Participants: Carlton P. Byrd
Series Code: BOL
Program Code: BOL000184A
00:01 Are you looking for an exciting change in your life? Well, get ready for a breath of new life.
00:06 Today. Dr. Byrd speaks on the topic "The Millennium" And now, here he is, 00:11 speaker/director of Breath of Life Ministries, Dr. Carlton Byrd. 00:18 PB: The Bible says let not your heart be, what, everybody? Aud.: Troubled. 00:22 PB: Ye believe in God, believe also in Me. He said, "In my Father's house are many mansions. 00:29 If it were not so I would have told you. I go and prepare a place for you, 00:32 and if I go and prepare a place I will come again and receive you until Myself that where I am, 00:37 there ye may be also." And so this, as Christians, is what we're looking forward to: Jesus' second coming. 00:46 This is what we all should be anticipating: Jesus' second coming. 00:53 Does anybody want Jesus to come back tonight? [Aud. reaction] 00:58 PB: Is there anybody tired of living from paycheck to paycheck, from medicine here to medicine there, 01:05 from house note to car note? Anybody tired of paying tuition tonight? I don't know about you, 01:11 but I'm ready for Jesus to come. Now, remember, Jesus, He is coming back soon. Yes or no? 01:19 [Aud. reaction] PB: Come on, is Jesus coming back soon, yes or no? 01:22 [Aud. reaction] PB: Yes. He's coming back soon. Do we know the exact date of His coming? 01:25 [Aud. reaction] PB: The answer is no. But we do know the signs, we do know the what, everybody? 01:30 [Aud. reaction] PB: Signs of His coming. Let me see if you remember from last evening. 01:33 Matthew 24 says "There will be wars and rumors of" what, everybody?[Aud. reaction] 01:38 PB: "There will be wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes, pestilence, in diverse places." 01:43 We recognize that when Jesus comes back, just before His coming there will be a lot of deception. 01:49 There will be a lot of what, everybody? [Aud. reaction] 01:51 PB: Which means, Satan is a liar. He is the father of lies and there is no truth in him. 01:57 Now, we don't know when Jesus is coming, but we know Jesus is coming soon. We know the signs 02:05 of His coming. Now, how will Jesus come? Well, the Bible says in Acts chapter, verse number 9, 10 and 11, 02:12 that he left in a cloud, so when He comes back, He's coming back in a what, everybody? 02:17 [Aud. reaction] PB: When He comes back, also in Revelation chapter 1, verse number 7, 02:23 the Bible is clear that when he comes back every living what? Eye is going to what? 02:29 Aud.: See Him. PB: Come on, every living eye is going to what? 02:31 Aud.: See Him. PB: And we're all going to see Him at the same time. Which means then, 02:35 there will not be a secret rapture about Jesus' coming. When Jesus comes back, those in Huntsville 02:42 are going see Him and those in Atlanta are going to see Him. Btu not only those in Atlanta, 02:46 but those in New York are going to see Him. But not only those in New York, but those in 02:51 Los Angeles are going to see Hm. Those in Africa are going to see Him. Those in the West Indies 02:57 are going to see Him. Those in Asia are going to see Him. Australia will see Him, 03:02 and we will all see Him at the same time. [Aud. reaction] 03:06 PB: Now, when Jesus comes back, last night we talked about it. Take your Bibles, 03:11 go to the book of First Thessalonians. What book did I say, everybody? 03:15 Aud.: First Thessalonians. PB: Look at it in your traditional Bible. 03:18 If you have it on your I phone or your smart phone, look at it. I want you to read the Word of God. 03:21 There was a famine in the land and it's not for bread and water but people don't know the Word of God. 03:26 If we're going to shout, we ought to know what we're shouting about. Do I have a witness in this place? 03:30 [Aud. reaction] PB: The Word of God says in 1 Thessalonians, chapter 4, we're going to verse number 16. 03:36 If Satan is a liar, we need to know what God's Word and His truth says. The Word of God says 03:41 there are four primary groups of people when Jesus comes back the second time. Group number one, 03:47 1 Thessalonians 4, verse 16. The Word of God says, "For the Lord," what? Aud.: Himself. 03:54 PB: Come on, talk to me. For the Lord what? Aud.: Himself. 03:56 PB: "Shall descend from heaven with a," what? Aud.: Shout. 03:58 PB: And "with the voice of the arch-," what? Aud.: Angel. 04:01 PB: "and with the trump of," whom? Aud.: God. 04:03 PB: And the Bible says, "the dead in Christ shall rise," what? Aud.: First. 04:06 PB: So then we have group number one is the righteous dead, and the Bible is clear, 04:10 at Jesus' second coming the dead in Christ, or the righteous dead, shall rise what, everybody? 04:16 Aud.: First. PB: But not only that, go to group number two, verse number 17 says, 04:20 "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, 04:24 and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first." Then it says, "Then we which are," what? 04:29 Aud.: Alive. PB: And what? Aud.: Remain. 04:31 PB: "Shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the," what? 04:34 Aud.: Air. PB: "And so shall we ever be with," whom, everybody? 04:37 Aud.: The Lord. PB: Now, the Bible is clear then. Group number two are the righteous living. 04:41 In this group we recognize that at Jesus' second coming the righteous living are caught 04:47 up to meet the Lord in the what? Aud.: Air. PB: So, is Jesus coming soon? 04:50 Aud.: Yes. PB: Come on, is Jesus coming soon? Aud.: Yes. 04:53 PB: Do we know when He's coming? Aud.: No. PB: But we know He's coming what? 04:57 Aud.: Soon. PB: We know He's coming soon. When He comes back, He left in a cloud 05:01 so He's coming back in a what? Aud.: Cloud. PB: When Jesus comes back, every what? 05:05 Aud.: Eye. PB: Is going to what? Aud.: See Him. 05:07 PB: When Jesus comes back, number one, the righteous dead shall rise what? 05:11 Aud.: First. PB: Number two, the righteous living shall be caught up to meet Him in the what? 05:14 Aud.: Air. PB: Then what happens to group number three? Go to 2 Thessalonians. Get some Word in you. 05:20 Know what you believe, now why you believe it, know where it's found in the Word of God. 05:23 Don't take my Word for it, but read the Word for yourself. Second Thessalonians chapter 2, 05:28 and we're going to verse number 8. Second Thessalonians chapter 2 and verse number 8, 05:33 group number three: The wicked, or the unrighteous living. The Word of God says to us tonight 05:38 in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2, verse number 8, "And then shall that wicked be," what, everybody? 05:43 Aud.: Revealed. PB: "Whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his," what? 05:47 Aud.: Mouth. PB: And "shall destroy with the brightness of his," what? 05:50 Aud.: Coming. PB: So group number three, the unrighteous or the wicked living, 05:55 at Jesus' second coming they will die at the brightness of His what? 06:00 Aud.: Coming. PB: Group one, the righteous dead, rise what? 06:03 Aud.: First. PB: Group number two, righteous living, are caught up to meet the Lord in the what? 06:07 Aud.: Air. PB: Group number three, the wicked, or the unrighteous living, 06:10 die at the brightness of His what? Aud.: Coming. 06:12 PB: But there's one more group. Go to Revelation 20 and go to verse number 5. 06:17 What does the Word of God say in Revelation chapter 20, verse number 5? The Word of God says 06:22 to us tonight in Revelation, chapter 20, verse number 5. Group number four, we call this group the wicked, 06:29 or the unrighteous dead. The wicked or the unrighteous dead. The Word of God says to us tonight 06:37 in Revelation chapter 20 and verse number 5. If you have it, let me hear you say amen. 06:42 Aud.: Amen. PB: The Word says, "But the rest of the dead live not again until 06:48 the thousand years were," what? Aud.: Finished. 06:50 PB: "This is the" what resurrection? Aud.: First. 06:52 PB: All right, let's understand what we're reading. Group number four would then be the wicked 06:58 or the unrighteous dead. The Bible says that at Jesus' second coming, the wicked dead 07:05 will remain what, everybody? Aud.: Dead. 07:07 PB: So let's be clear, make sure I know you're with me. Number one, 07:10 the righteous dead at His second coming rise what? Aud.: First. 07:14 PB: Come on, talk to me, the righteous dead rise what? Aud.: First. 07:16 PB: Group number two, the righteous living, are caught up to meet the Lord in the what? 07:20 Aud.: Air. PB: Group number three, the wicked living, die at the brightness of His what? 07:25 Aud.: Coming. PB: Group number four, the Bible says at Jesus' second coming, 07:29 that the wicked dead remain what? Aud.: Dead. PB: For how many years? 07:32 Aud.: A thousand. PB: How many years? Aud.: A thousand. 07:35 PB: Look at verse number 5 again. It says "They are dead and live not again until 07:40 the thousand years are finished. This is the," what resurrection? Aud.: First. 07:43 PB: Now, read the Bible carefully. Notice the Bible does not say this is the resurrection. 07:47 The Bible says this is the first resurrection, which then suggests to me before I read 07:52 anything else, there must be more than one resurrection. [Aud. reaction] 07:56 PB: Because if it were just one resurrection, the Bible would say, "This is the resurrection." 08:04 All right, so make sure we have it, let's make sure we're together. Number one, the righteous 08:08 dead at Jesus' second coming rise what? Aud.: First. 08:11 PB: Number two, the righteous living are caught up to meet the Lord in the what? 08:14 Aud.: Air. PB: Number three, the wicked living dies at the brightness of His what? 08:18 Aud.: Coming. PB: Number four, the wicked dead remain what? Aud.: Dead. 08:21 PB: So then, at Jesus' second coming the Bible is clear that the dead in Christ rise first. 08:26 So, if big Mama were already in heaven and she's died in the Lord, if she were already 08:31 in heaven, who would Jesus be coming back for at His second coming? [Aud. reaction] 08:35 PB: There would be no one for Him to come back and get, there would be no one to rise first, 08:41 because at death, if they went straight to heaven, who would Jesus be coming back for? 08:47 [Aud. reaction] PB: Now, the Bible says that the wicked dead remain dead for how long? 08:52 Aud.: A thousand years. PB: How long, everybody? Aud.: A thousand years. 08:55 PB: It says, "This is the" what resurrection? Aud.: First. 08:57 PB: This is the what resurrection? Aud.: First. 08:59 PB: Now look at verse 6. Revelation 20, the Bible says "Blessed and holy is 09:04 he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no," what? 09:09 Aud.: Power. PB: "But they shall be priests of" whom? Aud.: God. 09:12 PB: And of whom? Aud.: Christ. PB: And, "shall reign with them" for how many years? 09:15 Aud.: A thousand. PB: Understand what you just read. Blessed and holy is he that 09:18 hath part in the first resurrection. Which means, it's a good thing if you're resurrected 09:22 in the first resurrection. Then it says, because if you're resurrected in the first resurrection, 09:27 the second death hath no power on you, which then leads me to believe the first death is a first 09:33 death and there must be a second death. But it's a good thing to be resurrected in the first resurrection. 09:39 When does the first resurrection take place? It takes place at the second coming of Jesus, 09:44 because the righteous dead rise first. So there are two resurrections; there are two deaths. 09:52 At Jesus' second coming, the first resurrection, the dead in Christ rise what? 09:57 Aud.: First. PB: At Jesus' second coming the righteous living are caught up to meet 10:01 the Lord in the what? Aud.: Air. 10:03 PB: At Jesus' second coming the wicked living die at the brightness of His what? 10:06 Aud.: Coming. PB: And at Jesus' second coming the wicked dead remain what? 10:10 Aud.: Dead. PB: Now, go back to the book of John. Put a pin in Revelation 20. I'm going to 10:14 teach you tonight. Go to John chapter 5. Go to verse number 28. We're going to come back 10:22 to Revelation 20. Go to John, chapter 5. The Bible speaks of two resurrections. John chapter 5. 10:32 If you have it, let me hear you say amen. Get in the Word, stay with me. John 5, verse number 28, 10:37 the Word of God says, "Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are 10:43 in the graves shall hear his voice, and shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the 10:49 resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation." 10:53 The Bible is clear: there are two resurrections. One resurrection is a good resurrection. 10:58 The second resurrection is not so good a resurrection. That is in harmony with what we read 11:04 in Revelation 20. Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection. On such 11:09 the second death hath no power. We have studied that at Jesus' second coming, in the first resurrection, 11:16 it must be a resurrection unto life, because the righteous dead rise what? 11:21 Aud.: First. PB: The righteous living are caught up to meet the Lord in the what? 11:24 Aud.: Air. PB: The wicked living die at the brightness of His what? 11:27 Aud.: Coming. PB: And the wicked dead remain what, everybody? 11:30 Aud.: Dead. PB: So then we have two resurrections. We have one resurrection that takes 11:34 place at Jesus' second coming, and then we have another resurrection that takes place at 11:39 the end of the 1,000 years, because we read in the Word of God and it said "the rest of 11:44 the dead live not again until the 1,000 years were finished." So let's understand what's 11:50 going on. Jesus' second coming. Righteous dead rise first. Jesus' second coming. 12:00 Righteous living are caught up to meet the Lord in the air. Jesus' second coming, 12:05 the wicked living die at the brightness of His coming. Jesus' second coming, 12:11 the wicked dead remain dead for 1,000 years. At the end of the 1,000 years, 12:18 the Bible says the rest of the dead, the wicked dead, they will be resurrected. 12:24 John 5 says though, at the end of this 1,000 years, the wicked dead will be resurrected, 12:30 but is a resurrection, the Bible says, unto eternal damnation. So we know what happens at 12:35 the beginning of the 1,000 years. We know what happens at the end of the 1,000 years. 12:40 What happens during the 1,000 years? 12:45 Go with me to the book of Jeremiah. What book, everybody? Aud.: Jeremiah. 12:49 PB: Go to Jeremiah. Jeremiah chapter 4, get some Word tonight. Know what you believe, 12:55 know why you believe it, know where it's found. Don't let the devil punk you out, 12:58 don't let him lie to you. Know the Word of God for yourself. The Word of God says in 13:02 Jeremiah chapter 4, verse number 23. Jeremiah chapter 4, verse number 23. The Word of 13:08 God says to us. If you have it, let me hear you say amen. Aud.: Amen. 13:12 PB: The Word says, "I beheld the earth, and, lo, it was without form, and void; 13:15 and the heavens, and they had no light. I beheld the mountains, and, lo, they trembled, 13:19 and all the hills moved lightly. I beheld, and, lo, there was no man, and all the birds 13:22 of the heavens were fled." Verse 26, "I beheld, and, lo, the fruitful place was a wilderness, 13:27 and all the cities thereof were broken down at the presence of the LORD, and by his 13:32 fierce anger." Look at verse 28. "For this shall the earth mourn, and the heavens above 13:39 [they shall] be black; because I have spoken it, I have purposed it, and will not repent, 13:47 neither will I turn back from it." During the 1,000 years the earth is in total devastation. 13:55 No people are on the earth. Why are no people on the earth? Because the righteous are in where? 14:02 Heaven. And the wicked are what? Dead, here on this earth. The earth looks a hot mess. Why? 14:09 Because there have been no funeral services for the dead. Because if you were wicked dead, 14:14 you're still what? Dead. And if you were living dead, you died at the brightness of His coming, 14:19 so there was no funeral home to bury you, because if you are wicked, you're dead too. 14:24 [Aud. reaction] PB: At Jesus' second coming, first resurrection, dead in Christ, 14:33 righteous dead, rise first. Righteous living, caught up to meet the Lord in the air. 14:37 Wicked living die at the brightness of His coming. Wicked dead remain dead, 14:40 for how many years? Aud.: A thousand. 14:42 PB: At the end of the 1,000 years there's a resurrection of the wicked. 14:46 But the Bible says during the 1,000 years there is no life on earth, devastation 14:52 is on earth, because nobody is on earth, because those that are on earth are dead 14:57 and those that are in heaven are the righteous. [Aud. reaction] 15:02 PB: So, what is Satan doing? Go back to Revelation 20. Get some more Word in you. 15:10 Go back to Revelation 20. Do you know what you believe? Do you know what the Word of God says? 15:18 Or are you trusting somebody else's judgment? I can't put my eternal salvation in somebody's hands. 15:27 It's nobody's fault but mine if I die and my soul be lost. And I told you last night, 15:34 I ain't going to hell for nobody. [Aud. reaction] 15:37 PB: What does the Word of God say? Look at Revelation chapter 20, verse number 1. 15:40 What is the devil doing? "And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key 15:46 of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand." Verse 2, "And he laid hold 15:51 on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him," 15:54 how many years? [Aud. reaction]A thousand. PB: How many years? 15:56 [Aud. reaction]A thousand. PB: "And cast him into the bottomless pit, 15:58 and shut" that rascal "up, and set a seal upon him, that he should" do what? 16:04 Come on, he should do what? Aud.: Deceive. 16:07 PB: "The nations no more, till the thousand years should be" what? 16:09 Aud.: Fulfilled. PB: "And after that he must be" what? Aud.: Loosed. 16:13 PB: A little what? Aud.: Season. PB: Now, Satan is bound. Satan is shut 16:17 up during the 1,000 years. The Bible is specific and it says Satan, during this period, 16:21 can no longer deceive. Why can he no longer deceive? Because the righteous are in what? 16:26 Heaven. And the wicked are dead here on this what? Aud.: Earth. 16:29 PB: So he can't deceive anybody, 'cause either they're in heaven or 16:32 they're dead. He's shut up. Now remember, friends of mine, think about Satan now. 16:38 His number one job is to deceive. Number one job. Think about it, friends of mine. 16:42 The Bible says in Genesis chapter 1, verse number 1, "In the beginning God created 16:47 the heavens and the" what? Aud.: Earth. 16:49 PB: We don't know when that beginning is, because the reality is God has always been here; 16:54 always will be here. God is CEO of the universe. You didn't vote Him in and you can't vote 17:03 Him out, because He's sovereign. Which means, God can do what He wants, when He wants, 17:08 where He wants, and how He wants, and He doesn't have to ask you or me for permission 17:13 to do as He wants. God is timeless. He's alpha and He's omega, the beginning and the end. 17:22 In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. But Revelation 12:7 says, 17:28 "There was war in heaven." Earth had not been created yet. There was no life on earth, 17:34 but yet there was war in heaven. Michael, who's Jesus, represents Jesus, fights against 17:40 the dragon, who is Satan. And we recognize, you put Jesus up against Satan, Jesus is going 17:46 to win every time. Satan deceives one third of the angels into believing that they can 17:52 overtake Jesus. But Jesus, hallelujah, destroys Satan. Satan is cast to this earth, 18:00 and he is cast to this earth, and the Bible says he is cast to this earth to deceive. 18:06 Go back to Genesis 3. Adam and Eve, if you eat of this fruit, you shall not surely die. 18:15 But your eyes will just be opened. And because the fruit looked good, because the fruit 18:24 tasted good, Adam and Eve ate t- 18:30 Just because that sin looks good-just because it tastes good 18:37 does not mean it's good for you. 'Cause everything good to you, is not good for you. 18:44 I wish I had a witness in this place! 18:46 The Desire of Ages--the life story of the greatest spiritual leader the world has ever known--Jesus Christ. 18:56 The Desire of Ages goes in depth into events surrounding the life of Jesus, giving you more meaning 19:02 and a clearer picture of his impact on the world and on those who choose to follow him, even to this day. 19:08 In these uncertain times, Desire of Ages gives direction for all who seek it. 19:13 The book answers hard questions confronting us all. It examines basic spiritual truths, 19:19 gives hope and encouragement for tomorrow and brings you face to face with the Savior. 19:23 Get to know Him like never before. Desire of Ages has been acclaimed by many to be the 19:29 most significant and deeply spiritual story of the Life of Christ ever written. 19:34 It is rich with wisdom and compassion, written by the most translated woman writer 19:38 in the entire history of literature, Ellen White. 19:42 Just call our toll free number (877) BOL-OFFER. That's (877) 265-6333 19:54 and ask for your copy of Desire of Ages. This book is yours for a gift of $5 or more 20:01 The Desire of Ages-it's the greatest story ever told in a whole new light. 20:06 Understand that Satan is about deception. But when the thousand years occur, 20:14 he can deceive no one because the righteous are in heaven and the wicked are dead 20:20 here on this earth. So then, what are the righteous doing? Look at verse 4. 20:25 Revelation 20:4 and I saw thrones and they that sat upon them and I saw the 20:32 souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus and for the Word of God 20:37 which had not worshiped the beast neither his image, neither had received his mark 20:41 upon their foreheads or in their hands and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. 20:46 Aud.: A thousand. PB: Look at verse 12. "And I saw the dead, small and great, 20:50 stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which 20:53 is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written 20:57 in the books, according to their works. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; 21:01 and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every 21:05 man according to their works." During the 1,000 years, the righteous are in heaven 21:11 participating in judgment. We call this a millennial judgment, because it's a 1,000-year judgment. 21:17 Are you hearing what I'm saying? Well, why are the righteous participating in judgment? 21:21 It is during this period of time that the righteous are able to look in the Book of Life, 21:26 and they are able to see why everybody received their just reward. Because there will be 21:32 some people you thought that should be in heaven, that won't be in heaven. You see, 21:36 the bottom line, you've heard the cliché all the time, when you get to heaven you're 21:40 just going to be surprised that the ones you thought would be there won't be there; 21:43 the ones you thought wouldn't be there will be there; and if you're like me, thank You, 21:47 Lord, that I'm there. [Aud. reaction] 21:51 PB: So the millennial judgment is then for the benefit of the righteous, 21:54 that they will be able to see that we serve a loving God. We serve a just God. 22:00 We serve a fair God. We serve a God is that is not willing that any should perish 22:06 but that all should come to repentance. Think about it, friends of mine, why would 22:10 God send His Son, Jesus, to die for you and to die for me, so that we might have 22:15 eternal life? Because He loves us. God doesn't want you to be lost; God doesn't 22:20 want you to burn in hell; God is trying to do everything God can do to save you. 22:27 [Aud. reaction] PB: So, you'll be able to look over the Book and see why you received, 22:34 and so and so received, their just reward. So we recognize, at Jesus' second coming. 22:39 At His what coming, everybody? Aud.: Second. 22:41 PB: Come on, talk to me. At His what coming, everybody? Aud.: Second. 22:43 PB: I'm going to teach this Word. We'll celebrate in a minute, but let's teach it first. 22:46 At His second coming, the Bible says the righteous dead rise what? First. Then the Bible 22:51 says the righteous living are caught up to meet the Lord in the what? 22:53 Aud.: Air. PB: Then the Bible says the wicked living die at the brightness of His what? 22:57 Aud.: Coming. PB: Then the Bible says the wicked dead remain what? 23:00 Aud.: Dead. PB: For how many years? Aud.: A thousand. 23:03 PB: At the end of the 1,000 years, the wicked dead are resurrected. 23:06 It's in the second resurrection. During the 1,000 years, the Bible says the righteous 23:12 are in where? Aud.: Heaven. PB: The wicked are what? Dead here on this what? 23:16 Aud.: Earth. PB: We recognize, Satan cannot deceive anyone because either you're in 23:21 heaven alive or you are what, dead here on this what? Earth. The righteous are in heaven, 23:26 participating in what, everybody? Aud.: Judgment. 23:30 PB: All right. So what happens at the end of the 1,000 years? We know there's a resurrection, 23:36 but what happens. Go back to Revelation 20. But the rest of the dead live not again until 23:46 the 1,000 years were what, everybody? Finished. I'm looking at Revelation chapter 20, 23:51 verse 5. Get there, get there, get there, get there quick. But the rest of the dead 23:55 live not again until the 1,000 years were what? Aud.: Finished. 23:59 PB: This is the first resurrection. "Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: 24:04 on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, 24:08 and shall reign with" Christ for how many years, everybody? Aud.: A thousand. 24:11 PB: Now, go to Revelation 21. What happens at the end? What happens at the end of 24:16 the 1,000 years. Revelation chapter 21, go to verse number 2. The Word of God says, "And I John saw 24:21 the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for 24:30 her husband." I wish I had a witness in this place. [Aud. reaction] 24:33 PB: "And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, 24:39 and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his" what, everybody? Aud.: People. 24:43 PB: "And God himself shall be with them, and be their" what? Aud.: God. 24:48 PB: "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more" what, everybody? 24:56 Aud.: Death. PB: "Neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things, 25:01 " hallelujah, "are passed away." Look at verse number 10. "And he carried me away in the spirit to 25:08 a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of 25:14 heaven from" whom, everybody: Aud.: God. 25:17 PB: God. I like this. At Jesus' third coming, the end of the 1,000 years, 25:26 this time Jesus is coming back with His people. Hallelujah, somebody. 25:34 [Aud. reaction] PB: At the end of the 1,000 years He's coming back with His people. 25:39 Y'all are not getting this. Let me get this right here. At His second coming, 25:43 He comes to what--get His people. Why? Because the dead in Christ rise what? First. 25:50 Why? Because the righteous living are caught up to meet the Lord in the what? 25:53 Aud.: Air. PB: Why? Because the wicked living die at the brightness of His what? 25:57 Aud.: Coming. PB: Why? Because the wicked dead remain what? 25:59 Aud.: Dead. PB: For how many years? Aud.: One thousand. 26:02 PB: At the end of the thousand years, is there a resurrection? Yes. 26:05 It's a resurrection of the wicked. Of the what, everybody? 26:07 Aud.: Wicked. PB: During the 1,000 years, the righteous are in where? 26:11 Aud.: Heaven. PB: The wicked are what? Dead. Here on this what? 26:14 Aud.: Earth. PB: And because they're dead, Satan can no longer do what, everybody? 26:18 Aud.: Deceive. PB: He can no longer deceive, because the righteous are in heaven, 26:21 and they are participating in what? Judgment. And the wicked are what? Dead here on 26:26 this earth. At the end of the 1,000 years, the Bible says there's a resurrection. 26:32 At this resurrection, second resurrection, the wicked are resurrected. But then the 26:38 Bible says that the New Jerusalem will come down out of heaven as a bride adorned 26:46 for her husband, looking good for her man. I wish I had a witness in this place. 26:51 [Aud. reaction] PB: No more sickness, no more crying, no more pain, no more house note, 26:57 no more car note, no more insulin shots, no more chemotherapy, no more radiation. 27:04 The former things are passed away. [Aud. reaction] 27:10 PB: All things shall become new. Well, when Satan sees all of this, has he had a 27:21 change of heart? Look at Revelation chapter 20, verse number 7. The Word of God says 27:27 in Revelation chapter 20, verse 7, has he had a change of heart. "When the thousand 27:31 years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison." Now, that makes sense, 27:40 because he was bound by a set of circumstances, because during the 1,000 years he could 27:46 not deceive, because the righteous were in where? Heaven, and the wicked were what? Dead, 27:51 here on this earth. But remember, at the end of the 1,000 years the wicked are resurrected. 27:57 Satan then is no longer bound, and he can now deceive again because there are wicked folk 28:05 who are alive again. Look at verse number 8. Verse 8 says, and he does just that. He goes 28:09 Thank you for joining us for another exciting broadcast. We'd like you to partner with us, 28:14 as we offer the breath of life to a dying world. All of our sermon titles and DVDs 28:20 can be purchased at Until next time, God loves you. |
Revised 2015-04-03