Breath of Life

Let's Talk About the Tomb

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Carlton Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000182A

00:50 Are you looking r an exciting chan in ur le? Well, get ready for a breath of new life.
00:56 Today Dr. Byrd speaks on the topic Let'Talk About Heaven. And now, here he is,
01:16 If you have yo Bibs, te them and tn wi me to the book of Matthew, cpter 27, verse number 57.
01:26 tthew, cer v number 57.thew 2 ver number 57, the Word of G says to us today,
01:40 "When e ev was come, there came a rich man of Arimathaea, named Joseph, who also himself was Jesus' disciple:
02:13 door othe pulce, a departed." therod, eak to Yo peoe. Iide self bend Y as
02:26 stand between thlivi andhe dead. this mostacre Sabbath,e reect You sacrificand
03:00 thenod accept ur srifi. I'm not rthyo std bere Les talk abo theomb r a minute. Thwordmort" cos pray that You wod ma us all clean thiplac ForveYoureopl butord,peak to ese ps oclayI pray. Infrom t Gre rooword me of sin thnamef Jesus. Amen.thnétos,hicheans
03:16 death orubject to death. So it's fm this word mortal, thneto subct tdeat that weet mtuar
03:29 which means the house of the dead. It's from this word that we get mortician, one who works with t dead.
03:43 And it's from this word that we get the word mortgage,ecau you will payt until you're dead
04:01 For the living know that they shall e but the dead know not what? Now, when a person dies and
04:08 depending on how they die, the first ca themake is either to law enforcement or a medical ficer.
04:16 ter this call, the next call is to a mortician at a mortuary. The mortician then hel you with
04:26 planning the final rites of the deceased. Family members must then decide embalming or not, cremation
04:36 or burial. If a burial, private or public viewing, or better yet no viewing at all. If you choose a
04:45 funeral service with a burial, thenou he to choose a casket. Metal casket or wood casket. Now,
04:54 quickly, a casket is not a tomb; neither is a casket a grave. A tomb is a structure that is above
05:05 ground in which thcasket is placed. A grave,owever, is a hole in the ground in which a casket is placed.
05:15 Jesus, the Son of God, the incarnate God, when on this earth was the God-man. Two natures harmonized,
05:24 but never completely blended. know that in His divinity He was God's way to man, but in His humanity
05:31 He was man's way on up to God. But as a man, He had to die. As a man, He would need then a tomb. But Jesus
05:40 had to die, you will remember, several hours before the end of id. Why? Becse t Sabth uld begin
05:47 sunt Friday a He d dfrhessbefore sprepared for burial iorder
05:53 not prone the Sabbath. Number two, Jesus had to be buried before the end Friy causHe had to
05:59 be in haony th H own prophecyhat spo in Matthew chter ver numr 40, th theon o
06:05 man thr days and ree nigh in e heart of the eth before His resurrection.
06:12 Now, in Jesus' day the body of the deceased would normally be given only to a family member.
06:19 But in Jesus' case, Mary w distughtthe discips ha ed, d there wano o to take
06:30 sus' body. But pise God, f a man nad Joph--t Joseph the dreamer, not Joseph the fath
06:44 of Jus, but Joseph o Arathe All four Gospeltell us that this Joseph was a wealthy man.
06:51 He was a membeof t Sanhedrin; he was memb of the preme courof t Jewh ople.
06:56 We are told that Joseph did not agree with t decision reached by the cncil concerning Jesus.
07:14 words unnecessarily, if it says something, it must mean something. The Bible could have mply jt
07:23 said a good man or a just man, but the Bible says he was good and just, which means there must be a
07:32 distinction between the two words. When it says that he was a good man, the Bible speaks of what he
07:39 was in himself. When it says he was a just man, the Bible speaks of what he was to others.
07:46 When Jesus died, Joseph immediately begged the body. He went to Pilate and asked for permission to
07:54 have Jesus' body so he could give Jesus a decent burial. Now that took courage. Why did that take courage?
08:07 toe buried. ey we eier left for the anils tconsume or they were taken outside the ci and
08:13 thrown uon t of rbag Second, itook uragfor Jose to g thbodyf Jesus causPila
08:20 was already in hot water with the Jewish religious leadership. They had brought Jesus to him on trumped up
08:27 charges and had insisted that he find Jesus guilty and condemn Him to death. But when Pilate didn't do that,
08:34 they all but threatened to complain to Rome, saying, if you let this man go, you're not Caesar's friend.
08:41 Joseph, he had no right to expect that Pilate would be receptive to his request for Jesus' body. Joseph
08:50 had no right to the body of Jesus. Joseph had no right to expect any favors from Pilate, but yet he still asked.
09:01 Number three, it took courage to request the body of Jesus because in so doing he was declaring that he was a believer in Jesus.
09:10 So the Bible says Joseph and Nicodemus, another member of the Sanhedrin, they began to prepare Jesus' body for the tomb.
09:26 The Jews back in those days did not practice cremation or full embalming of corpses, but the body was prepared by washing it,
09:35 dressing it in special garments, and packing it in linen cloth. Note now, packed it in linen cloth--and there's
09:40 reason f this--with myrrh and fragrant spices. This is what Joseph and Nicodemus did. Then Joseph placed Jesus'
09:54 body in a new tomb. A new and expensive tomb, which was probably one that Joseph had recently obtained for his
10:08 own family use, and then he rolled a stone in front against the tomb door. Now, quickly--I wish I had time,
10:17 but I'll just say this--remember, Joseph didn't expect Jesus to rise from the dead or else he wouldn't have
10:28 given such careful attention to the preparation of Jesus' body or put Him in such an elaborate or expensive tomb.
10:36 Why would you spend extra time and extra money on something that was going to be temporary anyway? If I spend a
10:47 lot of money on something, I don't know about you, but it'd better last. Are you hearing what I'm saying?
10:53 [Aud. reaction] PB: I don't like to put money into something that's going to wasted.
10:58 Do I have a witness in this place? [Aud. reacon]
11:00 PB: Notice the similarities between the beginning ofesus' life and the eing of Jesus' life.
11:07 Number one, both the beginning and the end involved two different men with the same name. Joseph.
11:29 the treatment like a king. In His birth, His firift was a gift of myrrh. In His death, He was embalmed with myrrh.
11:40 Number three, both involved being wrapped. In His birth, He was wrapped in swaddling clothes. In His death, He was
11:49 wrapped in linen cloth. Number four, both involved borrowing. In His birth, He was born in a borrowed stable. In His death,
12:00 He was buried in a borrowed tomb. Jesus' tomb was not His own. Jesus was buried in a borrowed tomb. I feel my health coming right now.
12:13 [Aud. reaction] PB: Borrowed, because nobody planned Jesus' funeral. Borrowed, because Jesus did not have a tomb of His own. Borrowed,
12:23 because the same people that shouted hosanna one day were the same people that shouted crucify him another day. Borrowed,
12:31 becae a prophet has no honor in his own country. But a good man, a just man, a mortician begged the body of Jesus,
12:44 pled H in a borrowed tb. From a human point of view, every tomb, evergrave looks permanent. Tom don look temporary.
12:56 en we place somebody in the ground over at Oakwood Memorial Gardens, it is the final act of saying ethly good-byes.
13:07 Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust. But my question this morning to you is this: If erything ends in the grave,
13:29 If everything ends in the grave, why do we even come to church? Why do we give all this tithe and offering if everything
13:37 ends in the gre? t I'so glad that e gre isot t end ofhe sry. m solad thatn Higrac
13:52 and mercy, that Jesus only borrowed a tomb. You see, borrowed implies that you have no plans of keeping something.
14:04 Borrowed indicates temporary. When you borrow something, you intend to use it for a while and then give it back to the owner.
14:16 Jesus knew that this earthly grave was not His final end. Jesus knew that no power on earth can hold Him down.
14:26 Jesus knew that death was not a period but a comma in the story of life. Jesus never intended to stay dead.
14:36 Jesus never intended to stay in the grave. Jesus never intended to stay in the tomb. Jesus knew that on
14:46 the third appointed day He would get up, and get up with all power in His hands. Power over death, power over hell,
14:56 power over the grave. Jesus said I am the resurrection and the life. I serve a risen Savior, He's in the world today,
15:07 I know that He is living whatever men may say. I see His hand of mercy, I hear His voice of cheer.
15:15 And just the time I need Him, He's always near. Because He lives, I live. Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.
15:26 Because He lives, all fear is gone. Because I know He holds the future, life is worth the living just because
15:35 He lives. God is not dead, He's alive! Do I have a witness in this place? [Aud. reaction]
15:40 PB: Let me close this way. In 1887, fter the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln,
15:51 his coffin was dug up and it was opened because there were constant rumors that his body was not in therave.
15:58 So they dug up his coffin, and his body was there. The rumors continued for 14 more years, and 14 years
16:11 later they had to dig it up again. But both times witnesses were present, who testified that Lincoln
16:19 was still in the grave. Now, if Present Obama or another leader in our government were to cry out
16:33 today to Lincoln for help, there would be no response. If a scientist were to cry out today to
16:45 Einste for help, there would be empty silence. If someone were today to call out to Mohammad,
16:55 ll o to ddhacall out t Couciu calout to Gandhi, there would be no help. But I just
17:09 stopped byo tell somody at all yove g to is y out to Jesusnd there is instant power
17:21 available to us. Power to make you walk right, power to make you talk right, power to change your life,
17:30 power to change your circumstances. Why? Because He lives! We used to sing a sing, He walks with me,
17:40 He talks with me, and He tells me that I am His own. He convicts me of sin, he forgives me of sin. Oh,
17:53 He saves me from my sin. Today, praise God for the borrowed tomb. I said, praise God for the borrowed tomb.
18:04 It was not temporary. Jesus came to this earth to live, die and then rise again, because He came to save us from sin.
18:15 So the question today is simply this: Do we accept His life and death for the atonement, remission
18:23 and forgiveness of our sins? We say yes, but let me remind you of two things. Number one: God will forgive us,
18:35 but we have to ask Him to forgive us. If we confess our sins He is what, everybody? [Aud. reaction]
18:42 PB: Faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and clns us from all unrighteousness.
18:45 Number two: You can't expect God to forgive you if you can't forgive your brother or your sister.
18:56 Matthew 6: 14 and 15, "For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.
19:06 But ye forgivnot n thr espasses, ithewillour Father forve yr trpass."
19:18 Prai Godor the borrowed tomb. God is not dead, He's alive! And He's going through the room,
19:31 and en wask,e foives us. t ife wa forgiveness, may we learn to forgive one another.
20:20 [Audreaction] Every timwe ay, it's always it'sot a foul, it's not a fou But I saw it,
20:25 I wathere, got a scratch on arm. It was a foul. See, man, that's what I'lkabt, n.
20:30 Heayll them ticky-tack fouls, man. It wast no foul, man. I can't stand that kinda stuff, man.
20:34 I like playing basketball, but I don't like playing against him, man, 'cause he always callin'
20:39 that weak stuff. For me, it's beyond just playing basketball, it's about him just not tellin' the truth.
20:42 Him alwa goin' around talking how 's n true, it's not fairAnd this and that. The end of the day,
20:47 I'm just tired. I don't feel liketi botd with him, it was a fl. Hs ju so ultrcompitiv man
20:54 I was right, it wasn't a foul, man, and I just get tired of him making those weak foul calls, man. We're both
20:58 competitive, both wanna win, man, but still I don't wanna see him, I don't wanna talk to him. When we see each
21:09 lyin' about? But you know, at the end of the day we're good. It's over. Game is over. We're not in the gym anymore.
21:28 We're all good, man.
21:30 Girl, that baby shower, wasn't it nice? It was so adorable with the little baby bottles and the little booties oe.
21:36 Yeahher mom alys ds a real good job decatin e does. Th did gre job they reay di
21:54 use I acook d I saw somebo elss po tha you're eagedAngi we' bestandidn't sha thawith meWhenere u goa tell me?
21:58 Okhahappent wasn't really my. ore like a rea
22:06 ay. But you're tinit way too gh of vel.
22:13 Really? I'mone.But I dn'tdon't want you to call me, don't text me, don't say anything to me. get a chance to explai Whatever.
22:19 I cannot believe that she would t engaged and not tell me. 've been friends since we were little girls,
22:24 anwe grew upogetr. H momis like myom, moms li her mo Andhe wl ge engaged,
22:30 that's like one of the most impoant things that you could do in life and she wouldn't tell me? Like,
22:35 really, really bothers me, the nerve of her.
22:38 You know, I can't believe what just happened. I mean, I g engaged. Iwas supposed to be this huge, happy
22:43 time in your life and then I g bod byy be frid, who ishlupset with me for something
22:51 th I didn't even do. I mean, I didn't put it on Facebook. I took the time toake to people.
22:56 I ed my family firstit's only beea week. That's okay, we're good, we're good. You know,
23:02 'rstno I he'tie rdwiachet'alod
23:07 it's okay. mean,een friends too long, 'll be absotely fine.
23:12 Whdoeelling m er t phone. I not wa to lk to you, hav noing say to yo
23:59 if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins." I guess that means I'll
24:10 have to some thinng, some soul searching, even ithe little things. I have to, maybe I do have
24:17 to forgivehis y sohat God at the end of the day can forgive me.
24:23 I was having devotions and I was convted that t wayhat I've been treatinmy friend is not
24:31 a simple surprise. Christ forgives us d He expec for uso dohe same thing in rern. When I
24:37 thk back on w ma tim ve hurt Christ, He's been ithful to forgive me eh and every time,
24:44 and He expects for me to have His character and to do the same thing. So, I'm gonnaall my friend Angel,
24:49 hoping she will take my call and just ask her to forgive me for how I've treated her
24:55 [phone sounds] She ain't there. Hello?> 1: Angel. Hi. It's Shantel.
25:07 How are yo Lo, I st wanted to ll a sayhat m so sor forow Ireat you.
25:17 Thank u. is isuch aimportant time in ur le and I nt tbe aart it,
25:23 soleasjustorgi me for how I stormed out of the roo and how I didn't give yo
25:28 a chanceo explain yourself to me. So, would you please forgive ? Of course.
25:40 wondful rsonHe'srom St. omasI kn we' all crazy abt the island boys.
25:45 u know wha He was right, I was wron I did fouhim. te tadmit it, but you know,
25:51 sometimes you just get so caught up in being competitive, it just won't let you do what the
25:56 right thing that you're supposed to do. And God is so faithful to us, the least that I can
26:05 do ido t right thi ande I nt to be gd wi himand the only w thaI cado tt ithf to my broer, k fo his forgivenesand ke tngs right. is to faiank
27:16 ank u fojoining us for anotr exciting broadcast. We'd like you to partner
27:21 with us as we offer the Breath of Life to a dying world. All of our sermon titles
27:27 and DVDs can be purchased at Until next time, God loves you.


Revised 2015-07-16