Breath of Life

Keeping up with the Jones's

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Carlton P. Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000191A

00:00 BOL 191 Keeping up with the Joneses
00:06 Today. Dr. Byrd speaks on the topic "Keeping up with the Joneses."
00:13 And now, here he is, speaker/director of Breath of Life Ministries, Dr. Carlton Byrd.
00:18 PB: The Word of God says to us today, "But a certain man named Ananias,
00:25 with Sapphira his wife, sold a" what? Come on, sold a what, everybody?
00:30 Aud.: Possession. PB: "And kept back part of the price,
00:34 his wife also being privy to it, and brought a certain part,
00:39 and laid it at the apostles' feet. But Peter said, Ananias,
00:43 why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost,
00:48 and to keep back part of the price of the land?"
00:52 Verse 4: "Whiles it remained, was it not thine own? and after it was sold,
00:57 was it not in thine own power? why hast thou conceived this
01:01 thing in thine heart? thou hast not lied unto men, but unto" whom"
01:06 Aud.: God. PB: "And Ananias hearing these words fell down,
01:11 and gave up the ghost: and great fear came on all them that
01:15 heard these things. And the young men arose, wound him up,
01:18 and carried him out, and buried him. And it was about the
01:21 space of three hours after, when his wife, not knowing what was done,
01:26 came in. And Peter answered unto her, Tell me whether ye sold
01:32 the land for so much? And she said, Yea, for so much.
01:38 Then Peter said unto her, How is it that ye have agreed
01:41 together to tempt the Spirit of the Lord? behold,
01:43 the feet of them which have buried thy husband are at the door,
01:47 and shall carry thee out. Then fell she down straightway at his feet,
01:52 and yielded up the ghost: and the young men came in, and found her dead,
01:55 and, carrying her forth, buried her by her husband.
01:58 And great fear came upon all the church, and upon as many as
02:04 heard these things." Our message this morning is entitled
02:10 "Keeping up with the Joneses." Keeping up with the Joneses.
02:16 Father, we ask that You now would permeate in this place by
02:18 the power of Your Spirit. Speak, Lord, for your servants here.
02:22 We give you the praise, the honor and the glory.
02:24 Forgive us for our sins, we pray. And when the appeal time comes,
02:28 You move, we pray in Jesus' name. Amen.
02:32 Keeping up with the Joneses. We've heard this expression for years.
02:42 But in case you don't know what this means, according to this
02:46 philosophy conspicuous consumption occurs when people care about
02:53 their standard of living in relationship to others. Put another way,
02:58 keeping up with the Joneses is when you try to match the lifestyles
03:05 of other people; try to own all the same things as people you know
03:10 and people you don't know in order to seem as good as them, or you
03:16 try to have all the same things as other people to avoid
03:20 looking poor or broke. If they get a new car, you get a new car.
03:28 If they get a new house, you get a new house. If they get a new outfit,
03:35 you get a new outfit. In other words, keeping up with the Joneses
03:41 is when you spend money you don't have to buy things you don't
03:47 need to impress people you don't like. Now, it used to be that
03:54 spending money on status symbols for the sake of flaunting your
03:58 wealth was an activity reserved for celebrities and millionaires.
04:06 But now, in 2015, that has all changed. Conspicuous consumption,
04:15 or keeping up with the Joneses, has brought the lifestyles of
04:20 the rich and famous to everybody. Rich and poor. Ten people will
04:28 be living in a two-bedroom apartment, but yet they will get the
04:32 biggest flat-screen TV they can, even if it means paying
04:38 rent-a-center $50 a month for 50 years and when it's all
04:43 said and done, you've bought 50 big-screen TVs for the price of one.
04:48 Keeping up with the Joneses. People will get every credit card they can.
04:55 They will max them out, they will dress nice. St. Johns, Hugo Boss,
05:02 Versace, Prada, Ralph Lauren. You name it, they get it,
05:08 and they charge it. Don't worry about paying the balance off,
05:12 go ahead, look good but stay broke. Keeping up with the Joneses.
05:18 People will go out, buy an expensive car, Mercedes, BMW, Cadillac,
05:25 Lexus. They'll put some rims on it, put some 20s on it,
05:29 add some spinners to it. But yet, you're living with your mama,
05:34 keeping up with the Joneses. People will spend $50 a month for
05:41 cable TV but won't invest $50 a month in a savings plan for their future.
05:48 Keeping up with the Joneses. We've got folks that can't afford it,
05:54 but they have weekly maid services, private contractors and landscapers,
05:59 and yet in all these instances a little elbow grease could lead to huge savings.
06:07 But we want to keep up with the Joneses. Why? We want to show off our success.
06:13 We have a need to have what other people have. We live in
06:18 a society that favors instant gratification over hard work.
06:22 We are keeping up with the Joneses. But let me tell you something today.
06:29 You're worried about keeping up with the Joneses,
06:32 and the Joneses are broke. Do I have a witness in this place?
06:38 They're living check to check, just like you. They're robbing
06:43 Peter to pay Paul, just like you. They, the Joneses, are broke.
06:50 In the book of Acts we find the biblical version of keeping
06:55 up with the Joneses. But before we get to that, let me say this:
06:59 I love the book of Acts. Why do I love the book of Acts?
07:05 Acts is the model for what the church should be. Acts is the
07:10 model to actively pursue souls. I love evangelism, and a lot
07:14 of the book of Acts is about evangelism, so you know I love this book.
07:18 In Acts chapter 1, the church is looking for, waiting for,
07:21 praying for, and expecting something miraculous to happen
07:24 through the power of the Holy Ghost. In Acts chapter 2,
07:27 the day of Pentecost comes, and the church is baptized with
07:30 the Holy Spirit, so much so that 3,000 souls are saved in one day.
07:35 In Acts chapter 3, a lame man is healed by God through the
07:40 ministry of Peter and John so then the church, in Acts chapter 3,
07:43 is a miracle-working church that is not inundated with rules
07:46 and regulations but a church that gave what it had to minister
07:50 to the needs of people. Acts chapter 4 tells us of the arrest
07:55 and examination of Peter and John by the Sanhedrin simply
07:58 because they were not ashamed or scared to tell the
08:01 gospel of Jesus Christ. And even though Sadducees arrested them,
08:05 the Bible still says that in Acts chapter 4, 5,000 people
08:09 still heard them, they converted and believed on Jesus Christ,
08:12 and then even when they were put in jail, the Bible says
08:16 how under the power of the Holy Ghost Peter and John spoke
08:19 with such articulation that they were released.
08:22 Let that be a lesson for us today. Satan can try to bind us
08:27 all he wants, but Satan can't bind my God.
08:31 If God says loose them, you shall be loosed.
08:35 If God says bind them, you shall be bound. Satan is
08:40 no match for God. Greater is He that is in us than
08:45 he that is in the world. If God be for us, who can be against us.
08:51 Let no weapon formed against us is going to prosper.
08:55 But then, in Acts chapter 5 we recognize that the
08:58 church has some problems. The church has some difficulties.
09:02 The church has some hypocrites. So don't be surprised that
09:07 some of this is in the church today. People say, I'm surprised
09:11 the church has problems, I'm surprised the church has hypocrites,
09:13 I'm surprised the church has difficulties. Let me be clear:
09:16 If we had it back in the day, we should expect some of that today.
09:21 I tell people all the time, the church has never been and
09:25 never will be perfect. I tell people all the time,
09:28 if you're running from church to church looking for
09:30 the perfect preacher, the perfect choir, the perfect band,
09:32 the perfect praise team, the perfect officers,
09:34 the perfect members of the perfect church,
09:36 you're going to run forever, because you will never find
09:39 the perfect church because you'll never find perfect people.
09:42 The reason why I'm in which church, the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
09:45 is because we serve a perfect God who's given us a perfect message.
09:51 Do I have a witness in this place? [Aud. reaction]
09:53 PB: We're imperfect but God is perfect. Such was the case of
09:57 the church in Acts 5, with all its good, it had imperfect people.
10:00 Acts tells us about two of these imperfect people:
10:02 Ananias and his wife, Sapphira. We know the story.
10:08 Ananias and Sapphira, if you study it carefully,
10:12 had heard about a generous gift that Barnabas,
10:16 another church member, had given in chapter 4,
10:19 in verses 36 through 37. So, they decided to give a
10:24 gift like Barnabas, because they're keeping up with the Joneses.
10:29 Ananias and Sapphira believed that they could take
10:32 advantage of God's church without giving an account
10:34 of their actions. They believed that all things done
10:37 for show, or without a sincere heart, would still be
10:40 blessed in the same way as those done in faith and
10:44 without regard for praise. But I'm here to let somebody know,
10:48 God can't bless mess. Ananias and Sapphira believed
10:54 they were smarter than everybody else. Ananias and Sapphira
10:58 believed they could outsmart the Holy Ghost.
11:02 But that's what Satan, the father of lies,
11:04 will make you think--that you can outsmart the Holy Ghost.
11:08 Satan will capture our best to do his worst.
11:12 Satan knows what strings to pull in our lives.
11:15 Satan knows what buttons to push. Satan knows what
11:18 imperfections to play on to get the reaction that he wants.
11:21 Satan knows where the blind spots in our characters are.
11:25 He knows not only where they are but he also knows how
11:28 to reach them. Satan comes to us discreetly.
11:33 He comes to us indirectly. Satan never comes up to us and says,
11:36 I'm here. Satan never comes up to us and says, I'm the devil.
11:41 I'm here. Satan never comes in a red suit with a horn,
11:47 pitchfork or a tail. Satan knows if he did, we'd run. So,
11:54 the prince of darkness comes as an angel of light.
12:00 He comes not as evil, but he comes as good.
12:04 He comes not as an enemy, but he comes as a friend.
12:07 He comes not as a judge, but he comes as an advocate.
12:10 He does not call what he offers sin, but he bursts with
12:15 its pleasure. Good times, a chance to be with and accepted
12:21 by the in crowd. Satan writes no commandments,
12:27 and he requires no commitment. Satan does not mind coming
12:32 to church or singing in the choir or serving on the board,
12:35 particularly when he is still getting more of our time,
12:39 more of our energy and more of our money. Satan is happy to
12:44 share with the Lord, because some of his best workers and
12:47 some of his most effective work is done in the church.
12:53 You see, we don't have to walk down the aisle to join
12:55 Satan to serve him. We don't have to change anything,
13:00 we can stay just as we are, live the same old way,
13:03 talk the same old way, go to the same old places.
13:06 We don't have to do anything at all, just stay the same as we are.
13:10 The story is told of a man walking down a country road
13:14 one cold winter day. Spotting a snake that was half frozen to death,
13:20 the man in his compassion picked up the snake,
13:23 put it on the side and underneath his coat in order that the
13:27 snake might be kept warm. In order that, a little later on,
13:31 he would revive the snake. Later, when the snake was revived,
13:36 the snake bit the man. The man then dropped the snake and said,
13:41 how could you be so cruel as to bite me? When you were suffering
13:45 and half dead, I picked you up, I carried you, I put you
13:50 under my coat and I revived you. But just as soon as you got better,
13:55 you bite me. The snake looked up at the man and said,
13:59 Man, remember, I'm a snake and it's my nature to bite.
14:04 Don't you ever forget that Satan is a snake,
14:08 and Satan's not to be played with or touched.
14:12 If we get too close to him, he will bite.
14:15 If he's picked up and carried, he will bite.
14:19 Beware of the devil, he will bite.
14:22 Back at Ananias and Sapphira. You know the story.
14:25 So, they decided to sell some land, donate the proceeds
14:28 to the church. Now, before presenting the money to Peter,
14:31 however, they planned to privately hold back a portion
14:34 of their earnings for themselves. Now, let's be clear:
14:39 There was nothing wrong with them in their keeping part
14:45 or all of the proceeds, or even the entire land itself.
14:51 They could have done that. But Ananias and Sapphira's sin
14:56 stemmed in the fact that in trying to keep up with the Joneses,
15:01 they pretended that the amount they gave was all they received.
15:06 Their deed was not careless, but it was contrived.
15:11 It was not an honest mistake, it was deliberate dishonesty.
15:17 Ananias and Sapphira conspired to withhold part of the
15:23 purchase price for themselves. Ananias brings then the
15:28 remainder of the money, lays it at the feet of the
15:31 apostles--you know the story--and then steps back and
15:35 waits for the applause of the people. But instead of applause,
15:41 you hear silence. Instead of a smile, he sees a frown
15:47 on Peter's face. Instead of receiving looks of admiration
15:51 and faith, he sees stares in the eyes of the people.
15:56 I like how The Message Bible puts it in verses 3 and 4,
16:00 when Peter asks: "Ananias, how did Satan get to you,
16:05 to lie to the Holy Spirit and secretly keep back part of
16:09 the price of the field? Before you sold it, it was all yours.
16:13 After you sold it, the money was yours to do with as you wished.
16:17 So what got into you, to pull a trick like this?
16:22 You didn't lie to men, but you lied to God.
16:27 And just as soon as Ananias hears these words,
16:31 he falls dead. Peter didn't cast any spell on him.
16:38 Peter did not cast any curse on him. Peter didn't
16:42 even touch him. No lightning struck him. He just fell dead.
16:48 But then it gets more interesting.
16:51 Three hours later, Sapphira shows up. She doesn't know
16:58 what has happened to her husband. Now, if she hadn't
17:01 been so headstrong, if she hadn't had such tunnel vision,
17:07 she would have been in tune with the mood of the building.
17:11 And she, when she walked in, would have sensed something's
17:15 wrong around here. But her pride and her greed wouldn't
17:20 let her sense it. People looked at her then looked away
17:24 in shame and fear. No one seemed to want to say much to her,
17:27 so Peter asked her if she had sold the land for a certain amount.
17:36 Yes, she said. Then he asked, How is it that you have agreed
17:42 together with your husband to tempt the Spirit of the Lord?
17:47 Well, Sapphira, the same people who buried your husband,
17:52 the same people who carried your husband out of here are going
17:57 to be the same ones that bury you and carry you out of here.
18:02 And immediately, the Bible says, she's dead. Sure enough,
18:04 carried out by the same men and buried by the same men
18:06 that buried her husband. Now, why did they have to die?
18:11 Why did they have to die unnecessarily? Keeping up with the Joneses.
18:18 Barnabas, in chapter 4, had sold his land and other
18:22 possessions and gave it to the church. In those days,
18:26 much honor was given to such acts of benevolence and
18:29 sacrificial giving. But Ananias and Sapphira's problem,
18:33 not that they held back, but that they lied, but also
18:39 that they were interested in the praise that they could
18:41 gain from their fellow church members, more so than the
18:43 work of God itself. They saw the praise that Barnabas
18:49 had received, and so now they decided, We want recognition.
18:54 They saw Barnabas getting accolades, so now they wanted accolades.
19:00 They saw Barnabas getting a plaque from the church,
19:04 so now they wanted a plaque from the church.
19:07 They saw Barnabas having a building named after him,
19:11 so now they wanted a building named after them.
19:14 Ananias and Sapphira weren't going to let anybody outdo them.
19:19 Too many of us are more interested in impressing than
19:24 in expressing. Too much of what we pass off as religion
19:29 is designed to impress others about something about ourselves
19:32 and not to express something about how good God is.
19:36 When you give in church so that somebody else sees what
19:41 you put in the plate, that's designed to impress.
19:45 When you carry your Bible just so folk can see you
19:48 carry your Bible, that's designed to impress.
19:52 When you come to church just so you can be seen,
19:57 that's designed to impress. But I read somewhere
20:02 that the Bible says pride goeth before destruction,
20:06 and a haughty spirit before a fall. Quit trying to
20:11 keep up with the Joneses. And then let me throw this in.
20:15 How can you impress God? You were conceived and shaped in iniquity.
20:21 How can you impress God? You were not there when God laid
20:23 the foundation of the world. How can you impress God?
20:27 You were not there when He called things that were not
20:29 and made them into things that are. How can you impress God?
20:32 God doesn't need you to impress Him. God wants you to
20:37 express and not impress. That's why Paul said present your
20:42 bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God,
20:46 which is your reasonable service. Ananias and Sapphira
20:50 were afflicted with the same disease that's sending some
20:53 of us to the poorhouse and it's going to send the
20:56 rest of us to hell. Keeping up with the Joneses.
21:04 We see someone somewhere doing something or getting
21:09 something, and we decide that we're going to do the same
21:12 thing or get the same thing, whether we can afford it or not,
21:15 whether we really like it and whether we really want it or not,
21:18 we get it because we're keeping up with the Joneses.
21:24 Ananias and Sapphira loved their money. They made the sale,
21:30 they looked at the cash, and they couldn't bear the
21:34 thought of giving all of it away, so they kept some of it back.
21:42 The Bible does not say that money is the root of all evil.
21:46 The Bible says that the love of money is the root of all evil.
21:54 Ananias and Sapphira wanted to look more generous than
21:59 what they really were. They wanted the apostles to think
22:02 they were like Barnabas. They wanted external religious approval.
22:07 They not only loved money, but they loved the praise of men.
22:13 But then they lied to cover their covetousness, the give the
22:21 impression of generosity, they lied. Sin must always have a covering.
22:30 If you love possessions and you love the praise of men,
22:32 your love for truth will dissolve into deception and fraud.
22:36 That's the meaning, my friends, of hypocrisy. Hypocrisy,
22:41 then, always results in discrediting the Holy Ghost.
22:47 Look at the text. Verse 3 says, they lied to the Holy Ghost.
22:52 Verse 4 says, they lied not to man but to God. Verse 9 says,
22:57 they tempted the Lord. Why in your right mind would you try
23:03 to discredit the Holy Ghost? Maybe they didn't even believe
23:08 the Holy Spirit was even present in the church. Maybe they
23:12 didn't believe in the Holy Ghost reality, maybe they had
23:14 never thought about the real presence of the Spirit of
23:16 the Living God, or maybe they just believed that in His presence,
23:19 in some theoretical way, He was there but He wasn't real.
23:24 Maybe they thought He was there but He was real but that
23:27 He wouldn't really punish them. Listen to this good, now:
23:31 Perhaps they had a view of grace that says no matter how
23:35 devious and hypocritical you are, God always tolerates
23:40 everything. Some of us--listen to me good--some of us seem to
23:47 think that the more we spend, the more God will forgive us.
23:53 That Christ is some sort of eraser on the chalkboard of our souls.
24:00 We begin completely enamored with the magnitude of love Jesus
24:05 has for us--and yes, He loves us and that's a good thing,
24:08 but then on the flipside, we've failed to be convinced of
24:11 His perfect anger toward our sin. Yes, God loves the sinner,
24:17 but God hates the sin. We need to be balanced in our fear of
24:24 God and our love for God. Our actions should be based on our
24:29 love we have for Christ and the fear of His perfect wrath.
24:33 [Aud. reaction] PB: Listen to me, friends of mine:
24:36 God is loving, but God is also wrathful. I believe that
24:41 when we get in that great getting-up morning,
24:43 many individuals who proclaimed yes, God is love, yes,
24:46 God is love, who live any kind of way, they're going to
24:48 be sadly disappointed. Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord.
24:53 You reap what you sow. Just because we're washed in the
24:58 blood of the Lamb doesn't mean we are saved from His heavenly leather belt.
25:04 [Aud. reaction] PB: We live a life sustained by grace,
25:10 but we should also live a life with a constant respect for
25:14 God's perfect discipline. God--listen to me good--God has
25:21 every right to discipline His children. And that discipline
25:27 takes different forms at different times. God's discipline
25:32 can come with a gentle reminder. God's discipline can come
25:36 from withholding blessings on our lives, and God's discipline
25:41 can also come by removing us from the situation like he
25:45 did Ananias and Sapphira. Whatever form God chooses,
25:49 He is right in His choosing. Stop living in competition
25:56 with somebody else. You're worried about somebody else
26:00 and they've already gone about their business.
26:02 Stop spending your life and your energy trying to keep
26:06 up with somebody else. Stop trying to outdo somebody,
26:10 stop trying to keep up with the Joneses. Someone gets
26:16 a new suit, new dress, new house, new car and we have
26:19 to have one. Admiration is one thing, but stop trying
26:23 to be somebody you aren't. You'd better say that what
26:27 God has for me, it is for me. Stop hating on somebody else.
26:34 When God blesses them--I say it all the time--learn to
26:37 be a cheerleader. Because if God is blessing somebody else,
26:41 God must be in the neighborhood and it's just a matter of
26:45 time before God starts blessing me! Stop taking God for granted.
26:52 Stop sowing wild oats during the week and praying for
26:55 crop failure on the Sabbath. Stop taking the forgiveness
27:00 of God for granted. If there's one great lesson we can
27:04 learn from Ananias and Sapphira, it's that we must be real
27:07 and sincere in all we do. It's not just what we give but how
27:16 sincere and honest we are in what we give that gives us the
27:19 right to the blessing. That's what I've learned in life:
27:23 some people can make more, but have less. Because if you're
27:30 not giving out of a sincere heart, you're going to miss out
27:33 on your blessing. The New Testament says that one day
27:39 Jesus stood near the Temple treasury. He was observing
27:43 people returning their tithes and offerings. Now,
27:45 I hate when people say it, I'm trying to correct that
27:47 around here. We do not pay tithe and offerings.
27:52 We do not pay tithes and offerings. We return tithes
27:59 and offerings, are you hearing what I'm saying?
28:01 How can we pay what God has already given us in the first place?
28:05 [Aud. reaction] PB: We return to God what is already
28:08 rightfully His. Jesus at the Temple, observing people
28:13 returning tithes and offerings. A woman timidly approached
28:18 one of the collection bins. She puts in two pennies and
28:22 then she slips away into the crowd. No one pays this woman any
28:28 Thank you for joining us for another exciting broadcast.
28:31 We'd like you to partner with us as we offer the
28:34 Breath of Life to a dying world. All of our sermon titles
28:38 and DVDs can be purchased at
28:43 Until next time, God loves you. END


Revised 2015-12-11