Are you looking for an exciting change in your life? Well, get ready for a breath of new life. 00:00:01.80\00:00:06.20 Today, Dr. Byrd speaks on the topic "The State of The Dead." And now, here he is, 00:00:06.20\00:00:11.70 speaker/director of Breath of Life Ministries, Dr. Carlton 00:00:11.70\00:00:18.40 Byrd. PB:We have for the past two nights, and tonight our third night, we've been talking 00:00:18.40\00:00:33.33 about death in so many words, that the dead in Christ are going to rise what, everybody? 00:00:33.33\00:00:36.20 Aud: First. PB: Come on, the dead in Christ rise what? Aud: 00:00:36.20\00:00:38.80 First. PB: Then we which are alive remain shall be caught up together to meet the Lord in the 00:00:38.80\00:00:42.53 what? Aud: Air. PB: We talked about the fact that if the righteous at their earthly death 00:00:42.53\00:00:47.80 went straight to heaven, who would Jesus be coming back for? We talked about that and so 00:00:47.80\00:00:53.66 tonight we dabble a little bit on that, a little bit more, to understand exactly what is 00:00:53.66\00:00:59.66 death. And what happens to a man, to a woman, after death. Now, God is omnipotent. 00:00:59.66\00:01:07.83 Everybody say omnipotent. Which means God is all powerful. God can do any and everything. But 00:01:07.83\00:01:14.00 not only is he omnipotent, God is omniscient, which means that God knows everything. But then 00:01:14.00\00:01:22.86 not only is he omnipotent and omniscient, God is omnipresent. Which means God is everywhere at 00:01:22.86\00:01:29.66 the same time. But not only that, God is sovereign. Which means God can do what God wants 00:01:29.66\00:01:37.96 when he wants where he wants and how he wants. But not only is God sovereign, God is timeless. 00:01:37.96\00:01:47.06 Which means God always was here, always has been here, always will be here, always was and 00:01:47.06\00:01:54.83 always is. And because God is timeless, God is immortal. Everybody say immortal. Which 00:01:54.83\00:02:04.00 means God can't die. He is uncreated, he is self-existent, he has no beginning and he has 00:02:04.00\00:02:11.46 no end. Now, on the other hand, human beings are mortal. They are what, everybody? Mortal 00:02:11.46\00:02:17.96 means by definition that you are subject to death. As human beings we are subject to die. 00:02:17.96\00:02:24.36 Now, I like saying this all the time when we try to explain the word mortal, because we 00:02:24.36\00:02:30.36 recognize that a lot of words are derived from the word mortal. Now remember, mortal 00:02:30.36\00:02:36.20 means we are subject to what, everybody? We are subject to death. We are subject to die. 00:02:36.20\00:02:43.93 Well then, if mortal means subject to death, mortuary means house of death, mortician is 00:02:43.93\00:02:50.80 somebody who works with the dead, and when you have a mortgage you pay it until you're 00:02:50.80\00:03:07.30 dead. But God is infinite and humans are finite. God is eternal. Humans are transitory. 00:03:07.30\00:03:17.00 God is immortal. Humans are mortal. No human being lives forever, because human beings 00:03:17.00\00:03:22.50 are subject to death. So we know we are supposed to die, but tonight we deal with what 00:03:22.50\00:03:29.43 happens after we die. The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 9: 5 and 6: "For the living know that they 00:03:29.43\00:03:34.76 shall die: but the dead know not any thing." Let's try that one more time. For the living know 00:03:34.76\00:03:39.23 that they shall what, everybody? Die, but the dead know not what? Aud: Anything. PB: Now, we're 00:03:39.23\00:03:42.53 going to talk about this tomorrow. But let me throw it out here tonight. How many days 00:03:42.53\00:03:46.56 are there in a week? Come on, how many days are there in a week? In six days God created 00:03:46.56\00:03:52.26 this earth. There are seven days in a week, but in six days God created this earth, and on day 00:03:52.26\00:03:59.03 six God created man. God created whom, everybody? God created man. Genesis 1:1 says, In the 00:03:59.03\00:04:04.70 beginning God created the heavens and the what? Come on, in the beginning, God created 00:04:04.70\00:04:10.03 the heavens and the what? Aud: Earth. PB: Verse number 26, and God said, let us make man. Let 00:04:10.03\00:04:16.26 us make whom, everybody? Now, I love this text because it proves the fact that God made man. Man 00:04:16.26\00:04:23.33 did not come from monkey. Man came from God. Man did not come from a big bang theory, but man 00:04:23.33\00:04:35.93 came from God. God said, let us make man. Notice in the text. The Bible does not say, and God 00:04:35.93\00:04:42.33 said, let me make man. But the text says, God said, let us make man. Pointing to the plurality 00:04:42.33\00:04:48.86 in the Godhead. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Don't let anyone tell 00:04:48.86\00:04:55.13 you that Jesus was just a good, nice man. Jesus was God. God said, let us make man. Not me, 00:04:55.13\00:05:03.36 but us. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. John 1:1, in the beginning was the word and 00:05:03.36\00:05:10.66 the word was with God and the word was God and then the word became flesh. Jesus is God, Holy 00:05:10.66\00:05:20.26 Spirit is God, and the Father is God. They are three in one. How did God create man in the 00:05:20.26\00:05:24.90 beginning? Go with me to the Book of Genesis. What Book did I say, everybody? And let's go to 00:05:24.90\00:05:28.36 the beginning. Go to Genesis, Chapter 2 and we're going to verse 7. Genesis 2:7. The Word 00:05:28.36\00:05:38.23 of God says to us, if you have it, let me hear you say Amen. The Word of God says in Genesis 00:05:38.23\00:05:43.83 2:7, And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the what? And breathed into his nostrils 00:05:43.83\00:05:49.50 the breath of what? Aud: Life. PB: And man became a living 00:05:49.50\00:05:53.43 what? Aud: Soul. PB: One more time. The Lord God formed man of the dust of the what, everybody? 00:05:53.43\00:05:57.10 Ground. Breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. And man then became a living what? 00:05:57.10\00:06:02.26 Aud: Soul. PB: So, how did God create man in the beginning? Number one, he took dust. 00:06:02.26\00:06:06.46 He took what, everybody? And then he took the breath of what? 00:06:06.46\00:06:10.20 Aud: Life. PB: And then man became a living what? Aud: Soul 00:06:10.20\00:06:12.56 PB: In order for God to have created man he took dust of the 00:06:12.56\00:06:16.70 what? Ground. He took the breath of what? And man became a living 00:06:16.70\00:06:21.36 what? Aud: Soul. PB: If I have dust, but I don't have breath, do I have a living soul? Aud: 00:06:21.36\00:06:25.20 No. PB: If I don't have dust, but I do have breath, do I have 00:06:25.20\00:06:28.60 a living soul? No. Either way I don't have a living soul, because in order for me to be a 00:06:28.60\00:06:32.70 living soul, it takes dust of the ground, breathing into man's nostrils the breath of what, 00:06:32.70\00:06:36.83 everybody? And then man becomes a living what? Aud: Soul. 00:06:36.83\00:06:39.66 PB: All right. That's how we're formed. So now let's talk about the reverse of that process. 00:06:39.66\00:06:44.43 We know how we got here, dust of the ground, breath of life, man became a living soul. 00:06:44.43\00:06:49.60 What the reverse of that? Go to the Book of Ecclesiastes. What book did I say, everybody? 00:06:49.60\00:06:53.83 Remember, know what you believe, know why you believe it, know 00:06:53.83\00:06:57.46 where it's found. Get some Word in you. Remember, you've got to know what you're shouting about. 00:06:57.46\00:07:00.26 Preaching is not just decibel level. If you're going to shout, say something worth shouting 00:07:00.26\00:07:04.63 about. So, let's find out what the Word of God says. Ecclesiastes, Chapter 12, verse 00:07:04.63\00:07:13.40 7. Ecclesiastes 12:7. If you have it let me hear you say Amen. The Word says, Then shall 00:07:13.40\00:07:19.60 the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirt shall return unto whom, everybody? 00:07:19.60\00:07:26.10 Shall return unto whom? God, who gave it. So, let's understand what's going on. In order for 00:07:26.10\00:07:31.86 one to be created, God took dust of the what? Ground. Breathed into its nostrils the breath of 00:07:31.86\00:07:35.06 what, everybody? Aud: Life. PB: And man became a living what? 00:07:35.06\00:07:37.20 Aud: Soul. PB: Now, we just read from Ecclesiastes 12:7, that at death then shall the dust return 00:07:37.20\00:07:44.06 to the what? Aud: Ground. PB: So that means then the dust of the ground returns to what it was 00:07:44.06\00:07:49.36 and then the Bible says, the spirit shall return to whom, everybody? God who gave it. Now, 00:07:49.36\00:07:54.03 this is where a lot of people misunderstand the spirit. Because a lot of people try to 00:07:54.03\00:08:00.70 equate the spirit with the soul. Are you hearing what I'm saying? People try to equate and say, 00:08:00.70\00:08:06.33 well, the soul goes back to God. Well, we just read from Genesis 2:7, dust of the ground, breath 00:08:06.33\00:08:11.86 of life, man became a living what? Aud: Soul. PB: We just read, if you don't have dust, 00:08:11.86\00:08:15.56 but you have breath, you can't have a living soul or the converse of that. If you have 00:08:15.56\00:08:20.10 breath but don't have dust, vice versa, you can't have a living soul. Now, we just read from the 00:08:20.10\00:08:25.13 Bible that when a body, a person, dies, their body returns to dust. Then it says, the 00:08:25.13\00:08:32.43 spirit returns to God. But how do we know if the spirit is the breath or whether the spirit is 00:08:32.43\00:08:47.03 the soul? How do we know that the spirit is the breath and not the soul? The Bible is clear. 00:08:47.03\00:08:53.00 Body returns to dust, spirit returns to God. But what happens to the soul, or is the soul 00:08:53.00\00:08:56.96 spirit or is the spirit the breath of life? Take your Bible and go to the Book of Job. What 00:08:56.96\00:09:02.23 book, everybody? Let's find out what the Word of God says. It gives us the answer. Remember, 00:09:02.23\00:09:13.76 not my will but thy will be done. Job, Chapter 27, verse 3. Job 27:3. Right before the Book 00:09:13.76\00:09:23.26 of Psalm. If you have it let me hear you say Amen. The Word says in Job 27:3, All the while my 00:09:23.26\00:09:29.13 breath is where? In me and the spirit of whom? Come on, the spirit of whom? Aud: God. PB: Is 00:09:29.13\00:09:32.96 in my what? Aud: Nostrils. PB: Now, we read from Genesis 2:7 the Lord God formed man of the 00:09:32.96\00:09:38.83 dust of the ground and breathed in his what? Come on, breathed in his nostrils the breath of 00:09:38.83\00:09:44.30 what? Aud: Life. PB: And man became a living soul. Then Job 27:3 says, all the while my 00:09:44.30\00:09:49.86 breath is where? In me and the spirit of whom? Aud: God. PB: Is in my what? Aud: Nostrils. 00:09:49.86\00:09:55.20 PB: So the spirit of God is in my nostrils and the breath of 00:09:55.20\00:09:59.53 God is in me, then that must mean then that the spirit is equated or synonymous with the 00:09:59.53\00:10:06.03 breath. Not the soul. Are you hearing what I'm saying? The spirit is the breath. 00:10:06.03\00:10:10.96 All the while breath is in me and the spirit of God is in my 00:10:10.96\00:10:15.46 nostrils. God breathed into my nostrils the breath of life. The spirit is the breath of life. 00:10:15.46\00:10:21.10 So then when a person dies, the body returns to what? Dust. The spirit returns to whom? God. 00:10:21.10\00:10:26.43 And the spirit is the breath. The spirit is the what, everybody? It's not the soul, 00:10:26.43\00:10:32.20 but the breath, which means then, if you don't have dust, you don't have breath, you can't 00:10:32.20\00:10:37.56 have a soul. So when you don't have dust, you don't have breath. The soul then ceases to 00:10:37.56\00:10:44.06 exist. God formed man of dust and made a body. He then combined his breath with his 00:10:44.06\00:10:47.93 body and man became a living soul. The biblical definition for a soul is body plus breath 00:10:47.93\00:10:57.63 equal living soul. One more time, body plus what? Breath equal living what? Dust of the 00:10:57.63\00:11:05.20 ground, the breath of life is also the spirit of God and when you don't have either of them, 00:11:05.20\00:11:11.53 the soul ceases to what, everybody? Aud: Exist. PB: Now, a living, breathing being is a 00:11:11.53\00:11:17.76 soul. What the Bible's trying to tell us is the fact that we are souls. The truth is we don't 00:11:17.76\00:11:27.63 have souls. The truth is we are souls. I don't have a soul, I am a soul. We are souls. Not that 00:11:27.63\00:11:36.33 we have souls. And when the soul sins, according to Ezekiel 18:4, the soul that sinneth it shall 00:11:36.33\00:11:43.76 die. That makes sense that when I die then, my body returns to dust, the spirit returns to God, 00:11:43.76\00:11:50.26 there is no more soul. My soul ceases to exist. Because I don't have a soul, I am a soul. All 00:11:50.26\00:12:00.63 have sinned and come short of the glory of God. So then at death, because the soul that 00:12:00.63\00:12:05.90 sinneth it shall die, the body returns to dust, the spirit returns to God, and the soul 00:12:05.90\00:12:15.96 ceases to exist. I said all of this to say what? Dead people are dead. I've said all of that 00:12:15.96\00:12:31.46 to say that dead people are dead. What do I mean? Take your Bibles. You're in Job. Go to 00:12:31.46\00:12:35.70 Job, Chapter 7. Job, Chapter what, everybody? Come on quickly. Let's give you some 00:12:35.70\00:12:42.03 Word. Job 7 and we going to verse 9. Job 7:9. Dead people are dead. The Word of God says, 00:12:42.03\00:12:50.46 As the cloud is consumed and vanisheth away: so he that goeth down to the grave shall come up 00:12:50.46\00:12:56.00 no more. He shall return no more to his house, neither shall his place know him any more. What am 00:12:56.00\00:13:01.80 I trying to say? Dead people can't go back and haunt houses. Why? Dead people are what, 00:13:01.80\00:13:09.70 everybody? Dead people are what, everybody? Well, Mama was talking to me. No, Mama wasn't. 00:13:09.70\00:13:14.46 You just ate before you went to sleep. The dead do not come back to your house, because dead 00:13:14.46\00:13:19.46 people are what, everybody? Aud: Dead. PB: Let's get some more. Go to Job 14 and we're going to 00:13:19.46\00:13:28.33 verse 12. Job 14:12, the Word of God says, "So man lieth down, and riseth not: till the heavens 00:13:28.33\00:13:33.63 be no more, they shall not awake, nor be raised out of their sleep." Verse 21: "His 00:13:33.63\00:13:39.36 sons come to honour, and he knoweth it not; and they are brought low, but he perceiveth 00:13:39.36\00:13:45.46 it not of them." What am I trying to say? Dead people do not know what their loved ones 00:13:45.46\00:13:49.96 on earth are doing, because dead people are what, everybody? They're dead. Let's get some 00:13:49.96\00:13:56.76 more. Go to the Book of Psalms and we're going to Psalms 6, verse 5. Psalms 6:5, the Word of 00:13:56.76\00:14:05.80 God says, "For in death there is no more remembrance of thee: in the grave who shall give thee 00:14:05.80\00:14:10.40 thanks?" Which is what we're trying to say. The dead do not remember or give thanks. Why? 00:14:10.40\00:14:16.86 Dead people are what? Dead. That's why while I've got life in my body, while I've got God's 00:14:16.86\00:14:21.83 breath in my body, I'm going to give God a praise. I'm going to give God some thanks, because 00:14:21.83\00:14:27.33 the dead cannot give thanks because the dead are what, everybody? Aud: Dead. 00:14:27.33\00:14:31.33 PB: Go to Psalms 115, talking about praising the Lord. Psalm 115 and we're going to verse 17. 00:14:31.33\00:14:38.60 Psalms 115:17, the Word of God says to us tonight. If you have it let me hear you say Amen. 00:14:38.60\00:14:47.13 The Word says: "The dead praise not the Lord, neither any that go down into silence." 00:14:47.13\00:14:55.00 Dead people don't praise God because dead people are what? Dead people are what? 00:14:55.00\00:15:00.80 Dead people are dead. Dead people do not praise God because dead people are dead. 00:15:00.80\00:15:04.86 Psalm 146, verse 4. The Word of God says to us tonight: "His breath goeth forth, 00:15:04.86\00:15:17.13 he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish." Dead people can't 00:15:17.13\00:15:25.10 think because dead people are what, everybody? Dead people are 00:15:25.10\00:15:32.96 dead. Dead people do not go haunt houses because dead people are what? Dead people do not 00:15:32.96\00:15:37.16 know what their loved ones on earth are doing because dead people are what? Dead people do 00:15:37.16\00:15:41.03 not remember or give thanks because dead people are what? Dead people do not praise the 00:15:41.03\00:15:45.43 Lord because dead people are what? Dead people do not think because dead people are what, 00:15:45.43\00:15:50.80 everybody? Because when a person dies their body returns to dust, the spirit returns to God, the 00:15:50.80\00:15:57.10 soul ceases to exist, because dead people are what? Aud: Dead. 00:15:57.10\00:16:01.70 PB: Now let me show you how this all works together. Are we ready 00:16:01.70\00:16:08.33 now? Let's show you how all this works together. At Jesus' second coming the Bible says there's 00:16:08.33\00:16:15.10 going to be a resurrection. And this is the first resurrection, which is a good resurrection 00:16:15.10\00:16:20.00 because blessed and holy is he that have part in the first resurrection. At Jesus' second 00:16:20.00\00:16:26.00 coming the dead in Christ are going to rise what? Aud: First. 00:16:26.00\00:16:29.50 PB: Then we which are alive, the righteous living, are going to be caught up to meet the Lord in 00:16:29.50\00:16:33.56 the what? Aud: Air. PB: If we were already in heaven there would be nobody to rise. 00:16:33.56\00:16:36.93 Why would Jesus need to come back to redeem people who were already with him? The fact is, 00:16:36.93\00:16:43.16 Mama and Daddy aren't in heaven because the Bible says when they die the body returns to dust, 00:16:43.16\00:16:49.40 the spirit returns to God, the soul ceases to exist. When Jesus comes back, the dead in Christ 00:16:49.40\00:16:55.90 are going to rise first and the righteous living are caught up to meet with the Lord in the 00:16:55.90\00:16:59.60 air. When Lazarus died, Lazarus did not go straight to heaven because if he had Jesus would 00:16:59.60\00:17:05.20 have said, Lazarus, come down. But Jesus said, Lazarus, come 00:17:05.20\00:17:12.36 forth. (Applause) PB: He was in the grave. He was not in heaven. Jesus said, come forth. 00:17:12.36\00:17:22.70 Righteous dead rise first. Righteous living are caught up to meet the Lord in the what? 00:17:22.70\00:17:31.20 Aud: The air. PB: The wicked living die at the brightness of 00:17:31.20\00:17:34.43 his what? PB: The wicked dead remain what, everybody? They remain dead for how long? How 00:17:34.43\00:17:39.80 long, everybody? A thousand years, because there's a second resurrection at the end of the 00:17:39.80\00:17:46.43 one thousand years. This is a resurrection of the wicked. We talked about it Sunday night. 00:17:46.43\00:17:53.33 Why would God resurrect wicked people only for them to die again? Because at the end of the 00:17:53.33\00:17:59.53 one thousand years, this is the only time in earth's history where all of us who have ever 00:17:59.53\00:18:06.26 lived will be alive at the same time. Everybody who's lived on this earth, we must be alive, 00:18:06.26\00:18:11.90 because the prophecy must come to pass that one day every knee is going to bow, every tongue is 00:18:11.90\00:18:20.10 going to confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. At his first coming he comes to save his 00:18:20.10\00:18:29.36 people. At his second coming he comes to get his people. And at his third coming, he's coming 00:18:29.36\00:18:39.13 back with his people. Hallelujah, somebody. But Satan is alive. He wants us to believe 00:18:39.13\00:18:47.50 that dead are alive and can be contacted. But the Bible says the living know that they shall 00:18:47.50\00:19:00.30 die, but the dead know not anything. The dead are dead. So, you know what? Leave all this 00:19:00.30\00:19:05.43 voodoo, these Ouija boards, these crazy spirits alone. I tell people, some people get 00:19:05.43\00:19:09.50 offended, but I tell it like it is. If the Lord said it, you can count on it. If it ain't in the 00:19:09.50\00:19:16.50 Word, it doesn't deserve to be heard. I wish I had a witness in this place. Understand, that's 00:19:16.50\00:19:21.36 why I can't deal with crazy spirits. If you don't believe in the spirit of God, then you need 00:19:21.36\00:19:27.10 to get from around me. I don't ask everybody to pray for me because if you ain't praying to 00:19:27.10\00:19:33.33 God's Holy Spirit. Sometimes when I go visit folk in the hospital room, there are people 00:19:33.33\00:19:40.26 in there with doubting, faithless spirits. I got to say, get out of this room. God has 00:19:40.26\00:19:45.36 sent me to clean this room out. Because if you don't believe that my God can just speak a 00:19:45.36\00:19:53.66 word, can say a word, can touch somebody, then you have no business praying to my God. 00:19:53.66\00:19:59.23 Isaiah 20 says, to the Lord, to the testimony. If they speak not according to this Word it is 00:19:59.23\00:20:06.76 because there is no light in them. Let me tell you something. Can I preach a minute? Satan 00:20:06.76\00:20:13.03 knows the Bible better than you. Satan can quote Scripture better than you. Satan can preach 00:20:13.03\00:20:21.43 better than you. If Satan will tempt Adam and Eve, if Satan will tempt Jesus, don't you know 00:20:21.43\00:20:26.76 he will tempt you. Satan will transform himself into an angel of light. He's not in a red 00:20:26.76\00:20:33.06 suit. He does not have horns sticking out of his head. He does not have a tail coming out 00:20:33.06\00:20:40.10 of his backside. Satan is not walking around with a pitchfork. Some of you work for the devil. 00:20:40.10\00:20:45.53 Some of you live with the devil. Satan will transform himself into an angel of light, making 00:20:45.53\00:20:51.63 him pure as a minister. He'll deceive you on the Word. He'll deceive you on life. He'll 00:20:51.63\00:21:01.40 deceive you on death. He'll deceive you on resurrection power, making you think that he 00:21:01.40\00:21:11.16 has power to give life and resurrect, but Satan can't resurrect anybody. Satan can't 00:21:11.16\00:21:16.63 give life. Only Jesus can give life. He said, I have come that you might have life and have it 00:21:16.63\00:21:25.50 more abundantly. He said, I am the resurrection and the life. At the cross, Satan thought he 00:21:25.50\00:21:34.73 had defeated Jesus. But he went and died on Friday, laid resting in the grave on the Sabbath, 00:21:34.73\00:21:44.00 ---. Jesus got up because Jesus said I am the resurrection and the life, and because he lives, 00:21:44.00\00:21:52.06 I live. I serve a risen Savior. He's in the world today. Behold I show you a mystery that one 00:21:52.06\00:21:58.63 day we shall not all seek, but one day in a moment, in a twinkle of an eye, we shall be 00:21:58.63\00:22:05.83 changed. This mortal will put on immortality. This corruptible will put on incorruption. And 00:22:05.83\00:22:17.90 death will be swallowed up in victory. Victory is mine. Victory is mine. Victory today 00:22:17.90\00:22:25.13 is when we all get to heaven. What a day that's going to be when we all see Jesus. We're 00:22:25.13\00:22:36.40 going to sing and shout. Someone give him glory in this place. Somebody give him honor in this 00:22:36.40\00:22:47.56 place. God's at work. God we praise. The devil's alive. I'm going to stop. The devil's 00:22:47.56\00:23:01.83 alive. The devil is scared. He knows he has but a short time. Death is not a period, only a 00:23:01.83\00:23:09.90 comma in the story of life. Because he's coming back. Again. Yes, he's coming back. Glory 00:23:09.90\00:23:23.96 Hallelujah. Glory Hallelujah. Bless his name. Lift him up. Praise God. Praise God. He's 00:23:23.96\00:23:35.26 coming back again. Dear God, I have to praise right now. (Continuous music) PB: Big Mama 00:23:35.26\00:23:42.86 is not looking down on you. Big Daddy is not looking down on you. The body has returned to 00:23:42.86\00:23:53.90 dust. The spirit has returned to God. And the soul ceases to exist. If they were already in 00:23:53.90\00:24:02.20 heaven, who would Jesus come back and get? I don't know who told you. I'm not mad at who 00:24:02.20\00:24:12.66 told you that. All I know is the devil is alive. You better read the Bible and go to the Bible 00:24:12.66\00:24:23.46 for yourself. Yes, soon and very soon. I don't know about you, but I'm going to see the King. 00:24:23.46\00:24:30.96 No more dying. No more crying. No more sickness. No more pain. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. We're 00:24:30.96\00:24:37.00 going to see. Let's go to screen, quickly, quickly. Let's go to screen. Sanctify them 00:24:37.00\00:24:43.30 through they what, everybody? Thy truth, because thy word is what? Now understand. God's 00:24:43.30\00:24:49.26 truth is most important, because it's God's truth that's going to set you free. Now let me tell 00:24:49.26\00:24:56.76 you. I know this may be unpopular with some people, but if God said it, friends of mine, 00:24:56.76\00:25:01.83 that settles it. I wish I had a witness in this place. Whether you believe it or not, if God 00:25:01.83\00:25:07.76 said it, that settles it. That's the end of the matter. If God said it. The Bible says the Lord 00:25:07.76\00:25:15.63 God formed man of the dust of the what, everybody? Dust of the what, everybody? And breathed 00:25:15.63\00:25:22.60 into his nostrils the breath of what? And man became a living what? Man became a living what, 00:25:22.60\00:25:28.10 everybody? Which means then, dust plus breath of life, which is the spirit, is equivalent to 00:25:28.10\00:25:34.70 a living what? A living soul. Then the dust will return to earth as it was and the spirit 00:25:34.70\00:25:41.30 returns to whom, everybody? God, who gave it in the first place. Behold, all souls are mine. As 00:25:41.30\00:25:47.96 the soul of the prophet, so also the soul of the son, is mine. The soul that sinneth, it shall 00:25:47.96\00:25:52.53 what, everybody? Marvel not at this for the hour is coming in the which that all that are in 00:25:52.53\00:25:56.30 the grave shall hear his what? Hear his voice. God's voice. The voice of Jesus. Satan does not 00:25:56.30\00:26:01.10 have power over life and death. Are you hearing what I'm saying? If he had power over life and 00:26:01.10\00:26:05.23 death, he would have killed Job, but he couldn't do because he don't have that kind of power. 00:26:05.23\00:26:11.13 Are you hearing what I'm saying? The day is coming when all who are in the grave will hear 00:26:11.13\00:26:16.23 Jesus' voice. They shall come forth. They that have done good unto the resurrection of what, 00:26:16.23\00:26:21.93 everybody? Light. They that have done evil to the resurrection of damnation. For the Lord himself 00:26:21.93\00:26:27.40 shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and the trump of God 00:26:27.40\00:26:34.63 and the dead in Christ shall rise what? Then we which are alive remain to be caught up 00:26:34.63\00:26:40.26 together with him in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the 00:26:40.26\00:26:44.60 Lord wherefore comfort one another with these words. You will never be the same again, 00:26:44.60\00:26:49.06 because you have not. You will never be able to be lied to again about this because you 00:26:49.06\00:26:53.03 know what the Word of God says. You hear people all the time, oh, they're in a better place. 00:26:53.03\00:26:57.93 They're in the grave. Are you hearing what I'm saying? Jesus said comfort one another with 00:26:57.93\00:27:02.86 the words that when I will come back the dead in Christ I will rise first then. So, remember at 00:27:02.86\00:27:08.50 Jesus' second coming there are four primary groups of people. Number one, the righteous dead, 00:27:08.50\00:27:14.80 they rise what? Number two, the righteous living are caught up to meet the Lord in the what? 00:27:14.80\00:27:20.76 Number three, the wicked living die at the brightness of his what? And then, number four, the 00:27:20.76\00:27:24.80 wicked dead remain what, everybody? Because if all the righteous went to heaven when 00:27:24.80\00:27:32.50 they died, then who would Jesus be coming back to get at his second coming? The righteous do 00:27:32.50\00:27:36.33 not go to heaven at death, because if they did there would be no one for Jesus to come and 00:27:36.33\00:27:42.23 get. Satan wants to deceive people into thinking that dead people are alive and can be 00:27:42.23\00:27:45.20 contacted, but dead people are what, everybody? Dead. The living know that they shall die, 00:27:45.20\00:27:50.53 but the dead know not anything and they have no more reward, for the memory of them is what, 00:27:50.53\00:27:57.83 everybody? Also, their love, their hatred, and their envy have now perished, never more 00:27:57.83\00:28:04.06 will they have a share in anything done under the sun. His breath goeth forth, he returneth 00:28:04.06\00:28:06.83 to his earth. In that very day his thoughts do what, everybody? They perish. So, understanding 00:28:06.83\00:28:10.56 this making clear we are not to seek counsel from astrologers, fortunetellers, Thank you for 00:28:10.56\00:28:15.43 joining us for another exciting broadcast. We'd like you to partner with us as we offer the 00:28:15.43\00:28:22.30 Breath of Life to a dying world. All of our sermon titles and DVDs can be purchased at 00:28:22.30\00:28:23.30