Are you ready for an exciting change in your life? Well, get ready for a breath of new life. 00:00:01.76\00:00:06.03 Today, Dr. Byrd speaks on the topic "The Sabbath." And now, 00:00:06.03\00:00:11.20 here he is, speaker/director of Breath of Life Ministries, Dr. 00:00:11.20\00:00:23.96 Carlton Byrd. We have seven days. Now, the Word of God says, look at Genesis chapter 1, verse 00:00:23.96\00:00:30.16 number 1. If you have it let me hear you say amen. Aud.: Amen. 00:00:30.16\00:00:32.10 PB: The Word of God says "In the" what? Aud.: Beginning. PB: Talk to me. In the what? 00:00:32.10\00:00:35.43 Aud.: Beginning. PB: God created the heavens and the what? Aud.: 00:00:35.43\00:00:38.16 Earth. PB: "And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of 00:00:38.16\00:00:40.70 the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there 00:00:40.70\00:00:45.93 be" what? Aud.: Light. PB: And there was what? Aud.: Light. 00:00:45.93\00:00:48.36 PB: "And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. 00:00:48.36\00:00:51.06 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the 00:00:51.06\00:00:54.26 morning" he called the what day? Aud.: First. PB: What day, 00:00:54.26\00:00:57.13 everybody? Aud.: First day. PB: It was the first day. Now notice, a day is defined as the 00:00:57.13\00:01:04.03 evening and the what? Aud.: Morning. PB: Evening and the what? Aud.: Morning. 00:01:04.03\00:01:06.43 PB: That's how a day is defined. Evening and the morning. So on day one in creation week, 00:01:06.43\00:01:10.76 God created what, everybody? Aud.: Light. PB: He created 00:01:10.76\00:01:14.90 what, everybody? Aud.: Light. PB: Now, the text says in the beginning God created the 00:01:14.90\00:01:18.10 heavens and the earth, but on day one, evening and morning, God created what, everybody? 00:01:18.10\00:01:22.60 Aud.: Light. PB: He created light. Go to verse 6. "And God said, Let there be a firmament 00:01:22.60\00:01:25.56 in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. And God made the 00:01:25.56\00:01:28.83 firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which 00:01:28.83\00:01:32.06 were above the firmament: and it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven. And the 00:01:32.06\00:01:36.73 evening and the morning where the" what day? Aud.: Second. PB: So we recognize on day two God 00:01:36.73\00:01:41.83 created the what? Firmament. He created the what, everybody? Aud.: Firmament. PB: Day one He 00:01:41.83\00:01:45.93 created-- Aud.: Light. PB: Day two He created the what? Aud.: Firmament. PB: How many days of 00:01:45.93\00:01:47.93 the week? Aud.: Seven. PB: How many days have we done thus far? 00:01:47.93\00:01:50.06 Aud.: Two. PB: How many days do we have left? Aud.: Five. PB: Praise God, we passed the math 00:01:50.06\00:01:54.10 class. What do you say? [Aud. reaction] PB: Verse number 9, "And God said, Let the waters 00:01:54.10\00:01:57.46 under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was 00:01:57.46\00:02:01.60 so. And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he 00:02:01.60\00:02:05.06 Seas: and God saw that it was" what, everybody? Aud.: Good. PB: "And God said, Let the earth 00:02:05.06\00:02:08.60 bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his 00:02:08.60\00:02:11.83 kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. And the earth brought forth 00:02:11.83\00:02:15.50 grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was 00:02:15.50\00:02:20.43 in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good. And the evening and the morning were 00:02:20.43\00:02:24.03 the" what day? Aud.: Third day. PB: So on day three, God created vegetation. He created what, 00:02:24.03\00:02:28.43 everybody? Aud.: Vegetation. PB: Day one He created light. Day two He created the-- 00:02:28.43\00:02:32.03 Aud.: Firmament. PB: Day three He created-- Aud.: Vegetation. 00:02:32.03\00:02:35.86 PB: Day two He created-- [Aud. reaction] PB: Day two He 00:02:35.86\00:02:41.23 created-- Aud.: Firmament. PB: Day one He created-- Aud.: 00:02:41.23\00:02:45.20 Light. PB: All right. Verse 14. "And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the 00:02:45.20\00:02:49.26 heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, 00:02:49.26\00:02:51.83 and for days, and years: And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to 00:02:51.83\00:02:55.23 give light upon the earth: and it was so. And God made two great lights; the greater 00:02:55.23\00:02:58.90 light to rule the" what? Aud.: Day. PB: "And the lesser light 00:02:58.90\00:03:02.16 to rule the" what? Aud.: Night. PB: "He made the" what also? 00:03:02.16\00:03:04.43 Aud.: Stars. PB: "And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the 00:03:04.43\00:03:06.83 earth, And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the 00:03:06.83\00:03:09.33 darkness: and God saw that it was good. And the evening and the morning were the" what day? 00:03:09.33\00:03:12.06 Aud.: Fourth. PB: So on day four, God created the sun, the moon and the stars. 00:03:12.06\00:03:16.23 We're very clear on the day four, He created the sun, the 00:03:16.23\00:03:20.03 moon and the what? Aud.: Stars. PB: On day three He created vegetation. On day two He 00:03:20.03\00:03:24.96 created the firmament. Day one He created-- Aud.: Light. PB: Day one He created-- Aud.: 00:03:24.96\00:03:28.36 Light. PB: Day two He created-- Aud.: Firmament. PB: Day three 00:03:28.36\00:03:30.56 He created-- Aud.: Vegetation. PB: Day four He created the sun, 00:03:30.56\00:03:33.46 the moon and the-- Aud.: Stars. PB: God is all that, then some and a bag of chips. Because how 00:03:33.46\00:03:35.96 could God create light on day one but yet the sun, the moon 00:03:35.96\00:03:39.23 and the stars weren't created until day four? [Aud. reaction] 00:03:39.23\00:03:45.43 PB: That was heavenly light. Let's move on to verse 20. "And God said, Let the waters 00:03:45.43\00:03:54.70 bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above 00:03:54.70\00:03:58.16 the earth in the open firmament of heaven. And God created great whales, and every living 00:03:58.16\00:04:01.70 creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, 00:04:01.70\00:04:04.53 after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was" what? Good. 00:04:04.53\00:04:07.73 "And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and" what, 00:04:07.73\00:04:12.23 everybody? Aud.: Multiply. PB: "And fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in 00:04:12.23\00:04:15.86 the earth. And the evening and the morning were the" what day? 00:04:15.86\00:04:19.00 Aud.: Fifth day. PB: So on day five, God created, alliteration, F F F, day five, fish and fowl. 00:04:19.00\00:04:28.86 Fish and fowl. Day five, God created fish-- Aud.: And fowl. PB: And fowl. Day one, God 00:04:28.86\00:04:35.86 created what? Aud.: Light. PB: Day two, God created-- Aud.: 00:04:35.86\00:04:38.80 Firmament. PB: Day three, God created-- Aud.: Vegetation. PB: Day five, God created-- 00:04:38.80\00:04:42.76 Aud.: Fish and fowl. PB: Day one, God created-- Aud.: Light. 00:04:42.76\00:04:50.43 PB: Day two-- Aud.: Firmament. PB: Day three-- Aud.: Vegetation. PB: Day four-- 00:04:50.43\00:04:53.46 Aud.: Sun, moon and stars. PB: Everybody's looking around. Day five, fish and what, everybody? 00:04:53.46\00:04:59.46 Aud.: Fowl. PB: Verse 24. "And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature 00:04:59.46\00:05:05.40 after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: 00:05:05.40\00:05:10.46 and it was so. And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after 00:05:10.46\00:05:12.56 their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after 00:05:12.56\00:05:15.73 his kind: and God saw that it was" what, everybody? Aud.: 00:05:15.73\00:05:17.46 Good. PB: Verse 26, "And God said, Let us make man in our" own what? Aud.: Image. 00:05:17.46\00:05:23.46 PB: "After our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish 00:05:23.46\00:05:25.76 of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, 00:05:25.76\00:05:27.70 and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So 00:05:27.70\00:05:31.03 God created man in his own" what? Aud.: Image. PB: "In the image of God created he him; 00:05:31.03\00:05:35.46 male and" what? Aud.: Female. PB: Male and what? Aud.: Female. PB: Male and what? Aud.: Female. 00:05:35.46\00:05:39.06 PB: Created he them. "And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and" what? 00:05:39.06\00:05:46.73 Aud.: Multiply. PB: "And replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the 00:05:46.73\00:05:49.83 fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon 00:05:49.83\00:05:53.73 the earth. And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the 00:05:53.73\00:05:57.63 face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you 00:05:57.63\00:06:01.50 it shall be for" what? ud.: Meat. PB: "And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of 00:06:01.50\00:06:04.63 the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given 00:06:04.63\00:06:08.33 every green herb for meat: and it was so. And God saw every thing that he had made, and, 00:06:08.33\00:06:12.30 behold, it was very" what, everybody? Aud.: Good. PB: "And the evening and the morning were 00:06:12.30\00:06:14.33 the" what day? Aud.: Sixth. PB: So on day six, God created mammal and man. Mammal and man. 00:06:14.33\00:06:25.10 Day one, God created-- Aud.: Light. PB: Day two, God created-- Aud.: Firmament. 00:06:25.10\00:06:27.93 PB: Day three, God created-- Aud.: Vegetation. PB: Day four, 00:06:27.93\00:06:31.03 God created-- Aud.: Sun, moon and stars. PB: Day five, God created-- Aud.: Fish and fowl. 00:06:31.03\00:06:34.53 PB: Day six, God created-- Aud.: Mammal and man. 00:06:34.53\00:06:37.40 PB: How many days are there in a week? Aud.: Seven. 00:06:37.40\00:06:39.33 PB: How many days have we done thus far? Aud.: Six. 00:06:39.33\00:06:41.06 PB: How many days are left? Aud.: One. 00:06:41.06\00:06:42.86 PB: Genesis 2. Verse number one, the Word says: "Thus the heavens 00:06:42.86\00:06:54.43 and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on 00:06:54.43\00:07:02.36 the" what day? Aud.: Seventh. PB: Don't be scared of it. On 00:07:02.36\00:07:05.73 the what day? Aud.: Seventh. PB: "God ended his work which he had made; and he" did what on the 00:07:05.73\00:07:09.76 seventh day? Aud.: Rested. PB: "From all his" what? Aud.: Work. PB: Which he had what? 00:07:09.76\00:07:13.10 Aud.: Made. PB: "And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified 00:07:13.10\00:07:16.20 it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and" what, 00:07:16.20\00:07:19.96 everybody? Aud.: Made. PB: So on day seven, God didn't make anything, but God rested. He 00:07:19.96\00:07:28.56 blessed it, and He sanctified the what day? Aud.: Seventh. 00:07:28.56\00:07:32.20 PB: I don't know why He chose the day, but He's God. God can do what God wants to do, 00:07:32.20\00:07:37.73 when God wants, where God wants, how God wants, and God doesn't have to ask you or me 00:07:37.73\00:07:44.40 for permission to do as He wants, because He's God. On day one, God created what, 00:07:44.40\00:07:50.16 everybody? Light. Day two, God created the firmament. Day three, He created the what? 00:07:50.16\00:07:54.30 Aud.: Vegetation. PB: Vegetation. Four, the sun, the 00:07:54.30\00:07:57.36 moon and the-- Aud.: Stars. PB: Day five, fish and what? Aud.: 00:07:57.36\00:07:59.90 Fowl. PB: Day six, mammal and what? Aud.: Man. PB: But on the seventh day He did what? 00:07:59.90\00:08:03.73 Rested. He what else? Blessed it. And He what else? Sanctified it. Aud.: Sanctified it. 00:08:03.73\00:08:08.33 PB: Sanctify means set aside. Set apart. God created this earth in six literal days, 00:08:08.33\00:08:20.06 but on day seven God rested, blessed it, and sanctified it. But let's work our way up in 00:08:20.06\00:08:30.50 the Bible for some more. Go to the book of Exodus chapter 20, and go to verse number 3. 00:08:30.50\00:08:39.33 Exodus chapter 20, verse number 3. The Word of God says, in verse number 3 of Exodus 20, 00:08:39.33\00:08:50.80 from verse 3 all the way to verse 17, we have what we call the Ten Commandments. 00:08:50.80\00:08:56.03 Are we clear, everybody? We have what we call the Ten what, 00:08:56.03\00:08:59.70 everybody? Aud.: Commandments. PB: All right, now the Word of God is very clear in Exodus 00:08:59.70\00:09:01.83 chapter 20, verse number 3, "Thou shalt have no other" what? Gods before me. Number 4, 00:09:01.83\00:09:06.43 "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven" what? Image. Verse 00:09:06.43\00:09:09.73 number 7. "Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in" what? Vain. Verse number 8, 00:09:09.73\00:09:13.73 "Remember the" what day? Aud.: Sabbath. PB: "To keep it" what? 00:09:13.73\00:09:17.80 Aud.: Holy. PB: "Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is 00:09:17.80\00:09:19.90 the" what? "Sabbath of the LORD thy" what? Aud.: God. PB: "In it thou shalt not do any work, 00:09:19.90\00:09:23.90 thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, 00:09:23.90\00:09:26.56 nor thy stranger that is within thy" what? Gates. "For in" how 00:09:26.56\00:09:30.10 many days? Aud.: Six. PB: "The LORD made heaven and" what? 00:09:30.10\00:09:32.26 Aud.: Earth. PB: "The sea, and all that in them is, and rested 00:09:32.26\00:09:34.40 the" what day? Aud.: Seventh. PB: Seventh day. "Wherefore the LORD blessed the" what day? 00:09:34.40\00:09:37.53 Aud.: Sabbath. PB: Sabbath day, "and hallowed it." Now, in this 00:09:37.53\00:09:42.03 commandment there are a couple of things going on. Notice, it simply restates what we read in 00:09:42.03\00:09:46.96 Genesis 2, that on the seventh day God rested from His work. God rested, God also blessed it, 00:09:46.96\00:09:53.56 and He sanctified it. That's what we read in Genesis 2. In Exodus 20, 8 through 11, 00:09:53.56\00:09:59.06 it says He rested, it says He blessed it and He hallowed it, which is a synonym or a word 00:09:59.06\00:10:04.56 like sanctify. So in essence, in the Fourth Commandment God is saying the same thing He said 00:10:04.56\00:10:10.33 at creation week, that the seventh day was special. That on that day He didn't create or 00:10:10.33\00:10:16.23 make anything but He rested from His work, He blessed His seventh-day Sabbath, and then it 00:10:16.23\00:10:23.13 says He hallowed it. Now, notice also in this text, if you read Exodus 20, 3 through 17, for all 00:10:23.13\00:10:31.30 ten of the commandments, we discover that they all begin with the words "Thou shalt." 00:10:31.30\00:10:39.16 Thou shalt not. But notice the Fourth Commandment begins with the word "remember." God is 00:10:39.16\00:10:46.63 all-knowing, so if God said remember, God must have been all knowing to the fact that 00:10:46.63\00:10:50.93 somebody was going to try to forget. [Aud. reaction] PB: Remember the what day? Aud.: 00:10:50.93\00:10:57.93 Sabbath. PB: To keep it what? Aud.: Holy. PB: That's the Bible says. Not Pastor Byrd, 00:10:57.93\00:11:02.10 but the Bible says that, and you said in the beginning you believe in the Bible, 00:11:02.10\00:11:05.63 because the Bible is a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your 00:11:05.63\00:11:11.20 path. Let's get some more. Go to Exodus 31. Know what you believe, know why you believe 00:11:11.20\00:11:16.83 it, know where it's found in the Word of God. Exodus 31, verse 12. I'm going to shout, 00:11:16.83\00:11:23.13 this is something worth shouting about. It's my baptized brain that makes me want to shout. 00:11:23.13\00:11:27.56 Come on, say amen. Aud.: Amen. PB: The Word of God says in 00:11:27.56\00:11:31.10 verse number 12, "And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying," verse 13. "Speak thou also unto the 00:11:31.10\00:11:36.40 children of Israel, saying, Verily my sabbaths ye shall keep: for it is a" what, 00:11:36.40\00:11:40.30 everybody? Aud.: Sign. PB: Come on, it is a what? Aud.: Sign. PB: "Between me and you 00:11:40.30\00:11:43.83 throughout your generations; that ye may know that I am the LORD that doth sanctify you. Ye 00:11:43.83\00:11:48.63 shall keep the sabbath therefore; for it is" what unto 00:11:48.63\00:11:50.60 you? Aud.: Holy. PB: Holy unto you." Every one that defileth it shall surely be put to death: 00:11:50.60\00:11:53.60 for whosoever doeth any work therein, that soul shall be cut off from among his people. Six 00:11:53.60\00:11:58.16 days may work be done; but in the seventh is the sabbath of rest, holy to the LORD: 00:11:58.16\00:12:02.50 whosoever doeth any work in the sabbath day, he shall surely be put to" what, everybody? Aud.: 00:12:02.50\00:12:04.86 Death. PB: "Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the sabbath, to observe the 00:12:04.86\00:12:08.63 sabbath throughout their generations, for a perpetual covenant. It is a sign between 00:12:08.63\00:12:14.56 me and the children of Israel for" how long? Aud.: For ever. PB: For how long? Aud.: For 00:12:14.56\00:12:16.96 ever. PB: "For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, 00:12:16.96\00:12:20.80 and was" what, everybody? Aud.: Refreshed. PB: Refreshed. The Sabbath was to be a sign between 00:12:20.80\00:12:25.93 God and His people forever. It was not something that was supposed to be done away with. 00:12:25.93\00:12:30.16 It was not something that was supposed to be changed. We have evidence of that. We just read 00:12:30.16\00:12:34.96 in Exodus 31 that it was a sign between God and His people forever. We also read in Exodus 00:12:34.96\00:12:42.10 chapter 20 that we must remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Now remember, lawkeeping does 00:12:42.10\00:12:50.36 not save us. Lawkeeping does not save us. Remember that. We are saved only by Jesus Christ. 00:12:50.36\00:12:57.33 There is no salvation in any other but Jesus Christ. Buddha can't do it, Mohammed can't do 00:12:57.33\00:13:03.60 it, Confucius can't do it, Pastor Byrd can't do it. Only Jesus can save you. But let's be 00:13:03.60\00:13:10.60 clear. I keep God's law because I'm in love with Jesus. [Aud. reaction] PB: Right. So, we 00:13:10.60\00:13:20.96 discover that on day one, God created light. Day two, God created the what? Firmament. Day 00:13:20.96\00:13:27.63 three, God created-- Aud.: Vegetation. PB: Day four, God created-- Aud.: Sun, moon and 00:13:27.63\00:13:31.53 stars. PB: Day five, fish and what? Aud.: Fowl. PB: Day six, mammal and what? Aud.: Man. PB: 00:13:31.53\00:13:33.66 And on the seventh day He did what? Aud.: Rested. PB: Rested. He blessed it and He sanctified 00:13:33.66\00:13:38.40 it. We read, Remember the what day? Aud.: Sabbath. PB: To keep it what? Aud.: Holy. 00:13:38.40\00:13:40.83 PB: Remember the Sabbath day to keep it what, everybody? Aud.: 00:13:40.83\00:13:43.26 Holy. PB: We also read that the Sabbath is to be a sign. It is to be a what, everybody? 00:13:43.26\00:13:46.56 Aud.: Sign. PB: Between God and His people. For how long? 00:13:46.56\00:13:49.90 Forever. Aud.: Forever. PB: Okay, so Pastor Byrd, why do you go to church on the Sabbath? 00:13:49.90\00:13:58.30 I get you, I feel you that God rested, He blessed it and He sanctified. So why do we 00:13:58.30\00:14:02.90 go to church on the Sabbath? Let's now work our way through Leviticus. Leviticus chapter 23, 00:14:02.90\00:14:12.46 verse number 3. The Word of God says. Leviticus 23:3. If you have it, let me hear you say 00:14:12.46\00:14:25.33 amen. Aud.: Amen. PB: The Word says, "Six days shall work be done: but the seventh day is the 00:14:25.33\00:14:30.16 sabbath of rest, an holy convocation; ye shall do no work therein: it is the sabbath of 00:14:30.16\00:14:39.00 the LORD in all your dwellings." So then, if the Sabbath is a holy convocation, convocation by 00:14:39.00\00:14:46.40 definition is an assembly. Convocation by definition is a coming together. So then, 00:14:46.40\00:14:54.10 the Sabbath is a convocation, the Sabbath then should have an assembly. There should 00:14:54.10\00:14:59.00 be a coming together, but not just any kind of convocation. The Bible says a holy 00:14:59.00\00:15:05.83 convocation, which means a holy assembly. A holy coming together. Are you hearing what 00:15:05.83\00:15:10.93 I'm saying, everybody? It was a day of rest. Yes, God blessed it, yes, God sanctified it, but 00:15:10.93\00:15:16.60 it was also a holy convocation. It was a holy coming together, it was a holy assembly. So 00:15:16.60\00:15:22.03 that's why on God's Sabbath, I come in and I lift my hands and bless Him. On God's Sabbath, 00:15:22.03\00:15:27.36 I worship God. On God's Sabbath, I hear the Word of God. On God's Sabbath, I sing the 00:15:27.36\00:15:31.90 Word of God. Why? It's a holy coming together. [Aud. reaction] 00:15:31.90\00:15:36.26 PB: But not only that, let's work some more now. The holy coming together. And I 00:15:36.26\00:15:48.43 understand a day is defined as evening and a morning. And so because there's a holy coming 00:15:48.43\00:15:54.26 together and it's a 24-hour period, sunset to sunset, evening to morning, well, how 00:15:54.26\00:16:02.10 then do I observe it? Because clearly the holy convocation does not last 24 hours. Because 00:16:02.10\00:16:10.23 clearly, if I kept you in church 24 hours, you would leave. Do I have a witness in this place? 00:16:10.23\00:16:14.96 [Aud. reaction] PB: So then if it's a holy convocation but it's a day of rest, how should 00:16:14.96\00:16:20.90 I observe it? I'm so thankful you asked. Turn to the book of Isaiah 58. And we're going to 00:16:20.90\00:16:29.40 go to verse number 13. Isaiah 58, and we're going to verse number 13. The Word of God says 00:16:29.40\00:16:38.23 to us in Isaiah chapter 58, verse number 13, "If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, 00:16:38.23\00:16:43.53 from doing thy" what? Pleasure, "on my holy" what? Aud.: Day. 00:16:43.53\00:16:48.50 PB: "Call the sabbath a" what? Aud.: Delight. 00:16:48.50\00:16:50.40 PB: "Holy of the LORD, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, 00:16:50.40\00:16:52.90 nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own" what, 00:16:52.90\00:16:58.03 everybody? Aud.: Words. PB: "Then shalt thou delight thyself in the LORD; and I will cause 00:16:58.03\00:17:00.46 thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob 00:17:00.46\00:17:04.26 thy father: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it." Hallelujah, somebody. Now, 00:17:04.26\00:17:10.20 that means then, during this 24-hour period, evening to morning, that means that the 00:17:10.20\00:17:14.76 Sabbath is to be a delight. It's to be a what, everybody? Aud.: 00:17:14.76\00:17:17.76 Delight. PB: Which means I look forward to God's holy Sabbath, because I'm honoring God on 00:17:17.76\00:17:21.83 God's Sabbath. I wish I had a witness in this place. I'm honoring God on Sabbath. 00:17:21.83\00:17:25.93 What am I doing? I'm not doing thine own ways. So March madness, the NCAA basketball 00:17:25.93\00:17:32.56 tournament's got to wait until the Sabbath is over, 'cause I'm 00:17:32.56\00:17:36.53 not finding my own pleasure nor am I doing my own ways nor am I speaking my own words. Which 00:17:36.53\00:17:43.50 means then, during this 24-hour period my mind is focused on Jesus Christ. My mind is focused 00:17:43.50\00:17:49.63 on the One who died for me. I understand, it's my time with God. In fact, it's a date with 00:17:49.63\00:17:56.56 God. [Aud. reaction] PB: Well, what do you mean, a date? Well, you know, my beautiful wife, 00:17:56.56\00:18:00.76 we've been married 17 years. We got married right on this campus, right in this church. 00:18:00.76\00:18:05.26 Come on, say amen. Aud.: Amen. PB: Seventeen years, hallelujah! 00:18:05.26\00:18:14.16 Praise Him. Don't hate, celebrate. [Aud. reaction] PB: But before we got married, 00:18:14.16\00:18:21.53 before I was able to drive like I now drive--'cause I had a 1972 Volvo. You all don't know about 00:18:21.53\00:18:32.36 that. I had a 1972 Volvo I used to drive. It didn't have air conditioning, it had what 00:18:32.36\00:18:38.03 I called 2-40 air. Two windows down at 40 miles per hour. You all don't hear what I'm saying. 00:18:38.03\00:18:42.80 [Aud. reaction] PB: My brother and I got the bright idea, it was supposed to be a 00:18:42.80\00:18:47.20 blue-colored car, but we got the bright idea to go to Walmart, buy some spray paint, 00:18:47.20\00:18:50.33 and we wanted a black Volvo so we spray-painted our car, the black Volvo. We grew up 00:18:50.33\00:18:55.83 calling it the blue-black car. Come on, say amen. [Aud. 00:18:55.83\00:18:58.93 reaction] PB: But I used to take my wife out on dates. I couldn't afford Bravo. I couldn't afford 00:18:58.93\00:19:11.46 Olive Garden. PF Changs. So I had to take her to the Golden 00:19:11.46\00:19:21.53 Arches. [Aud. reaction] PB: Come on, say amen. Aud.: Amen! 00:19:21.53\00:19:26.20 PB: And my wife, she was, I won't say a cheap date, an 00:19:26.20\00:19:31.96 inexpensive date. She's always been vegetarian, so you know we didn't order any meat, and so we 00:19:31.96\00:19:36.63 would order our food and just order some water with it. Come 00:19:36.63\00:19:40.83 on, say amen. [Aud. reaction] PB: And then, you know, I thought I was a big spender, 00:19:40.83\00:19:43.36 so I would say go on and super-size that thing. You all, can I get a witness in this 00:19:43.36\00:19:46.73 place? [Aud. reaction] PB: But I would go with her on this date, and when I would go on this 00:19:46.73\00:19:55.30 date my attention was focused in on her. I was not looking around 00:19:55.30\00:20:03.43 at everybody else. I was not paying attention to other people's conversation, but I was 00:20:03.43\00:20:10.63 focused in on her. She looked good. Her hair ---. I was focused in on her, because I had 00:20:10.63\00:20:22.46 a date with my wife. And so because I had a date with my wife, I wanted to look good. My 00:20:22.46\00:20:28.40 hair was cut, you all don't hear me in this place. [Aud. 00:20:28.40\00:20:30.30 reaction] PB: I smelled good. You all don't hear me. You gotta smell good, brothers. You know, 00:20:30.30\00:20:34.73 you may work all day, but after you finished working, you take your wife out, you gotta smell 00:20:34.73\00:20:38.90 good. I looked good, I smelled good, I dressed my best, because I was on a date with my baby. 00:20:38.90\00:20:47.73 Come on, say amen. Aud.: Amen. PB: How much more, on God's seventh day Sabbath, that I have 00:20:47.73\00:20:54.63 a date with the King of kings. I have a date with the Lord of lords. I have a date with the 00:20:54.63\00:21:00.06 One who woke me up and started me on my way. I have a date with the One who, 2,000 years ago, 00:21:00.06\00:21:06.03 died for my sins, so through His blood I can have eternal life. On God's Sabbath, it's a 00:21:06.03\00:21:11.56 holy convocation, but I have a date with God, not speaking my 00:21:11.56\00:21:16.60 own words. [Aud. reaction] PB: Not finding my own pleasure. Not doing my own ways. Because I 00:21:16.60\00:21:25.46 have a date with God. But you know what? This date with God, 00:21:25.46\00:21:36.83 it will never end. [Aud. reaction] PB: What do you mean? Well, this date with God will 00:21:36.83\00:21:43.40 continue even when I get to heaven. What do you mean? Look at Isaiah 66. This date with God 00:21:43.40\00:21:51.26 is going to continue. Isaiah 66. Isaiah what, everybody? Aud.: 00:21:51.26\00:21:54.60 66. PB: And go to verse number 22. This date with God, the Word of God is very clear 00:21:54.60\00:21:59.33 in Isaiah chapter 66 and verse number 22, the Word of God says, "For as the new" what? 00:21:59.33\00:22:04.10 "Heavens and the new" what? "Earth, which I will make, shall 00:22:04.10\00:22:08.63 remain before me, saith the LORD, so shall your seed and your name remain. And it shall 00:22:08.63\00:22:12.20 come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another" Sabbath, 00:22:12.20\00:22:18.00 "shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the LORD." On 00:22:18.00\00:22:26.30 this earth, I've got a date with God, and when I get to heaven I'm going to have a date with 00:22:26.30\00:22:32.73 God. Yes, I want to see Abraham. Yes, I want to see Isaac; yes, I 00:22:32.73\00:22:38.63 want to see Jacob, Matthew, Mark, Luke and Timothy. But I want to see the Man Jesus. I 00:22:38.63\00:22:44.13 want to see the One who died for me. I have a date with God on this earth, and when I get 00:22:44.13\00:22:49.80 to glory, I'm going to have a date with Him, too. 00:22:49.80\00:22:54.93 So there are how many days in a week? Aud.: Seven. 00:22:54.93\00:22:58.30 PB: Seven. On day one, God created what? Light. Day two, 00:22:58.30\00:23:01.83 God created the-- Aud.: Firmament. PB: Day three He created the-- Aud.: Vegetation. 00:23:01.83\00:23:04.70 PB: Day four, the sun, the moon and the-- Aud.: Stars. 00:23:04.70\00:23:07.13 PB: Day five, fish and what? Aud.: Fowl. PB: Day six, mammal 00:23:07.13\00:23:10.66 and- Aud.: Man. PB: On day seven, He what? Rested. He what 00:23:10.66\00:23:14.63 else? Blessed it. And He what else? Sanctified it. He said, Remember the Sabbath day to keep 00:23:14.63\00:23:18.63 it what? Aud.: Holy. PB: Keep it what, everybody? Aud.: Holy. 00:23:18.63\00:23:20.90 PB: That the Sabbath was a sign between God and His people, for 00:23:20.90\00:23:24.70 how long? Aud.: Forever. PB: Forever. The Sabbath is a holy 00:23:24.70\00:23:28.16 what? Convocation, which means a holy coming--what? Together. On God's Sabbath, I don't speak 00:23:28.16\00:23:32.56 my own what? Words. Find my own pleasure, nor do my own ways, 00:23:32.56\00:23:37.26 because I have a date with whom, everybody? I have a date with whom, everybody? But not only 00:23:37.26\00:23:41.30 this date is going to be here on planet earth, but it be a date 00:23:41.30\00:23:45.16 when I get to the kingdom of God. Can you say amen? Pastor Byrd, it's so clear. The seventh 00:23:45.16\00:23:49.90 day is God's Sabbath. Why is there so much confusion about God's Sabbath? Well, 00:23:49.90\00:23:54.03 we know the devil is a liar. We know the devil is the author of 00:23:54.03\00:23:58.00 confusion. We know that God knew the devil, through somebody, would try and change God's law 00:23:58.00\00:24:02.43 because God said, Remember! [Aud. reaction] 00:24:02.43\00:24:05.33 PB: So why would God say remember, and then try to change 00:24:05.33\00:24:11.16 what He said? [Aud. reaction] PB: So did God change the Sabbath and His law? We have so 00:24:11.16\00:24:15.80 much confusion, did God change it? No. He says, For I am the 00:24:15.80\00:24:20.36 what? Lord. Malachi 3:6. I am the Lord, I change what? Aud.: 00:24:20.36\00:24:24.73 Not. PB: Not. God didn't change the Sabbath. So you know what 00:24:24.73\00:24:28.33 people say to me? Well, Pastor, you're a good dude, you're cool and all that. But Pastor, 00:24:28.33\00:24:31.20 it's an Old Testament thing. Jesus had to change the law. 00:24:31.20\00:24:41.53 That was done away with in the New Testament, that's an Old Testament thing. I get you, 00:24:41.53\00:24:43.86 Pastor, you're right but that's the Old Testament. So the question then is asked, 00:24:43.86\00:24:47.36 did Jesus then change God's law? Go with me to the book of Matthew, get some Word. 00:24:47.36\00:24:53.63 We worked Old Testament, let's go to New Testament. Matthew 00:24:53.63\00:24:56.93 chapter 5. Matthew chapter what, everybody? Aud.: Five. 00:24:56.93\00:24:58.80 PB: And we're going to go to verse number 17. Did Jesus try to change God's law 00:24:58.80\00:25:01.86 and God's Sabbath. Matthew chapter 5. Stay with me tonight, 00:25:01.86\00:25:05.26 stay with me. Matthew chapter 5, verse number 17, the Word of God says, Matthew chapter 5, 00:25:05.26\00:25:09.23 verse number 17. If you have it, let me hear you say amen. Aud.: 00:25:09.23\00:25:12.23 Amen. PB: The Word of God says, "Think not that I am come to 00:25:12.23\00:25:15.40 destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to" do what, 00:25:15.40\00:25:18.30 everybody? Aud.: Fulfill. PB: Fulfill. "For verily I say unto 00:25:18.30\00:25:21.30 you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, 00:25:21.30\00:25:23.46 till all be" what, everybody? Aud.: Fulfilled. 00:25:23.46\00:25:25.73 PB: "Whosoever," verse 19, "therefore shall break one of these least commandments, 00:25:25.73\00:25:28.70 and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the 00:25:28.70\00:25:31.46 kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called" what, 00:25:31.46\00:25:34.70 everybody? Aud.: Great. PB: "Great," in the kingdom of what? 00:25:34.70\00:25:37.50 Aud.: Heaven. PB: So Jesus didn't change God's law. He said, I didn't come to change 00:25:37.50\00:25:40.16 anything. I came to fulfill it. In fact, He said, I can't change anything because Jesus 00:25:40.16\00:25:42.86 says I'm the same yesterday, today and forever. So how am I going to change something 00:25:42.86\00:25:49.00 I was a part of in the first place. In fact Jesus said I went to church on the Sabbath. 00:25:49.00\00:25:54.36 You don't beleive me go to the book of Luke. Get some Word, know why you believe it, 00:25:54.36\00:25:59.76 know where it is found.Know the Word of God friends of Mine. 00:25:59.76\00:26:03.23 PB: Luke chapter 4 verse number 16. Luke chapter 4, verse number 16. Luke chapter 4, 00:26:03.23\00:26:10.70 verse number 16. The Word of God says to us tonight in the Gospel 00:26:10.70\00:26:15.83 according to Luke, chapter 4, verse number 16. If you have it, let me hear you say amen. 00:26:15.83\00:26:18.63 Aud.: Amen. PB: The Word says that He came to where? Nazareth. "Where he had been brought up: 00:26:18.63\00:26:22.70 and, as his" what was? Aud.: Custom. PB: Come on, as his what 00:26:22.70\00:26:26.00 was? Aud.: Custom. PB: "He went into the" what? Aud.: Synagogue. 00:26:26.00\00:26:28.80 PB: Which was the what? Church. On the what day? Aud.: Sabbath. 00:26:28.80\00:26:31.80 PB: "And stood up for to read. And there was delivered unto him 00:26:31.80\00:26:34.23 the book of the prophet Esaias. And when he had opened the book, he found the place where 00:26:34.23\00:26:36.83 it was written, the Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he 00:26:36.83\00:26:40.50 hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, 00:26:40.50\00:26:43.10 to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, 00:26:43.10\00:26:45.60 to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord. 00:26:45.60\00:26:49.20 And he closed the book, and he gave it again to the minister, 00:26:49.20\00:26:52.70 and sat down. And the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fastened on him." 00:26:52.70\00:26:57.16 The Bible says it was Jesus' custom. It was Jesus' practice. 00:26:57.16\00:27:04.66 Stay with me. They're going to the church on the Sabbath day and read the Scriptures. 00:27:04.66\00:27:10.16 In this case He preached the Word of God. He was the guest 00:27:10.16\00:27:15.10 preacher that day. Oh, I wish He could be the guest preacher tonight. He finished preaching 00:27:15.10\00:27:18.73 then He handed the Word of God, the Bible, to the minister of 00:27:18.73\00:27:22.30 that church, on God's Sabbath. It was His custom. It was His 00:27:22.30\00:27:25.80 what, everybody? Aud.: Custom. PB: Okay, so you're saying, all right, Jesus didn't change the 00:27:25.80\00:27:29.03 law. The seventh day is the Sabbath. Pastor, you're clear. I get you, I feel it. But Pastor, 00:27:29.03\00:27:36.36 after Jesus died, the Sabbath was done away with and there was no longer a need to then 00:27:36.36\00:27:45.86 observe God's Sabbath. But then, why would Jesus still say, Remember? If the Sabbath were 00:27:45.86\00:27:52.96 changed after Jesus died, why would He say, Remember? Well, that means or suggests to 00:27:52.96\00:27:59.60 me that Jesus didn't change the Sabbath, and neither was the Sabbath changed after 00:27:59.60\00:28:03.20 His death. The apostles didn't change the Sabbath. How do I know? Go to the book of Acts. 00:28:03.20\00:28:07.43 Get some Word in you. Acts chapter 13, and let's go to Acts chapter 13. I want you to go 00:28:07.43\00:28:10.16 >: Thank you for joining us for another exciting broadcast. 00:28:10.16\00:28:13.16 We'd like you to partner with us as we offer the Breath of Life 00:28:13.16\00:28:18.83 to a dying world. All of our sermon titles and DVDs can be 00:28:18.83\00:28:26.00 purchased at Until next time, God loves 00:28:26.00\00:28:27.00