton.
04:20 Saul was able to boast that I was taught by Gamaliel.
04:25 Saul wasn't like the other apostles. Saul wasn't
04:30 like the other disciples, who were blue-collar fellows
04:33 with little or no education. But Saul was smart.
04:38 Saul was a man who was articulate, intelligent,
04:41 well-endowed to verbalize his various positions
04:45 and attitudes among the greatest thinkers of his time.
04:48 In our everyday vernacular, Saul was a bad boy.
04:53 Some theologians even report that Saul was multilingual,
04:58 because Saul could speak five different languages.
05:02 Saul was in a class by himself. Even before his
05:06 conversion he was zealous about what he believed.
05:08 He was a zealous sinner. He describes himself as
05:11 chief of all sinners. But Saul was not the kind
05:15 of sinner who was a sinner because of his depravity,
05:17 debauchery or decadence. Saul was a sinner because
05:23 Saul was zealous in religious ideologies that made
05:26 him persecute Christians. Saul hung out with the Pharisees,
05:32 and the Pharisees despised Jesus Christ. The Pharisees
05:37 had nothing good to say about Jesus, and so this
05:41 disdain for Jesus was something that Saul shared
05:46 with the Pharisees. So then, when Jesus was arrested,
05:50 Paul may have been one of those who was in the crowd,
05:53 who said, Crucify him. Crucify him. But now,
05:57 Jesus is dead. Saul's thinking, "Good riddance."
06:03 Good riddance to bad rubbish. But then,
06:08 there came these rumors. Rumors that Jesus wasn't dead.
06:15 Rumors that Jesus had risen from the dead and
06:18 appeared to His followers. Two of His followers,
06:22 Peter and John, those uneducated fishermen from Galilee,
06:28 had been preaching to crowds of people about Jesus.
06:32 In their preaching they even had the audacity to
06:35 stand before the Sanhedrin and defiantly refuse
06:38 to cease their false teachings. Saul is furious.
06:43 How dare they? How dare these ignorant men challenge
06:48 the Sanhedrin? How dare these men question the
06:53 leaders of his people. That would have been bad enough,
06:56 but then according to Saul there was this fool of
06:59 a man named Stephen. Stephen preached about Jesus.
07:04 Jesus, for them, was a heretic, and that's why they
07:08 put Jesus to death. And so because Stephen preached
07:11 about Jesus, Stephen became a heretic too. And he,
07:14 too, had to die. So when Stephen said that he saw
07:18 Jesus standing at the right hand of God, that pushed
07:22 the enemies of God over the edge.
07:25 Acts 7:58 says that "when Stephen said that,
07:30 they threw him out of the city and they began
07:33 to stone him. And it was Saul who held their
07:37 coats while they stoned Stephen." This incident
07:41 was the turning point in Saul's life. Because from
07:44 this point on, Saul knew what his mission would be:
07:48 to snuff out heresy before it got out of control.
07:53 That, my friends, is the definition of a terrorist.
07:57 A terrorist is a person who uses violence or the
08:02 threat of violence against other people in order
08:05 to obtain goals that are political, religious, or
08:08 ideological in nature. Saul's job: persecute the Christians.
08:15 Sniff out the Christians. Snuff out the Christians.
08:21 Persecute the Christians. Saul was a Christian-killer,
08:26 going up and down the road, high and low, looking for
08:29 anybody who was praising to Jesus. He would take them out.
08:34 Saul, robust and radical. Mean and malicious.
08:42 Terrorist of his day against Christianity.
08:47 But the Bible says that on one memorable day
08:52 Saul was going down to Damascus, and he was
08:56 going to persecute some Christians when he
08:59 was interrupted by a force he had never
09:02 encountered before. On the road to Damascus,
09:06 he saw a great light that paralyzed him.
09:10 Saul falls to the ground, hears his name
09:13 being called. Saul is bewildered;
09:16 Saul is dazed; Saul is perplexed;
09:19 Saul is disoriented; Saul is stunned.
09:22 Saul says, Who is this? The voice says,
09:26 It's Jesus, whom thou persecutest.
09:30 It's hard for thee to kick against the pricks.
09:33 Another translation goes something like this.
09:35 It says, "It's hard for you, Saul,
09:37 to kick against the goads."
09:40 An Acts goad was a sharp cattle prod,
09:43 which means the Holy Ghost had already
09:45 started steering, directing, and prodding Saul.
09:48 Saul had been resisting, but now this light
09:52 stops Saul dead in his tracks. Saul's
09:57 knocked off his horse. Saul is knocked to the ground.
10:03 This reminds me of the story of the old farmer
10:06 who bragged about his mule and said that his mule
10:10 was so well-trained that all he needed to do
10:14 was say a few soft words and the mule would respond
10:17 and do anything he told him to do. Well,
10:20 his friend down the road at the feeding store
10:23 had a hard time believing this, and he said,
10:25 "I gotta see this for myself. Show me!"
10:28 So they went back to the man's farm,
10:30 and there's this mule near the barn.
10:31 And as the friend watched, first with
10:33 curiosity but then in dismay, the old farmer
10:36 went and picked up a two by four and swung
10:40 it with all his might, hitting the mule in the ear.
10:45 When the animal stopped squealing, stopped bellowing,
10:49 stopped prancing around the farmer then said quietly,
10:51 Come here. And the mule came. The farmer, said, Sit.
10:56 And the creature sat down. The farmer said, Back up.
11:01 And the mule backed right on up. The old farmer
11:04 said to his friend, you see what I'm talking about.
11:07 He will respond to a simple voice command.
11:10 His friend said, Man, what are you talking about?
11:13 You said all you had to do is talk to him, but you
11:16 hit him with that two by four. What do you mean,
11:19 a few words? What do you mean, some soft words?
11:22 That's not what I saw. The farmer said, Oh. That.
11:27 Well first, I have to get his attention.
11:32 [Aud. reaction] PB: Don't misunderstand me.
11:35 I'm not promoting the hitting or cruelty of animals.
11:39 But the point I'm trying to make is,
11:42 sometimes God has to knock us down to get our attention.
11:48 Sometimes God has to shake us up in order that
11:52 He might save us. Sometimes God has to shake us
11:55 to bring us to our knees. Sometimes God will
11:59 shake stuff up so you don't trust in money.
12:02 Sometimes God will shake things up so you don't
12:05 trust in people. Sometimes God will shake things
12:09 up so you'll know who your real friends are.
12:12 Sometimes God will shake you up to get your focus
12:15 back on what really matters in life. Sometimes God
12:19 will shake stuff up because He's not really after you,
12:22 but He's after folk in your house. Sometimes God has
12:27 to shake you up in order that He might get their attention.
12:29 God will shake you up so your family can stop looking at you,
12:34 so they can look at God, who's the Author and the
12:36 Finisher of their faith. Sometimes God has to shake
12:39 things up. Sometimes He has to knock us down,
12:42 knock us out, to save us. Because anywhere you're
12:45 blessing me, I'll be satisfied. Sometimes God has
12:49 to do something drastic, because we don't notice that
12:52 He's trying to save us. We don't notice that He's
12:54 trying to call us to do something. He's calling us
12:56 to make a change in our life; He's calling us out of
12:59 our mulish stubbornness and is asking us to make a change,
13:03 but sadly we don't even notice it until He knocks us
13:06 over the head. Saul needed a two by four over
13:11 his head to see that he was missing it, and that
13:14 he needed to change. But notice. The second point
13:18 I'm going to make today. Saul wasn't saved on the
13:23 Damascus Road. A lot of preachers say he was saved
13:30 on that road, but that's not true. Saul was blinded
13:37 on the Damascus Road. But Saul was not saved on the
13:42 Damascus Road. After he's blinded, that's when the
13:46 Bible says he says, Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?
13:49 The Lord told him to get up, go to Damascus,
13:53 and it shall be told to you what you're going to do.
13:56 Now, let's be clear. Jesus could have saved Saul
14:02 on that road to Damascus, but Jesus didn't.
14:06 He left that privilege to a mere mortal man by
14:09 the name of Ananias, and there's a reason for this.
14:12 Now, this Ananias--not to be confused with Ananias
14:16 and Sapphira--this Ananias was not mentioned anywhere
14:20 else in Scripture. This Ananias was not an apostle.
14:23 As far as we know, he was not a great orator,
14:26 he was not a church planter, he didn't write any books,
14:28 he wasn't famous, he wasn't important. Ananias was
14:32 an ordinary man, just like you and me. And that's
14:34 the point: God uses ordinary people who are willing
14:38 to do as He commands. Let me let you in on a little
14:41 secret today: You might just get the opportunity to
14:47 be involved in somebody else's salvation. Just might
14:54 send somebody your way that you can lead to Jesus Christ.
15:00 I wish I had a witness in this place. You see,
15:02 you don't need a theology degree. You don't have
15:05 to be an elder. You don't have to be a Bible worker
15:07 or be somebody important in the church. You don't
15:10 have to be a star in God's show. You don't have to
15:14 be outstanding for God to use you. If you don't
15:17 believe God will use ordinary people, then look
15:20 at the disciples. Plain, ordinary, workaday,
15:25 grass roots people. There wasn't a star among them.
15:29 There was not an aristocrat among them. Not one of
15:32 them was a genius or a scholar. They were unschooled
15:35 in philosophy, untaught by professors, unexposed
15:39 to high culture, lowly fishermen. They were ordinary
15:43 people, but what difference did it make? God used
15:47 that band of men, ordinary people, to build the church,
15:50 inspire His people, and turn this world upside-down.
15:54 God can do mighty things with ordinary people.
15:58 God can do extraordinary things with ordinary people.
16:01 God doesn't use just geniuses; God will use anybody
16:05 that will give God clean hands, a pure heart,
16:08 and dedicated life and an open mind. So don't you
16:11 refuse to serve God, and refuse to serve God's church,
16:13 saying I'm not rich enough, I'm not good enough,
16:16 I'm not old enough, I'm not spiritual enough,
16:18 I'm not holy enough. If you think like this,
16:20 you will feel that you'll never be good enough
16:22 for God to use you. Let me tell you something:
16:25 God doesn't use us because we're good enough.
16:29 But because God is good enough to use those
16:33 that are not good enough to do what God wants done.
16:35 Hallelujah, somebody. All you have to do is
16:38 love Jesus and be willing to tell people how
16:41 to become a follower of Jesus. Ananias is
16:45 instructed to go to Straight Street,
16:48 put his hands on Saul, so Saul's sight
16:51 can be restored. But Ananias was apprehensive
16:55 and skeptical at first, because Ananias remember,
16:58 was afraid of Saul. Saul had been such a terror
17:01 to the Christians and Saul, he thought was actually
17:04 a spy trying to infiltrate the church by faking a conversion.
17:10 So God had to speak to Ananias in the church and say,
17:12 Look, don't be afraid of him because he was a known terrorist.
17:17 You see, church folk knew him when. And sometimes
17:22 when people knew you when, they won't accept you now,
17:26 because they don't believe what God has done in your life.
17:30 But you'd better tell somebody, I may not be all that
17:33 I should be, but praise God I'm not what I used to be.
17:39 But there's one more thing, and then I'm going to sit down.
17:41 The interesting thing about this story--the thing
17:44 that sets it apart from almost every other narrative
17:47 in the Bible. Listen to me good--is that when
17:51 Paul was converted, Paul was already religious.
17:58 Paul wasn't a smoker; Paul wasn't a drinker;
18:04 Paul wasn't a curser; Paul wasn't a drug addict;
18:08 Paul wasn't a sex offender. Paul wasn't running from God;
18:13 Paul did not reject the Ten Commandments; Paul wasn't
18:16 purposely rejecting God. In fact, in his mind,
18:19 he thought he was serving God. He was doing everything
18:22 he could to please God. Paul was zealous for God,
18:25 but there was one problem. He was wrong about what
18:29 it meant to serve God. And that makes the story of Saul,
18:34 who became Paul, the most relevant possible story for us today.
18:38 We are living in supposedly a Christian society.
18:44 The majority of the people in the United States
18:47 believe in God. The majority of the people in our
18:51 country believe in heaven. Almost half of the people
18:56 living in this country say they're born again.
19:00 But the thing is, even though people can say
19:02 they're religious, that doesn't mean they have
19:04 the power of God working in them. That doesn't
19:07 mean their lives are being changed, that
19:10 relationships are being mended, that their
19:12 bodies are being healed, that the power of
19:14 God is on them in such a way that it gives
19:17 them joy and peace and love so they can shine
19:19 like flaming torches in a dark world. You see,
19:23 there's a big difference between religious and
19:26 in truly loving God. Saul was religious but he
19:31 didn't truly love God because he didn't even
19:33 know the true God. So God had to knock him down.
19:37 God had to blind him. God had to do this,
19:42 so He could stop him from his silly religious
19:45 foolishness long enough to get to know God.
19:49 And just like God knocked Saul down,
19:52 God just might need to knock some of us down,
19:56 too, so God can make some changes in our lives,
20:01 today. Don't fall in the trap of being religious
20:06 but then you miss God. Paul had gone several
20:11 years spiritually blind to the teachings of Jesus,
20:14 but when his eyes were opened spiritually,
20:16 he became blinded physically. Now, all throughout
20:20 Scripture we shout on people who were blind but
20:24 then Jesus healed them, and they were able to see.
20:26 We shout hallelujah! on blind Bartimaeus being healed.
20:31 We shout, thank You, Jesus, on the young man in
20:34 John chapter 9, who said, Look, I don't know who healed me.
20:37 I don't know where he came from. I don't know if
20:39 he was a sinner or not. All I know is I once was blind,
20:41 but now I see. We shout on that, but Jesus doesn't
20:46 just heal these people for physical reasons,
20:49 He also healed them for spiritual reasons,
20:51 and so then the converse of this must be true:
20:53 Sometimes the Lord will physically blind us so
20:57 we can see spiritually. You see, you can get to
21:01 heaven blind physically, but you can't get to
21:05 heaven blind spiritually. Some of us grew up
21:10 in the church, and we've been learning about
21:13 God all our lives. I grew up in the church.
21:18 You know my story, born in the church.
21:22 And I appreciate my upbringing and all I've learned.
21:26 All that I saw. All that I have experienced,
21:31 because it's helped me become who I am today.
21:33 But I've discovered, as I'm getting older,
21:36 that the problem is we can learn a lot of
21:39 stuff that doesn't have anything to do with
21:41 what God is really like. Some of those things
21:44 blind us spiritually, and whenever you get a
21:48 certain picture--listen to me good--whenever
21:50 you get a certain picture in your mind of
21:52 what a Christian looks like, and you start
21:54 trying to look like that, you've just taken
21:56 your first step away from grace. And you've
22:01 taken a step toward legalism. Because that's
22:04 not how God looks at us. A little girl had
22:09 been to a revival and had been happily converted.
22:12 She came home, laughing, singing, praising God.
22:16 Her little heart was so full of joy and gladness.
22:20 Oh, Grampa. She rushed in to see her grampa.
22:23 Rushed into the room where the old man sat.
22:25 She said, Grampa, I've got religion! Grampa,
22:28 I've got religion! The grandfather took his little
22:31 granddaughter by the shoulders and sat her down on a chair.
22:33 He said, Baby, you don't know what religion is.
22:35 He said, People don't shout and skip when they
22:39 have religion. Sit still. The child sat there awhile,
22:45 then she crept away. All the joy and the gladness
22:50 was gone from her little heart. She went and
22:53 climbed on the lot fence, where she went each
22:56 day to feed sugar to an old donkey. The old donkey
23:00 put his head up and as she stroked the old donkey's face,
23:05 she said, pityingly: Poor old donkey. Poor old donkey.
23:13 Poor old donkey, you've got religion.
23:18 I know you have it, because your face is long
23:21 just like Grampa's. [Aud. reaction]
23:24 PB: But I believe I've got a witness in this
23:29 place that knows that the joy of the Lord is our strength.
23:37 I believe somebody knows He woke you up this morning,
23:42 started you on your way. Put food on your table
23:46 and clothes on your back. So, I don't have time
23:48 for a long face. I don't have time to have
23:51 my lips poked out. This is the day that the Lord has made,
23:57 I will rejoice and be glad in it. Rejoice in the Lord always,
24:04 and again I say, rejoice. Because victory is in your praise.
24:10 Salvation is in your praise. Deliverance is in your praise.
24:16 Saul was converted, Saul was baptized, Saul became Paul.
24:21 Paul goes from being a mean man to a humble man
24:25 to a new man to a preaching man.
24:27 [Aud. reaction] PB: He goes from terrorist
24:30 to evangelist. He goes from being a pronounced
24:32 persecutor to being a prolific penman. In fact,
24:36 much of the New Testament writings we know today
24:38 are from Paul. It was Paul who said that all
24:42 things work together for good to them who love
24:46 the Lord and are the called, according to his purpose.
24:48 It was Paul who said I can do all things through
24:50 Christ which strengtheneth me. It was Paul
24:53 who said the wages of sin is death but the gift
24:56 of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord.
24:58 It was Paul who told us the truth about the state
25:01 of the dead: Behold, I show you a mystery that
25:04 one day we shall not all sleep, but one day we
25:06 shall be changed in a moment, in a twinkle of an eye.
25:09 It was Paul who said the dead in Christ are going
25:12 to rise first, then we which are alive and remain
25:14 are going to be caught up together with them in
25:16 the clouds to meet the Lord in the air,
25:17 and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
25:19 It was Paul who said that God gave some apostles,
25:22 some prophets, some pastors, some teachers,
25:26 some evangelists for the work of ministry
25:28 until we come into the eulogy of faith.
25:30 It was Paul who taught the kind of truth
25:34 that made demons tremble, makes hell nervous.
25:40 It was Paul who helped us understand that
25:43 God has not forgotten us and we should
25:45 comfort one another with the same comfort
25:47 by which we have been comforted. It was
25:49 Paul who makes us to show we should not
25:51 compare ourselves to one another; by doing so,
25:54 we are not wise. It was Paul who was stoned to death.
25:59 But death couldn't take Paul, couldn't take him out.
26:02 Paul shook death off his clothes. Paul walked away
26:08 from death. It was Paul who ended up on the coast
26:11 of Melita, stoned and left lying for dead.
26:15 But Paul gathered up some sticks, got bitten by a snake,
26:20 shook the snake and started preaching the gospel.
26:24 It was Paul who said, For I am not ashamed of
26:26 the gospel of Jesus Christ, for it is the power
26:29 of God unto salvation. From terrorist to evangelist.
26:34 Paul today provides us with the reason to pray for
26:41 the enemies of Christianity. Paul today reminds us,
26:47 friends, that no one is hopeless; that God can reach
26:53 out to even the most heartened person. That's why
26:57 there are three surprises when you get to heaven:
27:00 those you thought wouldn't be there will be there.
27:02 [Aud. reaction] PB: Those you thought would
27:05 be there won't be there. And then if you're like me,
27:08 thank You, Lord, that I'm there. Most people come to
27:14 Christ not through arguments for Christianity but
27:21 by exposure to it. Listen to that one more time.
27:26 Most people come to Christ not through arguments
27:31 for Christianity, most people come to Christ by
27:37 exposure to Christianity. Our task, then,
27:43 is to introduce people to Jesus.
27:47 That's why we have tract attack
27:50 That's why we have a revival.
27:54 That's why we invite Earvin Johnson.
27:58 That's why we invite Michael Vick.
28:02 That's why this service is broadcast
28:05 over the television airways.
28:08 Because people will not be brought
28:10 to Christ arguing about Christianity
28:13 >: Thank you for joining us for another
28:15 exciting Breath of Life television broadcast.
28:17 Tune in next week at the same time,
28:19 as Dr. Byrd will deliver another
28:21 dynamic message from the Lord,
28:23 just for you. Until next time, may God bless you.
28:26 END


Revised 2016-05-26