Breath of Life

Three Things God Can't Do

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Carlton P. Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000196A

00:04 Are you looking for an exciting change in your life?
00:07 Well, get ready for a breath of new life.
00:11 And now, here he is, speaker/director of Breath of Life Ministries, Dr. Carlton Byrd.
00:19 PB: The great E. E. Cleveland had a powerful impact on all of our lives.
00:24 In his evangelistic meetings, he was known for his catchy sermon titles.
00:31 Some of you may not be old enough to remember them, and some of your have been around a while,
00:35 and you'll know this one: "Adam's mother's birthday."
00:40 "The Man Who Returned from Hell with a Story to Tell."
00:46 "Three Ways to Postpone Your Funeral." "When Seven Women Take Hold of One Man."
00:55 "When Money Is Thrown into the Streets and Nobody Will Pick It Up."
01:00 Or, "The Father Didn't; the Son Couldn't; the Apostles Wouldn't; So Who Did?"
01:10 But then there was one I liked, "Three Things God Can't Do."
01:18 And so it's from that title that we go to Carlton Byrd's style
01:23 in the Back to School Revival context.
01:27 Three Things God Can't Do. Now, you will remember quickly that God
01:33 brought the children out of Egypt.
01:35 He delivered the children of Egypt from the Egyptians by making the Red Sea
01:38 a dry highway. God did this because Israel was God's chosen--everybody say chosen.
01:45 Aud.: Chosen. PB: They were God's blessed. Come on, say blessed.
01:48 Aud.: Blessed. PB: And when you're God's chosen and God's blessed,
01:51 no devil in hell can stop God's blessing on your life.
01:54 Let folk talk about you all they want. Let folk curse you all they want,
02:01 but God says He'll bless those that bless you and He'll curse those
02:05 that curse you. That's why when you're blessed and folk are cursed,
02:09 and you wonder why they're never blessed, it's because they're
02:12 cursing God's blessed. Do I have a witness in this place?
02:15 And just because Israel is God's blessed, Israel is God's chosen,
02:18 God's look out for them. God takes care of them. God provides for them.
02:23 In the book of Numbers, specifically if you read Numbers 22 and 23,
02:27 the Bible will tell you that after defeating enemy after enemy the
02:31 Israelites moved to the Plains of Moab, and the king of Moab was a
02:35 man by the name of Balak. Balak was intimidated by the move of
02:40 the children of Israel. Balak had heard about the children of Israel.
02:44 He had heard about their military exploits. The Israelites had just
02:48 defeated the Amorites, and Balak was concerned about his territory.
02:52 He was concerned, because he was scared that the Israelites were going
02:56 to overtake his territory. That's just like God's people today.
03:02 You've got some folk intimated, and you don't even know it.
03:07 You've got some folk scared. It's not your fault, it's just a fact
03:13 that you are God's chosen. You're God's blessed. That's why some folk
03:17 look at you like they look at you. That's why some folk treat you like
03:21 they treat you, because you've got them intimidated, you've got them scared.
03:25 But let me give those folks some help today: Don't hate the player but hate the game.
03:30 Do I have a witness in this place? Israel was nothing more than a preacher and a choir.
03:37 Balak was scared of a preacher and a choir. Why? Because Balak knew God had His hand on it.
03:48 So what does Balak do? Balak calls for Balaam, the prophet of God, and Balak tells Balaam,
03:54 I want you to infiltrate the camp of the Israelites. I'm going to pay you, and I want you to go in,
04:00 and I want you to curse Israel so we can overtake Israel, because if you go in and pronounce
04:06 the curse, then I can go in and I can overtake them. But Balak was wasting his time asking
04:14 Balaam to curse Israel, because Israel was God's blessed. Ellen White says in
04:20 "Patriarchs and Prophets," that when Balaam was called to curse Israel,
04:23 he could not by all his enchantment bring evil upon them, so even if he wanted to curse
04:31 the people of God, he couldn't do it. But not only that, if you read the entire
04:36 chapters, 22 and 23, you will notice that Balak took Balaam to several places to
04:42 try to entice him to curse the Israelites. Balak thought a change in scenery would
04:49 change Balaam's mind. But I'm here to let somebody know, changing locations won't
04:55 change God's will. God blesses people not places, are you hearing what I'm saying?
05:01 When God is walking with you, when God is taking care of you, God is with you wherever you go.
05:08 You don't have to worry about the conspiracies that try to come up against you.
05:11 You don't have to worry about the silent attacks that you're not privy to.
05:15 My Bible says no weapon formed against you is going to prosper. If God be for us,
05:21 who can be against us? But the Bible says that Balaam goes in, he looks around the
05:30 Israelite camp, and he notices how God takes care of Israel. Balaam comes back to
05:37 Balak and he says, Look, King, I went in. And I found something when I went in.
05:44 I found out some things about God. I found number one, that God can't lie.
05:53 [Aud. reaction] PB: You see, king, you want me to go in and you want me to
05:58 curse them so that you might come in and conquer him. But I need you to understand
06:03 that God is faithful to His children; that it's not in God's nature, neither is it
06:09 in God's character, to lie. If God says He's going to do something,
06:13 then God's going to do it. God said the children of Israel are blessed.
06:19 God's not a liar, and I can't change what God has said. God is not a man
06:24 that he should lie nor the Son of Man that he should repent. If God said it,
06:28 that settles it. God does not make declarations without the intent to perform.
06:35 God is not like the folk in your life who just say stuff just to be getting something.
06:39 But God says, When I speak my Word, I don't take that back. It may look sometimes it's
06:47 not going to happen, but you've got to believe it's going to happen. And I've learned
06:52 in my life that sometimes when God speaks, it may take years for the manifestation to
07:00 come to fruition. Am I talking to anybody in this place? [Aud. reaction]
07:04 PB: Has God spoken in somebody's life, and it looks like it's taking forever and ever and ever.
07:11 But I've come to remind somebody that delay is not denial. He m ay not come when You want Him,
07:19 but He's always right on time. [Aud. reaction]
07:23 PB: You've got to hear His Word, receive His Word, and then to doubt His Word is
07:30 to call God a liar. God is not a liar. The promises of God are yes and amen.
07:36 So yes is going to happen; amen, it's already done. You oughta hear that.
07:44 Yes, it's going to happen; amen, it's already done. In fact, when God speaks a thing--
07:53 I believe I've got a witness that understands it's already done before you start it.
07:59 [Aud. reaction] PB: Which is why you'd better learn how to have a "yet" praise.
08:03 The devil's telling you you're not going to be blessed of God. You'd better tell the devil, No!
08:07 You just haven't been blessed yet. If God's going to do it. you'd better believe
08:14 that God's going to do it. If God promised you He will heal you, it's already done.
08:19 If He promised you He's going to bring you out, it's already done.
08:24 If He promised you financial clearance, it's already done.
08:29 If He's already promised you a job, it's already done. God said if my Word abides in you,
08:37 and you abide in Me, if you just ask what you will and it shall be done.
08:44 That's why we don't have to wait till it happens, we can shout now. Because God has already
08:49 spoken it in our lives. Do I have a witness in this place? And so God can't lie. I said, God can't lie.
08:58 [Aud. reaction] PB: And let me throw this in, 'cause I've got to make it practical.
09:01 Practical for back to school. If God can't lie, then His people shouldn't lie.
09:09 [Aud. reaction] PB: If God can't lie, then His people shouldn't lie.
09:19 And we've got too much lying in the church. All right, it's getting quiet. That's all right.
09:26 It used to be that a man's word was a man's bond. But too many of us are prone to fabrication.
09:33 We stretch the truth. People determine your character by what you stand for,
09:39 what you fall for and what you life for. An unconsecrated tongue is like a
09:43 torch fire in barren forest. Somebody will say something and we run with it like it's truth.
09:49 But don't be so quick to believe everything you read, everything you hear, everything you see.
09:57 Everything on the Internet is not true. Everything on Facebook is not true. Some of this stuff
10:05 is photoshopped, phony-shopped, and fraud-shopped. Everything somebody tells you may not be
10:14 the way it actually was. I tell people all the time, there are three sides to every story. Yours. Mine.
10:20 And the truth. Are you hearing what I'm saying? When somebody comes running, telling you something,
10:24 you'd better consider your source. I don't care who it is. Do I have a witness in this place?
10:29 Quit slandering the lives of other people talking about stuff you don't know anything you're talking about.
10:34 Talking about lying, I was on a plane, reading, a couple of years ago.
10:37 I was reading the USA Today. And it had an interesting article there in the Life Section,
10:42 called "Alibis for Purchase." Everybody say alibis--come on, alibis.
10:48 Aud.: Alibis. PB: For purchase. What it was saying was this: For three hundred dollars,
10:53 you can get on the Internet and charge up an alibi. You can get receipts for plane tickets,
11:03 hotels, people that you met with, business associates, and you can buy a lie for a mere
11:12 three hundred dollars. And then, if you send in five hundred dollars you can get the elaborate package.
11:20 Somebody's looking at me, talking about what's the web address. Come on, say amen.
11:26 [Aud. reaction] PB: We have a propensity to lie, and we lie in all directions.
11:33 We lie to ourselves, we lie to others. Oh, you don't know what I'm talking about.
11:38 Let me call the roll. Makeup companies. Make up companies. Help us lie about ourselves.
11:48 When you take it off, you see the truth. Do I have a witness in this place?
11:53 [Aud. reaction] PB: I just saw on Facebook, I don't know if it's true.
11:58 Some dude married some lady, she took off her makeup. He divorced her and said,
12:02 This is not what I thought I married. Extended hair. Don't look around, look at me.
12:07 [Aud. reaction] PB: Extended nails. Extended eyelashes. Braids. Weave, and the like.
12:18 Help us lie about our--tell the truth, shame the devil. [Aud. reaction]
12:25 PB: Colognes, perfumes, deodorants--they also help us lie about our selves.
12:34 But given their purpose, maybe they're better than the truth. come on, say amen.
12:40 [Aud. reaction] PB: Clothing also helps us lie about ourselves. Some of us tell the truth,
12:47 we're robbing Peter to pay Paul. Oh, you're ___--on the outside. We look good,
12:56 with Gucci. Prada. Hugo Boss. St. Johns. Gavana. But on the inside, we're just as broke,
13:08 running to Taco Bell. I see you. [Aud. reaction]
13:13 PB: Sneaking hot sauce packets for Doritos. Running to McDonald's, getting napkins for
13:20 our dinner tables. Or better yet, right there on the corner of Jordan University,
13:24 going to Popeyes to get jelly. Come on, say amen. [Aud. reaction]
13:31 PB: Don't act like you haven't done it. Come on, say amen.
13:37 [Aud. reaction] PB: I just have to use the bathroom, and you go sneak some jelly,
13:40 and, can I just get some water? And then you head on out. Don't act like you don't
13:42 know what I'm talking about. College students, being in college is a temporary state of poverty.
13:52 But we lie. No truth in us. But God can't lie. And we shouldn't lie either.
14:01 Stop lying to yourself. You are not a size 8 anymore. [Aud. reaction]
14:08 PB: You are a 16. Preach, Pastor Byrd! I'm doing the best I can!
14:14 [Aud. reaction] PB: So take off that size 8 and go get a size 16.
14:17 Are you hearing what I'm saying? [Aud. reaction]
14:20 PB: Stop lying. [Aud. reaction] PB: Amen. Honesty is of God, and dishonesty of the devil.
14:33 I'm telling these choirs and praise teams this year, you all can't put on
14:36 size 16 and put some robes on. Come on, say amen. Stop lying to yourself.
14:42 The devil was a liar from the beginning and he's a liar now. But God can't lie.
14:49 And neither should you lie. Do I have a witness in this place? But not only that,
14:54 Balaam says, number two, Balak: God can't force us to love Him. Balaam tells Balak,
15:04 God can't make them love Him. If God could make them love Him, then we could undo it.
15:14 But they love Him voluntarily. They're loyal voluntarily. So king, it's going to be hard
15:20 for you to go in, mess with them, because they love God too much. It's going to be hard,
15:28 king, for you to pull them away from church because they love God too much.
15:33 It's going to be hard for some relationship to stop them from going to church
15:38 because they love God too much. It's going to be hard for them not to return tithe
15:44 because they love God too much. It's going to be hard for them to sit up in church
15:50 and be stuck up, because they love God too much. They don't have idols,
15:59 they don't worship Baal, like you. But they worship the God of heaven and the God of earth.
16:05 They've grown up loving Him. Unlike the folk in Moab who you force to love you ,
16:11 these folk generally genuinely love God. You see, friends of mine, all the way from
16:16 Genesis to Revelation, God never messes with free will. God created us with the power of choice,
16:22 that we can love Him or not love Him. But what I love about my God is He loves us in spite of us.
16:28 And how God dealt with Israel is a demonstration of love. Yes, they were often rebellious.
16:34 Yes, they were naughty by nature. Yes, they were unappreciative of God's love,
16:40 but God never left them. I must confess today, I'm so glad some of you all are not God.
16:48 Aud.: Amen. PB: Because some of you all would leave me. You would leave other folks.
16:54 But God has never left us. God never cut us off. Hallelujah, somebody. God allowed
17:00 Israel to go through some stuff in order that they might recognize His presence
17:04 and desire a relationship with Him that was beyond the surface. God's allowing
17:07 some of you right now in this place, some of you watching right now on television--
17:12 God is allowing you to go through experience after experience after experience until
17:17 you finally realize what a real relationship with God is all about. 'Cause I'm a witness,
17:23 the only way you're going to understand what a real relationship with God is all
17:26 about where you really love Him, is you have to go through stuff.
17:29 I'm talking about some stuff. Where no one or nothing else can get you out but God.
17:38 God says I can't force you to have a personal relationship with Me.
17:44 All I can do is take you through enough stuff so that one day you'll
17:48 realize where your real help comes from. God says, I cannot force you
17:53 to return tithes and offerings. I just hope one day you'll love Me
17:56 enough to return it. God says, I can't force you to come to church,
18:01 but I hope you go through enough stuff where every Sabbath you realize
18:04 you can't wait till you get to the house of God. God says, I can't force
18:09 you to praise Me, but I hope that you go through enough stuff that you
18:15 will fall in love with Me. That you will fall in love with Me enough that
18:20 whether there's a praise team, whether there's a choir in the loft,
18:24 that whether Anthony Brown comes or not, where you'll praise Me in your car,
18:29 you'll praise me on your job, you'll praise Me in the classroom. God doesn't
18:35 force us to love Him, but we ought to love Him. Oh, how I love Jesus.
18:40 Now, for the practical application. God doesn't force us to love Him.
18:46 Stop trying to force people to love you. Church, quit trying to make people
18:54 love you who don't even like you. [Aud. reaction]
18:57 PB: In any positive relationship there must be reciprocity.
19:02 Everybody say reciprocity. Aud.: Reciprocity.
19:04 PB: Reciprocity means give and take. Reciprocity means,
19:09 if I bring the ice cream, you've got to bring the cake.
19:14 If I bring the peanut butter, you bring the jelly.
19:17 If I bring the rice, you gotta bring the peas. But I'm not bringing
19:23 ice cream, cake, peanut butter, jelly, rice and peas and you're not
19:27 bringing anything to the table. Reciprocity means, you have to love her--
19:33 listen to me, young people--you have to love her and she has to love you.
19:39 Reciprocity means you have to love him, and he has to love you.
19:43 Quit trying to force people to love you. The first time you know
19:47 something is wrong in your relationship, when you're trying to get
19:49 somebody to love you, when the person you're so in love with you
19:52 can't even get them to say the words. You're talking about I love you,
19:58 and they're talking about, well, I care about you. [Aud. reaction]
20:04 PB: You like that, Brother Lang? I love you. Well, I'm really in like with you.
20:12 [Aud. reaction] PB: Or this is the favorite, all-time number one:
20:14 I love you. Me too. [Aud. reaction]
20:17 PB: No. If you love me, tell me you love me. Are you hearing what I'm saying?
20:21 [Aud. reaction] PB: There's something wrong when you're the one always calling.
20:26 They've got your home number, your work number, your cell number,
20:29 but you're always the one calling. There's something wrong with that.
20:32 You're always the one that's giving and they never give anything.
20:35 You're always the one that's supportive and they never support you with anything.
20:38 You're always running behind them and they never run behind you.
20:41 You ought to make up your mind that I'm coming out of these
20:43 one-sided relationships, where I've always got to give something
20:47 and I'm not getting anything in return. If I call you, then baby,
20:50 you can call me, too. If I email you, then you can email me.
20:54 If I rub your feet, then you can rub my feet. If I buy gifts for you,
20:58 you can buy some gifts for me. If I do nice things for you,
21:01 you ought to do nice things for me. You've got to make up in your mind,
21:05 I'm going to stop falling in love with people who don't even like me. '
21:10 Cause there are some folk up in here, some folk watching,
21:15 who are in love with folk that can't stand you.
21:19 I'm going to go some more. You're in here now. But not only that,
21:26 we're talking about God can't force people to love Him, you can't
21:29 force him to love you, you can't force her to love you. There ought to be
21:31 some reciprocity when it comes to your faith system. Pretty quiet now.
21:38 Your belief system. Your moral system. Your values system.
21:44 Your love and understanding for God and the things of God.
21:47 I'm tired of seeing people with all this godly promise on their life,
21:51 and as soon as you meet somebody you can't go to church.
21:54 You don't want to hear anything about God, and you let them bring you
21:58 down to their level. Now you're too tired to come to church,
22:02 too tired to come to Sabbath school, can't go to choir rehearsal.
22:05 Now you don't have anymore money to return tithe and offering to give to God,
22:08 because you travel around the world, hanging out with them,
22:10 going from city to city buying any and everything for them.
22:13 And God says, Why don't you bring them up to your level?
22:18 Why don't you say to them, if you're going to be with me,
22:20 you're going to have to come to church. Because as for me and my house,
22:26 we're going to serve the Lord. Do I have a witness in this place?
22:29 You'd better tell them, I believe in salvation. I believe in
22:34 the Second Coming of Jesus. I believe in the Sabbath.
22:38 I believe in commitment, I believe in honesty, I believe in integrity,
22:43 I believe in good credit. Hello, somebody. [Aud. reaction]
22:48 PB: Stop forcing people to love you that they don't like you.
22:51 The problem is, you think that God is giving them to you for you
22:55 to change them. God has not called you to social work.
23:01 [Aud. reaction] PB: Let me tell you something. Can I be real today?
23:06 You can't change anybody. You can't do it. Only God can change.
23:13 And you ought to know by now that if they're not doing what God says do,
23:18 you should know they're not going to do what you say do. Do I have a witness
23:21 in this place? Stop playing yourself. Stop loving folk who don't love you.
23:28 Men, when the relationship is of God; women, if the relationship is of God,
23:31 then your goals, your dreams and your desires that God has placed within you
23:35 will be the same goals, dreams and desires that God will place in your spouse.
23:39 There is no way you can want good credit and they don't. There's no way you can
23:44 want salvation and they don't. Are you hearing what I'm saying? There is no way
23:49 that you can want the best out of life and they don't. Why? You're flesh of my flesh,
23:54 bone of my bones. What hurts you ought to hurt me. What makes you happy ought to
24:01 make me happy. Stop trying to force people to love you.
24:05 Let me give you some more. Reciprocity. They must love you, and you must love them.
24:14 Now, I love contemporary music. Oo, hallelujah. But I'm with the old school
24:18 and we're getting away from some of this stuff, and I'm about to bring it back.
24:21 Somebody going to get mad, but that's all right, I love you anyhow.
24:25 Pastor Byrd is convinced that Christians ought to marry Christians.
24:32 [Aud. reaction] PB: Oh, you don't like that. Christians ought to date Christians.
24:42 Are you hearing what I--I'm trying to help somebody. [Aud. reaction]
24:46 PB: No pun intended to other faith groups but Christians ought to marry Christians.
24:51 And notice I said Christians before I said Adventists, because there are some
24:54 Adventists that are not Christians! [Aud. reaction]
24:59 PB: Heh-heh-heh-hey! [Aud. reaction]
25:02 PB: Let me tell you something. If dogs can get with dogs, cats can get with cats,
25:17 and if fish can get with fish, then Christians--and even Seventh-day Adventist Christians--
25:23 ought to get with Christians. And Seventh-day Adventist Christians.
25:28 How can two walk together lest they agree? You don't have time to be
25:32 changing anybody, you need to get yourself right. [Aud. reaction]
25:36 PB: Stop trying to force people to love you, who can't stand you.
25:44 If God doesn't do it, then you can't do it either. Finally, the last thing.
25:54 God says number three: Balaam says to Balak, God can't fight and lose.
26:08 God can't fight and lose. Now look at verse number 22 one last time.
26:19 The Bible says that God brought them out of Egypt and he has, as it were,
26:25 the strength of a unicorn. God brought them out of Egypt, and he has,
26:32 as it were, the strength of a unicorn. Now, Israel was always the underdog,
26:40 but God--thank You, Jesus--always delivered them. Which means, there's nothing
26:47 you're going through that God can't deliver you up out of.
26:52 Aud.: Amen! PB: Now, remember: Israel was nothing more than
26:55 a preacher and a choir. A preacher and a what, everybody?
26:58 Aud.: Choir. PB: And when you hear--
28:09 Thank you for joining us for another exciting broadcast.
28:13 We'd like you to partner with us as we offer the Breath of Life to a dying world.
28:19 All of our sermon titles and DVDs can be purchased at
28:25 Until next time, God loves you.


Revised 2015-08-27