Breath of Life

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000501A

00:20 PB: The Bible says in Revelation 20, verse number 7,
00:26 “And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed
00:30 out of his prison, And shall go out to deceive the nations which
00:35 are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog, and Magog,
00:37 to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is
00:41 as the sand of the sea. And they went up on the breadth of
00:46 the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about,
00:48 and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven,
00:53 and devoured them. And the devil that deceived them was cast
00:55 into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the
01:00 false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night
01:03 for ever and ever. And I saw a great white throne,
01:07 and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and
01:11 the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.
01:14 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God;
01:17 and the books were opened: and another book was opened,
01:19 which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out
01:22 of those things which were written in the books, according
01:25 to their works. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it;
01:29 and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them:
01:31 and they were judged every man according to their works.
01:36 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire.
01:40 This is the second death. And whosoever was not found
01:48 written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.”
01:55 The day the devil gets evicted.
02:03 Lord, bless us. Speak to us. Hide me behind Your cross, in Jesus' name. Amen.
02:20 The proliferation of material regarding the devil land demonology
02:29 has skyrocketed in recent years. In magazines and in pamphlets,
02:36 on the Internet, radio, television, demonology, interest in the
02:44 devil or the study of the devil, has become rampant. I don't
02:51 know if you're heard, but on January 25, 2016, a new television
02:58 show called “Lucifer” will premiere on primetime Fox television.
03:07 This show will focus on the character Lucifer, who according to
03:14 the trailers is bored and unhappy as the lord of hell.
03:20 So he resigns his throne and abandons his kingdom for
03:26 the beauty of the city of Los Angeles. Ironic, the City of Angels.
03:33 With this television show, some are saying that Hollywood now
03:39 has overt fellowship with Satan. In fact, one opposition group,
03:45 One Mission Moms, says the new series Lucifer will glorify
03:51 Satan as a caring, likeable person in human flesh.
03:58 So, this group began an online petition on May 28 of
04:03 this year protesting the premier of this new show.
04:08 Sadly, however, as of today only 27,000 concerned mothers
04:15 in a U.S. population of nearly 320 million, have signed
04:20 this online petition. So because of that, this petition
04:25 has been removed from the One Million Moms website without
04:29 listing it as a successful campaign. But not just that:
04:34 Two weeks ago, October 30, 2015, to be exact,
04:40 the Greater Church of Lucifer opened in a small
04:45 city just north of Houston, Texas. The group's leader
04:49 says the symbol of Lucifer is not bad, just a symbol
04:55 of spiritual rebellion with a purpose.
04:59 How did we get the devil? How did we get to this point?
05:04 Where did we get Lucifer? How is it now that we live in
05:09 a world that we can have shows called “Lucifer,” churches
05:12 named after Lucifer, and many think it's all right?
05:17 Where did Satan come from? Genesis 1:1 says “In the beginning
05:24 God created the heavens and the earth.” Verse 2 says
05:27 “And the earth was without form and void. Darkness was
05:31 upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God moved
05:34 upon the face of the waters. We get a lot from these two texts,
05:37 and as preachers, we preach these two texts a lot.
05:40 But there are two things we get from these texts in
05:43 relationship to the devil. Number one, God created the heavens
05:48 and the earth, which means then that the devil is a created being.
05:52 So don't you ever put the devil even close to who God is,
05:57 because the devil is a created being. Don't get it twisted;
06:01 the devil was not created by the devil. All things were created by God,
06:05 but the Bible says because of the devil's own corruption he became the devil.
06:11 Number two, there was no life on earth in Genesis 1:1.
06:18 The earth was without form and void. Darkness was upon the
06:23 face of the deep. So evil and sin, as we know it, did not exist
06:27 on planet earth in Genesis 1:1, because there was no life on planet
06:33 earth for evil and sin to exist in, in the first place. But then how
06:38 do we get evil? How do we get sin? Where did Lucifer come from?
06:48 The Bible teaches that God was in no way responsible for
06:52 the entrance of sin. Ellen White says, “Sin is an intruder
06:57 for whose presence no reason can be given.” She says,
07:02 “Sin is mysterious and unaccountable.” The Bible teaches,
07:07 however, that iniquity was found in Lucifer. Ezekiel 28 says,
07:14 “Lucifer's heart was lifted up by his own reason of his brightness.”
07:19 Lucifer, in Isaiah 14 says, “I will exalt my throne above the stars of God.
07:24 I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation. I will ascend
07:29 above the heights of the clouds. I will be like the Most High.”
07:34 And so Lucifer decides he's going to create an angelic coup and
07:40 overthrow God's government. But I've learned, anytime creation
07:46 tries to war against the creator you're asking for a loss.
07:52 For the creator is never going to lose to His creation.
07:57 Are you hearing what I'm saying? That's why, I don't care
08:00 how old you get. I don't care how big and bad you think you are.
08:06 Mama is still mama. Daddy is still daddy. What am I talking about?
08:12 Mama can be 5'2” and 100 pounds, she can have a son 6'5”, 300 pounds,
08:21 but when Mama speaks, when Mama rises up, when Mama lifts her hand,
08:29 that grown man-child will pipe down. That's why loud-mouthed Larry
08:34 can become soft-talking Sammy, because when Mama says “Boy,
08:38 you'd better do what I say. I brought you in this world and
08:41 I'll take you out” Sammy will say, “Yes, ma'am.”
08:45 Do I have a witness in this place? [Aud. reaction]
08:47 PB: The Creator is never going to lose to His creation.
08:53 Lucifer thought he was going to overthrow the Creator.
08:57 He thought he was going to overthrow our omnipotent God.
09:00 But the devil is a liar, because there can't be two cooks
09:05 in the kitchen. Somebody had to go. Somebody had to be expelled.
09:12 Somebody had to be ousted and banished and expunged and dismissed.
09:16 Somebody had to be pushed out, forced out, flushed out and put out.
09:21 Somebody had to be evicted. And so the Bible says in Revelation chapter 12,
09:28 “There was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon.
09:34 The dragon fought and his angels and prevailed not, neither was
09:37 their place found anymore in heaven. The dragon was cast out.
09:41 That old serpent called the devil, Satan, which deceiveth
09:44 the whole world, he was cast out into the earth and his angels
09:47 were cast out with him.” Satan was evicted from heaven.
09:54 Now to “evict” means you're expelling somebody from
09:57 a property. Evicted means you're kicked out of your
10:02 home by the landlord because you couldn't pay rent or
10:05 you were too busy causing problems for other people.
10:08 Lucifer, Satan, had to go. Satan was causing problems
10:14 for our heavenly landlord. Satan was causing problems for God.
10:19 Satan had to be evicted out of heaven into earth.
10:23 Let me remind you that that same demonic spirit that
10:28 incited rebellion in heaven is the same demonic spirit
10:31 that incites rebellion here on planet earth. It began in
10:35 the Garden of Eden. Genesis chapter 3, the fall of man.
10:38 It continued in the wilderness when Jesus was tempted of
10:42 the devil. It continued on Calvary, when Satan tried to make
10:46 Jesus think His sacrifice was insufficient. It continued
10:49 with the wars of Alexander the Great and Napoleon and Hitler.
10:53 It continues to the present day with the war on terror, 9/11,
10:58 ISIS, racism on the campus of the University of Missouri,
11:03 hurricanes, earthquakes, terrorist attacks like yesterday in France.
11:09 And so the infamous question that perplexes the minds of those
11:13 who don't know the character of God: Why so much evil?
11:17 Why so much sin? Why so much destruction? Why so much
11:23 death and disease? I thought Satan was evicted.
11:28 I thought Satan was expelled. I thought Satan was expunged.
11:35 I thought Satan was kicked out. He was kicked out,
11:39 but he just changed locations from heaven to earth
11:42 and now Satan thinks he has what is called “squatters rights.”
11:47 [Aud. reaction] PB: Squatters rights. Somebody's heard
11:51 about that. Adverse possession. This is the unauthorized
11:56 use of real estate. This is when somebody deliberately
12:00 enters property without permission and lives there.
12:04 This is when a trespasser enters somebody else's
12:07 property and gets title to it without payment or compensation.
12:12 Squatters can claim possession of a property if they
12:16 stay long enough. Squatters can claim rights to land if
12:22 they've lived there long enough. And since their eviction
12:25 from heaven, Satan and his boys have been squatting on
12:29 planet earth. They've taken claim of this earth.
12:33 They've taken possession of this earth. That's why
12:37 when God asks Satan in Job chapter 1, “Job,
12:40 what are you doing? Job, where are you going?”
12:43 Satan could have said, “I'm squatting. I'm going
12:47 to and fro on the earth, walking up and down.”
12:49 Satan is still walking around. Satan's still lurking
12:54 around. Some of you work for the devil. Some of
12:58 you live with the devil. Some of you are sleeping
13:02 with the devil. Some of you are sitting by the devil.
13:06 Satan's still squatting and lurking around. He's still
13:10 deceiving; he's still lying; he's still causing mess
13:14 and confusion. Ellen White says in “Great Controversy”
13:17 that Satan's agents are constantly working under his
13:20 direction to establish his authority and build up his
13:22 kingdom in opposition to the government of God.
13:25 Peter says he's a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.
13:31 Now you do know what devour is. Devour doesn't mean just to bite you.
13:35 Devour doesn't mean just to scratch you. But devour means to destroy you.
13:42 I wish I had a witness in this place. In the name of Jesus.
13:45 I don't plan to be long today but let me tell you:
13:48 Stop fooling around. Stop playing around. Stop joking
13:53 around with the devil, because the devil is not trying to bite you.
13:57 The devil is not trying to scratch you.
14:00 The devil is trying to destroy you. Submit yourselves therefore to God.
14:04 Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
14:08 It's interesting, because we lock our homes, we lock our cars,
14:12 we lock our doors, we lock our windows, we lock everything
14:16 we have to protect our property and ourselves from evil men,
14:19 but we seldom think of the evil angels who are constantly
14:23 seeking access to us. Against whose attacks we have,
14:29 in our own strength, we have no method for defense.
14:34 I cannot fight Satan by myself. But I can hear the
14:40 Apostle Paul telling me there is a method I can use
14:44 to fight Satan. He says, “Put on the whole armor of God.”
14:48 You can't fight the devil and win by yourself,
14:52 but you've got to put on the girdle of truth,
14:55 the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of the gospel,
14:59 the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation; carry a sword
15:04 which the Word of God, and pray without ceasing. That's our defense.
15:10 Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.
15:14 But Satan is still hanging around. But you know what? Very soon;
15:21 soon and very soon, squatter time is going to be up. He knows
15:28 he has but a short time, because by law a squatter can only
15:34 stay on the property until the owner gives an eviction notice.
15:38 [Aud. reaction] PB: My God is about to serve an eviction notice.
15:44 The papers are being drawn up, the court date has been set.
15:50 Satan is about to be evicted. I wish I had a witness in this place.
15:54 But I hear somebody saying, “Pastor Byrd, he's still lurking,
15:59 he's still hanging around.” Yes, he might be lurking,
16:03 but he's still under the sovereign control of an Almighty God.
16:07 I read in 1 Peter this week, chapter 3, verse number 8
16:11 in the Word of God says, “He that committeth sin is of the devil,
16:15 for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son
16:19 of God was manifested that he might destroy the words of the devil.”
16:26 God is getting ready to destroy the devil. I said, God is getting
16:34 ready to destroy the devil. [Aud. reaction]
16:38 PB: And I'm so glad that troubles don't last always,
16:43 because God is getting ready to destroy the devil.
16:48 God is about to evict the devil not just from heaven,
16:52 not just from planet earth, but God is about to take his life.
16:57 You don't believe me? Look at the word “destroy.”
17:01 I looked this up and the word destroy, from the Greek translation,
17:07 kartargeo trepsi, appears in relationship to the devil twice in Scripture.
17:14 The first place is in Hebrews chapter 2 verse 14, where the Word says,
17:17 “Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood,
17:21 he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death”
17:26 --talking about Jesus--“he might destroy him that had the power of death,
17:32 that is, the devil.” But if you go back and read 1 John 3:8, 1 John 3:8
17:41 uses this same word “destroy.” The latter part of the text says
17:45 that the reason Jesus the Son of God appeared in the first
17:48 place was to destroy the devil's work. So this word “destroy”
17:55 relates to the devil twice in the Bible: Hebrews 2:14
18:01 and 1 John 3:8. In Hebrews 2, the transliteration for the
18:07 Greek word kartargeo trepsi, which is destroy,
18:10 means to be put out of operation or put out of business.
18:16 So the first destroy in Hebrews 2 means to be put out of business,
18:25 put out of operation. But the second transliteration,
18:30 in 1 John 3:8, the word destroy, kartargeo trepsi, means to disassemble.
18:36 Let me break this down because somebody doesn't have it yet.
18:40 When Jesus went to Calvary, Jesus said I've got two things I've got to do.
18:48 The first thing I have to do is, he said, I've got to put the devil
18:53 out of business. I've got to put the devil out of operation.
18:59 But the second thing that I must do, now that he's out of business,
19:04 I've got to disassemble his enterprise. You were thrown out of heaven,
19:10 devil, in Revelation 12, but Jesus says, now I'm going to put
19:15 you out of business. And I'm going to disassemble you at Calvary.
19:20 Come here, Brother Satan. In Isaiah and Ezekiel you tried to come
19:26 where you were off limits, but on Calvary I put you out of business
19:30 and I disassembled you. You see, all we're doing now, friends of mine,
19:35 why is evil lurking? Because the promise of Genesis 3:15
19:39 must come to fruition. “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman,
19:43 and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head,
19:46 and thou shalt bruise his heel.” Satan, this is what
19:51 Jesus is telling you. You bruised me, but I'm going to crush your head.
19:59 [Aud. reaction] Anybody ever see a snake die? A lizard die?
20:08 When somebody chops up a snake or shoots a snake, the snake is as
20:17 dead as it can be. But even if you shoot or you chop up a snake,
20:24 and the snake is dead, you'll look at that tail, and that tail is
20:30 still moving. Wiggling, giving the image that it's still alive.
20:39 It's as dead as it can be abut it's wiggling to give the image
20:47 that it's alive. Jesus says to Satan, on Calvary you may have
20:56 bruised my head, but I crushed your heel. And Satan, all you're
21:04 doing right now is wiggling. [Aud. reaction]
21:07 PB: That's all that's left. Don't wait till the battle is over,
21:13 you can shout now, because all he's doing is wiggling.
21:19 [Aud. reaction] PB: He can't bite--I wish I had a
21:22 praying church in this place--he can't strike.
21:25 All he's doing is wiggling. The battle has been won at Calvary.
21:31 If God be for us, who can be against us. No weapon formed
21:39 against us is going to prosper. It won't work. And friends of mine,
21:43 squatting time is just about up. You see, squatters have to go
21:50 if the owner tells you it's time to go. And God told me to tell
21:55 somebody today that it's time for the devil to go. God says
22:00 I'm drawing a line in the sand. Enough is enough. The game is over.
22:08 You were evicted from heaven; you were defeated at Calvary;
22:13 and squatting time is just about up because now I'm coming
22:18 to evict you permanently. I'm coming to step on you, Satan.
22:24 Jesus said, you've stepped on Me long enough. You've stepped
22:27 on My people long enough. Now I'm coming to step on you.
22:32 The difference is you can step on Me and hurt Me,
22:35 but I have the power to step on you and to crush you.
22:38 Well, Pastor Byrd, when is this crushing going to take place? Well,
22:44 my Bible says when Jesus comes back, at His second coming.
22:49 The Bible says the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with
22:54 a shout, with the voice of the archangel, the trump of God
22:58 and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we that remain
23:02 shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet
23:04 the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
23:06 When Jesus comes back, the second time, the dead in Christ
23:10 are going to rise. The righteous living are going to be
23:14 caught up to meet the Lord in the air. The wicked living
23:16 are going to die at the brightness of His coming and the
23:19 wicked dead are going to remain dead. That's why I love
23:22 getting in these discussions─I don't call them debates
23:25 but I call them discussions─with other theologians who
23:26 don't believe this. If the righteous are all in heaven
23:30 right now, who would Jesus be coming back for at His death?
23:34 Who would rise first if all the good folk were already in heaven.
23:37 The reality is the good folk aren't in heaven, but they're
23:39 sleeping in the grave right now. If everyone were in heaven,
23:42 who would Jesus be coming back for at Jesus' second coming?
23:46 The Bible is clear that the righteous will be in heaven,
23:49 the wicked will be dead here on this earth. Satan will be
23:52 bound to this earth for a thousand years, better known to
23:56 us as the millennium. He won't be able to deceive;
23:58 he won't be able to ___ because he will be bound up by a
24:01 chain of circumstances. Hallelujah! The righteous will be
24:05 in heaven, looking over the books, participating in judgment,
24:08 seeing who's been naughty and who's been nice. But at the
24:11 end of the millennium, the end of the 1,000 years, Revelation
24:17 20 says there's going to be another resurrection. The rest of
24:22 the dead live not again until the thousand years were finished.
24:27 My Bible says the New Jerusalem will descend from heaven,
24:31 coming down to earth as a bride adorned for her husband.
24:36 Satan one more time will seek to have squatting rights,
24:40 and he will seek to deceive people into thinking they can
24:44 overtake the New Jerusalem as it comes down out of God.
24:47 Why then, will they then surround the New Jerusalem?
24:53 Recognize that fire's going to rain down and God's going
24:56 to destroy Satan, and Satan will have received his eviction notice.
25:00 But why, why--and I say it all the time--why is this special?
25:08 Why is it important that the righteous come down from heaven?
25:15 Why is it important that the wicked are resurrected?
25:20 Because at the end of the 1,000 years you know it,
25:24 this is the only time in earth's history where all
25:27 of us who've ever been alive, we will be alive at the same time.
25:30 Everybody who's lived, we will be alive at the same time.
25:35 Why must we all be alive at the same time? Because the
25:40 prophecy must come to pass that the day is coming where
25:46 every knee shall bow, every tongue must confess that
25:55 Jesus is Lord. Everybody's got to see that Satan is going
26:02 to be evicted. Hallelujah, home at last. The redeemed will
26:08 be home at last, evicted out of heaven, defeated at Calvary,
26:14 squatters' rights given up at the Second Coming.
26:18 At the Third Coming he's going to be evicted eternally.
26:22 Hallelujah, somebody. Aud.: Hallelujah!
26:25 PB: Oh yes, I don't feel no ways tired. I've come
26:29 too far from where I started from. Nobody told me this
26:32 road was going to be easy, but I don't believe that Jesus
26:37 brought Carleton Byrd this far to leave me. I don't believe
26:41 He brought you this far to leave you. At His first coming
26:45 He came to save His people. At His second coming, He's coming
26:49 back to get His people. At his third coming, He's coming back
26:53 with His people. No more crying, no more dying, no more sickness,
26:59 no more pain, no more high blood pressure, no more pills,
27:03 no more walking sticks, no more wheelchairs, no more cancer,
27:09 no more death, no more destruction, no more debt. Who is coming back?
27:16 Jesus is coming back, so lift up your heads, O ye gates,
27:21 lift up your heads and be ye lifted up, ye everlasting doors.
27:28 And the King of Glory shall come in. Who is the King of Glory?
27:37 The Lord, strong and mighty. Who is the King of Glory.
27:44 The Lord mighty in battle. The Lord.
27:51 For some of you this has been a tough week.
27:55 Some of you have emailed me, some of you have called me.
27:59 It's been a tough week. And I want to encourage you,
28:05 the day of Satan's eviction is coming. It's coming sooner
28:08 than we think. And this afternoon I'm just grateful,
28:15 I'm just grateful that God told me He was coming back.
28:21 I'm just grateful the Lord told me hold on, that help
28:25 is on the way. Stand, if you're grateful, join me as we sing
28:30 - End -


Revised 2015-12-31