Are you looking for an exciting change in your life? Well, get ready for a breath of new life. 00:00:01.80\00:00:06.30 Today, Dr. Byrd speaks on the topic "The Law of God." And now, 00:00:06.30\00:00:11.30 here he is, speaker/director of Breath of Life Ministries, Dr. 00:00:11.30\00:00:18.23 Carlton Byrd. Tonight I just want to talk to you just a little bit, briefly, about 00:00:18.23\00:00:24.56 commandment-keeping. Everybody say commandment-keepin g. [Aud. 00:00:24.56\00:00:27.83 response] Now, I recognize that this is not a popular subject with many, but as I said 00:00:27.83\00:00:33.06 Wednesday night, you can't be popular and prophetic at the same time. We realize that we 00:00:33.06\00:00:39.43 live in a world today where people don't want to call sin by its right name, that we want to 00:00:39.43\00:00:45.93 sugarcoat the gospel of Jesus Christ. But I'm proud to say tonight that I am not ashamed of 00:00:45.93\00:00:53.20 the gospel of Jesus, for it is the power of God unto salvation. We live in a world now where if 00:00:53.20\00:00:59.73 it feels good, do it. Do whatever you want to do, when you want, where you want, how 00:00:59.73\00:01:06.23 you want. We live in a world of lawlessness. We here today, I live my way, you live your way, 00:01:06.23\00:01:10.60 and as long as your way doesn't conflict with my way, we're all right. We live in a world and a 00:01:10.60\00:01:15.93 society that is inflicted with what I call postmodernism. Everybody say postmodernism. 00:01:15.93\00:01:18.70 Aud. Reaction] Postmodernism says there are no absolute truths. Your truth is your 00:01:18.70\00:01:27.03 truth. My truth is my truth. But there is nothing that is absolute. So when then people in 00:01:27.03\00:01:33.60 church, when preachers, when men and women of God begin to talk about the commandments of God, 00:01:33.60\00:01:38.80 people then say, "I don't need to hear all that because I'm going to live how I want to 00:01:38.80\00:01:43.83 live." Then other people say, "If you want to talk about commandment-keepin g, that's an 00:01:43.83\00:01:49.50 Old Testament thing , we don't have to do that." But then if it was an Old Testament thing, why 00:01:49.50\00:01:55.73 did Jesus say in the New Testament, John 14:15, "If ye love me, keep my" what, 00:01:55.73\00:01:59.10 everybody? [Aud. Reaction] "Commandments." But then others say, well, it was done away with 00:01:59.10\00:02:03.73 at the cross. Well, if it were done away with at the cross, why does Revelation, the final book 00:02:03.73\00:02:09.80 of the Bible, say in Revelation 12:17, clearly, that after Jesus' death, God's people, 00:02:09.80\00:02:18.76 God's remnant, are those that are defined as ones who keep the commandments of God and have the 00:02:18.76\00:02:25.20 faith of Jesus Christ? So though we live in 2015, I'm here to tell you, God's word doesn't 00:02:25.20\00:02:32.16 change. People may change, but the Word of God stays the same. Methods change. We don't use 00:02:32.16\00:02:39.30 rotary phones, we use cell phones, but still God's word is the same. We don't write as many 00:02:39.30\00:02:45.56 letters as we used to because we use e-mail, but I'm here to say, God's word still stays the same. 00:02:45.56\00:02:52.96 Many Christians through the years have been wrong, emphasizing the commandments of 00:02:52.96\00:03:00.80 God, however, to the exclusion of the faith of Jesus. Other equally sincere Christians have 00:03:00.80\00:03:07.20 been wrong, overemphasizing the faith of Jesus while at the same time minimizing the commandments 00:03:07.20\00:03:14.13 of God. But God's remnant people, the people that God is coming back for in these last 00:03:14.13\00:03:22.53 and evil days, understand there is a perfect blend between the commandments of God and the 00:03:22.53\00:03:33.10 faith of Jesus Christ, that there is a blend between law and grace, a blend between 00:03:33.10\00:03:41.73 information and inspiration, a blend between the Holy Scriptures and the Holy Ghost. A 00:03:41.73\00:03:48.53 blend between the commandments and Jesus Christ. God's remnant people understand that they 00:03:48.53\00:03:55.50 don't keep the commandments of God in order to be saved, but rather we keep the commandments 00:03:55.50\00:04:01.66 of God because we are saved. Is it was in the Old Testament, people lived and conquered by 00:04:01.66\00:04:08.13 faith. The Bible is clear in Hebrews, chapter 11, verse 1, "Faith is the substance of 00:04:08.13\00:04:14.56 things hoped for, the evidence of things not" what, everybody? "The evidence of things not" 00:04:14.56\00:04:21.56 what, everybody? [Aud. Reaction] So then faith's short definition is believing what you can't see. 00:04:21.56\00:04:28.90 Faith is trusting God, then, when you cannot trace God. You see, I've learned in life that 00:04:28.90\00:04:36.26 faith has no way to be tried in comfort. Faith is not proven in abundance. You don't prove your 00:04:36.26\00:04:42.76 faith by how much money you've got, but you prove your faith when the lights are off. When 00:04:42.76\00:04:48.73 the water is off, when the bills are due. If your faith is going to be tried, if your faith is 00:04:48.73\00:04:53.36 going to be justified at all, if your faith is going to be tested, then you must go through 00:04:53.36\00:04:59.56 something. Because if you don't go through something, you don't have a testimony. In order to 00:04:59.56\00:05:06.86 have a testimony, you must have a test. So I have tests so that I might have a testimony. 00:05:06.86\00:05:15.63 Because if you don't have a testimony, you don't testify but you test a lie. Do I have a 00:05:15.63\00:05:21.20 witness in this place? [Aud. Reaction] Hebrews 11, throughout Hebrews 11, people throughout 00:05:21.20\00:05:26.30 the Old Testament are quoted as overcoming by faith. By faith Abel offered a more excellent 00:05:26.30\00:05:33.70 sacrifice than Cain. By faith Enoch was translated without seeing death. By faith Noah, 00:05:33.70\00:05:39.40 being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear and prepared an ark for the 00:05:39.40\00:05:46.76 saving of his house. By faith Abraham, when he was called to go into a place which he should 00:05:46.76\00:06:03.36 after receive an inheritance, he obeyed without knowing where he was going. By faith Moses, when 00:06:03.36\00:06:09.36 he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter, choosing rather to 00:06:09.36\00:06:14.20 suffer the affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season. 00:06:14.20\00:06:19.26 By faith the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea as if it were dry land. By faith the 00:06:19.26\00:06:26.03 walls of Jericho came tumbling down. It was by faith. People in the Old Testament But Old 00:06:26.03\00:06:33.56 Testament folks were saved by their faith in Jesus, the Christ, who was the God. See 00:06:33.56\00:06:38.86 someone asks, how can they be saved by Christ, who had not yet come but was to come? Remember, 00:06:38.86\00:06:44.30 there cannot be forgiveness of sin without the shedding of what, everybody? There has to be 00:06:44.30\00:06:50.63 shedding of blood in order for there to be forgiveness of sin. Jesus Christ had not come yet in 00:06:50.63\00:06:57.40 the Old Testament, so it was by faith that the Old Testament individuals believed that Christ 00:06:57.40\00:07:04.50 who was to come. In order to receive forgiveness of sin, you know what they had to do. They 00:07:04.50\00:07:20.46 had to go to the Old Testament sanctuary. And in going to the Old Testament sanctuary, they 00:07:20.46\00:07:30.90 would bring the offering--a lamp, a goat, a bullock, without sin, without blemish. And they 00:07:30.90\00:07:37.73 would bring that offering, and they would bring the offering and place their hand upon the 00:07:37.73\00:07:45.53 head of that sin offering, slit the throat of that offering, blood would spill, transferring 00:07:45.53\00:07:53.00 the sins from the person to the sin offering. When the blood would spill it was symbolic that 00:07:53.00\00:08:07.26 their sins were forgiven by the Christ who was to come. Understand, the lamb was type; 00:08:07.26\00:08:14.36 Jesus was antitype. The lamb was a model; Jesus was the real thing. The lamb was an example; 00:08:14.36\00:08:21.50 Jesus was the real thing. The lamb was the forerunner, but Jesus was the real thing, 00:08:21.50\00:08:27.30 because Jesus is the Lamb of God. Old Testament believers were saved by faith in Christ 00:08:27.30\00:08:33.50 that was to come. They were not saved by the works they performed. They were not saved 00:08:33.50\00:08:40.23 by law-keeping. They were saved solely by their faith in the shed blood in Jesus that was to 00:08:40.23\00:08:45.40 come. You see, understand the Word of God, friends of mine. Don't tell anybody you got it, 00:08:45.40\00:08:51.23 because you are already saying, what? God gave the children of Israel the Ten Commandments 00:08:51.23\00:08:57.36 Before the foundation of the world, God's plan to save you and me was already in place. God 00:08:57.36\00:09:06.70 had already saved and rescued the Israelites from Pharaoh before he even gave Moses the 00:09:06.70\00:09:15.83 Ten Commandments. Think about it. Exodus 20, verse 1, if you read it, it says that "God spake 00:09:15.83\00:09:23.80 all these words, saying, I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of 00:09:23.80\00:09:45.83 Egypt, out of the house of bondage." Then he proceeded with the Ten Commandment law. He then 00:09:45.83\00:09:54.63 said, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." We don't keep the commandments, again, in 00:09:54.63\00:10:03.10 order to be saved, but we keep them because we are already saved. Law-keeping has never 00:10:03.10\00:10:06.56 been a means of salvation. My righteousness in God's sight, it's filthy rags. There is only 00:10:06.56\00:10:10.70 one name under heaven whereby I can be saved, and that's the name of Jesus. Because there's 00:10:10.70\00:10:15.46 power in Jesus' name. There's salvation in Jesus' name. There's redemption in Jesus' 00:10:15.46\00:10:17.30 name. There's healing in Jesus' name. In the morning we call Jesus' name. In the noonday we 00:10:17.30\00:10:19.70 call Jesus' name. Late in the midnight hour we call Jesus' name. The Bible even says that 00:10:19.70\00:10:28.26 at his name demons tremble. Jesus, sweet Rose of Sharon. Jesus, Lily of the Valley. 00:10:28.26\00:10:40.73 Jesus, Fairest of Ten Thousand. Jesus, problem-solver. Jesus, Now, in the Old Testament, there 00:10:40.73\00:10:44.53 are two great commandments. Listen to me good. Two great commandments. The first is to 00:10:40.73\00:10:44.53 love God, and the second is to love your neighbor. The first is to love whom, everybody: Aud: 00:10:40.73\00:10:44.53 God. God. And the second is to love your what? Aud: Neighbor. Now, a lot of people think 00:10:44.53\00:10:48.80 that's just a New Testament thing, but that originated in the Old Testament, to love God 00:10:48.80\00:10:55.83 and then love your neighbor. Take your Bibles and go with me to the book of Deuteronomy. What 00:10:55.83\00:11:02.93 book did I say, everybody? [Aud. Reaction] Know what you believe, know why you believe it, know 00:11:02.93\00:11:10.46 where it's found. Deuteronomy, chapter 6, and we're going to verse number 4. Deuteronomy, 00:11:10.46\00:11:16.40 chapter 6, and we're going to verse number 4. The Word of God says us tonight in Deuteronomy, 00:11:16.40\00:11:21.43 chapter 6, verse number 4: "Hear, O Israel: TheLordour God is oneLord: And thou shalt love 00:11:21.43\00:11:31.56 theL God with all thine" what" Lord thy Aud: Heart "Heart, and with all thy" what? Aud: Soul 00:11:31.56\00:11:37.66 And with all thy what? Aud: Might Now understand, that's Old Testament. That's Deuteronomy. 00:11:37.66\00:11:42.93 Love the Lord with all thy heart, with all thy might, and with all thy soul. But then go 00:11:42.93\00:11:50.30 to Leviticus 19. Go to Leviticus 19, and we're going to verse number 18. Leviticus chapter 19, 00:11:50.30\00:11:56.66 and we're going to verse number 18. The Word of God says to us tonight in Leviticus 19:18: 00:11:56.66\00:12:03.96 "Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt 00:12:03.96\00:12:09.93 love thy neighbour as thyself:" because "I am theLord." Commandment one: Love God. 00:12:09.93\00:12:14.93 Commandment two: Love your neighbor as yourself. In the Old Testament, love to God and love 00:12:14.93\00:12:19.33 to your neighbor, those were the bases of the obedience for God's children. If you look at these 00:12:19.33\00:12:22.60 two fundamental commandments, you will discover that the Ten Commandments as recorded in 00:12:22.60\00:12:27.90 Exodus 20 are merely springing from these two commandments. The first four of the commandments 00:12:27.90\00:12:33.90 of the ten deal with our love for God. The final six of the Ten Commandments deal with our 00:12:33.90\00:12:40.90 love for our fellow man. The commandments, then, are just a restatement of what God already 00:12:40.90\00:12:49.43 said in Deuteronomy and Leviticus. Think about it, friends of mine. Commandment 00:12:49.43\00:12:55.33 number one: Thou shall have no other gods before me. Number two: Thou shalt not make unto 00:12:55.33\00:13:03.00 thee any graven image. Number three, Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in 00:13:03.00\00:13:10.13 vain. Number four: Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it what, everybody? Aud: Holy. We 00:13:10.13\00:13:17.26 recognize that these four commandments deal with the first, which is to love God. 00:13:17.26\00:13:22.90 Then the final six: Honor thy father and thy mother; thou shalt not kill; thou shalt bear 00:13:22.90\00:13:30.53 false witness; thou shall not steal; thou shall not covet. These deal with our love for our 00:13:30.53\00:13:35.96 fellow man. So let me be clear. God only has one way or one plan of salvation. God has always 00:13:35.96\00:13:42.63 saved people by grace. He has unmerited favor, which means we get what we don't deserve, 00:13:42.63\00:13:49.60 through faith in Jesus Christ. God never commanded Old Testament folks to obey in order 00:13:49.60\00:13:58.83 to be saved. Their obedience was to spring from a love relationship. That was Old 00:13:58.83\00:14:09.70 Testament, springing from a love relationship. Love God and love your neighbor as yourself. 00:14:09.70\00:14:16.70 Ironically, God does not contradict himself, because that's what it was in the old, 00:14:16.70\00:14:23.50 but that's also what it is in the New Testament. In the New Testament it was the same thing: 00:14:23.50\00:14:33.33 the people were to love Jesus. The people were to have faith in Jesus that had already come. In 00:14:33.33\00:14:45.26 the Old Testament they were looking to Jesus coming by faith. In the New Testament they 00:14:45.26\00:14:52.20 looked back, recognizing Jesus, the Messiah, had already come. Obedience to God's law was to 00:14:52.20\00:14:59.06 spring from a love relationship with God. A lot of people think the New Testament just teaches 00:14:59.06\00:15:07.53 love. That the New Testament doesn't teach anything about obedience. Do anything you want. 00:15:07.53\00:15:15.60 Sleep around. Lie around. Cheat around. Sniff around. Snort around. Smoke around. Steal 00:15:15.60\00:15:24.56 around. Have a bad attitude. Be mean. Sow wild oats during the week and then pray for a crop 00:15:24.56\00:15:32.96 failure when you come to church. Do anything you want, but just at the appropriate time show 00:15:32.96\00:15:41.26 love. And then they say, well, love has nothing to do with obedience. But Jesus said in 00:15:41.26\00:15:48.53 John 14:15, "If ye love me, keep my" what, everybody? Commandments. So then love has 00:15:48.53\00:15:54.16 everything to do with obedience. Jesus in the New Testament restates what God said in the 00:15:54.16\00:15:58.40 Old Testament. In the Old Testament, love God. In the Old Testament, love your neighbor as 00:15:58.40\00:16:03.13 yourself. But look at what Jesus says in Matthew 22. Go there, everybody, and look at verse 00:16:03.13\00:16:08.23 number 36. Matthew, chapter 22, and go to verse number 36. Matthew, chapter 22 and verse 00:16:08.23\00:16:11.73 number 36. Look at what Jesus says in Matthew 22, verse number 36. The Word of God says, 00:16:11.73\00:16:26.36 "Master, which is the great commandment in the law?" Now, notice, this question is coming 00:16:26.36\00:16:39.50 from a lawyer who's trying to tempt Jesus. So Jesus, "which is the greatest commandment in the 00:16:39.50\00:16:45.06 law?" Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy 00:16:45.06\00:16:52.33 soul, and with all thy mind.This is the first and great commandment. And the second is 00:16:52.33\00:16:58.10 just like it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all 00:16:58.10\00:17:04.40 the law and the prophets." Jesus says, don't try to trip me up. Don't try to get me to lying. 00:17:04.40\00:17:11.76 The Bible from Genesis to Revelation is saying the same thing. The Bible in the Old said 00:17:11.76\00:17:20.16 love God. The Bible in the Old said love your neighbor. The Bible in the New says love God. 00:17:20.16\00:17:27.46 The Bible in the new says love thy neighbor. Jesus says, I didn't come to change God's law. 00:17:27.46\00:17:34.00 In fact, I came to fulfill God's law. Matthew 5 says, "Think not that I have come to destroy the 00:17:34.00\00:17:41.83 law and the prophets. I have come not to destroy, but to fulfill." Now, people are not 00:17:41.83\00:17:52.60 saved, however, by keeping the law. But because of the law, we know sin. If there were no law, 00:17:52.60\00:18:00.43 we would not know sin. Let's go to the New Testament, go to the book of Romans. Get some word in 00:18:00.43\00:18:10.26 here, let's teach you, then we celebrate. Romans, chapter 3, verse number 20. Romans, chapter 00:18:10.26\00:18:18.90 3, verse number 20. The Word of God says to us tonight in Romans, chapter 3, verse number 00:18:18.90\00:18:27.80 20. The Apostle Paul says, "Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be 00:18:27.80\00:18:35.43 justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin." But Romans 7:7, Romans 00:18:35.43\00:18:46.20 7:7, the Word of God says, "What shall we say then? Is the law sin? God forbid. Nay, I had not 00:18:46.20\00:18:54.43 known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust, except the law had said, Thou shalt not 00:18:54.43\00:18:59.93 covet." The function, then, of the law, my friends, though we're not saved by it, the 00:18:59.93\00:19:07.93 function of the law it to point out sin, to reveal sin, to give a knowledge of sin. Only Jesus 00:19:07.93\00:19:10.46 can save; the law could never do that. What do we mean? So I'm driving down Jordan Lane, and 00:19:10.46\00:19:19.66 there's a speed limit sign that says, "Speed limit 40 miles an hour." Do I have a witness in 00:19:19.66\00:19:28.43 this place? I drove down University Drive, and there's a sign that says, "Speed limit, 45 00:19:28.43\00:19:34.36 miles an hour." I drive down Memorial Parkway and there's a sign that says, "Speed limit, 50 00:19:34.36\00:19:41.50 miles an hour." I drive down 565, there's a sign that says, "Speed limit, 70 miles per 00:19:41.50\00:19:50.83 hour." Do you see I've got some experience with speed. Come on, say Amen. But I would not know 00:19:50.83\00:20:00.80 the speed limits, I would not know the speed law unless a sign were posted. I would not know 00:20:00.80\00:20:07.63 the law unless it was posted. We wouldn't know sin unless the law pointed it out. But Pastor Byrd, 00:20:07.63\00:20:15.26 you're still saying we're not saved by keeping the law, we're saved by Jesus, but the law 00:20:15.26\00:20:20.86 functions to point out sin, so then if we're not saved by keeping the law, how then are we 00:20:20.86\00:20:31.86 saved? Go to Ephesians, chapter 2. Ephesians, chapter 2. Get some word in. Know what you 00:20:31.86\00:20:40.46 believe, know why you believe it, know where it's found. Ephesians 2, verse 8 and 9. Go 00:20:40.46\00:20:49.30 to Ephesians 2:8-9. The Word of God says, "For by" what? Aud: Grace That means unmerited 00:20:49.30\00:20:56.46 faith. That means you're getting what you don't deserve. You deserve a plague of lice, a 00:20:56.46\00:21:07.53 plague of frogs, a plague of boils. You deserve death. But by grace are ye saved through 00:21:07.53\00:21:17.50 faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works," lest you get 00:21:17.50\00:21:24.66 the big heads. "Lest any man should" what, everybody? Boast. So then I'm saying, because of 00:21:24.66\00:21:31.63 Jesus, the law points out sin. If I didn't have the law, I would not know sin. Love God, 00:21:31.63\00:21:42.70 first four commandments. Love your fellow man, final six commandments. I am saved, 00:21:42.70\00:21:50.90 however, not by my law-keeping, but I am saved by grace through faith. So then, Pastor Byrd, if 00:21:50.90\00:22:01.96 I'm saved by grace through faith, do I have to not even worry about keeping the law? Do 00:22:01.96\00:22:09.56 I know longer have to keep God's law? Go to Romans 3:31. Romans 3:31. Does this mean we no 00:22:09.56\00:22:16.86 longer have to keep God's law? Go to Romans 3:31. The Word of God says, "Do we then make void 00:22:16.86\00:22:24.10 the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law." We don't make the law 00:22:24.10\00:22:31.90 void. We don't do away with it. We are saved by grace through faith. But through the law, 00:22:31.90\00:22:44.83 through the law, by keeping it, we establish it. So let's go back to our illustration. True 00:22:44.83\00:22:52.33 story. It happened most recently. So I'm driving down Memorial Parkway. I'm going 00:22:52.33\00:22:56.46 north. For by grace are ye saved. I'm going north, and I'm on my way to the Oakwood 00:22:56.46\00:23:04.56 University Church. I've got my Hugo Boss suit on, I can't get a witness in this place. My Alan 00:23:04.56\00:23:12.80 Edmond shoes on. Got my shirt on and my bow tie on, and I'm looking good, I'm looking fine 00:23:12.80\00:23:20.20 for church. I've got my Bible in the passenger seat, and I'm looking good. All of a sudden I 00:23:20.20\00:23:25.16 see the lights. And it's not the light of God, do I have a witness in this place? The 00:23:25.16\00:23:39.56 "man," that's what they used to call him. The "man" pulls me over. "Sir, do you realize you 00:23:39.56\00:23:52.43 were going 73 in a 50-mile-per-hour speed zone?" "Officer, I didn't know the 00:23:52.43\00:24:07.40 law." "Sir, the law was posted. You saw the sign right there." "Officer, I'm so sorry, I'm 00:24:07.40\00:24:18.63 trying to get to church. I am a preacher at the Oakwood University Church. See my suit, 00:24:18.63\00:24:28.76 see my shirt, see my bow tie and my ----, my Bible's right here, I'm going to church. Can you 00:24:28.76\00:24:34.50 give me grace? I deserve a ticket, but I'm going to ask you to give me what I don't 00:24:34.50\00:24:39.86 deserve." "Let me see your driver's license." Young preachers in the house, make 00:24:39.86\00:24:49.13 sure you take a picture with a suit and tie on with your driver's license so you look 00:24:49.13\00:25:10.96 like a preacher. Come on, say Amen. [Aud. Reaction] I give him my driver's license, I'm in my 00:25:10.96\00:25:41.70 church attire, I'm looking good, I'm praising God, and I'm praying all the while. Five 00:25:41.70\00:25:49.63 minutes later, the officer comes back. "Your license checked out. Your insurance checked out. Sir, 00:25:49.63\00:25:55.16 you're on your way to church?" "I am." "I'm going to give you some grace." [Aud. Reaction] 00:25:55.16\00:26:03.66 "I'm giving you grace, I'm giving you a warning. Slow down. The speed limit sign is posted. 00:26:03.66\00:26:08.26 You know the law." Three days later [Aud. Reaction] True story. I'm leaving the Oakwood 00:26:08.26\00:26:19.60 University Church. I'm leaving church worship. I've got my suit on, my shirt on, my bow tie on, 00:26:19.60\00:26:27.70 I'm leaving Wednesday night, driving down Jordan Lane. The speed limit is 40 miles per 00:26:27.70\00:26:38.43 hour. I get on Jordan Lane going south, and there I am at the intersection of University 00:26:38.43\00:26:46.63 Drive, and I don't know if you drive like me, but I say to myself, if the light is red, 00:26:46.63\00:26:54.26 I'll keep going straight. If the light for turning left is green, I'll turn left on University. 00:26:54.26\00:27:03.66 The light to turn left is red, the green light keeps going through, I go through. I pass 00:27:03.66\00:27:11.60 that Shell station. I pass Sonic. I pass Stanley O's. I pass that Chevron gas station. I 00:27:11.60\00:27:23.90 pass Holmes Avenue, and within sight I see 565. Oh, I'm driving that Benz, I wish I had a 00:27:23.90\00:27:36.33 witness in this place. All of a sudden I see the lights. I pull over. The officer comes to the 00:27:36.33\00:27:46.06 door. "Sir." "Yes, I'm the pastor of the Oakwood church. I'm just leaving church, I'm on 00:27:46.06\00:27:54.23 my way home to see my wife and kids. Can I get some grace?" "Let me have your license. Let 00:27:54.23\00:27:59.36 me have your insurance." I give him my license, I give him my insurance. "I'll be with you in 00:27:59.36\00:28:04.30 a second." I'm praying, I'm praying, I'm praying. Mind you, three days earlier I just had a 00:28:04.30\00:28:06.53 warning. The officer comes back to the car. "Sir, you were going 53 in a 40-mile-per-hour zone. 00:28:06.53\00:28:09.70 The speed limit was posted." "What about grace?" "No grace. I'm giving you a ticket." 00:28:09.70\00:28:15.06 "Noooo" "I'm giving you a ticket. You must keep the speed limit law, it's posted, it's 00:28:15.06\00:28:22.36 binding, you got grace three days ago. I saw a warning in the system for you. You are getting 00:28:22.36\00:28:23.36