PBar cha 1er er Tor Gay"AhemeJeo: 00:00:18.25\00:00:30.83 the n ofae, sat by the wadegiAnenherdt asus s,u ofid, vemercy on me. Jesus stood 00:00:38.67\00:00:56.79 still, reancr a s d d him be called. d thale d ntm,ofd mf r helehee. And he, cngayis gntsed 00:00:56.79\00:01:07.73 Ansusw a santm, What wilt thou that I should do unto thee? The blind man said him, rd, that I 00:01:07.76\00:01:16.37 might receive my sight. And Jesus said unto him, Go thy way; thy faith"--thy what, everybody? 00:01:16.40\00:01:27.32 Aud: Faith. d foowed Jesus in the way." Our message today isntitd ryinAbove the owd. Faer, 00:01:27.32\00:01:36.86 Now as we preach Your word we And we'll be careful to give You ay f Your divi Spit in the 00:01:47.50\00:01:50.71 praise, the honor and the orr You're g th place. Mo--mo in is place. in the appeal time. I 00:01:50.74\00:01:56.51 pray that Your Spirit speak in such a way that individuals would respond to Your voice, 00:02:03.12\00:02:12.16 It's in the name of Jesus we pr. Amen. Crying Above the Crowd. The New Testament records more 00:02:12.19\00:02:22.44 than one sry wre Jus healed people who were blind. In fact, if you read the New Testament 00:02:22.47\00:02:27.54 narrative you will discover that there are five instances recorded where Jesus healed the 00:02:27.58\00:02:35.92 blind. The first is in Matthew chapter 9, where Jesus healed two blind men; the second is in 00:02:35.95\00:02:42.46 Mark chapter 8, when Jesus put saliva on a blind man's eyes and then the man was able to see. 00:02:42.49\00:02:50.07 Jesus finished healing the man, Jesus told the brother, Now go home. Don't even go to the 00:02:50.10\00:02:58.17 village, but just go home." The third instance is one of my favorite Bible narratives, and I 00:02:58.21\00:03:04.81 ieflshar it Wednesy nit. Is fod in Jo chaer 9 where Jesund He reads mud on a blind man's eyes 00:03:04.81\00:03:13.22 who was blindfrom his bth. The man is miraculously able then to e. Wn Jes heed thisan t peoe 00:03:13.22\00:03:21.86 di't undetandow the man was healed or who healed the man. So they began to ask "How can you 00:03:21.90\00:03:31.21 see? Who healed you? Who was it? Y've been ind nce ur birth; howre y nowble see?" steaof bng 00:03:31.21\00:03:41.02 hpy for thman-nd tt's just like some people, they can't rejoice in your healing; they can't 00:03:41.05\00:03:46.59 rejoice in your deliverance; they can't rejoice in your miracle--they hated on the man 00:03:46.62\00:03:54.20 and questioned the authenticity of his miracle. But then the man said--I like this part--he said, 00:03:54.20\00:04:01.60 "Look, I don't know who healed me. I don't know whether itas ainneor not. I n't knowhe m's 00:04:01.64\00:04:09.11 name, I don't know where he cam from, I don't know his mama or daddy, but one thing I do know: 00:04:09.14\00:04:18.49 that I was blind, but now I see." The fourth New Testame story isound inatth 12 and 00:04:18.49\00:04:23.02 Lukepter 11, who wablind, but not only was thman ind, got through wi himthe n uld talk. 00:04:28.86\00:04:35.67 llelujah! The man could see, thank You Jesus. And the demons hagoneomewhere ee. Iith I haa 00:04:35.70\00:04:39.31 halleluj in is plac [Aud. reaction] The fifth New Testament story, blind story, 00:04:39.31\00:04:46.98 which is where we are day,ecord inhree ples. Markhapt 10,atth chapter 20, Lu chaer 18. Jesus 00:04:47.02\00:04:53.22 and His disciples, the Bible says they're going to Jericho. They go on the Jericho Road and 00:04:53.25\00:04:59.23 find a blind beggar on the side of the road, theame Barmaeus. Bli Baimae, anhe cries o to 00:04:59.26\00:05:08.07 Jesus. And the story says that Jesus miraculous cur him of his e we d't have mu tim 00:05:08.10\00:05:13.24 Understand that the xt ss Bartimus mnt, s na meant soof 00:05:13.27\00:05:21.08 TaeusNow, y ist nessarfor the Bible to add that Bartimaeus was the son of Timaeus? 00:05:21.12\00:05:27.82 Couldn't the Bible have just said, blind Bartimus? ll, thBible mentns Taeus 00:05:27.86\00:05:33.16 it must have speal mning of why it mentioned it. Timaeus meant 00:05:33.19\00:05:39.47 "highly prized." And though Bartimaeus was the son of a highly prized man, Bartimae 00:05:39.50\00:05:54.35 wastilllind Though hcamerom e rit Though he gave him good stock, familythou he me fm the 00:05:54.38\00:06:03.73 though he gave him good li w rit anstryhe w still ind. Dot thk that jusbecae u mit be a Kendy, 00:06:03.76\00:06:09.00 Trum a ckefeller, Busor a Clton Sometimes our heritage, our pedigree a the valuereceed from 00:06:18.17\00:06:25.91 o parents and our ancestryay bnd u from the truth that we're spiritually still blind, and we 00:06:25.95\00:06:34.96 still need Jesus. Bartimaeus was not bld because of his daddy, but the fact that he was the son 00:06:34.99\00:06:40.66 of a highly prized man still didn't allow him to have vision, he was still blind. How ny tes 00:06:40.70\00:06:47.80 have I ard peop say"Well, my rent arthisnd that." wasorn intohis." I'm ad y're proud you 00:06:56.08\00:07:02.48 hetagend your anstrybut I dot care whoour rent ar I don't care where you were born, where you 00:07:02.48\00:07:06.72 live, how big your house is, or wheryou me om, 're l bld wiout Jesus. Yo orin, yr lineage,our 00:07:06.76\00:07:14.66 pediee a your histy wi not sa you. ly Jesus can. I sh Iad a witness thiplace. [Aud. 00:07:14.73\00:07:17.17 reaction] PB: Now, quickly. We know that whenomeo los oneense, whher 's yr sit, whetherit'sour 00:07:17.20\00:07:25.84 ste, ur touch, ur hringr yo speakingyou ve trely on another sense to compensate for the loss 00:07:25.87\00:07:44.89 of one sense. my level ohearg is hehtened andas t abity to compense fothe ss of my sight. 00:07:44.93\00:07:51.87 Are you hearg wh I'maying? Thtextays at Btimaeus was blind, but the text also says that he 00:07:51.90\00:07:59.91 hea it was Jesus of Nazareth. He didn't see Jesus of Nazareth, but he heard it was Jesus of 00:07:59.94\00:08:08.45 Nazareth coming down e Jericho ad. en tugh Bartimaeus was blind, he was able to e things 00:08:08.48\00:08:16.36 tt otrs around himwho had vision, could not see. The great Helen Keller was asked, "What 00:08:16.36\00:08:23.37 could be worse than being blind?" She said, "Having sight with no vision." As Iook er t 00:08:23.40\00:08:32.41 church today, I'm rendedhat not evyone upn he, who camen he day,an see. Yes, your eyes work 00:08:32.44\00:08:41.32 fine; no, you don't have to rely oa walking cane, a seeing-eye dog, visio to assisyou th your 00:08:41.32\00:08:46.32 cong in a goi out. But ere are simply some folk who cannot see. Though you can see the world 00:08:46.35\00:08:52.96 around you, you cannot see the truth God's love and plan r yo life. y? Y're ind.ou're bld 00:08:52.99\00:09:04.21 spituay. Alts who ve sht b no sion. Studts w have sighbut sionThere are o kis of bldness: 00:09:04.24\00:09:12.61 physical indns d spirituabliness. Bartimaeus was physicay bld, t prse God, head 00:09:12.65\00:09:20.32 eugh spirual visiono regniz whJesus was. Bartaeus had heard aut t racles perrmedy Jes. H had 00:09:20.36\00:09:28.70 hearabouthe pershe had ard out e la; th tt Jesu and knew at sus had do forther And he says, 00:09:46.08\00:09:51.29 ifesusan dit for himthenJesucan it for me Fo yes, Btimaeus, bnd, t onthe ghway beggg. 00:09:51.29\00:10:00.56 be h greest portunity. Wh he ard at Jesus w lksays hbegins to cry 00:10:28.72\00:10:37.13 out, the pele ithe owd gan to te Barmaeuto hh up. Theysaid"Shuup, 00:10:49.14\00:10:58.95 rtimaeus, iet! You're too lou Youe to noy. You're kingoo mh ss. Jesus es n havtime for you. 00:10:58.99\00:11:12.40 And at'sust like crch folkWe t to keep people ay Yore pying too ld. Y're singg too loudYou' om 00:11:12.43\00:11:21.94 Jus who neeJesuthe most rshing too lou youe appi too much. How abouthisne: don do thatere.ut 00:11:21.98\00:11:32.89 sethi within rtimus phed rtimaeus overheirords Something pushed him over their criticism. 00:11:32.92\00:11:40.80 Something pushed him over their cynical stares, pious pessimism and ughtheckng. Bartimaeus id, 00:11:40.83\00:11:49.87 "Talk about me all you want, but I need Jesus. Criticize me a you want, t I ed Jus. y to shut me 00:11:49.90\00:12:01.28 upll y wan but I nee Jes. Lk ate funny alyou want he id, "but I need Jesus." Jesus, sweet rose 00:12:01.32\00:12:13.13 of Sharon. Jesus, lily of the valley. Jesu my oble soer. sus, my heart fir. Ieed Jesus. 00:12:13.16\00:12:22.70 Barmaeuis n worried about e pele ithe owd, t thBiblsayse gets uderHe gs loer! He get loer! 00:12:22.74\00:12:32.25 getmore vocifous. He gs more boisterous. He gets more passionate. He cries above the 00:12:32.28\00:12:40.86 crowd, "Jesus! Jesus, Son of David, haveercy on me." Regardless of what people said, 00:12:40.89\00:12:46.90 regardless of what people did, regalessf wh people thout, Btimas kept callg. Hkeptraying, 00:12:46.93\00:12:53.10 he pt cing. I he peoe althe me, "I'm t gog tohat urch, the's 00:12:53.13\00:12:57.71 thinbut bunch of hycrit down in tt chch. I'm t going beuse those ople, who ey a, anwhat 00:12:57.71\00:13:11.55 those pele s." [Aud. reaction] PB: You're sick. Forget people!l s!'rokor lell on Jesus! 00:13:11.59\00:13:21.06 The's livence His name.Keepalli Hisame, Jesus! Yosee, 00:13:40.52\00:13:47.66 I've lrned something about cryi in the crowd. Mfamily ves 00:13:47.66\00:13:54.73 sketll. No It a fa weaer f lik my daughrs. en Lron ft, theyeft. 00:13:54.76\00:14:03.00 BuI'a Heat fannd swe loveasketball.alk out cryi in the crd, wcan ve houseful o 00:14:03.04\00:14:11.68 anwe c be eeri. Shouti. Scamin Jus talking.ut ithataby rl of os 00:14:18.85\00:14:29.73 stts cing, if she wants something, we can still keep cheering, and screaming, but she 00:14:29.76\00:14:42.38 starts cryingloud andoude Wehen t loer a louder d th sheets uder and loud. Itan blate at nit, in 00:14:42.41\00:14:56.16 t morng, d shcan start cryingAnd cabe sound aeep,ut s canstart cryi andhe gs loer and loer. 00:14:56.16\00:15:14.51 ud. acti] PB: , I' maeredhe art of ke sep. [Audreaction] 00:15:19.95\00:15:27.32 PB you d'tnoat it is, talk to me, I'll help you out after 00:15:27.36\00:15:35.56 church. [Aud. reaction] PB: I start fake snore. My snore gets louder. (snore noises) 00:15:35.60\00:15:51.35 Carissa starts getting louder. Why? Hecry is above the crowd. You can be in a room full of 00:15:51.38\00:16:04.59 people, you can be in an oice ll o people, you can be in yourlassroom full of people, you 00:16:04.63\00:16:13.47 can be ia urch full of people. But I'm so glad at somebody knows Jes can hear yo cry 00:16:13.50\00:16:21.58 abovehe cwd. [Aud. reaction] PB: I was sinking deep in sin far from the peaceful shore, very 00:16:21.61\00:16:29.98 deeply stained with, seeking to rise no more. But the master of the seheard my despairing cry, 00:16:30.02\00:16:41.36 and from the waters lifted meow se am. sus, Jesus, Son of David have mercy on me. ind Bartimaeus 00:16:41.40\00:16:46.60 kept calling Jesus' name because he knew there was something about thname of Jes. Y see,ack 00:16:46.63\00:16:53.07 theay pple believedhat e name of a person carried botthe power and the authority of that 00:16:53.11\00:16:58.65 person, which is w if a king sent a messenger in his name, was spoken or when someone spoke 00:17:03.95\00:17:09.32 the name Jes, the same power and the same authority of Jesus was now in that person. So that 00:17:09.36\00:17:14.46 person had the power to forgive, the pow to liver, the power to heal, which is wh the apostles 00:17:14.50\00:17:20.87 could heal in Jesus' name. All hail the power of Jesus' name, let angels pstrate fall. At the 00:17:20.90\00:17:27.54 name of Jesus every knee shall bow, every tongue confess, that Jesus is Lord. There is no other 00:17:27.58\00:17:32.55 name under heaven whereby men can be saved but the name of Jesus. Aud: Amen. PB: Taing 00:17:32.58\00:17:43.32 abouHis name, about 500 years before Jesus a man named Siddhartha was born. We know him 00:17:43.36\00:17:51.60 better as Buddha. Centuries before Buddha was born, however, nobody talked about his name. 00:17:51.63\00:18:02.04 Nobody ever said that Buddha was coming. Nobody prophesied that a man named Buddha would live and 00:18:02.08\00:18:07.62 teach, as he did. Nobody ever said that these are going to be Buddha's pentsr s grdparents o 00:18:07.65\00:18:14.09 grt-grdparts. Buddha just popped up in history and taug the things he taught, became the 00:18:14.12\00:18:21.43 founder of one of the world's religions. About 500 years after Jesus a man named Mohammed was 00:18:21.46\00:18:28.44 born. Centuries, howeverbefore he was born, nobody knew Mohammed's name. Nobody even 00:18:28.44\00:18:35.81 knew that Mohaed was coming. Nobody ever prophesied that a man nad Mohammed would live and 00:18:35.81\00:18:40.55 ach d dias hdid, and nobodyver said these are goi to be Mohammed's parents, these are 00:18:40.58\00:18:49.06 going to be his great-grandparents. Mohammed just popped up in history, 00:18:49.09\00:18:57.37 taughthe tngs he taught and became founder of one of the world's rigio. t, when Jesus was 00:18:57.40\00:19:07.94 born there had already been centuries of prophecy about how Jesus would live, how He would 00:19:07.94\00:19:17.69 teach, how He would die and rise from the dead. There had already been pronouncements about the 00:19:17.69\00:19:28.03 name of Jesus. For unto us a child is born is born, unto us a Son is given. The governnt shall 00:19:28.06\00:19:34.87 be upon His shoulders. His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mity God, Evlastg 00:19:34.90\00:19:43.28 Faer, Prince of Pee, a she shall bring forth a n. Tu shalt call His name Jesus, fore shall ve 00:19:50.25\00:19:56.76 His people from their sins. There is no other name under heaven whereby we can be saved, 00:20:02.06\00:20:10.24 but Jesus. Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me. Jesus, that name. Healing, that name. 00:20:10.27\00:20:16.54 Deliverance, that name. Power is defineds th stngth, the fluee anthe means to a. Por means the 00:20:16.58\00:20:23.25 presence poweis dfere fro authority. Autrityeans that you may not have the influence, 00:20:23.25\00:20:29.46 reng, mes, pabity or abily to do what nes to be do. Auoritis when you he be authorizeto use the 00:20:29.46\00:20:35.33 powe ouide of yourself,he power of ather source. It's not ur wer t thauthorizedower ofnother 00:20:35.33\00:20:47.54 agent thats grter an yr own. T autrizeuse power gis yotheicapaty and eir pabity to 00:20:47.58\00:20:57.95 do whater nds tbe de. When abelier'saith then is in God, en G's per becomesthe por ofhat 00:21:14.04\00:21:33.46 believ. Intherword we are astronas tt which we ust.f yotrus in yoursf, you are as 00:21:33.46\00:21:38.66 song as you are. But when you trust in God, you are as strong as He is. a b that the law of 00:21:38.66\00:21:47.50 gravity ist myself in an airplane and yield to its power, car d yield tohe c's por, I 00:21:47.54\00:21:56.24 suddey ha the ility to aievepeedI couldn't aieven mywn. iis in Go t s ngec mstth God's 00:21:56.28\00:22:04.59 power becomes my power. That's why the Bible says, Now until Him that is able to do 00:22:04.62\00:22:12.89 exceediny, n ev ask or think according to the power that worketh in us and in the name of 00:22:21.74\00:22:26.57 Jesus. In the power and the authority of Jesus. In fact,hen u ca thname of Jes, tt's the 00:22:34.32\00:22:48.23 igger In order to get power from one place to another place you have to have an activation 00:22:48.26\00:22:59.51 device. The iggeis t activatio initiates thpower. The name Jesus ishe tgger that chanm th 00:22:59.54\00:23:22.16 precipitas a retionIt sets up cha iniatethe wer God in reacon that the rectn ofis name. Jesus, 00:23:22.20\00:23:29.70 when you call His name, activates the loosed guns of heaven. Power moves at the sound 00:23:29.74\00:23:37.35 of His name. Heen comes tatteion when His name ispok and diatches pow. Anls bin to move athe ne 00:23:44.79\00:23:53.60 ofesus because the's wer en y preachn thnamef Jes. Thers por wh youing in e na of sus. 00:24:04.84\00:24:13.31 There's power when you pray in the name of Jesus. There's power when you worship in the name of 00:24:13.35\00:24:23.16 Jesus. If Bartieus d sastiland Jesus, Jus, n of Davidhavemercon m Now thk abt saidothi 00:24:23.19\00:24:35.80 thaday,hen the xt d wou havbeen just likell t oths. . dependent upon him getting to Jesus. He 00:24:35.84\00:24:43.78 had to know Jesus r msel Lisn, if you ow someing out blind ople blind people don't like to be 00:24:43.81\00:24:56.52 helped unless it's their last sort. Bartimaeus took matters in his own hands, stted cryoude 00:24:56.56\00:25:05.00 louder, loud. Baim not ps th y agn. He knew that if he was going to receive help from 00:25:05.03\00:25:16.91 Jesus, that he had to call on Jesus while Jesus was near. ek ythe rd wle He may fod. Cl up 00:25:34.13\00:25:47.94 Him while He isnear Not only that, theast int wa to make. Bartimus cled Jesus fromheree wa 00:25:47.98\00:26:04.13 He s blind, but called Him. He was sick, but he calleHim.nd so it i wi us, wherever you are, 00:26:13.54\00:26:20.71 wheverou nd, Sobodynowse can heal ysic, Hean heal th. Soci. Hean heal it. onom, Hean heal it 00:26:28.15\00:26:35.42 otiol, He can heait. ntalHe c heal it. SpiritualHe c heal itYou me i He n heal it.One 00:26:35.46\00:26:44.00 nutee's podiatrist One minute He's audiologist, the deaf are made to hear. The next minute 00:26:44.00\00:26:51.61 He's hematologist, ThnextinutHe's cardiologist, He'sixinbroken hets. e mite Hs a 00:26:55.61\00:27:08.16 dermologt, lers are being head. The next minute He's a gynecologist, He's givg new 00:27:08.16\00:27:16.50 lifeOne nute He's psychiatrist, He's fixing derang minds. Th ne minute He an anesesiogist, 00:27:19.73\00:27:26.44 He'sasin the painof life. PB: From your sick bed. Jesus. In your depression. Jesus. Iyoack 00:27:26.47\00:27:33.11 house. Jesus from your adction. Jesus. Jesus didn'tellou t geright and en cl Hi sus told 00:27:33.15\00:27:43.79 you to PB: The sry itoldas Iet ready sitown,f a Christian d a mmunt. And they we siing a pk 00:27:53.67\00:28:11.75 bench watchi peoe. Y know hosomemes people-watch. And ashey t onhat bench th wated 00:28:11.79\00:28:17.09 aoor, drunk beggar dressed in rags The Chstiathenookeat the counisand id, ell, maybeso. t 00:28:17.13\00:28:32.11