Participants: Carlton P. Byrd
Series Code: BOL
Program Code: BOL000512A
00:13 BREATH OF LIFE THEME [Music] 00:21 PB: The Word of God says. Will a man robbed whom? 00:24 Aud.: God PB: Yet ye have robbed me, 00:25 but ye say wherein have we robbed thee? 00:26 In tithe and in what, everybody? Tithe and in what? 00:29 [Aud. Reaction] Oferring. 00:33 PB: And so because of that ye are cursed with a curse. 00:36 For ye have robbed me, even this whole nation. 00:39 Bring ye all the" -- what? Aud.: Tithes. 00:41 PB: Into the what? Aud.: Storehouse. 00:42 PB: That there may be what in mine house? 00:43 Aud.: Meat. PB: "Meat in mine house, 00:45 and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, 00:47 if I will not open you the windows of heaven, 00:48 and pour you out" a what, everybody? 00:49 Aud.: Blessing. PB: "That there shall not be 00:51 room enough to" -- what? Aud.: Receive it. 00:53 PB: "And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes." 00:57 I like that. "And he shall not destroy the fruits 00:59 of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her 01:01 fruit before the time in the field, saith the 01:03 LORD of hosts. And all nations [all nations] 01:06 shall call you blessed: for ye shall be a 01:10 delightsome land, saith the LORD of hosts. 01:17 Our challenge is entitled today "No Tipping, Please." 01:23 Father, bless us now for the next couple of minutes 01:26 as we go into Your Word and unpack this text that's 01:27 familiar to all of us. We give You the honor, 01:29 we give You glory in advance for what You're 01:31 going to do. Move by Your Spirit, by Your power. 01:33 Sprinkle out Your grace today. Give us receptive hearts, 01:36 and hide me behind Your cross, forgive me of my sins. 01:39 In Jesus' name we pray. Let everyone say amen. 01:43 Aud.: Amen. PB: No tipping, please. Exactly 01:49 one week after I graduated from eighth grade, 01:53 my twin brother and I were in our house in Florida, 01:58 and we thought that since we had just graduated 02:01 from the eighth grade, we thought we were going 02:04 to chill all summer long. Watch TV, go to the beach, 02:10 play basketball, just have fun. Wake up at 11 o'clock. 02:18 Come on, say amen. [Aud. reaction] 02:20 PB: But after one week our father had other plans. 02:26 My daddy made it clear. He said, I'm not raising 02:29 boys to be lazy. I wish I had a witness in this place, 02:33 'cause we got too much of that going on. 02:35 This entitlement and this laziness, come on say amen. 02:38 [Aud. reaction] PB: If you don't work, you don't eat. 02:39 I wish I had a church in this place today. 02:43 [Aud. reaction] PB: My daddy made it clear, 02:44 "I'm not raising boys to be lazy." He said that 02:47 before God gave Adam a wife, He gave Adam a job. 02:55 And he said, "If we're going to be in His house, 02:58 we're going to have to work." Do I have a witness 03:00 in this place? [Aud. reaction] 03:02 PB: So he told us, he said, "Boys, get dressed up. 03:05 Put a shirt and tie on, get in the car." He said, 03:11 "Because I'm taking you to the neighborhood shopping plaza." 03:15 Now, in that plaza was a McDonald's, a Pizza Hut, 03:20 a Walgreen's, an ice cream shop, a dry cleaner's, 03:26 and a Publix supermarket. When we arrived at the 03:32 plaza my father's instructions were clear: 03:36 Get out of the car, and call me when you have a job. 03:41 [Aud. reaction] PB: That's that old-school parenting. 03:46 Come on, say amen. [Aud. reaction] 03:48 PB: He said, "Don't come home"--somebody remembers 03:54 those days. [Aud. reaction] 03:56 PB: "Don't come home until you have a job." Now, 04:02 if we didn't think he was serious in the beginning, 04:06 we knew he was serious when that Volvo drove off 04:09 the parking lot and we were left standing there, 04:12 looking at each other. Do I have a witness in this place? 04:15 So we started our job search. The first stop was McDonald's. 04:21 Mickey D's. The Golden Arches. Because we thought that 04:26 if we worked at McDonald's, at least we would have free food. 04:29 We interviewed well, we looked nice. In fact, we looked 04:35 better than the manager. But we were told we're not 04:40 hiring 14-year-olds. So we left. We then went to Pizza Hut, 04:47 'cause again we thought we'd get free food. Pan pizza, 04:53 cheese, with black olives and mushrooms on the top. 04:57 Come on, say amen. [Aud. reaction] 04:59 PB: But the answer was the same--you're too young. 05:04 We knew we couldn't work at the cleaner's because 05:08 they only had three employees, and if we got hired 05:11 that would increase payroll by 40 percent. Are you 05:14 hearing what I'm saying? [Aud. reaction] 05:16 PB: The ice cream shop was not an option for us 05:19 because we thought, as boys, we didn't need to be 05:21 working in an ice cream shop. So we then went to 05:26 Publix. Publix supermarket, where shopping is a pleasure. 05:35 [Aud. reaction] PB: We walked in, we had our shirts 05:39 and our ties on. Young men, our pants were not hanging 05:43 off our waists. Our hair was cut. We spoke proper English. 05:53 We filled out the applications. We were hired on the spot. 06:00 [Aud. reaction] PB: That's what I'm talking about. 06:03 Bag boys at Publix, making $3.35 an hour. 06:09 But we made $4.35 on Sundays and the holidays. 06:13 Come on, say amen. [Aud. reaction] 06:16 PB: We knew we were something. The rules at Publix 06:20 were simple: Get to work on time; look neat; smile; 06:30 be customer-service oriented because the customer is 06:34 always right. When people come through the grocery line, 06:38 ask customers do they want paper or plastic, 06:42 in terms of their grocery bags. Put detergent 06:46 with detergents; put bleach with bleach; 06:51 put cold items with cold items; dry items 06:55 with dry items; and take no tips. And if 07:02 someone tried to give you a tip, you were 07:05 to say "No tipping, please." No tipping, 07:12 because we were offering a service to our customers. 07:15 No tipping, because we valued our customers. 07:19 No tipping, because without our customers we 07:21 wouldn't have a job in the first place. 07:24 No tipping, because after all our customers 07:27 had done in buying food it would be an insult 07:29 to take more money from them. Now let me be clear: 07:33 I am not against tipping. When I was at Oakwood, 07:36 I was a server in a restaurant. I won't tell 07:38 you which one. But I loved tips, because I 07:41 only made $2.18 an hour and in order to 07:44 make that up, you had to get good tips. 07:46 Do I have a witness in this place? But let 07:49 me bring this to the spiritual. If I didn't 07:53 tip customers at Publix, because of all they 07:56 had done in providing an income for me; 07:59 why would I tip God, given all He's done for me? 08:07 Why would I tip the King of kings and the Lord 08:11 of lords, when without Him I wouldn't have my life? 08:16 Yet, every Sabbath people come to God's house to tip God. 08:25 Now, the story is told of a small town in Oklahoma 08:28 with one bank and three churches. Early one Monday 08:32 morning when the bank would open up after the weekend, 08:35 the bank called all three churches with the same request: 08:39 Could you bring in your weekend's collection right away, 08:43 because we're out of one-dollar bills. 08:47 [Aud. reaction] PB: Why is the church synonymous 08:55 with one-dollar bills? Because too many church folk 09:01 are tipping God. Whatever I have left, that's what 09:07 I'll give God. A recent Gallup Poll says that in 09:10 American churches--I'm talking all American churches-- 09:13 the average church says only 17 percent of its members tithe. 09:19 But the reality is, the report says, only actually 09:22 three percent really do. Forty percent of people who 09:27 attend church in America give nothing in an entire year. 09:32 In this case, folk aren't even tipping. They're not giving. 09:38 But yet the council--and we read it. And growing up in 09:42 traditional Adventist church, after the deacons would 09:45 collect the offering, the elder would stand up here and 09:47 recite Malachi 3 every Sabbath: "Bring ye all the tithes 09:52 into the storehouse that there may be"--and remember, 09:54 they used to say that and everybody used to stand. Come on, 09:56 say amen. And then after everybody would stand, we'd sing 09:59 "We give Thee but Thine own, whate'er the gift may be"-- 10:02 and we never knew the words. Come on, say amen. 10:06 That there may be meat in mine house, prove me now herewith, 10:08 saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the 10:10 windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, 10:12 that there shall not be room enough to do"--what, everybody? 10:14 Aud.: Receive it. PB: Now, we don't like it when the 10:18 preacher talks about money in the church, but I'm 10:20 talking about money today because the Bible talks 10:21 about money. People say, don't talk about money, 10:23 Preacher. Pastor, don't talk about that; 10:25 talk about something spiritual. But when people 10:27 say that, it shows a lack of biblical knowledge 10:30 because talking about money is spiritual. 10:33 [Aud. reaction] PB: Money talk is in the Bible. 10:36 When Jesus walked this earth, He offered 36 parables, 10:40 and 16 of them had to do with our attitude about money. 10:44 One out of every 10 verses in the New Testament 10:47 deals with our attitude about money, which means 10:49 that God is interested in your money. But I'll 10:53 tell you who else is interested in your money: 10:56 the devil. In fact, the devil has a plan for your money. 11:01 It's the devil's desire to keep you under a curse. 11:05 It's the devil's desire to keep you in bondage. 11:09 But I speak under the authority of God that the 11:11 devil is a liar. That the earth is the Lord's; 11:15 the fullness thereof and all those that dwell therein. 11:19 And even though people don't like hearing messages on 11:21 money and tithe and offering, God's Spirit has 11:25 impressed me that I've got to preach this until we get it. 11:29 [Aud. reaction] PB: Because the devil is afflicting 11:31 too many people on the subject of money. 11:33 Too many folk are burdened with debt in this place. 11:36 Too many folk are struggling financially in this place. 11:39 Too many folk are mismanaging money in this place. 11:43 But God is trying to bless people in this place, 11:46 because God wants to bless you, and the reason 11:49 why God wants to bless you is because God can't 11:52 bless anybody--you can't bless anybody, 11:54 if you're not blessed. So, I've got to preach 11:57 it so that everybody understands it. Get mad 11:59 with me all you want. You're going to remain 12:01 broke spiritually, broke financially, until 12:05 you understand God's plan of blessing for your life. 12:08 You see, when you move from tipping God and you 12:11 move to understand that when you participate in 12:14 faithful tithe and offering, your life will never 12:17 be the same again. Do I have a witness in this place? 12:21 Does somebody know what I'm talking about? 12:23 The text says, "Bring ye all the tithe." 12:25 Bring ye what, everybody? Aud.: All. 12:27 PB: Not some of the tithe. Not part of the tithe. 12:30 Not a percentage of the tithe, but all the tithe. 12:35 Don't be cheap. Don't tip God. Bring all the tithe. 12:40 Speaking of cheap, the story is told of a man who 12:43 was on a business trip, and he decided to buy a gift 12:45 to take home to his wife. So he was in a store and 12:48 he asked the store clerk, "How much does this 12:51 perfume cost," because he wanted to buy it for his wife. 12:53 The clerk answered, "This bottle costs 30 dollars." 12:57 He said, "30 dollars, for that little bottle? 13:00 Can you show me something cheap?" She said, 13:02 "Sure," and she handed him a mirror. Do I have 13:05 a witness in this place? Aud. reaction] 13:08 PB: Don't be cheap. Everybody going to be walking 13:14 around with mirrors today. Ha-ha. Don't tip God. 13:20 Bring ye all the what? Come on, talk to me. 13:23 Bring ye all the what, everybody? 13:25 [Aud. reaction]Tithe. 13:27 PB: Brine ye all the what, everybody? 13:29 [Aud. reaction]Tithe. 13:31 PB: Let's go some more. Bring ye all the tithe. 13:32 That means 10 percent, that's tithe, of your increase. 13:35 Ten percent of your earnings. Somebody's going 13:37 to get mad--I'm going to say it anyhow. 13:38 Ten percent of your retirement. Ten percent 13:40 of your Social Security. "Well, Pastor, 13:42 I already paid into Social Security, 13:44 and I don't have to pay a return tithe on that." 13:46 But you didn't pay into it as much as you're 13:48 getting back; there were some matching funds. 13:50 And believe me, I'm a witness, if you give 13:53 God too much, He'll give you back change. 13:55 Are you hearing what I'm saying? 13:57 [Aud. reaction] PB: Bring ye all the what, everybody? 13:59 Aud.: Tithe. PB: And the only way you're going 14:01 to give your tithe of 10 percent plus an offering 14:03 is that you've got to recognize that all 100 14:05 percent of it came from God. Oh, I wish I had 14:08 a church in this place today. Y'all don't like it, 14:10 but that's all right. I hear some people say 14:12 "God's money is only 10 percent." No, 14:17 God's money is all 100 percent. Are you 14:19 hearing what I'm saying? The problem is, 14:22 you think it's yours. Here you go. I work hard 14:24 for this money. Oakwood don't pay a lot anyway, 14:28 and I work hard for this money. It's my job, 14:32 it's my money, and I'm going to spend it 14:35 the way I want. Well, whether you know it or not, 14:38 the job you have, God gave it to you. 14:40 The money you have, you wouldn't have it 14:42 in the first place if God didn't give it to you. 14:44 So don't you walk around here with a big head, 14:46 because just as soon as you get it you can lose it, 14:48 because the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, 14:51 but blessed be the name of the Lord. What shall 14:53 it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose 14:55 his own soul? Everything you have belongs to God. 15:01 I said everything. I said what, everybody? 15:04 Aud.: Everything. PB: I said what, everybody? 15:06 Aud.: Everything. PB: And God is so merciful. 15:07 God is so merciful. God says, I didn't ask you 15:11 for 50 percent of my 100 percent. I didn't ask 15:14 you for 75 percent; I didn't ask you for 95. 15:16 I could, if I wanted to, but I didn't ask 15:19 you for that. All I asked you for was 10 percent 15:22 tithe and an offering. So Pastor Byrd figures that 15:26 tithe is my obedience. My love is my offering. 15:31 So at least what I can do is simply match my 15:33 offering with my tithe, which is why I'm 10 plus 10. 15:37 Y'all don't hear me in this place. Some of 15:40 y'all don't like this but I'm going to preach it anyhow. 15:41 Today I'm talking about being blessed. I'm talking 15:45 about giving God what's right and not what's left. 15:47 I'm talking about giving tithe, giving an offering, 15:50 and the Lord still blesses. Can I testify for a minute? 15:54 Some people think I'm rich. [Aud. reaction] 15:57 PB: For real. They think I'm rich. Some people out 16:07 there hate on me, because I think they think I make 16:11 two salaries. Okay. Oakwood with South Central, 16:17 and Breath of Life. That's not true. I earn one salary. 16:25 I don't get paid for doing Breath of Life. You all 16:29 don't hear what I'm saying. So I'm not asking you 16:31 to do what I'm not willing to do myself. My wife 16:33 earns one salary. We're not rich. [Aud. reaction] 16:46 PB: We came here with two children. 16:51 The Lord got good while we're her and 16:53 now we've got three children. [Aud. reaction] 16:56 PB: We return our tithe and offerings. 16:59 Listen to me, I'm talking about a testimony. 17:01 Ten plus 10 plus. We pay on our house here 17:05 in Huntsville. We have not been able to sell 17:08 our house in Atlanta, so we still pay the full 17:12 note on that house, too. But God is good. 17:17 God's still blessing. We've still got a roof 17:21 over our heads, clothes on our backs, 17:25 shoes on our feet, food on our tables, 17:29 cars that get us from point A to point B. 17:33 The kids are in church school. You can't 17:37 beat God in giving, no matter how you try. 17:42 The more you give, the more He gives you. 17:45 I once was young but now I'm old, 17:48 but I've never seen the righteous forsaken 17:51 nor His seed begging bread. Bring ye all the tithe. 17:55 There are three groups in this church right now. 18:02 See, last week was for all the visiting people; 18:06 this is for home folk today. There are three 18:09 groups in this church right now. Group number one, 18:12 this is what they say: It's all mine. I worked for it, 18:16 I earned it, I deserve it. I can do what I want with it. 18:22 And when the offering plate goes by, if I want to give, 18:26 I can give. But I don't have to. If I feel led to 18:30 give a dollar, I will. If I feel led to give 20 dollars, 18:33 I will. But it's all mine and I can do what I want with it. 18:36 That's group number one. That's the tipping group. 18:40 Then there's group number two. Group number two says, 18:43 the tithe, the 10 percent belongs to God, but the rest, 18:47 the 90 percent is mine. In obedience I give him 10 percent, 18:51 and with the rest I'll do what I want. But then 18:54 there's group number three. Group number three says 18:57 it all belongs to God. The tithe and all, 19:01 all the offering and the rest of it. 19:03 Just because I return tithe doesn't give me the 19:05 right to do whatever I want with the rest of it. 19:08 I still have to pray about every expenditure and 19:12 be a good steward of all of God's money, 19:14 because I will be judged one day for what I've 19:17 done with His money. Group one says I share with 19:20 God when I want to. Group two says I share with 19:23 God because I have to. But group three says 19:26 it's all God's, and God shares with me. 19:29 Hallelujah, somebody. Can we be honest today? 19:33 Can we be honest? Tell the truth, shame the devil. 19:37 We give for what we want. Clothes, we give. 19:45 Oh don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. 19:48 The deacons weren't the only ones in new outfits last Sabbath. 19:52 Come on, say amen. [Aud. reaction] 19:54 PB: Clothes; we give. Shoes; we give. 20:01 Cars; we give. Houses; we give. 20:09 When you get ready to go to that basketball 20:11 or football game, there is no issue. 20:14 Ticket charge? No issue. Parking charge? 20:19 No issue. You don't care if you have to stand 20:23 in line to get in. You don't care if you have 20:26 to get there an hour or two earlier; 20:28 you don't care if you have to walk far to the gate, 20:31 you just want in. You order nachos and cheese, 20:35 pay $7.00 for that. You order cheese pizza, 20:40 pay $5.00 a slice for that. Pay $3.50 for a soda, 20:46 when you could have gone to Matco and got a 20:47 large soda for 99 cents. Do I have a witness 20:50 in this place? But you just want in. 20:55 You don't say to the man, Man, that's a lot of money. 20:58 No, because money is not an issue until it comes to God. 21:02 But if you want to be blessed, you've got to give to God. 21:08 The text says bring ye all the what? Tithe. 21:10 But the text also says bring ye all the tithe 21:15 into the storehouse. Now I'm going somewhere with this. 21:19 Some of aren't going to like it, but I'm going to say it anyhow. 21:21 Bring it all into the storehouse. You've got to bring 21:26 it to the storehouse. Thou shalt not steal. 21:30 Well, Pastor, what's the storehouse? 21:32 The storehouse is God's house. It's the place 21:35 where you're fed the Word of God. It's the place 21:38 where you can fall on your knees and pray to God. 21:41 It's the place where you sit up each and every week 21:43 and receive the Word of God. In the Old Testament, 21:47 the storehouse was the reference to the 21:49 Old Testament temple. Remember, back in the day 21:52 it was an agricultural society. When the people harvested, 21:55 they brought forth the first 10th of their wheat, 21:58 their corn, their barley, and they put it in the storehouse. 22:02 When their herds gave birth, they took one out of 10 22:05 to the storehouse. The tithe was a medium of exchange 22:08 to continue the work of God. The tithe was brought to 22:12 the place where the people worshiped. The tithe was 22:14 brought to the store house. But today, we've got too 22:18 many people who think that they have a side deal with God. 22:22 That He has told them to put their tithe somewhere else. 22:27 But the text says bring ye all the tithe to the what, 22:29 everybody? Storehouse. The place where you're fed spiritually. 22:34 You wouldn't eat in McDonald's, and then say I have a 22:38 burden for Burger King so I'll send them money. 22:43 No, you're fed in McDonald's, so you give to McDonald's. 22:49 Bring ye all the tithe into the storehouse. Press down, 22:55 shaken together, running over. Quit trying to keep 23:02 up with the Joneses. Quit trying to fake it until 23:05 you make it. Quit trying to impress folk you don't 23:09 know to keep up with folk you don't like with money 23:11 you don't have. Invest in God's kingdom. Invest 23:16 in God's house. Lay not up for yourselves 23:20 treasures on earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt 23:23 and where thieves break through and steal. 23:25 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven. 23:28 For where your treasure is, your heart will be also. 23:31 Ellen White says there are only two places in 23:34 the universe where we can place our treasures: 23:36 either in God's storehouse or in Satan's. 23:39 And anything, she says, that is not devoted 23:41 to God's service is counted on Satan's side. 23:45 Bring ye all the tithe to the storehouse. 23:48 But let me throw this in, free of charge. 23:50 Don't think that because you bring your tithe 23:52 and offering to the church that the church 23:54 owes you something. You give tithe out of 23:57 obedience and offering out of love. 24:00 But listen to folk--I just smile at them. 24:02 "But I pay tithe, so I should be able to make copies." 24:07 [Aud. reaction] PB: "I pay tithe, so I should be 24:13 able to take the church's tables and chairs home." 24:19 You're laughing--you know it's the truth. 24:22 "I pay tithe, so I should be able to--I'm 24:24 running low--take some toilet paper home with me." 24:29 [Aud. reaction] PB: That's why I had to stop 24:31 putting the disposable soap and location in 24:32 the bathroom. People take it home, and I go 24:33 to their house and I see it in the house. Lord, 24:36 have mercy! [Aud. reaction] 24:41 PB: I just smile. I'm going to start putting 24:44 O.U.C. stickers on everything in this place. 24:48 [Aud. reaction] PB: I go to people's house. 24:50 "Let's have worship." "Okay." They bring out 24:52 the burgundy church hymnals. 24:54 Oakwood College Campus Church. 24:56 [Aud. reaction] PB: Preach, Pastor Byrd. 25:02 I'm doing the best I can! [Aud. reaction] 25:08 PB: Let me be clear: First of all, we don't 25:11 pay tithe. We return tithe. To pay tithe 25:18 is theologically wrong. How can we pay something, 25:22 when God gave it to us in the first place? 25:25 Furthermore, how can we pay something when 25:28 Jesus paid it all? Do I have a witness in this place? 25:32 [Aud. reaction] PB: We don't pay tithe, 25:34 we return tithe. Number two: we return tithe 25:40 and give offering to the church because that's 25:42 what God told us to do. Give God what God asks for, 25:46 and don't expect. Listen to me good. 25:49 Don't expect something in return. 25:53 Don't expect something or anything in return 25:57 but His blessings. It's like the guy who acts 26:00 like a gentleman. Kind and loving, 26:05 taking that lady out for a nice dinner, 26:08 for a romantic evening, only so he can get 26:12 something out of the deal. So instead of doing 26:17 all these things out of the sincerity of his heart, 26:20 he's just really putting out some money so he can 26:24 get something out of the deal. And then he gets mad, 26:30 throws a temper tantrum, talks about the lady when 26:35 he doesn't get the something that he wants. 26:38 He's trying to pay for services rendered, 26:41 which in this case is equivalent to prostitution. 26:45 And when it comes to the church, the storehouse, 26:50 are we trying to prostitute our worship? 26:53 Prostitute our prayer? Prostitute our time and fellowship? 26:57 Prostitute our participation in church? 27:00 Prostitute our tithe and offering? Paying for 27:03 services with our time, our talents and our 27:06 treasures just to get something back. 27:09 [Aud. reaction] PB: Don't give to God's 27:13 church and expect God's church to give you 27:17 something back. God is not-- 27:19 is not the lottery. 27:21 God is not a pyramid scheme. 27:23 God is not a multi-level marketing scheme. 27:26 God is God. Creator of the universe. 27:31 King of Kings, Lord of lords. 27:34 Alfa and Omega. First and the Last. 27:38 Doctor in the sick room. 27:40 Lawyer in the court room. 27:42 Lilly of the Valley. Bright and Morning Star. 27:45 Redeemer on Calvary. Savior of the world and 27:50 Soon coming King. Don't give to God and 27:53 then expect God to double your earnings. 27:57 If God dosen't do another thing for Carlton Byrd. 28:00 God has already done enough. 28:01 Jesus went to Calvary to save a wretch like 28:06 you and me. They hung Him high. 28:07 They stretched him wide. He hung His head. 28:11 For me He died. 28:12 >: Thank you for joining us for another exciting 28:14 Breath of Life television broadcast. 28:16 Tune in next week at the same time, 28:18 as Dr. Byrd will deliver another dynamic 28:21 message from the Lord, just for you. 28:23 Until next time, may God bless you. 28:26 END |
Revised 2016-04-14