Breath of Life

Do You See What I See?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Carlton P. Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000199A

00:21 PB: Revelation 13:1. If you have it let me hear you say Amen.
00:26 The Word says, “And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a
00:32 beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns,
00:39 and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
00:46 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were
00:52 as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the
00:58 dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.
01:04 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his
01:08 deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
01:18 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast:
01:24 and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast?
01:34 who is able to make war with him? And there was given unto him a
01:37 mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto
01:42 him to continue forty and two months. And he opened his mouth in
01:48 blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle,
01:51 and them that dwell in heaven. And it was given unto him to make war
01:54 with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all
01:57 kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth
02:01 shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of
02:06 the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. If any man have an ear, let him hear.”
02:18 Our subject today is entitled “Do You See What I See?” Now, God, move,
02:29 move in Oakwood today and move over the airwaves, television, the Internet,
02:37 so everybody who hears this sermon, God, will after this sermon be able to
02:43 see the same thing. Forgive me for my sins, and when your appeal is made,
02:50 I pray that your people respond, respond to your voice. In Jesus' name, Amen.
03:01 When earlier this year, we know the story, a boy can sit in a prayer meeting
03:09 for an hour and listen to people pray, testify and sing, and then open up
03:16 fire and kill nine people because he wants to start a race war,
03:21 do you see what I see? And then in reverse of that action,
03:28 when a deranged man can shoot a news anchor and a cameraman on
03:34 live television in response to this proposed race war,
03:40 do you see what I see? When the Supreme Court can rule in favor
03:48 of same-sex marriage, parades can take place in major cities
03:51 promoting same-sex marriage, and then when you say you're an opponent
03:55 of same-sex marriage because you believe in the biblical definition
03:58 of a man and a woman being married, and then you're crucified, criticized,
04:04 ostracized, not to mention you become a target to human rights litigation,
04:10 do you see what I see? When fires are burning in homes in California,
04:21 tsunami waves are wiping out villages in the South Pacific, and
04:25 Hurricane Joaquin is pelting rain along the east coast from South Carolina
04:30 to Connecticut, producing flooding, storm surge and destruction, prompting
04:35 some of these states to declare a state of emergency, do you see what I see?
04:43 When the United States and Cuba, a communist nation, can restore diplomatic
04:53 relations that were severed 40 years ago, relations that were negotiated
05:00 in secret in Canada and at the Vatican with the papacy, relations that
05:08 have led to the lifting of some U.S. travel restrictions, fewer restrictions
05:12 on financial remittances, giving United States banks access to the Cuban
05:17 financial system and the establishment of a U.S. embassy in Havana which
05:23 originally closed after Cuba became closely allied with Russia in 1961,
05:29 but now we're experiencing the Cuban thaw, and the normalizing of relations
05:38 between the United States and Cuba, do you see what I see?
05:47 Speaking of Russia, when the United States and Russia debate, dispute
05:53 and disagree over the best way to end the conflict in Syria, according
06:00 to President Obama, the Bashar Al-Assad must go, but according to Putin
06:06 he should stay, and all the while we debate, people are dying daily,
06:13 fleeing Syria, do you see what I see? When a 26-year-old man with multiple
06:24 weapons and rounds of ammunition can go into a classroom at a south Oregon
06:28 community college and tell students, “Stand up. Are you a Christian?
06:37 If you are, good, because if you're a Christian you're about to see your
06:42 God in just a few seconds,” and then he shoots and kills nine people,
06:50 do you see what I see? And even that's why here at Oakwood everybody
06:58 just doesn't need to be able to walk everywhere. Everyone does not need
07:03 to be able to have access everywhere. All information, like we knew years
07:09 ago being published everywhere, can't be done today because we're
07:12 living in a sick world. Do you see what I see?
07:17 But then, when a mere man, mere flesh and blood, a mere human being,
07:27 known better to us as Pope Francis, can come to America and
07:34 then millions--not hundreds, not thousands, but millions of people
07:40 can bind and flood the streets in parades, in homage and in awe.
07:49 I mean, think about it. At the G.C. session, that was the most
07:51 Adventists we had in one place. It was only 70,000 of us.
07:54 In Philadelphia, there were two million people. When every station
08:00 on TV, ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, CNN, MSNBC, can cover coverage of his
08:11 every move and every second, when not just Catholics, because all
08:16 three million of those people were not just Catholics, but Protestants,
08:20 Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, cogent, non-denominationals,
08:28 non-church-going folk, even Adventists, to call the Pope a great guy,
08:38 the People's Pope, the people's champ, do you see what I see?
08:47 Time magazine said he's the first pope to do a Google Hangout.
08:54 He's the first to amass over 20 million Twitter followers.
09:00 The age of authority has now given way to the age of persuasion.
09:06 The former nightclub bouncer and slum priest treats every encounter,
09:14 whether with saint or sinner, as an invitation to mercy. You're gay?
09:21 Come home. You're divorced? Come home. You've had an abortion? Come home.
09:32 The pope says that the heart of the pope expands to include everyone.
09:39 The Bible says, “The world wondered after the beast.” Do you see what I see?
09:50 But no, we don't see it because we're asleep. God's remnant church debates
09:59 and argues over the ability to essentially grant world regions the capacity
10:05 to make a decision on how to best spread the gospel in their region.
10:08 While God's remnant church issues infinite, never-ending points of order
10:16 on the rightness or the wrongness of the subject of women's ordination.
10:21 While God's remnant church argues about whether praise and worship is too long,
10:28 too loud, or too much. While God's remnant church argues about carpet colors,
10:36 nominating committee processes, the relevancy of regional conferences,
10:41 chastises millennial worship methods, and challenges the selection
10:47 criteria for church leaders. This fifth-generation Adventist cleric
10:55 wants to know, do you see what I see?
11:01 But we don't see it. Why? We're asleep. When I was a kid, I hated
11:10 to hear my mother say every morning, “It's time to get up.” In my house,
11:17 I didn't hear an alarm clock go off at six in the morning. But I heard
11:24 my mother's footsteps coming around the corner. My mother had these loud slippers.
11:34 And on the hardwood floors of our home, you could hear them, clonk, clonk, clonk, clonk.
11:40 In fact, a Christmas pastime of my family, for me and my siblings, was to each
11:46 buy my mother a new pair of slippers every Christmas. If she's watching right now,
11:53 she's probably laughing because she knows it's true. Each year we would buy her
11:58 a new pair of slippers, hoping they would be softer and more silent than the ones
12:05 she had before. Every year, my mother, for Christmas, was guaranteed three pairs
12:12 of slippers--one from me, one from my brother, and one from my sister.
12:22 To this day, Dr. Belleau, I detest slippers. In my house, when you come,
12:30 we have socks that we give people when they come through the door, not slippers,
12:37 because there's something psychological in my mind about slippers that bothers me,
12:43 because all I can remember is, it's time to wake up.
12:48 But you know what? I didn't want to wake up. I wanted to stay asleep.
12:56 Because to stay asleep was comfy. To stay asleep was comfortable.
13:03 To stay asleep was relaxing. To stay asleep was easy. And so it is in
13:11 spiritual matters. To stay asleep is comfy, it's comfortable, it's relaxing,
13:19 it's easy. But in the name of Jesus it's time to wake up. Do you see what I see?
13:34 You see, whenever we talk about the pope─Dr. Belleau, I heard you did an awesome
13:38 job Thursday. Whenever we talk about the pope and in-time events, Bible prophecies,
13:46 or anything that is eschatological in nature, we mutter, here we go again.
13:53 The pope is the beast. Ellen White is a prophet. The seventh day is the Sabbath.
13:59 The church is God's remnant, the time of trouble is coming, and we're going to have
14:04 to go into hiding. We say it with such cavalier feeling, and I feel we have said it
14:12 so much that we don't even realize we're closer now than when we first believed.
14:19 Years ago, when the preacher stood up with his Bible, he had a Bible in one hand
14:27 and he had the newspaper in the other hand. And we called that preaching.
14:34 But now if I do that, now if I don't hoot, if I don't holler, if I don't
14:43 jump up and down, if I don't start singing while I'm preaching, we haven't had church.
14:48 But when I preach what I'm preaching today, I'm now an alarmist, a conspiracy theorist,
14:56 a heretic who has lost his mind. Pastor Byrd, don't tell me about sin, don't
15:04 tell me about judgment, don't tell me about transgression, don't preach anything hard.
15:10 Just give me easy. Just give me feel good. Just give me cotton-candy preaching.
15:18 Sweet and big on the outside and ___ on empty on the inside.
15:22 Friends of mine, today we see things taking place we never thought we'd see before.
15:28 On the news channels, the Internet, social media, we see turmoil and chaos in every
15:35 place of the world. And what we're witnessing is the groundwork being laid for the
15:42 end of the world and the coming of Jesus to take place.
15:47 Now, people can be asleep and laugh at me all they want. But let's call the roll today.
15:59 For all those who thought Adventists were conspiracy theorists, let's call the roll today.
16:04 Jesus prophesied in Matthew 24 that there would be wars and rumors of wars.
16:11 In the past century we've had World War I, World War II, we've had Korean war,
16:17 Vietnam war, Gulf war, Bosnia war, war on terror in Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan.
16:22 ISIS is out of control, and we're on the brink of war right now with Syria.
16:26 Do you see what I see?
16:31 Jesus also said in Matthew 24 that there would be famines, earthquakes, and there
16:36 would be pestilence in diverse places. We have starvation right now in Africa.
16:40 Fires and earthquakes in California. Tsunamis in the South Pacific. And when
16:46 hurricane Katrina and superstorm Sandy came to the United States in recent years,
16:50 we thought, man, what is this? And right now we have hurricane Joaquin threatening.
16:56 And then all these natural disasters. They're only going to get worse as
17:00 global warming rises and threatens the environment. Do you see what I see?
17:09 John prophesied in Revelation 6:12 that there would be a great earthquake
17:13 followed by the sun being black, the moon turning to blood, and we're sitting
17:19 around waiting for this to happen, not realizing November the first, 1755, the great
17:25 Lisbon earthquake took place where nearly four million square miles in Europe,
17:31 America and Africa were covered. John then said that this earthquake was going
17:36 to be followed by the darkening of the sun and the moon turning to blood.
17:40 Exactly 25 years later, May 19, 1780, the dark day took place here in the U.S.
17:47 No sun, no light, just a dark day. That night, the moon arose, but when the moon
17:53 became visible, it had the appearance of blood, just like John said.
17:58 Do you see what I see? But John also said in Revelation 6:13 that there would
18:04 be falling stars just before Jesus' coming. On November 13, 1833, the stars fell,
18:12 from Canada to Mexico, from the mid-Atlantic to the Pacific. The sad thing is,
18:19 these events, the dark days, the moon turning the blood, the earthquake,
18:23 these things were all going to happen during the sixth seal of Revelation 6.
18:29 What we don't realize is, the events that have taken place in the sixth seal,
18:34 these three things, have already occurred. Which means, friends of mine,
18:38 the only thing left is for the things to take place in the seventh seal,
18:42 and in the seventh seal is the coming of the Lord.
18:46 [Aud. reaction] Do you see what I see? It was Ellen White,
18:54 and people don't believe in Ellen White like they should anymore.
18:57 Oh, you all want to say Amen, that's all right, I'll be by myself today.
19:02 Ellen White, you better start believing in her writings, because anybody
19:06 with a third-grade education, but is arguably the most translated author
19:09 in the world, somebody better recognize, she had to be divinely inspired
19:14 to do what she did in her writings. Ellen White, she prophesied and told us,
19:21 she told us in “Life Sketches” of the destruction that would take place in New York.
19:29 On February 15, 1904, she told us, she said, When I was last in New York,
19:34 I was in the night season, called upon to behold buildings rise in story
19:38 after story toward heaven. These buildings were warranted and supposed
19:42 to be fireproof. They were erected, she said, to glorify the owners.
19:47 Higher and higher, she said, these buildings rose, and in them the
19:50 most costly material was used. She said, “The next thing that passed
19:54 before me was an alarm of fire.” Men looked at lofty and supposedly
19:59 fireproof buildings and they said, they are perfectly safe.
20:02 But these buildings were consumed as if made of pitch.
20:07 She said the fire engines are not going to be able to do anything
20:10 to stop the destruction. Now, you can talk about Ellen White
20:13 all you want, but all I know is, on 9-11, September the 11th, 2001,
20:21 I was sitting in a business law class working on my MBA degree at
20:25 Tennessee State University in Nashville, when all of a sudden I
20:27 remember the teacher in that class say, “Class is over, go home.” Why?
20:30 The mighty twin towers, supposedly fireproof buildings. Because if
20:38 a plane hits from the top, the top should fall, but does it descend
20:42 down like this? Things tumbling down. Do you see what I see?
20:54 But let's keep calling the roll. Because I may never _____.
20:58 There's a sexual revolution in the land. Adultery. Fornication.
21:09 Not outside of church, in the church.
21:12 [Aud. reaction] Pornography. Open marriage. Mate-swapping.
21:19 The sexual abuse of children. Homosexuality. AIDS and venereal
21:25 diseases are at an all-time high. Same-sex marriage is legal
21:33 in this land. Paul told us it would happen in the last days.
21:39 II Timothy 3:1-5, “This we know also, that in the last days
21:44 perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves,
21:49 covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents,
21:54 unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers,
22:00 false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
22:04 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
22:09 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof:
22:17 from such turn away.” Do you see what I see?
22:23 But then there's the rise of the papacy. We don't even understand
22:28 the importance and significance of the most recent papal visit to
22:33 the United States and his meeting with President Obama.
22:37 Just this past week, you had the two most powerful men
22:42 on earth meeting together: the foremost leader in world
22:48 government and the foremost leader in church government.
22:52 Now, let me be clear for those watching. I'm not here to
22:54 argue about whether the pope is a nice man or not.
22:58 I am not here to denigrate, castigate or dog out Catholics.
23:03 That's not my job. I have learned over the years that you
23:08 don't maximize yourself by minimizing somebody else.
23:12 Because you can't be big as long as little has you.
23:15 I wish I had a witness in this place. [Aud. reaction]
23:17 But I'm here to preach prophecy. And I know preaching
23:22 prophecy doesn't make me popular. But you can't be popular
23:28 and prophetic at the same time. So Revelation 13 says,
23:34 verse 1, “And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a
23:40 beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns,
23:43 and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
23:46 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard,” everybody say leopard.
23:49 “His feet were as the feet of a bear,” everybody say bear,
23:52 “and his mouth as the mouth of a lion,” everybody say lion,
23:54 “and the dragon gave him his power,” say power, “his seat,” say seat,
23:59 “and great authority.” What did the dragon give the beast?
24:08 Power. Seat. And not just authority, great authority.
24:15 Now, the dragon, in case you don't know the parallel,
24:19 represents Satan. But also in this instance represents pagan Rome.
24:25 Now, when we talk about water in Bible prophecy, we're talking
24:29 about people, we're talking about what, everybody?
24:32 History is clear, that the papacy received its power and
24:37 authority from old pagan Rome. Now, when we talk about a beast,
24:43 a beast in Bible prophecy represents a kingdom.
24:46 It represents a what, everybody? The continuation of the Roman
24:50 world empire is the Roman Catholic Church. [Aud. reaction]
24:55 The pope, according to Catholics, not Pastor Byrd, but the pope,
25:01 according to Catholics, is Caesar's successor. Do you see what I see?
25:09 Revelation 13:3, it says, “And the beast would be wounded to death.”
25:14 But this wound, this deadly wound, would heal.
25:18 It would what, everybody? And all the world would wonder after the what?
25:22 Wonder after what? Now, in 1798, study your history, General Berthier,
25:29 French general of Napoleon's army when Napoleon was trying to conquer
25:33 the world, took the pope captive, and the pope died in exile.
25:39 The beast would be wounded to death. Many people in our world thought
25:44 that the pope was done. He would die in exile. But the Bible
25:48 has to be truth, that he would receive a deadly wound, but that
25:52 wound would have to heal. In the concordant of 1929,
25:56 Benito Mussolini restored the power of the papacy.
25:59 Just as the Bible predicted the wound of the papacy would heal.
26:05 The papacy is now arguably the most influential power on earth.
26:11 All the world wonders after him. He's a people person.
26:18 He's charismatic. He's loved. He's admired.
26:25 He was Time magazine's Person of the Year. He looks good.
26:32 The devil is not going to come at you ugly. The devil is
26:37 not going to come at you with horns, a tail, a pitchfork and a red suit.
26:44 You all hear what I'm saying. People travel all over the world to see him.
26:49 All the world wonders after the beast. Do you see what I see?
26:57 Oh, but it gets more. Go to verse five. The beast would speak great
27:01 things and blasphemies. The Bible defines blasphemy as being
27:08 to make yourself God. And declaring to have the power to forgive sin.
27:16 The pope claims to be God on earth. But we're running around after the pope.
27:22 In fact, the pope sees himself not only as the representative of Jesus Christ,
27:27 but Catholics believe he is Jesus Christ, hidden under the veil of ____,
27:31 and that he has the power to forgive sins. But let me be clear today, even on TV.
27:37 Let me be clear. I don't have to go praying to the pope to receive
27:45 forgiveness for my sins. I don't have to go confess my sins to another
27:52 man on another side of the window and tell him all my business,
27:57 and tell him all my sins. I don't have to confess to a pope or
28:01 anybody else for my sins. But my Bible says that if we confess our sins,
28:10 Jesus is faithful and just to forgive me of my sins and cleanse me
28:18 from all of my unrighteousness. Do you see what I see?
28:23 END


Revised 2015-10-09